Textual Tension

Ep. 47: Yippee-ki-yay Motherfu-

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 47

Howdy y'all! Do you ever read a book and really love it, and then try to tell someone else about it and realize wait....is this actually good? Your co-host Rachel finds herself in this exact situation this week as she tells Margie all about The Bridegroom by Linda Lael Miller. I guess you'll just have to decide for yourself!


Howdy partner. Welcome to textual tension town ain't big enough for to us. It's why it's only me. CO hosts, Rachel, here tell you about all the goings on here in our quaint little town on this here frontier set. Could I keep a straight face while I do that? Hi guys, welcome. Hey, welcome to textual tension. If that intro wasn't abundantly clear, and you're new here we are a bad romance novel review, podcast, and welcome. And if you're not new here, Hey, welcome back. You're great. I jump in here every other week and tell you all about the goings on in our little world over here. And this week, mercifully, there's not a lot happening, hey, but I will go ahead and go through my regular spiel. We don't really have any new patrons this week. But if you are interested in maybe checking out what you could get for becoming our patron, and patronizing us wait, that sounded bad supporting us, there we go. That's a good way to say it. Head on over to patreon.com/textual tension, guys, it's been a week at work. So sorry, strap in. And if you are already supporting us, thank you so so, so, so much, you are amazing, you're incredible. I just ordered new mics for us, they should come in here in the next month or so they're on backorder. And we can do that because of you guys. And if you maybe you're not in a spot right now where you can, you know, shell out extra money to support us and our crazy hobby. And that's totally cool. We love you. And you're amazing. And if you want to support us in another way, we would really, really appreciate it if you went and rate and reviewed us on your favorite podcatcher. That is honestly the best way for us to get out to new people that and you're telling your friends about us. So if you could do that, that would be amazing. And hey, if you need a good way to go and tell all your friends about us, check out our Instagram or Twitter or our Facebook, Facebook or our Discord where we have a book club, it's all textual tension pod across the board. And you can hit us up on any of those, you can go and talk to us, you can reach out, check out our website at textual tension pod.com. And we like to hear from you guys. We read books that are recommended to us all the time. And we really love it when you guys reach out and call us on our shit and give us books and all that stuff. Okay, I lied. There is one other thing that I did want to talk about, um, hey, it's Pride Month, y'all. That's super important. We had an awesome Pride Parade here in my neighborhood, just a little tiny one. And it was so much fun. And I do not want you guys to think that we forgot about pride month, because we definitely forgot about pride month with everything going on. So we've decided that we're just going to extend our pride month. So I promise we have some awesome parade and LGBTQ plus novels and books coming up. But this one's not one of them. And it's totally our fault. So we're getting there. I swear Do not think we forgot it's totally are bad, but they are coming. Hey, oh. And finally, last but not least, we recorded this episode remotely. Margie was going on vacation, there was some stuff that came up so we want to end it remotely, we're still kind of figuring that out. So the audio quality isn't what you would normally you've normally come to expect from us and our stellar history of amazing audio. So I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that you might hear a little bit of echoing you might hear you know, just some extra stuff so bear with us. It's still a really fun episode and I had a lot of fun. So I guess grab your horse. plop your saddle on top of it. That's how horses work, I think and let's go let's go run down some some outlaw frontier badboys huh? So without further ado, here's episode 47 You became a mother. Oh, tearing me apart from Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host


Rachel and I am your co host Margie.


Every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our own suspecting co host this week a Margie is listening in in her yellow yellow vests vagina of a recording studio down in Cincinnati we're doing it remotely


honestly there's no better way to put it but to say that I look like I probably out of a vagina that I be born again like there's no better way


and together we unpack what the fuck just happened. You revoke your you I revoke your right to say that with me.


Well, I'm just I'm busy trying to get out of the womb.


Well, it's not gonna happen. So y'all, we had a kinda fast turnaround on this one. And to be fair, I had several, I have a couple recommendations that I'm working on getting to so if you gave me a recommendation, I'm working on it, but this one, I was just, you know what? I was in the mood for a Western. I'm gonna go ahead and throw that out there. Oh my god, whoo, I know that you're writing it really?


Is that kind of your thing, Rachel, like, are you if you're gonna pick like a romance like we already know that like dark heroes like that's me all the way. So is that kind of like your thing is like Wild Wild West?


No, it's more of like, so I knew we had a pretty quick turnaround on this one. So I picked a book that I was really in the mood for that I I thought I could like really get into and finish really quickly. Usually, if I like if I'm craving a specific genre, I will just read it a lot faster. And in this case, it was true, because I finished this one in less than 24 hours. So good for you. And since since then, I have completed another one in the series, and I'm working on the third.


Yes, girl, so


it's good. It's actually a good series. All right. So I'm gonna send you via Facebook chat. I'm gonna send you the cover that I have from my library book, and then I'm gonna send you the Goodreads link which has a different cover. It's sexy, man, either way, but you know, yeah, there you go.


Um, so I wanted to do one thing new and give a shout out to one, someone who she wrote a review for us on iTunes. And she actually sent a record and sent a recommendation for a book. So I wanted Molly, to let you know, I saw and I saw your recommendation and I'm playing it will. It will be read.


So Vicki, I'm so excited. Hey, thanks for the review. Yeah,


thank you, Molly. Okay, so, but the cover of this book is so it's called the bride groom. And the author's name is Linda Lael Miller. It's a listener suit. Just to let you know, Rachel, it said, Yeah, this guy is my type. He is real hot. And I gotta say, the guy the covers pretty spicy. He's right. Wearing like an outfit that reminds me of and I know this is like, not the era at all. But it reminds me the outfit that or maybe it's just this whole vibe, he gives me a very Wesley from The Princess Bride vibe.


Yeah, I could see that like at the


beginning of the movie when he's not wearing all black and a mask because masks are terribly comfortable. And I think everybody will be wearing them. So that was a premonition and I hate it.


That that was a really, really fun and interesting comparison, which you will see why later. Okay, I never really


thought about that. It's called the bride groom. It's by Linda Lael Miller, and the author's name is huge, like way bigger than the title way bigger than the title and Publishers Weekly said Miller tugs at the heartstrings as few authors can, hey, here for looking at us very intensely to like to be inside this vagina right now.


So let me just say, when I first started reading this book, oh, man, our boy really wrestled the jimmies in a good way, super into it. And I got a little bit less into it as we went on, and, and more into another guy who just happened to be the subject of another one of the books. And so I wait. And I was way more into the other guy.


Okay, okay. Well, I'm still really excited to hear about this. Send me the description.


And before I send you this, I want to drop a serious bombshell of knowledge. Actually, you know what? No, I'm not going to drop this knowledge yet. I'm gonna wait till the end. Oh, okay. Yes, you did tease me tease you in your


umbrella. Tryna. I'm breathless from?


Would it be easier if I read the description for you?


I think you're gonna have to because I can't get it to pull up. Okay,


listeners, we're changing. We're changing something up because Marty's internet's being dumb. So I'm gonna read the description for yourself for spices and because Margie can't see the second cover that is here on Goodreads, it is another sexy man, but this one is looking like with his lips slightly parted at the camera like he's surprised and also trying to be sexy, with like mullet length hair, so I'm gonna go ahead and read this description for you. undercover agent Gideon Yarbro is renowned for stopping outlaws almost before they commit a crime. But now he must stop a wedding. Despite the bride's resistance. Lydia Fairmont will lose Everything if she doesn't honor her betrayal to a heartless banker, unless she marries someone else instead, whether it's a love match or not determined to honor her own decade old promise to help Lydia Gideon carries her off to Stone Creek and makes her his reluctant wife. Forget a honeymoon for sure. Not with a vengeful ex fiance on their trail and a hired gun on the loose. But there just might be hope for the marriage that is in italics. And two hearts meant for each other.


Sound a little bit like that the highway med book of like, a over a decade old promise. And so bury you in order to quote unquote, safe because that's how you keep people safe by kidnapping them. Them


on a train to Scotland? Oh, yeah. I mean, I had so many people after me.


So many. All right, so All right, let's i into this. Okay, like I'm invest. I'm very invested. I want to know, I'm super curious about what this like decade long promises.


So I'm glad that I read the first book in this series, because this is technically the fifth sorry, the second book in the series. Okay. And in, in the the second book, it follows the dude that I really, really like, and this one, and their stories are very similar. And there's a reason for that between this other dude and Gideon. And it goes into detail about this decade's old promise. So I actually know a little bit more about it. Alright, so first of all triggers. Oh, okay. Okay, yeah. So triggers. This is set in 1915. In the areas in Arizona, Arizona had relatively recently become a state, no longer territory, but that is where it's set. So there is some racism there are, I'm not going to go into it because it's a super, super small amount of the plot. And it really like there is a racial slur. And to their credit, our main characters are not cool with it. So let's just say there was a lot of Chinese people in the area working on the railroads and slurs happen in the book. Okay, it makes sense historically. Not great, but it was contextually made sense. Right. Other thing there is death. Um, and kidnapping, obviously all. And I think that's it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. It's pretty good. Actually. Pretty good. Considering


let's let's dive right in.


Yeah. So a little bit about our characters. Um, Lydia Fairmont. I'm pretty sure she has curly brown hair. I could be wrong. I tried to go back and find it. I had trouble. So I'm just gonna go I'm gonna double down curly brown hair. And oddly colored blue eyes, which are kind of like, known in her family. Like it is a thing that her family is known for and that they are violet colored. And I was finally like, you know what, fuck it. I'm gonna look. I'm gonna look that shit up. It's a thing. It is a genetic thing.


Where it is a thing? Yeah, it's


possible for people that purple eyes like violet colored eyes, so at least they got the whole it runs in the family thing. Right? So that was fine. Um, Gideon is Oh, and she's really short. So short girls, where you at? Hey. Um, so Gideon Yarbro. Has like Sandy colored hair, super blue eyes, which again, is kind of a staple of the Yarbro family and is college educated. Hey, Oh, yeah. He grew up in the Arizona Arizona Territory. So it's actually like, you know, it's surprising he's the only one of his family that has a college education and he is a he works as a private investigator kind of guy. So he works for like the Pinkertons and and with the other one, Wells Fargo so it was people who would investigate things like train robberies and things like that, which I liked me along and I like me and old fashioned Wild Wild West Lawman. All right. Give me a wild west cowboy.


Yeah, I like the people see you like that you like them? I like the ones who break the


law. Well, so we got a little bit of both in here my dude. Um, hey, yeah. So there are a cast of characters in this not like a crazy amount. But there are several that all have really interesting backstories and this book is a bit more character driven than plot driven. So there is a plot, but it's much more about the character development then this plot, it was actually done very well as far as the balance of it goes. So I'm going to real quickly go through some of the other interesting characters and just give you a brief background of them. So good. Okay. Okay, so other characters of note. So really brief background that I actually learned in another book, and I'm not going to give too many spoilers, but Lydia was orphaned pretty early on as a child and adopted by her aunt. They always are. Well, I mean, she was orphaned in the early 1900s. So not pretty par for the course for the 1900s not




Not uncommon.


So turn the disease, you should do cocaine about it. Well,


surprisingly, no, that's not how she was orphaned. Her dead froze to death. Yeah, he was a doctor too. It's like Jesus, dude. I know. We hadn't invented science yet. But come on.


Like, come on, let's make this work. Yeah.


Um, but so her she was adopted by Iran. Then her aunt died, because fuck you little girl. And so her other aunts middie and Milly, adopted her Midian Millie are perpetual spinsters and will be for the rest of their lives. Because while they were beautiful in their time, each of them were in love. One of them was in love with a confederate. Like general or something. And the other one was in love with a union captain. And both of their men died in the war. So word. Yeah. And they never remarried. But they live together and have forever and they were pretty rich in their time. And actually, like, there's a lot in their story that was really interesting about them, like fleeing the war to move out West and how they had to abandon all of their wealth and then had to build their wealth back up and like, pretty interesting, actually.


And even better if they were lesbians. I'm just saying it would have been better if they were lesbians.


I mean, it's true. I wish that instead of being related, they were in fact lesbians together. That would be great. But I agree. Hell yeah. But they also live with their housekeeper Helga, who is my girl. She is so sassy and like bitch no, you're not gonna do this. Like I love her. She's awesome. Um, then there is a Gideon has two brothers. It is rowdy and Wyatt are the two brothers. They're both pretty quite a bit older than he is rowdy is the one that I read his book and it was ma a okay, my dude, he is great. And so the Yarborough family. Their father was a famous train robber like really famous. And all of them except Gideon went into the train robbing family trade for a while. Um, so they were train robbers and I'm not gonna spoil the book with rowdy, but rowdy is in this book, the town Marshal of Stone Creek. So, little bit of column A little bit of column B hmm. And then last character I want to go through quickly is Lark. Lark is rowdies wife, and she is the sweetest mom character you'll ever meet. She has like five kids. She's pregnant in this one. And I love her. She's great. She's wonderful. And she was so she is the subject of the book of rowdy and at the time, her and rowdy. Were getting it on hail. She was Lydia's school teacher. So she's actually the one that took care of Lydia when they found out that Lydia's dad died. And Lydia had gotten really sick and like all the stuff at the same time. So like Lark is I would die for her. She's great. So those are your characters. Oh, all right. So let's get into this plot. So, quick reminder, a lot of this plot is character based. So I will go through what's happening, but it's a lot of like character development that takes up a lot of this. So this is actually like, usually I don't do books that require a lot of character development, because are kind of hard to explain, but this one was really good. So we're gonna try it. Alright, scene one. This is when I sent Margie a text saying, Oh, the guy in this book is steamy. So Gideon is one is on his way back home to Stone Creek in Arizona and is passing through Phoenix and he just and you kind of get like, like a little bit of background. He's on sort of a secret mission. Like he was like this private investigator, train robber investigator guy, but he's on a mission from some private employers to figure out there's a copper mine in Stone Creek and there is a little bit of word going around that there might be a strike brewing Though his job is to kind of infiltrate, and figure out if there is going to be one, right in his mind, he's fully aware that if this goes through without a hitch, he's gonna have to go in infiltrate, tell his employers and then get the hell out of there because a lot of men are probably going to want him dead. So that's that's kind of what his current mission is. It's not


exactly working on a great size. You know what I mean? Not if people go on strike little


Oh, yeah. Well, so Well, yes. But I'll go into that a little later. Hang on to your branches. All right. So as he's passing through Phoenix on his way back home, he happens to stop by the post office because he keeps a mailbox in some of the bigger cities that he goes through. And he finds a letter from one Lydia Fairmont, and this letter is a shock to him, because he's the one that wrote it. 15 years ago. Oh, okay. So I'm going to go ahead and throw this out here. Now. I'm going to throw it out here now, because it's kind of hinted at 15 years ago, when Lydia's father had died, and she's about to be adopted by Iran and all this stuff. Gideon was one of the ones who was there who helped helped her and she was super scared. This girl was like, eight years old and Gideons, like, Look, if you ever need me, if you're scared, if anything bad happens, if you don't like this woman, anything, you send me a letter, and I'll come get you. And she's like, well, but I don't know how to write and he's like, Okay, I'll write it for you. And so he writes this letter, and addresses it and hands it to her. So it's this letter that he had written for her, and she had sent it. Oh, that's


so cute. Wait, so How old was he at that point?


He was 1516.


Yeah, this is very high way man. Ask I'm sorry. I'm gonna keep bringing it up as it does.


So Lily, oh. 100%. Um, so he like tunnel visions is like Oh, shit. Well, just so happens. Lydia's has been living in Phoenix this whole time, right? So he immediately takes off to find her lineage is currently engaged to a total asshat and does not want to marry him. This dude is ugly as sin a super huge asshole. really creepy. And like, like, oh, you really get the vibe that he's marrying her for lust.


So Good boy. Yep.


But if she doesn't marry him, then her aunt's are in kind of a rough spot financially and had to mortgage their house their beautiful house to his bank, assholes bank. So she doesn't marry him. Yeah, but uh huh. So he has promised that he will forgive all their debts if she marries him. So yeah, he's an asshole. So Lydia is like this entire time she's like, I have to do it. And you could tell she's like breaking down and crying every once while she really doesn't want to but and Helga, the housekeeper is like girl the fuck are you doing? It's a house we'll be fine. We'll figure it out. And she's like no, I have to the office have given me so much. I can't make them leave for me and all these things.


They would like what you to marry this dude.


Like, do you think that would make them feel comfortable in that house?


I will give like so. The odds are very like ditzy is the vibe that I get not super aware of everything happening and kind of ditzy and I will give Helga credit because Helga straight up, asks Lydia, she's like, Hey, have you asked to the ants what they want? Yeah. Have you asked them because maybe they don't want you to do that. Maybe they're fine with it. She's like, No, I can't I can't do that. Like you're an idiot think


that they do think that they would have the comprehension of like, maybe she's maybe she's doing this because she feels like she has to and not because she wants to.


I think they would. Okay, I think they're ditzy. I think if she straight up told them, I don't want to do this. And like ask them about it. They would be like, Oh, no, dear. It's fine. Like be totally fine with it. Like, right. Yeah. So after spending time with her Botros to she will be varying the next day. I'm Botros asshole leaves. And


I like how he doesn't even have a name. He's just mature. He's just the No, he's, he doesn't deserve it. His


name is I don't care. I'm not gonna, I don't care. I do remember it, but I'm not gonna tell you because he doesn't deserve it. So Helga comes running up to her room and it's like, you have a visitor and she's like, got another like debt collector and like, all this stuff. And she's like, No, you have a visitor go. And she's like, Oh, my. And so she like, she like sets herself up to deal with a debt collector and she walks into the library and Gideons just sitting in a chair like, and he looks around he goes, Well, you look fine to me. Oh,


God, oh my god,


she basically shits herself.


God, it's been wife 15 years,


right? Well, and she, like had talked before, but like she's like, in a moment of panic. She's sent this letter and she's like, I hope he doesn't show up because like, I shouldn't have done that and all this stuff and he just shows up and is like, Alright, let's talk.


I don't that's that's that was the point of the letter. You know, it's


true. And that's that is they said he that's what he said is he's like, you've sent it for a reason. She's like, it was an accident. He's like, I don't believe you. I do not believe


you. You don't just send a letter on accident. Exactly.


So, so she's like, No, it's nothing. I swear, it's nothing. And Helga comes bursting in and is like, No, this dumb bitch is getting married to someone that she doesn't love. Tomorrow


is me. Oh, God is me.


Yes, I will answer for I will interfere in this family's affairs. Fuck yes.


Yeah. And getting is like a you what, mate? You're doing what now? Why? And she's tells him about the house and everything. And he's like, props to Gideon. He's like, Lydia. It's a house. She's like, well, but I can't make the move. She's like, you are selling yourself for a house. And she's like, Oh, shit. That way. Yeah. But she's stubborn. So she's still not super on board with it. And he's just like, You know what, don't worry, baby, I got you. And but she's still denying this whole thing. And so he comes up and he's like, Lydia, you can't do this. She's like, No, it'll be fine. I can just ignore it. And he's like, Uh huh. And then kisses her. Oh, steamy kiss, real steamy. And, and so he gets down and he's like, it's not gonna be like that. Don't worry, I got you and leaves. And she's like, No, it's not gonna be like that. Because I liked that.


Yeah, yeah, that will


so she now is a very strange like, like encounter. I have a problem. Okay, cool. Fix it for you make out don't worry. It's fixed leaves. Very I would not know what to make


of it is super weird. And I as a reader, I'm not entirely sure I did either. And that's it doesn't matter was still into it all. I will admit that. I am.


But I am.


Well, and like, I'm torn between whether this guy is a boy or an AR boy. The reason and we'll go into it a little later. The reason I think our boy is because there is a lot of character growth that happens like a lot, but there is some weird stuff. And that was the first one still into it, though. So listeners, okay, no matter how much we bash this shit, you can still be into it. I am. Alright. So, next scene. Um, so get in goes and finds the asshole. And is like, Oh, you need to give? Yeah, he's like, hey, you need to give Lydia a little more time to think about this. And ask was like, Well, who the hell are you? And he's like, a friend from a while ago, and totally makes him believe that they've gotten it on before. Like, what? How do you know her? And she's like, oh, you know, we've known each other for a while. And also I kissed her yesterday by Lily. And so he's like, Well, that didn't work. There's only one other choice. So the next day. That is


this strange way of solving problems?


I don't know. I don't know about it.


Oh, yeah. It makes no goddamn sense. So here's his thought, well, here's this thought process. He got really drunk because he needed whiskey After that encounter with Lydia and then he went and found the asshole and told him Hey, you need to give her a little more time she's having some second thoughts and asshole was like, fuck that. I'm gonna have this woman and I'm gonna make love to her tomorrow night. And like kind of baited Gideon. And so Gideons response was basically it Well, that didn't work so I'm going to be an asshole to you and I'm going to go take care of it another way. So that's kind of what happened. Oh, and yeah, well, so then getting thinking he's like, Okay, I need to go to Stone Creek and the only way I'm gonna be able to get away from this asshole fast enough is by train and the next train to Stone Creek is tomorrow at like two o'clock in the wedding's at 130


we go do so kidnapping


like kidnapping. Yeah. So the next morning fucky keep




No, well, you're okay. It's actually really funny the way it goes down so the next morning lady is getting ready for her wedding and I carrion shows up secretly, with Helga letting him in because Helga is like, Yeah, I like you. You're cool So, Helga talks to the aunt or Helga, let's get in into meet the with the ants. And they Gideon basically gives the answer money and is like, Hey, here's what I'm gonna do because Lydia isn't happy. Here's some money go shopping. We'll come pick you up and the answer like, all right, and leave so. So the wedding, one o'clock, and Lydia's like, where What do you mean, you can't find midea? Millie, where the hell are the odds like to Helga and like, what she's like, sorry, we just can't find them. Maybe they went to the post office or something. And she's like, No, they don't do that. Where the hell are they? In her wedding dress? And how it goes like, all right, you got me Swiper no swiping. Gideon showed up and stole them away. And surprise, we're gonna go with him. So come on, let's go. I packed your bags.


I love


and so this is like 115 The wedding is happening. Everyone is their asshole had hired extra muscle to guard the doors so that Gideon couldn't get in. So Helga is dragging Lydia down the stairs and Gideon with blood on his shirt, because he just punched out a dude at a door. It's like, at the bottom of the stairs, right? He's at the bottom of the stairs, holding his hand out like a fucking Prince, charming Disney motherfucker. And it's like, Come on, let's go. And she's like, she's like, What the hell are you doing? And so he's like too late and grabs her and throws her over his shoulder. here and she's like, so stunned, and everyone sees her. So her asshole assholes, mom, all of the guests. They all see this happening and are super shocked. And she's so shocked that she's not doing anything. She's just like, like shellshock.


You know what, I probably wouldn't do anything either. I'd be like, alright, let's


well. So she's trying to talk to Gideon and Gideons, like, Okay, you need to be quiet and Pat her on the butt to do that. And that's when she's like, did you just slap my ass, you motherfucker and starts flailing. So they run out the back of the house thrower in a carriage and they're off, just gone. And so they, they get her on a train, and they leave for Stone Creek. And that is how they get together for the first time.


Wow, wait, when do they get to get when do they get to get


in Oregon there? We're so getting there. Alright, so that was really only the first couple chapters, but there was so much that happened in that and the rest of it is mostly character development. So that's going to be actually the bulk of our summary. The rest is a lot less in detail. Wow. Okay. All right. Let's get ready. Get into it. All right. So they end up in Phoenix or not in Phoenix and Stone Creek. And as they get off the train, they notice rowdy Gideons brother, you know, the martial awkward, right? So he's sitting there waiting for Gideon with just this look on his face of Oh, boy. You fucked up. So rowdy had gotten a telegram from Phoenix because of course, asshole went to the cops, saying, hey, there's a kidnapped person coming your way. Just so you know.


Just FYI. Um, you know, I love how it's like it's like, I love how it's like just an FYI. Like, you should probably know this but like


it's right. Uh huh. So rowdy is like alright, you to my office. Okay now so he takes him back to his house with lark and the the ants and Helga and everyone and is like, Dude, you fucked up you have two choices right now because you will probably go to jail if you do not do one of these two choices one you could go to jail for kidnapping sorry, you have three choices go to jail for kidnapping three or to get the fuck outta here or three. You can marry her to convince people that it was mutual. I you know, okay, because they already assume that you have taken her virginity


break this down though. Like in Gideons mind of it doesn't always make the best or most rational most like direct decisions, you know? So I'm gonna guess that he goes for number three. Because? Uh huh. Because that's just where his brain goes to the most dramatic thing.


Is he he can't go to jail because he's undercover and a lawman himself. Um, he can't get out of town. Because he has a job because he's undercover awkward. So and so he when he asked he really likes Lydia That's why even though he feels you


kidnapped her, right, the kidnapping was inside him all along. He just had to believe.


Yeah, but if he hadn't admitted it to himself yet, like he has the Inkling, but he's like, Ah, no, she deserves better. That


kind of thing. If she wrote it your diction, what's your deck? Just shut up, right?


She doesn't she barely knows what a dick is. She's such a sheltered virgin child, which, hey, I can relate. All right, I get it. So Gideon does the quote unquote, right thing, and they get married. Yeah, he's like, Lydia. Look, I'm sorry. He's like, it's, he's like, I really sorry, I did this. If you want to go back, you can go back. It's not about like, do it like it's cool. It's fine. But if you will have me I will marry you. It's the least I can do. And she's like, It's the least you can do. And he's again, he's, she's like, would you get in trouble? If you didn't? He's like, Yeah. Is that why you're marrying me? I mean, okay. All right. Well, I will, but only because I don't want to go back to that. asshat. Yeah. Oh, well,


basically, like, they kind of establish that because I think that it shows that like, when, when they do, yeah, he spells it out and it makes it so that when they do fall, fall, like actually fall in love. These questions have already been answered. So you don't have to be like, like kind of mulling over it later. Like, but Well, right. Like, did she know about that? Because I feel like she should have right you know,


right. Well in like, oh, wait, hang on. She finds that out later. Wow. Sorry. I know. I would have gone to jail if he didn't do that with my band




She finds that out later. Um, right. So let's be honest, at this point, was when I was more interested in rowdy than I wasn't Gideon, um, and Gideon has some boy homeboy tendencies coming up. But again, there's character development. And let's be completely honest, this is not a great basis for a relationship.


This is not going on. But you know, make the best of


it. Hmm. So they get married. And they're first night together. He's specifically he's like, Look, I get it. This is a shitty situation. It's entirely my fault. I'm so sorry. We do not need to consummate this relationship. It's going to make it a lot easier for you to get an annulment actually hurts. Oh, that's yeah, he's he really does try to like set it up so that like you can get away and do whatever the hell you want. I just got you away from that deck that they do have to say the night in the same bed however, because they have to have at least some like way to say like to asshole. Oh, no, it's definitely consummated. But then afterwards, everyone else can be like not definitely wasn't like, they can do that. Finally, after bear in mind this, the majority of this has happened in a single day. She has been spirited across Arizona married a different person than the asshole she thought she was gonna have to marry. And so she's laying in bed next to get in and finally starts crying. Which prompts I would have done it a while ago. And he's like, what's up? And she's like, it's just been a lot. And also like, I want a lot love and I'm really jealous about Lark. Like she looks so happy. Oh, and this is looking back on it not great. But she's like, why does she like why does she like glow? Like why is she so happy and just like constantly just like so you know? And he's like, let me show you and finger banging begins


good fingerbang to get your skin glow in maybe she's born with that maybe it's just a finger bag


No, that should be Maybelline so I will say for what it's worth they are both super into it she is so here for this


show and we I'm just gonna say this because I feel like it I don't think it needs to be said but also needs to be said so they're very into each other right? The chemistry the sparks are flying right? They've been flying this whole time.


Oh 100% She like straight up loves it. Oh, well, so she bear in mind like they knew each other when they were a lot younger. I guess it's one of those things where like, you've known them for so long and all of a sudden they show up and you're like yes, I still love I still like this person a lot. Like she's willing to make it work and really wants to and she's pretty sure she loves him. I don't know. I guess it's already not that out of the norm for romance novels, but still not great. He pretty sure does but hasn't admitted it to himself because brooding brooding is you know, you know, yeah, as you do as you do, so there was a there's an ongoing joke in this book about their bed being up against a wall and just smacking against the wall whenever they do anything sexy like and everyone can hear them. Hell yeah, I


get it. It's


very funny. The next day Gideon wakes up and goes to the mines for his first day of work. So remember, he's trying to sort of pretend to be one of the minor guys. And throughout all of this and like gain the trust to figure out what they're doing. He is really bad at fitting in. He is just so bad and not being conspicuous. And they play it off like normally he's good at his job, but he's just thinking about banging Lydia all the time now and so he cannot concentrate. So,


oh, wait, Can I Can I ask one other question? Sure. So I think can we assume that she is a virgin? He's not No, he's not okay. I was wondering what their status was on that I was just curious. Okay. Yeah,


he is not she definitely is she didn't even know what sex was because she didn't really have a female figure to talk to her about three know you, you get the idea that lit Midian Millie are from another time so like they probably were 100% virtuous and then their perspective husbands died and then they just never so they never did anything. Helga. I don't know. And Helga I think gave her like the basic broad strokes, but I don't think she really got a lot of info for her. Um, so they actually make a joke about it, where Gideons like, like as she's like, reacting to being finger banged Gideons. Like, you know, some people would wonder whether or not their new brides were virginal, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you definitely are hmm. And she's like, Yeah. So you know, so he he is not she definitely is. Um, so he's really bad at his job right now. And it's just terrible blending in. So in a previous book Lark inherited and asked a lot of money and it just so happened my house in the area, a house that actually well she owns two houses in the area in that she owns a house that nobody's using right now. And it was a house that Lydia remembers from her time here with lark and so Lark is like don't argue Happy wedding. Here's your new house because I know you need one. So she just gives them a house which would be great. Oh, to Lark is so so outfits he's running so if you could hear that it's her running. It's Lark is so sweet. I would die for her. I love her. Um, so lark, like Lydia is like overwhelmed and like talking on stuff and and she's like, What Lark is like, Lydia, what's wrong? Didn't we heard you guys were like you. You did it last night, right? And she's like, No, we didn't. And I don't think he likes me. And she's like, Well, no, I think he's just an idiot. Do you like him? She's like, I love him. She's like, Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Because Lark immediately is like, okay, so Gideon is trying to be noble and not have sex with you so that you can get an annulment because he's being stupid and denying his feelings. So we're gonna seduce him. So, Lark who is currently like, nine months pregnant, tells Lydia Alright, this is what you do and gets her already. She like so she like gets the onset of the house. She gets hell get out of the house. She's like, you guys have the house to yourself tonight. And Gideon comes back from the mind he's exhausted and Lark is like, doing her best but super unsure of herself. Or like, why not like not like,


though he comes home? Like he's sweaty. He's hot. He's covered and I don't know my to dust.


Yeah. So they don't have sex. But oral happens. Okay. Yeah, he super goes down on her because he loves it. So


let's be clear, not penetrative sex, but oral sex does happen.


Yes. Oral sex. Oral sex happens. Yes. Um, so the next day, he's starting to make a little bit there might be a couple days in between as the timeline is kind of hard to pin down. So he's making some progress at the mind as far as like in like, getting to know people and like hearing about like plans and that kind of stuff. Um, and guess who shows up in the city, which they expected. But ex fiance Asel shows up with a couple Rangers. Now, so he shows up with the Rangers. And he's like, he's being so creepy. God, is he creepy? It's like a It's okay, honey. I know. You didn't mean it. I'll forgive you. You just need to come with me like good. So she


sees her it sounds like more like an object like almost like an animal that he needs to like calm down and get to Tim again.


Absolutely. 100% Oh, that's really gross. And yeah, so she like finally like gets the nerve up. And she's like, No. And she turns to the rangers and she like it was totally consensual. I'm married to this man and it has been consummated Good for her. So and she like, right, and she gets it all out of there. She's like, No, this is not cool. I wanted this and I still want this and y'all need to leave.


Must be like, hey, yeah, oh, yeah,


right, asshole leaves and he is so mad like, he's pissed. So until they know whether or not he's actually left the city. She is kind of she has to stay at rowdies house, like with some rowdies deputies. Just to kind of like, you need to be safe. Like, we don't want anything to happen to you all that stuff. She does try to sneak out at one point. Why? Which is really funny. Because she's like, she's feeling so trapped. She's like, I need to leave. So instead of like talking to anybody, she tries to climb out of a coal chute and get stuck. It's really funny.


You ask him to walk like,


right, right? Get in comes back from the mind in the middle of the day. And this is like the second time because he came back for the asshole. And then the next day when she gets stuck in the coal, she comes back for that. And he pulls her out. And he's like, What the hell are you doing? You literally could have died. She's like, it would have been fine. I was like, no, no one can hear you scream. You got stuck. You could have done. Oh,


and I'll bet so he's like He is visit attendees moment at


huh? Not yet. So he's like, you know when like you're so scared about something that you get angry at that person? Oh, yeah. But you're really it's because you're just really scared for them. Right? So it's kind of like that. So he's like, we're going back to the house right now. Um, and so he takes her back to the house and the the ants and because she has like a couple scratches and stuff that needs tending to, as you do. Hey, and these are the Anson Ted Well, attendees you may get the house and then they start finger banging in the kitchen and right before he's about to just fucker right in the kitchen. The ants and Helga show up and he has to like walk away and face the other direction because he has a massive heart on then. Yes, that 10 is


just consummate this shit. Well, the


best part is the answer. Like oh, are you okay? Is everything fine? Gideon, are you angry? And Helga is like, I know what's up. I know what just went down. Yeah, right.


I'm gonna put it out there has a past like Helga so shit went on with her for sure. I would love to know her backstory.


The best part is like when they're doing like, the whole oral sex thing and everything. And in the morning, there, the ants come out, and they're like, Oh, it was so strange. Was there a thunderstorm last night? And Helga just looks lidium right in the eyes and goes, yeah, there we


go. A queen. To help guy here. We stay at home.


Yes, she's great.


But does she have it all? But I have to ask so she have an ultra art old in her closet made out of bubblegum.


I have to believe I super have to believe. Oh my god. All right. That was a deep cut from the 90s and I love


how go with those like huge blood pigtails.


Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah. With the unrequited love. Yes. Um, so. So let's see, where are we? Oh, yeah. So getting comes back from the the mine that night. And they totally fugu to the 100%. Let's


get it started. And they get it on a lot. It's start added here. So they finally like so it's penetrative sex.


Oh, yes. Oh, and it's super consensual. So barrier, they wait. Ah, I think there's something it's not virgin barrier. But there's something about like a feminine portal. Not exactly, but something similar to that. I think I sent it to you. Okay. Okay, I can't remember. But he wakes up in the morning to go to work and fucking panics. Because there's blood on the sheets, because he kind of like had this moment of oh, shit. She was a virgin. She never done this. I bet I heard her there's blood like she put which y'all bleeding first time and sex is totally normal. It's a thing that happens. And so he breaks out


that column in any way. Like, if you haven't had sex in a while you may bleed right? thing?


Yeah, exactly. And he he's never had sex with a virgin before. So like he knows that she's supposed to bleed but his brain immediately goes to I'm the one that hurt her and it like spirals into this like I hurt her. And I'm gonna hurt her because I'm gonna have to leave town and she can't come with me because I can't make her travel with All this stuff like he's almost doing to her exactly what Lydia did to the ants of well, did you just ask her? Did you tell her it's


trying to convince himself to do quote unquote, it's like a right noble thing. And he doesn't talk to her about it. Exactly. So, yeah, we've seen that.


So he tells her, basically, he's like, What have I done? I'm not worthy. I'm leaving, it was just sex and walks out. And he says it in such a way, like, internally, you get his internal monologue of that was so mean, and I'm an asshole, and I can't believe I did that. But he still leaves and she cries, obviously. She's, I know. So she's super upset about it. And finally, she's like, you know, what, if that's what happens, that's what happens. This sucks. Like, she's just kind of sad. There's a little bit of a side plot that I'm going to mention because it's great where she finds a baby doggo that might not make it and she starts nursing him back to health. It's great. And it's like, you have this thing to take care of.


Right? You get over that shit. However you need to, you know, truth. Yes, yeah. In a healthy responsible way. I say as I drink wine in a closet by myself


and a vagina. I'm so. So brief interlude at this point, homeboy, as in asshole ex fiance puts a hit out on Gideon.


Oh, why is he like Sue like to put this Mean Girls style? Why is he so obsessed with her? Is he obsessed because he's he lost the bet in a way of like he yet at this


point. It's a pride thing. Okay, yeah. Okay. It's super a pride thing. Like this man is like, he took what was mine, he sees her as totally just an object like it's such a, it's so creepy. But it's kind of it's kind of a weird interaction that he has with his hitman, because you get the feeling that he doesn't at the end of it. He doesn't want to have put the head out don't get in. But he had gotten he overreacted. He'd gone to seedy bars and found someone that would do it. And at this point, he's like, Well, now if I don't pay this man, he's going to rat on me or kill me. And so like, at the end of it, like he you get the feeling that he might be starting to regret his decision, but he still does it. Right, right. Yeah, it's yeah,


I can pity you. Like, um, so don't fucked up.


Right? Exactly. Um, so get in while at the mine. Um, after talking to the miners and like he's starting to kind of see and rowdy is kind of giving him some of these hints of rowdy is kind of figured out why it's or what Gideon is here to do. Because getting hasn't even told us brothers and rowdy is like, Look, I get it. But before you do this thing, I want you to really maybe take a look at how the miners live maybe maybe start to look into their lives a little bit. So getting starting to kind of have this change of heart of I think I may have fucked up. I don't think this is right. And I also think I may have fucked up with Lydia. Good thing, right? So he takes her out to visit his brother who lives outside of the city and his brother's wife. So that Lydia can like make a friend and like hang out with family and stuff like that. And why it his brother has a serious come to Jesus moment with Gideon of dude, I know what's happening. You're a goddamn idiot. What the fuck are you doing? And Gideon like has this moment of oh my god you're right the miners are not paid well like that. Or I am an asshole to do this. The mind itself is almost falling down on people's heads. It almost fell down on my head at one point like it's like I'm doing that terrible things. And also all I want is to settle down because I love Lydia and I don't want to leave her like it is the biggest come to Jesus moment. Oh, so so he starts really trying like he's thinking he's like okay, like I'm going to quit this job that I have. I'll make it I'll figure something out. Maybe I can help rowdy being a marshal or something like I'll figure it out but I'm going to quit this job I'm going to quit the mines and I'm going to really try make a try to make it work with Lydia and so he does he really tries to make it work by you know trying to make babies I'm just getting Megan home and fuck


like and that time basically the same thing


Yeah, they get back and they get it on and in the morning I


get mad at him though. I kind of want like a moment for her to say hey, you were mean to me


that's the thing is like I don't know if she has a response that I would have thought she's not as well developed as this character is and she's definitely developed. Lark is in the book with rowdy because like I would have been but she I kind of feel sorry for herself. And I would probably make up it up and everything but get it getting in doesn't really tell her much about what's going on. Like he talks he kind of alludes to it but he doesn't really talk much about I know I'm way more into rowdy than I am to get in. Um, so he and his thing is what what Gideon I think is trying to do if he tried to like get a little bit of thought process into his head is he's trying to Get all of this behind him before he like super goes into detail of this as what has happened, which I on one hand get. And on the other hand, we've already established that Gideon doesn't make the best communication choices and


the best choices period. No, he


does not. Um, so that first like the first part of this novel, Gideon feels like a super sexy like, manly man kind of deal. And then as it goes on, he feels a little bit more like he's, yeah, he feels a little bit more like he's kind of a kid still growing up, but this is his growing up moment. Oh, that like, that's kind of the vibe you get. Gideon has been summoned to meet with his employers, which is a little early, which makes him think that they're going to bring in strikebreakers to like, really, like, screw these guys over at the mine. And yeah, and so he goes to this meeting. And as like, after he goes this meeting to meet this guy. He first he goes to his step or his mother's or her stepmom, I guess yes, step mom's Saloon in the town that he supposed to meet this place. And it's stepmoms name is Ruby, and she's another woman that I would die for. But so he goes to her. Her saloon says Hi, he goes and visits his the grave of his sister. So there's some backstory here. Gideon sister was run over by a carriage when she was four, and was only six when it happened. And Gideon still blames himself to this day. I know it's like it's heavy there. It's so much character development. There's so much to go into and okay. Yeah, but so he's like at the grave, and a dude comes up and says, Hey, I am the guy that you're supposed to be meeting and Gideons like gut immediately goes crazy. He's like, are you? Yeah. Oh, so brief interlude the previous day. Our Hitman had killed Gideons contact. Contact Hitman shoot. Oh, so the hit shows


up pretending pretending the guy that Gideon was hired by


exactly. Okay. So Gideon, Hitman is like, hey, is there anywhere we can go and chat and getting's like, well, it's a Sunday. So the saloons are closed, but I can think of one and so he takes this guy to Ruby's saloon, his stepmom saloon, and they're sitting there and like, he's like, kind of like Ruby is a smart woman. And so Gideon, like she knows what's going on. Like, she knows something is wrong. And Gideon is like, trying to like why don't you go in the back and get us the good whiskey and like trying to get her out of the way, but she is not having it. Oh. So I have an excerpt from this book about this moment that I want to read for you. Okay. And I have to read it because Ruby is incredible. And I just need you to hear about why she's incredible. Okay. I do not fancy the stranger said sadly killing a woman. The remark was incendiary, like a spark striking a pocket of gas and the depths of a mind. Things happen fast Hildebrand who is the Hitman guy drew a knife brandishing and a couple of times. Perhaps to show his prowess. Gideon overturned the table to put a momentary barrier between himself and the other man drawing is 45 and rising and raising it in almost the same move a shot boom through the otherwise quiet saloon Hildebrand His eyes widened and the knife fell soundlessly to the sawdust floor. He clashed his bleeding midsection with both hands getting washed his finger still on the trigger of his pistol as the man dropped to his knees and pitched face first into the sawdust. Christ Ruby giddy and gasped after letting us


I love her I would die for Ruby.


Oh, it gets better. You just shot a man. Ruby later rifle down on the bar with a heavy thump smoke still laughing from its barrel? Well, hell she said I couldn't wait all day for you to get around.


Yes, she's amazing. Good.


Better get a doctor Gideon said re holstering the 45 he hadn't fired his shirt he realized normally was soaked with the other man's blood still warm and sticky and made him queasy. Ooh, just in case no just in case about it Ruby answered approaching but keeping your skirts clear of the pooling blood while Gideon crouch to check Hildebrand for a pulse. She glanced up at Gideons drenched shirt frowning. If I go to all the trouble of putting a bullet in somebody I shoot to kill. Ruby is incredible.


She is incredible.


She's great. So yeah, Ruby just fucking killed a guy and she's great and I love her. And so when when giddy or when Gideon had left, Lydia was kind of like she just kind of thought she like something's weird, something is wrong. So she went and actually told rowdy she's like, Hey, this is what happened. Gideon left he said he'd be back but something just doesn't feel right rowdy and Wyatt and a couple other other martial guys had like left immediately to chase after Gideon and so they show up shortly after all this goes down and they see a dead guy on Ruby's floor and they're like Ruby, what the hell happened? And then Gideon is covered in blood. The dead guy's blood. And so they're like, Okay, and so they're like, get statements. They try to figure out what happened and all this stuff. And then as they're like talking to Gideon, and be like, they're looking at a shirt, and they're like, man, there's a lot of good on you more than you probably should. Hey, let's, let's take a look. Well, Gideon has been sliced pretty bad. All right. So he went into shock almost immediately. And so he hasn't felt anything at this point. And also he looks down. He's like, huh, and then passes out, they end up going and getting Lydia and she has right over and is able to like she stays with him while he's healing and all this stuff and like they have a whole bunch of like conversations about okay, we're gonna stay together. Like, this is cool. This is good. Oh, I


thought you were gonna say healing said,


oh, yeah, they do that a couple times. But they don't make a big deal of it. I'm proud of them. Um, does it give him more power? Yes, absolutely. 100%. And Lydia also learned


because he's actually a nympho


goddamnit. Living in Arizona. You got me. It's time for the last interlude. The last interlude is about asshole having dinner with his mother in the ALMS house, the really pretty one they used to live in, and he's reading newspaper, and he sees her mother. Right? Well, his mom is also a total bitch. So he reads the newspaper and he reads about a death down in Flagstaff. That's the name of the town in this town. And it's about the the death of what should have been Gideons contact, but he knows he's like, he recognizes the dude that did it. Okay. And so he like has this whole this moment of oh my god, what have I done? I have like, I'm a terrible person. This is awful. And also any, this man is very overweight. This is a very big shock to him. He straight up has a heart attack and dies. Right? Good. And that's fine. Because tragedies can't happen only in once his mother who was very old, sees her son have a heart attack and then also has a heart attack and also dies. Right? I mean, she was she was a major as Oh,


Ripley's Believe It or Not, I


was also a major asshole. So they get back to Stone Creek and Lydia's like, Oh, hey, I think I forgot to tell you I'm, I'm rich now and getting like what? And she's like, Yeah, um, so my asshole ex fiance hadn't gotten around to changing his will yet. So technically, his entire fortune and bank is left to me. So they have the house back.


What an idiot. He didn't put it down to his wife when he owes.


Yeah, that's insane. Yeah. So she now owns several banks, and the house, the old house. And so the aunts and Helga are able to go back to live in Phoenix and their beautiful home that they love so much. And Gideon quits being a miner and a lot like secret agent kind of guy and starts learning how to run banks. And they all live happily ever well. The one minor side plot that I I'm going to go and mention how it ends up it matters when they get back from Flagstaff, like getting in his healed up kind of he saw stitches and stuff. But there's a huge explosion at the mine. And so everyone races over to see what happened. And one of the the miners who was actually the one that was like in charge of what was going to be the strikes was in the mind when it collapsed. And the what ended up happening ends up happening is basically like he dies straight up, but they're able to talk to him beforehand and Gideons like I didn't like they kind of have like a makeup moment of the minor knew that Gideon was gonna rat on them. But they make up at this moment and rowdy promises to take care of this guy's wife and kids. And the owners of the mine. Don't go back to it. They're like it collapsed. We're not going to touch it anymore. It's not worth it. So they end up like they're able to I appreciate that. It wasn't a super like everything is happy, happy ending. Because like a lot of the mining families move on because there's no work there. So um, stay around. But yeah, so it was it was very real. Right. I appreciated there. So two things, two final things. One, yeah, there is an epilogue where Christmas time rolls around. And the whole family comes in to stay with Lydia and Gideon and you like see everyone again like Ruby and the aunts and everybody. And also at this time Lydia is six months pregnant and then Little tiny dog is fucking huge, so big, just a big boy. So that's, that's the absolute end. My final comments on this that I have are that one I liked rowdy a lot more. The more I read this skating was fine, but he felt very juvenile to me even though his character growth was incredible. I still preferred rowdy to boy, I feel bad for him because he just became a banker in 1915. And the depression hits in 1929. You know, not great. And three, if you are in fact interested in how shittily miners were treated in America, and other people who do a lot of physical labor and stuff. There's a really good podcast called behind the bastards that has a two part episode two episodes on a what is called the second Civil War, and it was in West Virginia, but it's this kind of thing where these miners are treated so bad, and they end up striking. And it's a whole thing. It's not the happiest thing, but it's incredibly interesting. So if you are interested in that at all, I highly recommend checking that out. Yeah, yeah. All right. So you know, I teased a big reveal at the beginning of this. Um, I'm ready to make that big reveal the book wasn't too bad. Like it wasn't great. I will say the book was rowdy and Lark is significantly better, like really good actually read that one. It's very good. It's called the wanted man. Um, or something like that. There was a man from Stone Creek, but it's really good. And then when I was showing, Zach, this, I found out this is a motherfucking. Harlequin book. Oh, there is Oh, it's a Harlequin romance.


Doesn't surprise me.


It surprises me.


Net tracks.


I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was for being a harlequin novel.


podcast is that we go into those like into those like genres. So my, like actually bad we find good stories. However you did say and I think I tend to agree with you that Lydia was not a no strong character. She was not I was I that was even from my perspective, right. Not enthused by her.


I will say so. First of all, I'm putting my foot in my mouth and saying that there are good Harlequin romance novels out there. I will grudgingly admit that because the one with rowdy and Lark is very, very good. This is also the fifth book in the series. And it very much felt like like the last one where it's like, oh, we have to wrap this up kind of deal. Having gone back and read that second one in the series, it is a lot stronger. The characters are super strong. Like the stories really good. It was very good. There are also a lot of similarities between that one in this one. So if you're interested in reading one of these books, read the number two in the Stonecreek series. Very good. Um, so you mentioned Lydia not being as good so let's get into some ratings. Um, yeah, so with with our girl, Lydia, she, she wasn't super fleshed out like having read the other book, I get a lot more of a backstory than I've gotten this one and she wasn't bad. She was just kind of, I don't know, she just wasn't strong character, I would give her like a two because she still has a fully fleshed out background and like her own motivations and stuff. She just is kind of weak compared to the other characters. Especially reading about lark, like she's just not as strong of a character. Getting on the other hand had a much more developed background. So like, I give him probably a three, he was kind of an asshole for a lot of it, but he grew out of being an asshole. And like, there was growth there, there was good growth. So I was actually rather impressed by him. I'm smart was the smart was pretty good. Like, it wasn't terrible. It. Uh, they like us a lot more like direct terms instead of the flowery language that a lot of things use. So like, I would give it a three and it was like still done really well. Um, it was one of the first one times when like, oral is written and you're like, alright, I can get behind this. This is fine. Um, so that was pretty good. Actually.


Think of like, I'm trying to think of a time where I like, I think that it's easy to write oral awkwardly, like, yeah, really easy to do that. Yes. 100% props for the author on that one. Right.


So that was actually pretty good. And so that was so I'd say three for that better than average for sure. And over like plot, I would give it probably a three again, like it's it's a good it's a decent plot. It has its funny moments it has it's like oh, what's gonna happen kind of moments and I like the way everything kind of wrapped up. So that was actually pretty good. So overall, I think I'd give this book like a six, six and a half. I mean, oh, wow, that's pretty now I went did enough to go back. And like I said, like I read this in about a day. And since then, which was like late last week, I have read another one in the series and started a third one. So like I liked it enough to read some of the other books, and I liked the other books more. So if you're reading the second one, there you go reading the second one in a series, I would give it actually an eight. So read that one. Yeah.


All right. And then so Rachel, I feel like there's something else I need to ask you.


Is it maybe what I'm consuming? What else?


Yeah, that's okay. I was worried that there wasn't a question before that. I thought I was missing something. Yes, Rachel, what else have you been consuming?


Oh, I have been consuming. I started reading Lord of the Rings again, I picked up where I left off with that naturally as you too. I needed something comforting. All right. But the other thing I want to mention is we just wrapped up another one of our book club books. So and it was really fun. Dan, we might be making stickers for it. So it was a blast and we're going to be starting a new book here in a little while so hit up all of our social medias Yeah, yes yet. So March is going to pick the next book and it was really fun it was a good


book or success episode despite displayed at all.


Margie is so hot right now. both literally and also literally because she's dying. I'm sorry. Hey, you're suffering for your art.


I'm suffering Yeah, sure. Hey,


but you know what might make you feel it feel better? Is it maybe ala near you song Oh, love off the album be held. I know. It makes me feel better. I mean, that's why I put it at the front end of this podcast.


Actually, every time we listen to it, it makes me feel a little Yeah, so


Exactly. And also missing my segue. We love you all so much. We will see you again in two weeks my dudes bye