Textual Tension

Ep. 34: Dances with Bulls

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 34

Howdy y'all! Your co-hosts are back with a good old fashioned rodeo! Listen in as Rachel tells Margie about Lauren Landish's Buck Wild. Don't worry, it definitely lives up to its name! 

Ep. Bonus: This week the Under the Covers bonus content is free to everyone! Not just Patreon subscribers! Go to patreon.com/textualtension to check it out!


Hello, and welcome to textual tension every other week, I, Rachel, jump in and keep you guys up to date on what's going on in our little operation. We have a really good one for you, the guys this week. But first a couple announcements. Congratulations to everyone on our social media who won our giveaway that we had going on for the last two weeks or so they got some amazing stickers. And hey, keep an eye out on our social media again, because we have a couple more giveaways that are going to be coming up. This book is actually recommended to us by none other than my husband who might not be giving the finger guns as we speak. Might not be a patron but you know, he kind of important but if you have a recommendation for us, please reach out to us on all of our social media, we are at textual tension pod across the board, as well as our website, which is textual tension pod.com, you can contact us there. And we really like hearing from you guys. We've gotten a couple updates from people, we've gotten some really awesome recommendations. So please reach out, we would love to hear your guys's thoughts on how we're doing what we should do next, that sort of thing. We also have a Patreon, check out patreon.com/textual tension, you cannot search us heads up, we produce adult content, so you have to go straight to that URL. But if you do go straight to that URL this week, you get a very special bonus. So one of our bonuses or one of our perks at the $10 level is something that we call textual tension under the covers. It's a little 20 minute minisode about the smart of the book that we don't normally talk about during the actual episode. And this book was so fucking buckwild that we thought it would be fun to go ahead and release that for free to everybody. You don't have to be a member of our Patreon. You don't have to pledge any money at all, you will have access to that if you go to patreon.com/textual tension. And hey, let us know what you think about it. We had a lot of fun with it. And I'm curious what you got what your guys's thoughts are. Also Speaking of Patreon, a huge thank you to clay, our most recent patron. You are wonderful, we love you. And I bet that in a previous life you were a bull writer. That would be my guess that'll make sense here in a minute. So thank you guys again, so much for listening. Without further ado, here is episode 34. Dances with bowls tearing me


apart from Roxy.


Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Rachel


and I am your co host Margie. Every other week one of


us reads a romance novel and summarizes it for our unsuspecting co host this week. Margie is listening in and together we unpack what


the fuck just happened.


Okay, guys. i Okay, first off, huge shout out to my husband, my husband doclets Bondo for picking this one for us. Oh, yeah. He recommended this. And I believe that the reason? Oh, no, he recommended this. Our co host Bitsy is here too. Yeah, I'm sorry. We didn't let you introduce yourself by


like now now Monday.


He's hanging out. It's fine. Um, but so he recommended it. And I believe that the reason he


recommended it meaning that he's read it, no.


requested it. I made him read part of it. Oh, and he hated it. So I may not go through what I had to go through for this. Strap the fucking y'all okay. God, I Margie is gonna have a job through this. Yay. Um, and let me go ahead full Hmm.


Other than looking beautiful. Well, yeah,


I mean, that's a given. Right. So let me go ahead and hand you this book. And tell you what your what your job is. Hey, girlfriend.


Oh, okay.


Do you know what your job is yet?


No. So the title of the book is called a buck wild. It's a Bennett Boys Ranch novel by Lauren landish. The front cover is a dude who doesn't really do it for me either. wearing just a plaid vest. Is it plaid? Yeah, I think it's plasm. It's a plaid vest. Yeah, I want to pull this up. Can I make it bigger? Hey, oh, he's got rope over his shoulder a cowboy hat on. Obviously he's reps. A there's a sunset behind him and he's got like a very like, What's weird is this is very weird. And he's just got a very strange expression. He looks like he just woke up,


but also doing a little bit of like his best Blue Steel.


Yeah, definitely doing some blue steel. And he's like, he's got like that five o'clock shadow thing going on. I don't know what it is about him. But like, he doesn't do much for me. I will say this. He looks like a character from the show Sensei, which I've already mentioned, is the best ever. Who looks like Leto but yeah, that's a weird looking one. He's just I don't think he's a weird looking guy. I think the expression he has on his face is just weird. That's fair. Like and he looks very over Photoshops a little confused. Yeah, like I said, he looks up looks like you just woke up from a nap. Yeah, and he's like, what I mean, is he's only wearing a vest and a pair of blue jeans. It looks like so maybe he did just wake up from a nap.


How many apps does he have?


Oh, good question. Um, I only see four.


Even a man that


um, I only really see four but there is definitely that path to prosperity V going on there. The V that Lee Yeah. Yeah. And he needs to like those pants do not look like they fit him. Well, they're way too low.


It's gonna be really uncomfortable when he's riding around.


I mean, they could just be really loose and so maybe then they are comfortable because not everything is like being suffocated down there.


We'll get into that. Okay. Aha, hey, oh, hey, Read. Read that. For me. My my dude.


Finally. Okay, come on. Read more. bull rider James Bennett lives for those eight seconds seconds of exhilaration, a rodeo cowboy and his prime only one side of life is something to straddle. Hey, that's why James is feeling a little restless spending his summer off working, spending his summer off working his family's ranch. That is until spirited a gorgeous veterinarian in trading shows up it puts the cocky wild boy and his ego in place. Though she's a feisty one. James is always up for a challenge. Okay, are we talking about a horse or a person? Sophie stone okay. It's a person I know. They said veterinarian but like I described her as a horse or a bull worple Sophie stone has to admit it. James Bennett is a checklist of cowboy hotness ruggedly handsome with piercing blue eyes, a heart muscle body and just enough swagger to make her toes curl. She thought she was done with her bad boy phase. But exceptions must be


they have to be


I gotta get that deck. Could Sophie possibly say no to a man who makes her heart Buck like a bronco? And when there's summer


that happens


when there's summer fling comes to an end? How could she possibly say goodbye? Sorry. Okay, everything can be traced back to a musical.


Margie has a job. And I will also give you an idea of why Zach picked this book. So repeat listeners may have noticed that one of my favorite phrases in the world is buck wild and saying nothing is buck wild


am I going to count how many times you say


how many times I accidentally say Buck handing her a white boy


dads have only been one I'm going to be so pissed. So I have handed my cheat book wild.


It did Margie, a whiteboard and a dry erase marker. There we go. And this is her job now.


This is my job. Do I get 401k? No.


Got a job is this minimum wage motherfucker.


But it's like lay miserab At the end of the day. It's all I could say for the life of the poor.


It's a musical episode here


it is. Maybe that'll be my count.


Perfect how many times Marty breaks into unsolicited song. Perfect.


If you did that in one day, you would you would hate just way too many to so many just someone's I saw so many of the tomatoes. Alright, so


real quick triggers in this one. Okay, um There, there actually isn't any.


Okay, well, that's good, right? Yeah.


This dude, and yeah, I'm gonna use this straddles the line between homeboy our boy he's a boy, he's just a boy, but going towards the our boy. Okay? He kind of starts out in like mildly homeboy territory and then moves towards an arm pretty big. Oh, boy. Okay, so there really isn't any triggers, which is great. And he is, I would say, You know what, collectively in our boy, okay, okay, because


because we're gonna have to choose between the whole boy our boy he has more our boy


or girl gives some sass and then he wises up real fast. Okay, I like that. Yeah. Okay. So you kind of got a little bit of a taste of what it looks like in the description. I'll go over it a little bit more. Okay. Um, specifically by showing or reading the first time that Sophie meets him in which her internal monologue is Holy Fuck, he's.


You know what? fair assessment,


right? Let's see. He has a dusty blond hair or dirty blonde hair. Sorry.


That's probably his dirty he's a cowboy, probably.


And he I could lose myself in those eyes. So dark blue. They're nearly navy. Mysterious like a summer's night where magic and mayhem run hand in hand with warm breezes and explorations of things. You don't tell your overprotective older brother about


what she's tripping. She looked him in the eyes like she just taken like a big bite out of a mushroom that she shouldn't have.


Oh, God, so that's he's ripped. He is. In case you didn't get it from the book description. He's a bull writer. Oh, okay. Yeah,


that's on all these writing. Oh, don't


worry. That joke is taking care of for you a lot. A lot of the time. So much. Godsent like, constantly. Okay, alright, so I can't find it specifically, but she basically has a rockin body. Yeah, naturally he has a rocking body or she has a rocking body is Sophie Yeah, James and Sophie so James is our navy blue eyed man. Yep. Man meet Sophie has to say your eyes are like brown they said somewhere Brown.


I would love that though of like all of this description about how beautiful his eyes


like brown. What are her eyes brown.


The brown dragon


killer hair is brown Okay, no,


I know what colors are gonna find it


brown brown, brown brown. This book is gonna be a hot goddamn mess.


Waiting Do you hear mine? Oh,


here we go. Here we go. Let's see I can't put up a watch her go her dark hair swishing back and forth right above the heart shape of her ass and tight jeans. Total bitch but she's hotter than the noontime sun. There's no doubt about that.


Is there anything about her eyes?


Um, I think he mentions it later in the book. But no. So I can only assume she doesn't have eyes until later in the day earn them.


Welcome tonight.


Hey, you said that that means I can tag Night Vale?


Yeah. All right.


Let's get into this mother. Guide.


Is there danger?


No. Oh, not really.




okay. So I'd also like to mention. So listeners we're doing a special under the covers for this and that it's going to be released on our Patreon to everybody so that you get kind of a taste of what we're doing a taste taste pale. The sex in this book goddamn buck wild. Yes, Jesus. God damn it.


Don't fight it. I will fight you don't lose anything


true. I made Zach read some of it and he hated it, too. That's the only thing are you. Come on. Come on scene one. Okay, so James is out on his family's farm using a fence. And can I just say Holy exposition, Batman. So we find out his father recently died. Okay, he has two brothers. Mark and Luke think it's Luke Skywalker? No,


I wish I was watching Star Wars last night.


I mean, Star Wars is fucking great. Yeah. Can I just say I think it's Luke. Fuck. It doesn't matter that much. No, but I need to know oh my god. It is. It's like so Mark and Luke, two brothers. He's a bull writer. And no one in his family at least initially was super onboard. with him and going and doing that, I can't imagine why. Right? But they kind of kind of support him now, so it's fine.


You make enough money, so therefore do whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, exactly.


And that Luke has so Luke loves horses. He's the middle brother and he has a horse that is about to give birth and is struggling a little bit. Oh, okay. So you kind of start out and it's kind of cute because you get like he's fixing the fence. He's kind of talking about how everyone's there helping out because his dad recently died. And like all this stuff, and then they go in for like family dinner. And it's like his mom who's like his mama, everyone calls her mama. Like, it's very much like, Oh, it's a Texas kind of ranch. You know? Yeah, Mama to everybody fried chicken kind of deal. Real southern. But that's where you kind of find out about the horse and all that stuff. Um, and so now we get holy exposition. Batman The second as we jumped to Sophie. So this book is told from both perspectives. Yeah,


I that's a romance novel thing that a lot of them it's told from both perspectives I've found


um, see, I actually get like the female like the chicks perspective.


I get both. Yeah, I feel like I'm more gotten both. Yeah,


this one was awkward. Oh, it was Jamie. Jo. Dear. Just wait till under the covers, my dear. Oh, no. Here we go. This gives us perspective. The first sex scene is in the bulls. Horse. Damn it mister in. Alright, so holy exposition, Batman. The second. Yes. Sophie, got to her has just graduated from college and taken a summer job as a vet assistant in Texas. Her parents are dead. Oh, her brother. tragic backstory, tragic backstory. Her brother took care of her. She when she was in college, she was going to be like a business major kind of person. Like she's going to be fortune 500 track, right? Yeah. But she got put into the wrong, like core science class like chemistry versus biology kind of do what you want in biology and realize Holy fuck, I love animals. So what? Okay, yeah, I mean, fair if you've never been exposed to that, that's kind of a huh, this is cool. Okay, so she switched over to prevent, like, pre veterinary Yeah, science. And then in one of those classes, it was a focus on large animals, farm animals and she loved it. Okay, it was her calling. So she wants to pursue that track. She's waiting to start vet school in the vet school in the fall. Okay. And so she got a sort of unpaid summer internship with a vet in this town who goes around all the ranches and helps with farm animals and stuff like that. So and or the vet she's under his name is Doc. And I look Doc is wonderful. Okay, he's so sweet. Um, so basically, that shakes out to when they're first meeting is our our horsey friend is having some trouble with her baby. And so they call doc to come out and help and jock up, bring Sophia along. And they're there and it's kind of like he's like quizzing her on things as he does it. Like always ask her questions, always making sure she's learning as well. He seems like he would be a really good teacher. Like mentor. And so she's like, Okay, this is the problem like this. Like, she knows everything. She knows her shit. Good for her. And so he's like, Okay, you're gonna do it.


You're gonna put the hand Your hand up.


Absolutely. Well, um, yeah, no babies out of the butt though. I'm sorry. US US sex education at its finest. But so she he's like guiding her through it and everything. And Luke is watching. But James comes in in the middle and freaks the fuck out. He's like, why is she doing this and not doc? Like, why do you have someone who's not a vet do Oh, well. I mean, fair. Yeah. But her response is? Shut the fuck up because you're distracting me or get out. Good for her. She is a Spitfire. Yeah. Um, and hence why he thinks she's a bitch. Oh, and in case you didn't get it, James mentions that he's a bull rider in his internal monologue. So if you weren't sure what his career path was, It's bull rider bull rider.


Bull Red


Bull. bull ride the damn it. Jesus. Fuck. Okay. Um, so they everything goes fine with a birth. horse has the baby. But because of the circumstances of the birth, mama and baby are going to need antibiotic injections for the next week. Okay, so dogs like hey, Sophie. You're going to be coming out here every day this week. Yeah, do it. Yeah, she's like, damn it. Fine. Yeah, Doc was like, Doc kinda like He understands that her maybe bedside manner wasn't the best but also James instigated kind of like, gotta do what you got to do I get it. Yeah, I love doc. Um, so at dinner that night they're talking about the the boys and Mama are talking about, you know, the birth and how everything went. And Luke, totally intentionally lets it slip to Mama. Oh, what James said


Mama gets mad having


none of that shit. So she tells him she's like You better apologize and you're inviting her dinner.


Molly Weasley thing to do?


Totally Molly Weasley. It's kind of awesome. Yep. So he does. He apologizes. He meets her at the gate and she's like, dammit, okay, fine. And she's like, I'm, you know, I'm gonna be the better person. I'm gonna make a stink. Yeah. And they flirt hard. Oh, and that's part of the reason they kind of like, like, make up about this whole thing is that like, he's, she leans over to grab something from the truck. And he was like, right about to help her get out of the truck. Like in a Yeah. Southern gentleman. Yeah. And so she just gets a faceful of harass, totally starts checking it out. And so she turns around and goes, Are you checking if I'm a Levi or a Wrangler? kinda gotta check. He's like, Well, these are going back in. And it's actually kind of cute. Funny, because their whole thing is like, okay, we're even because then she checked is checking his ass out as they're walking to the barn. And he's like, okay, fair, we're even now. Like, that's the thing. Um, and so there's lots of flirting and they kind of get it right off their chest right off the bat that they're both just there for the summer because he has to go back to the bowl writing circuit. She's going to college. So like, nothing happens. They're like, yeah, just for the summer. We're adults. It's right. Yeah. Um, and see? Oh, so more exposition. Which, let's, let's get this straight. They James and her have seen each other in twice in two days. Yeah, she's my mama once. I don't think I have ever experienced this. This is not how humans work. It's no. Okay. Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Rachel. My dad died when I was three. And then I decided my brother quit every like no, no. Trop everything.


Is that what she did? That's the first book that I did, though. We're like, remember, they're having it. He's like, let's ask each other a question about our lives. Yeah. And he's, and he's like, Oh, I lost my brother at a terrible Gorgon. Get that back


to intelligent. God, well, it's like, it kind of felt like the beginning of this book was kind of odd. I mean, the whole book was, yeah, but it kind of felt like,


like, odd, not something else.


But um, it kind of felt like, she was just trying to get all the exposition out of the way upfront, so she didn't have to worry about it later. And it was all there. Yeah. Which I get, but it didn't necessarily feel natural. Yeah, yeah. And also, for the first like, six chapters, no, like 10 chapters of this book. These characters felt like they were 18. Like, oh, they're not, they're not like lower to mid 20s. But still, at the same time, I'm like,


does it feel like isn't that because like, they're acting like high school students


a little bit. And they're also just very, I think, because there's so much exposition exposition up front, and so much of it is about they're like younger Oh, yeah. Okay, like they're adults. It doesn't


feel like they're adults. And it's like, that happened to you. If this stuff happened two years ago.


I mean, to be fair, like, I drop shit pretty callously as far as my my background, you know, traumatic things in my background, because I don't care. But like, I don't know. I don't just someone that I've met three seconds ago.


Yeah, that yeah, that's like,


it was just odd.


It reminds me this is gonna sound very random, but it reminds me of like, I'm not one of these people. But there are people out there who are like, tell their hairstylist more than they'll tell like their best friend. Yeah, no. And it's kind. It's almost like you just Yeah, it was just a lot of that a big knowledge. Yeah, yeah. Big knowledge. Don't


be more than it needed to be. Yeah. Okay. So dinner was a success, though. And like, they heard James kind of makeup. Like they're like, Okay, this is cool. And also, they're both very obviously attracted to each other and they're like, maybe something's gonna happen to this.


I mean, like summer flying awesome because


I'm Jesus. Okay. So Sophie comes back every day during the week to give antibiotics antibiotics to horsey and baby haven't written at James in the boys have. So this is kind of like this week in review, essentially. Right? So Jameson the boys have an interaction with their neighbor.


Do they open a cold one with the boys? They do


not yet. Um, so these are like so okay, we roll back. So there are two sort of very important things that happened during this week that soap is coming back. So she's coming back pretty much every night and has dinner with the family almost every night that week. But so she comes back, James meets her at the gate pretty much every single time. And the other important thing is James and his brothers have an interaction with their neighbor Paul. Turns out Paul has been trying to buy the ranch since his dad died. Okay. Which his dad has been dead for like, like a month, maybe? Oh, God. Right. And we're talking like Paul went up to the heaven like approach to their mother without them around like, David Paul, you


don't do that. Oh, that's so gross. He's


a weirdo. Yeah, that also happens. So that's kind of the important thing. Oh, and James mentioned, he's a bull writer. In case you didn't, again that okay. Yeah, I know. It's kind of hard to figure out what his occupation is. He keeps saying bull rider, but


he's riding bulls. All right.


Don't worry, I'm letting you know. Don't worry, I'm letting you know in in the book, when he mentioned that he's a bull rider. Oh, also, at this point, he's probably made the joke maybe three times that? He that he can, he can do things for a lot longer than eight seconds. Yeah, so don't worry that's covered. You don't have to make that joke. If you don't. It's a lot of pressure off of you. Okay, so, let's summarize that week. So So it became Yep. Okay.


Not yet. Well,


during that week of knowing each other they dry humped by a lake. Date with finger banging date with fuckin sex slash bullet blowjob. Well, skinny dipping, and that's right. They had let's see, and, and more sex. Oh, and sex in the truck.


Okay. I mean, it's not it is not a southern the southern cowboy the book that there is not somebody having sex in the back of the truck,


once in the back once in the camp. And James invites Sophie to stay the weekend at the ranch to help out and see how like ranch life kind of


hey, oh.


They've known each other for literal seven days point. And that is five No. Six times. protections, romance novel rule. She's probably on birth control. It's just probably not yet. Oh, no. That's cool to think about. Yeah. It's romance novel rules. Protection isn't important. Apparently, she magically can't get drunk.


Yeah. Let's talk about that in my next episode. Yeah, she


magically can't have kids. Um, okay.


No, no, no, that's like the opposite of romance novels. Where is where like, they think that they can't have kids so that they end up having like, 16 a brood.


Okay, I don't want kids but if I did give me 16 And call me exclusively Broodmother.


If you have if you had success, I would come into your house in the middle of the night and deliver and give you birth control, like in your arm, I


would move to China. Anywhere else really?


Lead away from your children.


Get them old enough to know how to use the microwave and they're fine.


You ended up okay.


I mean, Zach is really good at using Alright, so cut to several weeks later, and halfway through the book at this point. Whoa. Okay. So, scenes one through three, which was the first week oh, wait, we're in weekend. Hey, oh, where's


the climax in this book? Like, where's


I mean, they've already had six. Yeah, well.


Well, yeah, but I mean, like, what's the plot?




Okay, go on. Okay. Oh, ever.


So. So Okay, roll back just a little bit. Okay. We can like Walmart. Just a little bit. Roll back our prices a little bit.


I want to roll back the prices on this novel.


I didn't pay for it. Don't worry. So the weekend that she spends at on the farm. Yeah, they have sex a lot. but also she's like going out with him to like check on fences and stuff like that. Because he had just fixed one fence that


mount just imagining them somehow having sex with a fence, like on the fence somehow. I mean, it's barbed wire. So out again.


If you're into that, I don't know. But it backs up to Paul's property. So they go out to check the fence and the fence is broken and there's cattle on his land on Paul's land. So while they find out the fence has been probably cut, okay, so the plot subplot, besides the romance


is Oh, right, this creepy guy, Paul. Field on


land. Yeah. And they also meet his daughter, who is like, she's like, 17. And she's so sweet. And you feel so bad for her because she doesn't really have any friends who are girls. And her family is kind of like, it's her mom isn't around, like it has died. And so it's her three brothers and dad, who were very much like, Well, you take care of the house like, oh, yeah, not great. But she's so sweet and bubbly. Oh, but I think there's three books in the series. Yeah, she's probably 17 Yeah,


I don't know. Well, she's 17. But she could be like, 21 when her book comes out, or something like that, you know?


Um, alright, so got disabled for several weeks. Like James is taking Sophie to the Fourth of July fair. All right. Cool. Um, so.


Jesus, oh, no.


So he shows up and they've been dating this whole time and like, actually, like, having a lot of fun. Yeah, and


not just having sex.


I'm okay, you might have sex in the middle that they haven't this book is quite frankly, just fucking David. Son of a bitch.


fighting it. Fight him thinking about dream it be it.


Thanks Frankenberger thanks Jim Carrey but so I can only assume given there might now sample size of one week they've been having sex every single night that they've been together. So the only way I can imagine it's happened


it's it's exhausting. Well in like, oh, just wait, you're like good exhausted.


No, just wait till we get to the actual reading of the sexy bits in under the covers because it just sounds uncomfortable. It's like it was written by someone. Zach read it. And the first words out of his mouth were this was written by a man.


Oh, really? That's so interesting. It'll be interesting.


I thought the same thing but we'll see. I did look up the author. Okay. So for the July party, or for the July fair, and he opens the door and she is dressed. She has pigtails like plaid, or a tank top or something. And she's dressed in quote, shorts. That would make Daisy Duke blush but aren't trashy.


Okay. But not trashy. You


have to specify it's kind of like saying No homo.


Five feet away cuz gay.


Three marches burst into song three times. So they have a lot of fun. She dunks James in the dunk tank. Oh, good for her kind of funny. Yeah. Well, cuz she's like throwing in, like way off and then switches to her left hand and then dunk them in one because she's left handed and she was fucking with him. Ah, yeah. Oh, and also,


I know that she's left handed by now.


She She pitches left handed. Oh, okay. Um, and also kind of rolling back. I also did mention he's pretty famous in the bull riding circuit. Oh, I also mentioned that. So yeah. Because so he's like, like, why don't you Google me? And she's like, Well, I wanted to hear from you instead. And so he like tells her about it. But apparently he has some crazy lady fans because he's attractive. Okay, so the they have a really fun day. And they go to a secret rooftop, which is like it was like James's spot when he was in high school. So you like kind of break into it. Oh, they go up to the rooftop to watch the fireworks. Oh, by the way, he's a bowl writer. Oh, really? Yeah.


Oh, okay. All right. Yeah, kinda interesting.


Like so much the refreshment so much. And they kind of have a little bit of a heart to heart. They don't have sex on a roof. Actually don't they don't. They're planning on it later, but they don't on the roof. So they have a little bit of a heart to heart about James putting pressure on himself. Because his entire time he's been kind of going back and forth as to whether or not he's going to go back to the bull riding circuit. Because he's like, I don't I don't I don't know if I'm ready to settle down yet. But I don't want to leave my family. Like I want to make sure I'm supporting them with the family ranch and make sure everything's going good with that. Yeah. And like, so he he's kind of like talking about like, I just don't know, and yada yada. And she's like, well, has anyone asked you to stay? Well, no. And do any of them expect you to stay? They're all expecting you to go back to the circuit. Right? Well, yeah. Then What do you have to worry about? It's yeah, you're the one giving the right kind of talks them through that which is kind of neat. And growth graph, right there is a solid amount of character growth here. And they're flirting is kind of cute. Oh, so they've said this straight. They do have very good chemistry. I will say that. So after the fireworks, when they don't have sex, they're go they're leaving the rooftop, and they're going to go back to her place where they will have sex.


unprotected sex again. Again.


It's, it's gross. But one of Paul's sons confronts James. Oh, he's drunk. Oh, no. And he convinced confronts James about. So you kind of get the idea that his dad Paul, like was bitching to his sons about the Bennett boys and like them being like, uppity and shooting them down when he was truss trying to do them a favor and buying the ranch and like, Oh, come on, right. So as soon as drunk and like, confronts James, and they get into a little bit of fistfight.


Oh, a little bit, a little, just a little bit of a pistol. Just a scope.


Just a powdered sugar dusting. Doc breaks it up. Okay, because Doc is wonder Yeah, and the real hero and MVP. And Sophie ends up taking care of him at their house and they don't have sex because he has a black guy and he needs to he needs


like, well, he can't do Teddy's with with it's harder to see the titties was one black guy.


And he doesn't know braille. Don't worry, though in the morning, they have syrup six. Oh. Uh huh. Just a sticky is the worst. Just I don't get it. I don't know. No, that's something I want. Your pot. I mean, it's like pancake syrup. Yeah, she makes pancakes. And then somehow How do you port go to pour syrup on your pancakes and miss? No, I got syrup on my kids. Guess we got to have sex. Not my thing. If it's yours. Fine. Not mine. Well.


I'm just imagining like her on the table now though. He's just pouring maple syrup. All over music video. Yeah, please. No.


Oh, God. It's like Old Town road. Yes, syrup. Awesome. So they have syrup sex, go to the theater, watch a movie, and has accidentally each other in the theater. have ice cream, and just kind of a really fun day. Like they actually went full date.


I was expecting something to happen with the ice cream. No. Okay. It's public, doodling.


Hey, they make a point of the fact that they didn't get asked to leave. So


success isn't like a packed theater or no?


Okay, empty. Okay. But after like, kind of towards the end of the day after ice cream and stuff. They go back to her place. And James kind of gets this mental image like, you know that like, oh my God realization of him actually being able to see him and Sophie together long term with maybe a baby.


They better start thinking about a baby. There's probably one on the way.


And he freaks out and he's like, gotta go call you by in a row.


Oh, yeah.


So James is all like, I gotta go buy alcohol. And Sophie like because they're functioning adults, which again, props. Yeah, yeah. It's like, okay, obviously, something spooked him. I don't know. And she's kind of like, I have feelings for him. But I've been really trying not to let them bring them in. So I'm wondering if like, did he pick up on them somehow? Well, obviously he spooked so I'll just give him time.


Right? Hey, come on. Good.


So James doesn't call for three days. Hanging out every day. Oh, I know. During that time, Sophie hangs out with Paul's daughter who's like a 17 year old. And, um,


let's see. Is there gonna be an affirming life scene in this?


No. Okay, actually not okay. Real time.


I was like, okay, just go on. I don't know where this book is going. Yeah.


And then just like claims and stuff. Like she hangs out they have like a girl night together. Oh, and


then probably the same year old could probably really use that actually.


Well, not sorry, not not girl night. She goes over to her like pulse farm. Yeah. And like they hang out for a little bit. And then she just like cleans and just kind of like, you know, goes about her life. Enjoy some days off and get some stuff done. And then, you know, I mean, when you've been having perpetual sometimes she's probably black or blue. I mean cleaning just kind of goes by the wayside. Yeah, have those days to kind of, you know, and you can only do so much with a broom handle which is


okay, go I got, I got um,


so James gets a talking to him brother. Oh, um, basically they're like hanging out in the barn or whatever it is, bro. His older brother. Yeah, the oldest one mark right then and it's like, Alright, so what's up? Like, what do you mean? Nothing? It's fine. You haven't seen Sophie in three days? And obviously something's wrong. Tell me about it. Yeah, so they're like, have like, actually a nice brotherly moment. Oh, it comes out the James Izabal. Writer. Oh, I really? I know. Weird, right? I had no idea. He finally owns up and like, admits it to mark of okay. Yeah, I'm being kind of vanadium Yeah, Mark essentially has the same conversation with him Soviet earlier of this sounds like you're putting expectations on yourself. Like, have you talked to her about this?


Right. Maybe you should just talk like a normal human. No, no, no, no.


So what was I thinking? Right? He takes a piano date. And they go up to the overlook, which is there's like an overlook over the town, which they've had sex at multiple times at this point. Yeah. It's kind of their spot as you do. They go to the Overlook. Sorry, my notes say they actually have a pretty cute moment up at the Overlook where they fingerbang the first time where they both realize that they love each other.


Oh, yeah. You know, because you you reminisce about that finger bagging. And you're like, you know what, I think I could spend the rest of my life with this person.


This finger of me.


It's like, that's like a worse version of the curse of the book that you read last? Oh, God.


Well, and I will also say, next bullet in my notes is dude, their relationship is nothing but sex. So that that's You said


that they have chemistry though. They do. Yeah.


But it's still nothing physical chemistry. Like they have cute flirting moments. And they actually seem to like, be pretty nice for each other. They get along with each other, like that kind of deal. But they still have sex every night, which I don't know, rug burns a thing


and a lot. It's a lot going on, on the on on the lady,


the lady bits,


the lady bits. I mean, it's a break.


I imagine you build up calluses, but still take that mental image with you? No,


I want it to go away.


You can never unsee so they make up they figure out that they love each other. And that's pretty much where they leave it. They're like, okay, you know, we'll figure out the rest when it comes to it right now. This is nice. And then they have sex. Okay. Um, yeah. Love affirming sex, love affirming sex. So cut to I don't know if it's the next day, a couple days later, some amount of time is an illusion later. Mark has been asking around town about Paul, because he's kind of been like, like, Okay, what? What's up? Why are you so why are you so


obsessed with me?


Why are you so? And he finds out that Paul has a bit of a gambling problem. Yes, yes. And so sided problem. Mark asking around town has alerted people that Paul owes money to O who are a bit upset that he's using his current winnings to buy more property instead of paying them back first. Oh, so Mark's been asking around and kind of unintentionally make some trouble for Paul. Like, I mean, people are gonna come after him. Just because he didn't know Right? And no,


I don't really feel that bad for him. It's like you're gonna make but oh, how was he to know that? I was he to know that it's actions would have consequences. Yes.


Can White people. Um, but Mark realizes he's like, Okay, I stirred up the trouble even though it's his doing anyway. Yeah, the right thing to do is going to be to tell him, we have to go and let him know. Right? Just, I mean, it's the right thing to do. So they go over to the ranch, the boys better boys go over to the Paul's ranch. And they tell Paul and his sons, what's up, and it's like, super, super tense, you know, interaction or whatever. But sons had no idea that their dad had a gambling problem. Oh, they're going to handle it and you get the feeling that it's a good first step to kind of mending things. Oh, because because like Paul is like, this plot


is way too easy. It's like it's way too easy.


I'm uh, I'm kind of okay with it. Because it's a lot of emphasis on their relationship. So it's kind of like a nice relaxing. Yeah,


I could see that but it's like I want to see maybe that's my different taste of like, I wanted I am a Gryffindor I want adventure. I want danger. I want action.


Totally fair. It's a nice if it weren't so fuckin weird. It would be a nice relaxing one. I


think it's only weird though because of the amount of sex so they haven't written weekly. Well, I'm looking forward to hearing about that. Oh, yeah, just


wait. Like I get like one night stands or thing and that's fine and maybe have a one night stand with someone and then you decide, hey, this person is kind of cool. Let's keep having sex. But that's a lot. Yeah, it's gross to read. I actually skimmed most of the sex in this book because I read the first one. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,


no, no.


It's bad. Youth. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So that kind of is all resolved. Like they figure out why Paul was trying to get the farm the boys have taken care of it. Like I don't know. It's and that that is done. put a bow on that subplot. Don't worry, we have like one scene and an epilogue. So she's a separate got about this far. So James is kind of trying to decide what he's going to do about that. See about that policy. And about because it hasn't come up yet about his bull riding seasonable writer. Oh, what I know. Weird.


Yeah. It's so what I saw him doing


No, I definitely didn't. I was thinking like, maybe he was a teacher. Yeah, something like that. bull rider. I hope I'm getting across. Goddamn book, Jesus. So he's trying to figure it out. And he totally 100% has a Mufasa moment with his dad like, like his father doesn't literally show up in the moon. But he's having he's out by like in his spot on the ranch at night looking up at the moon having a mental conversation with his dead dad.


I mean, as I do as you


do, it is it was so much remember


who you are


that's it so he has a Mufasa moment with his dad and realizes that he's not really all that into bull riding. And he's a bull rider. i Oh shit. I'm sorry. I forgot to mention that. Yeah, he rides bulls for a living and he would rather stay around the ranch. Like he wants to help out with his family. He wants to kind of like, you know, on the ranch life. But first, he's gonna go wherever Sophie is going for vet school. Because he understands he's like, I'm not gonna make her sit around here. I no longer long distance relationships are hard. Right? Um, I'll figure out what I'm gonna do ranch and or whatever. Yeah, figure out where what I can do where she's going. And then in three years when she's done we can come back maybe Oh, that's actually


super cute, actually really is. Okay. And that makes more sense to because like, oh, hi Carlos. Because like, they can always go back to his ranch. It's all like it's gonna go anywhere. Right? Yeah. Hello. That's also very like the prints in me. movie with more prints in me the prints me? Yeah, she falls but she falls in love with an actual prints while she's in college. And then she's like, now I want to go be a doctor by knees. Like you can go be a doctor. But please also be my wife. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah.


Well, this is it's it's very cute. Like, it's very much like, you know what, I, I've played out what I want to do. I'm kind of done with it. And I still want to have my family but but I can help them, you know, by sending money back or whatever. But I want to support you first. Right? Which is awesome. Yeah. And at the same time, Doc, tell Sophie, that it would be she's pregnant. Why would doc know and not your veterinarian. She's okay. She is an animal. But no, Doc is getting crazy end of the summer and so doc sits down and he's like, look,


you're pregnant. No.


Seriously, I don't know how you don't know You look like a fucking balloon right now. He's like, look, it's been really really nice having you around like you've been super helpful. And I kind of because he's older, he's like, ready to realize like, I need help around here. I went to insert university or state university here, which is like, right, one town over, right. I still get presentations to the veterinary clinic there. I know a lot of the people there. I talked to them. If you want and it's totally up to you. You can get transferred to this State University. go to vet school there and still work with me as a paid intern. Very cool. You're worth while you're going to school there. Yeah. And she's like, hell yeah. Like, this is awesome. Perfect. Right? And so they have another really cute moment up at the finger banging place. He like he's like, Okay, I just I really need you to just let me say something. She's like, okay, he's like, you're not allowed to say anything until I say and she's like, Alright, fine. Especially like, zips, zips it. And he like super awkwardly stumbles through like, I want to be with you. I'm gonna follow you. Wherever your university is really she's like, Okay, is it my turn yet? Tells him and it's actually really cute. Um, and yeah, they're gonna make it work. So that's the end of the book. Except for the


epilogue where they fingerbang


I mean, they fuck a lot.


They do they so they find a new hole.


The fourth hole? Oh, that's the question. No, so they're at the Vegas finals for bull riding. Okay. Which because he had


a bull rider. Oh, shit.


Yeah, I put so many notes in here to make sure I remember to mention that I forgot. Oh, see right here. It says, Hey, he's a bull writer.


Should have done that.


It's damn it. You're right. I didn't even say book wild.


Three times because I was thinking Well, four times. Okay.


Maybe next episode, you should count how many times I say buck


is actually the plot of my book. His book. Why Elliot book why?


I'm so epilogue so he had to finish out the season. Because the end of the season. There's finals in Vegas. So she's already started at school. And it's, you know, she just had her first day and everything. And he like, on her first day he like gets up and makes her breakfast. It's like, Have a good day. It's very cute. Um, but there at the finals, and oh, there's a training montage before this, which I looked it up and because some of the training seemed weird, because they were talking about like, standing on a medicine ball for like a really long time. Oh, intentionally going off balance to get back on balance. Also. Legit, totally legit. I looked it up. And that is a legitimate bull. Right? Like bull riders have an insane training regimen? It's kind of I guess, I guess that makes sense. Yeah. Um, and so they're there. And before he goes on to ride James goes and talks to


he's a bull rider. I'm so sorry, though. I've got a


thank you. letter on board. But he talks to Sophie's brother and asks for her hand marriage. He's like, I know, it's kind of a quick turnaround. But I really just wanted to get this out of the way because I really, really liked her. I think she's the one yeah. He said brother says yes. And which I don't know, I never put a lot of stock in that. But if it's something that means a lot to you. Yeah, I just,


I just like it's a sweet gesture. I would marry the dude. Anyway.


It's a sweet gesture, but my dad said no, I'd be like, Fuck you, dad. I'm gonna marry him anyway. So he rides Yeah. And ties the world record. Which during his his bull ride, so they explained racing? Yeah. Okay. He's a jockey. They explained earlier in the book, how the like the scoring system for bull riding knows, and I'm not going to go super into it. But I, I did do a little bit of research. In the book, it says, And this is in, this is in like, like, I'd say, late 20. Like 2008. Maybe that's where I would place it. And it says that in the book, his score is 96.5 out of 100. Nice. And he's like, tied for the world record went out. I know. The actual world record was set in 1991. And it is a 100.0 100 points. Perfect. 100 To him, so not quite


yet. That can't be 100. Nope.


I'm also in 1991, not 2008. Yeah, but that's okay. Okay, it's a book. Yeah, it's a book. It's fine. But I still I was curious what the actual world record was. So during an interview afterwards, on camera, he asks her to marry him. Oh, she says yes.


How long have they been together at this point? A summer. Okay. As long as we've got that squared.


Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Um, yeah, yeah. And of book. Okay. Oh, yeah. The plot was during that one. What was the plot and yeah,


there. There there love, love, love, love and their love. Right. And that that I think that for some people, that's they really enjoy that and it's like you said it's like it is kind of like a bathtub romance. Like you're just like how nice hot bath could read that. Oh yeah, but not for me.


That's like a little more action. I mean, we give the action ebooks a lot of shit because a lot of times because duck wild Yeah, but they're just a little more interesting. Yeah, to me. I mean, I'm a plot driven person anyway. Yeah. I think I just had buck wild again. Yay, fuck. It's fine. We got five. We got five. Um, so


yeah. Do you want to kill man?


Well, okay, so here's the plan. Here's what I'm thinking. Okay, so I Oh, real quick. I would like to go through my notes that I kept in this book. Because there was a couple parts of it that like, Oh, God. So like, for instance, some of the things that like made this book a little bit weird. For instance, him describing her lips is wet and juicy.


She put on too much lip gloss.


Uh huh. Uh, there's a moment where it was part of the book where he's like, I got the feeling that she would want me to take control in certain parts. In this


you should still ask just be like tonight Jesus take the wheel on this one.


If someone specific doesn't ask for tea, don't give them tea. The tea analogy


here's some fucking G.


Oh, don't shove tea down someone's throat Oh my god. There's I don't know, man. They're they're making out in the dark. And it says I realized that his hands nearly span the circumference of my waist. They must be huge. My waists. Definitely narrow. I'm pretty petite. But I think the comparison more aptly highlights just how large His hands are. Thank you for spelling that out. That's how books work. Yeah, yeah. show don't tell. Also, how fucking bigger his hands.


Jesus. Oh, so they go all around her waist. Oh my god. I'm trying to do it right now. Let's hers. I mean, granted, my waist is pretty thick with three C's right now. But


same. I mean, I I would not be attracted to someone whose hands went around my waist because that means he would have what like 16 inch long hands


on him.


Slender hands


Oh, God,




Okay, okay, go but let's rate Hang on. Hang


on. Hang on. Okay, yeah. Okay, so let's raid this. So we're kind of speeding through this a little bit because y'all and I'll mention this in the intro yes episode when I when I mentioned Patreon people Hey, check out our Patreon because we are this book. The sex of this book was so goddamn buckwild that we are putting out the under the covers for free so you can kind of get an idea of what those episodes you


have to be a Patreon member you have to be a Patreon member, but it doesn't matter what level you are, you'll still get this under the covers, right? This


one is gonna be for everybody. Oh, for I'm gonna put this out for everybody. Whether you're a patron or not cool, it's gonna be on our Patreon. So you do have to go to our Patreon but okay, get it for free. Okay, you don't have to be a member or anything like that. But


just the tip


just just to see how it feels. Yeah. But you want to hear about this. Trust me. You really? You really really do. So oh, one point he describes her chests plural chess and my chess. Comment is Is she an alien?




Oh god. Yeah.


Just like chess isn't like chess. Her testicles. Oh, god. Okay. Okay, okay. Okay. Okay,


so let's read James Bennett. Here's the problem. He's fine. He's fine. Everyone's they're cute together. They're very cute together. Yeah, but


there's like no challenge. Hardly any challenge in their relationship so not really


no yeah, it's very middle of the road right? I give it two and a half the whole book he's a two and a half she's a two and a half the plots are two and a half the overall book smart is a solid one. And the overall book is like a four and a half. I sped through those but it's like he they have it's hard because they're very normal people which is fine like normal people. Yeah,


but that's not what I want to read about fair, you know, like I would have read about relationships that I'm never gonna have


and also make fun of them because


yeah, it's too it's too normal. Like when you said that he had didn't call him for three days. I was like, I hear subplot. And then she was like, but she took it totally normally. I was like


To be fair, it was very refreshing that they were adult humans that talked a little bit


yes but it's also kind of like just something Yeah, Paul oh right Oh fucking yeah yeah no there was even that was like resolved like a like a plotline in Sesame Street with friendship and honesty elbow has damaged the Frog here


you have to pay off your gambling


otherwise you're gonna it will be it'll be Oh Avenue kill. I'll be sent to Avenue Q as opposed to Syracuse. Right. Great,


great trip. I'm


okay with the Oscar the Grouch they got us. Oh, hell yeah.


No, I think that the biggest problem with it is like it's not. Okay. It is a fine book. Like it's fine. Like it's not bad. It's not getting in the library. If you want to read it. It's not bad. It's not phenomenal. Right? But the thing that makes me say don't get this and don't read it is the smart. Okay, the smart Yeah, so uncomfortable. Like, really uncomfortable. i If so, again, under the covers, we'll go a little bit more into detail of it. But I Zack had to hear me bitch about this book because I was reading it because he's the one that record right or requested it. I sat down afterwards and I was like, Zack, I'm gonna have you read this smut on under the covers. Gonna make him do it. Oh, he's


gonna join Oh, he


is not Oh, he started reading it. Oh, it's so sad. And he was just like, like, I could see him get more and more uncomfortable as it was going for labor. He was traumatized. Now you know what you put me through and I will make you it's very uncomfortable. So that is the reason I would say no, like, yeah. Romans, the Romans is cute. Yeah, the smart is not if you took out this month, I'd be happy. That's yeah, that's what I mean. Yeah. Romance Novels don't have to have fun. No, but not like if you were going to read a romance novel and you wanted to have smart you want it to be good. Smart. Yeah. Yeah. There we go. Okay. Yeah. So that's so it's two and a half, two and a half, two and a half. Sorry. He's a two and a half. She's a two and a half plots. Two and a half. smaht is a wall. And book is like a four and a half. Okay. Yeah, that's what I'd say. Yeah, this is weird, because we handled all of the social media shit in the beginning. Yeah. So


now we don't know where to go. Wait, what did you read? Oh,


what have you been reading The Night Circus? Oh, really rereading it? Really? Taking my time with it. It's been wonderful. I also so I went to the library to get an my our Christmas episode. Hey, I'm booked for that. And I found I'm a sucker for a retelling of a fairy tale. Me to one called Iron Skin. That is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, but the chick is the beast. Excited. So we'll see. It's kind of a smaller book, but I'm pretty pumped to read it. Yeah, but NIGHT CIRCUS man.


Oh my god. It's such a it's such a frickin good book. It's a really good time of year to read it.


And this is my second time. Well, this outro is all over the place. That's okay. What happens when we take away our own direct? Yeah,


we don't know. We don't know what we're doing. Well, thank you. For listening.


Um, for me on during this. What was longer than an eight second bull ride of just a fucking buck wild plot? Yes. And huge. Thank you to Elon Aereo for the use of our song. Oh, love off the album be held? Yeah, get that out of the way. We love it so much. Um, and


we may I'm having a well, so like,


congratulations to the person that won our giveaway. Yeah, yeah, you got an awesome sticker. Three people got awesome stickers. We're gonna have another giveaway coming up here in a little while with another pin. So keep your eyes out for that. Cool, cool, cool. What are you saying? Nope. That's all I got. Okay, all right. Um, yeah, thank you guys so much for listening. And we'll see you in two weeks. And remember, check out patreon.com/textual tension for


under the cover can't search for us on Patreon. explicit content to do straight to the URL. You got to go patreon.com/textual tension. Yep.


Well, we will hear you or you'll hear us either in the under the covers more in two weeks. Yeah.