Textual Tension

Ep. 58: Scientology Fanfiction

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 58

Cults? Kidnapping? Werewolves? Could this get any stranger?! Believe us. It can and it will. There might even be some robots that show up. Listen in as Margie tells Rachel all about Captive by Gale Stanley. 


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I'm your co host, Rachel. And every other week, I jump in here before the actual show, to give you all of the cool, pertinent information you might need about what's going on on our little universe, because I know you really do care. I'm aware of that. And you know what I live to serve. So we'll make this nice and fast and get you to the good stuff. Hey, did you guys know we have a social media? It's true. With a lot of them. Actually, we're on all the major social media platforms at textual tension pod. We also have a website at textual tension pod.com, a TeePublic. If you search for textual tension, you'll find that there, and at Patreon at patreon.com/textual tension. If you go over that Patreon, you'll find all sorts of cool stuff. We have all kinds of neat little extra stuff over there. And actually, maybe there's an announcement coming up in regarding it, maybe I'll never tell until next episode when I do tell you. But things are getting real, y'all. And it's super exciting. So hey, drop us a line, reach out to us all that kind of stuff. We like live off of your guys book recommendations. So if you have one, hit us up with it. We want to hear about it. Margie or I will read it and it'll be a blast. And we love to tell you about your favorite book, you know, because you don't already know about it. And hey, you know, the biggest reason we like to learn from you guys or hear from you guys is because we like to be friends with you. And speaking of friends, because I'm a goddamn professional. And that was a awesome segue fight me. We have a friend that we would like to plug to you guys. We think you would really love it. Hey, you guys should go check out cold storage. We have had Savannah from cold storage on the podcast in the past and we do talk about it a lot. But hey, y'all, it dropped. They it is officially out and guys. It's real good. It's so good. Like, I'll admit, honestly, I'm not usually a audio drama kind of person. Y'all. It's good. You need to go check it out. If you are curious what that is. And you might be asking Rachel, what is cold storage? Well stick around to the end of this episode to hear the trailer for it. It will play after our outro music so stick around for that. It'll tell you all about it. And it's incredible. Because I can't do it justice. So I can tell you it is sci fi there's a little bit horror in that bad boy and it's really good. So go check that out. And I think that's it actually on my end Gosh, this is getting I feel like this is getting faster and easier. Hey, oh every time um so without further ado, here is your romance novel wisdom. Guys. Condoms are always a good idea. No matter what unholy form you choose to take that night, whether it be Vampire, Werewolf, literal team and we've had all of those so you know, condoms my people remember them. And without further ado, let me introduce episode 58 Scientology fanfiction. tearing me apart from


Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Margie and I'm your co host Rachel every other week What if as reads and summarizes a romance novel for the other unsuspecting co host this week? It's Rachel I'm listening and also Betsy Yeah, she's very here


she is. Allah a gargoyle perched on the back of my chair.


Yeah, but she's been all over. She's really living her life. And but altogether we unpack what the fuck just happened. You may notice listeners were finally together again. So much went into this moment. Yes. So much heartache. Yes, I know. I was upset. Yeah, no, I even Zack was texting me. And I was like, Whoa,


I mean, like, there was a quarantine. Margaret joined a weird experimental science experiment where she got the vaccine. Yeah, probably.


Well, and also like wings and Dragon Dragon, which is great. It's chill, but like unexpected unexpected benefits. Thanks. AstraZeneca.


So now we are sitting in the recording cave. Betsy is hitting me in the face with her tail and we have the fireplace going do


and there's so much sexual. What are you doing? There's so much sexual did she wants so much attention. She's unhappy because she doesn't know me put


her literal asshole on my head.


She did not. I bet watching a kiss from the acid. Oh, you're gonna get kisses a bit more place. Y'all. Okay,


I'm so excited about this because I have no idea what Margie and my husband have been talking about for the past week. But one boy Zach just said, well, Marty's figured out my cake and I


discovered some new things about sack this week. Okay, well,


I hope I can learn about it too as well. So like a little


bit of before we get into this book, I do want to shout out. We have a couple of people who have sent us books that I am going to get to, I promise, but I couldn't do it this time, just because one of them was too long. So ice wizard, I promise I'm going to get to your um,


I thought that was the name of the book for a second. Oh, no.


That's their name. They, they they they go by ice wizard. I do have your book. I


am going ice wizard. That is a fucking kick ass name. I love it.


It is very cool. And Elena, which is every time Elena every time I say Elena, I'm sorry. I think Vampire Diaries and then my big break goes to David and then we'll like David Salvatore. I'm like, Okay, a little bit a whole other place. Anyway. I am getting to your books, but I couldn't do it this time. i They are coming though. Anyway, so but I wanted to explain how I found this book. I was very determined. Uh huh. Because I for our Patreon listeners over Halloween, you know that I did a werewolf one for our special episode. But that wasn't that was not the werewolf book that I had wanted to read. Like, I accidentally downloaded that one from the library because the because I thought that I was downloading a different one. Yeah, yeah. Your face.


Is this the multiple werewolf one.


It's another multiple werewolves. There's more than one. So Rachel, I'm gonna pass this book to you now.


Oh, no. Oh, no. Yeah,




Okay, yeah.


Minaj Amore. Okay, siren publishing Jesus. So this book is called captive BlackWolf gorge number three, three, rice, by Gail Stanley. And, oh, girl. Oh, okay. So the bottom half of this cover? Looks to be like, like, ruins or like a, like, I'm thinking like Turkey and I don't know if New Mexico close. That does not look like Okay, sure. I was gonna say like, ruins of a city in like, Turkey or like ancient pose. Yeah, but no, no. Okay, if I can do Mexico, why not? And then the top half is a woman with her head, like back like to see? Sure. Yeah, that's no, she has no emotion on her face. I only see half of her head can see your mouth, though. And it's just flatlined. Yeah. Um, and she looks like I'm assuming she had a shirt on at one point, but it's like, it must have buttoned in the back for the way that she has it down over her breasts


right now. Also, there is nipple. In that picture. There's nipple. There's, I guess there's female nipple. There. Barely. There's like a tiny bit of lip slip.


Okay, there's some areola? Yeah, okay, I was gonna say like, it looks like it is just barely, like holding your arms across your chest to like, squeeze them together. Right? But also holding a thing over Yeah. Okay, there's a little bit like yeah, you're right,


which is more than we've ever seen. It's true that female a female


and then standing in front of her facing her with his head to the side is another dude without a shirt on and then behind her is a second dude without a shirt on. I can only assume she's about to get spit roasted


happens to this bitch. Okay,


so how bets right now listeners on how long are under the covers is going to be? Oh boy. No, no.


So here is it I want to know that this book on Amazon has 14 reviews. And it was given two and a half stars. Oh my




Is it self pub? No. It said siren publishing anyone


know the worst thing? Well, I've got to tell you guys that later.


Okay, so so this is quite possibly the worst rated book. Yeah.


I have had read worst books of pros. However a lot wise, it is probably one of the worst that we've


ever run. Oh, yes. Is I don't know how I feel about this. Oh,


well, here you go. So


no, it's not actually okay. Oh, okay. I'm just gonna go ahead and read the tags at the beginning of this. Yeah. Minaj Amore. Erotic paranormal. Manassa trois romance. MMF M A female and shapeshifters. So now you know what you're getting into listening.


Now. You know what Zack


likes? Wow. Which part of that?


He says he just likes it if he's as long as he's involved.


Being involved is my king. Sad. Okay. When Janice dumps her cheating boyfriend, her hopes for love and a family and along with a romance, and her biological clock is sounding louder than Big Ben, because you can have one man and never again. Her sister In last snagged both of her twin brothers. Okay, how did sable catch two gorgeous men? They're your brothers. Okay, I would not consider I would not refer to my siblings as gorgeous but okay when she can't hang on to one, but her hooks rise when to drop dead sexy men walk into her office. Too bad they turn out to be gay. Like hey, we're getting gay here nice like it likens no one wait are in Philadelphia on a special mission for their Alpha. Thank you hopes to increase their dwindling numbers. The wolf shifters never expected to bring a woman into their sexual relationship especially a human but one night in bed with Janice changes everything they believe she may be their mate. But if they go through with their alphas plan Janice's family will be destroyed along with any chance of making her their own. You could replace the two of them with a single person in this entire description and it would make sense so I'm kind of wondering if this is some weird to people to dekes two heads one body kind of situation it's are they do they have different enough personalities that you can tell the difference


between them? No you can't you can't tell the difference between any of the characters


this you cannot convince me otherwise that they are not a horrible conglomerate of


no liking body cars a lot of intersection acrobatics.


What is happening


just wait for the covers.


I I am okay listeners. Here my initial thoughts on this. I'd like to just throw this out there we really run the gambit on like, quality of romance. No, like we do like some really serious ones. We do some fun silly ones. Right. This is so left field Yonkers and I am


it's so here for me though. Like I always do. Like I tried to find the craziest ones. I can't I really work hard.


Oh god. Yeah. And I would also again, like to throw this out there. If you are into two dudes on one woman like in sexy bits to more power to you,


I think awesome. So let's get into that a little bit, which is the representation of polyamory, which is really what this is. It doesn't do a good job, I don't think okay, polyamory and


I just like to preface this we're like yeah, we're gonna giggle it live ridiculousness of it. But that is kind of the approach that I would like to take to this. Yes, this is a kink that people have does it do a good job of represent No,


I don't think so. And I am not you know,


we're not polyamorous. Neither of


us are I know people who are polyamorous I just don't think that this depicts like a healthy polyamorous relationship. I think it's um, you know, I'll get into the next thing later, but I think the representation of LGBTQ A no community is not great. I don't know why and I will get into it in a little bit. Okay, so we are characters triggers, triggers, right triggers kidnapping, horror forming. I know


it's He gets excited about that.


She's into that. Well, a lot of times I've woken


up with her laying across my face. I think she might be


just like misogyny. DOS, misogyny.


I love a good healthy dose of misogyny with my morning coffee.


your morning coffee. It's great, right? Um, that too. I totally wrote sarcasm a child you are so bad at me right now.


I'm not mad at you. It's just sometimes it makes my editing really hard.


It does make for a really good episode.


It does. Margie is weird, right? Awesome. You owe me so much wine.


I do. I owe you a lot. So much. All right. So our characters, and there's a lot so like and I want to warn you as well. There's a lot of background that I have to get into black wolf gorge three. So you know, imagine going into Harry Potter certainly a Prisoner of Azkaban, right, you know, okay, so we have Janice and she is our main girl character. And she lives in downtown Philly. And she's basically a leasing agent. Okay for apartment apartment building that she that's what she does. She manages the leasing in the building.


Is there any sanely or otherwise or overtly veiled reference to the Greek god Janus?


No. Well, the two face Guy Yeah, I think in either Roman or Greek. He's got Yeah, the two phases. Yeah, no.


Okay. Maybe just the number two. Yeah.


So we have Janice and that I think blonde hair and I don't remember what her eyes look like I'm not worried about it. Okay, um, so and then her two boys who were gonna say are both boys. Well, they you said misogyny I know but that's not really them. They don't do the misogyny. Okay, so we're just gonna call them boys. Well, we'll determine at the end what they are but Noah and Wade, okay. And Noah and Wade are where will shifters okay and they are part of a pack that lives in New Mexico. Okay, and or maybe they're not I think they're in the pack is in New Mexico anyway, it doesn't really matter for the plot. And their pack is dwindling because they were like, over half of their population was slaughtered by humans cheese. Okay, so Okay, about 10 years ago,


are humans aware that no, they're not aware. Okay.


They thought that they were just killing like regular wolves. Okay.


They just thought they were killing regular people.


So like their their pack is dwindling and they are trying to like have more full fledged wolf babies in there. Like, okay, so I'm assuming they're cold.


I'm assuming that it is. In their in their pack? Maybe? No, it's


a cold cold cold.


I'm assuming that so is half werewolf half human baby gonna be a full werewolf? Is it like a they come out one or the other?


To try to figure that out? That comes into the plot? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So um, those are three main people, I will introduce more people as we go along. But just so that you get a little bit


of our two hot hunks of Manmeet look like


they have I want to say they are have dark hair with bright blue eyes and actually a thing of the pack. So like a whole pack kind of like that Irish look the same. Yeah. Which is kind of weird. It's because they all kind of look, they have similar features and stuff like that. So I


am still really getting the vibe of you could have replaced these two people with a single person. It wouldn't have mattered.


Trust me matters later. Okay, fair. Besides the


sexual conquest thing. Yeah. But like, Okay, I feel like if you have polyamory, you have to do a good job of giving each character a personality.


Yeah, totally. But here's the thing. None of the characters in this book have a great strong personality I would say fair, so I think and I will say this about the book The the other three some couple. That's the twin brothers and the the one check. They seem to be like the be the important plot point. Like these other three characters are just circle like that. Okay. Very strange. Okay. All right. So let's just get into it. Let's dive in. Our the first person we're introduced to is Janice, it's New Year's Eve. She is with her boyfriend, boyfriend, Roy, who she knows is kind of a douche canoe. And he wrote he's the head of a research reproductive clinic. So he's like a very rich ritzy guy. Right? Okay. He and He does come into the plot later. Okay, so she's kind of like a little depressed. She's not in love with the sky. But she knows that she kind of should be because he's like, He's handsome. He's nice. He's giving her you know, bullshit. Well, but yeah. And she's like, like, it says a lot in the book. Her biological clock is ticking. She wants she wants that baby. She gets married, make baby neg quotes. take many, many babies to quote Big Fat Greek Wedding. So she's there and she's like, I don't know what I'm gonna do. But like, I haven't found anyone else yet. So I'm trying to make it work with Roy. So it's like 10 seconds before midnight. Roy is nowhere to be seen. And she's like, Fuck, I at least need to kiss up. I'm not going to be the only person you know who's not kissing someone on New Year's Eve, because it's


five bucks says he's kissing someone.


You are exactly right. Hey, oh, I second. The bell rings for the new year. Janice sees Roy kiss another woman. And she's like, fuck this noise. I'm out of here and then shit. So he actually chases after her a harness like it didn't mean anything. Baby. She kissed me. It means nothing. She doesn't matter to me. And she's and she's like, You know what, whatever. It's New Year's Eve. I'm gonna let it go. They go home and they have sex. Okay, so that's like your introduction to Genesis character. Okay. Right. Right,


girl. Girl. Drop that man. Like fucking prices at Walmart on Black Friday. Jesus.


That was amazing. Thank you. That was really good. We switched to something worse. Oh, good. Yeah. So we switch to Noah and Noah is like I said he's a member of this wolf pack. Right? Or, excuse me cold. And he's currently having sex with a woman. I wait. Yep. Okay. Yeah. He's like in the middle of coitus, who were introduced is having sex with this woman because his Alpha leader told him to get her pregnant because they're trying to like increase the population. They need quote unquote, more pups. Yep, Yep. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But he is gay. Okay, so he can't get off like he's having sex with this woman, and he gets her off, but he doesn't get off and he doesn't come so like, you can still get pregnant but it's way less you know. And so like pourrais Allah this girl that he's have sex with is like berated by the Alpha leader because she couldn't get no off. This is the beginning of the book. This is chapter two.


i Okay, hang on. Yeah, question. Yeah. What? And I cannot stress this enough.


The fuck so like, yeah, like the massage is


real and this man, he's not bisexual. He is gay.


He's gay. And we're gonna get into that you don't do well so in here like the right. Oh, it gets worse. Yeah, so like I said before, no, I don't know if I said this before. But Noah Wolfpack wade in the Wolfpack are in a relationship. Right? They've been together for a while the Alpha leader Alex was was Noah's first love. Okay, so they like they and they still kind of have some like sparks going on between them. Okay, and so Alex, the alpha leader, but because Alex is the alpha leader, basically, he knows he's like, I can't be in a relationship with anyone. I have too much responsibility. And also I need to be making some wolf babies like with this with another wolf woman. And there are way fewer women than there are men left. So they're basically trying to get these women pregnant.


Oh, good. It's


great. Yeah, that


is very culty. Yeah. Oh,


it's horrifically cold.


So Nexium wolf edition.


Okay, so this is horrifying. So Noah has pulled aside Nolan Wade are both pulled aside by Alex. He pulls them what's an office in a cold building? It should be something else does


the inner sanctum


intersect that there we go. Okay, so he pulls them into the inner sanctum. And he shows a picture of a woman and they're like, Who is this? But she does look like she should be a member of the pack. Okay. And this is how though as I handed the picture back and this is a quote, no one handed the picture back and shook his head. Who is she? Alex said the mother of my pups, so he's already decided that like they're gonna kidnap this woman and impregnate her.


Oh, is that is a really solid start any relationship?


Well, it's not a relationship because he already knows that this woman has already made it to is already made it Yeah. How Okay, so this is this woman. His name is Sable. Okay, Abel is mated to Janice's twin brothers.


So Oh, so this is her sister or what are no no her sisters are


lost. This is the main character Janice's sister in law. And she and she is married to Janice's twin brothers. Yes, yeah. And so Alex wants to kidnap her and impregnate her to grow their population. Why to grow their population because they're running out they're dying. Yes, but why her because she's a she's a full fledged war. Does she know that? Yes. She's been on the run. Okay, like it's good. Yeah, Ray and that's like another book so we're not going to get into that it's fine right? Our our husbands both know that she is okay but they are not they are not they're regular men. And they have actually so and here's the other thing But wait, there's more. Sable has had twin boys with her husband husbands and each of the twin boys has has a different partner from these from the from her husband's Yeah,


I I guess technically the highest possible


it's possible. It's just highly highly highly, highly unlikely but they do mention in the book that it's more likely if you are a wolf Okay.


Fuck you biology and molecular


biology. Okay, so I'm the Alpha tells them you're going to Philadelphia and you are going to meet up with actually with Roy who happens to also be a werewolf the doctor the Janice was with was hanging out with right was dating is a werewolf and the reason why Roy has been dating Janice is because he wants information on stable and her husband's


okay. Let me go put my cork boards right yeah, my pins and my cork board string some red raw red yarn and


pause for a second. Is this clear? Yes can be as clear as


it can do have questions. A nun relating to the plot. Yeah, but I do have questions.


All right. I do not blame you for that. Guide so we move on to the next chapter way to know that have come in, come into the city center. Be into Philadelphia.


Hey, would you mind going to Philadelphia and bringing me back this woman? And you know, while you're at it, I am really craving a cheese steak.


Just can you just like, throw her in the back and then maybe pick up a cheese steak on the way? Yeah, it's fine. State milkshake. Yeah, extra, extra extra ways,


please. Yeah.


So we get back to knowing Wait, they're now in Philadelphia. And they have actually, um, they have decided that they're also going to kind of like, Hang start trying to get closer to Janice to get more information about Sable. Okay, and so they show up at her leasing office on her like, we want to lease an apartment. We have cash and she's like, cool. Do you have a reference? And they're like, a Roy. Oh, no, that's like the first person that they thought of, and she's actually like, fine with it. Because at this point, she and Roy are like, not great, but they're again, okay. And so she's like, that's fine. But what your question


that is in direct conflict with the description on the


back of the book. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, the the real thing between them is coming. Okay, though. Yeah, it is. Someone's coming. Hey, all right. So Oh, yeah, just wait.


And coming and coming and coming and


going. So Wade is like, it thinks that Janice is gorgeous and all that, but he's not attracted to her at all. Noah is super attracted to her from the moment like she, like they meet in the office, like the sexual chemistry is just flying. Okay. Um, and Wade does not like it. Okay, and why? Right, right. Like, and it's like flirting with her and waiters like what the fuck is going on? So, but she leases them an apartment. Okay. And we didn't know when they're buying once they're by themselves. Like, wait, it's kind of like, Hey, you were flirting with her? And I was like, Babe, you know? I only got eyes for you at a 69 All right. In an apartment with no furniture just on the hardwood floor.


These are people they're robots. You were flirting with her? Baby you know I only have eyes for you and it's time to 69 on this floor okay, I don't know if you follow Oh, I don't know if you fully appreciated my robot sex nice to have


a baby do what a really bad quote her so this is about Janice her fair coloring made her seem Oh seem Excuse me but there's a typo. It was supposed to be seen made her seem fragile and in need of protection even though she tried to look so business like incompetent in her gray suit and high neck to white blouse. Another difference like in woman like in his werewolf. Yeah, like in women weren't involved in business of any kind. Their only concern was making a baby ah.


Oh my god. Oh my god.


Their delicate constitution or not is not suited to the high stress world of business.


Alright, so So, Janice, we cut back to Janice, who cannot stop thinking about ways to know and how sexy they are and how attractive they are. And all this she Polly she must be. Yeah, yeah, she must be because she


has no Uh, bye. Okay, sorry. jumping the gun. Yeah,


jump in, like jumping the wolf just a little bit. So, and I will it's at the right time that I will explain it, I promise. So, um, because I have a lot of thoughts on that. Oh, good. So she and she is like, horny. She's like, I need some sex. I need to like get with someone out Carrie. So she's like, You know what? I'm gonna go surprise Roy for lunch.


He's with someone. And


yes, hi. So the Secretary is blowing him under the desk.


Dude. Roy is a fuck boy. No, on the scale of like, boy to our boy, all that stuff. Just he's just a funny boy.


And so he like tries to shrug it off again. Because Janet because like he tells her he's like You don't need to get blown out Jobson. She does. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Right.


No, baby. I only have eyes for you.


So she's like really Janice's really upset and she she goes back home and that's where Nolan Wade find her so they knock on her door How did they find her home? Well they know they actually explained that they they live in this so she lives in that that apartment building that she leased to Julie's an apartment okay for them to and they're like oh, your name was on the on your mailbox. So we knew what what number you're


Yeah, yeah, your name was on your mailbox. We went and looked at every single mailbox to make sure Yep, we knew


so. So they knock on our door, like, they can tell that she's kind of upset. So and they can and she's like, and they're like, Hey, can we hang out and you can help us like pick out furniture because we're just trying to get close to her because I want to get to save all right. And she's like, you know, right now, it's not really a good time. And they're like, but they're really, really pushing. It's not


a normal human. Hello, yes, you're my leasing agent. Do you want to just like, hang out with two men that you don't know? And


how are they? Let's see here. I'm just I'm not trying to defend the book. I'm just trying, like they say, quote, unquote, no, and I thought you might clue us in on life in the big city, you know, direct us to the best places to buy furniture, that kind of thing.


Okay, all right, that that is a more human like response right now. And I am sorry. No, it's totally fine. This is this is my people. This is my pictures of spider man. I hope nobody hates my robot voice because you're gonna hear a lot of it. Good.


I can't wait. Okay, so um, so she says, I'm sorry, maybe another time? I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good company tonight. And then I'm going to quote this right so I'm still reading from the book. Noah's mind race with possibilities a distressed woman would be easier to manipulate. If he the wave turned on their wolf his charm and gained her confidence they might find out more. Even better if it came to that. It wouldn't be the first time they fucked for the good of the clan. Surprise, Noah found himself thinking that fucking Miss outlaw which is her last name, outlaw last name would not be a hardship


This isn't real. There's no way this is real.


So she had, so they get her to have a drink with them. So they drink a little bit of red wine.


Well, yeah, because she's just stressed and thus easier to manipulate. And


they ordered dinner, they order some pizza together. And they're drinking this wine and they got her a little buzzed. Right. And so now she starts to kind of like, fess up about sable and her brothers, too.


I would like to reiterate these two strangers. So these two


strangers? She does not no, no. Um, so then they're like getting into the topic of like, so. This woman is married to both of your brothers and Janice like, Yes, I know. It's weird, but like, they're all really happy. It seems to work for them. They even have. I have two little nephews, thanks to it. And they actually have different fathers. So like, she's giving away a lot of information. Okay. I mean, a lot of this information. I mean, like, she thinks that they're just two gay guys who came and you know, you know, time with her. I know it's sketchy because we know those sketchy but like,


I think this is sketchy no matter what the situation is. But it's weird.


It's all weird. Yeah, she so so then it kind of gets into alright, I'm just gonna read this. All right. How do you feel about that? No one murmured. Do they disapprove? Not at all. They're happy. That's the important thing. Do you think you could do that make love to two men? I mean, no, I looked at her through slitted eyes, the familiar tightening of his groin surprised to his cock growed hard. Janice flushed red. I don't know that she makes love to both of them at the same time. It's really none of my business. I didn't ask about her. I asked about you. She might think of none of our business, but the sense of her arousal told him the idea and treat her her reactions intrigued him.


i Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


I'm not in any way into this. I'm not okay, good. Yeah.


Yeah, well, I


mean, not good. Like, again, if you're into it, or into it, just this is a bad example of this.


I'm like, Yeah, well, so And here. Here. I'm gonna preface this scene. Okay, now I'll just tell they have sex the three of them have sex but and we will get into it but there's a couple things I want to get into first okay. One is the I think that this kind of contributes to that idea of sexuality is a sliding scale sure know that sexuality is a sliding scale. However, the likelihood that suddenly two very gay men date you know if I'm gonna assume like, right most of their lives.


Well, they've always been gay, but they figured out hey, yeah, but then


there's this one magical woman that's what I'm because like they have had so Linda's had other but I think that it's so it's kind of like that thing. It's the reversal of there. There's that porn out there were lesbian women. Yeah. Screaming for cock, right, which is not a thing. Not real. So that's what this reminds me of. It's


very interesting. Flipping on its head of the whole weird bisexual, you just haven't found the right dick. Right? It's like the exact it's like that flipped where it's like, oh, you're gay. You just haven't found the right vagina


yet. And it's really not okay. No, like it's not in and you know, and the other thing is they have the conversation about it in the book of like, yeah, I'm super surprised I never expected to feel this type of attraction to a woman before and all the stuff maybe that would have made it more okay but even though not great, not great and they don't talk about it Yeah, yeah


and I'm assuming like I thought Wade was jealous of Noah was the other thing suddenly okay with this


I have no idea all of a sudden he just comes up from behind her and like grabs her waist and starts kissing her neck and it's like into it and I'm like what


Where did that come from? It


came out of nowhere


I mean to be fair, the sex scene came out of nowhere she motherfucker


get you to buy the packer can I get it to what specific of the sex scene


should we save it for under the covers?


Okay, just know I am not sure if this is physically possible Hell


yeah, hell yeah, I


just awesome. I don't know so they have sex right? Can you have them have sex at night? It is like they all describe it as like amazing and magical and all this stuff. Okay, unbelievable. rate that escalated very quickly escalates so quickly that it's really log.


Oh my god. Just watching you swiping on your phone


after the sex Wade and no up leave pretty early in the morning because they have to go and kidnap someone. Oh, they're very busy. Right? Yeah. Go get that zone outside of tight schedule right. So they um


Oh thank you. Babe. I'd love to stay for breakfast but I just the whole reason I came to Philly was to kid up someone and you know Oh, the cheese takes


thanks for all that information. Yeah, the person that we thank you for the information. The sex Yeah, by so and so. Janice has kind of left feeling bereft because she heard too good word.


Thank you. Yeah,


I'm hot wolf lovers. She's another wolcen She just another wolves Yep. A widow but are too hot gay lovers. Yeah, have left her and she's like,


oh, one would assume no longer gay magically


magically Yes. Yeah. Cuz that's they just haven't found the right vagina. Yeah, luckily the vagina that works for the one vagina works for both of them.


You know, sometimes two keys fit the same God say that,


Rachel, Rachel go to


the backtracking tired God Do you


Okay, all right. All right. So healthy


dose of healthy dose of feminism in the morning.


Janice is depressed so she decides you know what I'm actually going to leave the city and go back into wherever the fuck her brothers and sister in law are. I'm just gonna go and she's gonna go help with the kidnap Well, she's not gonna help with the kidnap but she's gonna she's just kind of like sure that a lonely it's like okay, I'm gonna go home. So


wait. You mean some people go to their family when they're feeling sad


because with that other detail. Janice and her brothers parents were murdered by wolves So, Janice after they've all eaten dinner together is doing the dishes for everyone. And she looks through the window of like, through the kitchen window and sees for wolf eyes outside the window.


Okay, so she's with her family.


She's with her family now


when I was little wolves murdered my parents. Now I am become Wolf Man with us today? No. I think it's the combination of that book and us not seeing each other in like two months.


Too long. Okay. All right. Crack right back into it. One crack


is about the way we're acting right now.


Okay, all right. So Genesis League, so


they're come back for me they've tasted blood.


Jude Okay, so we're brothers name are Jude and Jonas. I should have mentioned that


earlier. So you have Jude Jonas and Janice.


Janice. So Jude and Jonas they take their their rifles and they go out to check out if there's anything else in downtown Philly we're not in Philly anymore. They're in the countryside. Okay. Yeah. So and sables like please be careful please don't shoot unless you have to and Janice is like they're wolves kill them right you know what, I'm just gonna leave it we're gonna species guys


keep rolling with it. I'm going to comment on nothing with this.


Alright, so the next day. We so we cut to Nolan Wade who were like sleeping in a cave together because they're wolves and it's fine with them, and they're like, hey, I really don't feel comfortable with this whole kidnapping thing anymore. I'm really not about this especially now that Janice is there I'm really upset about it. I don't want to do it and they're like, Yeah, but the alpha so they're like, I guess when this gets reduced kidnap because now that they see now that they see that this woman has a family okay they're admitted to her mates like should we do this? Hmm moral dilemma dilemma, but they do decide to go along with it. Don't worry.


I just wouldn't be loving Second. Second Thoughts about actively kidnapping a mother of two children. You know what do you think I'm over it?


You know what the sex the 6019 that we did? I feel better now. I don't know. I don't remember if they actually had sex. Okay. I don't remember


in the cave in what form? Oh, I hope not. Because I would not want to read that sexy. I would I want to buy


this book that was gonna happen. Damn it. Honestly, I


kind of wish it did. No, I don't just have it actually have happened.


No, no, no. No, at least I don't I want you to Beauty the Beast to that thought through okay, but like


I know, at least they don't have barbed penises. The last episode shot.


Ah. All right. All right. All right. Here we go. So the next day, just one either one dude or Jonas is a scientist and he's like working in his lab. He's got a lot. Okay. Sure. Why, okay. The other brother is going to go to the stables that they also own, take care of the horses muck out and do all that stuff. And Janice decides to join horses famously fans of wolves. Yes. Well, right. So, Janice, so Janice goes and Joyce joins him at that time. Noah and Wade do come into the house they chloroform Sable, and they actually take her babies as well. So they kidnap the children. And they get them on a private plane and they are headed back to Philly. That was fast. Very fast. So that kidnapping like what like boom, Boo Boo. Wow. Not they kidnap them back to New Mexico. So they're now cool. Yeah. So it's that's that's great. So Jude and Jonas come do Jonas and Janice. Come back to the house. And they know that the babies in in sable are gone. Like they've been kidding. Uh huh. And yeah, so okay, I'm putting like they're putting two two together to make five because that's the way this plot


i You should be proud of me and how little I am saying about how little sense this


makes it makes zero sense. And, uh, so, okay, so they kidnapped her. Yeah. And her children they're on a plane to to back to New Mexico. Nach


the money for a private plane.


Apparently this this Cole has tons of money with a call. Never heard of that before Scientology. So


but with wolves, excuse me, it's


a religion. So anyway, um, so they're headed back. And Jude, Jude, Janice, and Jude Law showed us, that's it. Go back to the house. And they're like sables been kidnapped. The baby's been kidnapped? Oh, no. What are we going to do? Logical mental jump. Well, so Janice actually makes a logical jump to we need to call the police a girl. But they're the her brothers are like, Hey, sit down. We need to tell you. No. And Janice is like, what is it? And they're like, well, we can't call the police because sable is a werewolf. And we think the reason why someone took her is probably because they weren't her DNA or something like that. Because they want to like reproduce the wolf whatever, or something like that. Like they want her bio data basically. Right? And her children's by the Children's bio data. Okay, okay. So they call the sky and they call this guy Malcolm, who's also a local wolf shifter, who lives nearby. I need to know how she took this information. She was kind of like, she didn't believe them. But she was like, okay, like and then so then they call this guy Malcolm nearby and they're like sables been kidnapped. And Malcolm comes over right away. And he actually turns into a wolf in front of her. Okay, so Jan, this is like, Guess this is real. This is a thing. Oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah,


we're just gonna roll with it. We're just at this point, but we're rolling.


So Monica was like, she was definitely kidnapped by some wolves. And so then they're kind of like, how did they figure out she was here, like, we need to go back to the beginning. And so they extrapolate somehow, because people assume equals five. No, actually, excuse me. Two plus two equals nine at this point. You


know, two plus two equals three


scandalous. So two plus two equals three, they extrapolate that ROI is somehow connected to this whole plan, right. And so it's agreed that Jonas and Janice are going to head back to Philly. And they're going to basically try to entrap Roy, so that Roy will lead them to where sable is. Okay.


Sure, keep chugging along, choo, choo, fucker,


they get back to Philly, and they come up with this plan that what's her name, Janice is good calls Roy and says, Hey, I really need your help with something. Can I come to your office? And he's like, sure,


because now she calls because you really want to walk in on him getting a blowing again, I


can't blame her. And she's like, you know, what the past the past what should have been his first red flag that some of the what we call, you know, the past the past whatever.


He has a history of assuming she's just going to be fine with it. And


so she goes into his office, I care where she goes, and I think she actually just calls him she calls him and says, Hey, I've got a friend who really need some help. She's trying to get away from the sky. And abuser she and she's pregnant and she wants to terminate the pregnancy. Oh, by the way, she's got these features like kind of look where Wolfie. So can you like can you help her somehow? So Roy is very interested because he thinks that Janice has found another werewolf check. And he's like, Great, awesome. Hey, can your friend stop by tonight and I can see if I can help her somehow. And Janice is like,


yes, because I am. Personally the one person that handles terminating pregnancies. Hey, y'all, so I'll give money to Planned Parenthood.


And the athletes like Why doesn't she like go to a clinic or something like that? Janice comes up with this really like weird accent?


Okay, well, yeah, because none of the rest of this book has been weird.


And this all comes with like, I want you to know, a backdrop of like, covering up sense because she doesn't want certain wolfies they don't want certain Wolfie sets around. Up on them, right? I'm glossing over all of that.


Yeah, please do. Yeah. Because we would be here for


God, Roy shows up that night. And he's like, Hey, where's your friend and rag smelly chloroform? Janice, this like, she's gonna call me. And then I'll tell her whether, you know, because she's kind of in a weird situation right now. And then she'll decide if she wants to come out here. So in Janice's, like, in the meantime, why don't you have a glass of wine? And of course Roy's an idiot and says, Sure. And she drugs, his wine, his wine? Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so


you said that we are over halfway through this book? Yeah, we are. This romance novel has involved our girl. And the two main leads seeing each other twice. And one of those times was for sex? Yep. Okay. Just throw that out there.


So eventually, they try to question Roy once he wakes up the werewolves and the werewolf and the twin brothers right about disable it. Yeah, they don't really get my job of him. But they but he one of the brothers manages to hack into the mainframe of Roy's computer and get into his email and therefore find out that they're probably in New Mexico. So I


really wish I'd brought in some sort of book or something to just beat my head against during this bug we


switched back to actually be alpha, Alex, why not? Why not? Who is back a weird so now we are in New Mexico. We're on the compound of this wolf cult. Oh, it's bad, I think all the GOP out. So we're at the compound and he is having some serious, like, problems with kidnapping this woman because now he sees her. Her distress is right in front of him. Like she has no injury. He had this he had fantasize in his mind that once she got back to her pack to her quote unquote people that you be like, Oh, this is where I belong. It's all cool now and she's not like she's like No Where are my husband? Alex has a lot of problems. He has a lot of problems. Okay. So he, he and he separated and one thing the horrible thing that he does is he separates sable from her twins.


Something something something separating parents from children continue


through that before. So he still separates a mother from her children right and tells the mother get with the program or I will kill your babies.


We will be here for days. Just keep going. Just keep


So, like, so he's having second thoughts. He's like, Okay, this is probably not the best thing as this human emotion is human emotions and. And way to know what he's like talk he talks to way to know about it. Well, so he goes in and sees the kids first and he sees that they're crying, they're upset, like they want to be with their mother, they're like freaking out. Sure. I don't know if you guys know this, but separating a parent or a child from their parent is horrifically psychologically damaging for a very long time. So Khan, die has quite really, I had no idea I had no idea Australia, um, and he tells like, the he tells one of the wolf women who of course she's with the babies, because only women can take care of babies naturally to return the children to their mother. And he's like,


what a good person.


I guess. I did the wrong thing. And he goes to wait and no, and he's like, okay, get her out of here. I don't want her here. I want to return her. i This was a dumb idea. This entire


plot is based on a take vaccines rule. kidnap the woman. I don't want her anymore. That's the plot. Yeah, so


Okay, so the mothers returned to her children, they, they begin to plan how they're going to get her back to the outskirts of Philly.


This has anything No, it has nothing to do with a relationship between these two men and this woman. All right, we're


getting back to that. Okay. Yeah, almost at the end of the bus same time. As this is happening. Jude, Janice Jonas and Michael Malcolm Bengo are planning to break into the compound and they do not succeed. They are all kidnapped and brought inside the compound Yo dawg. Yo, do you like kidnapping?


How about we kidnap? Oh, my


stables actually returned her. Her sable is actually reunited with her children and with her husband. Oh, good, happy families together. And this is when Janice, Janice, I don't remember how but she knew that way to know uh, were involved in all of this like she had they put her together probably from Roy somehow. Sure. So she knew that they were involved. But so then Alex the Alpha comes comes into the room with Noah and Wade so we have in the room right? This one little room. Janice, Malcolm Sable, Jude, Jonas. Alex the alpha, Wade and Noah. Okay. eight characters. You got this?


Okay, okay. Okay, ready? Is he a werewolf?




Okay, click click, click, click. I'm guessing a does he look like a bitch? As we sit here and play Guess who with a roomful of people.


Okay, so. So Alex tells the family, so. Uh huh. Does that make sense? Yes, family tells the family you can leave. But Janice has to stay. And wait and no are like what? And he's like, Yeah, your family can go free. If Janice stays.


I feel like something happened in your life when you were younger. Maybe his whole


family was slaughtered right in front of him. Yeah, that'll fuck you. Oh, fuck yeah. All right. So so, um, and he tells Janice you have until morning to decide otherwise, like Something terrible's gonna happen. Basically, I don't remember what it doesn't really matter. This the next part is what matters. So Janice, it is separated from everybody else. And this girl, and the girl tells her that she's taking her to her own room. No, she takes her to like this like,


sex dungeon.


Like a steam bathroom. Like there's this giant pool and it's steamy and hot, so she


can be baptized into the cold. Great.


So, so she goes out there and she's like, No, that doesn't sound half bad. Why


the fuck not sex in the bathtub? Yes, got it.


Oh, she's sitting in the bathtub. She's thinking about Noah Wade she's getting all hot and bothered. And when a wolf walks up to her she


is in the middle of a kidnapping. This is 365 Tni all over


again. So she well except a wolf.


I didn't think I could get worse apparently it can.


So I'm a wolf walks up to her while she's in the pool. And she's like, Oh, fuck, and but she knows it's Noah so she feels safe. It's fine. And she's like, I don't know her aura. chakra


she has her heart chakra she has her chakras aligned with Wolf chakras. There are more wolf chakras than human chakra. Wade comes


up them behind her naked. And


we have human on human on wolf action Tammen.


So he's like, Oh, she he just wants you to be comfortable in his wolf form. So they explained to her, hey, guess what? We've both made it with you. And she's like, What the fuck does that mean? Like they've marked her so she has this like, weird bite mark on her neck that she's had since they had sex together. And they're like, guess


what? You had no choice in the matter. We Romain.


We've made it with you. You're like, in in wolf terms. That means you're our wife now. But, but we will let you go home. If you don't want to stay here. If you don't want to stay here. You and the family will go for you. We talked about it with Alex like, you have a choice. You don't have to stay here. And she's like, really? I want to go home and that they have sex.


Is that the end of the book? No. Okay, it's


almost over. Okay, so close. So they have they have sex in the Steam Room. The next morning, she wakes up really early. And like gets cleaned up and sees her family again. It says we're all going home. We've worked it out. It's okay.


They worked it out.


Yeah, they sure did. Oh, they worked sup that like fact a couple of things. And they actually had to breakfast with like the Alpha leader, Noah and Wade. And this the Sable. And the brothers can tell that there's something going on with Janice. And Janice isn't saying anything. They just noticed that she's really sad and depressed. And so like Janice, like it's really over emotional and runs out of the room. And it's like, I can't deal with this. I can't she is a woman. She is a woman, right? Your ovaries were just like bouncing or a uterus, uterus, excuse me, which is bouncing everywhere across her body. And so she like goes outside to get a breath of fresh air. Because she's allowed to do that now. And actually, Alex is the one who follows her and says like, Hey, I know the choice he made. But I don't think it's the right choice. And I think you should stay here with us. I think you'll be happier here like they've chosen you to be there, mate. Yeah,


you know what? That's a really good point. And I think I am going to listen to the psychopath that kidnapped my sister and her children and then separated them and then also said that I couldn't believe Yeah, yeah. Seems like a trustworthy person to believe. Well,


that's pretty much her thought too. So she packs up her stuff, she and she in the family get ready to leave. And at the very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very last minute, she turns around, and runs to into Noah and Wade's arms and stays there. And he's like, Nope, I'm staying here. I love these two men. I can't leave them. And God, just so Jonas and Jude are like, What the fuck is happening? What are you talking about? Because they had no idea that she was like in a sexual relationship at all with these two men. And she's like, No,


it's totally cool. Sable.


Can you explain to them and stables like, I got you girl. It's fine. Like, she'll be fine here. Don't worry, her men will protect her.


Please tell me that's the end of the book. It is. So


there's like one more sexy between the three is the the seven where it's seven, seven. So there's one more sex scene and basically, they all tell each other that they love each other and


have been together for like two weeks. They had no no, they have no interactions. Three times two of them were sex. Before she said that she loved them. Right? No one else has known about this right? This is they weren't even in the same half of the country for half of this book. Right.


So let's just get last let me get to the last few pages. Joe I got it. Well, I want to make sure I don't anything was Oh my God. Oh, yeah. So yeah, they uh it's really weird too. Because they tell her they're like we want you to stay. We want you to stay and she's like, but then later on she like second guesses as she's like, but they love each other. They don't love me


Did they ever discuss them magically being interested in this woman one woman and also way magically not being jealous anymore?


I mean, like the we'll get into another the covers.


Oh, good. Yeah. So do you want to ask me about this book? No, because I never want to think about it again. I I cannot


meant I just like cannot fathom one the lack of emotional connection between anybody in this book right? The thought process that went into kidnapping someone and then magically deciding


deciding now I'm not gonna rape this person to impregnate her like that seems like a bad idea. Yeah, like I was on board


with it before but now I see her gay he was in a relationship with


Noah and that's right so I don't know if he's gay or bisexual but like, I pretty sure Alex is also gay. Oh, yeah, because Alex is also sleeping with Roy


I, I know that at the beginning of each episode, we say we're gonna unpack what the fuck just happened. I legitimately think this is too much to unpack. We can all okay, listeners. In lieu of going through and fully breaking down everything. I'm just going to give you all the Cliff Notes. Of here is Rachel's list of things that we can all agree on. women or people? Yeah. You need to have an emotional connection with someone where you probably can say that you love them. Yes. A sad person that you have an emotional sense, or persons who you have an emotional connection with and love must have a personality of some kind.


Rape is bad. Get that


because bad kidnapping is bad.


separating children from their parents is bad. Yes. And sexuality is a spectrum. However, on and off switch. You don't just magically become attracted to one person of the opposite gender. I'm not gonna speak for everyone. I just gotta say usually, that's not how it works. It's not like all of your heterosexuality is concentrated in one person. Realize how much Britney Spears would be mobbed by the gays if that was true.




She already is by the gays.


Baby I love you. I'm so gay for you. I should excuse me, let me just do my clap on bisexuality. I


am straight for one person.


I have the clap on gay Thus ends the list. Yes. Um, I still don't think these are two separate humans. I think the only reason that they split into two people was for the kinky sex. Well, it's


for the key sex. I feel like I just read someone's really really really bad fanfiction like and luckily I'm not friends with the author so I don't have to be nice to her.


This is my polyamorous like in Scientology fanfiction.


When did you write this? Wait a minute. You didn't write that Zack.


Look, it was a long night. There was a lot of alcohol involved. I was I was getting into some deep shit.


Oh, you got a deep real deep.


How many holes?


Oh you'll see. Please meet us under the cover.


Okay, no. Okay. Are two guys.


Oh, right. Um, can we write them at the same? Yeah, one. Okay. Our girl one.


I'm sorry. The boys, which was a one. Girl I'm gonna just girl girl one one


plot negative for


the sex. Oh,


do I have to write the sex?


Yes, you must write the sex Gods


a zero. Now. Now it's like less. Like negative to a particular part of the sex that I will get into that is like, Oh, no. I mean zero. Like zero. I lost brain cells reading this book. Like they and when I say lost. I mean like they were reading this and we're like, this is the end we're jumping. Like we're jumping off the cliff. We're sacrificing ourselves I'm


so glad we have lined for tonight. Jesus


right so is this was so bad. Yeah, this was really bad. But also damn entertaining. Hilarious. I cannot wait for stairs episode.


So good. So what were you consuming in the off times? Um,


so I am still just totally a slot for tick tock like just a hole for tick tock. But also I've been reading House of Leaves which It's my third time trying to read this book we were talking about there. Yeah. And it's it's really really good. It's um, I think it's like one of those though where it's like some books are meant to be like, thoroughly digested and you really have to like write yourself into it every time you open the book. You can't just like have you know, like this book I was like, we like okay, let's just get the fuck through this. That book you got to like really


know on that's that's how I feel with Erin Morgenstern it's second


right right. Yeah. So I've been reading that right now. I do have a big stack I'm still working through this like big stack of library books. I got like it's so nice um, yeah, and that's nice. That's really all I got we have a new president which is awesome still kind of riding that high? Yeah, yeah, pretty good. Yeah, slippery good to spend our evening Hobbiton


having having a habit feast and watching Lord of the Rings so Hey guys, thank you for going on this fucking wild ass ride Jesus Yeah, the I'm so glad I was


on this it was it's a lot so and if you're gonna join us for under the covers get ready it's really fun. Okay, get your strap out Yeah.


Strap the fuck on yeah


yeah, all right.


We love you all.


Thank you Eleanor you for the use of your song a love of the album be held and Hey, thank you guys for listening and we'll see you soon see you in two weeks or under the covers both


audio present storage welcome are five residents and congratulations on being part of this exciting adventure. Even selected as one of the lucky few to be a part of our team at the Prometheus project. As board director, I want to say thank you for your participation are by the Isaaq independence Bill deserve your every our engineers we work around the clock to make sure you are as comfortable as possible down there. Speaking of Concord, you will be able to relax and enjoy your state or a personalized state of the art Coronavirus to stand aside close your eyes before he knows that every time you go out into that brave new world. Our research team resident overhydration though he set up for all of us here at the board we hope you enjoy your time down here and thank you for your personal contribution to the creek is where the end storage from yours Hi, this is Savannah, one of the producers of cold storage. Thank you so much for listening to our trailer and we hope that you will subscribe so that you can be notified as soon as our first episode is released. If you're looking for more information about cold storage, you can check our description for links to our social media website and cofee page. Thanks again and we'll see you November 25.