Textual Tension

Ep 22: The Wildcat

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 23

Welcome back listeners! Join us this week as Margie tells Rachel all about Some Like It Scot by Susanne Enoch. It may very well be Margie's first...ourboi story.

We will be having our first LIVE SHOW on August 8th in Cincinnati at Three Points Brewery at 8 p.m.! We hope to see you there!


Warning. The following podcast contains adult themes. Our hosts are just too romantic saps that love overthinking and overanalyzing their favorite literary genre the thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely their own listener discretion is advised. tearing me apart from


Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels podcast, I am your co host, Margie, and I'm your co host Rachel. Every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for the other unsuspecting co hosts this time it's Rachel. And together we unpack what


the fuck just happened. You guys are witnessing a reunion? We


have not seen each other in over a month. Yeah. Which is really weird for a


very strange person. And really, like, texted much over this month. It's kind of weird. It's really sad. I feel like a void has been filled in the existing void that is honestly perfect. Like, like, how can nothing be something but you've done it. You've done all


your heart with joy. That's that's how it is. Well, thanks.


I thought it was indigestion.


I mean, I could have caused the indigestion but like that's it. That's it.


How's it going? Right, do you?


It's go Good. Good. I've got a Romeo Sahil and tell you about I'm Are you ready? So?


Well? Oh, so real quick. Um, so we're actually recording this two days before it's going out? 233 days before it's going out? Very rare for us. Yeah. And that is because we had another episode that the universe apparently has decided, fuck you. Yeah, we don't want this to happen. So we did a crossover with batas Templars. And we recorded with them which you can go out and listen to it was really fun and great. And


so great. We love their social


media real quick. Yeah, I think it's like at Yeah. And it was fun. And it made me realize how much I hate Fabio but also love him. But I hate Fabio. Yes. Um, so go check that out. We'll give you your social media, their social media. As soon as Margie looks it up. She's doing that, right. But you guys should go check them out. And we recorded that the first time we recorded it, we lost all of our audio and the second time we recorded it.


It's at B tipplers at V


Tipler. So yeah, V tipplers on Twitter, and I'm probably everywhere. Check them out. They're awesome. They're great. But the second time we recorded I went to edit it a couple days ago and there's this horrible echo. So and I just can't fix that. Yeah,


it's just right. i So what's happened is that the book may be curse. It's an awful book. And it's a really bad we


might eventually Margie and I might just sit down since we both know what happens in the book and just talk about it. Yeah, we'll see. Because I do want to tell you guys about that book. Right, right. But that episode is probably never gonna go


down. I'm so sorry. At least it's just you know what it's added to the plethora of lost episodes one. episodes, three.


Oh, no, we four. We have five five because there's two that you and I both did.


And so we were like no other the first ones were like this content is great. And


the two that we did and didn't like I think it's a sign again from the universe because both of them were the first time either of us decided to do a Nora Roberts book for the podcast. I think that's the universe telling us that we need to give the Queen her due. So we have to make sure that that first Nora Roberts one is kick ass. I just wanted you guys to know that you need to go check out batas tipplers and also botters toddlers we're so sorry. And we had to record that twice. And it still did and


I'm gonna apologize to my friend Brandon because he gave me the book and yeah, not


happening not happening and maybe we'll sit down with pipes and wine and talk about it just for you just for you as a special


Patreon one level Yeah, bonus.


But check out bodice tipplers also check us check out us rate review subscribe, because you should and we'll send you stickers if you give us your your your home deets, we'll


give you give us. Yes, we will. And we said since this is coming out on Tuesday, it's the biggest announcement that we have, which is very exciting is we have our first live show show August 8 8pm. At three points brewery, it says Maddie in Pendleton Yes. It's gonna be awesome. I picked the book out. excited about it. It's gonna be Rachel's gonna have a Rachel science


course. I'm also very excited about that. So I know about the science corner I don't know about the book. So don't worry still coming in blind. She's,


she's just had just the tip.


Every every conversation today


you want to count


Okay. All right. So now that we've successfully made up for getting really right into things last time Oh also because see? Yeah, here we go fine. I'm also really excited about this guys. We're featured on NPR right now.


Yeah, so


dx you check that shit out yo because I am not gonna lie I nerdgasm so hard. That is so excited.


We are on the web Xu website which is that's Cincinnati NPR and they have a discover weekly podcast discovery weekly and it just recommends like local podcasts were featured on it.


Cool amazing. Friends because we love and we promise we don't have STDs I'm gonna leave it. We don't have STDs pause. Die


read us with your friends. Hey. Oh, all right. Okay, all right.


A little Did you ever have to do at school? The sponge one like this Catholic school sky I did not cut up a yellow sponge into like, a little tiny pieces. He wet them. And then he went like hey, put all of your sponges together. Like they're kind of kissing. And so one person one person's sponge had like a quote unquote STD. And so then like so then he was like, Alright, let's get the blue light out or whatever. And so then you go into the blue light and everybody has the STD because everybody's been okay got


scare tactics, baby. Oh, also the


remember the rose one? Of course.


No, I went to public school. Our Sex Ed was terrible. So it was ours. I mean, they were like so basically, we had a lady that came in once a year and was like, Hey, y'all abstinence baby. And that was


my religion teacher. She told me that when you have sex with someone, it's like pulling a leaf out of a puddle of a rose. So then by the time you get to the person you want to be with there's no more petals leftover rose.


When you're married you magic and you haven't had sex before? Magically keep all of your rose petals. Are you just going to be an old matter what, Jesus?


There's the shoe. Or, like on your sleeve?


I have so many ideas right now.


So it's like,


Hey, baby want to pluck rose petals?




Tell me the shoes. Basically, it's


like a relationship. It's like running a marathon. And you don't want to do that with like really old gross shoes. Which is actually exactly how you want to run a marathon. Yeah, just want to put on new shoes before a marathon.


Man, I hate when I go to run a marathon and I just have this old gross withdrawal.


Okay, to cut some of that out. It's


okay. All right,


ready? Let's do it. Let's get started. Um, so I want to thank autumn for this recommendation. She sent us an email recommending this to us. Um, yeah. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you. Awesome. Fan. We'd love you for it. And I can't wait. So excited. All right.


All right. Ready? Do this. You ready? Give me that book.


So this is good rates. So you just scroll down.


He's gonna give me the book. Hang on. Now looking Marty's if you're new. Margie is gonna give me the book cover. I'm gonna explain in React and then I'll read the description and then she'll tell me about Yes. All right.


Yes. Scotland scourge continues.


Oh, god. Is this just Scotland? When you try it like weren't able to? Yeah, yeah. So I finally finished Oh, yeah. Okay, so the name of it is some like it's got a Oh, my God, you've done it. For me. You given me a gift. Also, there's like a little thing at the top that says how plaid Do you want and I for some reason did not read it that way. At first. What I first read was what can plaid do for you? Oh, it was would have been fairly would


have been. It's actually very appropriate to because we're going to the Celtic. No, we aren't


really I didn't Celtic festival. So just by Suzanne and Enoch. You know, I'm a scandalous Highlanders novel. And look who reviewed it. Lisa Kleypas.


I think we've definitely read her. Thanks.


Now it's time to follow up with Susan Enoch. I'm more interested in the sexy shirtless man on the front with long, slightly curly hair who looks I'm not gonna lie in profile a little bit like our beautiful boy Jeff Goldbloom in Jurassic Park, a little bit like that, really like dark hair kind of deal. So he doesn't have a shirt on and lots of ravely Muscles very lumpy. But he does have a like tartan blanket thing which like, if you've ever looked into what goes into to dyeing tartans, like that shit takes a long time. It is expensive to get a blanket this big, impressive, because it's really does have a lot of covering both of them. Covers waste and this woman is like reclining and sort of Oh no, kind of like her back. But mostly naked with her like, honestly, I don't actually know how her hips are working. Because they look a little bit like an Owl's Head does when it's flipped around. Like when an owl like turns 100 percenter that is not normal. those hips twisted, way too far back. Okay, it's fine. And she has red hair. And they're not actually looking at each other. But he is softly caressing her neck. Yes. Wow. Oh, and it fades to blue at the bottom. And the title is bigger than the woman's name.


That's true. True. Yes.


Um, when was this written?


I can't remember recently re okay. So it's fairly recent. So


to give you a good idea of the covers, it looks like something from the 80s I would have said


Yeah, right. Right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right, Scott.


says a 3.83. Yes, here we go. What is that these ellipses? Can a clash of wills when a man in trousers shoots at him Monroe, bear my glory? isn't sure what impresses him more the girl shirt aim or her irresistibly tempting curves Catriona MacColl to make get that right, I think Yeah. has fled to the highlands with her half sister to escape an unwanted wedding and wants no part of him or any man. But he can't abandon the flame haired, sharp tongued Wildcat now that he does, he's discovered now that he's discovered her words are hard. Know when she fits so perfectly in his arms lead to a low or what is he? Still working this way? How do you lead will lead to a love for all time. Monroe has more than earned his nickname. He's a well muscled, well favored mountain of a man with an engaging badboy grin and a string of loyal satisfied lasses behind him. Bringing Catriona food, blankets, candles, everything she needs to survive a winter deck and everything she needs. In an abandoned Abby Monroe is an unexpected gift in her reckless bid for freedom and an unexpected complication. Clen McDonald has plans for her and they don't include her falling in love or falling for a Mick Laurie. But this man makes her feel like a woman and he may be her one chance to live a life about which she's only dare dream or you know live a life because he helps her survive I don't know if I read something that was English. This is English because the


the budget because i The Ye is so much I was cheated with you this whole book. There was some of those I was like


this book he did the day


it just yeah, you know? Instead of No, it was Can


you can you know that? You can look can I get? I didn't at first I figured it out. I didn't know that one. Just from other Irish, mostly romance novels that I've read. Are Scottish brothers. Yeah. Um, yeah. I'm confused by this, this description of the plot. So I'm hoping that you telling me the blog will make it make more sense because I initially referred to like five different people in that and I don't know who it was.


Now. I kind of see the Jeff Goldbloom because I was really curious. I was like, yeah, it's a little bit Jeff go a little bit


a little bit the reclining fingers.


The hips, but maybe it's because like, he's kind of pulling her


just sound looks uncomfortable. It looks uncomfortable. She


doesn't seem that upset. She


does yoga.


It's like what 19th century yoga. Wait, wait, there's


something here. Paul Scotties now will workshop it.


I was like, Is there something in the room? No, there's nothing in this room. Just Are you ready? Are you Oh, triggers triggers.


Give me your triggers.


I really tried to think of some I didn't find any Wow, yeah be honest. I'm surprised. Yeah, actually, he's an AR boy. Yeah, yeah, hold on. Yeah.


Hold on is my we've had this conversation leading up to this rant. Yes, you got an AR boy. Yes. I got a homeboy yes if you want to hear me to a social justice rant tune in two weeks from now


and also um, let's explain this our boy


in new so we have a scale here called the our boy homeboys scale we're working on coming up with a better catch your title for it? Um, yeah, basically. And our boy is someone that we love. He's a good human being who's actually a decent man. Yes. And homeboy is an asshole. Yeah, we hate someone who's a day and then there's a boy, there's a boy in the center. So it is a sliding scale. Yes, spectrum. Yes. We will tell you. Basically how we refer to the man in this book is how you know what kind of person he is. Right? This is our boy, which means we like him. He's good.


He's good. We like him in boys always spelled with an eye. Yes. Yeah. Tough because


it's, I mean, technically, it's gender neutral. Right. So that we can use it for the women as well if we need to, but usually, that hung girl or girl but you know, whatever. Girl was a you. Alright. Okay, so there are


I didn't find anything. Okay. Yeah.


And if we happen to think of one, I'll chime in later and figure it out. But all right.


Okay. So I don't know if you noticed, but that was booked for a series. So it doesn't it's like any other romance novel, it doesn't really make that


much of a difference, but it also makes that happen in the same book.


That's exactly but that's why there's a little bit more of like, I had to lay out like what the family dynamics are lay it on. Okay, so I'm going to introduce our characters first because I'm doing it like Rachel does it now. Okay, so in this book, our girl is named Catriona MacColl she's part of the the MacDonald Scottish clan even though her name is Nicole. I don't know.


I assume that she's referred to as cat because they explain her Yeah, as a wild cat. Yes.


He does call her a wild cat like to say like, really cute. I think it's cute. All right. All right. I like it.


I'm down for that I'm down for animal themed pet names within reasons wild


cat not like a koala within


reason yeah. Oh, my beautiful rhinoceros. Not as good not as good as


Oh my beautiful lever what's great okay. The she's part of the MacDonald Scottish plan okay and have have been living in like an abbey with nuns and whatever since her because she's innocent. Yeah, because she. She has since her father passed away okay. Cats father, unfortunately had been a home dad. Home dad isn't like a homeboy father. Yes. Okay, homeboy, father and because because daddy's oil love and oh my god this is this is why I love you. I mean, a lot of reason there's so many reasons and because he wanted a boy so bad he actually raised cat as a boy like forcibly so she's never worn dresses only pants. She learned how to hunt fish all the quote unquote manly stuffs actually


gonna come into play two weeks from now in an interesting way. I


keep going. Okay, which is all cool. But it was forced on her. You know? And so she was and like, she was pretty much told by your father, you're going to be a boy. You're going to be a boy. Yeah, cuz I never got one. And even things like for a long time. He forced her to cut her hair. Huh? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So like, in a way it's like, you know, it's kind of opposite opposite people who grow up sign one gender and then you know, they figure out later on in life. Yeah, it's like kind it's the same thing. They're like, she feels like this gender is being forced upon her. Right so so Kat never really learned how to be a lady and that made her feel very self quote unquote lady a quote unquote, lady, right, like but yeah, life essentially, and made her feel very self conscious and also made or the subject or really cool within the McDonald family. That's fair. Yeah. Because I'm struggling. Yeah. Okay. Just kind of. He's not thinking about our future either. Can Yeah, exactly. So and she doesn't really know how to be a lady so she feels more comfortable in pants, but she wants to race that more. feminine side. So I'm Cathy, opposite


of trans. This is interest. Yeah. Yeah. Way more on board than I thought I'd be given the cover. I know. I know. Right.


Okay. So cats father married another woman after cats mother passed away. And that woman had Elizabeth who is cats little sister now in the marriage between Elizabeth's mother and their father was no bueno. So Elizabeth was raised by her mother in London and was raised to actually be a lady. Okay. And Elizabeth and Kat didn't really grow up together, but they're still close. Cat is five years senior to Elizabeth and so cat had not heard from Elizabeth for a very long time until Elizabeth sent cat letter saying I need help. My mom is trying to marry me off to the six year old dude. And I would be its fifth wife. And the last one jumped out a window. Whoa, yeah, yeah, cuz she cats. So Elizabeth's mom is a bitch, obviously, but also just needs a title kind of she needs a title for money.


That's like, that's not a red flag. That's like, a flag the size of that blanket. There's snuggling on the cover, right? Yeah, a fucking red quilt. Right.


Right. And it's like so it's again, it's parents not thinking about their children's futures. You know, just about themselves. Yeah, just about themselves. So um, Elizabeth so she sent a letter to Cat begging for help and but cat immediately came install Elizabeth out of London and into the highlands. Nice. Yeah, yeah. So they have been living in this dilapidated old app like Abbey Manor. Yeah, out in the woods. Okay, on the land of our good friend, Bear. Bear Bear


burst is the second time we've had a bear of some sort. But this one is actually an our boy. The other one was just a boy. We just didn't know Yeah, we didn't have a scale at that point.


Um, so we're introduced a bear His real name is Monroe, but I'm just gonna call him bear. Okay.


Also this one isn't a literal bear. No,


not a literal


just the last one


was, yeah, yeah. He is the youngest brother of three siblings in a Scottish clan basically the maclary plan though the leaders of the maclary cram, cram, cram cram them as Laurie Yeah, yeah. And bears two older brothers Erin and Ranulf have been the homeboys of previous books on the series and are now happy with their our girls


okay? So they're good homeboys our boy Oh, they're


our boys our boys


okay, they did the our boys of previous books.


It's actually funny because now like think about it a little bit in the book. The fact that they found their spouse and now have a family to protect does make them a little bit of homeboys at some points. It's interesting. Yeah, it makes sense but it's also like you're not really I mean in terms of everybody you're just thinking in terms of your family Well sure. Yeah. That makes sense marriages


yes make assholes out of us all Case in point


me so to the maclary clan and bear as well in this clan in particular have the rep of taking in sort of lost souls but so to speak. If you're being forced into a wedding, which apparently happens a lot in this world, I mean really century a Woman Yes. Yeah. or really any sort of assistance they will take you in and defend you which is a pretty badass reputation. Yeah. I don't know if they got that rep because of ran off and errands marriages because they had to fight to for their ladies like they were from their ladies are from rival clams. Okay, yeah. So, or because they just always had it but that's the rep they have now. So in the beginning of the book, we find bear who's out hunting early in the morning, he spots a deer on some McClary rent land of the woods, and he pulls up his musket to shoot it, and here's the shot go off, but he's not the one who fired the shot.


Okay. I'm just imagining like if this were a movie that like moment where like, they like stop, because here's a shot and you think they got shot and then like someone else got shot the whole thing like the pirates, the Caribbean? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.


So he spots who he thinks is a boy, because they're wearing pants walk up and start butchering the deer. But then he noticed that this boy has long dark red hair, and a curvy body. And he's like, holy shit. Yes. Literally, he talks about he's like, No, I saw your curves from the get go and I was into that shit. Haley. Oh, yeah. So cat finishes up butchering the deer and takes it with her and naturally our boy fall was her until they get to the abandoned Abbey the hall. It's called Haldane so if I refer to it as Haldane that's what I'm talking about. Where she turns around point the gun at him and is like, bye Felicia be on your merry little way.


Word for word for word. Exactly.


So now they're so bear had thought that she hadn't seen or heard him. So he's shocked. Like, what? You knew I was there just like yeah, I knew you were there. No, we leave.


She knew he was there. Why does she take her him all the way back to there Abby?


I don't know she realized it later or why? Yeah, I mean, like if he knows the woods well enough he's gonna know that if she's heading in that direction she's probably going to be happy yeah, there yeah. Um, so he does he leaves in his back home but he pretty much tells her I'm coming back I'll see you in a bit.


All right. Yeah.


Cat so really what cat is trying to do while they're staying abandoned out? Abby with Elizabeth is figuring out a plan of what to do what's their next move? Right? Because they don't really have many allies now. Yeah, and cat does that's one of cats flaw. She does not trust anyone. Okay. Anyone, understandably so I guess Yeah, understandably so, um, I think that


is their growth. Yes. Okay.


And you know, that's one thing I liked about this book is that bear facilitates that growth, but not in a bad way. Not like I'm kind of like he He literally says multiple times during the book. I have to learn to be patient. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sweet, easy. cute. So cute. Yeah, he's so so, so cute. So um, they're like making dinner or something. And guess who shows up again? They're great. He calls up the camera. The outside of the Abbey is like, Hey, I've got some blankets and food. So why don't you let me in and we can talk. And she only lets them in enough to leave the bride and blankets that time and she but she does give them something in return her name. So now he knows her name. Basically keeps happening. Bear keeps coming back with food and cat keeps telling him to stay the hell away with her musket. He and She like holds up a gun and threatens to shoot him it becomes closer. But eventually he gets really tired of that shit. And he like, he's like, Alright, I'm gonna. I'm gonna call your bluff. So we walked into the manor finally. And he runs up the stairs. I mean, he grabs the gun from her. Alright, yeah, but then he does something that is very annoying. And it's time to shut her up. He kisses her damn by now. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, our boy started. That's kind of


thing and then teamson into the humble. But this


relationship of theirs. Well, you know, I call a relationship goes on for a while, who's coming and helping out. So just catching up the manner that they're staying in. So it's actually habitable?


Did she mention? She seems like she she


Yeah, she puts up a really strong fight but also like he, she's attracted to him too. So it's not okay. Don't get me wrong, but like she kind of like I think that she gets a little starstruck when he first kisses her. And he does throw her over his shoulder at what boy, she's very, it's very funny. You lady me, man. Wilson is soldier and then he lay and she disguises. I was like, I weighed nothing at all, because he's also got all this heavy stuff. And I'm just imagining like, it's that dude who drink security and all the grocery bags out of the car. Right?


So then he goes down


well, and he carries her over his shoulder and she's like, please, please, please put me down and then I will introduce you to my sister and I will explain everything anyway. Okay, and puts her down


and bringing groceries I'm gonna throw my husband over my shoulder and carry him into


that'll be really funny. video like I don't know what's happening. Um, so this relationship with theirs goes on for a while of him kind of coming and going and making it habitable for them. And I did put a note in here. I gotta say I love this our boy because he doesn't make cat change a bit about who she is. Like the fact that she wears pants and she wears men's clothing. Like that. She like kicks ass. You know? Like, she's not trying to change her at all, which I feel like I'm on some other books like they would be trying to put on these feminine ideas. He's like, No, I love the fact that you're a wildcat. And you're like kind of you drive me crazy. And they argue like an old married couple all the time. And it's really cute. Fun. It's really fun. Yeah, to see like,


he said, I love the fact that you're a wildcat. And all I can think of is like he's sitting there and like his high school musical jersey. Yes, we're all in this together.


Like that saw the cafeteria song. I've


never seen that movie. I shunned it with every fiber of my Bing and be honest,


to be honest with you. I didn't like it either. Because it came out right at the same time. I got type one diabetes. All right. Yes. So he doesn't really stand for the fact that people have insulted her in the past. Or that or that because of that she has low self esteem. He's like, No, you're hot. Like, that just is one of this.


Like, I love my ex deal.


He tells her exactly what he thinks of her which is that she's hot as hell.


Right? Ya know what I would so much rather that than someone like go about I mean, to be fair, the kissing thing wasn't cool, but like to like continue doing that and like just being like, I find you attractive. Do it that way. Yeah. And then go and do like, thank you. I don't like counting


this is nice. Yeah. Now in this period bears older brother Randall husband wondering where the hell his brother has been. Okay. Cheese and it's a ran off is the head of the clown like that head of the clan. And he's like, where the frick is my brother? I need him around because he's gone all day. Yeah, he says he's I think he bear does explain is that holding? Abbey man or whatever. fixing it up, but he's learnt ran off. It's like why? Yeah, but he lives out there. Right. So he ran off goes out with a dog and searches for him at the manor. And when Randall finds bear he doesn't see Elizabeth or cat just bear So he's like what are you doing out here and so bear does some quick thinking. He knows I couldn't hear the conversation he's having with ran off so bear explains ran off that about a week prior he had found a girl living in the woods and says that it was Elizabeth he found in only Elizabeth. Okay. He doesn't make any mention at all. So both Elizabeth and bear no, that cat is also hiding something. Okay, so that's been kind of like overshadowed and apply and she will not tell either of them like what is going on with her. She just even more than Elizabeth she wants to stay in hiding, right? And Elizabeth is just kind of like I'm I want to stay away from my throat. Okay, fair. Yeah. But like cat is like, I want nobody to find me ever, ever, ever, ever ever and so. And I think why bear didn't just say I'm just out here fixing the houses because ran off was going to go into the manor and be like, starting right looking around that they were going to leave least find Elizabeth. Maybe I can hide. Okay, so I'm ran off agrees to give Elizabeth protection nice and from her patrols. And so Elizabeth goes with Randolph and bareback to the manor. And it's kind Randall thinks that bear wants to marry Elizabeth. Ah, yes. Yes. So, but that which is not the case, not true at all. So ran off takes Elizabeth back to the manor, whatever it is. And bear comes with her all the while like he's sweating. He's panicking because he's like, What if cat just bolts? What if she just leaves? I


don't want her to leave? I


don't know. i He's crazy about her absolutely


know anything about her personality? Or is it just because she's hot?


No, no, he knows a lot about she's really feisty. She's really just like, nice. I can do things myself. And it's not in a place of like feminism. You know, I mean, like, in a place of I've been forced to for a really long time. And now I really am really self dependent in


Atlantis vampire one when they shove it down your throat. Exactly,


exactly. She doesn't bolt. But she does come up with a plan herself. One that she hates. She decides it's best if bear Mary's Elizabeth to keep her snake from the discount and to quote unquote, settle him down. Because he's just like, he's literally called bear. He's a bear of a man. Right? Wild.


So here's the here's a fun and interesting thing. That's kind of a flip. Because isn't that usually like, oh, when she gets married? She'll settle down. Like kind of


like, yeah, actually ran off earlier in the book had that conversation with there and said, like, you need to settle down. You need to start thinking about making having a family and I was like, I want none of that. I've no interest in it. I love my nieces and nephews. But I have no interest in that. Okay.


Yeah, like part of it is like, you know, and because the woman doesn't think she can change him like that right thing?


Yeah, it's them kohat having a relationship. And they're not trying to like, yes, they're not trying to change them. They just want to be with each other. It's a


good, you know, I like being on this side of the wholesome book.


I do have criticisms of this book, but it's not because the characters are the cause.


Is this how it feels every time? Yes. Wow. Yeah. Don't get me wrong. I love bashing shitty books, but I like the whole sun. This is


good to have a breath of fresh air. Yeah, rice is nice, right? Um, bear comes back to the manor and takes this idea wonderfully. JK. He's like, No, I know what aluminized want you and he's like, he's like, I don't know how to explain to you that. I think you're beautiful. And I love you and you're adorable. And I'm so attracted to you, but he figures it out they have sex. Oh, yeah, that'll do it that'll do it.


Was she into it? Oh yeah, hell yeah. Yeah, good.


Yeah. Like not it's not my it wasn't


should we start reading the sex at the end?


We really should. Okay, I don't think we need to describe it we just write it write it.


I would hate to ruin it for people.


I think the thing about it This is gonna make me sound really kinky is that it was very vanilla was just waking up. She was a virgin you know?


Better to be vanilla Jack red believable to be vanilla than to be like and then we got on the swing. Better Glenn Mick Lowry swing. Fans of manner. Actually. No but the manner Oh yeah. Hell yeah.


The dilapidated manner is actually like a sexy


like clan maclary snakes.


So Bear is literally spending all of his time at holding Castle like all because he's there the night because they're banging and then he's there during the day trying to make the castle better for her.


So vandals got it. No, no, that's been accused of being oblivious. But this is like someone just took like a fish in the face.


And it gets worse. Awesome. Yeah. So I'm not gonna be nice about it. They are completely idiots. And assume that he's fixing up the house for Elizabeth. Despite the fact that he's barely spent a second with Elizabeth since he got her out of the woods,


they don't know the cat's there though, right? I don't know that. That makes a little more sense. Yeah, it


does. It makes a little bit more sense, but it's also just, like, Isn't spending any time with her, you know? Yeah. So one day bear is actually at his home late in the morning sleeping for five minutes when Randall knocks on his door and it's like a rival clan is on their way here. You need to get dressed. So Elizabeth and cat like I said, are part of the McDonald clan but that clan apparently has been divided for a while and things have been Teskey ever since. So basically, there's like we're gonna call this there's a North McDonald clan and a south McDonald clan. I'm loving it and they're both


there's a McDonald's on the north town and then there's the South Side McDonald's


McDonald's sponsor us actually dope because their foods grow Big Macs you can no no. And they're both fight so both of these plans are fighting over who's really in charge like kind of like it's kind of like a Cold War atmosphere right


right right. So this guy gets the nukes first. Sorry.


Okay, so this guy toward in it was achieved in the McDonald clan comes to the MC Lowry castle to see Elizabeth and everyone assumes it's because Elizabeth ran away from her portrayal and Torrington is like man I don't care about that I was actually wondering if you've seen your sister as we're supposed to be getting married oh shit so toward an end cat are from opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the McDonald plan okay. But the Klan has been trying to start like has been trying to start a clan fight for years and years and years and years and and one side finally saw an opportunity by offering CAPTCHA dork toward infer marriage


you know as an object now you're doing that


right here exactly. On the surface it looks like the clans are trying to come back together but here's the thing cats side of the clan knew that toward and would reject the proposal as cat has a reputation of being weird like they are slash basically a dude. So basically she was handed a toward and to be publicly humiliated and told no, I won't marry her and then a war would pretty much start like a civil war between the two clans would start. Yeah. Her uncle set this up knowing what would happen and I think tooradin sort of knows what's happening. But he I think he also kind of I'm I want to be optimistic about this guy. I think he also just wanted to see cat and make a decision for himself. But cat ran Okay, so cat The moment she heard she was out like she it was it was perfect timing because Elizabeth center that letter and I think she kind of then had an excuse.


Fuck, boy, boy about


so torrid it was meant to be insulted. Yeah, reject the proposed lottery saw her and that was meant to start a clan war. But now our boy and our girl have fallen in love. Hmm. And I have to say this for our boy. He's so sweet. He's so Okay, so here's the thing about our boy. He's so ready to throw down for anyone who insults cat.


Is that guy at the party that just somehow always takes the shirt off?


Yeah. Yes. Yeah, let


me bro like you Eddie. Little


thing. He's like he's already punched. Ranulf Nice. Well, he hasn't punched right off now they think about it. He's going to punch Randall so um, he's like, it's because people still don't know about cat he's gonna pretend that everything's fine. She's you know still in the woods and Elizabeth thank God is really smart. And it's just like really good at lying. It was like what? I haven't seen my sister for five years that's crazy. She went missing Exactly. Uh, things stay the same for a little while but it's amazing how the Bolivia's the two brothers say about our boy to the abandon me. Until finally finally they're like, there's gotta be another chick out there that he's looking after. Like they


finally finally you don't say Sherlock, but


they don't think that he actually likes the other girl out of the woods because our boy is definitely lovable. As with right, that's why he's spending every day.


Zack courted me never spending time with me left.


So Ranulf goes out to me cat and is like, Hey, here's 1000 pounds for you to leave and never come back. Because Ranulf does not want to get involved in another clan war. And if the McDonald clan finds out that they're harboring cat on their land, they're gonna be pissed at the MC Lowery's. Yeah, okay, yeah, our boil handle handles that very well. Like I mentioned before our boys ready to throw down for cat so when ran off and salts are even a teeny tiny bit Boy punches his brother in the face nice yeah, fight. Still Randall still doesn't think that his brother is in love with cat so Ranulf gives their end cat an ultimatum she either leaves the money or she comes out to actually meet with torrid and like in person okay so otherwise ran off will drag her out of the woods and hand her over to Jordan wow yeah see the rst it's because like the kid it because he didn't want to start a war sort of war he has children now he has his wife like he's really just trying to keep things like peaceful and bear is like all ready to throw down and ran off crazy. So then Erin comes out the other brother and tries to talk sense into cat and our boy he also gets cat triple the money so now this is enough money for her to go and basically making you know, whatever she wants, she doesn't have to worry about this marriage anymore. She just has to leave. But he receives the same answer from our boy and cat who say nope, not going anywhere. I'm not leaving one refreshing part of this plot was once cat knew that she loved our boy there was no question that she was going to stay with them like she knew. Like she they question all the time with each other they're like is this really the best thing I know that we love each other but like we this concerned plan war like this could you know this is causing a rift with your brothers and I don't want to do that. But like ultimately they both like kind of build each other up and are like, No, we love each other. We feel like this is worth risking. Hey, yeah, I


could just take the money and both of them could fuck off.


Yeah, that's true. And that's I don't because that that might have been one it could have happened. But Randolph and Aaron still think that he is in love with her and I do think he tells you that he's like we won't take the money what I'm leaving with you like I'm staying with you no matter what. Yeah your mind your


mind your mind your mind. I'm yours your mind drug custody.


So cat and bear actually do go to the castle to speak with tooradin and the rest of the maclary plan about what to do next cat wears a dress for the first time ah and bear help certs Phillips teach her how to walk such behave in it. And it's really cute. Like, it's funny because he's like this really gruff aggressive guy, but he's so gentle with her. And like I said before, like he's, when he's in the beginning of the book, it takes a lot for him to gain her trust he's or thinks he is he really is like deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down he is. And he's like, I will learn patience for this because I really want to get to know her and like, you know, find out who she is and what the deal is. He's like, I will. I will wait. I know. You're really so happy. You're just like


this man. No,


I know. Um,


honestly, I like him more than I like Coldwell Aten Oh, we do. He's like he seems more genuine than he does. He is.


I love because you get his perspective in the book. And it's such, it almost reminded me of a light switch because he was just like, the moment that he figured out that he liked her slash loved her. He was like, okay, like, this is this is it like, I'm done. I don't need to search anymore. I found the right one for me. And it doesn't it doesn't mean marriage for him. It doesn't mean the only thing that matters to him is being with her. Yeah, yeah. Like, alright. And at one point, like they're at a bar or something together. And he says, Yeah, you know, I have slept with a lot of people before. You're right. But you know what, you're the last one. Yeah, yeah, I know.


I know. It's like a big change. It's just been dipped in scotch. And it built her up to


because she's finally getting this validation of like, Hey, this guy. Those trust wounds, healing some of those trust things, but also validation for who she is because everybody's always questioned how she looks how she dressed what she does, and he just doesn't care. He just does not care. He's like, I think he looks sexy and pants and a shirt. I also think he looks sexy in a dress. Like you're just sexy. I don't know what to tell yah. Yah, yah.


Yah. Yah, here's my face.


I know it's like I love your face right now. It's so cute. He adjust this behavior to make her more comfortable with herself and to show her he loves her for who he is who she is.


You should take like a like, you know, the last one was bad.


Okay, so basically though, the end of the book is just myth. Ah, they go to the castle. So good Warden insults cat, bastard idiot. Our boy gets his punch in because he's been just dying to punch toward higher time. And then so then like, it's this weird situation where it's like the solution is right in front of you. Why is nobody seeing this? Mary It's get married, right? That's one solution. But then so after the punch, cat and bear talking and bear looks over it toward him to find Elizabeth is tending towards me. Huh? Yeah.


And so he's like do what now?


Huh, huh? All right. So he brings toward Elizabeth over, they all have a chat and then toward and takes Elizabeth into the next room because they're basically they are going to get married and they're both cool with it so that's why toward and takes Elizabeth into the next room to talk privately because he's like I don't want to just force you into this I want to talk to you and see if you're actually interested and she has been interested in him. Okay. I'm interested in him okay. He because the other two brothers are complete idiots and are paying attention to anything apparently. But berries. He has noticed over the course of the book that like even though I'm not here a lot, right? He seems to be concerned about what toward his thinking and what toward him is doing. Okay? She got the hots for she got the hots for him. So they go into the next room. They agree and Torian I don't think is really interested in Clan War either he or she probably feels just as much of a pawn as cat dead. This solves the problem because she's still in McDonald. Yeah. So toward the end Mary's, Elizabeth. And the words prevented the end. So that's really how it ends. Okay, so it's like this book is kind of like that dumpster fire of a book Breaking Dawn from the Twilight series. I know all this but so like at the end of that book, right? There's like this big scene where, like the Volturi and are vampires. I'm sorry, I know too much about this. I'm impressed. And they have like this they meet and like this field and you're like, oh, geez, it's shits about to go down. Like they're gonna fight that see


like, so I remember. I watched the first movie read the first book. And that was it because I was done with it.


That's why shame.


And like, I remember like seeing like a clip from a movie where it was like this big thing. It was in a giant field. And there was like six people on either side. Like it was that big?


Yeah, it wasn't that big of a thing. Well, in the book though it never the fight never even goes down. They all meet together. They have a conversation and then the Volturi the bad vampires lead.


That's it go communication


doesn't make like it's all this build up. And then nothing happened. Like frustrating because there are all these clues of like, what you should do characters. Why aren't you figuring this out? Because I think authors describing them in a way of like, Oh, I think you people are intelligent. And yet, and yet there's the two brothers. Two brothers who can't seem to figure out that their brother has got the hots for this other girl chick,


huh? Yeah, that's


kind of disappointing. It's it's disappointing. And it just it I will in the plot was like the characters development was really great the plot so we can


get into getting into review. Well, I do they get married. Yeah. Okay. So they do. Yeah. Oh, yeah. But you know, okay. Well, I do really love our boy. Oh, my God. Yeah. He's great side. The one little kiss thing is a little smudge on his reputation. Every other thing is awesome. Let's face it. Nobody's perfect. Nobody's nerfing Yeah. So


it is a romance novel. So it's like, not surprised by that kind of thing. Yeah.


But that's so good. Yes. How did it feel to have a good one? It's all good.


I will say this. It wasn't as exciting cuz I just wasn't


super excited. I'll be honest. That's usually how it goes. Yeah, some of them are. But for the most part, it's like, they're so good. But they're almost it's not so much that like, it's not exciting. It's that we have so much more fun just bashing bashing Black Books, which is why to be fair, we tend to skew towards those if possible. Yes, I do like fine.


Well, and I thought judging by the title, by the cover that this was going to be redonkulous. And I will say this, I would I would go back and read other books by her just because this one is the characters are good, like I'm behind the relationship. So hopefully the other book subplots are just a little more exciting. And I think they are because like one of the girls that one of the Dewsbury is like from the rival clan. Okay, ready, like so that would grow down. Yeah, it might be like a whole kind of war starts or something like that. Okay. Um, yeah,


yeah. All right. I like that. You're right. That was very anticlimactic. But the rest of it was really good. Okay. Yeah. So what did you think about our boy then our Scottish cinnamon roll?


I mean, I really liked him. And there's it's hard. He's like this big gruff guy, but he's not afraid of showing his emotions for one thing, which is really hot.


Yeah, guys really high. I mean, like people, if you want to think about like, like a really good example of a woman that will do that women like, is Flynn writer, because they literally got a focus group of women be like, Alright, what do you like in a boot? Yeah, it's Flynn writer. Yeah, emotions are totally fine. And we like


them. Yeah, we want to hear about them. We want to hear about how you feel right? Oh, yeah.


bottle it up and then pout when you're pissed about something.


Oh, yeah. So and have us guess what's wrong?


We're getting this wrong. It goes both ways. Yeah, you get pissy about chicks, quote unquote, hinting you do it too. Yeah. Oh my god, you just expect us to know. I don't know who needs to hear that. But here it is.


You need to hear this. So I really liked him. I mean, he's also kind of honestly my type, gruff exterior. Yeah, that's true. He's not. I have multiple types. I'm a very complicated


person. He's like a warm, gooey cinnamon roll served with a shot of scotch. Yeah, yes. Yum. I know. I'm down for that. Cinnamon Rolls after this. No, no, I mean dinner. Nevermind. But we can't get scotch. We are going to Celtic festival. Oh, actually, I don't know if they sell scotch. We saw a lot of beer and cider. So cool. Yeah. Awesome. Um, okay, so cat. Yes. What did you write a wonderful?


I'm a four at least. Right? Because yeah. I mean, he is one blemish on his reputation too. So solid, um, cat. I liked her a lot, too. The only thing that drove me a little crazy about cat though she didn't trust anyone and you can't survive in life like that. Now granted, I think that I hated her for that because I literally trust no wash. That's fair. It's me rejecting


the mirror. But was it gross towards trust? Yeah.


And he like I said he facilitated that growth.


He did it. You know, a way that wasn't just get over yourself. It was okay. Right on this. Well, they also think about that book.


What was it about like the rich CEO who like went down all her barriers or whatever? That one.


Was this the lemon meringue pie one?


No, no, no, that was the good one.


That was the better one. Yeah. Oh, which one was this? Yeah. Remember you about? I remember the book. I'm trying to remember what book it was. It was


hardwired. That's it? Did


we put that one out? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


It was hard wired ones we did. Yeah. So hard wired. And in the description. It was so intellectual he was so intellectual Aveda douche canoe? Yes. So like, but in that book, the author tried to do the same thing. But she was forcing it. He was forcing himself. And this one bear is like kind of pushing himself into her light. But he's like, also like being patient about it. Yeah. And just like, slowly, he'll, she'll argue with him like, No, I'm not gonna tell you something. And he's like, Okay, I'm gonna go fix that door so that nobody can come in at night.


I know. I really don't cross like, like, yeah, actually. She's cat. And you want to know how you get three cats to love you. You just are there. And you leave them food, and you leave them food. And then you go and do something else while you're there. Like so they can get used to you slowly. Yeah, that's


true. I love how he calls her wild cat. Oh, it's so cute.


I needed these fields today. No, this. You're fine. Oh, it's so good. This makes me very happy. So when I


saw I liked her, and she's very self sufficient. Very like shaped that she hasn't like seen her sister in forever and immediately just drops everything to go and which I also love hate. Um, so I give her 3.5 But that's personal process. Just like


it's just somewhat Hey, we can't be 100% unbiased on


this. It's yeah, it's fine. plot plot.


And it was just, it was it was okay. It


just never really like nothing really ever happened that I felt like I felt threatened enough by to be interested in right. You


know, I guess here's, here's an interesting comparison, I suppose. Like it seemed like a book that was there for the romance, which is the romance shot, right. So the plot wasn't like super exciting and engaging, but it was still like a decent romance will carry you through kind of like in. I mean, hell and in Pride and Prejudice. There's not a ton of plot there. The biggest plot point is Lydia. Lydia. Yeah, that's true. And also everything Jane and Jane. Yeah, but even that kind of just sales. That's not as like, it's still exciting. I love that. Yeah. But I feel like because it is like, it's more focused on the romance. I feel like there's two types of novels. There's the, this is a romance and you can absolutely go too far in that, right. But I also feel there's, we got to make sure it's an exciting plot and also romance. And so it's very much a sliding scale. So I think it's like, I would give it like a three, three and a half because it's just really solid down the middle. Good. 333 and a half is not bad, right? It's just like, average, like this is good. This isn't


what again, five, five? Yeah, three, three and a half. Yeah, that's I would even more, I would even more like maybe 2.5 really just well just because it's really middle of the road, you know, and at the end of it the end was really disappointing. Yeah, it just was like I don't expect a war but I also expect a little bit more clash literally they have a fight over lunch. That's it like, hey,


all you need to


do Warden is sitting on one side of the table bear is sitting on the other toward and says something about cat and she's very literal like a bear. Yeah, a cat gets exasperated with that she's like, I can take care of myself. And he's like, I know, but I love you.


I just imagined parrot. Oh, baby. Hold on.


I got your power.


You go kick his ass.


Love it. So yeah, that's


that overall book one to 10. Um, oh, wait, we got it. We got to add this slide. So what are we are we okay, um, do already one to five for the smart scale to yeah, we'll do one. All right. This is guys. This is a historic moment in textual tension history. Reviewing the smart


Oh, like I said, pretty vanilla. But still cute, cute. And probably like, three 3.5 It just like wasn't, you know, in a robe itself. I'm kind of like do something. It's just do a barrel roll.


Yeah, I mean, like


granted in the lightning prick book. I wanted to put like Megan


to the sex that he didn't do. Just just the tip of that line.


Okay, all right.


Two and a half, three. All right, fair. That's fair. Yeah. And I do want to disclaim here, we fully realize that not every romance novel has to have smite. But this one does. So we're gonna write it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. Overall, but one to 10 Six, six. Okay, about half. All right. Above average, above average plot did not carry it enough. What do you spend money on it? Or just if you say to the library, I say


if you see the library, pick it up. Like it's a good beach read, you know, very cool. Um, I think it's a good book. It's just not my cup of tea. I think it's really what I'm doing like that more. I like romance novels. I have a little bit more plot to it. Because it brainy it just like, amps up the romance. Yeah, sure. Yeah.


I'm so happy that you had a good one. And I love this cinnamon roll of a man. And now I want a giant gooey cinnamon roll with scotch. I'm hungry. I am to make dinner after this. Yeah, go to the Celtic festival. You


have no more question to ask me. Oh,


what are you? What are you reading in your downtime? I'm seeing you for a month in a fucking house.


I know. So I was reading this book called in order to live a North Korean girls. Girls journey to freedom. That sounds awesome. It was. RACHEL I was shocked. This girl is amazing name is she escaped North Korea. And then she escaped a human like a human trafficking situation in China, and eventually got all the way to South Korea and her her story. I was like, What am I doing with my life kind of thing? Yeah, if I ever see youngmee Park in real life, that's her name. I'm gonna like cry and act like I'm meeting or not act like but like, it'll be like other people being mean Beyonce. Awesome. She actually has a TED talk. I think I think it should TED talk or something. Yeah, I'll put it in the show notes. Please do. She's like, so cool. So well spoken her book is written so well. And considering like she had when she left North Korea and came into South Korea. Eventually. They I think that they put her grade level at like a second or third grade leak reading level. And she's 616 17 Yeah. So like, that's amazing. Amazing. And so now she's like this huge human rights activist. She went to college like that she did all this cool stuff. The book is incredible. I highly highly, highly recommend it very do spend money to spend money. Absolutely spend money on it be shuck. Neat. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Okay. Well, thanks for joining in guys. We hope to see you on our live show. Please come out. We'd love to see you there. There's signs around Cincinnati. I was hanging out. I was putting them up and like the sweltering heat


let us know if you see you. Yes, degree Sure. Yeah, I guess. Um, yeah, so please. Oh, rate review. subscribe. Check out batas tipplers. Again, we're sorry. Yes. Oh, sorry. That book is cursed. I think it is. Yeah. To be fair, it was a fucking awful book. It


was a fucking awful book so bad. My god dammit, Brandon.


Maybe we'll chat about it at some point. Yeah, I'm fucking awful and just a whole truly hilarious hair ripping way Yeah. Your hair just Oh, God lives. Yeah,


it was brilliant. We the problem with it too is that and this is gonna give. We love Pride and Prejudice.


And it's so this was Pride and Prejudice fanfiction. Yeah,


it was no horrible like fanfiction began bad.


Know if you want us to sit down and actually talk about it because I kind of do I do if you guys do, maybe, maybe it'll be Christmas special


bonus a bonus episode at some point. Yeah, yeah. Patreon one day should drink.


And yeah, that was when we first recorded it. That's true. Yeah, um Yeah, so check out boss tipplers we're sorry, come back two weeks because I have an homeboy situation. You know, I weirdly am too. And hey, reach out to us and where can they reach out to us? Margie Facebook, textual tension,


Twitter, tension PA, Gmail, textual tension, Potter, gmail.com. Goodreads,


textual tension, Instagram. They say that one already textual tension pod website, textual tension par.com. I never say them in the same order. No, either. No, it's not to trip you up. It's because I never remember them in the same


Well, I always love that, like you will tell me and that I had to look away and think about it. And then we've


got everything we do. So yeah, thank you guys so much. Come back. We want to hear from you. Send us recommendation. All That Jazz. We love you. You're wonderful.


And we do have a recommendation for someone else. And I think I'm gonna pass the author's along to you. Oh, yeah.


We do that boy. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. All right, well, bye. Bye. I love you. I love you. And if, if you're going to Gen Con next week, you might see me Are you gonna have a business cards? Hell yeah. I got business cards at Gen Con. I will leave them


everywhere. Make it rain. Great.


I will. I will definitely do that. Cool. All right. We love you all.