Textual Tension

Ep. 30: Low Expectations

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 30

Join Rachel and Margie as they pass a serious milestone in Textual Tension history: reviewing their first Harlequin Romance Novel! Listen in as Rachel tells Margie all about Lori Foster's, Run the Risk. If you didn't get enough literary analysis in your AP English class, then this is the episode for you!


Hey guys, this is your co host Rachel. Just wanted to give you guys a quick heads up. We're having a little bit of mic trouble during the recording of this episode so it sounds a little tin canny or buzzy. Don't worry, we fixed it. I did the best I could while editing, but just wanted to give you a heads up in case that bothers anybody. So without further ado, please enjoy episode 30. low expectations. Warning the following podcast contains adult themes. Our hosts are just too romantic saps that love overthinking and overanalyzing their favorite literary genre the thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely their own listener discretion is advised.


Oh, tearing me apart from Roxy.


Hello, and welcome textual tension. I love hate relationship with romance novels. I'm your co host, Rachel and I are co hosts Margie. Every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our other unsuspecting co host. And together we unpack what the fuck just happened. Hi, everybody. Hi, everyone. Welcome from our new studio. Again. If you were here last two weeks ago, you will remember that we have a new addition to the menagerie which is Baron Rudel fun haplin The second Rudy for short, my mom's Corgi,


it would have been really we just heard like a sudden silence after you said Rudy.


Well, he has officially woken up from the nap because we recorded these one after the other and is now currently crunching down on just the biggest bone and it's the only way when I gave the other one it is the other one it is the only way to keep him silent while we do this silence This is a silent as he's gonna get. And I'm not entirely opposed to like injecting something but like roofie in him but I'd rather not.


Oh, we don't need to. It's just he's just a darling. So


basically, if you hear any


weird background noise if you hear any crunchy my beautiful child


the Corgi Rudy, I got our Instagram. You'll see a picture. Yeah, he's


so cute. Oh my God. He was PR and our Twitter now. Yeah,


he's on our Twitter's I'm not on the tweets. So Twitter.


The tweets, the Twitter.


Aggressive follows so happy. All right, so let's, let's enjoy this. Let's get into this. Margie. Are you ready? No. Oh, you're crazy. So preface this a little bit. Um, I have a book that Amber I swear to God, I've been waiting for this long to get your recommendation from the library guys still. No. Here's what happened. i She's recommended an author yet. I grabbed something from the author that I thought was gonna be kick ass and I finally got it this week from the library. And it was a new genre. It was pirate demon pirates. And I was sort of reading it. I realized this isn't a romance novel. I picked the wrong one from


that often it's about demon virus.


And it is as confusing as it sound. The main the main dude's name is devil Bane. You know, I


shed also, also how's that not a romance novel? One right to but like demon Meyer says I think about it. I'm like Pirates of the Caribbean.


Yes, that's what it was basically. Right. So I had to throw that one away. And I ordered another one that is definitely a romance novel from this author. So I'm waiting to hear that one back.


So they have ABS on the


you know, that's how I know. Zach also recommended one for me. Yes, but he recommended to me last night, which was too late. Well kill, it'll come so time. Hey, well. So my next two books are squared away find all this one. Well, I


have to make a request for a listener. So now that I'm thinking about her, do you guys want Zack the husband or the podcast to be we need to know. Because he's debating and we want them on. So


let us know what you think. Oh, yep, there you guys


stuck an episode because an episode


a single episode? Yeah. Um, so the one that I have for you today is one that I got from our little free library, our neighborhood little free library. And this is a huge milestone, because I didn't realize until partway in it is our first ever because it's very subtle and you'll have to tell our listeners how subtle it is. It's our very first ever Harlequin romance no


Wow. To be honest, like I'd be


like the I had no idea was a Harlequin romance novel. No look on the look on the spine. There is a tiny thing on the very Wow,


okay, okay, but I had to Yes, right. So it's it's a dude looking off to the side. He's not sure it was but his shirt shirt is unbuttoned so it's like an oxford shirt unbuttoned and you can see the 246 me be I can see at least at least expect at least a six pack if not I can maybe see seven because I can write a seven


seven yes


because he's leaning to one side and it's um the title of the book is run the risk it's by Laurie Foster a New York Times bestselling author means nothing but sure nothing was sure what we've learned. And it is a Harlequin romance of red hot page and the author's name is way bigger than the title and is in fluorescent it is it is indeed we have to get like a boomerang of this like me doing it is super shine Mary Lee this the guy and cover IV into it.


He you know, not 100% My time he's an attractive man. Not my jam, but that's fine.


He's got that mysterious thing going on about him. Although I'm not into the chest hair.


Not on the book. Oh, I make a point of it in the book. Alright, so go ahead and flip that puppy over love it okay and and and tell me how into it you are after you read this description. Oh, no more it


should i Okay. When detective Logan risk goes undercover to find gates.


Keep rolling baby.


I'm a potential link to his best friend's unsolved murder. He vows to gain her cooperation by any means necessary. But the elusive beauty is more is more suspicious and in far more dangerous than he expected. And the last thing Logan needs


Yeah, he's the one that puts her in danger.


All right. Pepper has spent years dodging the corrupt club owner who will stop at nothing to keep her silenced. She could just no one not even the handsome new construction work


keep going. Roll as a baby.


Oh I can think of is Magic Mike. Okay, who's moved in next door the heat between them is undeniable but will surrender the passions bring her the safety she so desires or will feelings for Logan draw them both into a killers crosshairs.




So Hi, Rudy. Hello. How are you? Hello, sir. Go get your ball, calm down and get your bone. So you're gonna get a kick out of this. But I have a little bit of a change in format for this one. All right. And it's because it's not in itself a buck wild book, the particular phrasing of certain things and things that come out during the book are horrifically sexist. Oh, sex.


Oh, this time? I can't wait.


What are you eating? Are you eating but oh, you're just looking the floor. That's fine. So this time this is Rachel Right? Oh, well, now the Ottoman fucking weirdo. So this time, I'm going to go over our characters. I did not break it down into scenes. Okay, we have is I just have a summary. It's a little bit quicker than normal. So like my format, a little bit like oh, yeah, yeah. And then at the end, I have discussion questions. Yeah, we're going full book club on this. So triggers really quickly can't wait. Um, there is definitely murder. Oh, good. Okay, okay. Okay. Um, there is trafficking human of the human variety.


Oh, good. Our favorite. Yeah, but it's not our favorites


reference. It's not like something we experienced. Okay. And that's about it. Okay. Yeah. So it's actually not too bad trigger wise thing again, is that like, technically this book isn't that quote unquote bad put. It's not good. Not good. Yeah. Okay,


here we go. Ready? We


go. Our characters you are gonna get the biggest kick out of this because I thought of you immediately. Oh, so we have Logan risk. Alright, SK II so almost risque. Like me just a little bit. Yeah. Um, so he is super ripped. Okay, shirtless for like half the book.


And so that's what made you think it'd


be right. No, not that. We're getting there. Right here. Yes. Okay. brown hair, five o'clock shadow and he's a cop that is working for Let's talk about Rudy risk. Oh, he's playing with himself. Hey. So he is currently a cop in a particular precinct that is has some corruption in it. So he's trying to rat out the corruption. But, Rudy, he's also trying to find his best friend's killer from a couple years ago, like two years ago.


Right to me, I'm


getting there, hang on. So his best friend was the police commissioner. And he was called into this, this nightclub by the nightclubs owner. And the nightclub owner was trying to get him on his payroll as a dirty cop Commissioner refused was murdered. So he is trying to get to the one witness in this case by going undercover as a thief, right. As a construction worker. I'm using the alias Logan Stark


Okay, now I get it. listeners. I love Marvel movies.


Our women are our main chicks name is pepper. Yay. Oh, my gosh. Such a fan base not with the names. Literally.


But I love it. I love it. I am. I am good about you know, Robert Downey Jr. Pepper and Gwyneth Paltrow I


would. Why would you make them look that nice? In your head? Pepper Yates currently aliased Sue Meeks.


Oh, yeah, cuz that's a chill last name.


I'm playing blonde hair described as being dull. No makeup whatsoever, kind of ugly clothes. doll hair? Not great. No, there's a reason for that. Okay. Um,


is that reason? No,


actually not sportswear. Okay, so, a little bit of background before we get really into the plot, right? Um, listeners, if you hear weird noises again, it's Rudy. I put him in his kennel. He is. Well, his point is grumpy. Yeah, he wants to play. So like I said, there's dirty cops. And not the fun dirty and so dirty. No. Okay. Well, I mean, hey, oh, um, so like I said, dirty caps. And I told you about Commissioner that was murdered. And Logan wants revenge and the nightclub owner that murdered him. His name was Morton Andrews.


Sisters. Yeah. Wow. As you name your children, right. Yeah, no, totally


normal. And there was one witness to this murder. Mm hmm. And it was peppers brother. Oh, yeah. Okay, so I'm expected Logan is trying to get to peppers brother through pepper. He was finally able to track them pepper. Also fun fact, this happens in Ohio. Ah, oh, no fictional place in Ohio. Were called Warfield Ohio. There is a Warfield Kentucky it's assumed it's southern Ohio. Okay, so I'm assuming Cincinnati could be wrong. Oh, and so he's undercover right now as a construction worker. And he has tracked down Susan


just keep imagining like a stripper construction. Yeah. So like pulling off that like oh, not wearing anything underneath?


You can get to work work work work. Yeah, right. That music video does not does not is not OSHA approved. Let me tell you I was alright so let's get into our description. Like I said I did not break it into scenes I just kind of stream of consciousness it because I have discussion questions for later. Okay. Can't wait. So pepper. Yeah, Haley's Sue. Okay, it's coming home. And Logan is shirtless on his balcony watching her like he is every day please shirtless pretty much constantly. Uh huh. So he's been like casually flirting with her and she's just been ignoring him and the entire internal monologue hers god no not again. Which is a problem in and of itself because he should not be pushing if obviously


like Just don't be creepy sitting out on your like what your balcony staring at her shirtless I want to be hokey is anything that happens in


real life. Hmm. So he corners her basically in her own apartment and tries to get her name and why he finally gets it and honestly it's just all together your name or alias alias. Okay guys all together too pushy. He's just so pushy, but he's putting up this vibe of he's attractive and playfully flirting with her which she is intentionally playing down her looks and like wearing nice Good clothing because she's undercover and has been for like two years hiding, right? Two years,


two years so long.


And so he's like, casually flirting and everything. And she has this moment of like, why?


Yeah, just leave me alone.


Like, also leave me alone. Right? Yeah. And he is not letting go. And so you kind of flip over to his internal monologue. And he's like, you know, get her to talk to me, you know, by any means necessary, even if it's seduction or whatever. So that's what he's shooting for. Also, you want to talk about dirty cops and not in the fun way. Yeah, this. Right. So she is trying to lay low and he's making it very difficult. But she is trying to, like, sorry, yeah, he really flustered her. She's attracted to them. And I, she's trying to sit there and think like, how would Susan Meeks like someone who's like, how would they respond? She doesn't want to be weird, right? She would probably be flattered and like, maybe slightly reciprocate, because why would someone be interested in her and yada, yada, yada? Whatever? I don't know. It's just a real person. No, it's not an it makes no sense. Yeah, basically, she's establishing this person's fake person's personality entirely based on her looks.


That she manufac Yes.


It makes sure no gods. All right, right. Gone. Um, so he then goes out on his patio or his balcony again, because he knows that she pretty much grills her dinner every night on her patio, balcony thing. Oh, so he's just out there. Sure. So he's basically just enjoying the sunshine and forcing her to interact with him when she goes, Oh,


row. Yes, it should also cook inside.


Orders out like that,


like that. Deliveroo


DoorDash. Um, so she goes out to grill and he like, you know, being quote, unquote, playful. It's like, Yeah, well, I mean, just make sense for us to like, you know, both grill out and I bought a steak and your grills already out? Can I come over jokingly,


okay, in a way that In last episode that's smooth,


it's smooth, smooth. But he is not expecting anything. He's like, just kind of planting the seed and she's like, alright. And he's like, Wait, really? Okay. I'll be over in five minutes. I can cross over. So like she even herself was like, Why did I agree to that? What did I do? Like, well, she's


cute, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah, she


does. Okay, and she's been undercover for two years. Yeah, like hasn't allowed herself to like flirt with anybody. And we're also and I mentioned this to Margie. This book does have talk of Dick twitching. I


hate dick to


the first cut like page and a half. Are you serious? Oh, baby. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, maybe? Yeah. So much waiting. What? Wait, what? Hey, we have a shirt for that. Yeah, sure. Check out our T public. It's on our website. Um, so he comes over it is super awkward. But then no kissing at the end of it. And he goes back to the apartment, let's say. And it's steaming. Yeah, they don't they don't get to get in yet. That's actually kind of good. I like the fact that like, just kiss. She's the one that drew the line. But okay, yeah. But she does agree to eat pizza at his place the next day. Well, she must have gone okay, right. Like, again, she's not 100% Sure why she agreed to that. But she did


life be like that life be like that though.


Birds of Aristotle. Like to be like


love with it like a week and I'll just go to Rachel be like, like, be like that. Oh, beautiful.


She goes over the next night. And it's again, really awkward. Their interactions are kind of weird, because she's obviously like trying not to do stuff, but she wants to and he's like, trying to draw her out and like, but also not push too hard to get her to run away from him. Like it's it's,


yeah. It's two people playing. Playing. Yeah, it definitely dual role. It doesn't feel natural. No. Well, it shouldn't right. Oh, she's under an alias. Yeah. Maybe someone he isn't like he definitely doesn't.


Yeah, they have pizza. She learns a little bit about him.


And dark tragic past.


He doesn't. He's rich. Well, she doesn't realize it but she doesn't learn about that. But she learns about his alias about working in construction like Yeah, yeah.


And that's not even a real story.


I mean, he's a construction worker. I hear Yeah, but like what he does for a living Yeah, no


pulling. Anyway gone.


I mean, she doesn't he doesn't go into like his sob story backstory he just like you get the vibe that like he's not making that much up. Yeah cuz it's it doesn't make sense to make a ton up if he has a normal backstory right like it's his backstory but his alias is I work in construction I do this you know versus I'm a cop. Oh, he's he's doing the smart thing of I don't have to lie. Yeah, but I'm telling the truth. I'm not telling all of the truth. Right. Okay,


that makes more sense making up this whole story about the


NO NO tragic backstory. And then they have weird sex.


Oh, close on. Why? Why?


Because I know because




you start to insert your inserts to be implied that she is has a rockin body. She's hiding it under all of these clothes. And for some reason it would give away her cover if she let him see her body.


She Victoria's Secret?


A lot. She has a treadmill in her house. I don't know. It's like, like


I don't understand. Explained.


I mean, that's why is because if he sees her body and might give away her cover what they won't know it wouldn't.


That was never explained. That is the reason it's not like a scar or a tattoo or something. Just because


she's has a rockin body. Like she wears suit. It's explicitly said that she wears super tight sports bras to hide her body. Because she's afraid that her body might give I can't. I can't not wanting to draw attention to your side. That would also ridiculous


so uncomfortable. It's sex.


So they have weird sex. Okay, her brother has been like keeping tabs on her just to like, obviously he wants to make sure she's safe. Right? Yeah. So that's the reason part of the reason her her and her brother are super close. Like they they actually have kind of a tragic backstory of. They're supposed to go to foster care after their parents died. And her brother's like, fuck that. No, we are not being separated. And so they go on the run together. So they're like, really close. So her brother like calls her me like, I know that you have a dude in your house? How the fuck does he know that? He's keeping tabs on her? How is he he taps on her? To find out but the world? Yeah. Um, and he's not pleased. But he also like he doesn't want to stop his sister from doing something. He just wants to make sure the person that she's with is not a bad guy. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So he's like, I'm super pleased. But they kind of like they're like, you know, so he actually gets her to help him distract the logon so that he can like snoop around and stuff. Oh. So they actually do the weird sex several times.


So you need to read that several times. So So sorry,


we're to foreclose on sex in the dark. Wait,


multiple times? Yes. But how many is multiple? Three times?


Only? Yeah.


If you're into sex, that's totally fine.


She's got her clothes on. Why does he have his clothes on?


Good question. Actually, at one point, he does get naked and she doesn't and she's like, do you care? If I take my clothes off? She's like, No, that's fine. So at one point that does happen


that's I don't know. I like this. I mean, that in my head


seems weird. Skirt. And sometimes that can be sexy, but she's not in like a fun sexy skirt. She's in like a Momo skirt. Right? Yeah, it's whatever they want to know what different strokes different folks? Weird strokes, but different. Yeah. Um, so she helps her brother. Like she distracts Logan a couple times with sex, which she's totally down for. She's not that mad about it. So that he can like put a GPS tracker on Logan's car and like, try to get info on him. Oh my god. She's not super happy about doing that. But she understands like being careful and stuff, I guess. Um, so let's see. But after like, the second after the second time, third time happens later. She kind of gets spooked and has this moment of like, I really need to stop and yeah, because I'm getting too involved and like, just going too fast. And my brother might be right, like, maybe you are weird. So he's like, You shouldn't tell him that but he's like, I'm right back off. And he's like, okay, let's just hang out. Yeah, so they like just hang out and watch TV and eat pizza and like actually have like dates. Oh, normal dates, let's kind of queue it would be oh no, except there's a lot of talk about his deck his a Kraken. And if she wants to keep this going for too much longer, I'm not going to be able to control myself. Oh, no, that's one of my questions later. Oh, get to it. Oh, no, I don't understand that concept. I just don't. You're a fucking adult. So, ah, let's see. So that goes on for a while they end up having sex again. And then that same night? No, like, this goes on for a while for like a week or two. And her brother is like, hey, I want to just make sure there's no doubt whatsoever. I want to get into his apartment and look around real quick. Oh shit. You need to distract him in your apartment. Oh, shit. Her brother's kind of a D bag. Yeah, just distract him. Hey, is whatever the fuck you're gonna do? He does not think that she's distracting him with sex. Okay, I don't know how he's not, buddy. Yeah, whatever. All right. Um, well, Logan is an undercover cop and was listening in on this conversation. Oh, no. knows what's about to shake out?


He wasn't he wasn't listening to their conversations before.


He has been this whole time. Well, he's been listening to her part of the conversations. So like, he has a listening kind of thing where I can hear what she's saying in her apartment. So she so she explicitly says during this conversation. I don't want to distract Logan, why do you need to get into his apartment? Like she explicitly says it. Yeah. For it's been like, yes. No, like, Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. So he knows what's that Shakedown? Oh, wow. So he contacts enter his friend. Oh, his fellow cop police. Okay. Really, so


homeboy? Race is


pretty okay. Okay, um, but he is like sort of the supporting him and Logan are very good friends. And Logan Reese is one of the few cops on the forest Logan knows is not cricket. Oh, right. Okay. That's why they're such good Gotham a little bit. Yeah. Um, so he's like, Hey, this is happening. And yeah, me having a listening device that I technically shouldn't have is a problem. But if you just happen to be on patrol over here and just happen to see someone breaking in my house, you can bust him, and we can get her brother like we can get him in custody. Oh, yeah. So that's


I I'm not sure if that's good. They do that. Oh, no,


they are able to get her brother.


Oh, no.


What do you think her brother's name is? Could be anything but I'm curious.


Captain Jack Sparrow? I don't know too rowdy. What? rowdy, rowdy rowdy. Don't go running around the reroute her


brother's name is rowdy? Rowdy eights.


So does rowdy gates have another romance novel that's based off of him?


I think so. This is a trilogy. I think I'm sure slogan Reese and rally is okay. Okay. My thought okay. So they are able to they bust routing, okay, they get him okay. And I'm just gonna go and read word for word notes. Oh, Logan, eavesdropping overhears that peppers brother rowdy is going to break into Logan's apartment and get his cup buddy to bust him and take him in this race. Can you trust issues? So obviously, pepper is not pleased, pleased. She has less than place. And she is like rowdy is like yelling at her as he's taken into custody. Like you know what to do. You know what to do? And she's like, she's so feel so guilty. And is like, I did this. This is my fault. You know, yada yada. Yeah, she's been trying to protect him just like he's been trying to protect her and like all this stuff. So Logan tells pepper and Logan kind of admitted to race like I actually kind of feel for her. So this is gonna suck. still did it. Whatever. Yeah. Um, so Logan tells pepper stay here and leaves a couple of cops that he trusts with her. Be like stay here. I'll be back. We can talk about Yeah, right. Like she's gonna do that I


would fucking leave so bad.


So, um, so she escaped her apartment, through the bathroom window. Cool. Goes to the drop site that her and rowdy have set up for when they need to book it when they have a bunch of like extra stuff. Q. Q. It's like Spy Kids. Yeah, it's more like Moon Prison power maker. Yeah. Que Magical Girl transfer where she takes off her bra cuts her hair puts in some highlights does her makeup and congratulations she's a bombshell also Gone Girl. Never seen that.


I haven't either, but that's what I'm getting


fair. No. She is like she is apparently like the I'm imagining like early 2000s bombshell. All right, blonde bombshell. Kennedale Yeah, so magical girl trends. Yeah.


Okay, cool. So


rowdy is an A, a an interrogation room with Logan and Rhys chill. Yeah. And


I changed up


the shit out of it. But they Logan gets a call from pepper. And it's like, Hey, fuck you. You need to tell my brother this. And also tell him don't worry. I'm handling it and hangs out. Yeah, we're moving. We're moving. And then she shows up at the police station, and talks to Logan and Reese and is like, and they're both like, What the fuck? Oh my god, like she's hot. Yeah. And she's like, did you tell him? No, well, you better hurry the fuck up and waves again. And it's just out like she's gone. Yeah, she's gone. She's Yeah, she's


a whisper. She's nothing Right, right.


Um, and so they tell this to rowdy and murders. Like, what do you mean? She'll handle it and so he knows what's gonna happen. So, exposition time.




now I'll read from my notes. Okay. We find out that rowdy wasn't the witness. It was pepper. Of course rowdy took the fall for it to take pressure off of pepper. So pepper feels guilty about getting rowdy caught because she's so weak. Yeah. We'll get into that later and discussion questions. Well, she Yeah. Well, he decides to go kill Morton Andrews herself. So this is what's happening right now. Yes. Okay, so she her I'll handle it is don't worry. I'm going to kill the fucker. Finally. Since you didn't do it two years ago.


Oh my god. Talk. Okay.


Yeah. All right. So just hitting the fan.


Okay. The bitches taking things into her own hands when she can't. She doesn't.


There's a lot of again, we'll get with the session. If she


wanted to do that she needed to be working on it for the past two years.


We'll get into a little more international questions, but there's a lot of thinly veiled go women in this like not generally. Well. I mean, like, Finley failed sexism in the form of yay, go lady.


Okay, let's


go pretty bad. Alright. Um, so, Logan and Reese. Go to the club with rowdy so they're able to get they talk to their new commissioner. Her name is Peterson Okay, her last name? She is her big thing is she is going to route out the cops that are crooked like she is really on it just helping mission good. So she is like she doesn't really trust recite much. And to be fair, pepper and rowdy. Also, don't really trust Rhys that much. Yes. Savinja Logan does and they're kind of able to like bullshit. Peterson a little bit into like, well, we can't hold him out. We can't hold rowdy on anything. He doesn't have the information we need. Like, you know, all the staff. We need to let him go. So they're able to leave with rowdy. So they take rowdy to this club because Morgan owns a club. And that's where Pipers are gonna say Piper pepper. That's where pepper is going. Okay, right, right. So they show up. And right as pepper is about to get like frisked to go inside. And right as she's about to get frisked, a bomb goes off. And this is like some as the world shifts.


I I'm so invested. You really?


I really you're more invested than I thought you'd be.


I'm really curious. Like, no,


it doesn't get good. Okay. Sorry. your hopes too far up.


So this is a feel like a Roman install of a really yet other than the sex. Yeah.


And like, there's a little bit of like, Yeah, let's go. So, bomb goes off. Okay, um, and they're able to get pepper out. And they all leave. Okay, right. And they go to a safe house. Okay, the safe house is Logan's brother's cabin. Okay, right. So his brother actually owns a construction company company which makes his Logan's like undercover thing really easy, because he just works for his brother. Yeah, yeah. So it's his brother's cabin. His brother also shows up to like help out in the string of awesome names. His brother's name his dash.


Oh my god.


Yeah. So recent Logan are investigating In the bombing, again, pepper is not pleased. Yeah, but she also understands that she's in a safe house right now. And she needs to lay low and that obviously, Rowdy trust Logan and Rhys rowdy spend some time with Logan and read write and if rowdy trust them, she can sort of suspension of disbelief type with it. Right? Roll with it. Yeah. Um, so they're in this cabin, and Reese and Logan are able to sort of keep on going investigating the bombing at the precinct while keeping pepper and ratty safe because pepper and rowdy are not implicated in this in any way. So they're staying at the safe house, while Reese and Logan are going back to the precinct going about their daily job. Like you know, the whole Miner is trying to keep everything kind of like normal. Yeah. Um, but Logan decides that after talking with rowdy rowdy has contacts that are going to be able to tell us whether or not Morton Andrews is dead. If he died in this bomb explode and get a lot of information about there were rumors that Morton was trying to break into the human trafficking world.


Oh, good. Yay. Yeah. So


if rowdy is able to go off on his own, he'll be able to sort of meet up with some contacts and oh, you


know what?


And so Logan's like, I mean, all right. So rowdy and pepper is not pleased but understands the need for it. And so rowdy goes off. Oh, that sounds like


his own romance. Whatever, his own romance.


I think he's the other one in the trilogy. So it's Reese rowdy and Logan. Okay. Yeah. Um, so rowdy goes off and starts meeting up with people as well. So, pepper, then being at a cabin, yes, dash O race and Logan. Okay, decides I'm not happy. We're gonna get some revenge. Oh, it's sex against Logan doesn't cheat on him quote, unquote, even though they're not together. She just basically uses him for sex. And that is she's like, You bedroom now get naked, has sex with him and then leaves. revenge sex is not my thing. I don't like that. And it's it is very much like, I know you care about me. I'm mad at you. So I'm gonna make you feel good to utilize that. Yeah, yeah. Also, while your brother and friend can hear it all which is weird to me also.


That would be more weird to me than the first one is kind of weird.


So yeah, she pretty much just is using Logan's body for right now.


But is she though or Does she still have feelings for him?


We'll get there. Okay, we're getting there. Um, so again, Rowdy goes off, and we find out through rowdy that Morton is alive. Not dead. Yes, yeah, he's alive. Their body was found. And it was a very obviously a plant like it didn't have a face. It didn't have any fingerprints. Like it was very obviously someone that they were trying to like, oh, it's definitely more even though it's not. So he's not bad. And we also find out what he's up to with the human trafficking ring. Like how he's trying to break into that essentially. So you only actually hear from Warren's perspective, like twice in this entire book. So you've he's not really developed well, villain, but it's weird. It's definitely just filler. Okay. So more events sex happens, okay. And a lot of revenge sex, a lot of revenge sex. And Logan starts, he shows that he cares about rowdy and righty safety. Like he wants ready to be safe, even though he's like, you know, risking himself. Hey, and that makes pepper like him again. So everything's forgiven now. Because he cares for her brother. So obviously, everything's fine.


Just go on, just go on right.


Um, so they all agree. So Peterson, their commissioner is finally like, look, we need to talk to the eights is rowdy and pepper. Okay, again, bring them in. I know you know where they are. Bring them in because she's like, kind of like I know you guys are hiding Yeah, but we got them. Like it is pretty much but Gotham in southern Ohio. But But Gotha right. And so she's like the thing though about this whole story. Why don't they just leave like go to fucking California?


I know they fuck the


height in Italy. They're hiding is to go one county over Yeah, in Ohio. Yeah, go anywhere.


Good in New York, my God.


Anyway, it's like it's southern Ohio. It's not like a big time. Yeah, yeah, not a lot of No, to be fair. I just want to I just want to get this out there. We are very heavily literate doing literary analysis on a Harlequin romance novel and I fucking love


it. Still literature is still literature


so good. Yeah. So all right, let's let's bust this out so we can get to our discussion questions. So they go back to the station, but collectively, all of them individually. Yes. So, Reese, rowdy, Logan dash and pepper are together so those three and Peterson all decide to make a stop before going to a station. Find it all happens to be racist apartment. Because Peterson doesn't trust race. Okay, Rowdy doesn't trust race. Good. Logan wants to check in on race. And it's racist apartment. Oh, so Okay. I'm going to play the scene out because you remember or about the community scene? No. Remember the scene? The the I think it was an SNL skit. What you say?


You asked me if I know something about Yes. Oh, yes, I do. I Dora, so did your head.


Okay, so get rowdy shows up first. Okay, he shows up. He breaks into Reese's apartment because he wants to figure out again. It's like what do you do with Logan? Like I need to know. Yeah. And he finds a file. Oh, no. Yeah. And right to see find that ratios up. Okay. Just like, Dude, what the fuck? I know you don't trust me, but come on. Yeah. Then. Peterson shows up. Okay. And he's like, I don't trust you. What the fuck is going on rowdies here and rowdies? Like yeah, well, I found a file on you because Reese didn't trust you. And, and Peterson have been investigating each other. Right? And turns out, neither of them are crooked. They just thought that the other person was, um, and then Morton in his thugs shows up with guns trained. So this is the third and fourth person that showed up with a gun. What you say just shows up dramatically. I should emphasize all of these are dramatically done. Right? Of course, Trey. And so Morton and his thugs shows up and is like I'm going to kill all y'all. So he like like Peterson and race get get get get handcuffed to the bed and rowdy is going to be shot basically. Right. At this point. Logan and pepper have showed up there like Logan is like sneaking into the apartment. Yeah. So Logan sneaks in. And he sees all this going down. Oh, no. And he has a gun. But the Sug and Morton have a gun. Yeah. And so they're like sitting there and he like makes sure rowdy can see him and distracts them. And so he goes after Morton rowdy goes after the suck. Right. I'm hoping I'm describing this. It's


okay. Okay.


Logan get shot in the shoulder by slug chill. Yeah. But rowdy is able to take down the flag. And Logan takes on Morton. Who? How do you think this homeboy dies? He breaks his neck by falling on a dresser


that that's how we die is a mob boss and that's how we


die. Yeah. And all of them are like man we really wanted to live so we could see him go through justice and someone's like No, sometimes it's better if they're just dead.


You don't really like that's the thing about that kind of shit though. You don't really ever get


justice, right? Yeah, yeah, well, it just gets dragged out like it's it's six of one half dozen the other but so he dies. Show. Yeah, and everyone's safe. Everyone is I actually have it in my notes written down. I like there was


gonna be this epic scene though. We're like pepper was gonna like burst in and get shot or


so. No, she's pissed that he got shot there. She's like, What the fuck, man? Yeah, I have it in my notes. Literally like rowdy first. Then Reese comes in. Then Peterson comes in. And then Logan


is like that SNL sketch letter because




we're getting shot or whatever. Yeah, it's weird. Um, so Logan goes to the hospital obviously. And like it's treated and everything and pipers are Pepper.


Pepper. I know I love you. hyper, hyper, hyper, hyper.


Tangible about right, right. So pepper. He's like taking care of him. And they actually finally go to his house and she finds out that he's very well off and is only a cop for fun. Oh, yay. Right. Um, and she again, I know this has been a lot of guessing. But in my notes, I have done marriage shit. Oh, how do you think he proposes to her?


I don't know. I don't know. I don't want to assume


the only risk I want you to take is my last name


and I don't want to take it. I don't need it. I have a last table ready


shit. Yeah. Ever, ever


fucking bad. I read that I'm like, God damn it. Son of a bitch. So that's where the book ends. We're gonna get into some discussion questions. Right. So discussion questions. I again, the story is, man, it's pretty bad. Yeah, very obviously just a vessel for smile, Rhine. Cool, whatever. But I found myself doing some very critical literary analysis of a Harlequin romance novel, right, because of all of the problematic like vibes that they had like, again, it was thinly veiled. So we'll discuss so let's go back in English call AP English.


AP English, okay?


No, man. So, at first logon is shown as overly sexy, and pepper is intentionally ugly. She's obviously attracted to him, and he has no idea why he's attracted to her. Why is that the case? And what does it represent? And what does it portray as far as like, female and male relationship? In society? Oh, God, right. Oh, so that was I was reading it. I'm like, she is very intentionally described as being like, Joel hair and no makeup, ugly shoes, ugly clothes. And he is like, overly sexualized man, and he cannot fathom why he's weirdly attracted to her.


To me, it means what immediately came to my mind was that she should just be happy for whatever attraction that she gets.


Yeah. And that's, that's kind of like, the vibe that I get. And it's like, you are blessed by this man that is attracted, right? Oh, yeah. Like, and she even says that at some point where she's like, like, Susan Meeks would just be so happy that anyone was giving her


Susan Meeks is no one I know. Well, not exactly what that


means to me is it's not Susan Meeks. It's someone that is perceived as an attractive, right. You're unattractive? You should feel blessed by anybody.


Oh, that's so true. I


went hard in the literary analysis.


No, love it. I'm here for


barriers up. So that was my first discussion. Okay. Second, Logan lied to her to get her brother, but still cares for her. She still cares for him? Would you completely if you were in this scenario, would you completely cut ties with someone that broke that level of trust with you? Or and bear in mind, they've only been like seeing each other quote, unquote, for about a week and a half. But they both have very pretty deep feelings for each other, then the person you have feelings for comes in and says, I'm a cop, and I just wanted your brother, what would would you cut ties with someone in that scenario? Because I was trying to think about it. Like, she,


I feel like I'm biased in that sense. Because I have, I don't want to be drawn up. But like, I've had people who are very close to me, right? Be really shitty to me. So I probably would, but I don't know if the average person would and I don't know how I would feel about it if out if it was a person I was in love with.


Okay, the same way. We're like, I've had some family that's been pretty shitty to me. And I personally have absolutely no qualms with being like, yeah, we're done. And like, they haven't been together enough at this point where they don't like unconditionally love each other, like forever. Like it's, it's a we obviously have an attraction, and I trusted you. And I don't think that there's enough of a an emotional attachment there to continue that attachment. Like, why would you do that? And so to me, that kind of like, was a plot hole of why would she? I mean, obviously, she wants to get her brother back. But as soon as soon as she does, why would she continue to associate with this man? Right. What is the point from Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that I thought that was interesting. I'm following up on that. Yeah, pepper can't forgive him until she has quote unquote, revenge in the form of using him for sex. What are your thoughts on that? Because again, they didn't have a huge emotional, emotional attachment, but it wasn't like over the top ridiculous And then it gets to a point where they're in a situation where there might be something there again, and her only way of forgiving him Is she has to have that level of revenge first. I am personally of the opinion that revenge sex is never okay. Because that inherently shows a lack of trust in a relationship, right? Like, why would you ever use something so emotional? As an physical than, like, intimate is that as revenge? Also, why would you ever want revenge against a partner? Right? In my mind like it right? It's not going


I unless you want it like, unless it was something I think of in your in your vein of thought, like, you can't have revenge sex with someone that you want something long term, right? Like, don't view that having,


right? It's an inherent lack of trusting education. And if you are looking for a continuous relationship, right? You can't have that lack of trusting


communication, the maybe that's a character's point. Pepper's point of like, you know, I can see that you obviously don't expect anything long term from me. So I'm just gonna do this angry with you, because


but at the same time, he has sort of been dropping hints of like, no, I really want to talk to you about this. I really, I'm sorry, like, I want to talk to you. And she does this to him. And it's very much not in like, it's not really even her trying to prove a point. It's just like, she wants to hurt him. In that case, that's just immaturity. And right, well, in like, I see, I am Zack. And I have, you know, been in relationship for a very long time. And we,


you know, revenge sex all the time. It's what you're saying


constantly. All the time, man. So it's, it's like, in my mind, again, coming from a long term relationship with very good communication, which I am personally 100% on board that that is the core of a healthy relationship. If Zack does something to hurt me, or I am perceived to be hurt in some way. I talk to him about it. And yes, sometimes it's hard. But that's the point of a relationship, right? putting forth the effort to be like, this is difficult for me, but I love you and I want to work it out. So I'm going to do it. Not this is difficult for me. So I'm going to fuck your brains out and then leave you when you're most emotionally vulnerable. Right? That's not a cat. Okay. Yeah. So that was what I took away from it. Let's all be adults and talk to each other. But apparently, that's difficult. Because obviously both of them are still invested in some way. Yeah. So why would you


that's why that's why revenge sex is revenge. In that scenario is revenge sec, because she knows like, he's so emotionally vulnerable. But she


has to. She has to but like she she wants to feel some semblance of control over that situation. Yes. And I don't think I understand the why I don't think it's okay. No, yeah. It doesn't make it okay. Yeah, but there's a reason. Yeah. So I thought that was, again, overly overly critical analysis of our lives. Okay, so pepper becomes a totally different person. Like we're talking Susan Meeks, quote unquote, was ugly and super shy and timid and like, like deer in headlights when things got steamy, yada, yada, yada. Then she becomes pepper Who is this bombshell like shows up in a tank top no bra like kick ass body makeup, yada, yada, and totally different personality? Why would Logan still be interested in her outside of her being hot? Because it's an entirely different person,


unless he saw the original Personality of hepper which, which I have read books like that. I feel like I have read that really? They're like, Oh, I can see like this other side of her. That's totally, you know? 150%


Right. And so when she is Susan Meeks, quote unquote, there's like little bits of like, like she leaves her panties at his place after they get have weird sex. And they're like this super skimpy thong. So he's like, get it and that is literally the only the only indication of her quote unquote, real personality, right again. And then when she is pepper and like is essentially Victoria's Secret bombshell kind of way, right? He's like, but I still see that caring person and that's all you get is like she's a caring person. And it's like, No, her entire personality is different. There is a right where do you it is her quote unquote, carry personality and her brother is


like, the author didn't talk about her personality that much at all. No,


I really didn't. Like it's it's the There is a very marked difference between Susan makes and pepper in personnel. Right. And but that doesn't say much about either person's personnel. It doesn't, right? Well, and it doesn't. But the thing is that there's not really any overlap between the two. So you could have removed, you could have made these two and you could have made these two entirely separate characters and I would not have known. They're very different. Oh, good. So like, yeah, what would cause Logan to still be interested in her besides the fact that she's hot now? Exactly, right. Yeah. Yeah. So you do you kind of see what I'm getting at with the thinly veiled like, Go women? Yes, actually. Yeah, but actually not. Yeah. Um, the women in this book are all pretty much laid low by anything. remotely, like a sexy look, or a comment by the men. Like we're talking as soon as they get like a sexy look or comment, they like, blush and like, get tongue tied and shit like that. Do you think that's sexist? And why?


Because it's not happening to the men.


No. Okay.


That's why. Yeah, okay.


Yeah. So for instance, here's here's a very specific scenario because you didn't read the book. So you can't we can't fix specific scenario when they're trying to get rowdy out of the precinct. Peterson is talking to Reese and Logan and Peterson is like what are you doing? Why is he leaving yada yada yada? And so rowdy says I'll do anything to get out and Peterson in like a sexy way quote unquote, which is not great anyway. Yeah, exactly. And Peterson is portrayed as this like hard ass cop a woman who does write anybody shit and is like there to get rid of all of the corruption yada yada yada. And she's immediately like reduced to like blushing and like what Yeah, so that's my specific example. So I'm gonna go with Yes, you think that is and the why is because it's only happening to the women right? Yeah, exactly. Yeah,


yeah. Oh my god if I fell every time I'm not even trying to like pat my own back but if I fell for every time someone gave me a comment yeah. Implement


like if I just described this books plot to you I don't know if you would have gotten this would have gotten come across right. But no, the discussion questions were necessary. Yeah. All right. Last one. This book preaches a lot of self control is really hard. Do you think that's a real thing? No. For instance, again, specific example when Piper pepper once pepper wants to pepper pepper pepper pepper pot wants to take things a little slower. And Logan his internal monologue is oh god. I can't do this for much longer.


Go jerk off in the shower and your super yacht dickhead.


Fucking Josiah Jericho, whatever the fuck it was for Jesus. Yeah, like Yeah, I don't that's not an excuse. Because if it was an excuse, rape would be fine. Oh,


God. Oh, God. Never. Rachel. Never say those words.


I know. It is not okay. And I terrible saying yeah, like, if you can't focus is The Handmaid's Tale and think of it this way. If you were in a court of law, yeah. And Well, Your Honor, I just couldn't control myself. The answer is not going to be Oh, I get it. It's really hard sometimes show. Oh, it's not okay, Joe, pull your dick in shit that doesn't want your dick in it.


Like I think that the thing also from a writer's perspective is like don't write it that way. No, I don't think that the writer meant to. I want to believe that the writer didn't mean to say like, the writer didn't mean to say, Oh, he's gonna write her. I think the writer meant to say, I gotta get out of here. I don't think I can do this. No, no, no, no, don't don't don't please don't do this. So for the books. The book listeners


read you some quotes. I agree that I don't think he was she was specifically trying to say I want to rape her if she wants to keep just doing this dating thing. Right. I agree. That's not specifically what they were trying to say. Boy, no. He was sexist, but it wasn't as forceful. Here we go. Um, so this is a conversation between pepper and Logan's brother. Oh good dash. Okay, Logan is hanging out at the cabin with pepper while I'm sorry dash is hanging out at the cabin with pepper while Logan and Reese artwork again making sure everything seems normal. Oh, okay. He considered that before nodding and giving an answer of his own women aren't too difficult once you understand them what they're to understand. Number one is that they're different from men more tender hearted, gentler and far more emotional. That's awfully sexist. Person. wish she'd be to motion Logan's ruse but true all the same.


Horrifying, I hate it so much. Her book was like that. Just burn it. Yeah, either burn both of the books.


I would never burn a book. I would read pages out of it and use it to take apart something and make a cool book theme something but I would not burn


it. I would burn it. I would burn the last book I read.


Okay, well, that's different. That's not it. That's not a book. Is it? That's trash. That's already a dumpster fire.


It's still a book. It was printed. Yeah.


That doesn't even deserve a rating though. Yeah. All right. All right. So


you can read Yes.


Yeah. So you get what I'm saying about how like if I just give you a description, it doesn't really come across as hell right. Incredibly finely veiled sexism. Yes. Book, right. It's


right. Yeah.


So let's get into some ratings. So congratulations, you just went through a brief AP English course. Yeah, thank you. I've just got a pass. You did. Great. Thank you listeners. I want to hear what your thoughts on these questions are so hit us up on our Yeah, let me know what your responses are. I'm really curious what you think and what you would ask right? Yeah. And again, this book is called run the risk if you want to read it and let me know and give specific examples that would be cool. So ratings are friend logon rescue slash Stark. Oh, I'm so these characters have nothing or nothing there? Nobody. They are so thinly veiled. And maybe that's because of all of the thinly veiled sexism but I'm just like, fuck it. I'm not here for this. Right but I'm gonna exist are not real people. I'm gonna go with a one and a half. Yeah, fair for him. One and a half for her. Okay, fair. Which, sorry. One for Susan makes. Yeah, one and a half for pepper Yeates because they are definitely two different people. Yeah. Okay. And pepper has a little bit more of a developed backstory with her brother. And that's the only reason


All right, whatever. Alright, next Yep. Saying the plot the plot.


I don't get this plot. It's so dumb.


What is the board? What are the the overnight worry? The smile? Yeah.


Is again, one and a half? Yeah, yeah, it's one and a half every


fruit that's close on for one of the people. It's very


strange. To me so much. I can strange


like, in a way I'm like, kind of hot. But no,


that's just to be fair, half the time it doesn't have a shirt on anyway. So fully naked for him is really only half a dozen. It's still not good. One and a half across the board. It's not great. Like there was something else. So one and a half for the overall book. And I get it, y'all. This is a Harlequin romance novel. I'm reading way too far into it. But I'm still gonna do it. Anyway, because some literature, the point of this podcast was actually really fun. Yeah, terrible way. Yeah, it was dumb. And so here's the sad thing. And the next book in the series, Paul Rees, and one of his neighbors. And I'm actually mildly interested in them, because there's characters that are way more interesting than Logan and pepper. Like she or the neighbor is actually kind of cute sounding in this bowl. So I'm like, I'm not gonna read it. Yeah, I might SparkNotes it.


I was. Okay. Get that because I can't even defend myself. Because like I read the second book. I did the next. Yeah. In the series out of the last book I read. All right, I totally get where you're coming from.


Yeah. So we'll see. You know, so I think yeah, overall, it was one and a half across the board. Well,


thank you for listening. What do you what are you reading Rachel?


Still, I did. However,


I did introduce you to Lord of the Rings. So I like can't


even be upset. You introduced me to the movies. Yeah, I'd already been introduced to the books. Okay. Yeah. I'm still taking that that's fine. I will say I did start consuming in addition to trashy divorces, because I did start we love you guys. But I started listening to a podcast called You're dead to me. Oh my god. It's so good. It's so good. Yeah, it's a British dude who has a comedian And a historian on to talk about a subject


like, could you imagine anything better? It's so good.


And if you ever enjoyed cutie pie, yeah, was quite interesting. It's phenomenal. It's one of my favorite. I miss we have parties and wash it every year, but we watch it every year I love. But it's a lot of the comedians from QA. Yeah. So that's my recommendation, I guess for this this week is check out that podcast and check out QA if you haven't watched that. It's all on YouTube. So thank you guys so


much. For listening. This


one was way better than last one.


low bar. Yeah, well, low bar, t shirt. This is low bar.


So thank you for sticking with a very in depth literary analysis of a Harlequin romance novel that I am fully if


I if I if I pass the AP Lit test. Yeah.


And tell us what your responses are. Yeah, so my question Yeah, and if you have any questions of your own, I'm happy to answer them. If you have any recommendations reach out to us on Facebook.


Textual tension, Twitter, detention pod, Instagram, textual tension, pod, Goodreads, textual tension, G Gmail, textual tension potter@gmail.com and website textual tension va.com


Check out our T public site where you can buy awesome merch it's great. Um, there's a link on our website, and a huge thank you to the artist Ayla Nereo, for the use of her song. Oh, love off the album, the hold and it's kind of a little little preview teaser. We may be possibly have some new music


eventually down the line of the night. Yeah,


we'll see. It's in the works, but it's something kind of exciting. So thank you guys so much for listening, and you'll hear us in two weeks