Textual Tension

Ep. 59: Cats on Cats on Cats

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 59

Don't hit that Paws button! Your co-hosts are here with a Purr-fectly wholesome episode to get you through your week! Listen in as Rachel tells Margie all about Talk to the Paw, by Melinda Metz. And don't miss your opportunity to cat-ch up on some big announcements for our Patreon! 


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel and I jump in here with all of the fun little updates that we have in our little textual tension world. And guys, there's a lot this time around a lot of really exciting stuff, actually. So if you normally just kind of jump forward a couple minutes and skip to the episode, maybe consider sticking around because I have so much to say, and it's all so much fun and exciting. So let's get the boring stuff out of the way first, hey, hit us up on social media. Okay, not boring, we like talking to you. But if you want to talk to us, which we do enjoy a lot, hit us up on all of the social media at textual tension pod on everything. Me, your girl handles the Instagram. So if you want to say hi to me, hit me up on Instagram. I always love chatting with you, peoples. You're all great. Um, but now to the fun stuff. So you probably know, we have a Patreon. We've had Patreon for a little while now. We have Speaking of Patreon to new beautiful patrons, we have Douglas and Kelly. Hey, y'all, thank you so much. We're so happy that you are supporting us. We really appreciate it and good timing, because you're about to get some bonuses, guys. So we have decided, after much discussion, Marty and I really, really want to show our appreciation to all of you guys, for supporting us with a show. And one way that we decided to do that is we are upping and changing our Patreon tiers. So if you are already a patron, it's cool, nothing's changed nothing at all, you're actually going to be getting more. Okay, if you're not a patron, now would be a great time to consider becoming one. So the updated Patreon stuff that we're gonna be doing. So we have three tiers on our Patreon we have first, second and third base. Hey, oh, and I'm just going to give you guys a real quick rundown on what those tiers are going to be. Now this is all going to start in the first year. So starting January first, if you subscribe to our $2 tier, which is the first base tier, then you will get access to bloopers that come out for every single show. When I'm editing, I just kind of cut the funny stuff that doesn't quite make the cut into the episode. But I put it into a little audio file for you to kind of get a taste of the last episodes, which are episodes that we recorded but haven't been out yet. Or it won't go out. And it's the only way to listen to those and seasonal episodes. So we do episodes for like holidays, and Halloween and all that stuff. So you'll get access to all of those. So if you were previously part of the second tier, or the first year, you did not have access to the bloopers or the seasonal episode. So that is more content for you guys. If you join the second tier, which is the $4 tier second base, you get all of that tier one stuff, you also get early access to episodes, so they will be coming out on Mondays instead of Tuesdays for you guys, and access to under the covers. So that's big, our $10 patrons used to be the only ones that would get access to under the covers. So now that has gone down to our$4 patrons for our $10 patrons that is third base, we love you guys so much, you're wonderful, you get all of that stuff. Plus, you get monthly live streams with us, where we will be talking more in detail about some of the other stuff that we've been reading. So all that stuff we talked about, at the end of the episodes, we want to talk to you guys about it. So we're going to do monthly live streams where you can ask us questions, we're going to record them so you can go back and listen to them later. We just want to hear from you guys, we would love to reach out and actually be able to talk to you more. So we're going to do that and you will get a quarterly goodie. So a little bit of a quarterly prize that we are going to send to you a little sneak peek. Starting January, we will be sending out some adorable sticker packs to our$10 patrons. So if you are maybe not a patron yet or have been considering it kind of on the fence, now would be a great time to check all that stuff out. So I hope that made sense. If it didn't make sense, go to our Patreon patreon.com/textual tension and it will all be updated there. So starting the first of the year, all of our Patreon tiers are going to have more stuff. That's basically what you need to take away from that. And also because I don't mention enough quick reminder to anyone considering supporting us on Patreon. We do actually have a goal. So if we hit 50 patrons, then we will be recording an extra episode where I will be running a one shot of the Chuck Tingle RPG for Margie and Zach. Maybe we'll get some guests in there who knows. But I ended If you don't know who Chuck tangle is check him out. He's frickin hilarious. So that is that is our 50 patron goal. So we're almost halfway there. So if you guys would maybe consider supporting that, if that's something you want to hear, help us reach our goal. So yeah, please check us out patreon.com/textual tension. You're going to be hearing more about it in the next couple of weeks, as we kind of release some stuff on our social media. But we just wanted to give everyone a heads up and this is our big announcement episode and I'm very excited about it. So if you have any questions hit us up. We would love to answer them for you guys. Thank you for listening to that spiel. Again. I hope it made sense. And as a reward for getting all the way through that allowed me please to give you some romance novel wisdom. Roses are red. Oh, this one has a thorn. All good relationships are based on chloroform. Without further ado, here is episode 59. Cats on cats on cats tearing me apart from Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Rachel you are or our co host i I thought I said I am I am your co host


Rachel and I am your co host Margie.


Every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our other unsuspecting co host this week, Margie is listening in. And together we unpack what the fuck


just happened. That was really good. That was that was really good considering we're not gonna lie, guys. Do you notice how nice my voice sounds? Does it sound extra prettier?


This beautiful extra extra beaut we are we are attempting a new setup. Margie has some fancy new equipment. And Fingers crossed. I don't have to come in at the beginning of episodes and say hey, sorry, recording remotely.


Or she doesn't understand technology.


We'll make it honestly the setup went way faster than I expected. Yeah. And


I was like, Could you see me? I was just like,


work. The stress was happening.


The anxiety was building.


Uh huh. Yeah. But we're here. We're queer. And we have you have a very nice new mixer. So hey, patrons, thank you so much. So my buying Margie a new mixer? Yes. So we can use our fancy microphones in two different locations. So, Margie, yes. How do you feel about getting heck and cozy this morning?


I'm so ready to get heck and cozy. i Oh, we're ready. I was hacking cozy all morning. It


honestly same I am listeners I am wearing a Batman onesie courtesy of Savannah from cold storage podcast and speaking. Speaking of good segues, hey, cold storage podcast has been it's officially been released. Episode One is up. Yes. So go check it out. Listen. Yes, yeah, do it. Actually, episode two might be out by now also. But it is a Batman onesie. It has a hood and a cape. And yes, I did leave my house in it. To go help unload groceries. Oh, that doesn't even count. Yeah, but it was in a public viewed space. And Zach told me to go home and


neighbors the next door neighbors will be like Yeah, girl get it?


Honestly. Absolutely. Yeah, exactly. So listeners, I need you to put on your coziest pants. Pour yourself a cup of tea, or maybe a glass of wine. And snuggling for some super cozy fun because I have a book that is a listener recommendation. Who recommended it to us. This one was recommended by Meg.


Yes, that was a while ago,


mine and sorry back actually, no, this one actually wasn't that long ago. She told me about this during our d&d night, a couple weeks ago.


I thought it was an email that we got. And I was like, I don't even remember reading that one.


No, this one is a recommendation she had. It's a little bit so fair warning. It's a little bit of a shorter book. It's not super short. It's just it's a little slow. Okay, so um, I structured my notes a little bit differently this time, and that's why I'm saying like, Get cozy. We're going to just have a super relaxed chat about this book. So Betsy is upset. I know


well, so actually, I know I've got both of these. So I've got these both up on boxes. That's what I'm using like wood boxes to put up my microphone and my computer and Kima just like crawled into one of them. Oh, good. That's perfect. Well, now she's gone. She's like no, you discovered my secret lair.


Alright, I'm going to send you this. Okay, there we go.


I can see the name Okay, I'm not gonna say I could see the URL though it's loading just give it a minute


okay, go ahead explain it. I'm


so sorry. Um, the book is called talk to the PA. And it has a picture of like it looks. It's a cat, a tabby cat. And it looks like it's ripping through a piece of white paper. So it's like very 3d. Like the cat is reaching out to you with a spa and looking at you with these very soul eyes. And very soulful. There's a little bit on the bottom that says animal lovers Watch out. This cat will steal your hearts. So like every other cat out there. Yeah. And the natural end the book is by Melinda Metz and Melinda's name is smaller than the title. It is indeed been inspired. Okay, so here's the here's the here's the summary, inspire that the true story of a Portland Oregon cat who's stole from his neighbors and stole America's hearts.


It's also a true story. I actually didn't know that.


Okay, she's putting real love life on pause. on pause and pause the spell P AWS. Okay, Jamie Snyder is 34. It's single but not ready to mingle after separate suffering through the year of the non committal man. The year the self absorbed man and the year the forgotten for forgot to mention a married man. Jamie's ready to celebrate the year of me and MacGyver. Of course, MacGyver is an adorable Tabby with a not so adorable habit of sneaking out at night and stealing things from the neighbors. That's right. MacGyver is a cat bird. Still the only male JB trust and the only companion she needs but her cat has other ideas. MacGyver knows his human is lovely. He can smell it I don't want to think about that same smell he's noticed on their neighbor David a handsome young Baker who's tired of his friends trying to fix him up but now the guy breaks up the case. The only suitable person not the case I'm just steal something from David stashes at Jamie's that he steals something for Jamie leaves it with David. Before log, the two are swapping stolen goods trading dating horror stories and trying not to fall in love. But they're not fully but Guyver with Cubans generate this much heat. The cat is out of the bag. Okay, the pugs aside.


This is a really cute




Don't lie. You love the pot.


I did love the pugs. But like, Yeah, I think the one that I really liked the best. That was the first one was the well the one where her putting her life on pause putting her life on pause that was probably my favorite. It's real good. It is real good.


So the good news is there are as I'm sure you can imagine, zero triggers. This is just some good, wholesome fun for the whole failing for I mean, so fair warning to our patrons and anyone interested. There's not it's one of those books where like the sex just happens kind of camera. Yeah. So I do have for under the covers. I thought you and I could just sit around and swap cat stories. Yeah, yeah. I thought that would be fun. So so maybe for the whole family. I


guess. That was like under covers could under the covers could be for the whole family.


Exactly. Under the covers is going to be a fun one. Because we'll just talk about our idiot cats. Mine is currently sitting behind me. Mine is screaming at me earlier.


You the chairman as a clotting thing,


scratchy. Oh, good. Oh, gosh. All right. Are we ready? I'm ready. Hell, yes. So this book has a lot of characters, okay. And it's a lot of characters that kind of matter, because there's a lot of subplots going on. Okay. So I mentioned this book is it's a little slow, but it's just so heavy and wholesome, that I couldn't help it. So it's actually there's our main romance and then there's a couple like side relationship, things that are happening. So I'm going to go through really quickly, a whole list of characters, but I'm not going to introduce them anyone other than our main people until we meet them in the storing. Okay, so we have David and Jamie. We have Ruby, Zach HUD, Addison Riley, Mary owl and Helen and you're joking. Yeah. And then we have MacGyver and we have d A g. So MacGyver is the cat. Okay, Gigi is David's dog. Yay,


what a strange name.


We'll go into why he's called that okay. Yeah. So David is a he's like, in his mid 30s. Same as Jamie. He was married. His wife died. And like three years ago, he's a baker. He has I want to say he's blond hair blue eyes. Okay. It's one of those things where they don't go into like, they don't make a big deal out of what the characters


are. There's no so there's no there's no gemstones. No, there's no gemstones. And sorry, your gemstone here listeners.


Sapphire, probably Sapphire. And then Jamie. Yeah. Termoli Oh, that's that's really yellow, isn't it? Yeah. Oh, God. Oh, God. They're not wolf people. I know that we figured out some shit about you last time, sir. No.


Shit about Zack, not me.


Maybe both of you. We don't know.


Well, yet, maybe this is not the place to talk about it.


Our listeners deserve to know.


BBC News.


Breaking news. Um, so Jamie has brown curly hair that is a little bit unruly, kind of goes all over the place. And I want to say brown eyes. Pretty sure. But she was a history teacher, high school history teacher, her mom passed away and left her and inheritance. And it was enough money for her to she was really like, she enjoyed the history part of teaching. But the whole like having which I have a couple teacher friends. And I think they get it where it's like, they have to teach to a certain curriculum that is going to be tested. Like they can't like have fun with what they're teaching. It's like, this is what we have to do that kind of thing. And she was just getting burnt out. So she decided to use her inheritance to on a whim just move out to LA and for a year and take the time to figure out what she wanted to do, right? Like this is I'm going to do some soul searching because obviously I don't want to do this. And maybe the end of the year, I'll decide Yeah, I do. But right now, I really don't. Which like, props girl. Because if I took a year off of engineering, I would have a nightmare getting a job as an engineer. Yeah. Yeah, that's how engineering works. Where it's like, Oh, you mean you haven't used your magazine? Years fields? Yeah. They usually require, like, you would have to like take a math class to make sure you're like up to snuff. So, um, Jamie has moved out to storybook court. Okay, in downtown LA. And I so I've been to downtown LA because I family living out there. And it is very on brand with downtown LA. So it is this little like, tiny neighborhood that all of the houses are different. One of them looks kind of like a castle. One of them looks kind of like a hobbit hole. One of them like looks like a Southern like a like, um, plantation like all kinds of different architectures, like all mixed into one tiny area. Interesting. Okay. Yeah. So Jamie has rented an apartment there. And she has officially kicked off the year of me. Again, props girl. I get it. So scene one. Although technically I didn't structure my notes into scenes. They're just bullets. Again, trying something new here. So at the beginning, MacGyver is going on an adventure. MacGyver. It is the first night in their new apartment and he has noticed lately that his human Jamie is very lonely. She is giving off lonely smells. And he's you get MacGyver his internal monologue and he is a little sass master. So I love him. And oh, MacGyver is a brown and gray tat. Okay, he looks like the one on the curb. Okay. And he's like, you know, as much as I love humans and like, she gives me food and treats. She's great. But unfortunately, they're just a little bit too much like dogs. They need pack mates, unfortunately. So he is on a mission to find his human a pack mate because she needs one. Okay, and is this cheesy? Yeah, absolutely.


Adorable. Hell yes.


Did I love every minute of it. You're goddamn right. I did.


Well, we had like a Halloween book like a year and a half ago. Where like, we did get the cat. I think one of them had a cat's internal monologue. This one's way better.


Mm hmm. Well, MacGyver is 100% of sass master and I love him for that. He reminds me a lot of Carlos but Carlos doesn't give a shit. That's the difference. Carlos.


Do you have your you have your pack mate? If you didn't, he'd be going all over town looking for Zach.


He whoring himself out looking for Zach.


What is What is this creature what has happened?


What is happening? So MacGyver has found a break in the screen on the screened in porch in this house. And so he escapes into the world. And he starts following a similar scent, like the loneliness kind of smell. And he's like, Well, I mean, she's like a dog. And I know her sense of smell isn't as good as mine, obviously. But maybe if I get something that's smelly enough, she'll realize, hey, this person smells kind of like I do, maybe we can hang out and then she'll be happy. So he breaks into someone's house. So he breaks into someone's house and steals a hand towel and leaves it on the front porch of their house. Of whose house Wait, Jamie, okay. With Jamie's apart, okay. So Jamie wakes up on her first day of her year of me, and she's like, oh, yeah, I have no idea what to do. What am I doing? And so she's like, kind of trying to figure out what the hell she wants to do. And she's like, Okay, well, I guess. I'm going to brainstorm like, she's like, I have to unpack. I got to do something. And I, she doesn't, hasn't quite reconciled, yet. The fact that she is doing she has no responsibilities for the next door. Like she has this feeling of I have to be doing some right. Yeah. So she's like, okay, maybe like, I'll get out and explore. I'll go to a coffee shop. I'll like do some brainstorming that kind of stuff. But she walks out of her house and finds a dish towel, just sitting on her front porch. And she's like, okay, weird. And so she just takes it inside and like tosses it just like I guess I have a dish, right?


Honestly, I would have been, I wouldn't be like looking for the owner of a dish rag. I'd be kind of like, Oh,


right. She's confused. But she's like, okay, whatever, weird, but whatever. And so she's like, about to get ready to like, go grab some coffee or whatever. And she meets, she runs into two of her neighbors, one of which is her landlady. So we have owl and we have Mary. So owl is this dude who has a pet. He's, all of these characters have such interesting like, he has a passion for making cocktails. Night. He's just this like 60 year old dude who really likes cocktails and gardening, and doesn't really say much. But Mary is a woman who knows everything about everybody. It does not matter. She just absorbs the information. And she is like a no nonsense woman. So she's like, you know, asking like, Oh, where are you going this morning? She'll go, I'm gonna go to the coffee shop and Mary's like, like, just puffs and goes inside. She's like, Well, that was weird, weird. And then a few minutes later comes out with a cup of coffee. And she's like, this is better than anything you'll buy from there. And just


I love people like that who show rather than tell their like their concern and love. It's like, right?


Ah, yeah, Zach is very much. I was gonna say he's a show or like, yeah, no, we're just, I'm gonna leave that one there. I'm not gonna touch it.


Don't touch it later. Hey.


So, Marie, hands her, you know, a cup of coffee. And they're chatting a little bit. And then Helen, who's Marie's friend comes out Helen is a woman who has a twin sister that she never talks to, because they had a falling out years ago. And her and Marie are like, or Mary Marie, I don't know, are like those two old ladies that are always gossiping, and always talking about everything. And like, just know everybody's business, which can be sweet can also be. Yeah, yeah. So in literally the first day, they're just going back and forth of you have got to meet my little nephew. And you have got to me like and they're trying to set her up with all these men. And she's like,


No, this is the year of me. Exactly.


So Helen and Marie have decided that they are hell bent on setting Jamie up with somebody and they'll she's just like, No, no, no, no. And like, Yeah. And she's like, No, I'm so and so she ends up like it kind of freaks her out a little bit. So instead of going to the coffee shop, she just goes back into her apartment and starts unpacking. It's just like, okay, like, overwhelming. Fair. You moved from Pennsylvania to LA. Yeah. And that's your first day. That's a lie. I don't think I'd leave my house for a week. If I did that. I'd


be like, pitchers out there.


Not me. I'd be like the world.


I'd be like get your big chest over here. Let's go explore you be like you go, go. I'll see you just go go all cooked it or.


And here's another fair warning about this book is that we're going to switch between Jamie and David quite a bit to start, okay. They actually don't, they meet a couple times, but they don't like start really interacting until over halfway through the book. So there's a lot of this is kind of what I meant by it's a little slow. There's a lot of setup on each of them and their background. which I do appreciate. Um, so cut to David. David is out with his friends night on the town hanging out drinking well with friend he has he has a he's really close friends with a couple. So he's out with the guy, his friend. And they are he is trying to convince David to sign up for a dating website. So David's wife has been dead for three years now. And he is like, he is not. He's really not sure if he's ready to kind of go out there and start dating again. He just He really doesn't know. Right? It's like, he's like, I don't want to be alone. But at the same time, I don't want to put myself out there like that kind of thing. Right? So he we cut to like them having fun at the bar. He is trying to pick up a woman that his friends like you go ask her do you talk to that woman right now? Just do it. And he like, totally blows it. Because, you know, he's


a really long time. It doesn't mean that they were she was she's like, Hey, let's learn one new thing about each other. He's like my wife died three years ago.


That is exactly what he does. He just did. They don't say exactly what he says. But he does mention way too early that his wife is dead. Oh, no, he is such a cinnamon roll.


I know. She's not his ex. But like, that's the role. You don't talk about your ex and you don't talk about your justice.


Yeah, not that early. I know. He just like I said, he's really not sure if he's ready. And so his friend is like, look, just really think about it. And like, let's make you look, I've even my wife and I already made you a profile like, oh, and he's there like don't You don't have to let go just just really think about okay, so they're like pushing hard for this and he's just really not sure. So he goes home that night, and he just kind of like hangs out with his dog DG, who's like a big fucking Master.


Yeah, that's like my, my type of dog. I love dogs.


I if I ever get a dog, I want it to be a dog that doubles as a bed. Yeah,


I want it to crush me with its weight. Yes,


I are my well, I'll save that story for under the covers. I'll tell stories about my dog, my childhood dog to who was great. Alright, so cut back to Jamie. Like I said, we're going to be cutting back and forth a lot. Yes, ma'am. Oh, she's going to tell you what. She's big. You want in my lap, don't you? Bitsy was upset because she wasn't in my lap. The situation has been rendered. Oh, good. Okay. Glad. Yes. Yes. All right. So back to Jamie. So the next day, Jamie is hell bent on going to this damn coffee shop. She's like, I'm gonna sneak out I'm gonna go around the back so that Mary, Mary can't she's


afraid of them. Like it's only been one day. You don't know who these people are really?


Right. Well, it might have been a couple days time is a little bit of an illusion, just a little bit. But she's like, I'm going to get my damn coffee. And I'm going to go and I'm going to figure this out. So she sneaks out the back and she's walking and she sees so like I said all the houses in this area are all totally different. And there's this house that looks like a straight up witch's cottage. Like think like gingerbread house looking thing. There is all about that. There is an older woman in front of this house currently decorating it for Christmas. Oh, it is September.


Oh, okay.


So not gonna lie. When we first met this woman. I was like a HOA is


gonna be like, Get that shit down.


I don't know if this if a place called storybook court could ever even have an HOA. That's everything's so different. Yeah. So this woman is straight up. This woman is my old age goals. Okay, except for the Christmas decorations. I will be doing Halloween. That's what that's true that she is like the old creepy witch girl or witch lady that lives in the cottage. And also do


Halloween. That's such a ways.


She loves Christmas. Christmas is kind of her thing. So September 1 is the day that she decorates for Christmas. And she does it every year and she has done it every year for ever. So but her name is Ruby. So Ruby is an older woman who does stage effects and set design for films. And she's just this super eccentric and adorable like fabulous old woman. And so she immediately sees Jamie and is like, Oh, hey, you're the person the new person that just moved in. Come inside. I just made gingerbread have a cookie let's chat. So they like sit down and chat and Ruby is like just the again the sweetest woman there's this book has Very This neighborhood is a very good mix of people that I hated and people that I would die for rabies on the list of people I would die. Okay. So Ruby is very much in like a, okay, first thing she asked is, What would be the title of the movie of your life? Oh, she's like, I asked everyone this, I want to know. And she's in Jamie's like, well, there's still a lot to happen. So I don't really know. But I have been calling this the year of me and Ruby is just like, girl, get it, get what you want. Do whatever you want. Like, she's so supportive. I want a Ruby in my life. Um,


everyone needs a Ruby. Everyone needs a cheerleader.


Everyone needs a Ruby and in their lives. So she meets Ruby, she's finally able to go and get to the coffee shop, and she starts brainstorming and the way that she starts brainstorming, she's like, Okay, I want to find my passion. The thing that I think is interesting is people who are passionate and enjoy what they do. So I'm just going to start writing down things that I really like. So


God is like a dream. I want to do this, right. I mean, not the dying part. But the yeah, let's get that. Yeah,


yeah. So she's like writing down everything. And she's like, really struggling and coming up and like with stuff and she's like, starting to have some doubts and everything. And so she's walking back to her house. And she's like, well, this place is like, needs tutors. Maybe I can just like pick up like a slide history thing, just so I'm doing something because I don't know what I'm doing. And she walks in and she talks to the people. And they're like, Oh, great. Yeah, let's all go get you know, Karen or whatever. And we'll talk about it and she's looking around and there's all kinds of Scientology stuff. Oh, no. No, no, no. She just goes, like, fuck Oh, super down about everything. I'm so naturally waitressing


or something like that. Because at least you'll meet people right. Well, so


naturally. Mac that evening MacGyver because as human is down, decides, well, obviously time first day wasn't enough. Yeah, it wasn't enough. She it didn't smell enough for her to be able to pick it up. Let's go get something that smells worse. Or smells more. So Jamie wakes up the next morning and there is a sock. Okay, and she's like, What is it but only a single sock and I want it noted it has Sasquatch is on it.


Is it a dirty sock? Yes. I mean, it's gonna smell like loneliness.


Right? Yeah. Huh. And so she's like, maybe the person that lived here last had like an axe or something that is returning stuff. I like she's just super confused. She's like, okay, just brings it back inside and doesn't doesn't ask questions. Cut back to David. David is taking DG out for a walk. And he goes out for a walk with his neighbor, Zach. Zachary. So Zach, I guess like Zak Bagans know, he's a middle schooler. Zack bag and Zach. So he's a middle schooler, and he has always like, they tell the cutest frickin story where David like, when he and his wife, like live there, he would go running. And when Zach was like, like, really little, like five years old, he just came sprinting out of the house. Like I want to go I want to go with you. Because he saw like him running with his dog all the time. And so now Zach just always goes with him. And it's so cute. So cute. But Zach is like a good kid. He's one of his kids. It's like, okay, yeah, like you're, you're gonna be okay, like that kind of thing. So they're going for a walk with Digi. And they walk past rubies house. Mm hmm. Because David lives in storybook court. Okay, yeah. And Ruby's house is covered in her Christmas decorations. And David just gets the biggest stab in the heart. Because he didn't realize that it was the day of decorating. And his wife loved it. Like that was like something that she looks forward to every year. She's like, I can't believe Ruby does this. But it's also it's the best thing ever, like that kind of thing. And so he just like, is super, like sad and lonely and just super down about it. Yeah, so, like I said, it's kind of like a slow start. But I feel like you're really getting like a good sense of where these people are starting, if that makes sense. Like you're getting a really good sense of the background of these people and like what's starting all this? So here's the first the first encounter between the two. Okay, so Jamie does exactly what I would do. Have Oh, no, my cat is probably lonely and scared in this new place. I'm going to try to get him a leash and see if maybe I can take him outside. I would do the same goddamn thing. Jamie. I've already tried that. It doesn't work well.


Cats are not like dogs. Cats are not like depends.


It does. depende there is a couple in our neighborhood that takes their cat for a walk and the cat loves


it. I'm hoping that that will be the same way. But I haven't tried it yet. I don't have a halter yet.


From what I understand it takes a really long time to get them used to the harness. And that's something that we need to do with cars. But so she is at the store, just at the pet store, just staring at the wall of leashes trying to figure out which one to get for her, which one's screens, MacGyver, and she's talking to herself and this dude walks by with a big bag of dog food. And she's like, Yes, I was talking to myself. Now we don't need to talk about because she wasn't expecting him to show up. And he's like, No, it's cool. Like, what are you looking for? And she's like, oh, you know, like, at least for my cat. She's like, he's like, Oh, well, yeah, I got this bright pink one for my dog because I like to think that maybe it emasculates him a little bit. And she's like, Are you saying that? Pink is a feminine color, weak, feminine color. And he's like, I didn't mean that. Oh, my God. And she's like, I'm joking. And he's like, Oh, my God. And then they just they don't even exchange names. They just ships passing in the night. Okay, that's it. MacGyver. McPherson


killed him have been like you, which I gave you the opportunity.


I've been trying? Well, I think that like, so the reason MacGyver picks David is because he has like that same loneliness smell it? Yeah. Um, so that night, MacGyver, and again, time is an illusion. So please imagine like, you know, a couple days or a week, whatever is passed in between us. So MacGyver goes out that night, and he, you know, does his usual rounds, gets the stuff he needs. He also notices that there's some other lonely smells in the neighborhood. They're not quite the same, but other sort of brands of loneliness. And so he Jamie wakes up in the morning to a pair of underwear sitting No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,


no. Oh, yeah. They dirty.


Uh huh. Right, exactly. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We also roughly around this point. Um, so Jamie finally asks Maria, about like, hey, like, who lived here before? Like, what's going on? And they're like, no, no, it couldn't be that she has no idea where this stuff is coming from. So Jamie goes over, and she's chatting with Ruby. And because they're very quickly, you know, sprung up a friendship. And she's like, you know, I'm trying to make this list of everything that I love to do. And I don't know, and Ruby's like, well, how can you make a list of that you don't know, everything you love to do? And she's like, huh, you're right. And so did Ruby's like, go out, try things, leave your house, go do things go into the world by trials. Go people would die for Ruby. So like, Jamie starts actually doing things like she tries surfing and loves it. And like figures out surfing is a thing that I think I'm just going to become a hobby, like, that kind of thing. She and she starts taking pictures because she keeps seeing things. Like that's really interesting. And so she like starts just taking pictures and kind of documenting everything she's doing. And that includes taking pictures of people. So when she goes to this surf lesson for the first time, she is like walking up and down Santa Monica Pier, which is a place Santa Monica Pier is kind of crazy. Okay, and just seeing all these people that are like doing ridiculous things like like caricatures, and some do just sitting there says bad advice. $1 Like, it was a sign like shit like that. It's kind of crazy. Just just asking people okay, can I take your picture? Do you like what you do? Like, why do you why do you do this? Like that kind of thing. And just taking pictures of people doing things they love. So that's kind of what she started like. That's that she finally feels like she has like a direction. Right? So flipping back to David. David has finally agreed to set up that kind of interaction with Ruby's house and realizing this like sadness of I don't want to be alone. He finally agrees to set up a dating profile Okay. On this like, counterpart, calm. Sure. So he goes, not Christian may not farmers. Oh, no, not


not. Not plenty of fish. Oh, God,


I don't even know what that one's


about. I don't know either. Not OkCupid. I mean, why not?


Why not? If you got to do one, you might as well do kapu all of them. Do all Ryder. There it is. So, um, and he ends up setting up a date like he he's like, if I'm going to commit I'm going to command he like downs a couple shots and he's like, Let's fucking do this good for him. And so he actually manages to set up a an outing with another chick. This woman woopsy doodle is pregnant. Oh, very pregnant. Eight months pregnant. Oh.


And he meets with her about the time to


meet and it turns out she has a boyfriend Oh shows up in the middle of the state. It is not a good day. It's just like, Oh, that's so uncomfortable. Yeah, so not off to a great Oh,


that's like the worst car you could have.


Meanwhile, Matt goes out again at night and brings Jamie more underwear.


Like, what guide was like get her laid,


but he's a little concerned because he's like, well obviously maybe the under like this this smell isn't she doesn't like it maybe I need to bring her other smells so she has a choice. So actually she wakes up to three pairs of underwear. Oh


my god. This is so good. I know.


Tuition is so bad which is like honestly, I'm very cat thing. You're 100


So good. 100% So then this is where we meet HUD hmm I could probably stab HUD and be feel a lot better about my life. I did not like HUD. So HUD is a dude and it but at the same time you feel bad for him. So how does a guy who did you ever growing up watch Magnum P I? I did not or do you? Do you know the show like that style? Okay, so Magnum P I is this dude who's like ex ex navy or whatever. And he is in Hawaii and he sets up a private investigator firm and like goes on all these crazy like private investigator adventures in Hawaii. It was filmed in like the 70s 80s kind of era. So he heard he used to be a star in that style of TV show for a while. Okay. And he got cancelled, but he's like, never stopped playing the role.


Right? That's weird.


Yeah. So he's always looking. He's retired. He's always looking for a case to solve no matter what it is. And he's always like, interrogating people about things. Okay. I hated him. Yeah. But I understand the like, Faded Glory kind of thing. Yeah, it goes with it. Yeah. So this is what I mean HUD because HUD is like, hey, so you're new here, right? It's really weird. I guess things have been going missing from people's houses, including this little girl whose name is Riley. Her prized Pony toy has gone missing last night. And all these other things. You're told that are things to do HUD? He does not know what about that pile of clothes on your front door, huh? And he's like, instantly assumes it's her and she's like, whoa, hey, yeah, no, no, no, no, right. Um, I did not like HUD. But HUD is the driving factor in this whole thing also. And I I should mention, actually, I'm sorry, I did forget the first time that she got underwear. It wasn't on her front porch. It was on her face. And so she is aware. Oh, she is aware that iMac is doing something. Right. So she knows it's him. And she tries like she's like, I think it's my cat. And he's like, Uh huh, right. Sure. And she's like, Oh, my God. Like I said, Riley, the little girl, her toy has gone missing. Well, Ruby finds this little pink pony in her lawn. Oh, and what happened was Mac smelled that other brand of loneliness and realized. So Ruby has told Jamie about like how she really wants kids. But by the time she realized that her and her husband at the time, he didn't want kids, it was too late. Like she couldn't have kids. So she's like, really lonely in that respect. And so what MacGyver did was he went and found a toy from a little girl who lives in the neighborhood whose mom is a single mother and not home very often. And this little girl doesn't have very many friends and brought it to Ruby. So that her and Ruby can hang out. Oh,


really trying.


He's trying. He's playing matchmaker for literally every Mac, what are you doing? Okay, so and I swear, all of these like side things are all relevant. There's just so much it's crazy. So, um, that Ruby and Riley are now best friends and they're hanging out and Ruby is making Riley a little stable for her little horse and like all this stuff, it's super cute. So cut back to Jamie Helen has decided that she's going to set Jamie up with her nephew or somewhere cousin or something okay. She's like yeah, you're you're you're definitely yeah, you have to go on a date because Marie had already set Jamie have once on accident or not accident like subversively like hey, come over for dinner wear a dress. Turns out she tried to hook get her to hook up with a dude. He was a creepy Okay, creeper. Yeah, so Helen's like you owe me you went out with someone that Jamie or that Mary said you have to go out with this guy. And she's like, if it will make you shut up. Yeah, fine. Yeah. So she agreed to go on this date with this dude, David, on the other hand, is set up for his second date with someone. Okay? So Jamie walks into this restaurant, and there's two guys who are single one of them is just like, oh, I recognize that guy, I saw him at the pet store. And then the other guy is the guy that she's supposed to be meeting. Turns out, the guy that she's meeting is a huge asshole sits down and is immediately like, well, since you obviously have the disposable income to just take a year off, you can pay and then proceeds to order the most expensive things on the menu. Rose, David's date, which is very close to where Jamie is having a date, they're in the same restaurant, um, turns out to be a multi level marketing scheme. So needless to say, they both have had very bad days. So David, after this multilevel marketing thing, he's like, on his way home, and he's like, I know, I have to get up tomorrow, early tomorrow, because I have to go to the bakery. But you know what, I think I need a drink after that. So he pops into a bar or does a drink. And he's like, Alright, one drink, and I'll go home. And he's standing there and someone walks up and says, So how'd your date go? And it's Jamie. Because Jamie has the same thought of, I think I need a drink after that. And so they sit down and like, both order drinks. And he's like, Oh, that's right, the pet store and they like, you know, recognize each other and they like, exchange horror stories about their dates. And then just like, move on, he does. He's like, maybe I should have gotten her number. Because like, they're attracted to each other. Like, maybe you should have, right? He's like, I don't know, whatever. And so they they have like this, honestly, a really cute kind of random strangers in a bar kind of experience and then leave. So that night, Jamie is hell bent on figuring out where the hell Mack is going. But she is tired of HUD like hounding her about this. So she stayed tries to stay up all night. And she ends up falling asleep at one point on the couch, and she wakes up and looks out the screen and sees outside. Mack is outside. And she's like, oh shit. So she runs after him. And she's like, stalking him like trying to follow him figure out where he's going, what's going on. And he shows up to this house that looks like a hobbit hole. Like it has like the big round door and everything. Sorry, but court all the houses are wired. And he goes into the house comes out of the house and drops something at Jamie's feet. And like me, I was at like rubbing all over. It's a jockstrap.


Oh my god. Oh my god, MacGyver.


And as soon as Jamie picks it up, HUD jumps out of the bushes.


Oh my god.


He's like, what is happening? And she's like, I don't know. And HUD being HUD is being an asshole about it. And so finally, like, the dog starts freaking out and barking and also David comes out and he's like, what is happening? Wait, Jamie? Wait, what is she's like, I swear to God, I'm not a creepy stalker. I live here. And so now they know that both of them live in storybook court. And he's like, I'm not HUD. I'm not gonna press charges. Yeah, like, right. It's fine hoods. Like, I'm watching you. Oh, my God. Get a hobby. Right. And he and Jamie is like I do. Are you missing some socks and underwear and maybe a dish towel and David's like, Ah, I am actually and she's like, Okay, do you want to come violet tomorrow and and see what it is if I have anything of yours, because I think my cat is stealing from me.


So that


is really adorable, though. I know.


Um, so David ends up coming over the next day and getting stuff and like they like have a little you know that there's definitely like, interests between the two. Yeah. But David's still kind of like, No, I'm not ready for this. And Jamie is still like, No, this is my year, like, this is the time for me. So like


he needs but writing a person in person is so much better than meeting someone on a dating app.


So Jamie ends up finding where the screen door is broken and she fixes it again. And Mac is like, you bitch. It's fine. I'll go up the chimney.


Oh, my God,


shit is still disappearing from people's houses and disappearing from David's house. And Jamie is like has no idea how what the hell is happening right now. So I'm like Jamie and Ian David have like had a couple like, well, so sorry for this. So Matt gets out via the chimney and he decides this stupid bitch I need to get more smelly stuff and bring it to her and put it on her goddamn face until she figures it out. So he gets out of the house via the chimney goes over to David's, and he's like, watching like he like, sneaks into the bedroom. It's nighttime, and the dog isn't freaking out. But he's like, alright, the dogs asleep, I can go to get something and he jumps up on to like the bed. And David wakes up and grabs him. So David catches Mack in the act. And like Jamie wakes up to just this pounding on the door. And she's like, like, about to dial 911. She's like, Who is it? And he's like, it's David. I have your cat. She's like, so they end up having this like, super cute moment where they're both like, okay, like, Oh, hey, you're not wearing a bra. And he's definitely checking you out. Like, he doesn't have a shirt on. She's definitely checking. So, so she still has no idea. And so David, she's like, Could you maybe you can come over tomorrow and help me figure out where the hell he's leaving the house from? Like, what is happening? And to do it's like, yeah, sure, I'll come over tomorrow, maybe we can scour the house and figure out how he's getting out now. So he agrees to come over and help find the escape route. So David shows up the next day, right, as Helen and Mary are trying to set up Jamie again, and they're going back and forth like crazy. And they're like, just really trying and everything. And so David shows up, and he's like, oh, and so he pretends to be her boyfriend. She's like, it's okay. It's okay. Jamie, you can tell them like we've we've kind of been seeing each other. We wanted to keep it on the down low, like all this stuff. And just like trying to kind of throw her a bone because she's kind of she's complained to him about like, oh, when they met in the bar, she's like, you're setting me up. I don't want this like all this stuff. Right? And so they both like, roll with it. And he he calls her jam. Like as like a nickname because he's a baker, you know,


oh my God.


Oh, it's adorable. And


so, no pun intended, but pundants


pun intended, let's be honest. So he, they agree they agree to be fake boyfriend girlfriend so that Maria and Helen will stop freaking out and trying to set Jamie up and so that David's friends will stop trying to set him up on the dating website. Right? Like mutually beneficial. We can trade horror stories and


cameras between fake boyfriend and girlfriend almost nothing.


Almost nothing. Well, exactly. And so he's like, leaning into it. So like, he the next day, he brings her cupcakes and he makes like because they have to pretend for Jane or for Mary and Helen because they watch all the time. And he doesn't know like a place that his he knows his friends are gonna show up. So it's like, oh, yeah, I'm bringing this over to a girl that I met and like all this stuff, and like, like, leaning in. So he brings her cupcakes. He takes her to his favorite silent movie place. Because he loves like old movies.


And she it's a date, not date. And then it's a day it's totally a


super a date. I so the I wanted to I have a little bit of an excerpt from it that I wanted to like read because I thought it was super cute. So they've been telling each other about like horror stories with dating and stuff. And so they they're like Jamie and Ruby are shopping for clothes to go on this date to the silent movies. Which Ruby knows that this is fake dating and she's like, you two are fucking idiots. Okay, whatever. So David is texting her and Jamie just busts out laughing laughing. And she says, David just texted me he wants to know if I have cats because he is unable to spend time with a woman who doesn't care enough about her body to adorn it. He he does say that if I don't have any but unwilling to get a minimum of three in the near future, he might still consider going to the movies. Because they've been like trading horror stories about these horrible people on like dating apps that are like, are you willing to have kids? I know we haven't met yet. But how many are you thinking about having? Like? So they've just been going back and forth with like, banter and shit like that. It's 100%. Like Ruby's like, how do you not see this? It's very cute. Oh, so they go to the silent movies. They go to museums, and they have these like, kind of steamy moments and everything. And Ruby is just dating. No, definitely not. So Ruby keeps pushing Jamie of like, Hey, you could just who says a year of me can't have some flings, like you all could just be friends with benefits. You could just fuck. Why? And she's like, Huh, I guess we could. She's considering it. So there are so many sparks and all of this. And throughout all this Jamie is telling David about like all these pictures she's been taking and she starts like messing around with these pictures and like editing them a little bit and doing all this stuff. And he's like, Jamie, these are really good. Like, do you remember the Humans of New York? Yes. Saying yes. He's like, why don't you start publishing this on like some sort of social media and like just As a passion project, like just try it, like throw it out there, see if other people are interested in so she does seem


like knock down my tent, I'm going to be bad. Oh be funny. She's not


nesting nesting. But he like pushes her to like put herself out there a little bit and like actually try to do this thing and she's getting like some really good like responses like going a little bit viral and all that stuff because she's taking pictures of people that love what they do, right? Yeah, um, so they go on more nadase Uh huh.


They not dates. Definitely


David kisses her at one point. And he's she's like, what was that? And he's like, practicing, you know, in case we have to do it in front of shore, Mary and Helen. Yeah, to which she tells Ruby this and rubies leg or dub buck, you dumb shit. And then Ruby walked past David is like, you're an idiot. And I love Ruby. So I'm so like, they go about this for a couple weeks. And it finally gets to a point where David is willing to have Jamie meet his friends to be like, pushed to the hole. Yeah, we're definitely dating, you need to meet them kind of thing, because he's really close with his friends. And as he's getting ready, like Jamie's nervous, but he's getting ready. And he starts to have like a panic attack, kind of like his heart rate starts rushing and he's like, I can't do this. I cannot do this. And so he texts his friends is Hey, Jamie is not feeling well. We're gonna have to raincheck for tonight. And so he goes over to Jamie's and she's like, Hey, like, aren't we going? And he's like, Oh, my friend. His wife isn't feeling well. So we're not going to do it. And he's like, I just like to do people Oh, my God. So they end up going to a bar. And like still hanging out and stuff. And then like their dad literally like dancing. And he's like, Hey, so I've been thinking about what Ruby said, Because Jamie told him about Ruby saying they could be friends with benefits. Why can't we be friends with benefits? And she's like, like, really? Like you're sure we could like keep this casual? Yeah, I don't see why not. And they go home and they.


Okay, work out that sexual tension.


Hey, yeah, unfortunately, the next morning he wakes up before she's awake. And has a full blown panic attack. Oh, no. Yeah. Which, like, I appreciate the legitimate emotional struggle of this is his first time actually moving on after his wife died like, Anna, I want it known that they talked about his wife being dead, like, really shortly after he and Jamie met. Because she was like, hey, you know, my mom just died. And he's like, my wife died. And like, they had like a really good heart to heart. So they both understand like emotionally kind of where they're coming from. But he wakes up and just panics because he's like, What did I just do? And so he leaves. He leaves a note, it's a super lame note, but he leaves one feeling obligated to, and he's just like really struggling with this, like really having a hard time. And so the next day, he's like, Well, I, I have to message her like, I have to like maybe take her out on another date. And he does and it's super awkward. And he's just like, he's fighting. I mean, you know, that anxiety and you're fighting having these like pink because he's so nervous about being with Jamie. And so they end up having like a fight about it. And him being like, I can't like just leaving and so they like kind of break up from they're not dating because they definitely weren't dating people. And he's just like, crushed about it. And so Jamie is also crushed about like, she is like crying her eyes out. Like she's really upset. She's like, why am I this upset? I didn't even want to be with any. And Meg poor Mac is like, I am terrible. What have I done? My human is so sad. I'm not even worth it. And so he just curls into a ball under the bed and refuses to eat and drink and move. And just like pouts and Jamie goes from being sad to being like, so what is happening to my child? Yeah. And like for like three days, Mack won't move. He won't he Jamie's freaking out, David, David's feeling super guilty. He ends up going out with his friends and admits everything to them. And his friends are like, You need to tell her the truth. You need to tell her what happened, why you did this like, you need and he does Okay. To his credit. He does. He does it in email form. Okay, but he does it. Okay. And Jamie like, reads the email and she's like, Okay, I understand. I get it. I'm not happy. But I understand that you need to work on you. Right? Like, she's, she's doesn't. She's not happy about it. But she's like, I'll accept it. Okay. You don't have to understand. You just have to accept it. That is the rule. Someone tells you they have depression or anxious about something you don't have to personally understand. Yeah, you just have to roll with it. Right? Yeah. And so like once Jamie kind of gets that she starts being less down less depressed. And Matt kind of starts coming out of his own little depressive episode too. And he one night like day wakes up, and he's like, Oh, No, fuck this. This isn't right. I'm gonna make this right. And he leaves in the night. Like no, fuck you, you're in a we're gonna make this work. So he goes over to David's house and dG is outside which by the way I never explained it dG is named DG because it's D O G, okay. He's named dog.


Oh my god. Oh my god.


Right, okay. Okay, so he goes over to David's house and he opens the latch to the to the gate, the gate like to the yard, and he starts hurting DlG over to Jamie's house. Oh, he's like, No. This this entire time he has been antagonizing this dog. Like the dog is a huge wimp. And and so Mac has just been like booping me on the nose and running away and like doing all the shit. So he's like hurting the dog to Jamie's house. And right when they get to the door, he just wipes him on the nose a couple times. And Digi just freaks out. And so Jamie wakes up to a dog screaming outside


of her door. Oh, 14 So she,


I know. So she runs out and grabs him and is like, damn it. Okay, so she ends up having to call Dave in the middle of the night. Be like I have your dog. I don't know how I don't know why, but I need you to come get him. He's like, fuck. Okay. And so he he gets up and he starts walking over to Jamie's and the closer he gets to Jamie's he hasn't seen her. Yeah, since he's just starts getting more and more panicked. Like that anxiety is just getting more and more and more. And by the time it gets to her door, he is having a full blown panic attack. And he's like, I just need the dog and I need to leave and she's like, No, what is happening. Okay, and so she like, helps him through it. She's like, hold your breath. You're breathing too quickly. You're getting too much like like, and kind of like coaches him down. And Jamie has this moment of like, oh, shit, like I I know. He said he was having panic attacks. But I don't think I understood what this is what he must have felt that morning. Like, of course he ran away oh my god, like this, like empathy moment, right? And she like helps him kind of come down and she's like, do you want to just sleep on my couch like you need to chill. It's cool. You in the dog stay. You just sleep there. I'll get you cozy, like you need to relax. And she like sets up a bed for him because he's exhausted because obviously he just had a panic attack. Like if you've ever had a panic attack, oh my god, so tiring. And she like, lets him end up staying on the couch for the night. She calls him in sick the next day, because he's like, passed out. There's no way she's making him wake up to go to the bakery in the morning. Like she just really takes care of them. And they end up like having a really good heart to heart the next day where they're like, look, I still would like to try legitimately try to be together because I like you. I understand you have your things I have my things like maybe we can get therapy together, we can figure it out. And they do they end up like he goes to therapy and like, helps with his anxiety and panic issues. And like she's figuring herself out. And they end up figuring out how Matt gets out because he in front of them climbs up the fucking chimney and then leaps off the roof.


As quick as one does little bastard


and cut you a year later where they're having a moving in together party for Jamie and David because it did work out. See, and oh, and at the same time it's a moving in party. And it's a Jamie is celebrating the release of her book, which is sort of the people of LA and it's a compilation of all her photographs and everything that she's been doing and like all that stuff. Yay.


That's so good. That's so wholesome. How wholesale was so wholesome. I feel healed. I feel good.


You feel healed after the the wearables and wearable action. Now right. Sorry. I don't know what you're talking about. Mac has cured you of all hands. Yeah. Yeah. So there I didn't even go into some of the other subplots with like Zachary and Riley sister, Addison. Mac gets them to go together. They start dating HUD and he sets HUD up with the mail lady who's been a secret mega HUD fan forever and wouldn't admit it.


Like at least that's something else to think about. Right?


He gets a he reunites Helen with her estranged twin sister. Yay. Mac is like Mac is honestly pulling back in my life. Okay.




I mean, and I need Mac to like drag a man just drag the whole man to


my door. Just bring me the underwear but make sure it's time


to the man and nothing and everything else can be removed but just the underwear and just have just heard the man. Like who


are you? You don't want him to bring a jock strap attached to the man.


I just want him to be covered enough. Okay.


Fair. I mean, if he has a jockstrap, maybe he works out and that's always true. Yeah. All right so that the end Yeah, that was it. It was so hold it


was so wholesome Now let's review


i Yes, I hope that made sense. I think you did a great good I think that ultimately I don't like that style of notes so I won't be doing it again but it was worth a try. Always try the new so this was like one of those things where it was a really fast super wholesome if you are stressed out or whatever and you just need something cozy pick this book up because like so character wise Jamie I, I would have liked like maybe I don't want to say more detail about their background like you never find out how her mom died or how his wife died or like anything like that. But they still did a really good job of setting up like personality and character growth. So I'm gonna put her at like a three and a half four. Same with David. I love David. David is such a cinnamon roll. He lives in a hobbit home. I love him so much.


So you're in love with him? Because he lives in a hobbit hole. Yeah,


that does it. Honestly. Literally a piece a pile of human garbage could live in a hobbit hole and I consider it just for The Hobbit


I need to get a hobbit hole. Yeah,


well, I mean, I would I would consider you to but you know. Bitsy wood to Fitzy likes you. She likes aunt Margie. Come on. Come on, child. Child. Oh, fine. Um, overall story. I like I said it was a little slow.


I think it was a little late seem to end very abruptly


to me did like once they they literally did not meet until like, 65% of the way into the books


so much. It was a long long


Yeah, so I think story wise I give it like a three okay. I did really appreciate the like finding yourself kind of thing. But it was middle of the road I get like a three two and a three. I'm the sex is non existent. So they have sex. That's they have it pretty much they have that it's there. They they literally start making out and getting ready to have sex and it cuts to Mac as he leaves the house. While they're having a mask. No, no. Just


out there is this SNL bit where it's um, it's a skit where like a girl goes back home to her parents house. And she and her boyfriend had to do the dirty on the twin bed. And she's like, Yeah, I want to have an old old cat watch us have sex.


Alright, right. But if you're a pet owner and you haven't had sex with a cat literally on the bed while you do it, then are you even a cat owner? Yeah,


I would kick him out.


Yeah. And Carlos freaks out when you put them out of the room. And Bitsy does too. So there has been moments where like, you know, you do the dirty and you like stop and you roll over and there's just a cat staring at you and definitely judging. 100% judging. So I think overall, this was like, it was super wholesome. I'd give it like a six. I think it was like, it wasn't like out of this world, but it was still real good. What


about our characters?


I give them both three and a half. Or three, three and a half or sorry, three and a half horse? Yeah. Yeah. I liked them. Like I said, I just wish there was maybe like, I was curious about their


backstory. That's right. You mentioned their backstory. Yeah,


yeah. Um, but all in all, it was like super wholesome and like a nice cozy Rachel.


You know how to kill book. You know how they were killed?


How were they killed? Margie? Damn it. They were molded by wolves of LA. Well, I mean, to be fair, she was from Pennsylvania. So


yeah. Lots of sightings in Pennsylvania.


So many wolves in Pennsylvania. God damn it. I mean, we had Scientology pop up in this one. So it's true. Basically, they're related same universe. You cannot convince me otherwise. Same cinematic universe.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe just got bigger.


Oh, no. You know, World World


by fear. What cat stands load?


No, God. Yeah. No, this was a good one. This was a good wholesome.


So was there anything else you were reading or consuming wall reading this book?


I so I haven't started getting into it too much. But I did pick up a book called Mexican Gothic. And I've started reading in. I'm only a couple pages into it, but it is. It looks really good. So it's kind of like from the description. So it's based in Mexico. And it is a woman who her. Her cousin is like going crazy. She's married. This man was like, European guy. And it's like, like think like, I think it's in like the 20s or something I don't remember. But she starts going crazy and sending these letters. And so her cousin who you're following goes, and to this this house and like, find like her cousin is dead. And this dude's really creepy and really suspect and so just trying to figure out what happens. All right, super sad. I almost said us. But she's also she's like, gonna have to like go and figure out what happened and everything popped up on my. So I get those good reads emails, and I do go through all of them. And it popped up on my Goodreads email. And I'm like, That looks cool. So I ended up getting it and I'm really excited. Okay. Yeah, and I'm also reading a lot of hot garbage for our Christmas episode. Yeah, so yay, ready? Yay. Yeah. Yeah. So it's really I'm really excited to get into it. That's my next step. And then I've been working on some super secret Patreon stuff. Hmm. Stay tuned for the announcements later. Yeah, it's pretty good. I'm excited. All right, well, thank you guys for listening. I hope that that healed you enough from the last ones Yeah, cuz the last one was real bad.


It was so bad. This was yeah wholesome


so hold on. Oh, Mac I love mac so much. real MVP


the real MVP though separate team I came as the real MVP let's true team is pretty great.


Well, thank you guys so much. Thank you, Eleanor. You for the use of your song. Oh, love the album be held. Great tune intro and outro of this program. Um, I think that's it. We don't have anything else we need to say. Except that we love us so much. We love you so much so much. I hope you all are hanging in there. Yeah.


Yeah, the world's on fire still, but we're we're making it work.


Hey, my world's on fire.


How about yours? That's way like it and never get bored. I'm not bored. I'll tell you that. I'm ready to be born. Alright, bye guys.