Textual Tension

Ep. 51: Children Prophesy the Darndest Things

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 51

All we want is to be swept away to the castle beyond the goblin city to hang with Jareth for the rest of forever. Is that so much to ask? That's not even that long at all! Laura Thalassa's Rhapsodic doesn't quite hit the mark on that one, but that doesn't make it any less fun to talk about!


Helen Wilmette weary traveler. I do that now just to see what's next response is going to be Hey guys, welcome to textual tension every other week, I, your co hosts, Rachel, come on in here and tell you all about what we have going on in our little world because I know you care. You do care, right? I believe that you do. So hey guys, I hope you guys are doing well. I'm going to keep this short and sweet. And to the point because this episodes a little bit long, but it was also really fun. So you know, whatever. So hey, if you guys want to reach out to us and talk to us, because we love talking to you, you can hit us up on all of our social media. So we are textual tension pod across the board on all the social media. We have a website at textual tension pod.com and email address at textual tension pod@gmail.com, not email.com. And we also haven't mentioned in a while we have a T public store, go check us out there we have all kinds of really cool merch, I am particularly a fan of the mugs that say girl get what you want with a giant middle finger on them, I love them. So check that out. Um, we also have a Patreon. It is patreon.com/textual tension, head on over there for all sorts of really good and awesome additional bonus content, including some free stuff that you can listen to, if you so desire, just to kind of get a taste of what you'd be getting yourself into if you chose to support us. And hey, if supporting us on Patreon isn't in the cards for you, that is 100% Fine. And if you still like would be interested in supporting us, honestly, another awesome way you could do that is just tell your friends about us. I mean, we don't pay to advertise the show at all. And we really, really, really would appreciate it if you had a friend that maybe you thought hey, you'd like this podcast and just kind of pass it along. Also, if you would go rate and review on your favorite pod catcher that also really helps us because it helps us get out to more people. So if you could do that, that would be amazing. Um, if you want to head over to social media, I should also mention and check out our newest podcast. We have a new one of those Margie has a new cat and you should go check her out. She's adorable and on our Instagram. So if you didn't have a reason to follow us on Instagram before like that's honestly the only excuse you need. And hey, shout out to the Phoenix nest romance review, whom you will hear about more later on in the episode. And finally, if you made it this far, hey, thanks for not skipping, I appreciate you getting through this together with me. And as a little bit of a reward. I would like to introduce a new segment I am calling romance novel wisdom just for you guys. So allow me to provide a little bit of romance novel wisdom before we get into the episode. When life gives you lemons make lemonade when life gives you a hot hunk of man that burst through your door and tells you is here to protect you from some horrible evil and then you're going to fall in love with him. make lemonade. And without further ado, here is episode 51 Children prophecy of the darndest things tearing me apart from Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with a romance novels. I am your co host Rachel and I am your co host Margie every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our unsuspecting co host Margie this week is listening. It's me. It's you. You


all this time it was in me all along.


Do you want to thank the academy? I would love to like the academy and together we unpack what the fuck just


you know what I was gonna say that was gonna say it also fuck Harvey Weinstein. Okay, well, fair. Yeah,


but what the fuck just happened? What's


the fuck did just happen?


Well, get ready my girl.


Okay, no, I don't think so. Listeners if you probably already know this, or if this is your first episode. Welcome. We love having you here. We record episodes back to back. So we literally just got through my underwater garbage fire which you will


be hearing two weeks from now. Yes. And this is our palate. Yeah. And this is our palate cleanser.


Apparently, eight ways, like in terms of palate cleanser isn't like a like not good coffee. Like, you know how in some places where you get to sniff something they'll give you like a little thing a coffee to like clear your nose out or some shit.


Like if someone instead of coffee gave you Anis like Oh, licorice smell. Oh, yeah. Cool. I


don't like it. So,


listeners, yes. Um, I if you are new here, so Margie brought up a good point. If you're new here. It's been a while since we've kind of explained our format everybody. So


welcome. It's been 52


this is this is 51 actually 50. This is 51. Yeah. So the way we're going to do This the way this works is we have one of us has read a romance novel me. And I'm going to summarize the plot for Margie. But first I'm going to hand Margie the cover and she's going to explain to you


I need to re explain that to me because I don't understand.


Well, I'll guide you through


step by step it's only been 53 episodes.


Don't worry baby, I'll tell you what to do.


Really proud of was really good.


But March is gonna explain the cover. She's gonna read the summary for you. And then I'm going to summarize the book and then at the end, we're going to rate it and review it. And then if you are a patron or want to be a patron check out under the covers because I'm we're gonna talk about this sex. Yes, the SEC was


spicy scenes, the spicy scenes that my mom told me I wasn't allowed to read but that I did anyway, but you do anyway. I do. I do. What I was like 14, so


Wow, I know. Yeah. Alright, so guardi Oh, okay, so the way that I tend to pick my books is I go by mood. And I was in the mood for a fantasy novel like straight fantasy, not like modern fantasy or anything like that just strict fantasy. And my go to when I'm finding stuff like that is the Goodreads lists, right? So I went to some of the top fantasy romance novel, like books on Goodreads because there's some garbage ones on right. And I picked this one and it did not scratch the straight fantasy. Ah, it is modern fantasy. Okay. And the title of it. I'm gonna probably I'll see if you can read it if you can't, I'll tell you what the title is. And the cover is terrible. Here you go.


I'm so excited. Okay.


Oh, oh, can you read it? rhapsodic? rhapsodic? Yes? It took me several tries. Okay.


Yes, I can read it is weird. Okay. Okay, so the title is rhapsodic by Laura Thalassa. And it looks like a dragons wing to me. It looks like a dragon swing, which I don't know how I know what that looks like. And that has like a red scarf over it. Sure. Why not? Why not? And then and it's very like the it's very gritty. Almost. Yeah,


it's very like the background is black the way there's like a gray and


then there's the Red Scarf. It's honestly it's very it's jarring and gritty from an


artist perspective. It's real fucking hard to like parse. I get what they're going for it there's not enough contrast for you to really be able to tell what everything is


well and I will say this also that it gives me those I know I've been mentioning the series a lot but those that Twilight series vibe a lot just like the color scheme right. And way it grabs your eye. rhapsodic You're right? It's the font is in is not good. And also, the the title placement is not in a good place. Fun


fact, it's


over the wing.


I have found that font on default.com which is where you can go and download a bunch of fonts so just a surprise. I used it in the past it


was widely I'm like, what is it? I'm avatars just fancy Papyrus?


Alright, let me get that scription


Wait, hold on hope because and then on the bottom underneath the wing. It says make a deal if you dare which I will say this that's kind of sexy. This


is the problem with this book before you read the description because I don't remember what the description is. There are aspects of this book that could be incredible, right? But it's not well done that it's not even written poor like poorly. It's written fine. It's just there are so many more. Not okay things right. I want to write my own comic that it has some of these concepts


are so excited. Okay, let me see. What's long. Yes. Wow. It's really long. Sorry. Oh, God, what a name? Yep. Oh, no. Oh, okay. Just just I read the first five words and I was like, oh dear. Okay. Calypso. Lilith is a siren with a very big problem one that stretches up her arm and far into our past. The last seven years she's been collecting a bracelet a black beads up her wrist magical IOUs for favor she's received only death or repayment will fulfill the obligations only then will the beads disappear. Okay, so she's got these beads because she owes people things. Yes. Okay, just that was not made clear. Everyone knows that. If you need a favor. You go to the bargainer to make it happen. He's a man who could get you anything you want at a price. And everyone knows that sooner or later he always collects. But for one of his clients, he's never asked for repayment not until now. When Callie finds the fake king of the night in her room, a grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eye. She knows things I'm into this she knows things are about to change up versus just a chase kiss a single beads worth and a promise for more. I don't know this is like crazy.


That is so the problem and we will go into it later.


For the bargainer. It's more than just a matter of rekindling an old romance just figured out why we're into it a little bit is because it sounds like jerath Something is happening in the other world famous warriors are going missing one by one only the women are returned each in a glass casket. A child clutch to their blood breasts. Uh huh.


Oh, fuck yeah.


And then there are the woods First among the slaves Oh great, there are slaves. whispers of an evil that's been awoken at the bargainer is any hope to save his people who need the help of the siren he spurned along Long ago, only only his folly has a taste for exotic creatures in Cali just happens to be though, what the fuck is this description? Yeah, it's very good. I have questions. I feel like that was not a very well written description that wasn't no all over the place.


So you kind of hit on my problems with this book a little bit. Like I said, there are parts of it super into right and like, yeah, my alley kind of deal. But there are other parts of it that really are jarring compared to the parts that I enjoy personally. And so I'm really torn on it. Like, ultimately, yes, it's not a great book, but we have an AR girl and an AR boy. Oh, good. Kind of, um, kind of he's he's a boy.


He's a boy. Yeah, he's a boy. And well, even from that description. It sounds like he if anything. Oh, boy. Um, I'm into it. He's still just a boy. Yes,


but there's there's definitely some things they do not approach. I try. Well, Betsy agrees. She was there with me when I read it. So we'll get into it and we can kind of discuss as we


go how Betsy and Carlos are kind of getting a fandom. Oh, 100%


busy is are the best podcast. She's very vocal. She likes to have her opinions known. Alright. So triggers, right. There is. I'm gonna put sexual assault out here. Right. But I don't know if it is or not. Oh, it is very hard to.


It's hard. It's Mardi Gras, right.


No, but yeah, okay. Um, there is reference to rape. Okay, um, there is outright rape. Oh, no, I lied. There's rape. Child abuse. Oh, good. Child sexual assault. Oh, no. Um, yeah. How did I forget about that? It's a core plot point. Um, there is a lot of death.


I see dead people. Yeah, a lot of dead people.


vampirism, but not in a sexy way. So it's no not like no not bored, because it's not like sexy. What's that lady? John, we will have you back. We love you. He's great. I think that's slavery. I'm sorry, I'm the wife. So I made my way slavery,


slavery, casual slavery.


And I think and making someone do something against their will. That is okay. Yes, that's it. Okay. There it is. That's all of it. So characters only that only that we've Calypso Kelly. Kelly, and this concept. I'm in love with. This is the thing that struck me the most about this book. So I'm not 100% certain about her appearance. It's told from her perspective. Okay, so I think at least in my mind, I'm sure it's said somewhere but in my mind she has black hair, green eyes, really green eyes. And she has a siren inside of her so she is not a siren. Okay, she is sort of has the abilities of a siren and they're sort of like this second part of her head that's kind of there so what she can do with that power is she can what's called Glamour people so her skin guard starts to glow. And she will compel them to do what she wants. Oh, so and to the point of like, anything they will do it so like she can be like forget I was ever here and they will not remember her. Oh, um, and so she has this thing but the trade off to that is this other part of her brain it's almost like this other side of her brain that is constantly craving like violence and sex because sirens right i mean like but ever everyday like for me well yeah, well you're part timer and we need father I crave blood loss.


Father I crave violence


violence. But so it's it's like every time she uses her power. She and she admits this in the first part of the so the book is like it's hard to keep that in check. Because I know how that feels girl, right? Same because the siren is like Oh, so you have them doing whatever you want. You could torture him her a bunch


of people. Exactly. So it's like this scholarship masturbate all the


time. No. Oh, that would be cool. I would. So I absolutely love this like I'm a sucker for sirens anyway and rheology and shit. But because pretty lady's


not a siren but she has a siren inside her.


She is considered a siren like when someone's referring to her. She's a siren okay, but the more accurate way to say it is that she has this thing inside of her that gives her these powers and this kind of warring with her.


Okay, okay, so it's like it It's like Harry and the horcrux.


Yeah, kinda Harry Potter. Yeah. And every once in a while, like if she loses control it takes over and kind of like can just go wild. Oh, good. Yeah, yeah. So I love that concept. I


mean, like, sometimes those that Bloodlust just hits you and you're like, really get out there and strip off it and close it, how to the moon


and and just bathe and worship the dark goddess, even the blood of your enemies. So that's, that's Callie,


that's my typical


Tuesday night. It's my Tuesday night. No,


it doesn't happen as often as Tuesday. But it probably I want to say it happens like at least like twice a month.


every other Tuesday. It's actually on textual Tuesdays. Oh, that's right. Yeah, maybe


it's on the non textual. Well, no,


we have to sacrifice the blood God to make sure our episodes do well. Oh, that's


Well, we do that. We don't have to do that.


We do we do that do that. We do have to do that man flesh. When we started the podcast, it was a dark covenant. So dazzling failure now to covet. Oh, sorry. Oh. Jasmine Flynn. Dez is what she calls him. So he calls her Kelly. She calls him Dez. He is the bargainer. The bargainer has white long hair. Okay, um silver eyes. Oh, I do need my phone. I have to read his show maroon I have to read his I do scream Oh, here we go. I found it right off the bat. It was on the bench


back. Oh, it was inside you all along.


Also, he's described as he is masculine, but he has like feminine softness. He's literally


okay. Yeah, he's a reference. He's to show Maru from a miasha premed you cannot take that away from


him. He's also the king of the night. He's a Fae. Yep, definitely. So okay. It's his eyes that have always captivated me the most they're every shade of silver darkest at their edges. Were a thick band of charcoal gray rings them and lightest near their centers color of shadows and moonbeams Oh, Jesus, which are two different colors a


lot. So like, a lot. That is I'm imagining it in my mind. And it's very jarring. Yeah. Especially with the pupil.


Yeah, well, it's like very piercing eyes. Like have you ever seen someone with really? Like nice blue eyes? It's that kind of like darker at the edges lighter in the center that's really piercing. Yeah, so king of the night. Okay, here we go. Scene one. And this is actually going to be a little bit different. So I didn't necessarily I started breaking up the scenes. I don't think that really fit it. So change how I did it. Right. This book jumps between the past and the present. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. And sometimes does it in chapters.


I was gonna reference the episode that's covered good to week. Nope, can't do that. Yeah, sorry. I'm sorry.


But it doesn't within chapters, But to their credit, it's not too jarring. I've read books where it is a jarring thing in chapters. So it's not awful. Okay. But so we're basically going to jump from past to present. All right. And I'm going to summarize a lot of these different jumps to the past. Okay, my past sections because they happen like it's super cut into pieces. Okay, so past. Okay, Kelly's covered in blood. Oh,


I mean, typical Tuesday


night. She's 16. Typical Tuesday night. It's her stepdads blood. So she kind of needs to clean up an accidental murder.


Okay, accidental murder is manslaughter.


Yes. But to be fair, it is very much self defense. Okay. her stepdad has been doing terrible things to her for a long time of her childhood. And this time, she grabbed a bottle and she nicked an artery and he has bled out on the floor. Okay. He deserved it.


You could tell like, really? I'm like, oh, sewers. Yeah,


he he deserved it. Alright. So but her dad is part of the supernatural community. Oh, and you're Yeah. And she knows that he has a business card for do called the bargainer who can make deals and make things go away.


Okay, so this is modern day fantasy. So yes. Okay. So when you I'm sorry, I'm you guys splicing this out. So when you say he's in the community, you more mean like there is a community. It's not like there is like a sub sect of the


world. It's basically the supernatural community is a open secret among humanity. It's like people were like, Yeah, we kind of know it exists. We just kind of ignore it and let them deal with their own stuff because they have their own essential like government and like law enforcement and their own kind of giveaway thing, but it's very much not in the public eye. Okay, but it's kind of an open secret. So he is like pretty high up like debt collector kind of thing. Oh, good. So he has this card for June in the bargainer? Will she is panicking because she just killed a guy right? And she's like, I can't call the police because my life is gonna end and like all this stuff, right? In reality well, because he's a super powerful and was mob like character. Okay. her stepdad was she calls the bargainer bargainer, shows up and is like, no I Do not make deals with minors. Sorry. Yeah. Because when you're when you owe the bargainer, when he makes a deal with you, you get a tattoo or her case a bead. And it is he can come and collect anything. It is essentially a magical contract of anything with interest of okay, you owe me whatever, so we can make you do anything. And if you don't do it, you die, right, essentially. So he's like, No, I'm not gonna make a deal with a minor. I


mean, I get it, but also like, this is all this is all super shady, dude. Oh, it's believe that's where you're drawing the line is with a mic.


It's kind of this is not the most problematic part. So


yeah, I


know, we're not gonna go too far. Okay, let's just, basically what he does is he sees the dude and he's like, it's gonna cost you but I can bring me he's mostly dead. I can bring him back. And she's like, What? He's not dead. And I want him to stay dead. He's like, Wait, really? And then he looks and notice that she's a minor? And he's like, No, absolutely not. And she's like, No, you've got to help me please help me. And for some reason, he changes his mind. So why later


he decides to keep the guy alive. No kill, like covers


it up for okay. Yeah. And basically, he essentially is like, look, I will give you this one favor for free. Because you are a minor and this should not be happening. I will get rid of this for you pack your bags. You're going to like he feels really bad for him because he kind of guesses Oh, this is what happened to her. It is Hi Serena rape oh, what's been happening? Okay, so he's like, Okay, you are going to this magic, this supernatural boarding school, you pack your bags, you leave tomorrow, and I'm gonna make all this go away. So basically, it's just like, Alright, I am, you know, but fair warning. My magic is not all powerful. It might fade over time. So that's kind of what he leaves her with.


So what will fade over time, his magic so him hiding this? Okay, so it will only last a certain amount of time. And then after her,


it might depending? This is such a big favor, that he has no idea how long it's gonna last. Right? So, um, let's see. So after like, like seven months, maybe down the line. She starts getting calls from investigators about well, she's at this boarding school about this case again. And so she panics and she's like it's fading. She calls the bargainer again. And this time she's he's like, this one's not for free. And also, I still don't want to do this because you're a minor, but for some reason, he agrees. Okay. Hmm. She's still succeeded at this point, which it is explained in the book and this is relevant that it's okay. In the supernatural community. 16 is the age of consent. Okay, yeah. So. So


And how old is the bargainer? It is,


he's a Fae.


So we don't know. No,


we don't use essentially a mortal. Okay. Um, so she calls him again, he actually this time does make a deal. And he's like, alright, but you will owe me and so she gets a bracelet with a black bead on it. Okay. And she starts calling him almost like, the next night she calls him again. And this time, it's I don't want to be alone. And to friends entire time. Hey, she has the hots for him. Right in like a teenage crush. Yeah, but all they do is just they hang out. Like, they sit in her dorm and they just hang out and talk and chairs have


like, kind of, there's something very, he's very protective for whatever reason, this little siren. Okay,


and so he starts just showing up and she starts every time it's a bead. Every one. Yeah,


that's not okay. Now, huh? Oh, Jesus is


a present. Kelly is a Pio. Oh, cool. But she kind of skirts the law, okay. And that her job is people come to her when they need confessions out of people that are doing bad things. So for instance, the firt her very first assignment is this chick who knows that her like x is abusing his grandmother or whatever, or like a sister and his brother's abusing the grandmother. And so she like, sneaks in and gets a confession out of him and makes him sign a signed confession of I am doing all these things and then at the end, she's like, all right, you're gonna repay everything you're gonna be nice to your mom and you're gonna friggin ain't gonna forget I was ever here and she leaves like that's what she does. It's kind of illegal. Oh more than it's effective right so that's her job and she works with her best which friend Temper


Temper Yeah.


And they have this like private investigative office together in LA temper knows about her power. Yeah, because they went to school together. Okay, so at this this morning boarding school, so she gets home after that job. Hogwarts. Yeah, but less fun. Oh, unless child murdery Oh, good. So


yeah, you know, Hogwarts. Yeah, right. Yeah.


It's you can only just get crushed by a staircase a little bit. So she gets home after that job. And she's like, I need to be in the ocean? Because she's a siren like she kind of hates her. She has a beach house in Malibu and it's like kind of decrepit and stuff, but it has a direct line to the ocean. Because there's right Yeah, perfect. So she's like comes home. She doesn't even turn on the light. She starts like just stripping out of the dress she was wearing and like going to and she goes to like, grab her swimsuit from the room. And she's like someone's here. Oh, she turns on the lights, the bargainer and the bargainer is not her bed, just like sup. And she's like, Oh, God, you came to collect? What do you need? Well, I want to take you to take a wild guess on how many beads she has on her arm a lot. 322 Yeah, so his first thing that he does is he says, All right, truth or dare? She's like truth. No, dare I heard dare kiss me.




She's into it.


Right? That's fine. Right? Well, so it's just like, if you wanted her to kiss, you just tell her and kiss


you. Well, she also is currently in a relationship with the dude that she wants to break up with. But she's still in a relationship. It's Yeah, well, and so she was like, wouldn't have done it because she kind of has that like honor bound of like, no, like, final thing. And he kind of insinuated, like, I will be back tomorrow night and then he disappears.


Hey, what's


his book is so weird. That is very, very weird. Okay. Okay. So I should also mention at this point, she has not seen the bargainer in seven years. Oh, and at this point in the story, we do not know why it has been so


where she putting all these beads. I'm very curious,


literally a cuff that goes from her wrist to her elbow day and normally, when the bargainer makes deals with so the partners on the magical, most wanted list, okay. And when the bargainer makes deals with someone, he puts a tattoo. Okay, and with her because she was 16, right? He did beads instead. Okay, um, and he, like, people just don't,


yeah, assuming I mean, that this could be a very cool concept, right? Very interesting concept. Every interactions


are good, okay. Like, like they have chemistry. Okay. But you'll see why the thing that really weirded me out as we go, okay, and it involves her being 16 Oh, well, yeah. Weird, right. So this is the second thing that I actually think is, could be a really interesting, cool concept. Okay, so her current boyfriend the next day, and to be fair, she has been considering breaking up with his boyfriend for a while now. Okay. She's just really not into it. And so she is like, okay, Barger is coming back tomorrow. He can make me do literally anything. I don't know what's going to happen. I can't. This is like my, my one excuse, if you want to call it that, like I need to break up with my boyfriend. Because I don't know what's gonna happen. Right? Her boyfriend is a dude named Eli. Okay, he is a werewolf. It is currently his time of the month, which is to say, the seven days on like either side of the full moon, okay, um, which is when like, they in the wearables in this world go away for that time, because it's really easy for their wolf part to like, take control. Okay, instead of them being control of it. So she calls Ely and she tells him and the entire time she has kind of this internal monologue of like, he's just so alpha. And I don't like that and I'm like, girl, right? Like, it was good. Okay, so the thing is she's like, I don't want to be with an alpha do right? He was like yeah, to like, take claim and all this shit that's a lot like


the bargainer might be trying to do that though. Yeah, I Yeah, to be fair, different way but still yet


to be fair, they very much end up kind of on equal footing. Okay, which helps but the bad there is problematic. So, but I did enjoy the whole like commentary of, he's an alpha not really, which is cool. Um, and let's see, and so she calls him and she breaks up with him but she does to her credit tells him like Look, I I haven't told you much about my past. I know you've been accepting of that but I am in debt to the bargainer and he kind of like your what because he's like essentially think of it like magical policeman.


Okay, okay. Yeah,


he is not pleased Yeah, um, and so she breaks up with them right to her credit


she's honest about it too. She didn't she could have just said like I'm breaking up with you. She has so bargainer thing


exactly, um, so she goes to work the next day and starts drinking right off the bat first thing Oh, good. Get an idea. She kind of that's how she copes.


That's not a coping. Oh, it's


the way it is described is not full fledged alcoholism, but it is getting close to that sounds really good. Sounds like alcoholism. Yeah, she doesn't like drink to the point where she like, is drunk or like that kind of thing. Right? It's a shot in the morning or whatever but it's still not great. Like it is borderline like high functioning alcohol. Right? Okay, um, and she just kind of starts talking with temper. Who is her best friend? Right. So I don't know if I mentioned that before. So that that all is to set up the fact that she wants she's broke up with her boyfriend and also she copes with drinking. Good, great. Yeah, I say I say after we just finished two glasses of


wine de Gordon, it's fine. Yeah, seriously, but we


don't drink whiskey at nine in the morning, which is what she's doing.


Oh my god, that's so much. I have shot a lot.


I've only done that once. It was with tequila. And it was on my 21st birthday. Rhett's? Oh, with tequila. I do like tequila, though.


I mean, in a mark. Yeah, I


like it straight. Oh, no. Yeah. Alright, so jumping back to the past right? Desk is hanging out a bunch, okay. And he starts taking her out with him. Because she's like, he's kind of noticing like she gets. He's seen her as soon as there's some really bad days because she's like, traumatized, right? So like, he's like, You need to get out. So we're gonna go, so and so. So it's like a cafe that they go to, and they'll go like, go and she gets macarons which side note, this author says macaroons the entire time. And as someone who makes macarons it bothered me. Anyway. Um, so like, Go and drink coffee and like, get breakfast together and that kind of stuff. And then she also starts pressuring him. So they're kind of interactions back and forth is that she calls him on a shit all the time. Okay, because he's kind of a Spitfire, right. And he's not used to people calling him on his shit. Mm hmm. So it's like this kind of witty, back and forth kind of thing. Okay. And so he starts she convinces him to start taking her on his jobs where he's like, collecting famous from people, because she gets to see the world if he does that. Okay, so they're like, going to Venice, and like, all this stuff, and it starts like the first time they go to Venice, and she goes and like, does this thing to like, collect from a guy and it's, it's real creepy. If I were 16 I would not be okay with it. Right? Because this dude, like will straight up murder a guy. Okay, like he is right. Powerful and terrifying.


Sounds like she's seen some shit. She has seen some shit. So,


but so they do that. And then they're like, done with it. And they're going to leave and she's like, one gondola ride and drag them along. She's like, No, we're going to do these things. Because


normal rides are 100 euros. They're stupid. Don't do that. Yeah, I


figured. Um, so. And then the other thing is, he starts kind of very much like a protective, like, protecting kind of vibe with it, because he starts helping her through things like, like, one day, she wakes up and she's like, this is what I call a Hail Mary day because it's going to take a miracle to get me out of bed because I'm depressed. And I'd right and so he like, busts into the room and is like, Nope, you have 12 seconds and like, kind of like, pushes her she's, he's she's like, or he's like, Okay, this is what's gonna happen. Either you're going to get help, or I'm like, You're going to let me get you help. It's very forceful helping, so wasn't super weird.


It's, um, so he's doing this. He's being very close. We're very protective of her. And then she doesn't see him for seven years.


We haven't gotten to that part yet. Okay. Is it still in the they're seeing each other a lot. So like, yes, he helps her get help. And he like, he doesn't push but he does. Like he's kind of gently prodding of like, telling me what happened with your step. But he knows but he wants her to have to admit it and like, talk about it, because it's gonna help like, that kind of thing to blame therapists trying to trying to but he's like, and he like, helps her through her PTSD dreams and like shit like that. And so like, he's helping her a lot. This is where it got really hard, because it's a cute relationship that like it's a very good like, close friends like helping you like Ryan was protected relationship.


She's still 16. Right? Yeah. And I know it's gonna turn into something else.


And even if it's, like, quote, unquote, age of consent kind of thing. Like it's still I got to wait till we get to the end of the last part before I really get into that. So. So I wanted to say he's like, kind of forcibly helping her to like having her get help, but So helping her through things gently. It's a weird dynamic. Cut back to the present. Sorry if this is jarring, but it is how it is. So dead starts making her do all sorts of menial tasks. And there's a lot of like flirting getting into this high, but it's like, hey, I really need to redecorate my guest bedroom and they close in 15 minutes, so we just take care of picking up the furniture for me, please. You have 15 minutes ago. She's like, What?


Like, oh my god,


shit like that just so you kind of get the vibe of like, so they can spend time together. Okay, and when they're going to these places, he's flying her there because he has wings right and it is the wings that you saw on the front so like that wings essentially.


Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, yep, not I'm not okay.


Yeah, so backlinks but so as like after he gets to do like some of these things he found only tells her she's like, What are you doing? What is going on here? And he finally kind of like admits and tells her he's like, look, this is what's really happening. I need your help because my warriors are disappearing and the other world right where he rules the kingdom with the night.


Casual you didn't mention any


of that. But he was the king I didn't know that it was on the description in the back of the book wasn't Yes, it said king of the night. Oh, man, I mentioned it earlier.


Oh, shit, miss that. All right, go on.


I'm sorry. So he's a fake king.


He rules all right. Okay, I knew it was fake. I didn't catch the king faking Okay,


um, so this is the part where his warriors are disappearing only the females are returning and they have babies. Oh, this thing so they're are they returning alive or dead? They are in like think Snow White and a glass. Okay, that's what I thought stasis almost stasis so he using his magic can interrogate fae and humans. Hmm. But with his magic, the way his magic works is that if someone does not want to answer him, they can choose to die instead. Oh, and they are so terrified of this thing that's happening that they're choosing to die. Oh, yeah. That's a lot right. So with sirens you can't don't have that choice. Can't glamour Fey. She can only glamour humans. Okay. And there are humans that because the Kingdom of the night is special. are slaves in other kingdoms? Oh, good. They're just like servants in the kingdom of the night.


Sure they are right. totally sure. I'm sure they're giving a lip given the living wage. Basically


what it is, is it's the changelings. Right? Okay. That's who's okay. So he wants her to come with him and help her or help him interrogate the changelings? Because they know what's going on. Like they know something that's happening, but they aren't. They aren't willing to tell him they're willing. They'd rather die. Exactly. Good. So that's really what he wants his her help for. Oh, and the only thing that he's able to get from these people before they die is the name the thief of souls. Ooh,


yeah. What an A right.


Okay, so she's like, well, she's like, do I have a choice? Cuz she's like, not comfortable. Right here. We're getting these people. And he's like, not really. Yeah. Well, then I guess I'll help you. Yeah, basically. So he she takes her to his house on Catalina Island. Nice California. It's very nice. Wings and shit. utilizer there, you know. And kind of that's, that's where he kind of tells her all this and so after telling her all that stuff, and he's like, okay, we're not gonna do it tonight. I will show you my case files tomorrow. Okay, like, you can live


case files with all the magical shit. I don't know why it's been happening


for years. Like literally reference it back when she's 16. And they're hanging out. Oh, yeah. It's been happening for a long time. Why?


Okay, they're going


um, so she like that night. He's like, we'll go into more detail tomorrow. I don't want to like do too much at once. Like, there's a lot that we have to do for this. So he goes to take her back. And guess is it our house? Oh, Eli. Oh, yes. Your house during the sacred seven, which is that seven days? You could possibly go full Wolf. So she goes, she goes home. Um, I'm sorry. This is after a day of work. So he's like, we'll do it tomorrow. She goes to work and then comes home and he lives in her house. Okay, like broke into her house. Oh, good. Yeah. Um, so it's right. No, it's not fine. So he's like, it's okay. I forgive you.


Know, I broke up with


you on purpose. And I want to help you and I want you to be my mate, which means you turn and she's like, No, no,


no. Yeah,


so he's like, kind of laced off well, and going a little crazy because the wolf, the wolf, he's going Wolf. I'm thinking like going ghost but going Wolf. So she's like, finally like, he will not let off like he is going full alpha, which Oh, very much like alpha from like some of her other romance novels, which was again kind of fun right? And then she finally she has to glamorous like no and then she's like a shit I just glamoured an FBI agent essentially.


Well, yeah, he's not back at all right and


then so dad shows up.


Oh, dear. Haha.


Nighttime now No. And


then the night and all the night


and all that. And they kind of have a little bit of an interaction because Eli's like, What the fuck is he doing here? Right. He always been hunting him he's always wanted list. And she essentially has to choose she's like, do I stay with this crazy wolf guy that's probably going to turn me into a werewolf because he's not thinking straight or to go with him. I go is up legitimately trying to protect me right now and she has to like glamour him again, Glamour Eli again and she flies away with Dez Okay, and it's like a narrow escape kind of thing, okay. And so they go back to his place. And he's like, so she's like, I can't go home tonight, can I? And he's like, No, he's gonna be tearing up your house and she's like,


Oh, God, yeah. Okay, so


she realized she's like, Okay, well, I will I will stay here, whatever. And then she has this moment of realization of Wait a minute. Hmm. You had me? redecorate this room? You knew because you know me that I would break up with my boyfriend. If you kissed me and insinuated there would be more she gets Oh my right




And then as magically not Madigan magically as in NO, she just like stop not magically literally, but like she's okay. The the amount of time she feels righteous anger in this book and then disappears is gone. me know.


I guess there's nothing she can do about it. It's not like she can get off the island. But yeah, I would, you know, I'd probably be throwing a vase against a wall be pretty pissed too. If I felt like I've been manipulated like


that it basically happens is like she gets really pissed and has a little bit of a thing with and the whole thing about this is like she is telling him like giving him answers and stuff. And he deals in secrets because king of the night, right? But he's not giving her a straight answer about anything, right? It's always Oh, if you stay I'll tell you tomorrow, that kind of thing. Which in part, it's like, okay, his whole thing is like, he does not give up secrets. Well, because he keeps secrets, right? But at the same time, it's like, dude, tell your secrets, right to this woman that both of you are obviously interested in each other like,


Oh, that's not dude. Rachel. Sorry. Sorry.


No work God. So just magically not mad. Okay. And then sex is big.


Oh, no wind and


freeze. So okay, so she part of the way me Oh, freeze, Beckett. Let's take it back. They have like these steamy moments, but she's really really upset or whatever. And then they have this like mini heart to heart of like, I did miss you or something like that. And then she sucks is dig.


I don't understand. Sorry.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She doesn't suck his dick. She gives him a handy.


Oh, okay, whatever. Yes, I still don't understand. That is very different.


It's very strange. It is still the first sexual encounter encounter that they have. So she wakeboarding. They haven't


even kissed with this one simply because several times,


okay. Several times. They're they have a really good chemistry.


very jarring that we are charting.


There is some amount of logical steps, but they are very fast, logical steps that don't make a ton of sense.


That's not logical, Rachel. Fair. Yeah. Logical.


It's like, it's very jarring. Yes. And spoilers. It's not the first time this happens. And, like, I don't know. The thing that really bothered me about all of this, like there's some there's a lot of obviously problematic stuff in there. The thing that bothers me the most, is that no matter what happens in their relationship, he always has the potential to have control over her because of these favors, no matter what. And she has to obey or die. That's her choice. Right? Like, that is that's not the


basis for a healthy relationship No, and credit where credit


is due. He's very noble about it. Like he does not use it for anything that she is not 100% consensual in and again, credit, the way that this magic feels. At first, she doesn't ascribe it describe it as invasive, which is not cool. Okay, not good. But when they both get into really consensual, like sexy scenarios, it's almost like an auto erotic, asphyxiation kind of thing or not auto erotic, I guess, but erotic, asphyxiation, okay, where like, so like, you know, kind of cutting off the windpipe a little bit, which is cool. It's good, like, I am into that it's fine. And that's kind of what the magic itself feels like, or she kind of like, goes against it a little bit like pushes against it. So in the sexy bits, it kind of plays into it. Okay, but it's still this compulsion. Okay. It's consensual. It's still compulsion. That kind of weirded me out, if that makes sense.


Kind of fair. Yeah.


So if you have questions, let me know. I'm so in the morning, she wakes up and that night they were supposed to go to the other world for the first time, but obviously, he's like, I'm not going to push you to do that. Right. You just had kind of terrible experience. So we're just gonna hold off till the morning. Okay. So she wakes up in the morning and goes into the kitchen and she's only ever seen him at night. Because king of the night right? And she walks out and she's like, wearing his shirt and pants or whatever, like boxers, right. And he's just there drinking coffee. And it scares the shit out of her. And it's actually a really cute interaction. Like I want to mention this specifically because it's hilarious, because it scares her so much that she like screams and at the end of the scream before she's had coffee, she doesn't have a great control on the siren. So the siren takes over. So she screams and at the end of it, her voice splits into harmonies because that's what it sounds like when she's a siren, her voice harmonize kind of cool thing in the stairwell that made the video like that. And so like the siren just takes over, and he's just like, Oh, hello, talking to the siren. And they have this like, really cute interaction where she's like, Alright, fine, motherfucker. You're gonna scare me. I'm gonna be real sexy to you. It's just, it's funny. It's adorable. I wanted to mention at least that part. That's kind of how their reactions go. It's very witty. bantery Okay, kind of. I don't know. The siren has been coming in and out this entire thing. Also skin glows when she's aroused. Oh, cool siren shows up when during sales too. Yeah, that's another i Sorry. Weird, huh?


That's what I do. When aroused


well, so that weird? Well, the whole thing is that, no, it probably it probably relates to you too, is she has trouble with relationships because she can't it's hard to control the siren during sex. So it's like she kind of commands people on accident, but she can't command a fe


you know, you could at least DM me before Sorry, do a book like this before you call me out like Sorry,


are you feeling really attacked right now? I'm


feeling so tired.


Alright, oh shit. Hang on. I gotta go get that. Oh, do you like romance?


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Alright, guys that


swear to god you make one animal sacrifice in the Dark Lord just doesn't fucking leave you alone.


It wasn't a really good sacrifice. Would you get a jackalope?


It wasn't that's the thing. Yeah. The fucking father realizes oh my god, whatever. Alright, so we got we got powers a lot to get through. So they go to the on the other world where they immediately have oral. Sure, why not? They're both really doing


this really does sound like a typical Tuesday night?


I know. Right? No, I'm honestly mostly amazed that you can fit all of this into a single Tuesday night. So they go to the other world and have oral as you do. Yeah. Well, I mean, they you know, he got a handy the night before. And he was immoral or does he receive he gives oral okay, because he's basically like, I wanted to do that to you first. So oral time. Okay. All right. All right. Yeah. Um, so she goes after that after the oral to you know, priorities right. She goes to interview the ladies. Who are lady who are taking care of these demon children. So it is changelings who are taking care of the demon children. Okay, when I say demon children, I mean the children that came back with the female warriors. Oh, yes, they are demon children. They are demon. They suck blood. I mean, all children are demon. They're creepy as shit. And I don't even like kids. But yeah, really? Kids are creepy. These are extra creepy. Okay, these will stare off in a corner and giggle and every one of them has prophesizing even the three month old as in full sentences speaking. I mean, I know that standard child behavior.


Still, children say the darndest thing. Yeah. You will die at the second Tuesday of LEDs. Right?


Exactly. Exactly. Kids say the same thing. The other world. The other world of solid, solid. Yes. So the kids prophesy the darndest things.


Just Oh, Susan lookout Peters going off again with this prophesizing


dam. So she has a moment with the children. So she interviews this woman the woman has to tell her it's kind of traumatizing for both of them. But she's like, it saves lives. I have to do this. And so she's like, take me to the kids. Because if the kids are like, the kids talk is the whole thing. It's like the the evil soldier not want them to talk but their kids are going to talk Okay, so they're the changeling ladies are hearing all these things, but they don't want to say it because they're terrified of the theme of souls. Okay, she's like, take me to the kids. Maybe I can have them talk to me. So they go to the kids and the kids like, they like her. They all circle around known on the go. Oh, they'll circle around her in a creepy way. Oh, make her hallucinate.


Oh, dear. It's


not great.


I'm sure that her boyfriend really likes


Oh, it's wonderful. Yeah, so yeah, so she wakes up in his bed again, like what the fuck just happened his bed? Yes. Okay. He got her to his bed to like recover. But props to him. He doesn't go all like I'm gonna murder everyone my baby my human kind of thing like that which is good. So she they go back to his room at his house in LA. And she's like, I don't feel safe this close to your portal to the other world because the portals in his house right? Okay. She's like I don't feel safe here. I want to go back to my house and he's like, Okay, I will take you back to your house if you need me obviously call me and I think you'll go oh boy. You're gonna want me? Yeah, so she takes her back. She has weird dreams all night. And it's dreams of like really creepy like they're coming for you Barbara kind of like something is chasing her and it's kind of taking a liking to her.


Okay. Oh, she leave. I'm gonna guess out the bow souls.


Weird, right? So she wakes up and there is her like the feathers from her like down comforters and stuff in her sleep had been ripped out while she was sleeping and arrayed in perfect wing shapes. Oh, across her bedroom. And she sleeps like 2pm like she is Pat like something knocks her out kind of thing. And so she's just like, bargainer I want to make a deal. And he shows up and he's like, I told you, oh, God, what happened?


Why didn't she just call him? She did immediately as soon as she woke up and saw no, I know, like on the phone, though. I wouldn't say bargainer. Let's make a deal. That's the fastest way to get them. Okay. She feels unsafe. Okay. Um,


yeah. So basically what, based on her visions desk kind of puts two and two together and he's like, starting to realize that it might be another one of the fake kings behind some of these things. So that's kind of like it's interesting.


Another one of the fake kings is specifically interested in her.


He's called the Mad King. The fake Yes. The faking that could be the evil one.


Okay, because he's literally crazy. Well, yeah, but it's still interesting. Why is he so interested in her because he likes her. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.


The fake kings are all its Fe politics. Right. Okay. Kind of like, they have an uneasy truce kind of deal. Right? Yeah. Uh huh. So, um, before we go back into the past for the last time, I do want to quickly mention sort of a reference to, and I have it in my notes here because I forgot to mention earlier and look, I forgot to mention earlier, kind of in that aggressively taking care of someone kind of in Chi, one of his bargains that he has with her is alcohol makes her sick now to help her stop coping with using alcohol. And she's not full blown alcoholic, so she doesn't go into like withdrawal. Right? But like, he's like, You can do this when you can drink responsibly again, and I was not okay. Oh, yeah. No, I get wanting to help someone right. You don't force someone did heavy helped. Alright, doesn't work. Well, not to mention that. Okay. All right. All right. I'm sorry, if this is all over the place. You're doing great. Doing great. Jump back into the past seven years ago. Um, so we find out at this point that the reason why Jess has left for seven years. And so basically what happens is, they're hanging out she is like, kind of getting a little more forward with how much she's like, has that this like crush on him and like pushing a little bit and like, okay, it's kind of obvious that he cares about her and like this kind of thing going on. And cue Fairy Godmother style, I'll take you to the prom, since you're not going to go and you need to have this experience. So he like the prom and like, kind of have a cute like, as friends is when it seems like they come back and she's like, he's like, I can't do this anymore. And she's like, What do you mean? She's like, I like you too much. And you are a child and I'm not going to do this. This is not okay. Okay. She could have said no, a long time ago, right? Exactly. Yeah. But she's like, well, but you like me? And he's like, yes, because she has shitty self esteem because trauma, right child? And he's like, Yes, and I this is not okay. I can't do this. I need to leave and she's like, makes one before like, she's like Trump, like, tries like to get him to stay. She ends up kissing him. Her doing it to him I should mention, and he's like, about to leave and she's like, wait, I have one more wish. I want you to be mine forever. Is what she says. And he disappears. Oh, that is what happened when he left.


Oh, wow. Oh, okay. You're 16 Oh, you know who I would have asked me mind forever when I was 16 that and recall. Yeah,




So let's back


to the present day. So she wakes up at his house desk has been going back and forth between the other world to kind of handle some stuff over there. So she's by herself in the house and Eli shows up Oh good. Yeah. Um, and she's honest with God those werewolf boyfriends. Right. Well, he comes in he like kind of apologizes refers to look, look, I shouldn't have done that. I was dumb. I should not have showed up when this happened. But she kind of has this internal monologue of you know, I'm doing to him the same thing that's bothering me of like death. is doing to me where he's not being honest. Okay, so I'm gonna be honest. Okay, so he tells she tells her she's like, Hey, my stepdad raped me as a child. I killed him when I was defending myself. The bargainer got me out of that and also helped me cope with all the shit that was going on. Right. And like see, she explains all of it to Eli and he's like, I'm so sorry like I had no character development right? And death shows up behind her and Eli is like sees him and just kind of shows up and you kind of get the like a little bit of like, in he's he's not to his credit he's not immediately jumping on I'm gonna kill you get away from here kind of thing. But he does kind of like go into a mild intimidation mode ratios, his wings, and Eli immediately is like, I am so sorry. I had no idea and leaves. And Kelly's like, what just happened? Right? What the hell just happen? Right? Okay, so they're about to have a conversation her in depth about what just happened and she is like, going to the bathroom and like runs away and she calls her friend temper who previously she had told temper everything. That's okay. So temper knows and she's temper is like, knows about Fe way. Right? And she does. Okay, Ellie does. So she's like, temper. What does it mean? What do wings mean? In flight culture? Okay, what is this going? Yeah. And like she starts explaining and tempers like, What are you talking about what he showed you? You've seen his wings? Because they only show their wings to people that their patrols do. So she comes barreling out of the room like you mother fucker. You did not tell me I had no idea. She's pissed. And then this is that second time when she's magically not. Suddenly magically but not magically. Yeah. Because he's like, Oh, no, that's not what wings mean? They mean, you're my soulmate. Soulmates, okay. And she's like, Okay, I immediately she's like, Oh, my God, and then they have sex.




Doesn't make a lot of sense. Oh, it


doesn't make any sense at all. So. So like, if we're gonna believe in the concept, let's believe hypothetically, in the concept of soulmate, can we play this game for a second? All right, I think what the author is trying to do is say that there's this like, like, sign that can't be controlled. Uh huh. That you were my soulmate. You know, like, there's supposed to be like, you know, like a light or a fire or something like that, you know, glow within, but like, that's the really work was showing your wings, like showing your wings is like a voluntary movement.


No, he does not show his wings to anybody. So she's the only person that says


it's still a voluntary movement. What I'm saying is that like, is the button so the whole soulmates thing usually supposed to be like, it's involuntary like you right? So let's draw that you. You either don't want to be drawn to the person but you are or like something physical happens and that you can't control but it's because you're around


your soulmate. So it is very much to the he is drawn to them. And she is he is drawn to her and doesn't want to be okay, because he realizes essentially that she's a soulmate when she's 16, standing over her dead stepfather.


Okay, so he figures it out, then yes.


And then he hangs out with her to be friends. But it's also like, this is probably not smart. But I like you as a human. But also she's still six, eight,


right? Okay. Do anything. But so he's trying to do the right thing. Yes. He's trying to, like, you know what, I'm actually going to, ultimately he does, because he's to her. He doesn't do this. You're 16.


Right. And he also explains why he at this point before they have sex, why he disappeared for seven years. And it was because that wish that she made. He's like magic has a cost always. And that was a really fucking intense wish for you to make. And what it meant was the cost for that was I could not come near you for seven years. I've been trying to get to you for seven years. And he's like, and all of a sudden that day I showed up in your room was the day that I could. Oh, wow.


So I wonder what he was gonna do though. If he did get to her when she was like, let's say 18 or 17. Wow, what would he have done?


I don't know. You see why this is such a weird it's very strange middle. I would like to


think that based on his previous behavior, he would be a gentleman


Yes. But you know even what I've read about Yes, he would I almost


kind of like the fact that they were separated for seven years because it does give her the opportunity to mature on her own. Oh, she did not become this because she was really leaning towards codependence right and that's not okay.


And not okay. You also like, like she had to cope with him leaving because she like it ripped her heart out. Like she was like, pretty much in love with him. It's his 16 year old candy. Yeah, but it kind of give them time to mature. So when she saw him again, she had this moment of oh shit, I'm still in love. with them and I know I am because like it's been seven years and this is a thing, right? Like, yeah, yeah. So it's, it's weird. It's hard. It's hard to decipher. Sorry. Back in the present. We're getting there. We're so close. Okay, so close




how baby so close they have sex. They wake up in the morning and she wakes up before he does. And she gets up and she goes outside to make a phone call or whatever call temper and tell her like, Hey, I'm, you know, like, I'm going to be helping with this thing for a while with the king of the night essentially with death, right? So I'm not going to be able to come around the pie thing for a while and she's like, I get it. It's fine. Cool. And then this dude just shows up outside of his house. Does his house good. You know, this seems like kidnapping. Are you interested? Margie? Can I please interest you? Our Lord and Savior? 11th hour kidnapping?


Yeah. 11th hour get that bail? Yeah.


So she is kidnapped and she tries to defend herself like she tries to like


she was if she didn't he wouldn't be in kidnapping. It would be like, let's go out to lunch fair. Go get brunch.


Oh, that's let me tell


you about my sex campaign. I feel about getting all of the other other worlds


down for it. I just downpour it. I will say Good. Hey, I will say the other world is gorgeous. The way she describes it is a really cool world. Okay, but Margie what does that say about every time we go to lunch? Is it just consensual kidnapping? Yeah. Kidnapping. So she is kidnapped and she is she wakes up in this cell in a dungeon essentially. And it is rows of cells. That's my Wednesday morning. Tuesday nights Am I right? Never know it's a great one. But so in all the other cells are the other Fae warriors. And it's not just a warrior women from the Knights kingdom of the night. It's a warrior woman from all of the kingdoms. Oh, good.


Yeah. So he's this thief of souls or whatever he like he don't He don't care. No,


you know, all of that shit, including some of his own people. Ah, so this is she meets him for the first time and it is like heavily implied that he gon rape her. Yeah.


Okay, I'm gonna go with this. I mean, girls go. Why is he so obsessed with her? Why are people so obsessed with her?


Because he wants to take out so throughout this entire book, you kind of get bits and pieces. desse is probably the most powerful of all the fake kings. Okay, because Knight encompasses so many things, right? She's a very, he's like, people think of him as like the evil one. But he's really not. It's just like, my kind of like, mysterious. Yeah. Like Katie's. Okay, so he's interested in her because he, he knows that death has been showing her his wings. He knows that she cares. Their desk cares about her and is like their soulmates kind of thing. Right? That guy, right. Okay, so


he what he wants to hurt. Really when he wants deaths? Yes. Okay, going after death to her. Okay, so seems like it would be pretty easy to get deaths when he's asleep in his bed after sex. But when


he can't go in the house, oh, yeah, power. So she was outside. So basically what this dude is doing and it's the king of fauna is this dude. So he's like, there's bees everywhere. He's like, beastial has like, okay, there's that kind of thing. And he's crazy as shit. Okay, almost like dual per split personality kind of thing happening. Where it's this king of soul earth Eve of souls guy who's like, essentially what he's doing to the fire Warriors is he's like taking away their ability to move. So they're conscious, but they can't move. When they can't move. He is essentially impregnating them and sending them back with babies. Cool. Yeah. Great. All right, fantastic. So he's trying to do the same thing to her, but it's not taking. Because she's human. Right, right. And so she's getting horribly sick, but she can still move at least she would be able to if she weren't horribly sick. Oh, so finally the last day and when she sees him sometimes he'll be this thief of souls guy and sometimes he'll be a dude who's just like, Oh, my pretty bird like talking about a siren, her siren. Like, oh, who took away your wings? Like who's done all these things to you? And like really creepy. And so finally the last day it's the Oh, my pretty bird guy is who she sees and she can like not barely stand and he's like, You know what, I think it's time for you to really become what you're meant to be. Oh, no, and he just starts and this is so confusing, but this is what happened. I will tell you faithfully. He just started like really doing lots of magic on her I don't know exactly why but essentially she is transforming into the siren okay for humanity is kind of being taken away and she's still her but she had like wings literally erupt from her back like like siren wings and like, scales up her arms and claws and like all this shit. Okay. And as this is happening, desk burst through the door finally It's been days.


Oh my god, like freaking out more than we are. Oh, probably


Yeah. And I will say, quite possibly the most metal reaction to anything and any book we've ever read, okay, he just starts like he goes to her and is like making sure she's like at least okay for the moment, okay. And this faking the king of Fanta guy is like you can't hurt me I'm in my kingdom like that is against okay. And he just keeps walking towards him not saying anything just walking and he's like, and like she starts baiting him like oh, you know she's she's great in bed and like trying to bait him and he just keeps walking keeps walking. And then there's just an explosion and the way she describes it afterwards is there is just meat everywhere exploded this


guy. Okay, so desert can do I guess. Okay.






god from the Fed the other world for the other world cheese from the other? Absolutely. Yeah. But it is like beef stroganoff on the ceiling. Oh, God hot. Right. And so Kelly wakes up in his bed again, like in the real world. She's been bathed. She is traumatized. But she's like, it's almost it. Again, I don't know if the author really handled emotional trauma from someone doing something to you that you don't want done to you. Okay, because she's, she's right now. She's kind of getting flashbacks to when she was 16 Essentially, right. Okay, right. It's like, I was just violated like something. My body is different. And it shouldn't be like, and so she like, she doesn't wanna look in the mirror. She's like,


Yeah, that's stuff that happened to her permanent. Yeah. So


he does like he's like, No, you you need to confront this. You need to look in the mirror. And so he has, like, she looks in the mirror. And she's her like, she's fun. It's like, more beautiful. But she's a siren now, right? She has like gold kind of things of her arm like scales and like claws, but she could probably still find under normal nails and black like, like think ravens wings. Which honestly, badass really looks bad, right? But she has this moment of like, so one thing that desses kind of says to her when they're 16 When she's 16 was early on. He's like, people think of us as evil. But no, we're just some people's nightmares. And it's the people that deserve to have the nightmares. Like we are the creatures that do that. Okay, whatever. Sure. Well, it's it's kind of like what she does as a pie. Right? Where it's like, I go after the bad Pete right. And what I'm doing isn't strictly legal. But I'm going to think Dexter, right. killing two people that yeah, um, so she like, looks at me. She's like, okay, all right. Teach me it'd be someone's nightmare. And that's the end of the book. Oh, and it's a series that follow both of them. Because you don't know what's actually happening because the thief of Souls is still out there. Oh, so we never caught the thief of soul. He was possessing this crazy king.


Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. So I hope


that made an amount of sense. He said, it was kind of crazy. It was right. It was and it wasn't. Here's the problem. I'm interested in certain parts of it. Right kind of one, right, read the next book. Find out


like so one thing that I have liked about our romance novels is they're kind of like a one shot, right? Like, you're kind of done.


I'm torn because I like the one shot right. But now I'm like, Okay, I I am invested enough in the concept of this woman that has a siren inside of her right that like can do all these cool shit. That I want to know what happens with her. And with this thief of souls guy?


Yes. I'm curious about that. And why but I wanted to souls guys so obsessed with her.


Right? And honestly, like, the sex wasn't bad. Okay, so I'm not upset about that. But it was, um, really torn. I don't know, it's hard to like, write the getting into reviews and stuff like and going over it. Like she still hasn't paid off all her debts at this point. I'm pretty sure at this point. He's just forgiven them. He's like, get rid of them. Yeah. But most of their relationship had almost like this weight over it, at least in my mind. Right? I'm like, to be fair, when they got into some kinky shit, I was into it, because I can be a little bit of a sub, that's fine. Right. And I would like to that part. But it was still like, not great because he got all of those when she was 16.


Right? Yeah. And Is he is he so is he Are there parts in the book where he's kind of like, Okay, give me a beat. Yes. Okay. That's


well, so he a lot of like, like when he has or kissed him for the first time he takes a beat. Okay, well, yeah, okay, but after there's also and then I don't wanna say counterbalanced that because it doesn't necessarily but there are parts where like she'll do something like the thing the the playful quote unquote thing of like, hey, decorate my right my guess but that thing he took away like three or four beats for that. Well He's been very generous with taking them away. Okay? Like, it's, I don't know if he necessarily once. He doesn't want her to be beholden to him, but at the same time, he doesn't want her to get away from him.


Also, he didn't when she was 16. He didn't have to. No, he did not. He didn't have to say, Okay, you owe me something now for just hanging out with her like, that's That's it, does he? Because he doesn't do that to every person who Hey, I'm assuming that he spends time with. He's not asking, Hey, all right. You spent five hours with me? Let me carry


well, he doesn't do that with other people. Right? Like he has his subjects and shit. But as far as like,


like, if someone is you have an equal does he have someone you can just spend time with no.


Oh, so like problem, right? Well, so like when other people if other someone else would call him and be like, hey, I want you to hang out with me for five hours. He would make that a favor. Right? So he's not like treating our specials that way? No, but he's still 16. And you don't need to do the bead thing, though. And I don't remember if he addresses I want to say he does, but I can't remember if he says like, yeah, I admit, giving you those beats was a selfish thing. Because when you like, were out 16 or whatever, seven years later, he's like, I I didn't I wanted you to give me a chance. I didn't want you to like, just write me off completely. I wanted to be able to at least like try to make my case which like, not great,




i It's hard. Real hard. Right? Our listeners want to hear your thoughts. concerns. No. Right. I will say there isn't under the covers because there is no underage sex in this book. Yay.


Great. All right, Tom, do you want to do some right? Let's just


Yeah, so her? Yeah, um, she definitely has an interesting backstory girl needed help and got help, which I was proud of her for middle of the road, honestly, like two and a half. Okay, fine. Hands fine. She wasn't great. She was fine. Um, and to be fair, I'm having to separate my enjoyment of the world because I did enjoy the world building a lot. Right? Versus like the character.


Think about him. I'm very curious as to what you think about him. He's difficult. He's hard.


He russwin Jimmy sometimes not gonna lie.


I see a hole. So he's a boy. We have a status. Have we established he's a boy.


I don't know. Yeah,


I know. He's really how we actually you know what, we should leave this up to the listeners. But listeners, I personally,


I would put him halfway between boys and our boy. Okay, because there's a lot of growth. And there's a lot of like, like, I don't know, I don't know, I know. He wrestled my jimmies. I'll admit I was India. That's a


Schomer OSHA doesn't really do it for me, but if it doesn't for you, he's got a little bit you want to legless? What libelous, the white blond hair?


I don't I'm not into his looks. Okay, I should say I'm into his snark. I'm a sucker for snore. Oh my god. He's super snarky. He's like funny. And also has this like, tortured sense of justice kind of where it's like, there's another fake kingdom, like this kingdom of the day or whatever? Night like his counterpart, where they're all about justice and all this stuff. And he's like, Yeah, but like, they don't take people into account. Right. Like they take it's always justice, black and white. It's like, No, we live in shades of gray. Like he's, he is trying so hard to do what's right, right. So okay, okay. Yeah. So I mean, again, I'm gonna say two and a half just because I have to pull my love of the world out of it. Two and maybe three.


Okay, cuz I was gonna say like, I think you should give them more of a three. It sounds like you really like the guy and it's fine if you do.


Yeah, you know, I you know what? I would say two and three for both of them. Okay, because she also had a good amount of snark okay to be alright. I'm smart. means good. Two or three. Okay. Um, plot was fuckin bananas. It Yeah. And kind of confusing. And I did not like how she just randomly wasn't upset anymore. Twice. Yeah, madness


that almost takes away from her more than fair. So give her two and a half.


Yeah, and I'm gonna say this again. Two, two and a half for the ply. Okay, and then the overall book. Well, so temporary category. world building was pretty good. I got a three, three and a half. Okay. Overall book. Because I'm so confused about whether or not it's problematic. I'm going to give it middle of the road five. Oh,


I was gonna say four. So we're


okay. Yeah, you know what? I could get behind a four. Okay, somewhere between okay.


It's just, it's my only that it's a plot was two bananas. There was


the world building is what saved it for me. Yeah. Because


I do love the idea of the bargainer. Right the the idea of the bark and


the idea of like, the way they handled werewolves was really cool. The way they handled sirens was awesome. Like I'm super into that concept of sirens. And so that is probably what nudged it. For me, because like, I want to write my own story in that world that maybe isn't potentially problematic. Like, what mythological creature? Are you? Rachel? I could see a siren though. What am I? Maybe I'm trying to think of like all the ones in this book. I could see fe. Okay, cool. Yeah, I could try.


Yeah, I'm like crazy Fe though. Sure. I'm like scary Fe


May in the sheet blood. Blood god.


Oh my god.


Okay, so yeah, gosh, four or five, five for me only because the world building was real. Okay. So all right, ultimately, not bad. All right. What else? Yeah, I didn't You didn't need to ask me that. I I still. I was still like, I'm just so emotionally and morally torn on this book.


It is it is a grave fucking error


to the end of it and needed a palate cleanser. But again, good listeners. I want to hear your opinions. I'm at a loss. Yeah.


And especially if you've read it. We'd love to hear from you. If you Brett Yeah,


so I went through I went to a guilty pleasure Nalini singe book. Oh, what


I recommend her do to the angels ones, the angels


ones. She has two main fantasy series. One of them is all about like angels and vampires. Which sounds weird. Real good. Yeah. Okay. Again, guilty pleasure. Mildly problematic, but real steamy. And then the other one that she has is a shifter book, which I'm not really into shifter so I'm


more into shifters and I emulate vampires and angels Yeah, way. In the angels in particular. I know angels


didn't think I was but he's just he's like, it's not holier than thou angels. It's kind of all powerful think like Superman but cocky.


Okay. I don't know. Like, I don't know. There's just not my thing. I was raised to Catholic that's fair to be into Angel says


fair, I is steamy. Very steep. So I enjoy that part. All right. Yeah. Well, we did it. We did it.


Okay. All right. Well, thank you so much for joining us listeners. Hey, thanks, Larry for the use of her song. Oh, love after the album be held proud. I know. He'll


talk about some sex. Let's talk about some Patreon for sex for


somebody that says My God