Change: Feeling Fear is Natural, Letting it Stop You is a Choice
Finding Love in the Chaos of Life
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Finding Love in the Chaos of Life
Change: Feeling Fear is Natural, Letting it Stop You is a Choice
May 22, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Jacqui Burnett and Tanagh-Jane Breytenbach

Guest: Devina Sewsunker. 

In this week’s episode, our first guest, Devina Sewsunker, shares her story. From being crippled by her fear and anxiety of driving on highways, Devina shares how she accessed the courage to face her fear, find Love for her chaos and thrive.

Being a confident driver for many years, Devina developed a fear of driving on highways after the birth of her two children. Not being able to predict the drivers’ movements around her, Devina fell into states of panic, leaving her stranded on the side of the Kwa-Zulu Natal highways, alone, scared and calling for help. 

Living with this fear for years, Devina finally made the courageous choice to date her fear. On a Saturday morning earlier this year, Devina turned to her spiritual practices, prayed, chanted and took the wheel to the highway once more. Thinking she had merely survived this fear, Devina came home to find a Facebook Dare to Be Love post, opening her perspective to the Love and understanding that she had not only survived but thrived!

To some, this is an everyday task. But to Devina, this was a fear that had control over her. Jacqui and Devina unpack how Devina found enlightenment in her story of overcoming by being integrated in Spirit, affording her a toolbox for all challenges to come.