Textual Tension

Ep. 36: A Lot of People Lay Dying

January 28, 2020 Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 36

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but chains and whips....confuse us? Tune in this week as Rachel tells Margie all about Kristen Callihan's, Soulbound. Because honestly, what says love like chains and cyanide?


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel, every other week, I jump in here and give you guys the lowdown on what's happening in the textual tension world. We actually don't have all that much happening this week. But that's okay. Because it just means you guys get to the episode faster. So we actually don't have any new patrons this week. And that's okay. We just want to take this time instead to say, thank you guys so much, if you do support us, and if you don't, maybe consider throw a couple bucks our way, it just makes the podcast better and lets us do more cool things for you guys. Check us out also on all of our social media, we are across the board at textual tension pod except for Twitter where we are T tension pod. Check out our patreon if you haven't already. There's all sorts of cool stuff there. That is patreon.com/textual tension. Remember, you cannot search us because Patreon doesn't let you search adult content. I think that's actually just about it. Oh, yeah, fair warning. The intro went a little bit wonky today, but that's okay. Wine was involved. Without further ado, enjoy episode 36. A lot of people lay dying tearing me apart from rock and welcome to textual tension. I love hate relationship with romance novels and wine. Yes, I am your co host Rachel is our co host Margie, and this is your co host Bitsy who is with Margie at the moment. And together we unpack what the fuck just happened. Margie, you know what I think would really help you and really heal your soul, sweet romance, sweet romance, and a game for you. So we're gonna preface this and I will give you the the background that you need once we get to that point, but first, I have a stack of papers here. Okay. I'm gonna need you to take one. Okay. Okay, so no looking yet. All right. All right. Okay, so this book. Yes. So, listeners, we haven't had a lot of Rachel science corners recently. We did in the one we just had, which was great. Yes. So I was really going to try to find one that had a bunch of Rachael signs. And I was at the library, and I got my Christmas book. I started searching for this. And then I did a double take on the shelf. And was like, I'm sorry, this is asked to be it. And I grabbed it because it was too good


to point out No.


Yeah, I just could not find a sci fi one when this was just seductively staring at


me at you through a mirror. Wait, what?


Aren't you were vampires.


Sorry. The opera would have loved to be a vampire. And you don't he's such the minority type God


he has that vibe. So I just like it was seductively staring at me from the shelves. I couldn't die. Yeah, calling to me. Yeah. So it was destiny.


It was. It was destiny to hand this to you. Oh, no. Here you go. No, no, no, she's gonna jump off. Oh, hey, girl. Sold out. Sold out. Maybe? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay, okay. Okay, cuz like I don't like the expression on this dude's face. Sorry. Oh, yes. Describe it. Oh, thank you. That's perfect. So I'll just describe the cover. It's my Kristin Callahan. It's a dude wearing. I'm just gonna call them trousers. Yes. There's some sort of pants you shirt. He's not shirtless. He's just only wearing the shirt on his arms. Yep. Which seems


it's like a shell. And I think if I did see Oh, hello, Betsy. It's nice coming to me.


This is based in London. Yes. Okay, cuz I saw St. Peter's cathedral. Whatever it's called. Margie knows me. And then the stew but what's really concerning?


is holding a chair and looking at you very questioningly,


like maybe one fuck.


More like how do you feel about chains,


whips and chains.


So it says on the top right callate Oh my god. That's a pretty strong review from Diana Gabaldon. So the review is Callahan has a great talent for sexual tension and jaw dropping clots. And that's from Diana Gabaldon who wrote Outlander I would argue the plot Yeah, but I tend the sexual attention Yes, absolutely. And textual tension is about to say we are doing alright. Alright, so now and I will also the cover so like he's very clear like he's coming through very clear, but he's Standing like in front of a bunch of fog or smoke or something and strangely everything behind him is blue. Yes, everything is variable. Okay, so


we have a deja vu die. I know I'm on Goodreads or no okay.


I'll just figure it out when Adam soul blank because there's a date Metro library sticker. Something staked than his heart after 700 years of searching his true match would have ended the curse that keeps his spirit in shades. So this is like


this is you're gonna get serious,


Scrooge Oh, or that.


It's gonna say you're gonna get some deja vu for our sport from our spartan warrior here.


Oh, no.


I thought you were gonna say that. But beautiful, stubborn Eliza may fled and now Adam is doomed to an eternity of anguish. His only hope for salvation gone. Their hearts will be together forever. There's something in my throat. No matter how devilishly irresistible Adam was Eliza couldn't stand the thought of relinquishing her freedom forever. So she escaped but she soon discover she is being hunted by someone far more dangerous. That's a good reason to get together. The only man who can help is the one man should never see again. Now Adams kindness is an unexpected refuge and Eliza finds that some vows are made to be broken ready so problem that


stand while I did a little bit of a Oh yeah. That's it.


I mean, I will say this the guy on the cover is very sexy. Here.


Hold him out to me again. He's okay. I don't like I like the body. I'm


not a big fan. The opposite I like this face and I'm kind of just like, Okay, this is pecs are enormous. Like, they're like, kinda like those Kylo Ren Yes. They're like taking up all of his chest. Yeah,


see? I like my I like me a muscley man. I do too. I


do too. Just pecs are not really my thing. That's fair. I like my like rock strong shoulders baby.


I do like strong shoulders. Yeah, so now I want you to take that piece of paper. Oh no. And flip it over and pick one of the two things that are on there. I'm so afraid I told you it was worth it.


Oh my god. Okay, so Lister she handed me a big A triggered bingo card. And there are two of them on here. Oh my


God, why don't you read off the


trees there the first one is animal abuse sexual assault rape. Child abuse flesh murder human trafficking, gun violence drugs young racism the next one the other the other bingo card


so those are all the same but at different orders I will give you the option so I have another set of bingo cards that have different things on them if you want to choose between the two hang on


well probably gonna have to because there's definitely not going to be yet violence of this thank you. Alright, so the other one was a lot of the same but there's some slight miscarriage slash abortion. That's great start. Yeah, kidnapping, rape, child abuse, drugs, murder, gun violence, sexual assault and suicide. I'm gonna go with this one.


Okay. All right. So now you have to pick one of the two that are on there to follow. Yeah. And then I'm gonna read off the triggers.


Um, we can also put on though we should put on like, be constantly updating on our website, a drinking game. So if you want to drink along


Hey, listen, if you guys have any, like, recommended Yeah, a couple of my friends have come up with drinking game rules for us. Yes. So for instance, take a drink whenever someone says oh, it gets worse.


Yeah. Oh, it gets worse. Yep.


So Betsy, Betsy is in the way.


She used to just carry as of host and help today is here to get comfortable and that'll be fine. Maybe there we go. Okay, so I'm feeling the one on the right okay. All right. So we're gonna play because I like the fact that murder is right in the middle.


See, I tried to put sexual assault in the middle is like a free space. But it randomly generated, um, so your prize if you win is wide. Yay. Let's do some some trigger. Bingo. You ever pin for marketing? Fuck, I have an extra one. Okay, cool. All right. Are you ready? No. Yes. Because you said it murder. Yes. Okay. Sexual assault and abuse. Yes. Sexual


assault and abuse and abuse. Weight not child not child abuse. Not child


kidnapping We can always call


it after technically yacht violence


yachts in the Victorian England


it's a it's a pleasure boat.


Ah serious.


Alright, go on. Kidnapping. Yes. Bingo. You got it. Oh, that's a good diagonal. Three, I'm sure you can make more difficult ones. And let me think if there's any more in case you get a double win.


Well, you know what? No, no, don't tell me and then I'll just look. I'll just be


along well, but I want to make sure we call them on the beginning. Oh, okay. Um, show torture.


Oh, okay, good. Yeah.


There's a lot of torture.


Like, the leads or like, No, I mean, the fact that I have to push that's another one. But I just would so live listeners. What is this? Targaryen bullshit. Not into it. That did not work out. Well.


The sad thing is like, it wasn't a bad book. Go over the rest of them on there. Make sure I'm not missing anything.


Um, so you've got


suicide gun violence? Yes. What? Yeah. Okay. miscarriage. Oh, suicide. That's one.


Okay. Suicide um, drugs. No. Rape. No. Oh, good. Child abuse.


Oh, I lied. Rape. Oh, good. Yay. Well, like it's, it doesn't happen. It's like reference. Yeah. Okay. Let's fair. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay, cool. So you may have actually won twice. Who knows?


Well, I just need gun violence and then I would win twice.


There isn't Gundam it's, and is it winning? Really, really?


Not winning. No, this is this is losing. Like if we hit every single one on here. God would lose.


Then we all win a shot. Alright, let's


get started. All right, let's crack right into it. Characters. Yeah. So


here's something interesting. There's more description about him than her. Hmm. Eliza May. Blond hair brown eyes and she's, she's pretty self described. Right? So this is often


described herself that


way. Right? It's like, oh, God, it's it's not first person. But it's like third person but leaning towards her perspective. Okay. Okay. And Adam, whose original name was I'm gonna butcher this Aodh Is it a




Ah, yes. A god. Oh, I


almost got it. Yeah. Good friend of mine. Yeah. I believe this was the thing that wasn't right. You couldn't hear


and so I'm gonna say he's tall in life. Cold black hair. Guess what color his eyes are? Sapphire.


Emerald, her


favorite color? Green? No. Your favorite romance lie color.


Oh, God, what the fuck am I missing? I'm golden


golden baby. And this is okay. So I'm gonna start with scene one and then run back to his description because it's gonna like, kill my my opening spirit her. That's okay. It's gonna kill my opening line. Like my my twist. Ooh. So scene one. Eliza is dead. What? There you go. So, let me jump back to what Adam looks like and do a quote from the book, which is good gravy. It figures she'd have to die to lay off lay eyes on a man so stunning. There you go. Alright, so


Eliza is dead. So she thinks she's dead. She's dead. Okay, and 100% dead. Killed by two thugs. Okay, so she's gonna be brought back to life for some shit. Forget in there. All right,


just wait. Everyone drink. Another one.


Just wait.


Just wait. And wait. It gets worse. Oh, yes. So take a drink. Take a drink. So two women show up to save her. But they come too late. to women that like fight like crazy, which is kind of neat. Oh, and this is like, Victorian England. Yeah. The Victorian London.


Yeah. Which is a time where it was like, No, I'm just gonna walk away. It's like New York City. Exactly. Right.


And women, right? Women, um, so they can see her spirit though. Because so this is this is her seeing this. She sees the two thugs she sees her body dead. And she sees these two women and she's like, No, I I'm not ready to die. I don't want to move on. So our spirits hanging out and they see her and they're like, Okay, you're a fighter. Obviously, you don't want to leave. Yeah, we can maybe give you an option. Oh, to come back to life. Okay.


But there's a catch. Yeah, there's always a catch that we don't get to come back to life for free. No,


there isn't always. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Throw your potatoes of suspension of disbelief. Oh, they're gone. They're gone. Okay, sorry, I should have mentioned that first, like so. The one catch is that you kind of have to swear fealty to the guy who's gonna bring you back. And she's like, okay. Oh, what?


Who is he?


What happens with does he require, you know? And she's like, No, no, no, no, no, that No, he doesn't require that. But do


they ever require that I've never heard of that being a thing to swear fealty that sucks.


All right, well, like it's like, feels like you have to like swear yourself to him or


Yeah, like, well, like giving up? It's like, sell your soul to the devil. Yeah, essentially. Yeah.


But like, No, you don't have to do that. That's not a thing. But some people come back. This was dumb. To to become what is essentially his. So he has an organization of people that he has, quote, unquote, saved from death that he calls the ghosts in the machine. Okay, sure. And dumb name. And this is like a band


name, a band that comes up


in something else and I cannot for the life of me remember what it is like? It's something ghosts in the machine. It's from something that might see a Ghost in the Shell. That was Yeah, maybe. It's definitely from something I can't remember what it is. You know, the


story. The Asian Scarlett Johansson of Japanese said obviously


100% Definitely not whitewash. Yeah. But so they're like, you have to do that. But and they'll she's like what I have to do. And she's like, well, some of us, like fight like this and find other people like they it's kind of in the shadows fighting against like demons and shit like that. Because those actually sounds dope, right? Yeah. And some people just he takes them and we don't know where to go. And we won't know until later. So you you don't know, but you kind of have to choose. She's like, okay. All right. And so they summon this dude.


Pause question. Rachel. Would you do it? Probably.


I would. Yeah. All right. So there's seven this dude and this is Adam. And this is where she says Good gravy. It figures she had to die to lay eyes on a man so stunning.


She you know what? Strong opening to a book. Right? Give it that was good gravy. So good gravy.


And one thing to mention, as she like is a spirit. She She cannot physically feel anything. She doesn't have any sensations. She still can get like, flickers of fear. And like I was but she doesn't feel anything. Right. And that comes into play. Yeah. So again, strong opening to a book. Right? Um, so they summon Adam, essentially. Yeah, he comes out of the mist. Oh, so there's like, right? Yeah. Oh, is


he carrying a chain?


He's nice. Oh, buddy, but the chain does come up. So. Yeah. So he comes out of the mist. And he is like, it's kind of weird and interesting, because he is stunned at who he sees. Like, he sees her and he's like, Oh, shit, because so everyone has like an aura essentially. Okay, it kind of makes sense. Yeah. Or a matches his Oh, and that comes into Destiny essentially soulmates and all that. So he's kind of stunned. And he it kind of comes out in this first scene, he was cursed before, which is why he's immortal, which is why he has this power, yada, yada yada goes into it a little bit more later. Okay. And the the end of his curse was when he found his soulmate as it always is. And he hasn't been able to feel anything kind of like she is right now or you can't feel and really, he can't feel emotion either. But we can't feel like physical sensation or anything like that, right? Until he found his other house, essentially. So all the sudden, he can feel shit after a couple 1000 years and he's like, oh shit. Fuck. So he found her he found her. Okay, um, and so, but he's trying to he has two of his members of his organization there and he's trying to like he doesn't know how to cope with it so he's an asshole


That's right. So I


wouldn't to be honest with you if I were him I would just be kind of like I don't get but this is just me right like I don't give a shit about the two other people this is my soulmate.


Well the thing that so that part again, like Yeah, who gives a shit? Yeah, about these other people here but the one thing is that like, I understand if you go a couple 1000 years granted, obviously I'm not 1000 years old. Rachel, we all know that


you're an immortal like Keanu Reeves.


But so like if you go that long without being able to feel anything, all the sudden being put on the spot of Yes, I feel everything would probably be kind of hard to cope with maybe trying to just playing devil's advocate.


Topically I can't imagine existing as a person without being able to see Anything, feeling things for me is such an integral part, I'm very emotional base, which is necessarily a great way to be, but it is what it is should happen. So like, I can't imagine like not the way that you react to things around you is part of what creates your personality, right? And so if you don't have any way of knowing how to feel about things, right, where's your person? Well,


so here's something that's also very interesting is he comes across as really like, the way he speaks to the people. And the women is almost lecherous, like not not in a creepy way, but it's very, like he calls everyone love, and he like kind of seems like he's kind of forward and that comes into play later. And you'll see why


that sounds like kind of like that new Lucifer series


a little bit. You'll see why though, and I think you're gonna love why I'm here for it. So. And the other thing that again, devil's advocate, and I can kind of see is that he has this moment of I cannot let her get away from me. I can't let her move on. Because this is like a rivalry. Right? So he'll die. Yeah, puts her on the spot. He's like, Alright, make the decision. Tick. Tock, come on, let's go. Like and she's like, Oh, my God. Fine. Because, you know, yeah, put on the spot. Right. And so this is where that kind of chain comes in. He essentially ties her to him, because he is terrified of losing her.


Oh, god. Yeah. Oh, God, but he already so like, let's Okay, so she swears fealty to him is essential. Since where she is and all that shit.


I don't know. He it's one of the things he wants. So if she is not close to him, he doesn't get this relief of his person. Whatever. Okay, okay. Yeah. Um, yeah, so this is that's in the first scene. She is now tied to him. But she is brought back to life. Okay, right. All right. seem to Okay. Jump in the future. Hmm. This is where how


far in the future? Ah, oh, God, like weeks, months, years. Months?


Okay. Yeah. Um, maybe a year, maybe a year. So I


don't really know. No long amount of time. Right. None of your super long but


a little bit. Yeah. Um, so this is where Shane starts to go off the rails.


Already off the rails.


Um, I should preface this. You know how you did your preface with like, there were demons in there. Yeah. In the upcoming episode, friends, right. Um, here's my preface. Fake exist. Okay. Okay. demons exist. Okay. Werewolves exist in this world, okay. And angels exist.


So kind of the same. A little bit with vampire vampires. Yeah,


I'm cool with that.


And just be clear. And I find with that, and


I would also argue, explained in a more believable way. In a more okay, I


get a low bar Rachel. But two weeks guy




low bar. I got up. It's really ironic though, putting my hand really high. Back the bar here.


So I'm going to just go ahead. It's one of those moments.


Oh, that's another one of the tricky game. low bar.


I'm just gonna and this is another one. I'm gonna go and read my notes word for word, because there's no other way. Please. But you have to chug the entire time.


You're reading the notes. The whole Oh, god.


Yeah. Alright. Start chugging. Eliza is hanging out at a weird sex party with her grandma. Okay.


My first question is, who the fuck is her grandma,


the queen of the Fae.


That explains a lot. Okay. Okay. Okay. So,


um, and my sub bullet for that is, I mean, sure.


Why not? Why


not? We find out very


Dresden Files


too. So we find out her mother mob Mab mouth, which is actually the queen of the like in mythology. Yeah, that's also a Dresden Files. Yeah, it's her. Yeah. So that's my grandmother, which means that she's like, 75% fe. Yeah, she's very Fe but it's her. Grandmother, right? Yeah, but her mother was also I guess so. Her mother was also Fe way. Yeah, it's there's some weird family tree shit. Okay, so that's the incest. Yeah.


So it's at least 25%


though. They they describe her as 75% and I don't know what other face shit went into the mix there.


But like, there's so many Fe that's not that weird. Like, you know, like, that doesn't necessarily mean incest. It just means that she's the means that I'm sorry. We're getting to the incest. Oh, sorry. Oh, I would say though, it means that one of the Fae was a slight


Yeah. Not a problem, especially if you're faced with jail.


Well, that's that's kind of like


there's suffice it to say she's 75% fe. Okay, okay. And Bob is her grandmother. Okay. Okay, cool. Ah, maybe her mom. I don't remember. Okay. Because it because ma'am no His grandmother because math tells her at first that she's her aunt, because she doesn't want to admit to her that yes, I'm your mother, grandmother, whatever.


So she's like, kind of like, she was like kind of a dirty secret,


and I was very much manipulating her. Oh, I'm so


so it's really bad now that she's sworn fealty to this guy when her grandmother is Mab. So


wait for it. She leaves this weird sex party. Yeah, I would. Yeah, it's very Eyes Wide Shut almost. I'm just weird sex party. Basically, they're just they kind of like throws it. It's discretionary. Offhand, which I actually appreciate it because you get everything you need to know in a couple sentences and you're done. It's basically men. It's like there's like this underground rumor of like, okay, if you want to have like the best sex of your life, go to Mab. And these men come to her and they don't make it out of the parties. They die. But it's super like good sex.


Yeah, so old this Eliza.


Like, like 20s 20s 20s.


Um, so Eliza leaves because she's like, I this is a lot. I can't do. Grandma. That's great. Yeah. My grandma, again, reading from my notes, because let's be honest, it's a lot.


Like you're throwing a sex party. My God.


And as she's randomly one, she's just kind of wandering because her thoughts are wandering. She just kind of stumbles across a secret room app, as you do in the fake Queen's mansion.


Fair. Okay, well, that's fair. She's just in the mansion. Right? She's


in the mansion. And randomly find the dungeon. And there's a doggo in this dungeon. Oh, shit. Animal views. That's one of them. Oh, I'm not really though. Because she touches the dogs. Oh, and it turns into Guess who? Her boyfriend Adam. Oh, no. Why is there so many questions as a dog? Um, Jesus, I just Okay, so he's naked after she turns back into a human. Okay, so was chained up, okay, has obviously been tortured, like is really fucked up. And he tells her that she's like, Uh, excuse you. You're in a lot of pain. Yeah, why? And so like, I want to help you. But also, you're the dick that chained me to you for a while. And this is where we find out. So she escaped him. This is where we find out that Mabb helped her escape. By telling her like, like here, you don't want to be tied to him. You're losing your freedom. Like, let's obviously let's get you out. So she helps her


escape easily, though. Like, as much as she said that she's manipulative. That would be fair. Yeah. I don't want to be tied to anyone. I'd rather I'm like, Well, exactly.


And, and so it also kind of comes out. This is where he tells her he's like, Okay, well, like they have. There's a lot of exposition that happens here. Basically, the gist of it is she's trying to help him Elise a little bit. Because he's just really wrecked. Like fucked up on the torture scale. This is where there's a lot of torture.


I'm just curious what Mabb would want from him.


He'll get into it. Um, so it comes out. Basically, he tells her he's like look Mab is manipulating you. She's your grandmother, not your aunt. She told you okay, she's your aunt. She's your grandmother. You are like, a lot of Fe basically like 75% fe.


Okay, so she bombed that it was only one parent. Yes. Mostly fe. Right.


Exactly. And you know, she's mad is manipulating you she is going to make you do things that you she's going to try to make you think that things were your idea when they weren't. So keep an eye out for that like and kind of like breaks down like math has captured me because of a curse and it was her curse originally and so because that curse was not fulfilled she got me back so basically mad cursed him right and the curse was okay if this has not broken by you finding your soulmate within this X amount of time your mind. Oh, okay. And because because Eliza escaped from him, right? The curse was now brought like Mushies maps now. That's why. Okay, so map obviously had ulterior motives for helping Eliza escape. Because map.


Exactly right. But why does she want Adam anyway?


We'll get into that later. I have a question. Yeah.


Dialysis, right. There's a book though. I am intrigued.


I am. I am torn on this one. Then I'll explain. I'll explain why I think we haven't


talked about the we haven't is whether he's a homeboy in our boy, I lean towards home, but um, because in the first scene, I've only gotten the first scene, American scene. So


he started that first scene. Absolutely, boy, and it is acknowledged that yes, I was a homeboy. Oh, but he becomes an AR boy.


There is so excited. Well,


it goes home boy, our boy and then still our boy but a little bit of questionable motives. Alright, let's go. Okay, so she helps him heal a little bit. And my next note, so he explains that the like math turns him into a dog as like a form of humiliation because she can write fake when right and the touch of another Fae can turn him back into a human, I guess. And my question is, okay, so Eliza doesn't tell anyone that she's knows Adam is there she pretends that she doesn't she pretends she has no idea he's there,


but nobody's gonna question the fact that he's turned back into it. Right? Seemingly a human Okay,


that was my quick concern, I


guess like they could maybe map just thought that somebody else wandered down there because she will she's probably not going to consider her granddaughter who's pretty whipped. It sounds like anyone, right?


Yeah, that could be it but that was That was my question. Yeah,


it's a legitimate question. But I also like probably for map he didn't escape so it doesn't matter. Right.


Exactly. Okay, so on to scene three, right? So she leaves him down there but she has something to think about now. So seeing three I should mention up until this point, it kind of comes out so the reason Eliza Eliza is American. The reason she was in London is because she was escaping an abusive ex somebody right okay, like really abusive. Oh, wow. And I mean abusive and also was exploiting so she's Fe she has a power that we won't go into right yet that he was exploiting as well.


So she married to this man


so her and ma'am go to like they're going to tea or whatever is fine society in right setting. Yeah. And she kind of like you start to see like Mab like do you want to do this like the end and then you see it because Eliza is starting to see it right there at this T thing Eliza is kind of distracted kind of wandering around. And I guess it shows up. Adam abusive ex fling shows up. And map comes over and it's like oh, hey,


you're here. No Mab.


abusive. Explain is is a lysosome. Cool. Why it's great uncle technically, I guess Matt's brother. And Mab is like yeah, you guys are gonna get married. Don't worry. And then


Oh, my God. Way more


straightforward. Later. It's really confusing. You think it's just just had right? Yeah. And and allows us like, Oh, my God, like freaking out.


So I'm sorry. Follow your passion does Mab know about so she knows.


She is 100% aware. So you know, you can think of like mad being the queen of the Seelie Court. Yeah, this dude is essentially the king of the Unseelie. Yeah, right. He's a Dig. Dig in everything like he's Yeah, not good. No boy. No.


Nexus Seelie. Court to the Unseelie Court. And a very, very very there is some tune way


some control things there that yeah, essentially. Yeah. Yeah. So Liza decides, fuck that. Yeah, we're gonna help Adam escape. And because we're gonna go do our thing. And then we're gonna get away. Yeah, we're just gonna get the fuck out of here. Leave him and also he can help me escape.


Yeah, right. Yeah.


So she decides


I thought of that scene between Will Turner and Jack Sparrow win like, yeah, a little bit.


A little bit. Yeah. Um, so she goes, she pretends to be sick. And Fe have like, they don't care about humans. And so they really don't even though she's mostly play like Fe don't get sick, right. But she's human enough to get sick, right? So they're like, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. Want to be around that. So she pretends to be sick. And she goes to help Adam escape. But when I'm sorry, back up a little bit. She went down to visit Adam one more time to let him know. Hey, I see what you're telling me. Guess who showed up? It's this other dude. That's my ex fling or whatever.


So the fling? Was she in love with him? No, she


wasn't in love with it. Fling is maybe not so famous. I think Milan is he's more he's just an ex abuser. Yes. So she got away from that was exploiting her. Right? Yeah, that's a better way


because fling makes it sound like you're right. I'm just gonna


refer to him as melon from now. Yeah, perfect. Good. Yeah, cuz his name is Malika. And you know


what else you can do with a melon. You can throw it over your head. You can grow it and explode it. Crush it


in between your thighs like the patriarchy. thunder thighs so big. Just


wash your head little man. Dude.


There's a workout tank top that says thunder thighs so big. I can crush the patriarchy and I want it.


See I'm like on the opposite end of that though. Where I'm like, I like those shirts that say like or tank tops that say my ideal way is Tom Hardy on top.


I like that too.


Watching Venom last night listeners and I was just like, here for it. Oh, it smells really good.


Oh, that's the best way to describe someone. Hey, I bet he smells good.


I thought what I get, okay, don't put this on the podcast, or I don't care. But what?


scent is very important.


I do think to myself, I'll see a sexy guy and I'll be like, I


bet he smells nice.


It smells really good.


Yeah, the valid Yeah 100% or so. So she goes on to tell Adam like look this is I went out Yeah, I went out. And this is where things again get a little weird. And because Adams trying to kind of convince her this whole time like I you need my help getting out of her. Like please, yada yada. I want to get out also, I want to be with you because I feel things when I'm with you. He kinda says that mostly doesn't Yeah, but that's also like


very self serving. Yeah, about love. Yeah. Oh, no,


not at all. He's he wants so much she realizes that, but he's like, Look, I just but I realize I fucked up when I change you to me. He's like, I get that. I totally I fucked up. I really did. But I'm hoping that we can at least like I don't know, be friends. I'd like to get out of here and like maybe we can maybe rebuild a relationship and I promise I won't be an asshole. I was a dick.


But also so I have to give him some credit, though. It's been like, what 1000s of years like you said, Yeah, felt he's emoted at all right. So the fact that he knows right and wrong. Yeah. Right. Yeah.


Well, and he's, he's 100% willing to be like, Look, I fucked up. It's my fault. Like, and he admits Metro, which is Yeah, awesome. Alright. Self Realization here, right? Um, but So, however, he explains to her why Mab wants her to marry Melon Melon. And it's basically what you said. And how if he does that, like, we're all fucked because you're a Fae, which means you're bound to, if you make like a vow like that, they are bound to their vows, right? So you will never leave. And she's like, can you like, get me out of here? The only way like, if you, she's like, and she kind of has this panic of like, I need to stop this now. Like, I'm free, right? He's like, Okay, if you marry someone else, Oh, that'll stop it. And she's like, No, no, we're


not getting out. We're not doing we're not bowing to each other. He's like, okay, okay,


I get it, I get it. We can hand fast.


That's a marriage.


It's well, it's pre marriage. So a Handfasting was like a essentially a trial period of marriage. And he's like, three weeks, we can pretend for three weeks, and then you can go your separate way. But at least that gets you away from him now. She's like, all right. Okay. All right. Three weeks, three weeks. Yeah. So they hand fast. Right there. Again, a little weird, but I kind


of get it. No, I don't think it's that weird. Like it just coming from like the bear. Like I'm only getting like the top of like, copyright of this book. But like, Okay, I'm


glad you don't think it's weird. I


don't think it's weird. Because like, I feel like I think what you're feeling is like he's trying to manipulate her. And I think that this is kind of like him, like finding a happy middle ground. Right?


Well, there's a lot of dialogue that I'm kind of skipping. I honestly would be very curious if you read the book,


and I kind of want to read it.


Good. Right. Okay. So I'm sure


part of this podcast is finding the good ones out there.


I wouldn't necessarily call this good, but it wasn't bad. Yeah, exactly. It was on the better end of average, we'll get there. So the Ashley's leaving after the Handfasting. She's like, okay, they plan on when she's going to help him escape and everything. Okay? She goes to leave and Mab is at the top of the stairs. Oh, no. And she's like, and so she plays kind of dumb of like, I found him. Why is he here? Like kind of freaking out that Adams here wanted to get away from that kind of thing. And so they go back to the weird sex party and Matt's like, Don't worry, and so melon brings Adam up and is like, Oh, you want revenge here whip him. And she's like, thinks on her feet go girl and is like, why you've already tortured him. Obviously, it's not having an effect, make him like subservient, that's going to humiliate him that's going to have a way bigger effect. So she thinks on her feet and they kind of get out of it. And she ends up going and helping them but before like as she's like, right before she's gonna go and do this melon shows up in a room. It's like I know what you're doing. You're gonna escape with him. And I have a proposition for you. Not a proposition, but he's like, here's what you're gonna do. I'm gonna let you escape. But he has something I want. So he has like this weapon sword thing. I want it because it's Fe made and it can kill Fe which are like very rare. Yes. You're gonna get it and then you're gonna kill him. For me. That's what you're gonna why?


Why would I do that? Right? That's why would Eliza do that? And that's kind of


like, we're not married, right? Well, he doesn't know that their hand fasted you might even know though but she's not married to Mellon. No, she's not. And also, I think it kind of gets to me it kind of gets this vibe of like he thinks he has way more power over her than actually does. Right. And so he thinks she's gonna do it just because? Because he's afraid of her. Yeah, well, or she's afraid of him. Exactly. But she's like, so she agrees, quote, unquote, right? And goes about their escape plan. Right?


That's actually surely smart. She's very smart.


She's very smart. Yeah.


Um, so she and Adam are able to escape the on the promise, Adam still has his chains on him. They couldn't break the chains, they could get them away from the wall. But there's a chain, the chains are also kind of sapping his power. So he can't heal himself very well. And so he's still really torn up and like, kind of, like not had his full power.


Right? What is he though is he thing


and he's okay, we'll get into that. Okay. So he escapes, they both escape and they go to one of his ghosts in the machine, organization, safe house, essentially. So it's a tavern that's run by his organization. I'm


warming up to that ghost in the machine.


It's a cool name. But the problem is, it's referencing to something else, and I can't remember you need to just Google it to I will. I don't want to go into my notes. That's just a lot of work. Yeah, I'll do it later. Yeah.


Well, I will post it or Google


yourself. So they go to this in tavern thing and they escape and they're kind of hidden in the walls and the walls are lined with lead. So okay, does it lead? Yes, lead so or not silver lead is the one that the Fae can't can't like, touch or sense things through or whatever.


So Oh, do you? Do you want the Ghost in the Machine thing? What is it? It's, um, is a British philosopher Robert Ryles description of Rene de cartes Mind Body duality. dualism?


I love de cartes philosophy. Yeah, it's the nothing is real. Everything's the devil. Right? Good. One


rial introduced the phrase in the concept of mine 1949 to highlight the view of Descartes and others that mental and physical activity occur simultaneously but separately.


You know what? I'm more on board with this now. Yeah, there we go for you. You're welcome. Margie, Google, some RG Google


sub segments. Hey, wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on.


Her new segment. Margie gets more champagne. Champagne. Sounds like a waterfall. Yeah. Does aware, aware waterfall again, two weeks from now?


Yeah, tune in. Alright, here's your sneak peek.


So so they are hidden in essentially like hidden rooms and the walls of this tavern. Cool map shows up? Map realizes that Eliza has a sketch. Right, Adam and just trying to find him and they can like hear people getting killed by man. As Yeah, so


very curious, though. Who are Eliza's parents? Do we get into that?


A little bit? Okay, a little bit. Okay. Um, you don't know much about her mom. But we do know about her dad. And that's where things get a little weird. Okay. Um,


oh, like, they aren't already a


little racism and weird. Oh, yeah. Um, so. And I will say also, so. So he's still has chains on him there hiding in the thing. He is like, livid. Because I mean, essentially, all of these ghosts in the machine guys are like his children essentially. Right? Right. He's listening to them being murdered, he can't do anything about it, because it doesn't have his


powers right now. He likes it. So he needs to get rid of those chains,


essentially. And that's kind of what they're trying to do next. But after that whole happens, and they get to a point where like, okay, Eliza is gonna stay with him and like, help him in writing because they took that Handfasting vow, right? Um, it does start to get a little bit steamy between the two of them. Hey,


I've been waiting for this. I wanted to ask you the next question I was gonna have I was like, okay, are they


like, they're very attracted to each other or are attracted to each other. But


are they like, does he care for her? Yes.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. So they're very attracted to each other. He really cares about her. And so when they were together, like when he like, chained herself, him to him essentially, which again, he he fucked up and it's not okay. Okay. Um, she just gave him the silent treatment completely. She will not talk to him. She was not and he tried but at the same time, he was kind of being an asshole was a huge asshole. Right. And so like, they haven't quite admitted that part to each other of like, he admitted. Yeah, I was an idiot. I was right. I'm sorry. Yeah. But she like she's at least talking to him. And he's like, trying so hard to be like, Look again. I'm sorry. I was an idiot. Yeah, I just want to be like, cordial with you. Yeah, we can start with that. That would be cool. He's trying to build back her trust essentially. Right. So things kind of started they actually kiss for the first time


good, is pretty good.


And this is where we get into the you know, the first This is a first for our


Oh yes, your


we have a male virgin.


He's a virgin.


He's a virgin. Well,


however many 1000 years he


couldn't feel anything. Any. Nothing. Not even that. Not even that. Okay. And before that he was like a Templar Knight. He was a knight, right? So the vow of chastity


he's a virgin. We have a male virgin


elicitor even kissed


anybody. This is his first kiss. He's good at it. No. Oh, she has to help him. It's actually really kind of fun. And I like it. It's so different. It's like, okay, I'm into this. Like, kind of teaches him the ropes because she comes out. She's not.


I love it. Yeah, you're foreign, right? Yes. So refreshing. So refreshing.


I was like, Oh, shit. Really? Virgin?




I know.


I love it. I thought you'd appreciate you so much. Okay, good. It's


very good. He's because it's, it's actually really cute because he's super unsure of himself. He's like, I don't really know what I'm doing. But you're here like, you're gonna help me do it. So it's pretty good. I liked it a lot way more than I thought I would. So they kiss for the first time. This is where that happens. So next, like a virgin touch for the very first time, another mini side quest kind of thing. Okay, that's happening up into this point. It's


a bonding side quests thing? No.


It's like a subplot. Maps whole thing is she is on the search for she is terrified of death. Understandably so. But just think and die. She is on sort of searching for this mythical item treasure thing that Mellon is like, you need to like we need to find this. He's really pushing her to do this. It's the horn of something. It starts with the bee didn't make a lot of sense but nameless. But she's really trying to find this thing because it gives you the user apparently power over life and death. Like you can kill anything.


That sounds hooray. Terrified. Right?


So they're trying to find this. And that's part of why Mellon was like, hey, you need to go with him. Because he's he they man thinks he Adam knows where it is. Adam doesn't but man thinks he does. Why? Because so this isn't that comes out later. But I'll go in and tell him now just kind of get the context. The reason Adam was cursed was he was a knight and he was a knight that was trying to destroy paganism in Ireland. Right? Okay. In that like crusades? Right? Yeah. Um, so she's as well right. Let's murder everything for Jesus. Um,


that's what Jesus did.


LOL It's not pagan. It's fine. Yeah, just spirits one of my favorite packs. Um, he was so he was going through like, quote unquote, pagan Ireland everything and taking artifacts for from paganism and destroying them and stealing them and everything. So yeah, so he Mabb got his sights on it because he's an attractive gentleman. And so Matt was like, I think you're attractive come to me and he's like, no, no. strong in the faith strong in God. Right?


Yeah. existed Jesus will protect my deck, right. So


she cursed him. He was saved by an kind of saved by an angel. It's kind of like the the sleeping beauty thing where it's like, I'm gonna curse you. And then the last fairy is like, Oh, wait, But wait. There's more


death. It's sleep Exactly. A really long now. Yeah, kind of like so


kind of like that, where she cursed him. And then his like, essentially guardian angel because he was a, you know, warrior of Christ. Right. Whatever came in and was like, actually, not quite.


Let's rephrase that, right.


Um, so that's why part of the reason Mabb like, was so intent on keeping him was because she thought he knew where this was because it's an artifact. Supposedly stole it, but he's like, I have no fucking idea where it was it


is it like say is it like, revolutionary girl Utena. And like, the sword was in her all along. She just had to believe


we're good. So they are on their way to a friend friend, quote unquote, someone that owes Adam something because Adam saved him. And he is essentially an Oracle. Oh, Oracle. Right. Right. He's a reporter for a newspaper. Love it. Right. Yeah. So they go to this newspaper friend and they they kind of get an idea of okay, this is what needs to happen, you know, essentially. Hey, where do I go next in my question. Yeah, well, he also has Adam leave the room. It's like you need to get out. I have something just for her. Oh, and he's like, No, he's like, do it because Adams kind of a little bit of jealousy in there. Oh, okay. Right. And so basically, they tell he tells Eliza the Oracle tells Eliza. Look, you guys are going to find the horn but you you're the only one that can use it. And when your own Use it when you let Him into your heart. Oh prophecy. And he's like I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want him to try to like manipulate Exactly yeah, so it just made right good boy love it love


it love it love it whatever else we usually in romance novels that position is held by female character talking to another female characters that is really refreshing gender


flipping and this is wonderful. I love it. Um so they're leaving the Oracle they're going to try to find they're going to so Adams right hand man is this dude he's a Creole guy. So he's from New Orleans Creole um, and he is fabulous. Oh shit I love him but not in like a fabulous kind of way like just didn't like he's he's just gay and it's awesome yeah it's natural. I'm not in a trying too hard right? Well yeah. So we're trying to go to his boat. Because Adam has sword that sword that melon wants his story stored on his right hand man spoke right to kind of make sense. Yes. Trying to kind of make this easy to follow. I


will say it's just the two I was forgetting that like it's a separate there are two separate there's two are stored horn and the sword the horn and the sword because the sword is Adam sword right from when he was like a night. It's


whatever. Okay, so the horn horn is a mythical thing. Okay,


that like has power. No one knows where it is exact. Okay,


but Mab. Thanks, Adam knows. Yes. So they're attacked on their way out by demons. Um, so and I should mention Adam still in chains. Yeah, he still doesn't have his powers. Right? They're attacked by demons. Oh, because a lot of people want Adam dead. Not just ma'am. Okay, Adam is kind of human. He has this whole organization that their whole job is to live in the shadows and protect humanity essentially. Okay, right. Right. A lot of people want him dead. So demons attack him. Adam still fucks them up though. Because Adam is such a really good warrior. Yeah.


It doesn't even matter no


happen. But in all the chaos they get separated Adam and Eliza Oh no. get separated. Oh, no. Um, and Eliza is sort of has a has an interaction with one of Mt. Mellon's goons. Oh, so melon shows up and he's like, don't worry. I killed this to do or the melons goon I guess. Sure. Don't worry. I killed us to demons melon sent me to look out for you to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to be doing. God you're not. Yeah, no. It's like, well, I'm working on it, essentially. And he's like, okay, but I did kill those guys for you. You're gonna give me anything for it. This very find out about a power that Eliza has finally it is fucking terrible.


Okay, what is it? What is was


she essentially like when she? It's hard to explain. She'll start laughing in this crazed crazy laugh. And if she touches someone while she's in this weird state that she can't entirely control she will kill them. Essentially, spirits come out and rip their soul from their body


rule that's metal is fun.


It's pretty much Oh my god. So she kills straight up murders this dude good, good for right. And Adam finds her afterwards and is like what happened? And she she does tell him about the murder and everything and about the thing with melon. Oh, good. Okay,


I was wondering like,


Hey, this is happening by the way, and I'm not going to do it. I just wanted you to know guys like communication. Hey, honestly, communication and relationship is so important. But so she's super straight with him. She's like, like, this is exactly what's happening. I'm not going to do it. I just want you to write about it. So they ended up getting to then going to a friend another friend, which you kind of get the vibe that these other friends are going to have their own books in the series because this is not the right book. Yeah, yeah, it's a whole world. So they go to another friend that she's like an inventor. It's actually really cool. She's the inventor. There's some really she's like Tinkerbell Yeah, essentially, but there's a really fun like gender Victorian era gender swapping here love it. Um, so they're like we need to get to the ship it's definitely being watched though because they expect me to go there. So we need to get there in secret. So they get on the go to this like inventor lady and she's like I have something fun that I've been working with. You know how like in the civil war that just happened because it's not Victorian here it's later than that but right new whatever era that just happened Eliza you know this there was they were playing on the submarines which is true in the Civil War. They played really good. Got it. Yeah, so she has a submarine. Essentially cool. She's like let's use that allies is freaked out.


Fair. I'm to this day. I know what I would never go in a submarine.


Adam, on the other hand is like fuck yeah, this is cool as shit. There's two types of people. There's two types of people. So they end up getting in the submarine and they're able to make it


to the ship. Does Adam come for her the whole way.


So it starts out Adams up front with the sign is late and it's like, well, what's this do and what's this do and it's super into and she's in the back, just like and he like realize that he's like, oh, and so he comes back. He's like, you're doing great, you're doing fine. So they make it to the ship and he's able to find his sword. And the ship is abandoned at this point. And this is why the non violence came. I thought it was funny. So it's this pleasure ship essential, right? Yeah. And he finds his sword and the sword is able to break the chains. And he's like, finally starting to power. Yeah. And as soon as that happens, fake, like, show up. And like, This ship has been like, just, everything's thrown everywhere. Like it's obviously been rated before. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah, so he just wrecks all them kicks ass. Yeah. Um, and his right hand man finally shows up again. And it's like, Hey, you're back. Cool. The fg are Hmm. From now. She fabulously gay right hand, man.


Love it.


Alright, Jim. I love you, Alan.


Again. Again, we have a little bit of a one on one with Eliza and someone that's not Adam. And Adam gets he's a little jealous boy. So he gets a little jealous. But in the one on one that the GR Yeah, yeah. I guess I just have it as gr hmm. Yeah, right hand, man. Yeah, it's still fabulous. Perfect. Um, we kind of find out that. So Eliza's dad, that one part of her that we don't know about? Oh, was actually a slave. She's technically like, a quarter African American. Awesome. Yeah. Um, but you kind of get this. Hey, Adam Chained her into essentially slavery for like, a year, oh, he has no idea. He picks it out. He's also like, you know, half African American or whatever, in that time. So he's like, I could tell like, because you have these you know, attributes that I also have, once again, I'm not black. I don't really can't really speak to the efficacy of this. I read it and I was like, this is a little weird. That doesn't sound okay. Cuz. Yeah. And that's the vibe I got.


Cuz I'm just kind of like,


but again, I can't speak to it. So listeners if you think that's weird, let me know.


Just give me you know, it's weird. It's weird. We just tell you is weird. I don't like it. I don't like it anyway, but


I didn't either. When I read that, I was like, Huh,


I'm like, I know. And it's hard. I think it's hard for us to speak about it. Yeah, we


absolutely don't have the context. Right. Exactly. We are


so white or sweet. So whites Hello. Hello, white light. So I am appealing for my vacation right now.


So I did know that is weird. More than


we call borderline


racist. Yeah. That's why racism was a trigger. So since they leave, they and they end up going they kind of need to like regroup and figure some shit out, right? Like what their next steps are. So because they know like, okay, Eliza is never going to be free of melanin Mab until both of them are dead. Somehow, we still don't know where this horn thing is. But at least I have my powers back. So that's cool. Yeah. So the go to this area outside of London, and they kind of lay load to do some planning. There's lots of heating up by the way, like lots of like steamy moments. So he they go to this place that he has kind of a house and and, and they they're staying like right next to a pub that is again, owned by his ghost machine group. And they have like some moments. Oh, she also tells him like she again communication is important. She straight up tells him like hey, because she's just kind of like withdrawn a little bit because that conversation Yeah, his right hand, man. She's just straight up doesn't look. I am African American. Yeah, hardly, even though she's hella blonde again, which is weird.


Hold on. Hold on, though. We should rephrase that. Because where she from? She's not African American. She


is African American.


So she's from America. Yes. But her dad was a slave. Right.


I don't really know how to phrase this. So then she's


African American, but it's African.


Yes. Well, yes. I don't know what his gender I don't know. Exactly. But if I'm saying something that is offensive, I am sorry. I don't know.


Just let us know. Yeah. Don't Don't be mean. But like, let


us know. If we do it's a promise.


I 100%


just don't know. Um, this is not something I'm experienced in and he has that moment of oh, fuck, I really fucked up I'm so sorry. Like that I was doing something bad before and it's still bad but now it's really bad. I'm sorry. Like he again has this ah, I'm an asshole. I'm a terrible human is so bad, right? Yeah. Oh, so that happens. I just, I mean dimension that. I don't know. It's still new to me.


Yeah, weird. It's very weird. Weird, but at least I think at least they mentioned it right. And it would have been a lot, lot, lot lot worse if they didn't,


yes. Um, so they're at the pub, they kind of have an evening at the pub before they like go back to this room and he's sleeping on a couch, she can sleep in the bed like she he's still not forcing himself on her. And they're at the pub and everything. And she's like, Hey, do you want to dance? Because there's the Dan. He's like, I legitimately don't know how to dance. I don't dance. She's like, Okay, well, I love to dance. So she goes off and dances. He gets real broody. Well, this naturally gets like kind of jealous and is like, you know, yeah, but then he has this mode of like, I can't dance, but I can play music. That's something he learned. Like, I'm gonna play that fiddle. So she can dance to it. And so there's actually kind of a cute moment. So cute. Yeah. And afterwards, she gives him a blow in the pub. Oh, she gives them a blow. Like, she's the one that's like, Okay, I'm gonna do this for you. Because I actually hit a girl starting to kind of like you and you're sweet. It was actually I wasn't mad about it. And there was a lot of like him being unsure and her being like, No, babe, I got this.


I got this. Real good, don't you? So gender flip. I love it.


I know. So therefore, that's why I'm conflicted on this book. Because there were parts where you're like,


the racism is what good I was


weird. But then there was other parts. It's like, okay, I'm super down for this is perfect. It's fair. But so blowing in the pub. Um, and they go and he's like, like, Oh, shit. Like, that was


awesome. I'll bet it was


right. So they go back to the bug, they finished eating whatever, they go back to their little house that they're staying in. And in the middle of the night, again, they're sleeping separately. She wakes up and starts sleepwalking, so not really doing something. Yes. Yeah. She sleep walks and she goes out into like this field behind the house. Oh, no. And 11/11 hour


kidnapping. No. Oh, okay.


So she this whole power weird power that she has. I mean, she she can also see spirits. And when he has his powers, he also can see spirit. Okay, right. So he can see that there's a lot of spirits just around her, like reaching out to like touch her and everything. And as it happens, they get attacked by a Fae melon sends after them because melons like Hey, you didn't get me that sword and kill him like I wanted you to so I'm going to try to murder both of you. He sends an assassin Adam kills him. Oh my God, his sword breaks in the process. Right? Well, so sorry. Adam doesn't kill him. His sword breaks in the process. Eliza turns around still sleepwalking and does the weird thing and kills the assassin to save. Okay, good night, Adam.


I thought you were gonna say Adam.


Wait, um, so she kills him and she like comes back. And she's like, What did I do? Yeah, what did I and Adams like? I have questions. And so they talk about it. And she explains just like I don't know what happens. Yes. Is what happens, Melanie. So the whole thing Mellon used that power of hers to kill people. Yeah. And so Adams like, okay, all right. Interesting. Yeah, but that's cool. Awesome. Cool. Well, yeah, it's sad, but he doesn't like he sucks it. Um, so they go back and like, she can't sleep. And she's like, Oh, God, I just I don't want to like go to him because he's probably weirded out by me and like doubting everything. And so she opens the door and you see him about to knock and then they fuck


Oh, okay. Oh, why Oh, really? Bad.


I mean, so it's not bad they fuck it's pretty good. So the next day you can kind of get the sense that this whole thing with her killing this Fe assassin like up until now she's thought she could only do this on humans. So she just did it on a supernatural right person thing. So something is obviously happened. Like some some shift has happened in this world of okay, something weird is going on. And the next day so, it starts raining and the rain is read and people think the world is ending fair. But that that isn't happening because of her. It's happening because of a side plot. And it's kind of an important side plot that I haven't gone into much. But suffice it to say map is dead. Map is dead there. I do not have time to go into. Honestly, that's fine. Mabb is dead. That's fine. And in a very satisfying way. Oh, perfect. Okay, so they don't know Matt is dead. Okay, but that's kind of why the queen of the Fae has died. That's why it's raining essentially blood. So they're like, Okay, we don't really know what to do besides just go and like, attack Mellon like yeah, and map like we have to we're not going to be free until they're dead. So let's just go do it slowly crap. So they're like going there riding through London trying to get to this VABs portion. Right? Yeah, right. Um, so they get there and and Adams like a license like okay, what's the plan is like, we just got to go fight them. That's what we got to do. We're gonna do and she's like, okay, and she kind of goes with them. She's like, I trust you like I at this point. She's like, Yeah, I love you. You're pretty cool. And he loves her too. And so they like they've let each other into each other's hearts. Remember that? Remember who you are.


My son in the one true cake. Anyway, go on.


So they get some abs mansion. And they're like, man, no one's here. Yeah, cuz you're dead right? The turn around and melons there. Okay, we find out that Matt has been killed because side plot which is what my notes right okay. So they started to fight and like Adam is just baiting melon the entire time. Okay, baiting him like crazy. And so melon goes to attack Eliza instead of Adam. To get to Adam. Adam. They're right next to each other. So Adam jumps in front of her naturally. And male and just straight up rips out Adams heart. Oh,


Adams dead yo.


Adam, dad. Okay. Okay, go on. Go on. Go on. Go on. Eliza freaks the fuck out. And does the weird Kili thing on my Okay. Melon dies. Okay, got it. Adam still did. And all of the ghosts of the machine drop dead at that moment too. Oh my God, because he's the one that give them all life. They're all dead. She doesn't know about that part. But that does happen. So she's obviously devastated. And they take him back to she takes them back to the ship with the help of a couple of people. That boat thing,


right that?


Yeah, the fabulously gay right? Hey, man. Yeah, isn't. Um, and like, finally is out of shock and starts crying.


I will say this. I do love a good yarn. And a romance novel. Like I love it when like, you feel some pain. You know? Just wait. I'm here for it. Let's go.


I want you to take a wild guess. Power of Love. That's what brings them back to life. The power of love. It's her tears. Oh, this is a robot. So she cries on him. He comes back to life. This is literally literally her bundle. And she's like, Excuse me? What the fuck? He's like


siree, Guru a hearts because what he's like


so I maybe wasn't 100% honest with you. Because I needed you to not know what was going on in order for you to be able to use your power against melon because I know you didn't think you could. No, no, no, no, no again, things I understand things are about to get weirder. Um turns out she's not just part face. She's part Banshee, I guess. And she was the horn all along. You just have to believe was born because she has power over life and death. That's why she gets the weird guy. See, that? Was all right there. Honestly, god. Um, and yeah. So the horn was insider all of all along, you just have to believe um, they have chair sex.


Really, I would expect bed sex after that.


No chair sex. Um, and so he, he basically it comes out that basically, he is not supposed to be in this world. So he lives in, essentially, this mirror world of London. So how she can see spirits in his world. Everyone that's actually alive is like spirits to him. And all the spirits are real. Like, it's like that spirit world. Okay. Sort of. So that's where he lives. And that's where he's most powerful. And if he is going to so when he came back to life, all of his ghosts in the machine came back to life. But in order for them to like, really like him to have, like, be king of them and have the power and everything he has to go back to that world. He's like, I've been out of that world for a long time. Yeah. And all of my, you know, so he's pretty much asking me to go with him, right? No, he doesn't. Oh, he's like you. He's like, I can't ask you to do that. And he's like, I can't take you with me. I have to go and and she's like, excuse you and he's like, I'm sorry, like have to so then chair sex happens and then he leaves. Oh, this is where communication and relationship really breaks down. Because then gay right hand man tells you is like well, you know why? Right? She's what she's like, because you would have to die to go. You cannot be alive and go there and He thinks you've tried so hard to be alive. He doesn't want to ask you to have to die. Like to do that.


Oh my god, right? That's very confusing this so it is very surprising. Very obvious at the beginning of the book. You didn't just let her die. That's because I


don't know if her spirit would have gone. You're right. That's a very big plot hole. Yeah, cuz he specifically his gay right hand, man, his right hand, man, I should stop just practicing that with gay. I say that because he's just so fabulous. And I love him. Yeah, um, but he's like, I mean, honestly. Okay, hang on, we'll get there. So she's like, trying to cope and everything. And she's just really struggling with it. Right? And so she goes back to the right hand man guy and is like, Hey, I just want to know, like, what is this other dimension? Right explains it to her and he's like, honestly, like, you know, if, you know, maybe someday you will die and your spirit will probably find him because you guys are obviously tied together. So that is a very big, thank you for pointing that. Yeah. And she's like, okay. And like, Where does he live that he's like, honestly, that's that's the kind of the funny part like here. This boat barge thing was like my domain here on the earth. In the mirror world. It's where he lives. Like he has his own version of it that that's his home.


That's so sad. A romantic. She's like, Oh, some good years. I'm here for good yearn. Just wait. She's like,


that's good to know. And then chugs a cup of cyanide?


I don't know how I feel about that. And dice.


And so cut to him and his mirror world brooding. Well, yeah, as you do. And then she's and then also you just hear Alright, are you gonna keep doing that?


Love it.


He's like, wait, what? And looks up and there she is. Oh, and he's like, how are you? She's like, I checked. I chugged a glass of cyanide. He's


like you what? Freaks?


You did, wouldn't it? Yeah, so she killed herself to be with him. Yeah, I don't know how I feel about that happily ever


after. I guess literally after. Yeah.


So you understand why I'm conflicted about this book.


Here's the thing here's the thing is that I feel conflicted about this book in the way that I feel conflicted about grim fairy tales though. Like they're not perfect. They're not good representations are not good lesson. You know, I don't expect an Aesop Fable on rice. But it's fucked. It's a fucked up but it's also still good story. Right not upset I'm not upset about


so all of those things led me to be kind of conflicted about it, but I'm still on board. The thing that actually kind of made me conflicted about it. I mean, yeah, the racism thing. You heard the her killing herself to be with him thing. Yeah. Weird. But the thing that got me the most and maybe this says something about me as a person or how many of these how desensitized I am to this shit. Is it like it was just written kind of, confusingly reported in the middle of scenes that I was very confused. It wasn't written Great. That's, that's fair. Yeah, that's fair.


I mean, like, if it's, yeah, it was good, but it had its sound is like this book. Okay, I'm gonna lift it up. It sounded like this book had a lot of good potential. And a lot of wearing flat clear has the I notice been amazed that first scene was really good. I think it's still a good book. I want to call it great.


I almost want to read some of the other ones to see. I will read it.


Yeah, I honestly am into it. Like I'm into the the gender swatch swapping thing of that was actually honestly, over there for Yeah, and I mean, well, and also so like, on the opposite. We've had it where in how to tame a beast in seven days. Where it literally didn't make sense for him to not be happier virgin with this. It totally makes sense. That a totally makes sense. It would be a virgin. So and it carries through and it's done really well.


You see the like his false bravado in the beginning of being like referring to everyone as love. No, he's totally a virgin. He has no fucking idea what he's doing.


He was gonna get it. But it's also like calling people love is like an old world London thing. Yeah, well, it


feels like you get the vibe of like, he feels like he's trying to maintain a persona to like, any shouldn't. And at the end, he realizes that he shouldn't. Yeah, that's okay. I'm


gonna pull again towards the Lucifer TV show of like, I'm imagining a Lucifer from that TV show has not had sex and it's just pretending that he has and it's like, trying,


and I see that and then when like, she actually gets him in bed. He kind of breaks down and he's like, I don't know what I'm doing. I need your help. Like, it's, I don't know, it's, it's and it's not like I need your help. I don't worry. It's more like, like, Is this okay? All right. Are you sure this is on to react? So ratings? Um, so like I said, it was good. There was some weird parts, but there was also some really Good Parts are kind of averaged out. Yeah, I like him. I actually really liked his backstory yeah his like he was a Templar realized hand fucking up and ruining these people's culture and then getting cursed and then trying to like I liked the character growing but I would say like three three for him right three for her all right um, slot mutt okay a lot. Well plot two and a half okay, it's kind of weird kind of middle smite three three and a half are pretty good I enjoyed it and then overall five five and a half maybe six in the five to six range


like it was great I got to read this fun middle


of like like not middle of the road isn't it was average middle of the road isn't like yeah, it was I mean it was good for a middle of the road kind of deal real quick asked me what I'm reading Yeah. What


are you reading Rachel or what are you consuming? What media are you consuming?


So you know that Christmas episode that's on our Patreon page. Yeah, yeah. You know, it was the like, next like mini book in a series Yeah, I read the series really? It was really good. Oh, good. Highly recommend the wallflowers book.




I read all four. It was great. Oh,


I read the the devil's daughter what did you like it? I liked it. I didn't love it. I loved the smile. I the smoke was good. But it was like the plot was just


it was okay. But the smart did it for me. So thank you so much for passing. we've referenced it a lot but hang out two weeks from now because it's fucking crazy. Oh, it's so dope.


I don't want to go back


okay. And hey, huge thank you to Eleanor you for the use of her song. Oh, love of the album be held. Yeah, this is still weird since I handle all of the extra stuff in the beginning. I know. We gotta figure we gotta figure out the outro we do. Hey, recommendations. How does that


Yeah. All right. Love y'all.