208: Making CRM Usable, With Jeroen Corthout

Dr. Pelè Season 5 Episode 208

If you are in sales or marketing, or business in general, you have probably used (or heard of) a CRM, otherwise known as a Customer Relationship Management software tool. The purpose of a CRM is powerful, to help us 'remember' and 'follow up' on prospects so that we can gently guide them toward a closer business relationship with us. However, a well-known challenge with all CRMs is not the products themselves, but rather, the difficulty far too many feel in putting them to use. It is almost cliche for companies to roll out CRM tools, only to find out that only a fraction of their sales teams are using them. Thankfully, that problem has been solved once and for all!

In this episode, we meet Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder of SalesFlare, which bills itself as the CRM that "makes CRM human." In our conversation, Jeroen walks us through a brief masterclass education on how they've created a powerful system that sales people actually use.

My Favorite Quotes from Jeroen Corthout in this episode, (paraphrased):

"Every customer wants to be treated specially. To do that at scale, you can't rely on memory. You need a system!!”

“Far too many people HATE their CRMs!”

“We were inspired and have built a CRM that people actually LOVE to use!”

The best ways to connect with Jeroen Corthout online are:




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