Textual Tension

Ep. 53: This is Your Brain on Drugs

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 53

Holy Angels Batman! Rachel and Margie are headed off to Heaven, with a few stops at some seedy early 2000s nightclubs along the way. Rachel tells Margie all about Gena Showalter's Wicked Nights.


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel and every other week I jump in here and tell you guys just a little bit about what we have going on in our little world. Happy Fall Equinox. Everybody, if you're listening to this on the day it comes out. It's exciting. I'm sure it's a beautiful day, I choose to believe since I'm recording this before that day, but whatever, it's fine. So I'm going to go ahead and get you guys through what we have to talk about. Not a ton of subjects and stuff this week, which is pretty great. Um, we'll just go through the usual, usual things here. Hey, social media, hit us up, we like to hear from you guys. We've gotten some awesome recommendations lately that I'm really excited to get into. And if you do want to hit us up and give us a recommendation, or talk about a book, or whatever, we are at textual tension bought across the board on all of the social media. So Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, all that stuff has up we really, really like to hear from you guys. And we appreciate it, we you reach out, we have Patreon. If you want to head on over to patreon.com/textual tension, you can get all kinds of neat goodies and bonus stuff. And hey, if you are not in a place right now where you can support us on Patreon, that's totally fine. Another thing you could do that would really help us is go out and rate and review five star reviews would be even better. We do not pay to advertise the show. And we really appreciate you guys spreading the word to your friends, that is super helpful for us. So if you could do that, that would be amazing. I haven't mentioned in a little bit I don't think I don't remember, hey, we have a T public store. There's a link to it on our website, which is textual tension pod.com. And we have all kinds of really fun stuff. I'm actually about to go by myself one of the mugs that says girl get what you want with a big middle finger on it. I'm very excited about it. So go check that out. Hey, thank you to a friend of the show and often guest on our podcast Savannah from cold storage podcast for helping us with our recording today. So we were recording remotely and playing around again, like we were last time with some remote recording software and Savannah was sitting in on this one and helping us out a ton. So thank you, Savannah, we really appreciate it. He were super duper helpful. So if you hear us talking to her, that's why and I think that's just about it. Um, so for those of you that listen through my little spiel, here is your bi weekly romance novel wisdom. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and angels in heaven and Scots in Scotland and warriors in generic fantasy lands and nymphs and Atlantis and wizards in towers and Irishmen in Ireland and rakes and scoundrels in Victorian England. So without further ado here's episode 53 This is your brain on drugs tearing me apart from Roxy Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Rachel and I am your co host Margie. Every other week we Wow one of us reads a romance novel Jesus my brains not here today and summarizes it your brain with you or other unsuspecting co host this time it's Margie. Hey Margie.


we unpack what what the


fuck just happened? Hey, that's pretty good considering we're doing remote


wasn't too bad. Yeah, yeah, we're experimenting with some remote stuff specifically a friend Savannah is not here in the corner and helping us get set up with some really cool new remote recording stuff which is all super exciting.


Oh forget that. We also made a blood sacrifice.


So well. Yeah, it required only a little bit of blood though because I'm offering so it's fine. Alright. So Margie. So if you listeners if you listened to last week, you know or two weeks ago I suppose. Time is an illusion, it Two episodes ago. Margie, I mentioned that Margie recommended an aleni singe book to me. Yeah. This is not this is not a millionaire singe book.


But my hopes up like that


it was about fair angels. And so I decided to take a look at what other things along that freedom resistance. There are so many so many but hey margin, you know who we maybe haven't checked in on in a while.


Oh my God what did you do? What did you do? What have you done?


I tried to open it who hurt I didn't hurt you.


Oh my god Rachel


now you know what's really bad too is that that was gonna be like well one of those I was gonna do another book of hers




tried to get it to open I'm trying to get it to


open man I should just so y'all were checking back in with Google


it's Book One Two out of this series


is we started it oh my god okay,


okay, okay, okay, okay, I have to find the cover because the cover get


too far into this just so you guys know if you want to go back and listen to oh shit I need to figure out what episode it is.


Why it's episode one no


not hurt the other one you did by her?


I didn't do another one by her I believe this one


did no yeah you did no cuz it involves some of these characters. Really the one with demon her that was her wasn't it?


Was I don't think that was her. Okay, I finally had the Culver pulled up. And okay, so it's


going to give us the title and the Okay,


you're right. Okay, so it's wicked knights by Gina show altar. Yeah, so we're back to Gina who I know we at least did episode one on so go back and listen to episode one listeners if you haven't yet because oh my goodness. But it's like okay, so it's a man and a woman. The guide is in front and he is ripped. I gotta say like you and he's pretty sexy. He's pretty you can also look like he's been covered in coconut oil. He's very shiny.


He is very shy.


He's very shiny.


You're right by the way. I was thinking of a different ones. Not my fault vindication. Okay.


And so he's kind of like look to the side like but he's he's got his his arms wrapped around the waist of another woman who is actually behind him which has to do with different


and also it's over his wings as well as the


wow, that's very Lucifer. Okay, like that flick series Lucifer bow. So she is standing. She is standing behind him. I think he's trying to do like a protective posture with she's, she's wrapped around his arms, but also his wings. And she's kind of like, got her elbow on his neck. It doesn't look comfortable. Know what I'm saying? It can't be comfortable for either of them. But and I'm really like curious whether this was like a stock image or whether it was actually created for this book. I can't imagine it wasn't created for this book


looks like it was a stock image that they Photoshopped wings sandwiched in between the two humans


you think so? I feel like well, yeah, actually, maybe because well still, like it's weird because the wings look like they've almost been like drawn or painted. But the rest of it looks like a picture. Right? So and it's it's all just very strange. I mean, I can't imagine what they asked these two models to look like because he's looking off into the distance which is kind of easy, but she's looking straight at you with this barrier. With a smaller that's good way to describe it with a smaller so um, yeah, and it says so. It names Gina show Walter as a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, which as we know means nothing. And it's one of the premier authors of paranormal romance. Dear God, I hope that's not true. Okay.


I should also mention at this point, and I didn't realize it this is a fucking Harlequin. It's a Harlequin romance.


So what do you mean when you say that though? Do


you mean like published by the Harlequin romance? No. Okay, group. It's also really fucking long. This is an almost an 800 page book.


I found that with the book that I was reading that's why I couldn't finish


it. Do you understand


where it was coming from? My book is so long. I went back to that book until your while


you said that you were doing an author that we had already touched on and I was like, oh, five bucks says we're both doing Gina. Allah. Okay. Just read the description.


Wait, okay, here we go. Alright, listeners from the New York Times bestselling author who brought you the lords of the underworld. That's the one that I was reading.


I've read that one.


I've read well, I was really booked 15. Yeah. Anyway, so let me restart from the New York Times bestselling author who brought you the lords of the under Worlds comes a dark, seductive new series featuring angels poised on the brink of destruction. Leader of the most powerful army in the heavens, this is Zachary Hill, Zachary, Zachary Al. has been deemed nearly too dangerous to through ruthless, ruthless, and if he isn't careful, he'll lose his way. What is it? Without his wigs? What did I don't know? But this warrior with a heart of ice will not be deterred from the from his mission. So at any cost until vulnerable human tempts him with a carnal pleasure he's ever known before. Sorry,


keep it rolling, maybe


Okay, accused of a crime she did not commit. Annabelle Miller has spent four years in an institution for the criminally insane. Demons track her every move and their King will stop at nothing to have her sacral is her only hope for survival, but he is a brutal angel with a touch as hot as hell, her salvation or her eternal damnation.




this is while okay, I


Okay, so, fun fact, it's actually really funny that you mentioned lords of the underworld series because I remember trying to read that starting with Book One couldn't do it. And it's bananas and second, those motherfuckers show up in this thing so it's all in the same universe. Yeah, I


mean, I that's I was booked 15 into that series. It's all tied together so much though that it's really hard to understand these thoughts. Oh, it's confusing. Have


a note of that. So let's get into triggers real quick. Oh, I Yep. So we have assault of the sexual variety we all not rape well. No, it's technically sexual assault. It's just sexual assault. Assault yes to Salt Lake. We know not a sprinkling we have violence Nash we have a little bit of racism, but like nah, there's some racism I was gonna say just a little bit now there is we have did you write them down? Course I didn't I never do the the differences I usually don't forget them but I'm one gluten brain I think that's about it. So a lot of murder a lot of soul but and a little bit of racism. But I think that's about it, actually. So that's good. Oh, torture.


Torture I mean par for the course. Right?


Natural. And surprisingly, no kidnapping.


Is it really a romance novel? Oh man, but is it really romance novel without kidnapping? I would have also judging from the description I really would have gotten would have guessed kidnapping,


right. Drugs throw. I saw my favorites. Legitimately I thought kidnapping going into it and there wasn't I was very surprised. Okay, let's get started. First of


all, so it's Gina she loves kidnapping. Enough of kidnapping.


So our characters Annabelle, Annabelle Miller. She has black hair. That's so black. It's almost blue.


What does that what's real black hair. I get started.


Okay, go on.


It does or not I have no idea.


It's black, black black hair. No hunger does not turn


blue. You can like get hair dyes that make your hair like give like blue kind of like undertones and stuff. If you have black hair and that's cool looking, but it's hair dye.


This sucker punch alright that I ended up Blue Blue Bear die right to the patient.


She also has ice blue eyes. And she is a Japanese part Japanese. And the reason I mentioned that is because I really would like to read this paragraph of the first time Zacher LC is her because I read it yesterday and he his face was priceless quote, she clearly possessed Japanese ancestry yet her voice had no hint of an accent odd in a way but all the more exotic because of the lack saw and wilting and the perfect contrast to purpled features. So you know Jean Gina?


Gina Do you know how access


work? She accents work you can you can be for instance, Japanese American like this woman is and not have an accent and it's not weird. No, it's just it's not a thing. Right? I've met a woman who was Chinese and grew up in Spain, and she had a Spanish accent and it wasn't weird. It with just an x ray, so that was fun. All right. Zach Eurail, he has black hair. Okay. And


blue haired babies,


huh? Guess that Gemini color. Emerald. Oh, got it and one. Yeah. Also, he's an angel. So there's that. And because it matters, he always speaks the truth. He is incapable of lying. Hmm. So not. He's not incapable of and he can taste when other people are telling a lie. He can change the taste thing. Yeah. So when someone's lying, he gets like a bad taste in his mouth. I guess. Yeah, he can just kind of like, avoid the truth. That is okay. Sure, whatever. Sure. So let's get into this. So prologue, Annabelle wakes up on her 18th birthday. Feeling like her eyes have been clawed out, which is Oh, good, right. Fantastic. And her parents freak out obviously because she can't see and they're trying to get her into the car to go to the hospital but a demon shows up because happens and Annabelle can see the demon. Okay. Her parents cannot. And the demons we I thought she couldn't see it all before but she can see this demon. She like forces her eyes open and she can see the demon. Yeah. Parents cannot see the demon but her parents can get their throats ripped out without knowing what's happening to them. Yay. Yay.


Oh, wow. 18 man. Talk about that before the throat pulling out. I was like, well, maybe she had too much fun the night before. No other 18th birthday. No. Oh, yeah.


So her parents are killed right in front of her. Yay. Do you demon dude gets all up in her business and gets real creepy. But for some reason, he leaves and she like tries to fight back.


He just


casually murdered her parents. Yeah, kinda play. Yeah. So she like grabs a kitchen and she's able to get a knife and like try to defend herself and everything. And she goes try to wake up a brother who's not waking up and all this stuff. And she looks in the mirror and notices her eyes have changed color. They've gone from gold to ice blue and that matters.


Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah. Would it not matter? I think that right like kind of before said that's that's a sign of like, nuclear poisoning or something like that, like


radiation poisoning. Yeah, like, that can happen. Well, she's not blind. She can see now, but she can now also see demons. Cool. Oh, no. So okay, let's do it. Keep going. The cops show up, obviously. And she is blamed for the murder of her parents. Which is great. Four years later. She gets Yeah, so she's like holding a knife and covering the blood and screaming about demons. So she's blamed for the murder and sent off to a mental hospital.


I mean, better than being sent off to jail. Well, yeah, it's


unfit to it's basically it's like if someone's unfit to stand trial because of insanity. They're sent off to what is essentially a jail and a mental hospitals right for those guys.


So what happens to her brother?


Her brother thinks that she did it. Oh, man. Yeah, it hates her now.


Forever. Man. This is like a this is like a Jessica Jones situation.


Alright, continue to day for her. So I've got so seen one. Four years later. She's been in this mental hospital for like four years. Um, Annabelle is in therapy with a gentleman that she refers to as Fitz. Pervert, if that gives you any indication of what abouts to have what's about to happen? Oh, no. Yeah. Yay. So Jesus Christ. So she's in this therapy session, and he has already sexually assaulted her. Yay. So she's having to interact with him. And he's trying to be like, Oh, how does that make you feel? But not about that part, just like her life. And she all of a sudden see some demons come in. And she has to try to fight them. So she's trying to fight these demons that no one else can see. And she may too but she ends up getting subdued, obviously.


And so no kidnapping.


Um, so No, not at all. Anyway, hi yeah okay, um and she is sent back to her room into solitary confinement and has to have a one on one session with its pervert again you see where this going yep


yes it's gonna end up fine rate.


Yeah, so and he's being sedated so like they literally like Jabba needle into her and sedated, right don't worry. That's a Rachel science cord coming up about that. Whoo, yay. So cut to Zach corral. sacral is an angel. He has been put in charge of a group of angels like a little mini army like 20 people that are sort of on their last leg. Basically, he has a year to redeem himself and his angel friends or all of them are going to fall they're going to become fallen angels and just lose their wings and yeah,


I'll make it


so Zack, Rael feels no emotion. And the reason he's in this spot is because he is of the opinion that well but if a couple humans die in our fight against demons, it's fine. Overall, it's for good, which is not exactly what his deity once right?


God is like, humans are actually cool and chill and you need to protect right okay, like but all of them every


of them why?


Why are siblings kind of a bad egg? That we could just like


they get sent to this mental institution where there's like a horde of demons trying to get into it. And this is not the first time that they have to fight off all of these demons getting into this particular mental institution.


God dammit Sakura.


Yeah, again again. So they keep


did you put down the spray?


Id with spray


well, so they keep trying to get it and part of it is they want to know why. So Zack girl has to figure out why. Oh, and also I should mention part of this punishment is that if any of his angels kill a human he gets whipped for it. So like he is basically yeah gets punished for everybody. Pretty sure that goes against the Geneva Convention. Yeah, that's fine. God, it's fine. Um, so there's gonna have to fight this horde God


God be like what that


so his angels go in and start killing discriminately kind of um, and he goes into the mental institution trying to figure out why these demons keep coming back and he finds Annabelle right. Okay, Belle is partially sedated and strapped to a bed. And he is basically he looks at her and was like, Oh, I see why now. You're the you're the consort of a demon because your eyes are this icy blue so obviously all these demons are trying to get to you because your demons consort and she's like a the fuck? No. Look at your eyes. You had to do it to yourself. You said yes. I want to be this demons concert. And she's like, I fucking didn't. Definitely did not. Did not choose this.


And just say that it happened exactly on her 18th birthday though. Weird, right?


Yeah. So, so he's there. And he's like, Well, she's like, are you going to help me? And he's like, No, you did it for yourself. And turns invisible. Right as Fitz pervert comes in. Uh huh. Okay,




He's like still there and like kind of seeing what's happening. And she knows he's still there. I don't know how she just does. Magic. Yeah. fucky magic and magic a fervor. It starts doing fits poverty things. And he's like, shit. Okay, well, guess I got a cop. Now. I


have to be honorable. Yeah, man. And the


thing that's weird for him is what are the what is this weird tingling sensation in my chest? Is that an emotion? Oh, genital Well, or that? That comes later? Yeah. So he basically shows himself to Fitzherbert and is like, Nah, y'all motherfuckers need to get out of here and never do this again. And like, tells him to leave and because magic he just does. And he apparently doesn't remember any of what just happened. Convenient vignette, right. So he ends up actually saving her so he picks her up and takes her to his cloud where he lives is basically a big fluffy cloud that you can go with inside of, and if you just ask it for anything, it'll give it to you.


Nice. I need some cloud. I want student loan forgiveness. Yes,


exactly. So you can literally cloud I want a triple chocolate cake and it will give you a cake. And it's out loud. I want I don't know, Turkish Delight? No, don't ever do Turkish Delight. We've learned Margie. Um, so he takes her to his cloud, and he's like, You have to stay here and she's like, Ah, hell no, I just got out of somewhere where they made me stay. I'm not going to be forced to stay here. And he's like, fuck, okay, well, you just swipe or no swiped me. So what can else can I do? It's not how it goes, but that's how I believe it goes. He's like, Okay, well, like, will you please stay here? And she's like, Okay, sure. Why not?


Because just ask a nice light.


Because she knows that. Now she knows that there's a horde of demons that are actually trying to get to her. And she like they're hunting her. So she doesn't really have anywhere to go. Also, she just came from jail.


Also, she said a cloud where? Where does she thinks she can go? Like, could she ask the cloud for a plane? Would she know how to fly that? I know how to fly it, but


I don't know. Hey, out. Jesus. Hey, cloud. Can I have a squirrel suit? Please? We? That would be fun. Of course.


a hang glider and glider. Yeah.


Yeah. So he has to go off and do army stuff. And also get whipped for a human death that one of his angels did. They did a death. A murder was a bit pervert. No, it wasn't it was another dude. But it's like chick angel that definitely like murdered a guy. Um, so he comes back from getting whipped and all of a sudden, like, she is horrifically ill. And so he has to like take care of her for like, it's like four days, and then she's magically fine. But on that wife, hang on, we're getting there. On that fourth day. He like, he's getting a little bitter about it. Because she's like fighting him while she's sick and everything. And he just apparently right doesn't understand that. That's sometimes what sick people do. And so he like, brings back this chick angel that murdered a person and is like, hey, what do women need? And she's like, oh, yeah, we can get it on if you want and like tries to make out with him. It's this whole encounter. I'm boy, I should preface this strap in this plot for 800 pages makes no goddamn sense. For how long of a book this is, so many things happen. And also nothing happens. That's the same. She tries to make out with him. And he's like, What the fuck are you doing? And she's like, well, but I thought that that's what you meant. And that's what he's like, No, leave. And she leaves all of that in a set up. situation. All of that is said No, he doesn't. Of course not. All of that is set up. Because Annabelle somehow gets to see all of this happening. Because the cloud gave her a TV or something


the cloud gave her nest.


Yes. And


all this is set up because now of course one of the first things she asks him when he comes back in is Wait, was that your first kiss? And he's like, Yeah, I'm a virgin. All of this is to set up the fact that he is a virgin.


Seems like he could have gone about that in a different way. But okay,


so let's roll back to


100 Year Old Virgin title


area. There's


a long time to that even at least like get curious, like what is this Do


doesn't have emotions, Margie, he has a heart of ice. So holding back a little bit to why she was sick. Okay, so she has been and this bleeds seamlessly into a Rachel's science corner. This I'm not a medical professional. But this is what I was able to gather with approximately 15 minutes of research Gina. So


better Are you


know, I actually think this is hilarious. So she's been in a mental institution and assumed to have schizophrenia for four years. So okay, Trina has decided that it's going to take four days for her to go through withdrawal symptoms on all the sedatives that she's been on. Now, to be fair, I did not have a specific list of what sedative she would be on so I found what why might be on sedative but she's a dangerous schizophrenic according to them, okay, because she's screaming about demons and stuff and she's violent. She's fighting non existent demons that they can't see. But she wouldn't. Okay, we're just go on. Just go. Do you understand? Like, why I guess that mattered? I that is


I, I understand why in the context of the book I wouldn't under I don't understand in like, I'm not a medical professional either. But like in a medical? Well, it's standpoint at all it does. I mean, but she's not violent all the time, she can't be violent in


the pay only. So she would be on an anti psychotic all the time, right? Because they assume she has schizophrenia. And you can't just take that on a case by case basis, it has to be constant. And the other thing is that in the


anti psychotic is not like,


they're actually Oh, they are the same thing. So that's the most common ones used anyways. So the most common anti psychotic for schizophrenia used in mental like, places like this would be something called gonna not pronounce this right haloperidol. Other ones are Lorazepam you may have heard of That's right. And that one, olanzapine and droperidol. So those are like the four big ones. I'm going to assume haloperidol because that is the most common one, right? And it's a psychotic, it's also a sedative. So the way the antipsychotics work is it blocks dopamine receptors in your brain. Right? Okay, which is the feel good chemical in your brain. And it's because usually schizophrenia, if you have that you have an abundance of like too much dopamine and your body is going crazy with it. Like it's can't handle it basically, not crazy. You're not crazy if you have schizophrenia, but your body kind of can't handle it. Okay, so, it so what this does is it blocks those receptors, and it kind of like, shields you out, right? So it's sedative. Yeah. Um, so let's talk about what happens when you come off of antipsychotics quickly. Okay, you don't you shouldn't God for the love of God don't, right. You shouldn't even do that with like antidepressants. So if you come over too quickly, you can have a really bad relapse, really bad relapse into your psychotic symptoms, and also you can develop something called tardive psychosis. Which sounds like but yeah, it's psychosis, right? It's crazy. Like it's not good, you will not be fully cognizant of your actions. And some psychotic drugs like anti psychotic drugs, if you stop cold turkey can be deadly. Like it can be legit fatal, if you cut cold turkey, especially you've been on it for an extended period of time. Good. Now, to be fair, she was not technically schizophrenic, but always on antipsychotics, which is another thing you don't necessarily want to do. So that can actually cause you to develop things like constant twitching disorders, or restlessness or weight gain or diabetes. Oh, good. So she might have some other things going on right now at this point? Um, and


do you know she got the chocolate cake called the cloud? Because that might make the diabetes worse? Yeah.


Well, so all of this to say one, that's probably not how it would have worked with her coming off of it, too. That's probably not how it would have worked with her not needing it being on it for four years. And three, don't cut cold turkey. Right. And I'm also really glad I did all of this research in an incognito mode. Because the number of websites that I accidentally clicked on that were like, life without meds.com


Oh, no. As someone who was on a daily antidepressant, like, no.


There were websites, I was reading it to Zach and it shit like, like, Now, if you've been on antipsychotics, like this particular drug for a while, and you're feeling good, it might be time to go off of it.




Fucking working. You know what, Rachel, Rachel, my blood sugars have been really good lately. You should probably go. I think I'm just gonna stop taking my insulin.


That's probably it's probably safe to do so.


I think so too. You know, like, I think it's gonna be fine. I'll just like eat organic and


actually lots of supplements changing your diet. Right?


Right. Eat organic get lots of sun do some pareteum setting


on your asshole it's fine. Yeah, just I I've been feeling really good not eating gluten for a while. So last night, I decided to try to eat gluten. And you know what happened? I woke up in tears because depression because it doesn't work like


it doesn't work. And Rachel, how medicine work? Yeah, no, it's impossible. And


now I'd like to seamlessly transition to one of the problems well, yeah, no, not after this with this book in general and with Gina? Gina, I believe again, I don't remember we'll have to double check this, I'm pretty sure is the one that we just we found out started writing romance novels, and then found God and then started writing romance novels about angels and demons.


I don't know if that's the timeline, but I know she was the one who found God. So,


um, she has an overlying American themes, right, this entire book of drugs are bad, including, okay. Apparently, antipsychotics, because there is a moment as she is realizing she's about to go into withdrawal where she's like, Sure, I could have the cloud give me a hit. But I'm not going to do that because I'm strong. Hey, and this is not something that people abuse because it's not a fun drug. No, not one of the fun. No, it's no, it's one that if you cannot, you know, pretty sure own dopamine or if you have an abundance of dopamine, so storebought is fine. This is okay.


Sport. It's not about it's fun. Well, it's also like, yeah, we, we understand that you are on them, and you didn't need to be but like, I don't need to be safe about this. What is the most effective way to safely get you off of this drug? Wean it because you can't. You can't do it all at once. We just talked about it. Okay. The story though. I need to hear more about this story.


So there's my rant about mental health and all that stuff. Yeah, also, that's not the first time this drug thing is gonna come up just okay. So on the scene to just suffice it to say she's off the drugs. And he has come back. So Zack girl has agreed to teach her how to fight demons. After she is magically better after four days of detox, which is how it is described. It's subscribed, like alcohol detox, not like drug detox, so you know, yeah,


yeah, alcoholic detox doesn't work like that. Different also potentially fatal. Okay, anyway, yeah. So


he's like, Okay, sure. I will teach you and also just isn't understanding all of these weird tingly bits in the place that his heart should be because it doesn't have emotions but all of a sudden his


courage is heard three times


it is um, yeah, so right before he goes to teacher these things right row scatter, you know, getting attacked by a whole bunch of demons. The cloud is Tuesday, so Zack girl sends the cloud far away with an urn that contains his brother's ashes that's as much as I'm going to go into that for now because it's going to come up later okay merits reference before this he had to kill his brother. That matters. There's so much so sorry, is his brother Abel know his brother was also an angel but got tormented by demons and wanted to be killed because he couldn't handle it. So


okay, go on go on. God dammit Gina


It were insane to there's so much okay, I'm going to try so hard


to get Courtney Savannah, we


gotta keep I'm so sorry. Shit, okay, okay, okay, we're going everyone strap in, shut up, we're getting through it. So he sends a cloud far away. He takes Annabelle on him because he couldn't apparently just leave her. And an epic fight ensues an epic fight where his angels aren't able to get to him in time. So they clip his wings, and both of them just start falling towards the ground.


That's the fight. That's just an execution, he


takes out a good number of them. Okay, and so on the way down, they have this moment of effect, we're gonna die, aren't we? And he's like, Well, I might be able to regenerate but you definitely won't be able to. So let's make it here. Now. I'm going to give you the water of life, which is the thing that he's had that will help her survive it because Sure. And so he like gives it to her and she's like, What the hell was this flat and they hit the ground.


And it's like the loon water balloon she's like


she survives he loses a lot of just accent




wrote back to The Night Circus


there found by another angel and she's like trying to protect him because the she thinks demons are coming and going to come to get them. I didn't the angel is like, Nah, I got this. I got to take them far away from here. So he takes both of them to this dude's house. And Zach girl is alive. But his body can't heal the extent of the injuries that he has. So he just keeps bleeding out over and over again forever. Yeah, but the angels like, okay, but there's something I can do to like, help him survive, but you have to make a part. Are we gonna have some board? Looks but you have to make a bargain with me and she's like, okay, fine, I'll make a bargain. He's like, Okay, I want you to keep them out of heaven for a month. His reasons, okay? She's like, okay, so he disappears, to go get more water of life. Yay. Yay after a long time, and looks like hell, because getting water of life is apparently just held to go through. And so he comes back with the water of life, she gives it to that girl and he starts to heal again. So he's able to actually fully heal. Yay. Yay. And he basically says, Okay, I know you made a bargain. And I know you can't tell me what your bargain is. But I also know that demons are going to start hunting you constantly and I was really upset when I thought you were going to die. So I'm going to go with you and help protect you and everything. Wait, who says this to Zachary says it to Annabelle? Oh, okay. So he is aware she made a bargain. And that's why he needs to leave heaven for a month. And he's like, Okay, fine. Sure. Also, the leaving heaven for a month thing doesn't matter. It just happens. There is no storyline reason why that matters. I wonder


if it's if it's important to another book, like somebody tries to take over heaven or something like that


to the character, the angel that saved them, and like goes to get the life again. And so there's a storyline reason in his story that it happens, but by the end of the book, it doesn't matter.


It's all okay. Okay. It's just never explained. No. Okay. Yeah, it


doesn't matter. It's explained, it just doesn't matter. So yeah, so they go and fuck off to Earth. Um, and he also wants to help her figure out why, like,


the Steven was so in.


Oh, my God, why are you so into me?


Oh, you're so into me.


He also, there's been some steamy parts in between them, I guess. Like, there has been there's been some steamy bed where he's like, realizing feelings kind of thing. And so he takes her to New Zealand, because that's a place. That's and I mean, maybe he's really into Lord of the Rings. Yes. And takes her shopping because it's not something she's like, have been able to do in four years. And he's never done. It's not a romance novel without a shopping bond. Because there's totally a shopping montage. And there's this weird scene with a cookie and him licking her fingers and it's a whole thing.


That is really weird. Also, fingers are


on the finger. Thanks so much for


liking somebody don't like fingers,


dude. Elbow touch only elbows. Sexy elbow touch. Yeah, so he takes her to the house of an angel do that she's met before that she really liked him when she met this other angel guy. Not the angel that saved another eight. Yeah, she liked him. Because she didn't like Zack girl at first because that girl has no emotions, and this kind of a dick. So sacral takes her to this other angels house because he knows that this other angel is into BDSM. And yeah. I want to use any of the BDSM stuff. He just wants to like intimidate her for some reason. It makes no sense. And hey, dude, you fucked up. She just got out of a mental institution where she's been tied to beds. She's not comfortable there. No, no, no.


Oh, but also, why do you go into like, medical scenario, I get invited over to Christian Gray's house apartment, he's not immediately going to take me into his play.


But he will be immediately wearing his sex jeans. Um, so. So that's a whole there's so many things in this book that happened that just don't matter. So if one of those things that comes up, just keep going, we'll just roll it. Okay. Make a bargain. So part of him agreeing to go with her to Earth for a month is like, hey, I want to make my own bargain with you. She's like, Okay, sure. So they talk about it. And at first he's like, I want you to make it with me. And she's like, No, because I'm not gonna do anything if there's even the remote possibility that I'm not doing it in my 100% Free Well, props very fair. Like okay, I guess the solution to this


simple way away from the King whole debacle. Right. The whole free will but it's important. So


the the his solution to this is okay, whenever you want to kiss me, you have to I guess that's the rule. It's a rule that happens again, it doesn't matter. It just this is what's happening. So she agrees Yep, roll with it. We're keep rolling. We're rolling along. Alright, so after some downtime, where he makes her a sandwich in the sex room. She decides she wants to kiss him for reasons.


Okay, so they're still in the sex room talking about their friends through sex through but they don't even know if it's clean or not. Okay,


so this goes poorly.


This goes poorly


because they start making out it gets steamy. And hey, Zachary has never made out with someone before. So he decides, yeah, I want more because I don't know what all these feelings in my jibley bits are. And I want more of those feelings. So he starts going maybe a little too far. When she's telling him to stop, and he won't stop. And like he, she starts fighting him. And he's like, Oh, I fucked up and she's panic. No kidding, Sherlock. And she's panicking. So he like he had ripped her shirt. And she's like, so he has to like, put a shirt on her again, I guess before he can let her leave. And so she runs away. And he follows her invisibly to make sure she's safe because he's realizing he fucked up and wants to build trust back again. Uh huh.


Yeah, that's how you build trust.


Yeah, following someone without them knowing. So after a Oh, so my notes I have she runs away after an a salty kiss. Yay. Salty. God,


I guess no, not assault against a salty kiss


assault he kiss. So she runs right into a horde of demons that have found them as you. And he's like as fuck whoops. So they start fighting them together. And then through the magic of killing a lot of demons. They start to build their trust back and she had raised agree. Yeah,


either kill demons or you burn the wars.


It's the second stage. Now they skip the first stage, but not yet, they'll roll back to the first stage of the relationship. So figure out so he takes her off again, to another place, because I found out at this point that the thing that


maybe this cave wasn't a good idea.


The sex cave was great. I


think he should have done a candle like deter, you know, like, so


the thing that has been stopping the demons from finding her is people because it's smell, I guess. So they need to be more and more people. So this time he takes her to a hotel with people. So they go into this hotel, to block her scent. And they start kind of building trust back or like he agrees he's not going to touch her. And he can only speak the truth. So you know, it's true. And like, all this stuff. Yeah. And so he's like, I'm not going to do anything until you're 100% Ready, if you ever are ready again. And it's totally fine. And eventually, after some trust building exercises, like trust falls and stuff. She eventually do they do trust falls in the boattail. But he draws a bath for her immediately after she takes a shower, which was weird. And they get clean enough. That's apparently enough that she wants to kiss him again. So they kiss again. And this time, it gets hansy and they make it work like his arms around the headboard and he's not allowed to let go kind of thing. And they do get off. So that's fun first, in the first stage of the relationship, yep. Oh, so good news. We're into season five now. Okay, bad news. There's a couple things that happen that do not matter. Again, weird and are only there in order to tie this back to other books, specifically the lords of the underworld books. So okay, we're about to go on a sidebar to a nightclub um, this book was published in the early 2000s So what would a romance novel from the early 2000s be without some leather daddy stuff so Zachary dress up in a mesh tank top and leather pants which I found hysterical as they go to this demon owned nightclub to try to figure out who the demon is that once Annabelle because reasons I'm very curious


as to why this demon was just like yeah, this 18 year old chick I'm again


there. Yeah, there is a reason. Um, so he basically like this demon that owns the nightclub is like I want her for me and you're gonna come and you're gonna just drop her off and that's gonna so you're gonna kidnap her for me? So he goes and drops Annabelle off and then just leaves and naturally Wait, wait her, Zach. Yeah, and naturally Oh, responses? What are you doing? Like what are you doing? I thought we left and right. Turns out no, he had a plan the whole time but he didn't tell what the plan cuz that's how it always happens and some of the Lord and save her and the entire thing. It's so confusing because there's so many people that are you haven't read this other book series, which is terrible and don't read it. You don't know what's


least 50 books that that book series. So read it.


So suffice it to say, we're going to go all of this down to he abuses her trust again and is upset that she is thought that he was going to actually abandon her. I think personally vich, please. Yeah, we're just finger packed for the first time and I still don't trust you


know, like you said, None of this makes sense.


So does it it's awful.


I'm going keep going, Rachel.


So they go back to another hotel and have more steamy times where she's like, You know what, you're right. I shouldn't have not trusted you. Which again, doesn't? No, no, actually,


you shouldn't have trusted him hurt his feelings.


So oh, we have another


angel feelings. And you Oh, my God last Tuesday.


Right. But feelings. He has so many feelings. He's so sensitive. Um, and he's only been sensitive for a week. So we're gonna go on another sidebar. So, yo dawg, I heard you like sidebars. We're gonna go on another sidebar in the middle of sidebar. So you can have sidebars in your sidebars sidebar. So they go back to a hotel and get steamy and then they decide hey, you know who also might know about all this demon stuff your brother because he didn't die that day. And that's weird. So maybe that's I think you're


carrying around an urn and


Annabel's brother nods that girl from Seco brothers. It's super dead


Okay, 800 pages.


Okay, so they go back and her brother does not want to see her again, obviously, there and so they go back to find her brother. And her brother opens the door and


the demon inside him all along and they just had to believe


of, obviously, like tweaking when he answers the door. And Zachariah like your brother will not talk to her whatsoever. So Zachary was like fine. We're gonna do this my way and just disappears with her brother, which is not sketchy. No, yeah. Because I need a big strong man to solve my problems. And so Zach girl disappears with a brother and she's just casually going around her brother's house as you do. And all of a sudden someone shows up at the house. And it's her brother's girlfriend, who also happens to be a woman that was at the nightclub that had a demon attached to her. So Nasus rather, is dating a dude a demon chick and has been for a while and the demon chick recognizes Annabelle and long story short, she kills a girl Annabelle kills the girl. Um, they get into a gunfight essentially. And she had one. No, it was her brother's gun because reasons also she's never shot a gun before they're in a bathroom. So now she has tinnitus. That sucks. What's tonight in your ears? Yeah, if your drums are like, you know, still in one piece, and she manages to kill a chick with a gun that she's never touched before because she's never touched guns before. Yeah, at least


she's in a place where she can clean up the body pretty easily. She's


not though because the cops have been watching her brother's house because she just escaped from a mental institution and they're afraid she's going to go back to her brothers.


Okay, okay, but she just props on their way and now good. Okay, well, where's the boyfriend? Where's boyfriend? Where it


goes up and brings her away? By the way? She's been hot in both shoulders at this point. Oh, yeah, she killed the girl after being shot in both shoulders, but was still able to raise the gun. It's fine. Roll with you magic, Lucky magic and adrenaline, I guess. Um, so basically, they're in a motel was that girl had taken her brother? And her brother's like, hey, Zach girl showed me all of the demons and angels that are real now so I believe you didn't. And they learn from her brother that the night before her 18th birthday. He had a friend come over and he brought a way and way Bell book. Yeah, we're getting into Satanic Panic territory, baby. So they summon a demon named unforgiveness. Uh huh. And got really high. And Apparently that was enough to have Annabelle become this demons consort. And the reason her brother wouldn't wake up the next morning was because he was way too just leaking out of his mind off of one marijuana. So you know when you do a marijuana you can't wake up in the marijuana I'm sorry half of a marijuana because he shared it with his friend


it's amazing also that explains a lot of my high school experience because my brother was constantly high all the time so I must be like a dozen views Scott sorts they're all fighting


eyes up to the camera so we can see the blue please. Let's see. Oh god you're possessed Yeah, no, it was all her brother's fault and drugs fault. Okay, so yeah, so they learn who the demon is that once Annabelle, basically. So, but while this is happening, Zach corral gets contacted by His deity saying, hey, bitch, get your ass back here. Demons are attacking my temple. Come back to heaven. Please. Save me. So they got to be like alright, sorry, brother. Bye have fun in this motel. Also, we just killed your girlfriend. Sorry bye III. Don't go back to your house because there's cops there and please don't rat on your sister.


You're probably going to get framed for murder by


Yeah, probably it was his gun. Yeah. We never go back to it so you never find out what happened. Oh yeah, sidebars. So now we're back in heaven. And Zach girl shows up and he's like, Okay, you cannot help me with this battle because my deity said it can just be me. So I'm going to put you back in my cloud. You should be safe. That's fine. Savor


a cloud savor the cloud


with the urn. Hey, cloud, come here. Boy. Come here. So the cloud shows up with the urn that it's been protecting. And the black now like always in black and sacral thinks Yeah, this is fine and just puts it in the cloud.


That's that's fine. That's fine.


It's fine. It's probably fine. Um, and gives her the urn and is like protect this it's my brother and then only


this urn is way more important than you as a living being


Yes, absolutely. Um, and surprise the cloud wasn't safe


they were the demon


and the demon starts doing weird stuff to Annabelle to mess with her like she asked the cloud for new clothes and the demons like nope sexy devil costume because why not reasons and basically in the middle of this fight like Zacher elegance the other demons he looks over and notices Hey, my black cloud is disappearing and oh no a demon fell out of it. I fucked up no can we're okay and so he like chases after this demon that's fallen out of the cloud thinking that it has Annabelle and was like chasing after it and this demon is like holding another demon on its back and it's his whole chase sequence and it starts fighting this demon and surprised the demon is Annabelle. Annabelle was a demon the whole time to turn into a demon. And the reason she's carrying this other demon which is the one that was with her like that attacker, is because the demon somehow absorbed the urn ashes. I don't know. Don't question it. We're just gonna skip over.


I don't know.


Okay, okay. Okay. Oh, wait, she's gonna do it this whole time.


So basically, this whole like, not only is she the concert of a demon, and zakra realizes she's a demon and feels terrible for like hurting her and takes her back to another hotel room to help her recover. Because basically not only is she a concert, but this we find out now that this demon lord has taken a bit of her soul and replaced it with a bit of his soul. So now whenever she gets really bad emotions, she turns into a demon. And also if you kill her the other demon dies and if the demon dies she dies. So now


it's like a Harry Potter Lord Voldemort kind of shake


up a little bit. So um, she they have sex and she's magically not a demon anymore because she calms down. It's only when she has bad emotions, which is why she hasn't in the past four years because sedatives that's how that way


that's fine. Oh, that was some kinky sex it well, she


wasn't full demon. She was starting to become less demon and a


fully fledged demon.


Gotcha. Oh, God. So So basically, Zachary Oh, like humbles himself before her saying I'm so sorry. I hurt you and holy self loathing Batman. And she's like, that's okay. I trust you. And then they do some fuckin okay. Yeah. So after the fucking and when I was writing this notes, these notes I had to go back to this book like 12 times to figure out when things happen, right? Because I was having the same brightline right? Yeah. So um, if I'm wrong I'm sorry, if you've read this book and I'm wrong. This is all happens in the book. It doesn't matter when it happens, because nothing matters in this milling. So now there's another sidebar with Fitz pervert where they go and confront him and erase all of the pictures of her that he has. Because closure, I guess, and then they leave again to another hotel and they fuck again. And this is where we also learn that part of the reason this urn is so important, is we learn about why Zach girl had to kill his brother. We also learn the ZAP girl has this




800 pages. We have this much left. That's it. We're getting there. I swear to God, one phone page. It's so close. Okay, because let me go. Let me go. So before we find out this entire time, sacral has had this black spot and his chest that's been growing. It has been referenced before I have not referenced it because I'm a hack and a fraud, but it's there. And it's been growing. And Annabelle is like okay, well, you finally tell me what that is. And he's like, oh, yeah, when my brother died, I thought I could never love again. So I ripped out part of my soul and put it in this urn, and now I'm gonna die. Yay. So she's like, why? You're dying. He's like, Yeah, I'm dying. But I love you, but I'm dying. And she's like, well go ask your deity for help. And he's like, No, I can't do that. She's a bitch. Do it. And so he does it. That's how he leaves the hotel room and she's by herself in a hotel room now. Okay. Okay, go on. Great. Guess who finds her in this hotel room, Demon Lord, unforgiveness. Yay. The while that girl is having a great conversation with his deity who's like, Hey, have you learned your lesson yet? I think you've learned


that you need to talk to our Lord and Savior Jesus,


to hear about our Lord and Savior. So, oh, don't worry. Throughout all this book, Gina has fully fleshed out the entire Hierarchy of Heaven. I'm not going into it, but it is flushed out when the boy what hell? So the deity is like, you've learned a lesson, but I don't think you've learned enough of a lesson. So I'm going to give you the option to save yourself and also either Annabelle or your brother. Because surprise, he's not dead. And he's exactly right. She's like, he's like, What do you mean, he's not dead? He's like, here, let me show you on my giant like big screen TV and a TV pops up and he can watch Annabelle and unforgiveness fighting each other. Because unforgiveness is the corrupted soul of his brother. And Annabelle has always been Zachary's soulmate, so that's why unforgiveness was like I want to get back at that bastard so he took Annabelle Sure. Every every every so Zack girl is forced to watch unforgiveness try to kill Annabelle and Annabelle tried to kill unforgiveness. And she realizes Oh shit, this is that girl's brother, somehow. Well, no, unforgiveness tells her that's why Oh, and but there's still a clear part of this plot. Yeah. And so unforgiveness ends up dying because another angel Angel kills him because reason Oh, and because of that Annabelle is dying. And so finally Zachary is able to go back to Annabelle side as she lives dying and decides I'm going to save her because I still have that choice. So he saves Annabelle instead of his brother, because fuck you, brother. Well, and brother,


he also believed that his brother was already dead and his brother is a was had become like a demon. So that's fair.


And it was that girl's fault that his brother was a demon to Oh, that's fun. Yeah. And somehow this teaches him a lesson from his deity. So he says Annabelle and now Annabel's eyes are back to normal, they're now gold again, instead of silver, or sorry, blue. And now instead of having a penis of a demon inside of her, she has a piece of an angel inside of her and now they're both immortal. And every time she gets really happy, she turns into angel wings. Instead of being upset and turning into a demon, she gets happy and turns into an angel. And yes, that does come up during sex. Sure.


Okay, cool. V, and maybe at the end?


No, probably gonna happen later. But right, that's that was 800 pages. And you could it's almost like a choose your own adventure, because any of those subplots could have happened at any point and it wouldn't have mattered.


Oh, she was really funny too, because she's like, No, don't smoke that D butter and I was like the only way you could have come up with this plot out like smoke dank demon or


the sad thing is I would like to specify the demon arm episode was not by Gina show it was not. It is definitely a reoccurring theme because throughout this entire book it's Hey, drugs are bad drugs are the devil and will make you go to hell, if you do a single marijuana, which like I did a marijuana and I became like half gay so overall, she's just like took it a little bit farther. The second marijuana is made what made me want to start spreading the gay agenda so you know, that's fine, but I haven't murdered anyone yet.


So not yet. Yeah, yeah, not yet. Yeah,


yeah. So hey, Gina, how's it going? But i Oh, my God, like twice. There was so much that happened. And I'm so sorry. We had to speed through it. But it was 800 God damn pages. It's


that's mine too is that it's a it's so long. And the nip King was not that long. The Nim King was maybe two pages may


don't, you could take out half of it. And it would make just as much sense. Well, yeah,


that's a demon or but she's smoking. Yeah,


it's crazy. It's so crazy. So there was just so many overarching themes of like, God is good. And demons are bad and drugs are bad and faith and that I couldn't even get into like, there's this whole thing of like, like, I don't know, the hierarchy of of heaven. There's a whole subplot where a sacral apparently has mood wings, like a mood ring, but wings. So when his deity is upset with him, they snow and when he's happy they turn cold


because reads okay, but let's go in. That's great. Okay, yeah,


let's, there's so much I can't even y'all read it yourself. We might, I might honestly make a blog posts just about my thoughts on this book, because there's so many that I don't have time to go into. So keep an eye out for a blog post. And you will get more analysis. So ratings. Okay, so our girl Annabelle, I don't, I just, I don't know anything about her. I know, stuff about that happened to her. But she doesn't have a personality. Her personality is I won't be put in a cage again. And that's it. And then she puts herself in a cage again. Why? So to to make makes no sense. Zach girls entire personality, his feelings. So he's a two.


He only got them on Tuesday, we've talked about and


that's he didn't have a personality before that. He got a personality on Tuesday. And that's all his personality. To be very hasn't had that long to develop it. But uh, yeah, so, too. Um, and the only reason it's two is because like, it wasn't like, like one and a half, two for both of them. I would say it wasn't great. And then smite was oh, I have thoughts on the spot. It was I learned I had to go to a dictionary for the smart. Oh, I learned new words during the Smart Stick around. Yeah, um, so that was like, a one and a half and, and now maybe to it. And then the plot a one? Because there wasn't one. It didn't make any sense. There was like 12 plots, and none of them needed to be there. None of them. Why Gina?


Why? I think that this book wasn't bad. When we started recording.


There's no I didn't see it. I didn't say it wasn't bad. I meant it wasn't so problematic. Like the movie that you're about to do is going to be or has been, I don't remember what's coming up first time is an illusion. Okay, time is problematic. It's just bad. Okay, so overall, I don't know, I'd give a solid like a three, three and a half. It was so bad. Yeah, like written, badly written?


Not much. Not a very good writer. I had that in my notes for the book that I was going to do that her dialogue makes no sense. Her dialogue. Hard to understand. Yeah. And the way that people speak is just like, so strange, not the way that people actually talk to one another. Like in real life


this listeners if this didn't make sense to you, it's because it didn't make sense. Doesn't




sense. Okay. Now, like I said, I will write a blog post that'll come out in like a week that will go into some more detail on some of the things that I had no time to get into, because 800 Goddamn pages.


Alright, so let's set Savannah free. And this.


Yeah, well, real quick. What? What, uh, well, what's I even consuming anything? Oh, I have an important thing that I was consuming. First. We watched Hamilton


last night. My name is Alexander Hamilton.


I had never listened to or seen it?


Yeah, check soon. Yeah, it was so good. I haven't seen the stage. But yeah, I was supposed to watch it last night actually, too. But um, yeah, I


think it is phenomenal. Yeah. Now, my thing is, so the reason I spent so long, like before I watch or listen to it is because I have a little bit of a contrarian heart in me. And I wanted to wait till like, the main initial hype was over, so that I could just like, enjoy it without saying, Oh, I watched Hamilton and getting 12 people going, and like tackling me about it. And I did. And now I totally understand why it's so good. And the hype, it was real good. So I felt like I had to say that because a couple weeks ago, we recorded one that was just all Hamilton references.


And it was my fault. It was


so worth it. Yeah. Hey, listeners, I'm so sorry. Thank you for hanging on through that. Episode. I know. But this one was, like, I hope it made sense. I really do. And I don't think it did. And that's the sad part.


No, I did the best you could there was no, there was no way to make that make sense. Like they're just because the plot points just like they don't hold each other together. They don't it's like an equation. No, it's like two plus two equals five. This is not, this is not compute.


Yeah. All right. So hey, alien area. Thanks for the use of your song, a love of the album be held. And I know I say it every time but I'm sorry that you have to represent a book like this. And hey, oh, we love you. And we got to talk about some smart but I have words on so head on over to our Patreon and check that out.