223: Getting UNSTUCK At Work, With Lia Garvin

Dr. Pelè Season 5 Episode 223

After all that we've learned at work about technical skills, ability, intelligence, and even talent, it turns out that getting ahead still boils down to how well we can deal with PEOPLE ... doesn't it?

Well, within the 'people' context—especially in today's 'new normal'—workplaces are experiencing significant change and transition. The key question many of us have is this: how do we set ourselves up for 'people' success in these trying times?

In this episode, we meet Lia Garvin, executive coach, and operations leader at influential companies including Microsoft, Apple, and Google. In her new book, Unstuck, Lia shows us how to harness the power of perspectives to re-envision and reinvent our approach to work and, well, life, to achieve more, stress less, and overcome the barriers that stand in our way. 

My Favorite Quotes from Lia Garvin in this episode, (paraphrased):

“We need to create Inclusion-Centered Companies!”

“We need psychological safety!”

“Accept that we will need to experiment for a while to get through these transitions!”

The best ways to connect with Lia Garvin online are:

