Textual Tension

Ep. 54: Probably Not Mitch McConnell

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 54

Everybody Vogue! This week is all about modeling agencies, arranged marriages, and thinly veiled references to specific American Senators! Listen in as we discuss Stella Gray's, The Deal. 


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I'm your co host, Rachel, every other week, I jump in here and give you the skinny on what's going on in the textual tension world. Listeners, I record these with my husband sitting next to me, and I've made it a personal goal to just make him give me the biggest iral possible. And that was a pretty good one. So I'm I'm glad that you're here to witness history. Hey, guys, how's it going? I hope you guys have been well lately. Um, we have actually some exciting stuff going on this week. First and foremost, can you tell the beautiful difference in sound, I hope a little bit because I've actually recorded on these brand new beautiful mics for the past couple intros to the podcast. And this entire episode is recorded on these beautiful, beautiful, big thick boys. They're wonderful. And patrons, we love you so much. And thank you so much for helping us do this. They sound amazing. And honestly, it makes my editing life so much easier. So thank you guys. And hey, if you're interested in checking out our Patreon, perhaps, and contributing to cool cool things like thick boy mics, head on over to patreon.com/textual tension and check out all the cool fun goodies that we have on there. There's little extra minisodes there's all kinds of stuff, there's actually some stuff that is free, if you want to just go check it out and kind of get a taste of what it is. And hey, if you can't support us on Patreon, that's totally cool. Something else you could do is, hey, tell your friends about us. We do not pay to advertise the show in any way. And it's kind of all word of mouth with us. Hey, oh. So if you could like tell your friends about us tell someone that you think might like the show, we'd really appreciate it. That is something that would really really help us out. Also rating and reviewing superduper helps us out if you want to drop us a line on any of our social media ads. So that was I just rolled right into that one, huh? all over social media headed over to textual tension pod across the board. And if you're wondering if there is in fact, two trumpets practicing outside of my house, you're right. But you know what? I'm proud of them. They're doing a good job. They're getting better. And I didn't have any choice but to record right now. So it's fine. It's fine. We're all proud of them. Oh, hey, I mentioned Patreon before and totally forgot to mention we have a new Patreon or patron. Hey, Emily, you're great. You Yes, you in particular, are contributing to our beautiful new equipment and letting us do so many fun, new things. It's awesome. We really appreciate it. And so if you guys have made it through this part of my little intro spiel, congratulations, I'm proud of you. Thank you. I appreciate it. And allow me to impart upon you here is your romance novel wisdom. One on the hand is worth two in the bush. And now without further ado, here is episode 54. It's probably not Mitch McConnell.


tearing me apart from


all right. Oh, right. Can


you can say the intro really sexily if you want since it's our new mics and stuff. Try do your best.


Let me try to get into the wide set. Hello. Welcome to textual tension


cephalic he just random. Well, I've


got very good. love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your


coach Margie. And I have your co host Rachel. Every other


week one of us reads and summarizes a a romance novel for the other unsuspecting co host this week. It's Rachel. It's me. And together we unpack what the fuck


just happened. How do we sound listeners?


Do we sound better? I hope so. Because these mics were fucking expensive.


Yeah, they really fucking were but hey, thank you patrons. Yeah, thank you ever wonder where that money goes? What do they do with all that money? We buy really expensive mics that Rachel managed to find on sale. And they're awesome. Yeah,


they're really nice. She's MC. She real thing. Three C's? Yeah. Three C's or something. All right. I'm gonna jump right into it cuz I'm bursting. Oh, to tell you about this bar. You also thick. This book is thick. Oh, no.


Yeah. Oh, no. Yeah, I'm excited.


And it's, it's good. But are you surprised now it's me. So and I want to I'm just seeing sling where I found it. I saw this as an ad on my Kindle because I'm getting a lot of romance novel ads nowadays wonder why I wonder? I wonder. So I saw it. And I was like, I absolutely that I read the description and I was like, I absolutely have to read this book, too, and I'm gonna just hand it over to Rachel, this is the cover and we'll trade my cable for


the deal.


Oh arranged Book One I assume there's arranged marriages involved by Stella gray. Okay, so the cover of this is a wedding ring. And it is one hell of a wedding rings I have to re I have to say if my wedding ring was that large I would be so terrified I'd knock it against everything. I'm already terrified. I'll knock mine against everything. Other than that, it is very pretty. It is a but that's all modified cathedral style wedding ring with inset diamonds around the band and then a very large square cut in the middle. I had to do. I am I have approximate knowledge of many things. Margie


even married. You are married. I am married. I are married. You are on your


first personally my Yes, that is my first husband. Personally. I'm more of a fan of pear cut diamonds but that's fine. You live your life. Yeah, right minds minds princess cut though. It's a Ruby. I have no cut not a diamond. No diamond. I am not cut that I have no love. Oh, it's just my love. Oh, and I haven't purchased you a diamond yet. You haven't earned it.


Let me give you this scripture. Before we


get too far into it. I would like to give a very special shout out to the textual tension coven.


The sexual techy coven? We


love you guys stickers will be coming soon. Yeah.


The coven. Guess who's here Betsy?




Here we got description. On my 18th birthday. My father the senator gives me the gift he thinks every little girl dreams of the man of my dreams and the wedding to match father of the fucking year right? Stefan Zurich is he Russian?


He is his father. Because that is shin or something like


horribly topical. Stefan, what was senators and the government Oh right. Yeah. Stephen Zorich his heir to an elite worldwide modeling agency practically. Oh, wow. My man of my dreams. My arrangement is simple. As far as sham marriages go, I give him my virginity behave as the perfect way


but that doesn't sound like a sham if you're giving someone your virginity.


No, that's that is rather consummated. Right? Okay, so I I gave him I give him my virginity behave as the perfect wife and he'll pay for the college degree my father found irrelevant. Okay, but I don't want to be the perfect wife. I want him to want me the way I want him. What was that? I want him to confide in me. But Stephen has secrets that he that he holds close dangerous secrets. And soon I'm wondering what kind of devil have I made a deal with? You didn't make the deal girl your dad did? I want him the way sorry. I want him to want me the way I want him is a hell of a fucking sentence.


Jesus. Okay,


wow. No, I can see why. Oh, yeah, immediately.


Yeah, well, it gets interesting.


I would also like to mention, the fact that He is the heir to a worldwide modeling agency does not make him in fact a model.


And it also doesn't mean that much. It's a modeling agency. That should not mean anything right? Like why


would you want to be married to someone that promotes like, unrealistic images of women and men to young impressionable people? Okay, why would you want this


i Alright, ready to get into it? Hey,


y'all in a world where shit like that is real loving yourself as a rebellious act be a rebel right hit me with some triggers Mike Yeah,


we're gonna do so basically um domestic abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse. I think those are the ones


and Jeff no death yacht violence no yacht violence. Children


No, see Oh, human trafficking there is human. Okay, bingo. There is drugs tution there's no drug. Okay. Um, I think that's it. Okay. All right. So you're ready you're ready.


Marjorie has been so like we normally we would have like with what we have going on tonight we would have pushed off this recording for like another weekend. But Margie was so excited by you know, we have to push right through this.


Yeah. So and also to preface this, this book in particular, I actually read the rest of the series, read her three books in the series enjoyment. I read them all. No, because at the end of this book, I was so curious. I was like, What the fuck is gonna happen? I was like, I have to find out. I have to read it not because it was good. But because I had to


know Okay, All right, so


get out. Okay. All right. So let's do this are introduced to Tory Lindsey,


who a woman with two first name to first name so


she's 18 years old, only 18. Oh, yeah, I know what she's 18. So yeah, appropriate jail. She's the only daughter of a US senator. She's beautiful, wealthy, smart with blond hair, just a general gorgeous body I'd care about described very much. And she's really, she's really smart. She's down to earth, which is surprising, considering how wealthy She's grown up. How privileged She's grown up. And she has a lot of thirst for knowledge about the world and she's been very sheltered her whole life so that just like,


I was gonna make a really bad thirsty joke, but I'm not going to go ahead and you should be really proud of me that I've showed restraint.


No, I'm proud of I'm not no, this is not the space to show restraint. Just fucking say it. Yeah, she thirsty. Yeah, she thirsty, right. Yeah. So that we have Stephen who handsome 26 years old green eyes. She talks about the screen eyes a lot. But remember, she does not describe danach. So also very wealthy, and he's trying to take over the KMZ modeling business from his father. Okay. Yeah. Who currently manages the business and his or his dad's little, crazy, little copay? It's somehow an extremely influential company, despite the fact that it's just modeling. It's a modeling agent. It's a modeling agency. It should not


how many times has a modeling agency shown up in your daily life that you can like daily life? Yes, zero. Exactly. Yeah. So the way you said that means that it has shown up in a non daily life I write frequently I


got scouted one. Oh, that's right. I remember that. So we open the book opens to Tory Lindsay's father, Senator Lindsey. Do we know what state Illinois? Okay, and it says Mitch, so please imagine Mitch McConnell. Oh, god. Yeah. So. So Senator Lindsey, the Stephens father whose name is Constantine? That yeah, badass name. It's like KZ. M is Constantine Zorich modeling. Okay, yeah. All right. KCM. And so Constantine Stephens father's in the row and Stephen and they're sitting in a room making a very manly business.


Yes. Mainly men with cigars literally. Got it.


Got it. Yes. And it's agreed that the business deal will be beneficial to both parties, but it's not specified. What that deal is. I'm sure it is. We cut to Tory's 18th birthday party, where she's verifiably dressed up as a princess. The party isn't really for her though. It's for her dad and his donors and influential people, etc. Which so creepy who throws their daughter in 18th birthday party for his friends. That's not what you do. That's what normal senators do like sweet


16 or fancy birthday party thing I never really got maybe just because like I've never had any interest in that. To be fair, I never really had one and I never had any interest all my birthday parties were I was me and a couple friends and we like would watch shitty movies and right play video games all night. Like drink so much Mountain Dew. Yeah. So much. Yeah. Make cake. Yeah.


Yeah. Sounds like a great birthday. Right? So much more fun to the Tory head. Okay,


yeah, don't even drink. Why would you want a party like that?


Oh, my God. I know, right? She does drinking during these books. So I mean, she, if anyone's earned it, it's, that's fair. So her. Her father promises her a surprise. And Tory hopes that is the rest of the money that she needs to attend the University of Chicago and their linguistics progresses


a pony it damn it. Sorry, loves


languages. And part of the reason why I actually do like her character so much, despite the laziness of this book is how she determined she is to accomplish her dreams. And she's very like, she mentions button words in her head that in different languages that she's like, this word means this in German, and this is that's why I think it's so cool. It's stuff like that. Okay, she's like, there's a word for everything. And I love that. All right.


So I appreciate passionate about something. That's super cool.


Alright, so but her dad has told Tori that he will not pay for her education.


Thank God loans exist, but also not even despite


the fact that she's had half of it paid for by scholarships. So he thinks that the degree is essentially worthless to the future that he wants for her. What future is that? That has not yet been described to her? Ah, yeah, got it. So Batory wants to earn her own way in the world and wants to get a doctorate in linguistics and one day teach. Oh, yeah,




So what you want so go back to the Okay, so back to her party. Of course she eyes this quote unquote, handsome stranger while she's dancing with another senator. Yeah, and she's floored. Can't take her eyes off of


eyes off of you. Right.


Her dad introduces her.


Together it was that way consent. The dad


introduces her to him later at the party as Stephen Zorich and says contract Congratulations. This is your fiancee. Here's your gift.


That is a one way ticket to disowning my own father.


Well, bitch no,


I'm out.


Tory is understandably shocked. She goes into a private room with her stepmother Michelle who is actually awesome. Her mother's really sweet not evil stepmother is what I'm trying to get to actually her mother and stepmother is terrible but my friends not for like the Cinderella worries. Ah, right. Yeah, good. And her father is in the room her father's like you're marrying him. This is the way the world is no tell you that I won't i i will not pay for education. But if you marry him, he might


hurt dad


is garbage. Garbage human garbage.


Alright, so I do want to know about that makes it okay, that Tori has known and accepted that something like this will probably happen to her down the line. Like so she's expecting it. So she's sad. It's really sad. It's so sad. Like, it's not okay. I'm just saying like, I don't want you to think that. Like she didn't know that this happened to her because it said in my conversation of like, you knew this was coming. Like we've talked to you about this. And she was like, Yeah, but it's still like, really sudden, it's my birthday. It's real sad. So, um, so Tory goes and talks to Stephen. And it is very flirty. He is amped up the charm to a 15 out of 10. And he's laying the sex appeal on thick. Really thick.


I mean, as long I mean, she thinks he's cute, right? Yeah, so she's fucking 18.


So he pretty much says I know that this was arranged, but we can make this work between us. You agree and I can pay for it. If my father will only let me run KCM down the line. If I get married to someone he approves of slasher has influence in the world. So we can both get these things from one another. So what do you say like are you in? Okay, agree? That seems


like a very, like there's always a way out. I will say like, if she is like, No, fuck that. Like just on your family. It sucks. It's not fun. But it's possible, right? But at the same time, if you're going into it thinking, well, this is a temporary method of getting to my goals. Right? That is an adult way of thinking about it. Right? Oldest


a 26. Significant age difference.


Okay, yeah. Yeah, that's an eight year


Yeah, ah, yeah. age gap between someone who, that's eight years of freedom as opposed to zero years of freedom, essentially, right. I


mean, well, that and like, I get that as you get older, like age gaps like that don't necessarily matter as much. But when some one of those people is 18. That is a little Oh,


trust me. Yes. Wait, wait. All right. So a couple things, he makes it clear that they will make their own choices in their marriage, like once they're married, okay, we're going to make our own choices as to what this means for us what we're going to be doing, etc, etc. And I have this note, she's 18. So any handsome charm he lays on her and sex appeal is probably going to work. She's naive. She's young, she's been put into a corner. She probably doesn't know she has other options. Someone should look baby in that corner. Exactly. She probably doesn't see the warning signs of a shitty husband. Yeah, yeah. She doesn't see any of that because she's been very like, she's kind of like a Rapunzel and tangled, like very just like, kept in a tower and then told what to do. And then she's like, well, I guess I don't have any other options. This is literally the only time in your life where I would tell anyone to go near that bitch, Sallie Mae. Anytime


I feel like honestly, she doesn't have a support group. Right? It's really again, it's sad. I


think that that's sad. And I think it's also well that's because she was held to a very high standard by her dad so she always got straight A's and all that stuff. But also she held herself to a very high standard. So she never really went out she never really did like all the socially right High School. So she doesn't really have a huge friend group and I think that also in the series, it goes a little bit more into this that she's a little bit she doesn't want to show off her wealth. So she's right on trying to hide the fact that she's wealthy from the friends that she does have


that's what I wonder about like my guess is she went to a private school probably thinks so. Um, would I wonder how different of a person she would be if she did go out and do all the socially bits as far as like the down to earth and like all that stuff she has done to Earth though like she's right. Well, but I'm wondering if like going out and being like, stereotypical high schooler in with when you're sort of hobnobbing with People who are so rancher how that would have if she would have still been asked down to or I don't know, I'm not read, right. So I'm not entirely sure.


So okay, so the only time so then I have this note, the only time it is possible. The only time it is possibly acceptable to go anywhere near that bitch Sallie Mae is in the case of arranged marriage, yes, because she does have an opportunity that's right would have been in a real world that would have been her other opportunities that she could have just taken out a lot of student loans, which sucks suck, but


it's possible. And the other thing is like, I find this like, Man, I find the psychology of her really interesting, like, of all the things I would want to talk to someone and be like, Hey, what is your analysis of this human? It's her because like, there's so she might just not know she has that option, right? Because she's so sheltered, right? That's so interesting. Oh, I'm interested. Alright.


So but she agrees to marry him. Okay. And a few months later, they're married. Like, there's a big wedding, big white wedding. And


I mean, at least again, it seems like an adult way of going in.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


It's not so we fast forward to after their wedding. Michelle's stepmother is giving Tori some tips on her wedding night. She is expected to play that role at a concert and then Tori and Stephen Head to their suite, where he promptly falls asleep right after she puts on lingerie. So she's kind of like, okay, he's just really tired. Like, this was an arranged marriage. It's


right. Well,


I'm also like, you didn't have to do that? No, he No. We're gonna pretend she's 18.


She's very naive. And her stepmothers just told her. These are the expectations of you.


I just wonder why he hasn't been like we don't have to do that. If you don't want it. Oh, just wait. Okay. I have a feeling I have. So let's


make this clear. He's the worst of all, Bo boys.


Oh, okay. It was a horrible one to say I have a feeling that I have misjudged this character. Oh, a lot based on that initial interaction. But right.


And because Torey is so young. She's hurt and confused by his Yeah, rejection? Absolutely. Yeah. But she really tries to put it behind her and thinks that he's just tired and the next day they leave for Vienna for their honeymoon. Okay. Indiana, it becomes very clear that this is less of a honeymoon and more of a business trip just for him. Oh, okay. He gives her a drive by tour of Vienna by like, while he is on the phone and on his laptop constantly doing work. He won't answer simple questions like what his favorite movie is? Or his favorite opera as they pass by the Opera House. He gives her absolutely nothing. And in her frustration, she says I will shut up for 30 minutes if you take me on that damn Ferris Wheel. Which he does.


I have they just not seen each other in the past? They have not.


They have not. They've not even really texted each other. They've not talked to each other. This is a horrifying. Yeah, it's really bad




Oh, just wait.


I hate it when you say that. But


so like it's this constant push and pull dynamic where she gives 150% This poor sweet girl and he gives her maybe 10%. Maybe if she's like, You're so bad for her. Oh, and it's only after he's verbally abused her or ignored her for hours. Yeah. How do they how does he verbally abused her just wait, they head back. He


says they head back


to their hotel, which is gorgeous. And there are these like seeming moments where you can tell he's like, he's trying to hold back from touching her. He really does. He like seems to like be attracted to her but doesn't want to


for some reason. I am trying so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. And I know he doesn't deserve it. But like, my brain is like maybe he's trying to be noble, but he's just it's so noisy. Like, okay,


no, he's not. Well, I'm trying so hard version 1.2 When he's in the hotel, and she's like, she's masturbating in the shower, and he catches her doing it. She could literally see she's like, I see your deck. Like, why don't you just get in here with me and he walks away. And she's like, very confused. She's like, Fine,


I'll take care of myself eventually. Who needs a man when you have a dildo? Siri?


Well, she doesn't but she doesn't work. So then he there's steamy moments. She's in her room, getting dressed again. And then he tells her that they have dinner in an hour together and he leaves to go get ready in his own room or somewhere. I


don't know. Okay, cuz it's the 50s. And they sleep in different, right? Of course,


at this dinner, a business associate is there. So it's really a business dinner where you bring along your wife,


that third wheel, that third wheel, the 18 year old wife that you have the jailbait wife that you have.


Tori also finds out though that there's a woman that Stephanie is desperately desperately looking for. So like she comes back from the bathroom. And Stephen is like, have you found her yet? And the other business associates like no. And so she's very confused. She's like, Are you in love with someone else? That's gone. singers only like what the fuck is happening?


I mean, he is that soon to be head of a modeling agency. So there's probably a lot of women that he's going to be looking for.


Maybe, yeah. So to sue finally to try and appease Tory who was feeling less than romanced on their honeymoon, yeah, after the dinner, it takes her to the opera. And they hold hands and it's supposed to be very cute.


To like, but suppose to their eye. Okay,


movies are a bad idea for a first date. This is essentially their first date, well see opera. Yeah, opera is kind of along the line of movies. You're sitting there and watching something, don't get me wrong. I love the opera. And I enjoy going to movie theaters. But for a first date, which this is essentially their first time together alone. It's a first date. You cannot speak to your significant other at all right? Because you're watching a thing that you need to be quiet during. Right? They know nothing about each other. All right,


but still despite and then they get home back to the hotel. But despite Tory definitely wanting to be bone, she's super like interested attracted like a corndog. Let's do this, they still do not have sex. In fact, he doesn't even sleep in the same bed as her after the hot opera. He doesn't even come home as far as she knows. Like, he just kind of drops her off at the hotel and leaves in the night.


I want to know what this absolute asshole is doing in the interim. So now


it's an arranged marriage. So I would understand the reticence to have, but like you need to be okay with your partner.


That I do not expect this of you and I am not going to do it. Go have as many men friends as you want. And he


really doesn't seem to give a shit about her. This is the beginning of that. The next morning, he just leaves her at the hotel and she's like, we'll wait where are you going? Like we're on our honeymoon. What do you mean, you're just leaving. He says you're on a need to know basis and you don't need to know go spend the money at the spa or at the hotel boutique by like he just leaves.


You're on a need to penis basis and you don't need your penis right now. I'm going to cut it off while you sleep.


What? Oh,


God, I feel like I'm not properly like putting in how much of an asshole


just like I think I think it's because I started with that initial interaction. I assumed Hey, we might be a good guy. That's what you would think. Right? I tried so hard to hold on to that no and no. And she's fucking 18 This girl. So


Tori is not happy with that answer. And she's like, look, I'm your wife. We're on our honeymoon. I deserve to know more than that. I deserve to know where you're going. Okay, so then the conversation gets worse. He says to her isn't this the exchange, we agreed on Tori, I get a wife and a chance to take over my father's company. You get your college experience and a chance to get away from your father. You get an easy life of luxury and wealth and you get to spend my money on whatever your little heart desires. What else could a woman like you want? Yeah, I hate him. I


know. I hate him.


So then he don't want to cut his face off. And then He


demands that she be ready for dinner at seven o'clock that night that that night and leaps?


No, you said I could do what I want. Fuck you.


Within his limitations? Yeah. Yeah. And I want to backpedal a little bit and say Stephen was charming. The first time he met Tori, I think I went over that pretty well. Hot and cold, handsome. And he made her feel like this wasn't just going to be a marriage of convenience, that he was willing to make it work between them, which


is probably the only reason she said yes, right first place. Now,


does he say that explicitly? No. But does he make her feel like that be like that to try to get what he wants?


Yes. That is manipulative. abuse it my friend. Yes.


Is she a very naive and sheltered 18 year old girl who entertained fantasy? Yes, but you can blame her. I would have no prior experience navigate what was happening to her? What was being done to her? Yeah,


she says I was the biggest hopeless romantic when I was 18. I still am. Yeah, but I was right. Zack bought me for


28 and I'm still the biggest hopeless romantic and that's why I'm still single


girl. We have a romance novel podcast. We all are. We're such Oh, it's it's so much fun to be hopelessly romantic, though.


It is. But I'm hopeless. The hopeless man.


For our two year anniversary, Zack bought me two dozen roses and brought it to my work and I melted. And I was 18 Oh, because we started dating.


Here we go. So she takes this is advice actually in spends an insane amount of money, but the whole girl and the tech guy. And while she's there, she spots her husband with another woman. So she like sees him in the hotel lobby with another woman who was who was a KZN model. And they're looking pretty cheeky together. So it's always like, okay, he's cheating on me. Like, that's what




if this were a say. Another 26 year old human Yeah. that went into this arranged marriage. I could, that I could look at this and be like, okay, there were no expectations set. Right. And obviously, it's a marriage of convenience. If he wants to have other women fine. He's not having sex with me. You will not get sex from me. And I will go have my own liaisons. Oh, yeah. But as an 18 year old, you don't have that kind of world experience. I


feel like the whole thing that's surrounding this book is that she has a good head on her shoulders, but she does not have the world experience to know what's really going down. Right, you know, to under Yeah, so she's like, it's the Tories like, Fuck you and decides to blow off her dinner with Stephen which like, Good for her. Yeah, she dresses to the nines and goes to the hotel bar and just sits and has a cocktail with a very handsome Frenchman who's like, he's like, oh, man, I want to show you the city like and he's very, he's a charming, nice guy. And when she says like, you know, I'm married. He's like, fine, that's fine. And they just talk and they have a lovely time in Italy so she can drink. She can't drink in Italy. Yes. So she gets drunk because you know, she's 18 Yeah, the whole thing. She's 18. And, but of course, Stephen shows up, grabs her and takes her back to their hotel room.


I'm getting Massimo vibes. Yeah.


So he pretty ended that he pretty much just deposits her in the room and leaves again. He tells her to order room service and take some aspirin.


No, first of all, that's a bad idea. If you have had a lot of alcohol do not take pain medication. Oh, right. Yeah, bad idea. That's how your liver is like, what am I doing then dies?


Oh, good to do that. Okay.


Do you have you done that? Never. Uh huh. I mean, to be fair, your liver is more resilient than you think you can take, have some alcohol and take some pain meds. It is heavily advised against because if it's very easy to go past, the level of your liver can handle this because your liver processes both alcohol and pain medication. Right? So don't do that. Um, so he may have just attempted homicide.


That's a pretty weak, that's pretty weak anyway. So what if you want to get something? They go to Budapest, Tory and Stephen Sherwin. I mean, locks are in the hotel room pretty much and is like you cannot be trusted on your own. And I don't have time, nor do I want to show you the city. This guy leaves to get to go and recruit model.


I know, my hatred for him is growing exponentially.


You have no idea. So Tori thinks about leaving and seeing the city herself. But the truth is she wants the relationship to work out and doesn't want to make him an angry girl. I know this is Whoa, I know. I know. So she stays in the room and calls her stepmom for advice. She's like, I don't know what to do.


And she obviously does not have friends. You are stuck.


Mom is like you need to not keep him from his work. And I quote, but even if you're not intentionally distracting him, you're not helping him either. That's our job. We're supposed to make our husband's lives easier. And it gets worse.


per step off. It's


like you need to figure out what he needs and once and stop being a burden to him. You need to provide him with an escape your face is amazing. So the Tory's like But Wait, what am I? More like what, like we know the why she just told us the why to make this relationship work like her is that mom is telling her. That's the only bitch


I make the fucking money in my relationship. You do not have to sit back. No, no cute, righteous feminist rage.


All right. Ah,


okay, so then Tory is like, but wait, what do I get out of this? And her step mom says I'm so afraid of what you're gonna say. Don't get mad at me.


I'm sure.


You should be grateful. Michelle said her voice was gentle but firm. You're getting the opportunity of a lifetime not just this trip and all the luxuries that come with it. But you're getting your college paid for Remember, it's what you want and more than anything, so that's the trade off. But my voice cracked he's so different than I expected. I don't know if I can love him. You learn to love him but God Turi if you want this life you need to understand the part you play and act accordingly. The relationship will grow with time it won't just happen overnight but it will happen you just need to commit to the give and take Okay, trust me.


Please tell me this is portrayed as something that is not good advice.


Oh no, it's good advice


getting my throwing cat shirt over you


okay. Yeah, the actual Yeah. Fuck yeah. Yeah.


I feel like I'm back in marriage counseling. Right because that's essentially what I was told in marriage counseling and it can fuck right off. Yep.


So she and then she tells Tory to try and seduce him again.


I'm sorry, premarital counseling. Zach and I have not taken marital counseling, we haven't needed it. I want to specify that.


And Tory's convinced that she has been is convinced, has been convinced that she's been acting like a spoiled brat in this relationship. And she orders room service for both herself and Stephen to be delivered that night at seven. And she texted him and she's like, Hey, I'm gonna order dinner if you want to come at seven, and he agrees. And she waits for him. And she dresses up. Looks really nice really tries to like, appease, I guess, because she feels that she needs to do that. Okay, she feels that that's what she has to do. I know she doesn't. Okay, so,


oh, I'm not angry. Black Belt.


He's so hurt me.


I'm not angry at you. Okay, I'm angry at the humans in this book.


Oh, yeah. So later that evening, he texts her and says that something's come up, and he's not gonna be able to make it. So she's pissed. And she's like, that's when she kind of like turns on Michelle's heel and says, no, no, no, I'm not. And she stays where she is hair makeup dressed to the nines until he gets back at 3am. And she's prepared to confront him and she says this and it is so damn satisfying. She says you having a job isn't the point. It's not even that you're a workaholic. Fine. I get that. It's that time and time again. You've left me sitting around completely alone, with no consideration whatsoever. And that even if this marriage was arranged, I was led to believe you led me to believe that we at least treat each other with basic human decency, girl. Yeah, I love her. Right.


She is awesome, right? I hope she said that in three different languages just due to him.


And he is just a complete douche canoe. He's like don't say you need to lower your expectations. It's not my fault that your feelings got hurt because I have other things in my life that are more important than you.


Can we kill him yet? I know a couple metal foundries Would that work? Oh, yeah. Burn up the body. Okay. All right. She's some vineyards the need fertilizing?


She's like fine got it. Not important to you. But I still deserve better than this girl. Yes, you do. And I'll and I also don't get why you're treating me like nothing when I can tell you're obviously attracted to me. Why aren't what's what's your deal?


If she really doesn't matter to him? Then he should set her up in a kick ass apartment in Chicago where she's going to go to


their huge ass long honeymoon.


What's the point? appearances? I have to assume it's appearances and even then That's dumb.


Even if it's appearances tell her look, we're not having sex. Have a fun time in the city. Yeah, I've got work to do. I'm really sorry. Yeah, but that's just the way this totally sure is gonna be right. So he then finally gives her a little honesty a little bit. The tip. This was a marriage of convenience for him to get what he wanted. And he doesn't plan on them staying together forever. So it's best for them to establish distance, like long term healthy relationship. Let's establish Justin's You should have said that and you four months ago distance doesn't have to mean being an ass. Yeah, this this is not to be an asshole. Also, you should have said that four months ago before we got married. Uh huh. That that was a thing instead


of being charming and trying to like get what you want. Right? Exactly.


So one thing leads to another he kisses her. How?


Why? Why? Because Margie why?


And it's like you got your romantic kiss now shut the hell up and leave me alone Yep, okay, so after that holds above


Margie ever pauses and then we continue it's because my face says so many things so many things. I cannot verbally express to you my friend the silence and silences volumes yes speaks volumes.


So after that whole debacle territory is a terrible idea. She wants to make him lose control and get angry at her so that he'll just start kissing her Yeah, that's a terrible he only ever kisses her when his emotions are all run amok Okay, he the next day, and that's like that's her plan right now. Right? That's her plan, terrible decision. And also, it's gonna come up later behavior for him. Right. So the next day, she finds out that he has given her a babysitter to take her around to Budapest. This babysitter, his name is Oksana. And it's clear that Oksana and homeboy have history. Great. Yeah. Literally the next note was great.


So proud of we are on the same page. Over


the course of the day Oxana talks about how lucky Tory is and what a great stand up guy Stephen is what is this shirt


What is this like? Conditioning shit, right? Jesus, everyone later


in the day so she actually has a pretty good day with Oksana like she chose to the city and have a good time together. So it's like two women being good. Good.


I do that I try to do that every day. I


will like you're not human. So I'm really proud.


Thank you. I'm trying really hard.


I know. You do a really good job. I love you. Later in the day, Tori gets a call from Stephen while she's out with Oksana, and he's telling her to come back to the hotel. Her father has had a heart attack.


Tory's father Yeah, okay, not okay.


I mean, she shouldn't care anyway, cuz dad canoe but so Tori goes back and ask Stephen Okay, when am I heading back to Chicago because she wants to be with her dad and step mom. Just he not let her go back. And he's like, he says no, he's like, not to worry. We're leaving in an hour. And she's like we? And he says, and I quote, I'm not letting you go through this alone.


This man is an enigma to me. You know, Nick, we've had highs and like highs and lows like hot hot cold is a thing. This is beyond ice. This is like


he have the Death Valley to that polar vortex that was in Chicago like 2014 or


go farther north. My dude, this is like fucking polar. Right? Yeah.


So on the flight back is is a nightmare for Tory as it's pretty much a non stop party for the newest modeling recruits for kz a modeling. That's appropriate. And homeboy is having a wonderful time with them. But it's a private jet. So there's a little bedroom in the back of the plane and she just basically goes back to her to cry and just be really sad because she's worried about her dad. Yeah,


this guy, you know, at first I was still I was still holding on. Oh, well,


Stephen. So then Stephen comes in and cuddles her and comforts her while she cries until she makes until she falls asleep because it makes this relationship make more sense, right? So Tori's father survives his heart attack. And for him Yeah. And she stays with him and her stepmom for about a month to help them get back on his feet before moving to downtown Chicago to start school and live with her husband.


Why is he living with her?


He KZN modeling was already there now well, and they were going to live together. They gotta at least pretend that this marriage is real, do they? Well, apparently whatever. Of course when she arrives to their condo Stephen is not there now she's not surprised. Yeah, but the cook Gretna there's a cook. Okay. The rich people is super sweet and gives her a tour of the place. And he surprised to find that she and Stephen will be sharing a bedroom


that is surprised. That's not distancing sir. Social law romantically.


In fact, some of her clothes that she had bought in Vienna were art that she that she bought in Vienna bla are already hanging in the closet.


This man is


very bad at distancing. He is very bad at this. So he gets so Stein that he wouldn't even wear a mask. So Stephen gets home and guess what time it is Rachel. Sex time. It's finger fucking time.


They've reached the first stage in their married relationship. Yay, Ray. Oh, so we get that leads to that. Um, I want some context


that she goads him a little bit. I can like find it in the book if you want


we'll, we'll get into that into under the covers but like she so she kind of like is flirty.


Oh, yeah, they're both Okay. flirty with him. And but I think that it's more like it's a thing of like, she pisses them off just a little bit. And so then he's like finger mackinder She likes her. She really likes it.


I mean, if you're into that, that's fine, but like,


but they haven't. They haven't talked about how either the other person like sex oil or she's a virgin. And also,


your only sexual encounters should not be when one person is so emotionally compromised, that they have lost control of themselves. So shit really? Dang. Well, that could be a problem.


So we get that out of the way and immediately after that, his whole his whole side of the family comes over for Tinder step ID and they're like she has this intense orgasm and then the door somebody knocks on the door. And so then Stephen says make sure you look presentable not like a whore who just got fucked in the closet is this oh my god. So let's be frank here. If so, Stephen is a homeboy right?


He's no he's a fuck boy. Okay,


fuck boy right you're right. So then his father wins fuck boy of the Year award. Oh, no. And but tonight it's Stephens brother Luca who wins the award for that night.


Okay, so the daily award goes to Luca, right? Yeah, Luca is a lifetime achievement award goes to his Fuck Yeah and he's just


like he's an honorable mention honorable mention. Yeah so Luca is a drunk and gets drunk that night and tries to hit on Tory who makes it very clear she's not interested in like I'm you know I'm married dear brother right? But her husband slash homeboys swoops in and like grabs his brother and saves the day and


good for him.


What a good guy and I say save the day I met in Salter


I mean honestly, I get those two things mixed up all the time.


After Stephen gets Lucca off of her he says I signed up to marry a virgin make sure that's what I get.


You just finger factor and told her a whore is so the words were strung together to create this narrative. And we need to banish them. Oh, god. Okay. This was not written by a woman right to get through this, right. This was not written but I don't know. There's no way okay.


Um, Rachel, Google something. Our girl puts her original plan. I'm just


shy. Stop or no, keep going. I'm gonna Google in the back. So our girl


puts her original plan into action. After the dinner over she's PIs and she's pissed. She starts to taunt him saying things like, you don't have to say for someone who's so obsessed with the fact I'm a virgin, you're pretty fucking prudish yourself. Go girl. And then she goes on to say that he probably couldn't seal the deal anyway and that maybe she should just call Luca and have him come over girl savage this weight and homeboy does not take this well, and says while you're married to me, your body is mine. Nobody else touches you. Do you understand? Her body is not something to be plowed. It's just a piece of land. Not on


it. On it. Oh my god. But it's like, oh, I


mean, it's something to be plowed but he's not he doesn't have to be the one to plow it he she can choose to flowers it she


could choose who plows Oh, so my god. Eventually our girl pushes them over the edge. He rips off her clothes that like literally rips them off her body. And they have really I have to say they have they have really hot sex in this book. The sex is it's the word really hot sex.


Like something is so fucking bad. And then the sex is really good. You're like, Ah, fine.


It's a new phases their relationship. Stephen is still a workaholic, still pretty demanding. But he's like a little nicer


when he's there because they're bagging even though it's not


just comes home after average. After working long hours. She's still awake and is wearing lingerie in their bed pretending to be asleep. Bucks are senseless and then sleeps and gets up and repeats this process. I don't know when he sleeps because he gets up super early, gets home super late. And then the middle interim. He's fucking


he's not a human. We've established Australia. Okay, he is not there's no way he is an actual human


me and Tori's okay with us, because he's like, she's she's getting the bone. She's getting bone. She's getting the best orgasm ever. Like, all right, she's good. Yeah, so


she's like, she doesn't get pregnant.


She's taking birth control.


Good. Good girl.


So she's like, we may not be talking much but at least we don't hate each other. Um, fair, but one night. So he comes. So she's like, doing her nightly routine, which is like she gets home from school. gretna's there has made dinner and she's like, Okay, grandma, like See you later. And she turns on The Bachelor and is like, enter jammies about the dinner and she hears the door open and she's like, No, what'd you forget? Stephen? Said, Okay. It's only seven o'clock. What are you doing here? And he's like, I just came home. And they just chill on the couch together eating ravioli and just chillin. Okay, that he's there because he wants to be around her. Like he wants to be around our girl. Yeah. Um,


so the conclusion to Rachel Google something is I'm not convinced this is an actual human. Okay, it's the you get, I love to read, hike, knit and cuddle with my greyhound. That is the only sentence description that I found on Facebook. Everything else in the Facebook is very much a publicist curated someone else's posting just stuff, write books they've written and nothing else about this human exists. So it's got to be a pen name.


Oh, it's absolutely yeah. Name. Like it's, but it's the fact that we still don't know anything about the person who wrote and I don't have any of her pen name. They still tell you


things about right. And I don't think it was written by a woman personally, but I could be wrong. Right? We've been proven


wrong before. And then so our girl tells them there's a school function happening the next day, and she gets like


a function, like and freshmen go into functions.


She'd really like to see in there like just, you know, be a husband. And he's like, I'll see if I can make it and our girls like, Okay, I know. I know. When I hear one, it's fine. But he does show the next day, okay, he's actually completely charming to her to her professors. Her friends, everyone. They're really like he really shows her off. You should he like, everybody loves him


and I imagine everyone else is just like she's a teen. Hmm. Okay.


They think it's weird. Like they've always thought that the relationship was strange. Yeah, never really questioned it so and she's not super close with anybody at her school because she's running all the time and also in an abusive relationship. So well, you know. Yeah. And even though they end the night are really early, our girl is touched, like she's like, Oh, he did that for me. Okay, I just have to say that sorry. I mean, it's true. He really did the whole job represented or representing her and they go home and have more hot sex naturally. So we have we do finally have a break from Tory's perspective to go get into Stephens head. Oh, it switches perspective. Okay. Yes. And he's just thinking to himself, why the fuck am I doing this? And then he realizes he actually does like and admire his wife and it's like a revelation. Yes. gasp but it couldn't continue like that, could


it? No, why would it honestly, the relationship ever continues with love and respect


right? riding the wave of being a good little wife. Tori decides to stop by his office and drop off lunch the next day because he forgot his when she gets there she's shocked and jealous to see Stephen comforting one of the models who is obviously in distress. He sees her though and explains after some pointed questions on her part that the model is pregnant and so her career that her mom the models career, it's on hold. And Tori's like, is it your kid? And he's like, No, I'm not having sleeping with anyone other than you. Okay,


okay. I mean, like,


but he also tells Tory never to come back to the office KCM office. No, that's not suspicious at all right? And that he will be working late for the rest of the week. So not to expect him and it's kind of like him dismissing her like


you did a thing I didn't like so I'm going to take away something that you like I'm gonna because that's a healthy relationship to


where he gets his that the cold and Bruce way that he treats her and is like, fuck it. I'm going out with my girlfriends. Like, I'm gonna go out and have fun. And she texts her group of girlfriends at school and her in her linguistic programming. They're like Hell Yeah, girl. We're going out. Let's go have fun. Like come out. Yes. But the these girls don't know. Tory's underage. Okay. Yeah. So I


mean, she's a freshman, she would assume I have


no idea like that did not make sense at all. Because like, Why are her friends so much older than her? Yeah, in this program, so they take her to a strip club, which still it's awesome. Hell yeah. And Tori is a fake ID. So she gets in and she has a fake so she can buy alcohol. Sure. And she actually starts having fun. Yes, yeah. Oh, homeboy shows up.


The only way this could have been saved in any way is if surprised surprise. As a stripper. So good, good. And then she finds a secret and they love it and give kinky sex


all the time. And homeboy shows up, takes her fake ID back and admits that he has been tracking her phone. He says I have every right I pay the phone bill. I pay for everything you have everything you want. And as your husband I need to know where I need to know where you are and make sure you're safe.


Okay, hold up. So


she is supposed to just trust you. When you say yes, I'm comforting this woman who is pregnant. It's not my child. It's not you know, there's nothing going on here out of the office until you kick you out. But you cannot trust her when she goes out with her friends to have fun, right? That is not okay. We're not this is not a double standard relationships are not like this. I'm gonna go punch something now. All right, so I just haven't had a relationship this bad in a while.


I know. Alright, so the next day he drags her on a trip to New York because as he puts it, he can't find a babysitter to watch his wife. So And who the fuck did he even asked to do that? Hey, brah you might watch it my wife for three days to make sure she doesn't see or hang out with anyone. Thanks. Bye. Thanks brah Yeah, appreciate that crack open a cold one while you're at it.


Oh God of all the ways though to like have an affair just like oh yeah. Oh, hang out with your brother or someone who like you find attractive. And you buy.


So um, of course they're there for a business thing with eight KCM. And that night, so like they get to New York and that night, there's a fashion show and then there's drinks after the fashion show nach match, and it's during the cocktail hour that Tory notices something that kind of like puts her on edge. The models of the show are being led to older men by Constantine, Stephens father and then are leaving with the older men they get introduced to Tory points is out to step in and she's concerned about one model in particular and didn't seem to want to leave with the guy Constantine pastor to but Stephen is like it's none of your business. Keep your nose out of it. Now let's go back to the hotel and have sex.


Oh, yeah. Oh, the plot thickens.


Again. So the next day Stephen actually takes her out on a day long date in New York, okay, like, for whatever reason, their relationship has improved. I hope they go to the Disney Store. Know the m&m store. Oh, that's even better. I like see museums and they have delicious food. I


would pay actual money though to stick my head under one of the m&m dispensers. If I'm gonna die, that's how I want it to be.


Like, get out of there. We have a podcast


deepthroating and Eminem


dispenser, we're gonna get like 10,000 Subs just to pour over your head.


I thought you were gonna say we're gonna get like 10,000 subscribers, and they're gonna hear that and it's just, it's permanently on the internet. I can't get rid of it. Yeah, there's been no actual growth in this relationship. It's been hot and cold. So I'm curious. Like, How much longer does this go on


for much longer? Alright, hey, yeah, we're all right. It doesn't she like once I get back from New York, their relationship has really improved. They like he started to trust her more. And I don't I don't remember what the exact moment is where I think it's just like New York in general. Okay, like a fresh start kind of thing. Sure. So that's how that's how that works. So she, so like, they're like a cute few nights that happen. She cooks him dinner goes terribly. He takes her out to dinner and like, okay, charms her again. And then so she tries to do actually her sister in law. MZ, who's another character that you don't? Yeah, who's just pops in every once in a while, exactly. Invites. She's like, Hey, I she's a photographer. And she's been photographing some of the models. And she's like, why don't you stop by the the opposite the KCM office and we can get lunch together or something like that. Okay.


I have a feeling he's not going to be too happy about that.


Wow. So she's like, Yeah, cool. And she's like, You know what, I'll meet Stefan there. I'll just go and say hi, and just let him know, I'm here. So it's sweet. He knows and it's cool. But she overhears a conversation between Constantine and Luca. And Luca is really upset. Luca is the model Luca is the Stephens brother. Oh, okay. Right. Right. Sorry. Yeah. So in Constantine is the guy who owns the company. And what she figures out is, is that a modeling company is, is operating as a prostitution ring, a sex trafficking ring.


I'm going to, can I just lay my cards on the table and say, he wants to take over so we can change all that? Yes. Ah, yeah. Because he's such a


good guy. But that is not explained in this book. So she's devastated. Yeah, breaking out. So she actually goes to her dad. And she's like, Dad, this is happening. What are we going to do about it? Like, does your dad already know about it? Dad already knew cuz he is probably a client. He has a client. Her dad already knew. And he's like, Why the fuck are you bothering me with this? And so then he calls Stephen is like, well, you come over here and get your wife under control.


Yeah, because she's a fucking Chihuahua.


That is where the book ends. That's where the book ends. That's such a bad place to end the book. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you know, now you understand why.


You're curious. Go there was that is there was no, the whole little witch hat thing of like, climax, climax and then go down like resolution that there was


nothing there. So so the second book, yeah, give me the Cliff Notes of two and five. That's what I'm gonna do. So the second book, let's see the first half of the book. She so she, she can run step in. She's like, I know what you're doing. I know what you're a part of. And he's like, yeah, get over it. Like, this is just this is the way things are and she moves all of her stuff that she's like, and she they're in like the foyer of their condo. She takes off her wedding ring and she puts it on the sideboard and she says, outside inside this house, I'm not your wife outside. I will pretend to be your wife. But like, this is a sham. We're not you're not touching girl. You're not getting near me and I'm taking down what is going on with your father's business like fuck you. And so she takes all of her stuff and puts it into a separate bedroom in the condo and she's like, good girl living Yeah. Eventually I can't remember how. But it comes out that yes, he is trying to like change this business on the inside. He's trying to take over so you can start stop the sex traffic listeners. My eyes just rolled into the sunset. And she actually so this is where this is. This is the weird part. This is the Stockholm Syndrome right? I was texting Rachel because it actually improves. I know. I guess it improves I'm not saying it's good. Okay, good because that first book is so bad. I can't think no, this series no can't make up for it. If the foundation is the foundation shitty. Eight improves, which is crazy. So like, there are a couple of things. His character development goes through leaps and bounds over the next two bucks, like, okay, crazy amounts. So in the second book, there's like a couple of there's, like, he realizes that he can trust her, like halfway through the second book, and he tells her everything.


Yeah, because that has not been something that you've, she's been trying to gain your trust the entire time. Okay, so, Ryan, so


pretty much after that the relationship goes through a complete 180 Okay, and so


I like to believe someone hit him upside the head, and he's just like, came up and he's like, I can trust her Oh, suddenly,




and there's this part. There's this other plot that she meets this friend in linguistics school named Gavin and they're kind of like, when she is rocky Waters was Stephen. She's kind of like third wheeling it with Gavin a little bit like flirting a little bit with Gavin and stuff like that. And so there's like this part where they go out to a club and she's randomly drugged, which is never explained. Like,


sir, to be fair. That's the thing that can happen is


when the drink was literally handed from the bartender to Gavin, who did not drag her. It's like very clear, he didn't do it. And then it's handed to her. So it's like, who would have done it other than the bartender and none of the other drinks? Yeah, so it's very strange stuff. And of course, that night comes in like saves the day and he meets Gavin and is like, about to throw fists like Gavin and Gavin's like, look, no, no, not a thing. Not a thing. I get it. You guys are married. Fine, whatever. Yeah. So then, um, that's kind of and then the lady ended the book, though between, he figures out that Gavin's dad is actually in the DoD Department of Defense. Yeah, I know. Okay, okay. I know.


No, no, I'm just laughing because I am technically part of the DOD and just the DoD is the most hilarious blanket term right ever.


He's so he calls Gavin and he's like, look, I think we both want the same thing. I want to we both want to take my father down and we both want to make sure that Tory is safe. Like okay, and so they actually even though they hate each other, they end up working together to like take down okay, take down his dad. And then then the third book con.


I know because it's the DoD Oh, sorry. DOD


doesn't give a shit about that.


Okay, well so anyway


I'm sorry. That's the funniest


hilarious All right. Oh


my gosh, my stomach still hurts. Oh, no. So Constantine. inch then remember that beginning of the first book where I said that a Stephen was looking for a woman. Uh huh. Here she is. Okay. On show she's a son. Okay. And it's in Sydney and it is insinuated that it is Stephen son. Okay. Um, and so like Constantine is trying to drive a wedge between Tory and Stephen for whatever reason, and it doesn't really work. Stephens like no, I love Tory I'm not going back with Anya. Okay, not gonna happen even though I apparently have this kid. Okay. And but Tory leaves because she's like, I'm not going to get between you two. If you already have this kid. What is this the spring are bullshit. They find out she's pregnant. Oh, they find out that the kid is actually Tori's fathers Yeah, they figured out that like she's Anya was in the sex trafficking ring at kz models. And he was one of the her Tory's father was one of the clients and they had a little boy together apparently.


Okay, so that


I mean, I said it gets better, but it was already so bad. Yeah, better is a low bar. Veterans low bar. So um, so then Tori's dad that confront worries dad about it. He has a heart attack he dives, which is like, Okay, right. So then Tory splits the money that she inherited from her father with her now her new little brother that she just realized that she had Okay. And on Anya, his mother, and they all live happily ever after


question, Mark.


The end. Okay.


Good. That was a dumpster fire.


So bad, right. So,


right. The funniest thing about that entire thing is the fact that some nameless person in a nameless Sun side of the DOD. If hey, if you've ever worked with the DOD, you get it. You know what?


I'm gonna find the first. Do you want them? Alright, I'm finding the sex for under the covers. Oh, Jesus.


So I was fuckin bananas. It was


It is really bad and it's really crazy and I don't even know know how to read it.


That's awful. I mean, like, I


there's no relationship. Sure until the second book right and even then it's argue not great because I've read it right? You really mean like, yeah, I get that. But even then it's not a great relationship. No, like,


not wanting to base on trust and mutual understanding, love and appreciation.


I am confusion. I am made of confusion.


That was awful. Right? Right. Right. Right.


And also like, Hey, dude, get some sense of, of storytelling and where you need to end a story because that was a terrible ending for the


first horrible ending, especially because like I said, I mean, like, they're not good. No, improves. Yeah, there was because in the first book, there was really no sign that they were ever gonna be a good healthy relationship. New York didn't fix it. No, for me not after Budapest and Vienna. Like it takes more than one city bitch.


Yeah. Oh my god. And like, I'm not even gonna go into the whole. Your job is to support your husband. Yeah, right. No, bitch. We support each other. Right? He needs to support me too. Okay. Oh my god.


Let's see. Where's the sex? That's awful. So I guess all right. Are we gonna


I do want to rate it because I think she was a good character. Good character. I


liked her. I would give her three. Okay, just because the book was so bad though. That it dried down. That's fair. And for an eight she's not really written I think very like, true to world insensitive. Yeah, how an 18 year old reacts like they're I'm sorry, they're not that smart. I was not that smart. I'm speaking from experience. From this experience. I was an adorable sweet dumbass. Yes. And I feel like you know, you think about it in those terms. I cannot imagine being married to an outsold. 18


especially on a 26 year old ass right? Jesus? Yeah. I remember panicking. Whenever anything long term came up when I was that, like 18. Right? Because there's like, I'm not thinking about that. I am not ready to think about that. Like, that's a lot. Oh, boy. He gets zero. Yeah, he's zero. He's a fuck boy.


The plot gets. Oh, one.


I can do D


sorry. That's fine. And then what else is smike? Gets like? Three and a half. Yeah, it's still really good.


I like that's okay. Hey,


that's the word. I mean, that's like the frickin you'll you by the time this comes out. Y'all will have heard our, our 365 days episode. It's like Massimo. I was in no way attracted to the man But like other people were and hey, they were good at acting out sex. But like, it's still shitty. The smart can be good. Without the rest of the book being good.


Okay, well, thanks for listening. Oh, wait, no. Oh, girl, we not know.


So okay, so the smile can still be really good, even though the book is terrible. Um, so you said three and a half or smile. What about overall? Two? Two? Yeah, I could see that


because she brings it up a little bit, but it's still really bad both


well, and I feel like it's hard to rate just I feel like it gets away lower if we're just writing the first book versus bringing the other books into play. Because like, it does, there is that certain amount of growth between you know, two and three?


Yes, there is. Yeah, there is. Which is like shocking, right? What is the problem? I was Stockholm Syndrome. Oh, I know.


You got there.


I did. I got Stephen. I got there with these particular scenes where I was like, oh, but that's really hot, though. Yeah, like the scene where not just a sex with the scene where he saves her in the club when she's drugged. I'm like,


Okay, first of all y'all nail polish exists that changes colors in the presence of Rufus. So invest in that if you like to go out and partying and and like, I just can't imagine me 18 year old me picking this up because it's about an 18 year old girl. Yeah, she's that's awful. So bad. I appreciate shitty romance, but this is just a normal


soul. Like the fact he just wasn't honest with her. At all.


No. There was no narration. This is This is bad. I would Yeah, bad. Real bad.


Okay, so he,


so it sounds like you really needed a palate cleanser. After


this one. I've been reading Pride and Prejudice girl reading


palate cleanser. Oh, that's a good choice. Hey, good example of an asshole. The good press. Exactly. It's possible and also Mr. Darcy is just take me so wonderful. Not in a weird way. One thing in full view of other people because I'm not into that no no


no no that episode never actually came


out didn't you almost didn't catch it. I just snuck that reference and I thought your listeners maybe at some point will get drunk and record us talking about that book because I still love that book in the worst way. Oh my I do it was so good. It was so bad


you could retell it to me because you said that you were gonna read it I have it I


need to read it maybe I'll do that oh, it's so awful Yeah, so thank you guys for coming on this dumpster fire of a true oh god Margie has spent the last like little bit searching for this might


take me this long I apologize. Usually I'm like up there it is.


That's okay. So thank you guys so much for listening. That wasn't horrible. I want to hear your thoughts please hit us up. And


Thank you Ellen area for the sound for the song. Oh love of the album be hell


yeah, you got it. You go girl like it we have a lot and hey, quick. You know what another thank you to our patrons for a beautiful microphones that make us feel very professional. And I'm terrified of touching. Because yeah, no, no, Margie is not honest. Don't touch it. I know it's girthy Don't touch it. Girl. Thank you guys so much. We love you so much. We will see you again in two weeks.