Change: Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet
Finding Love in the Chaos of Life
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Finding Love in the Chaos of Life
Change: Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet
May 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3
Jacqui Burnett and Tanagh-Jane Breytenbach

Have you ever felt that a belief you grew up with, or the one your family and friends hold dear, no longer or never did, resonate with you? So have we. Change can be hard, but not following your intuition and a true resonance with Love/God can be more challenging. 

In today’s episode, we share one of our greatest challenges: Our individual journeys of questioning our childhood conservative Christian narratives and the resistance we faced along the way. At times, this left us feeling isolated and even fearful of sharing our questions and thoughts with those closest to us.

With many faiths to choose from, ultimately, we can all choose our own path to connect with God/Love/Universal Wisdom (call it what you may). This episode focuses on having the courage to question if we are practising our connection with our Higher Power through the lens of Love or fear. The Spiritual Revolutionary within each of us only knows Love. So join us as we share our stories from fear to Love.

Disclaimer – In no way are Jacqui or Tanagh opposed to any form of faith, especially those mentioned in this episode. Jacqui and Tanagh support the teachings from all faith leaders, mystics, philosophers, psychologists and other teachers infused with Love and inclusion. We do not discriminate or judge the teachings of others. We believe that access to a spiritual life and a connection with God/Love/Universe/Source, call it what you will, is available to all and does not require a single or specific dogma. The content and opinions mentioned in this episode of Finding Love in the Chaos of Life are based on Jacqui and Tanagh’s experiences, respectively and individually, and are not directed or generalised to any group of people or individuals. Here we reflect on our own experiences and beliefs through the courageous lens of Love.