Q&A with Naturopath Susie - Why is my skin so itchy in Perimenopause!!!
The Ageless and Awesome Podcast
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The Ageless and Awesome Podcast
Q&A with Naturopath Susie - Why is my skin so itchy in Perimenopause!!!
Feb 22, 2024 Episode 225
Susie Garden

Have you ever experienced that maddening urge to scratch your skin for no apparent reason? Well, you're not alone. In today's Q&A Thursday, we tackle the prickly subject of itchy skin during menopause, an annoyance I'm all too familiar with. We'll peel back the layers of skin health, uncovering the ties between declining oestrogen levels, moisture loss, and the irritating itch that can plague us at this time of life. 

Embark on a path to more comfortable, supple skin as we sift through a treasure trove of practical tips designed to soothe your skin and your nerves. Discover the importance of lifestyle choices, from shunning long hot showers to managing stress effectively and sleeping well. Step into your ageless era with confidence, equipped with the knowledge to keep your skin as vibrant as your spirit. And remember, while the advice I provide is tried and true, always consult with your healthcare professional for a tailored approach to your unique skin needs. Let's embrace the change together and keep that itchy skin at bay!

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Are you a woman feeling stressed, flat and experiencing the challenges of perimenopause?

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2. The 10 Day Radiant Reset Hormone Detox for Perimenopausal Women has been designed to give you the tools to nourish and detox your body at a cellular level while supporting your hormone balance and your gut health so that you feel revitalised and in control without feeling deprived. Click here to learn more.

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