Textual Tension

Ep. 20: Adam Everlasting

July 02, 2019 Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 20

Your co-hosts Rachel and Margie are going back again! Back to the Scottish highlands! Listen in as Margie tells Rachel all about Karen Moning's, The Immortal Highlander: yet another entry into the sexy-Scottish-fairy-man genre!


Warning. The following podcast contains adult themes. Our hosts are just too romantic saps that love overthinking and overanalyzing their favorite literary genre the thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely their own listener discretion is advised.


tearing me apart from Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels comedy podcast, I am your co host, Margie,


and I'm your co host, Rachel I struggled with


that. Sorry,


but finishing


shit. Every other week, one of us will read and summarize a romance novel for the other unsuspecting co host I will I read a romance novel this week. And Rachel is good it'll be listening. Yeah, listening to it and together we will unpack


what the fuck just happened. That was a little bit of a struggle today. Why?


I know I don't know why I think at the beginning of episodes I get really nervous because it's recording and also I think I had an iced coffee on my way up here that may just be hitting me now


that would do it. You don't drink caffeine often? No I don't you see smells.


I can taste colors.


Perfect for pride. Perfect.


Go. Yes. And I wasn't proud yesterday. So with alcohol like


Cincinnati pride represent fun and I


was telling Rachel I saw Todrick Hall. I was like that's Todrick Hall. Todrick Hall. Everybody loves such wonderful.


You said he was amazing in person, right? He was so cute.


He was so good at smiling and happy. Any backup dancers?


Oh, hell yeah.


So cute. Anyways, so that was really fun. And now we're here and I'm really happy to be here because I can't wait this whole range about this book, but do this shit. Before we do. I wanted to say to autumn who recommended a book to us. Thank you so so much. Unfortunately, there was some struggle because so I got the book out of library on my Kindle. I read. I got like halfway through it. And then I was like, oh, I'll just renew it because I wasn't done with it yet. And somebody else requested it. I know. So I was so bad. And I couldn't get it in time to like, notes for it. So it will come later. Come later. Okay. And the next well, so thank you so much to Amber who recommended some authors do us very excited. I don't know if it'll be me or Rachel. Reading this because it's author so doesn't really you I mean, it doesn't really matter. So yeah, I just wanted to shout it to those people and say autumn I'm so sorry. This is also a really good one. And it's along the same lines. So ah, yes.


I'm also because I'm not going to forget like I did two times ago. Please rate review and subscribe. And if you leave us a review and hit us up with your personal not too personal, but deeds will send you a sticker.


Yeah, stickers. Stickers, stickers. Also multiple stickers. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Stick it on your sticky stuff.


Yeah. And then like your forehead and then Yeah.


And how people ask you Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, right. Exactly. Cool. Oh, and big announcements.


Oh, I'm hearing this maybe for the first time you know, you're not okay. Like I forgot. So it's like the first time that's a second sex works to right if you forget what it's like. It's like you're a virgin again. No.




well. Okay, so a peek behind the kimono. We pause for a second to check the details. And I do remember so it's not like the first time go ahead.


So we are going to be having our first live show. It's so exciting. It's going to be on August 8 in Cincinnati. Yeah. pm at three points brewery. Please come out. We would love to meet you see you have you listened to a ridiculous romance novel? It's gonna be awesome. Okay, you ready?


I am. Alright.


So right so Oh, God, this is what I'm calling the Scotland scourge because it just is not added


yet. So many


people I know. And I promise this is the second the last one second to last. Awesome. Are you ready? We're revisiting an old friend.


Oh, no. Oh, my beautiful baby Carrie Marie Monet. It's probably morning. I will only right. Oh, guys. Guys,


we're going back.


Because I made you go back last time.


No, this is because that other book I was supposed to read? Did it become a thing and so I had to read a book that I had I had to do a book I'd already read. Oh,


shit. All right. Describe it. Okay, okay. The Immortal Highlander. I am assuming we are talking about a close kissing cousins to our dark Highlander from before I'm by Karen Marie moaning and Hey guys, Crossing time has ever been so dangerous. Or so seductive. Dude, like half of a dude's chest like it's the right side of his chest and he has a tartan on.


I don't think he wears a tartan the whole book. No, but


you should look up what the actual family of those tartan colors is.


I will I don't know. Wait, you have my phone. We'll do that. We'll do that later.


We'll have a Rachel Google segment anyway. So it's like, but he's like a turn going across but it's leaving his sexy shoulder exposed. And he has a clear two for two on family photoshopped aren't called.


Yes, yes. Yes. Honestly, I don't like this arm cuff as much as I like the last one. No,


it's not. It's it really looks two dimensional. And it's two dragons with their faces touching. And yeah, I mean, he's showed he's ripped. Yeah, got some solid guns, which I'm not Oh, but he's got those baby arms.


I love ADR.


I'm not opposed to veiny arms. Can I just say I'm working back to that. I used to be at that point.


And like veiny for arms, not forearms. I


had veiny on the bicep. So it's it's there. You can kind of see it. Yeah. All right, Fabio, I'm coming at you. Come for you. Yo, y'all I like working out anyway. But my goal right now is next Halloween for our office Halloween party to dress up as Fabio and have all of the other guys I work with dress up as women and I'm going to throw one over my shoulder and walk out of the room and that's how I'm going to win the costume contest. Anyway, it's my New York Times bestseller Karen Marie moaning and it is just a kind of half naked man in a tartan


Nope. Do you want the description? Yes, yes, I have it on paper or you can read it from the phone it's up to you. It's on Good Reads.


Oh read it right okay, I have it anyway. Um Oh god damn good to read this how it's written good. Be aware of alpha male have immense strength in dark eroticism do not look at him. Do not touch him. Do not be tempted. Do not be seduced. Right now. Okay, ready? With his long black hair and dark mesmerizing eyes. And oh god damn it is trouble with a capital sorry, trouble with a capital T. Immortal, arrogant and intensely sensual. He is free to roam across time and continents in pursuit of his insatiable desires. That is until a curse strips him of his immortality and makes him invisible a cruel fate for so irresistible man. Now Adams only hope for survival is in the hands of the one woman who can actually see him and her last student Gabrielle Oh Callahan for Gabrielle cursed with the ability to see both worlds mortal and fairy. It is the beginning of a long dangerous seduction. But as Adams quest to regain his immortality plunges him into a world of timeless magic. The price of surrender could be their very lives unless they can court for the conspiracy that threatens both mortal and fairy realms and gives them a shot at a destiny few mortals ever know. Glorious, wondrous endless. So he got he was immortal. And then he got cursed to not be immortal, but also be invisible and he wants to be a mortal again. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So this is interesting, because I've heard a couple but like romance books that have the whole immortal thing, and it's always the whole being immortal as a curse and I I'll never be more I appreciate that.


It's different. Yeah, it's different


but a tall dark and handsome Adam black really? That's a origine mouse. So wow, I think that's your imagination.


I don't know why I think it's um, fairy name is actually like Ramadan. But


I mean, that's that's a kick ass name.


It's a kick ass name but the author he always just goes by Adam black in the book cannon blank because he does. I think in previous books, he's still a character. He's a character recurring character. Okay, we'll get into that a little bit but I think he has like, in the past like been a blacksmith. So maybe he was just like a blacksmith blacksmith out of black etc.


That's okay. That's okay. That's fair. I guess if there's a reason All right, snap.


Right. Okay, so you ready?


Triggers. Oh, triggers.


Sexual Assault. Good. Yeah, right. Great. Not between leads but yeah, sexual assault. Gun violence.


Good. Good. Wonderful.


Um I think that's it. A little dusting. Be any just sugar does to cocaine powdered sugar does. Bat and breaking and entering? Yes. Okay. All right.


All right. Going back to real quickly, right? Yes, this is something that is not a tartan, which I kind of figured because it is orange and orange isn't odd. Yeah. And as closely as the closest tartan to the color that he has. He's West Virginia University, which is not even an Irish family.


Well, well also he's Scottish. Well, Scottish, Scottish Scottish family, right and also but he's not. He excuse my cultural events. Like he's the faithful so like, Okay, so maybe have a tartan gray. It's not part of a family.


Yeah, yeah. If he's Scottish, then you don't wear a tartan. It's not from your client.


Yeah. Okay, so you ready? I'm ready. So first we've got our descriptions. And this is an actual description of Adam black from the book Kellyanne in the book like there's the main character Gabrielle has this like Encyclopedia of fairies that has been passed out through the generations, of course, time or time. And so it has descriptions of all the fairies that exist. This is the description of Adam black and Lubbock Twaweza data on a rogue even among his own kind. His favorite glamour is that of an intensely sexual highlight the blacksmith, with a powerful rippling body golden scan log black hair and dark mesmerizing eyes, highly intelligent lethally seductive alleged to alleged to have nearly broken the compact on not one, but two occasions. He is by far the most dangerous and unpredictable of his race.


Yo, great, great, great grandma that wrote this was thirsty.


Right, that is exactly what I was going to say. Well, warning, exercise extreme caution and sight cited. Avoid contact at all costs.


Hey, Margie. Yeah, was that written in all caps?


And italicized? Wow.


Is there so yelling is all caps. How do you do I tell sighs I need to figure this out because it might come up later.


So unfortunately, there is not really that great of a description for Gabrielle except she's a law student with a really shitty internship. Oh, she's maybe and working at a law firm that severely overworked sort of takes advantage of her. Yeah. Unfortunately for her she really needs some money. She doesn't have any family anymore. She's not in contact really with her mom. That comes up later. She's described as blonde, tiny, of course, but still curvy. Sure, I'm


sure she said because the girls unite


guess she's actually um, she lives in her grandmother's house who has since passed away. And Gabrielle's mother left her with Gabrielle's grandmother. When Gabrielle was three because she could see the fairy folk but her mom couldn't. So that was really hard on her mom. And so her mom just like dropped her off at her grandma's house. Because her grandmother could see the fairy. Right. So


that is an interesting and like, real enough background that I'm okay with. Yeah, I can


accept that. It is sad because it's like she remembers when her mom dropped her off and just kind of left and now her mom, like moved out west has remarried has stepchildren and her mom is now like calling her and it's like coming out and meet us and she's like you were never there during my childhood. Why would I want to see you right?


Right? Hey Mom, do you find those cigarettes sorry


so um, Gabrielle has been taught her whole life to avoid the fairy folk at all costs as they are dangerous and actually she thinks she believes that they actually want kidnapped people who can see the see the fairy folk Okay,


yeah it's reminded me a lot of another book that I started reading for this and then stopped because it was so bad that we weren't going to do it and I will not remembering


this one isn't so bad but it's just like I definitely did not like it as much as the dark Islander but because like Adam Black is I'm not thirsty for Adam now at all.


My great great grandma was curae


thirsty that bright I was 3d that those like you're thirsty


man I want to like I want to pin is super elaborate manuscript and just have it be like descriptions of men that I think are like attractive or whatever in just the worst ways possible. And that way my descendants multiple generations from now I'm not gonna have kids so maybe not Rachel. My sister's descendants multiple generations from now. Rachel, that's creepy, but hilarious. Okay, we laughing from my grave.


Alright, so this book opens up with ANNA black who is listening to our good friend Chloe Zander's crying and screaming having lost state so it literally happens right after the Islander ends. Yeah, so she's like in the room where Degas like disappeared and There's blood all over the walls if you recall that


this is mid dark Highlander.


No this is no dark Highlander it starts at the end dark Islander.


Yeah well So Tim, but it's still like in yeah after the book right when the books have right


and he keeps trying to add on keep trying keep trying to explain to Chloe that Degas isn't dead when he realizes that she can't see or hear him at all.


So this is a recent curse, very recent.


So he he also realizes that his master queen of he'll who's like Queen of the fairy folk who has banished him and is now punishing him with a human and invisible body.


Double cool,


double cool here and he is thrilled about that JK. No, he's not. See, it was Adam Black, who insisted on saving Degas his life. And to teach Adam a lesson about meddling immortal affairs clean a veal cursed him indefinitely.


Don't meddle in mortal affairs. Punishment. I'm making you mortal.


mortals. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's more just like he. I think she just doesn't want him questioning her any questions for a lot longer. So dare you speak your mind? Yeah. Wow. So now we're introduced to Gabrielle who thanks to a Fae, who had tried to get out. She had tried to get out of the way from what she had seen. Gabrielle had pour coffee all over the person who had been interviewing her for a position at a very prestigious law firm on accident. She did an accident, okay, she still does not get the position because the person gets all pissed, which I'm like, happy? Yeah. Um, yeah, that's what I say if I notice she does not get the position because a woman interviewing her is a complete bitch over an accident.


Seriously, no accidents. Accidents happen. Always give someone the benefit of the day.


So Gabrielle returns to the office where she currently works when she sees Adam. She sees him ha sprawled on a park bench outside her office. She tries to ignore him. But unfortunately as he's a homeboy our wants to do he starts adjusting himself while looking at her. Just let that moment of silence percolate a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. As you can't help but like, I get that you look glance for a second. That's like, I can't believe you're doing that kind of Yeah,


so I to be fair, I'm gonna I'm going to play mild devil's advocate. Knowing that actually, I'm really happy we have a homeboy because I love fashion. So much, right? Um, I mean, if he didn't think anyone could see him, okay, and he's like, You know what? She's attractive. Fuck it. I'm not saying it's right. In fact, it's not and you're disgusting. But I guess if you don't expect anyone can see you. Maybe it's a really bad argument, but I thought I'd throw it


out. Yeah, it's more like it's but it's not like porn words on TV. Yeah. It's not. It's it's not consensual.


Maybe he's in exhibitionism. I


don't know. Well, he wasn't he didn't pull a stick out. He just kind of adjusting himself through his pants.


Okay, so it's not like masturbate. No, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. So that in my mind is like, okay, no one can see me. Something's uncomfortable. Whoops.


Yeah, better. Maybe. Yeah, I think he was a little bit of stroking in there too


fair. I just wanted to throw it out there. You know, yes, that's fair representation.


Right. And so she can't help but she looks and Adams like, you can see me and she's like, fuck, so she gets right back into her car and drives to her house because she's terrified, you know, gone. Yeah. Literally. I was like, no, no, I'm out. Like, I'm out. And so he doesn't know who she is. But so she goes back to her house. And apparently her grandmother had set aside some money in cases ever happened to be like, hit the road Jack. Yeah, like, I know. So it's very, they she's really been raised like that acknowledge the Fae, like, do not do act like they don't exist. So she's like, Alright, I'm out of here. Like, I'm gonna be hitting the road. This sucks. But I got to do what I got to do. And she's tries to leave. And she she opens the door to leave the house with like a bag over her shoulder and there's a black and he's like, hi, Gabrielle. Yeah, yeah, maybe


it's gone.


You whacked him with her backpack that she was wearing? Uh huh. And then I can't. I can't remember. It's kind of confusing because she goes kind of like jumping from the front door to the back door to the back door. But I know at one point like so she whacked him with that. slams the door shut. He's bleeding. I'm good. Women usually love me.


You deserve it.


Right sir so that she tries to go out the back door and then he literally breaks starts breaking down the back door


because he teleports


because when she goes back to the front door I think so what happens? Of course he teleports and


we love you love it. We'll


go a little bit. Yeah, yeah a little bit so that he teleports inside the house pushes her up against the door so she can't leave. Yeah. And it's like, so you're gonna help me? I'm psycho but she also she headbutts him at one point and kicks him in the deck. At one point. Yeah, go girl. But then so she at the very end of it. She tries to run out again. Does he kiss her to shut her up? No. Okay. And she slams right back into him. And she's like, how did you do that? How did you get here so fast. We were literally on the floor. Moaning and now you're standing right in front of me. Haha. So teleportation?


portation. Cue


Rachel science quarter.


First of all, can I just say how seamlessly I entered that lightning strike into the last? Perfect, beautiful, beautiful. Yeah. Um, so teleportation is fun. Because it has, it's actually going funny. We're gonna we're gonna reference back to the dark Islander. It has a lot of issues, same issues that time travel has Mm hmm. Because we are on a ball or plane whatever you want. Right? hurtling through space at a couple you know, 100,000 miles per hour million. I don't remember off the top of my head. Um, my science cred requires me to look it up and have it pretend that I had it offhand. Yeah, so we're hurtling through space at about 19 miles per second or so. So if you just say pop out of existence, and then pop into existence in another place, you're gonna be in the middle space. Now that said, we're assuming that the faith folk exist. So let's rationalize this in some way. Let's say there's another dimension because multiverse theories of thing actually, that comes up again, later. Multiverse theories of thing. So maybe he pops into another dimension and then pops back into ours. And they're like, following along close enough. There's, if you really want to get into infinite probabilities. Yeah, then sure. Yeah. But no. Right, I can go down the infinite possibilities. Track forever.


We'll go back in a little bit into that though, they say in this that there, they mentioned that the faithful really are just like a race that is inevitably no technologically superior to ours. And they kind of say in the book, too, they're like, but you guys aren't far behind. Like you guys are splitting the atom. You're doing all that stuff that we figured out for millennia. But yeah, so you're getting close to us.


Okay, so So if that if that were the case, then I guess what you can assume is not assume but one way to, you know, if you want to bridge this into science fiction, there's an infinite number of possibilities, you know, in this in the universe. And so maybe way back when something happened that split off. And so there's two parallel universes that are going side by side, one of which could be the Facebook, one of which could be us. So maybe he's popping back into that one. And then coming back? Yeah. If you really want to rationalize that shit. Yeah. But suffice it to say, on just our normal human standards, teleportation is not possible. And if you somehow could, I really hope you figure out a way to make yourself go really fast. Also don't


recommend, also do not recommend, recommend, and I recommend, so once you've got her all all nice and tight up, because he ties her up to a chair in our kitchen, because apparently this author has a thing for it. I mean, you know what? Sure, sure. Adam explains that because of an agreement between the fae and moral realm that they haven't spilled human Bloods and human blood and like over 1000 years. So that was the compact that Sylvan Degas his dad made with Queen hoeveel Okay, yeah, all right. Yeah, sure. Sure. So she doesn't have anything to fear from him. Also, the Fae don't really have any interest in what he calls a she SEER anymore. And honestly thought them to be extinct. So humans, not humans, the she's here so the people like her who can see that.


Okay, because they've been basically ignoring them so they don't know.


They don't know. So let's be clear. These two are super horny for each other. If I ever have to read about Adam black stick again, I will shift place myself and kick him in it I don't want to hear about it. Okay.


But I mean, would it be a romance novel if they weren't super thirsty for each other? They weren't immediately


that's true. Okay, but I don't want to hear about it. Okay. I don't want to hear about how his dick is like through his jeans is like stroking harass. I don't want to hear about okay,


got it. You want to do anything about my day.


I always want to hear about your neck Rachel.


Excuse While I spit take her on my computer


so out of black explains what he wants from Gabrielle he wants her to speak on his behalf to another Fae will in turn talk to Queen Abele about getting this curse lifted. At this point. It's been months that he's been under this curse. Okay, he's about ready to explode. And Gabrielle actually refuses. She's like, homeboy, I'm out ain't doing this. And he Anheuser and, and what he calls SIFS place, it's teleporting. Okay? And teleports away from her and she's like, that's it. Really.


It's not it.


I mean, it's not at all like the way that he does it. isn't that bad? Okay, all right, Adam proceeds to try to woo her into helping him.


That's the next logical step.


You got to go and convince her somehow


I would go with convince her I'm a good person, and it's worth helping me over. That's true on a bone me great. Help me first.


No, well, yeah, he doesn't. Okay, so I'll just explain. Our girl lives actually lives in Cincinnati. Hey, yeah. So he goes to all the fancy restaurants there and gets quote unquote, takeaway for her, which is working really, really late. He literally does her work for her because apparently he knows how to lawyer and just, just in general just hangs around her.


I was passing the bar was that easy? Jesus, he


says that he was he


was a lawyer in the past. He read


a he's like I've been around 1000s of years. I've been watching humans for 1000s of years. And also I know like I read a couple of other cases that you guys have done pretty much all you guys do is blame anybody but your clients. So that's that's what he does.


deep cut shots fired.


And at one point, he leaves a dirty t shirt of his and her dirty laundry. And she keeps it no washing it because she thinks it smells good.


So as soon as he takes his clothes off, they're visible. I guess for us he just Wow, it's so funny. Again,


no walkie grew up. I couldn't get his wearing clothes by guessing on clothes. Okay, yeah, he's not windmilling it?


Or maybe it's still invisible. She's just the only one can that can see it. Which is gonna make it really awkward if she wears that shit to bed and it has to open the door for some reason.


That may become visible again. Okay? Yeah, sure. homeboy. Then sees the fact that she took the shirt as an invitation to steal her dirty underwear dude.


I had another


fun. Also, he left in her laundry


does her underwear become invisible?


Yes, everything I think he everything he touches becomes invisible. Yours. I know. Okay, rules.


Yeah, you know, fucky magic. God, okay, well, I've got to think about what I was going to say. I do remember, you know, if this whole lawyer thing doesn't work out for her, they could strike a deal and she could be the best mind ever.


Right. But Adam is also getting increasingly concerned about Gabrielle's life. He hates her boss who's a complete prick but Gabrielle is complete crap right? Like she deals with him. He worries over her car as it is Trey old and about to fall apart. And things things in our house need fixing like all the time. But at one point Gabby is like why don't you just talk to one of the other fairies that are hanging around here? And Adam is like what are you talking about? What fairies because he can't see the fairy folk either. He's like super human right now. Oh, no. Yeah. And he's like, What do you mean? And because of your curse them to be basically human. He hasn't seen any of them. So he strikes up a deal with Gabrielle. Gabrielle will talk to one of the fairies for him if and only if he swears to her that she and any future children that she has will be safe from the fairy folk. Like she's still afraid of the fairy folk. She still thinks that they're like, even though he's told her like we're not after you. She's still been raised to be afraid. Okay, so she really does not trust him, or any of them at all. In fact, she refers to fairies as it's like that far.


Hello, thinly veiled allegory for racism. Great. Yeah. Interesting.


He agrees and he tries to get her to sift place with him, which he refuses. And so they go on to her car, her new car. He stole a BMW for her. He literally filled out all the paperwork necessary at the dealership and drove it off the lot. How no one was concerned about a car driving itself on the road is beyond me. Whoa, whoa, whoa.


self driving cars are a thing. This was not written


thing. Well, okay. So, Ryan here He also drove her car her little Toyota into the Ohio River.


I mean don't get me wrong the O'Hare river is gross but Dale


well that cars radioactive more gross


now that car has superpowers.


Okay, so the two is try to Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati for those of you not from Cincinnati most of you. Fountain Square is downtown. It's a beautiful open space space with lots of spots reading lunch, lots of restaurants. Yeah, and a really gorgeous iconic Cincy fountain. Google it if you so desire.


We'll put in the show notes. Yeah, we're gonna show notes. Hey, hey, oh,


Adam tells Gabrielle to tell any fairies that she sees that he would like to meet with clean avail during the next next new moon. He tells Gabrielle. It's because he tells Gabrielle. The next new moon because he's like, Oh, that's when she sees courtiers like that's when she takes requests. She takes requests at any time. He just wants that time to try to bang get Gabrielle


I mean, she's, she'd still be able to see him. If he became Fagan.


He wants to he specifically wants to bang her while he's mortal because he's like, it's gonna be really good if I'm mortal, and we're begging


Okay, okay, because fuck you magic. That's why,


yeah, but the magic so Adam and Gabrielle, Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle way on Fountain Square for fairy folk to arrive. And they wait almost all day before Gabrielle spots pair walking together. She tries to explain to the payer what's going on with Adam and they instantly disappear. But Adam assures Gabrielle that they'll be back so they sit back down to wait again. When Gabrielle says hey, I see another fae and they're standing alone. Meanwhile, never mind happen.


Everyone's staring at her like she's crazy because she's talking to her site in


the middle of mountains. Always super busy. And she tells Adam that there's another face standing by himself and he immediately becomes tense. So Gabrielle describes the fairy and he realizes that it's his mortal enemy. Derek comes to kill Oh, wow,


you've given me a gift. I have you given me a gift I truly have. Yeah, my mortal enemy. Derek.


Derek. No, it's DeRoche o. R O C's


fantasy. Because it's just Derek. Derek who could be scared of Derek Goddamnit Derek Derek.


Okay, so um, see, Derek is planning a coup against Queen obile.


That's like our Lord and Savior Daniel. Daniel Sariah.


Daniel, Dan. But there is so Derek is planning a coup against Queen of the hill. But Derek knows the Adam Black will always be a thorn in his side and getting what he wants. So Derek also and so Derek wants to kill out a block to make it easier to do this coup against


Oh no, but Adams mortal now that means he can die. Yes. Our heroes ever escape this pickle. Oh my god. Next week.


Derek also wants revenge on Adam as they had both fallen in love with the same mortal woman like him literally. 837 or something.


Hey, yeah, revenge is a dish. Best served 11,000 years.


11,000. But Adam had seen this chick for so he's like my property. But they fought over her and then but I still thought over this chick is


the first one to ever lay eyes upon. When he did. He was like you your mind now? Oh, you know,


it gets worse. Right? Yes. Well, Adam has was busy doing something for the queen Derek got to this woman first and killed her. It's insinuated that Derrick literally raped her to death. Yeah,


um, all right. Yeah. Cool.


Yeah. Cool. Yeah,


we are. high bar in this. Yeah, it's


great. Wow.


Okay. All right. All right. All right.


Um, so, Derek? Derek, I'm sure to do Derek but it's nice. Derek. Derek Yeah,


you can go on Rick if you want No. first name basis with this. An Eric.


So Derek, Derek starts shooting at Adam and Adam grabs Gabrielle


Derek can see Adam but none of the other faithful can see Adam


Derek, I think


is. Notice that there's this one chick that's trying to talk to some other fae and then she must be near Adam.


He did have hunters quote unquote as hunters like beings sniffing out. I can't see him. I know. I know. It's terrible. So this isn't


a playful hole. This is a fucking chasm. Jesus.


Adam grabs Gabrielle and they shift place for literally hours to get away from Derek. They eventually stop on a train and travel for a few hours before stopping in Atlanta.


Is it just like pop pop pop pop pots? A lot of confused segments?


He I think he Yeah, yeah, we're gonna say it was I think they, when they were in Fountain Square, it was already kind of late later, so they kind of slipped place during the night and he was doing it in like, cornfields like up you know, I won't lie like


I'm that case. I am forced to assume that there is a distance cap on his teleporting


Yes. Okay, and only teleport like, I think like I don't know how many miles but it's not far. It's amazing


that the Facebook uses same distance measurement, units of measurement that US United States Americans don't know. Sorry, I'm just being an asshole. But it's funny.


Okay, so they stop on a train and travel for a few hours before stopping in Atlanta. Adam quote unquote, checks them into a hotel. Yeah, it's like invisibility. So when she grabs her she's invisible to Oh, yeah. Yeah. They steal some clothes for Macy's. Cool, where he also tells her Hey, we're gonna be leaving for Scotland tomorrow.


Cool. I love it when my men make my decisions for me.


And then they start getting it on in the hotel room.


I mean, at least it's in a hotel room. And but you know, what, if he's in that exhibition is shit. They could literally go anywhere. As long as he doesn't stop touching her, which I don't think is gonna be a problem.


No, it's it's not. It's not you. Like literally later in the book. He's described as he describes not having her with him. He's like, I'm cold now because she's not with me. Oh, yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. Um, so they're getting it on in the hotel room when Derek shows up again. And it makes it in Derrick Mesa so that Adam can Adam can see him and hear him.


How? Magic lucky magic. Okay, magic. Yeah.


And Derek is very creepy. He's like, Oh, cool. Another girl for us to fight and share.


I hate him. Yeah, he's like, I didn't like Adam either.


But I really hate this Derrick guy. Exactly. So they sit in Coburg, they sift place again until Adam gets them to an airport where he gets both of them onto a half full flight. Just I'm sorry. Maybe not mid coitus. Okay, they're not just like begging and walking through the airport.


Oh, no, Derek.


He through not mid coitus. He has his hand in her pants.


Okay, so they didn't get all the way to the


right. Turns out the


ever important step before coitus finger Fucking


yes. So it turns out the MKULTRA land so Degas intestines land Yeah, Island sure is technically Fairyland, that the mackell ters are basically renting slash keeping safe for the day. Okay,


man, talk about landlords, right?


So if Derek steps foot on the land of veal will know about it and will wonder what the fuck is going on? Why are you why are you there? Basically. So he knows Derrick knows, like he can't cross into the counter land without alerting queen of eel. That's


something okay. All right.


So our homeboy and our girl gets a cast on the counter. Degas removes the curse from Adam. Yeah. Yeah, because apparently Degas even though he doesn't have the 13 souls of the evil divas inside of him. He did keep all of their encyclopedia knowledge of magic.


I just want you to know I'm about to make a really bad pun. Do it. Talk about a Deus Ex module?


Yeah. Ah,


God, who would I be if I didn't if I didn't make terrible bundles? Not myself.


Not your best self. And Adam explains that he wants Degas and drusen hold off on doing this particular ritual that queen of veal asked them to do


they say that's gonna make queen of veal real pissed. Exactly. I did this for a reason. You can't just go around removing my curses.


Well, yes. So Deus removes the curse from Adam. And Adam explains that he wants days and drusen hold off on doing a particular ritual that keeps the fairy world and the mortal world apart. So that queen of veal will be alerted that something's wrong and fly down to Japan. What the fuck is happening? Adam can then explain Hey, Derek wants to stage a coup against you. I forgot about the coup. Yeah, cool. Yeah, all right. Yeah, yeah. So


I was gonna say like, what is his personal problems like enough of a problem that kind of


makes basically What Derrick wants is that he wants to stage a coup so he can be king of the ferry round but also because he wants the compact that was between the human the moral realm and the fairy realm. He wants to destroy that he wants it to be done because he wants to take over Earth again. I know


that they're calling it a compact, all I can think of is a small portable thing.


Right, right. Yeah, no. So um, I want to note I didn't put this in my notes and I should have but immediately when people can see Adam, everybody, every woman in this McKellar castle where they're staying thirsty for Adam, so thirsty, even the cats is thirsty. She's like purring, and like going up on his legs and the cat hates everybody else in the castle.


Getting that right. He was right there. I


love there's right there. I just had so glad. Thank you. Thank you.


So it's really awkward for all of the you know, Husbands of all the women in the McKellar castle


right? Well, why does this because I think it's scrapped. They're 23 people working on the site hell of an origin Why do you need that many people hell of an origin hell of an origin well, they're even so we remember Chloe right? And remember when they're even like with a with the curses lifted? They're like damn, damn, they are thirsty. A Degas interested are immediately this good as they're sure they're justices you want to put the curse back on him Degas a Degas is like Yeah, I do, but we can. I'd rather have him where I can see.


So when he was mortal, his sexuality was contained. Wow, now he's not


Jesus Christ. Yeah, so


time to sexy for my mom.


while they're waiting for the date of when this ritual is supposed to take place, Gabrielle and Adam finally have sex for them. Yeah, good for them getting it on. They basically shut themselves up in Adam room Adams room for three days straight. It just


I hope you brought some like Gatorade and orange slice.


time they leave is for Adam to go get food. She never leaves


i YOU cannot convince me otherwise that His room is not on the like, lowest floor of the castle and it is now a sex dungeon. Well, basically trapped in the sex dungeon.


It's also described to that like, all of them, the castle are really hard to get to get on.


This man isn't walking after. He's like, Oh my God, he's too powerful.


So eventually, the Queen does come.


And what are all these mortals? Called me? Not taking place in your jam stone.


Oh my god, I love you. But they meet with the queen who doesn't fully believe Adam and is there for like, leave these protected lands. Bring Derrick out into the open prove he's a trader? And I'll believe you share. Sure. So the Queen puts the cars back and Derek but the Queen puts occurs back on Adam.


I mean, she can't hold the morals fucking all that.


Gabby and Adam was relieved to head back to the US as the Queen instructed. Gabby and Adam have a heart to not heart where Adam reveals in the drive to the airport where Adam reveals that since he's immortal, he doesn't technically have a soul. Adam says, basically, you can't have both like you can't be immortal and have a soul.


What do you get for having a soul?


You get like you get eternal life basically, like they insinuate that like when you die like good.


Like is there anything bad and not having a soul? I mean, I know there's not because I don't have one. But like in this fiction?


I think that the insinuation is that because he doesn't have a soul. He doesn't have a heart and so therefore it's like, can you really love me kind of thing?


That's waiting for philosophical for me like, man. He's gonna dig let's do it. My coffee is kicking in now, too. Yeah, I'm like


Gabrielle almost tells him she loves him anyway, when he kind of cuts her off because he's upset and it's like, Don't worry, I won't make you take this elixir that will give you eternal life. So she takes us to like Sir, she'll have eternal life but she'll lose her soul and her soul will eventually die. She gets upset, gets upset, she stops the car to take like get out. I need to take a breath of fresh air. I just need to get away from me for a second. And Derek appears and immediately shoots Adam, like several times.


Just imagining she gets out she's sitting out and all of a sudden, this mustache trolling


I thought I thought that I added some scenery to several times. I thought she was gonna be kidnapped and there was gonna be this like heroic rescue. No. Oh, no, he just gets shot and then they both disappeared. Derek Yeah.


What? Like Derrick shoots Adam. Yeah. And then Adam takes. Gabrielle. Whatever.


No, no, no. So, Gabby. So, Derek shoots Adam. Uh huh. And then Adam and Derek disappear immediately because remember, this is part of Queen of eels plan. She's been watching so now she knows that Derek is a traitor. Okay, yeah, so that was remote player. So


she was right around around. Yeah, so she wanted


she wanted Adam to prove the pins are slowly Yes, making sense. So um, and they leave Gabrielle on


the road. Oh, good. And prove he's a traitor by existing


well, so um, and she just like sits on our car for like hours just waiting. It's really kind of sad. It's it's kind of sad that she like see the blood in the road like she's like, and she just waits and waits and waits and waits and waits, and he never comes back.


I think I get it in the moment. That would be a response. But in my brain, I'm like, Well, he was able to find my house and knew my name without ever like having anyone tell him so if I leave and go back to the United States, he can probably buy me


well. So I would turn around and go back to Castle McKellar. Like what? This has just happened, right helped me because that's the second place and it's also closer. Also, she doesn't have a passport with her.


Also, they all got magic. Yeah. She's gonna get home.


How that's one thing I never understood. I've gone through border security so many times. I'm like, How the hell did she get security without a passport and not being invisible? Okay, by next Yeah. So Gabby returns to her life in Cincinnati, extremely depressed, but try to see magic because lucky magic and but trying to survive. She goes back to her job and tries to resume her life. But she's like,


you know, she left and didn't tell anyone why and also what is jetlag.


But is it? It doesn't mean Yeah, so she, she knows that there are two distinct possibilities. And they're equally terrible one a Adam. Adam died. Adam is dead. All right, because he was mortal and got shot. Okay, cool. He died, too. The reason he hasn't come back is because he didn't want to come back. Okay, he just left he left. He got his mortality again. And so therefore he doesn't need Gabrielle.


Alternatively, something's preventing him from coming. Right. But she probably didn't think. No, no, because love.


Um, meanwhile, meanwhile,


I mean, the whole dresses.


look correct. Yes, you're right. Adam is furious because the Queen won't let him go back to Gabrielle yet. She killed him. Queen veal killed him good. And so at least he's got that going for him. But Adam gets to decide what Derek's punishment will be. And Adam decides to


make my snares now.


Derek decides to make or Adam besides me, Derek? mortal. Good luck, Eric.


All right. Yeah, but we've already established that there are people in the mortal world that can remove those curses.


Yeah, yeah. But it's not a curse. It's a purpose. So I don't know why the world about you. But if you she, it's revealed that queensville never really took away Adam's immortality. She just kind of gave him the illusion that he was mortal. Let me so she like made it so that you can believe like, teachable lesson. Okay, because apparently, if you take away a phase immortality, they can never get back home can never like go from being immortal to mortal back to immortal. Okay, yeah.


But you can go from mortal to immortal. Yeah. Okay. Sure, sure.


Um, so Adam goes back to Gabrielle in full faith form. And he returns to her with a bottle of immortality elixir and he's kind of like, like we're saying earlier. He's like, he stepped into a dimension where he can see her but she can't see him at all. Okay, yeah, like that other multiverse dimension. That's yeah, that's how that comes up. Basis time. It's


fucking physics. Yeah. Yay.


Basically, he's gonna slip the lexer into an iced coffee and let her drink it without telling her. So giving her immortality without asking


I was okay. Not great, but not the worst thing I've ever heard. What the fuck Adam? No, not make that choice. You know what? I'm gonna take someone's literal soul without asking them. You think that falls into the tea analogy. If someone doesn't want you to take their soul or if someone never asked you to take your their soul don't take their soul.


Okay, so then he sees her crying on the floor at home, heartbroken. because of something he had written in one of her fairy encyclopedias like there's like a little blurb about him remember that we read earlier, and it pretty much said Adam Black will never be with another mortal woman and watch her die. So to her that says like, okay, he's not coming back like he's like he doesn't want to even if he loves me he doesn't want to watch me die again. Yeah. To Gabby. Yes. So sensitive. Yeah, exactly. Well, it's just like, he's just an asshole. I couldn't say that the string right. Adam sees Gabrielle's heartbreak is like I can't take her soul away from her. That's like the third best part of her behind the boobs and pussy.


Behind titsa


he goes back to the Queen is like, make me immortal. The queen is like, Are you for real? He says yes. He returns to Gabrielle and is like, I'm mortal. Now bitch. Let's make babies. They make babies. He gets a soul behead the end.


Okay, I'm not gonna lie when it started with the whole, no, but I want to be mortal or immortal. I was really hoping that she decided to be immortal with him and just say, Hey, fuck your normal conventions, you know, he had to give it up for love. How it always goes. I actually don't


think it's that bad, because I think it shows. So we're getting a little bit and we're getting into just thinking about it. It does show that he has had some growth though, because in the beginning of the book, only wanted was to be immortal again, and he run it around with a very Vulcan being a deck. But by the end of the book, he's like, I really just want to be with her.


He's still no made that decision for her. He was he was could have shown up and been like, Hey, I have this elixir that will make you immortal. If you'd like to be with me, or I'm willing to become mortal for you. What would you like to do?


Are they he's he already kind of knows because of that car ride that they had to the airport that she does not want to be immortal. Like, she's, she does not want to be immortal. So he sees that if she and that's why she gets upset.


There was always gonna be the possibility of both of them becoming mortal again. So she becomes immortal and decides I don't really want this. They can both be made mortal. Yeah, but


I don't think it's like an easy thing, or I think that they do very often remember for Derek it was a punishment. And the only reason that Adam black got it is because the Queen really does love him and care about him and wanted him to be happy. Okay, literally the only reason so well. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, you know, I personally, I think just because it's my thing. I liked the dark Highlander better. Yeah, I'm not really that into adeleye.


I liked the dark Highlander better. Yeah. Because yeah, for another man read six demons inside of me. And let me tell you, cocaine does nothing is my favorite one liner we've ever had.


Thank you. And I say, I go back and listen to that.


God, I think we're goddamn hilarious. So the fact that that's my, one of my favorite.


Um, and the plot was just kind of like, it wasn't that strong enough like to read wasn't scary. It


didn't seem like they're like mattered, right? Like, right, it was that same kind of deal where they go to Scotland because Sure, and then go back and there's like nothing. Why there was no reason


right there. The only reason to go to Scotland was because they were going to be protected on the culture grounds, which I think


is fair. Okay. But I also think that like, the reason that I want to thank you it then I want to ban you in the past.


You want to if you want to do the whole like coup thing to develop that a little bit better. It wasn't it just wasn't Derek it was not scary enough for me at all. threatened by him. So I mean, his name is also Derek so I can Derek and Derek


um, so ultimate evil Derrick.


Yeah, it's, but Okay, so in terms of characters. Adam, the only reason I'm gonna give them like a higher I would say that he's better is because he does change that a little bit. I think a lot. I mean, he goes from being a complete dick, who only wants a mortality to being a complete dick, who loves this chick and is willing to become mortal for her for her happiness.


There is an amount of character growth. Oh, yeah, that guy's still addict. Go. Totally.


I mean, he's totally totally totally a homeboy in my eyes. And I think again, I mean, I just don't like out of whack I'm not that thrilled by him. So I think like, but again, it's like the our boy to homeboys scale where I think that like I like two more by the end of the book, and I definitely don't like him at the beginning. And you didn't like him at the beginning is kind of like, overshadowing,


I think he's on the homeboy. Yeah, the spec. Yeah. Versus the boy, our boy. So yeah, I think yeah,


for sure. He more leans towards homeboy. Oh, boy, boy, homeboy. I'm Gabrielle I have to say. It's like, it's funny because it's like, over the course of the series of books, the female characters get progressively better. Yeah, cuz when I hate talking when I will. Forever forever forever just forever and forever as I get a Chloe I liked


she was okay it was okay. Yeah, I can useless at one point right she got


but then here comes our what's our girl's name? Gabrielle Gabrielle Gabrielle and like, you know she's at the end of the book when she loses him. She does not like quit her job she goes on with her life like she tries to like put things back together again. So, you know, I'm not saying that like what happened to Chloe wasn't devastating, but like, you still have to take care of yourself. Like that's part of being an adult. So yeah, they actually managed to do that. So


So what numbers would you give to Adam in an odd one to five?


I know. They give Adam between to


2.25. So I'm thinking to two Yeah, I'm


I'm thinking for Gabby a three.


Okay, cuz she's she is a functioning adult. She's


a functioning adult. And she's cute. Like I honestly enjoyed reading she managed


to get through customs without a pass. Yeah.


Yeah. She used those lawyer skills like I was kidnapped.


Awkward. Um, bye.


Sorry. Sure, why not? Why not? And then the plot is one to 10 Right.


Plot is still one to five and then overall book is one to five plot. Oh my god. So this has so damn Swiss cheese. Oh, holes. Granted, we've established I overthink this shit, especially when it comes the point of this podcast. Oh, also fair, we do it on purpose. But like, especially when it comes to science, but like


what the fuck? I'm not upset about the science. I'm just upset about the science I can I can suspension of disbelief. Zilean was not interesting. Right was not interesting. So I have to get like a 1.5. To be honest.


It wasn't good. Like wrong. Like I said, like, what? He can see him but he can't see him. And then yeah, I can see them. And then yeah, nothing. He said anything breaking the rules. Anything he like, anything he touches is invisible. But he literally stands on the earth. Like, if, if you're going to, I don't if you set an established list of rules and follow them. Right I will suspend all of the disbelief for you right to an extent. But as soon as you start breaking those rules, you really start to break like you've broken your reader's trust. Yes. Now I don't you're playing Calvin Ball at this point. I have no idea what's true. And you're changing. And I


said this in the last morning book as well of holy plot armor Batman,


like, Degas says my ex Mokena Tam, Tam, Tam.


Just like so much plot armor. Really? That's a lot of what's happening here too. So if if,


if you ever read this book and think to yourself why the answer is either fucking magic. Or, like, plot armor like yeah, it's one of the do that's why


so overall one to 10 I would have to get this book. First. The first thing that came to my mind is a three. So yeah, the three and


I would say don't bother. No, don't bother getting it from the library.


No. Even in here's the thing. Even this muddy scenes. I was like, not that great. No.


If you really want to read one of these Highlander books, I would say dark Islander for this one if only for the giggles.


Only for the giggles and also Vegas. Vegas Vegas. Thank


you, dingus. You and your dingus X Mokena. You and your, your your anti heroes. Yeah, arqueros. That's okay.


Emperor Palpatine.


Do we do it? Do it do so many wrinkles. wrinkles. No.


So anything else?


Oh, are you reading?


I actually well, I don't know what I was reading at the time. So I'll tell you tell you what I've been reading right now which is in the garden obese. Okay. Which is like, terrifying, because I'm reading also while reading online about all the stuff that's happening down at the border. And I'm all I can think to myself is Hey guys, ISIS, the new Gestapo. Okay, great. It's real great. Yeah. Um, yes, that's terrifying. But I say


like, oh, is it a? Is that a fantasy book? Yes, it it's a real it's a


history book about the US ambassador who was living in Hitler's Germany. Like, right, like, right when Hitler came to power,


part of me. Thanks. Hey, that sounds super interesting. The rest of me thinks Hey, remember your anxiety about political shit?


Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That's how I feel too. And I've also been watching Chernobyl on HBO now, and I'm like this. You want to talk about anxiety


on the subject of Chernobyl there if you like comics. There is a comic out there that I read. I read the first one because the second one recently came out and it is incredible. And let me let me look it up, it's kind of along those lines where there's this essentially, something happened in this town, and it set off something. And so this town is completely off limits, people cannot go in it. And it's like, but it's more or less it's like radiation but it's Lovecraftian radiation so like this woman lives on the outskirts of it and she goes in illegally and takes pictures and that's her source of income is she because people pay a lot of money right pictures of this zone because there's like, like there's one area where everything is completely two dimensional on the ground and if you touch it you become two dimensional and like there's there's these beasts that are in there and it's it is crazy creepy but in like an amazing way let me it's called spill zone. Oh, it's really good. The arts really good. Her and her sister made it out her parents did not good comic highly recommend


do the thing about Chernobyl don't watch it if you like animals.


Yeah, the water radiated animals on that


so thank you for listening you


for listening and I'll probably cut a lot of Yeah Hey, thank you guys so much for listening and please subscribe rate review subscribe if you add us with your personal deets we will send you stickers there the lips there the lip lip lip come to our live show. That would be super cool. Yeah in the Cincinnati area if you're not still come I don't know your drive. Points. become invisible onto a plane and you'll figure it


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or that yeah, clarify. Right. Maybe you play your cards right? We'll come show up and chloroform you Cincinnati someone's walking to their bed at night and I'd like you just like rag goes over their face and they just hear Hello and welcome to Tech


lock my door tonight.


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I think that's everything. You can find us on Buzzsprout tube Yeah, whatever. Never there.


No, no, we upload the episode of the word and then we're


done. Yeah, I think that's it. Yeah. So thank you so much for listening. Come back in two weeks where I will be summarizing a book for Miss Margie and it's going to be one Yup. All right. See you guys later.


Thank you Larry. You for her song.


Thank you Eleanor you for these for song Oh love off the album be held and I won't see you guys later because this is an audio medium and I have no idea what most of you look like


but you'll hear us later. Yeah, that spy