212: Bridge The Gap Between Tactics and Vision, With Amos Schwartzfarb And Trevor Boehm

Dr. Pelè Season 5 Episode 212

If you've ever been in any kind of machine, whether it's a car, a ship, or an airplane, that achieves the magic of moving disproportionally massive objects with seemingly little effort, you've been helped by levers. In fact, the lever is so essential to our civilization that many believe it is the basic explanation for how our ancient ancestors were able to build some of the greatest wonders of our world, such as the pyramids.

So, what is a lever? A dictionary will tell you the following: "a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other." However, my next guests have applied the genius of levers to the world of business, and have been able to create massive results by implementing mission critical business systems that function as levers do; creating disproportionate business success with seemingly less effort.

In this episode, we discuss the powerful new book, 'Levers', with Authors and business thought leaders Amos Schwartzfarb  and Trevor Boehm. Levers shows you step by step how to identify and move the levers that unlock growth and create predictability across every aspect of your business.

The best ways to connect with Amos Schwartzfarb  and Trevor Boehm online are:


LinkedIn (Amos):

LinkedIn (Trevor):


In this podcast, we feature stories from highly successful Experts and Creative Entrepreneurs who exemplify the use of Profitable Happiness™ to build influence and business success. For a weekly journey of music, marketing, and motivation, subscribe to the PROFITABLE HAPPINESS™ Podcast with Dr. Pelè.