Textual Tension

Ep. 65: Gurl!

March 09, 2021 Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 65

This week, Margie and Rachel are going on vacation! To a great book! Listen in as Rachel tells Margie all about Lauren H. Mae's, The Catch. We're all about good communication,  consent, and character growth here at Textual Tension!


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel, and every other week, I pop on in here and give you guys you know, whatever updates we might have for the week. And this week, I have a favorite job. I mean, I have a favorite shop every week. And it's the same thing. But I'm extra excited this time, because I get to shout out a new patron, we have Sabrina, who jumped into our Patreon, just in time for our February 3 tier Patreon live stream. So hey, we were really really, really excited to see you there. And it was so much fun. And if you are maybe interested in joining it on those live streams, you can head on over to patreon.com/textual tension. And check out all the cool you know, stuff that we have on our Patreon. There's a bunch of really neat stuff, bonus episodes, bonus content, access to a Discord server, all kinds of stuff. And actually, you don't have to be a Patreon or Patreon, a patron to have access to that Discord server. There is a Patreon exclusive discord channel for our third tier patrons. But we also have a discord we actually just recently revamped it. So if you want to go and hang out and talk books, and Stardew Valley, we've been talking a lot about that. And just the multitude of gemstone colored eyes that exist in the world, apparently, head on over to our Discord. There's a link on our social media and you can come say hi. And Hey, speaking of social media, if you want to get that link, head on over to all of our social media platforms at textual tension pod across the board on the Instagram, the Twitter, all of that stuff. Um, hey, on a bit of a personal note, I would meet your co host, Rachel, we'd like to give a huge shout out. And thank you to my co host, Margie, who does not listen to these as I'm recording them, but will hopefully listen later. Because you know, we had a little bit of a crazy week these past couple weeks, and I was out for some health issues. And so Margie really stepped up and she edited this episode and was just did an amazing job. And, hey, give her a shout out on social media because she's great. And I really appreciate her. She's a great co host. So thank you, Margie. You're wonderful. Okay, now back to the shenanigans. Hey, this book is a little bit different and a little bit exciting, we actually got a chance to talk to the author. So we were able to do an interview with the author of this book. And it was a ton of fun to just talk and talk about our process and how you know, the whole thing came together. And that is going to go up later this week. So keep an eye out on all those social media platforms that I mentioned earlier. To get a link to that really, really cool interview. You should see it, hopefully later this week. Um, I think that's everything business wise. So hey, let me hit you with some of that. Good, good romance novel wisdom for sticking with me through all of this. You take my breath away, give it back. So hey, without further ado, here is episode 65. Girl. Oh,


tearing me apart from


rock. And welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Rachel and I am your co host Margie. Every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our unsuspecting co host this week. Marge he's listening in. Yeah. And together, we unpack what what the fuck just happened. All right, take two Electric Boogaloo HA,


HA because technology. It's me. It's me.


We have a story. So last time, we tried recording this last week, and we had some technical difficulties. But we didn't know. Me. Okay. Okay. Well, yeah. Yeah. I mean, to be fair, I'm not there to help you with yours. So it's fine.


Well, I'm like the You won't understand this reference. But when it comes to technology, I'm like Harry dressed and everything just explodes around me.


Hey, I get the reference. I read the first book. Oh, you did read the first Yeah, I just didn't like it. Yeah. So yeah, so this is the second tried. The good news is we never got to the end of the book. So Margie actually does I don't know what happened finishes. I would venture a guess that you maybe don't remember all that much of it.


No, I don't. Perfect.


Great. Um, so I am going to go ahead and roll right into the disclaimer that I gave last time. So y'all there's a little bit of a story behind this book. So a little while ago like Hakata actually months ago yeah, go go. I




We Yeah, we had someone reach out to us and it was a publicist for an author. This others books came out Two of her first books came out 2019 2020, I think. And the publicist said, Hey, I love your podcast. And it would be really cool if you would review these books. And then maybe you could talk to the author about them. And Margie and I were like,


ah, does she know what we do?


Right? Is she aware?


Cognizant, right? Because we can be assholes


can be our thinking. So we actually went back and forth a lot on this because and this is something that I am very passionate about means a lot to me, is that I don't ever want to like review a book for someone that wrote that book and like, feel like I can't be as 100% honest as possible. Right? Exactly. So we came back to them, and we're like, hey, look, we want to read the book. First, fair warning, we are going to be 100% honest, the fact that like you're asking us to do this means nothing, we're gonna just be ourselves. And she's totally okay with that. I actually really wanted us to do that. It was a cool, and I read the book. And the good news is, it was very good. So we don't feel bad about talking with the author. Yeah. So stay tuned. There will be a blog post coming out with us maybe sitting down and hanging out with? Well, not maybe we're going to do okay, okay. Wanted to make that abundantly clear that just because we were someone reached out to us with this book does not mean that we are going to pull punches, etc, etc. That's something that matters to me a lot. I will continue to be an asshole.


We will be an asshole about that. But if we ever get like real sponsorships, I'll probably be like, pretty literally dispense best stuff ever.


I mean, you can sell books. Yeah, right. Right books. But but if we had someone be like, hey, hey, I'm going to sponsor you to tell everyone how great this book is. And it's an ass book.


In my defense, not doing it. If anything was actually bad, and I had used it, I would pull the plug on


100 Just so you guys know, I won't lie to you.


I promise, I promise.


Because honestly, Margie communication is so important in a relationship


in a relationship, and I've said it before that I consider myself in a relationship with each and every one of you.


Oh, yeah, for I am. Good. So Okay, finally, without further ado, let's get into this shit. Margie. I'm gonna send you the book.


Hell yeah. Hell Senate in the chat. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yes, yes. Yes. All right. So this book is called the catch. And it's a very cute color a cover so and also color because the background of the book is like this peachy pink and it says the catching curly scripts in white. And then there's two people on the front, a girl on the left, who's darker skinned dark, long, wavy hair and a blue dress on that's very cute, kind of curvy. And then on her right? There's a dude who's shirtless and what looks like swim trunks. And he looks they both look quite darling. And it says on the cover, there's always a catch and she's going to find it. The author's name is Lauren H Ma, who we will be having for her blog post which is very exciting. Yay. All right. So CATIA, Roday has learned the hard way that love always disappoints, so when she finds herself falling for Josh ride out the handsome, charming, seemingly perfect guy she just met on vacation, only to find out they hail from neighboring towns. She has one question. What's the catch? unwilling to let love make a fool of her again, cat tries desperately to ignore the chemistry between her and Josh. But it isn't easy when their vacation plans keep overlapping with the universe constantly throwing them together and her friends practically staging an intervention to tell her she's making a huge mistake. She decides to prove her point. home she makes a bet she'll take her budding vacation romance back to the real world. And when she proves Josh is too good to be true. She wins. And she avoids another heartbreak and again, well and Rachel That's what she's betting with her friends. Right? Not like with herself.


Yes, she's betting with her friends and also really just setting yourself up for failure there. Huh?


So what ensues is a series of tests and games with Josh one step ahead of her the entire the whole time until a cat realizes the friendly wager has her betting against the one man who may be able to revive her faith and love. Worse yet, it turns out Josh might not be the gambling type. And that's it book to the rules now available.


Yeah. Yeah. So I think and again, I think I mentioned this a little bit last time we were recording that like I kind of had a little bit of an OP the opposite problem when I was reading this because I was so like, I have to make sure I have something I can say about this book, like in both ways and make sure people know I'm being honest that was almost nitpicking a little bit as I was reading, which I mean, it was a good enough book that I had to nitpick, so right, that's a good thing. That's a hell of a description. It is a very long description. Yes,


it was very long but I will I mean, we've had like, definitely Wilder and longer book descriptions. Oh my god Eddie. Also book descriptions like Twilight that tell you almost nothing.


That is fair. That is true. Absolutely true. Oh, God, like the fuckin row get description. That's literally a sentence.


Right? Right, right. Oh, God, fucking rogue don't bring it into the catch.


So I keep wanting to call it the chase. And I don't know why. Alright, so triggers in this one there is it doesn't happen in the book. It's something that's already happened, but his parents have died in a car accident. So that's like parent parental loss, I guess maybe.


And so they're Wait, she's on vacation on the beach. And there's no yacht violence does this even how can this purport itself to be a romance novel?


I guess if you really, really are kind of like, again, nitpicking. You could say there's some jetski violence.


Okay. Okay. Well, you know, we're gonna have to make do with that. Yeah, we're gonna have to


make do with what we have. So I think that's it trigger wise. And I will say, going into this boy, I wanted to punch caddy in the face sometimes. Just yeah. The hell


out of ember that I think I remember that. Yeah.


But it was a real good book. So let's get into this. All right, so our two friendos we have Josh right out, which is a hell of a name.


Yeah. The rideout part. Definitely, it could be


like roadeo or something. Maybe. But I don't


think that we can ask her.


It's true. It's Oscar. Alright. D O UT. So right out.


I think that the Josh saves his name. Because if it was something like dash ride out or something like that, like no. Yeah, this is a mafia romance. I know it already. Like, this is


my this is my original character Opal morning song and my Oh see my OC. Definitely.


Excuse me. Well, she seduces a dragon anyway.


Yeah, definitely not a Mary Sue, it's fine. So Josh, has really dark hair is sufficiently ripped, not like wall of meat. Like most other ran like most other romance novels, but like, he runs like he likes to run to work out. And he's just sufficient. That's what I tell myself to. Honestly, it's my goal in life is to be sufficient. He has strikingly blue eyes accent but it's like, you know, it's funny last time we recorded this I talked about how subconscious I was that I was gonna get something wrong and then we were going to go talk to the author and I didn't look anything up that I was concerned about from last time. So


why would you do that? That would be why he


was like Long Island was his accent. I think don't Oh, that's Don't kill me. So they make a point in the book that when he when she introduces herself to him, he says her name Hastin of Cattier he says like her name like she was saying catcher but without the R so Kacha they talk a lot about how he when he says her name he pronounces it like catcher without the our select catcher. And she's like, No, close. No, but no and but like she thinks it's real cute. And he is an architect, but he is an architect and he has his own business. He is also 32


I remember when I thought that was old.


So cat Yeah, we have cat. Yeah. She has light brown skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair, a slight Spanish accent, but not like I'm gonna do it again. I know I did it last time. I'm gonna do it again. Not a Barcelona accent. I'm so sorry.


Where are they based? Where are they based in DC?


DC, okay, but it's like it's not like a Barcelona accent which I think we talked about is like, so in Spain in like a Spanish accent. Sees can be th is but it's more of like, like, like, Mexican, Spanish accent kind of thing. Next connects and I guess I don't know. I don't know what the terminology is. But you know what I mean? And I am so sorry. We're,


we're wait. We are so white. We're really really we said it once we said it again. We're really really worse. So wait, wait,


um, but we are and also I apologize to anyone listening that lives in Spain knows anyone that lives in Spain or is just laughing at how terribly I butchered that. And she is Go ahead.


If I have to say when I was down in Mexico, which I know like the it's, well, that's


because so that's exclusive to the Barcelona area in Spain. That's yeah, that's what I'm saying is that the accent is not a Spanish accent. It's like a Mexico, okay? Okay, kind of. It's different. They're different accents. And she is in school right now trying to become a lawyer. So she's actually studying for her bar right now. And she's 28. So me, that's how old I'm going to be in approximately four days. Ah, oh, yay, I split my notes up a little bit differently than normally for this one. I instead of doing scenes, like I usually do, I, I split it into before vacation and after vacation, BV and AV if you will, or just Florida and DC. So I'm just kind of gonna go through what happens at each of the locations because there really wasn't a better way to split it up this time around. It's fine. It's fine. You know what? It's fine. It's a Tuesday. It's fine. Florida. The Final Frontier? No, no, not that one. Flow red. Alright, so Florida. Cattier. And our friend Danny are making a bit which apparently is a thing with these two as to whether or not Danny can get her drinks paid for for the entire night at this bar that they're at. And they're on like a beach front bar kind of thing. And can I just say, I've done that before. And I hated it. I felt so bad. I felt so guilty.


Oh, no, I Well, I felt a little guilty. But then free drink.


I mean, don't get me wrong. I made money at the end of that night. And it was my first ever bar crawl being 21. But like, I still felt bad about it. It's fine. Yeah. And Kat is like super not here for this. So she's kind of like me. But Danny's like, nope. If I'm going to do this, you're coming with me and drags her along to the bar with her. And so they're all there for a definitely not bachelorette party for their other friend Emily. So Emily is getting married. But she she's kind of like me, right? It's like, I don't want a bachelorette party. Just No, I just want to hang out. Let's just hang out. So she's like, insisting that that's what it is. And Danny's like, yeah, sure, sure. Anyway, let's go a party. Let's go have creeps by our drinks for us. Yay. Not my thing. But hey, you know what, Danny, you too you? They go to the bar. And and Danny finds a real creepy dude. Just so creepy. Kind of Broly but one of those guys is just going to like stand too close and like, like, just too touchy. And to know, just real bad vibes. And cat is like, Um, no. So this creepy dude will not leave them alone. Like, it's definitely like, yeah, they got drinks out of him. But it's uncomfortable now like it's just gone on too far. He is not following the rules of of the bar, not following the casual rules of bar flings kind of thing like buy a drink move on kind of deal. So like they're starting to like they want to leave but he is not giving them like he is going to be stuck to them all night kind of thing, like not giving up that kind of deal. And cut real quickly over to Josh. He's hanging out with a bunch of his buddies for the weekend in Florida at a bar on the beach. And he doesn't really want to be there. It's just everyone's packed a little too tightly. Everything's a little too sweaty. His drink is like watered down and it was like $9 kind of thing. And so he's just kind of scan in the crowd just people watching and he notices past like just kind of offhand that there's two chicks by the bar that really look like they're uncomfortable with the dude like like to the point where like he's keeping an eye on it because it's like okay, if someone's gonna roofie someone it's gonna be this dude so he's kind of like just just kind of keeping an eye on the side of his you know side I kind of thing on this dude. And Danny who happens to be one of those girls spots Josh and makes eye contact with him and is like oh, there you are. There's my boyfriend sorry we got to go by and uses Josh to get the fuck out of there. And Josh is like Oh yeah, totally like kisses her on the top of the head and like they walk away introduces her to his friend who's like, honestly Oh bro about it.


Not in like a bro a good right not like a bra


a bright not a bra bra bra we've we've had so many of those instances where the dudes are like, they're like, please This dude is being creepy like save me and they come over and like start making out with a chick which is creepier aren't


you? And also like so on. It's just so unnecessary, so unnecessary.


Other ways do No, no, there is not. There are other ways for instance, exactly what Josh did. He they like go over. And honestly, it's absolutely hysterical because he or Danny is like, you know, I'm sorry. But hon, I just don't think it's working out between us. He's like, You know what I think? I think I'll survive like. And so they like it. They're absolutely hysterical. And he and Cassia, because let's be honest, Kathy is the one that he noticed, are kind of like, you know, sizing each other up, like, Oh, Hi, there. Well, hello. Instant sparks, like instance, between the two of them. Right?


Right. Everybody else feels like they're in the way.


Huh? Yep. Oh, yeah. And it is so incredibly abundantly clear that like, literally all of his friends and all of her friends are just like, well, kiss. Yeah, go on night. Fuck, like, come on. And so they end up like, they dance together, they find out that they both like she lives in DC. And he lives like an hour outside of DC. So they live really close to each other, weirdly enough, and their hotels are like right next to each other, that they're staying up for the weekend. So instant sparks cat is chalking it up to her being drunk, and they go to leave and he's like, Hey, like, we should hang out again tomorrow. And she's like, it's a small beach, we'll find each other and walks away. And just walks away. Which like, girl, girl, come on. So the next day, everyone, all the all the girls wake up, and they are all so hungover, which like, Man, when I hit 25, the two day hangover became a thing. And it's always when I have something sweet. And they were drinking nothing but sweet. I would be dead.


Yeah, well, I would literally be dead that you'd be like, Well, yeah, okay, fair diabetes, but I know that feel.


Can't do sweet things like that. It's terrible. So they're all like dying. And they're like, What are we going to do today? nap on the beach? Yeah, let's all nap on the beach. So they all like, wander out to the beach. And they get onto the beach and cats. Like, I don't know, God, why did I do that last night? That's so out of character for me. Like I don't normally, like throw out sexy one liners and like dance with a random dude. So we're going to go all the way down the beach this way, as far as we can. And then he probably won't find us. Right, right wrong. So then set everything up. And guess it's jogging down the beach. is Josh Yeah. And, and Josh internally is like, Oh, cool. I didn't even have to look that hard. So he's like, Hey, Joe. How's it going? Hey, by the way, we we rented jet skis for like, one o'clock. You guys want to come and cats at night? I don't know. Like, and I want it known. She is not. She's not angry about the view. She is like, oh, that's why I did that last night. I got it. I have


felt that way before we're like the night before, or something will happen. I'm like, Why the hell did I do that? And then I'll see the person again. I'm like, That's why


there it is.


There's all that chemistry again.


Yup. So she's like, Oh, God. I don't know we have a schedule because you know, bachelorette party and it was like napping on the beach. And Emily's like, we it's not a bachelorette party and her friend with the schedules. Like we don't have a schedule. Let's go. She's like, god damn it. So actually, those


are some good friends. Because if it's, if it's a group activity, and honestly, that group activity sounds really fun,


right? Why not? They all go out and jet skis. And of course, because all of our all of the both of their friends are just like we see you guys. You're going to be on the same jetski together deal with it. So they're on the same jetski and they go out to like a sandbar or whatever. And things are getting steamy again. So they go out to this thing and the sandbar and Joshua's buddy is like a major dude bro, but like a good he's a good guy like a nice dude. He's just has this facade of being dude, bro. So the sooner I blocked him the subject of the second book actually but he's like, come on, bro. Like let's you know let's race Let's race out of this thing and back and Josh is like, Alright, cool cat get on the back. And so like Go Go Go and then he immediately turns around so that his buddy like keeps going and they go back to the sandbar and he's like I didn't really want to race I just wanted to hang out with me in the ocean. They like almost kiss and cat notices. He has a tan line on his left finger. left ring finger and she's like, uh, hold the phone. Do you get off on this? Do you like take your ring? off when you go to the beach and he's like, Oh, but like and honestly is kind of a dick about it, I think I don't know personally, her or him or her. Okay, because like, benefit of the doubt it's important.


Yeah. And also like he was surrounded by his friends like yeah, that you wouldn't I would like to think that people around you wouldn't be okay with you having an extra merit, right even if you're on bait like even if


right? And if they are then all of you are shitty people.


Yeah, then all of your shitty people right. Even if it's just flirtatious on the beach, I don't think right.


Yeah, yeah. So she is like, kind of shitty about it. And he comes back with but I mean, at the same time, I understand like the shock, right? And he comes back with Oh, like he's, he takes it really well. And he's like, look, it's gonna take a lot longer than one summer for me to get rid of this tan line. I was married for like eight years. She left me like a year ago. So like he's he is divorced. She left him for another man. So not great. No. Um, I know Josh honestly. I'm a little in love with Josh. So you know I love him so much. So after all this like they go back to the back to the beach and everything and he manages to get her number so she was gonna just walk away again and he's like No, no, no, no no no right ah number right and but again, he's like, What are you guys gonna be at tonight? And she's like, you'll find me and walks away again. Girl girl right?


So at that plan that her there the friends should have just coordinated and been like she's Listen Listen, do you guys just want to meet up at this bar later cool.


So so they go to a slightly classier bar that night and they're hanging out whatever what


was in the drinks there instead of just give you straight shots of tequila?


No the umbrellas were in the stupid fruity drinks at the last one that they could like not do strong pours on this one is like straight gin and tonics and stuff. So you Josh and his buddies walk into this bar and Josh like scans the crowd Caesar and it's like, Oh, thank God, we don't need to go to three bars. Nice. See is looking for. No. So that night, like her friends have basically been like, Girl, the fuck? Just like you can't let this one bad dude from your past to like, not let you like do anything like come on. And I've been trying to like and and her friend like one of her friends. Emily is like a psychologist. Psychiatrist. I don't remember which one. I can never tell the difference. Anyway,


I forget all the time. A psychologist did not go to med school a psychiatrist did it why nitrous can psychiatrist can prescribe medicine?


Right? That's and that's how I remember his psychiatrist. Or some one of them can prescribe medicine. I just never remember which one is


spike. My psychiatrist got it. Um, it is you know, I may have seen a few doctors. I'm gonna have problems.


So. So at the bar, like her friend Emily told her basically she's like, You need to have fun like you're not having fun. And so cats like, you know what? Fuck it. Hey, Josh. Let's go swim in the ocean, quote unquote. And they leave. He's like, Wait, really? Oh, god. Okay, I'll go get my swimsuit.


No, that's not what I


mean. They have to pretend right? Yeah. So they go to the like they do. They go to the beach. And they're like, getting steamy getting real close. And they're like, they're like smooching and all this stuff. And cats. Like, what's that? And he's like, got a T lightning. We're fine. Well, that's not bad news bears. They are. First of all, enthusiastic consent. My dude. Second of all, which is awesome. Second of all, it wasn't heat lightning. They got cock blocked by thunder and lightning and rain. Yeah. Wow. So she Oh. So she's like, Hey, take me back to your room. And he's like, Wait, really? Are you? Sure? All right. So they go back to his room. And he goes to open the door. And his buddy opens the door and is like, Oh, hey, you guys are back. We were wondering. We came back early because of like, whatever reason. We're playing cards and drinking shots. You want to come in? And they're like, both of his buddies are like, Josh is like murder glaring at them. And his buddies like, we didn't know. Yeah, wouldn't have been here if we did. Yeah, so they end up just like playing cards and drinking together. And then she falls asleep on his lap that night on the couch. And they wake up and he's like, like, walks your back and he's like, Hey, I would really like can we hang out? When we get back? I would really like that. Like, let's let's go on an actual date. That's not On vacation and she's like, she doesn't really know why she like she doesn't deny that she's super attracted to him. But she ends up agreeing, like part of our brain is being that terrible logical like no, this will never work your past boyfriend was an asshole. That's all men. They're assholes. But then there's the part of her that is like, Nah, dude, just he hot. Do it. He's great. Just do it. Right. Just do it again.


You got to get over the hump. Hey, her


inner shy LeBoeuf inner. Vince's Shiloh buff and on the way home so she's in the car with her friends are driving back and she ends up making a bet because they're all like, girl, girl. She like tells them what happened the night before and they're like you didn't even have sex like. So she ends up making a bet with her friend and the bet is like, so she's like, Josh, I will continue this relationship with Josh. He will disappoint me. And when he does, you will buy me spree Starbucks every day for a year. And her friends like Alright, oh man, I know her and her friends like a lot of money caught it is her friends like, Okay, I will take that bet. But if you lose you have to do this, like public apology to me, like every time something happens like it's, it's a high stakes bet. Okay, this is where we get a little bit of her backstory. So we already kind of got Josh's at least a little bit of his backstory. So hers. She started dating, like a high school sweetheart. And they both went off to college. And she had a plan like she was going to like move out to California and pursue I think was like immigration law or something like that. And she was really like, she's really passionate about it. And her at the time. Beyonce was like, well, but look, I got this amazing job. It's amazing opportunity, like, but we need to move here for a little while. And she's like, okay, like, I want to support you, I can, you know, do this internship here instead. And then after so many years, like when you, you know, leave this thing, we can go and do my thing. And he's like, that sounds great. And then gets into that time, and he's like, Oh, babe, look, we have this amazing opportunity in DC or whatever. And she's just like, but, but until like, exactly. He wasn't willing to like, and she doesn't compromise. Yeah. sacrifice for her. Right. Or, or, like, support her really? Right. Like it was it was, which is kinda like, that's not invested in a relationship. Right? Like, that's not how you invest in a relationship. Right? Right. Yeah. So it was though, so she got like, and she was with him for a really long time. Like they were going to get married. And so she like it really hurt when they ended up breaking up. So she's that's kind of, which on one hand, I'm like, I'm so sorry, that really sucks. On the other hand, I'm like, okay, but not all men are like that, right? Like, you know,


but I think that once it happens, though, it's like, trying to guard yourself against being feeling stupid and letting it happen again, right?


Well, and she's now because of that she is not willing to give up her dreams right now. Because she's like, that's why she has such a late start to taking the bar and she feels like she's been really limited in what she could do and everything. Like her friends, like have their own firms and like all this stuff, and she's like, like, look at you guys. I'm not I don't even I haven't even passed the bar yet. Like she so she's like, has a lot of bitterness because of that. So that's her backstory. So it's in DC. So there's a little bit of a date montage that happens here, just a smidge. So she agrees to go on a date with him and they end up going to a beer and wine festival that's like, right outside of her office. Fun. Yeah. And she, she is she tells herself she's like, I'm gonna try. I'm not gonna like go into it being an asshole. But uh, she kind of goes into it being a little bit of an asshole just a little bit. So she asked, like, you know, they're sitting there drinking beer, eating food, and she asked him like, kind of shitty questions about like, his marriage and his family and stuff. Like just really like blunt, like, not empathetic kind of kind of questions. But he's super honest about it. He's like, look, I you know, I was married for eight years. And you know, this is what happened. This is why the marriage broke apart. My My parents died when I was like, nine, like or seven or something like, like he's like, and she's like an end to her credit. She feels really bad after she asked it and like gets answers and stuff. She's like I am that is so shitty of me on a first day like, I'm so sorry. Like, I just get where


she's, I get where she's coming from though because I think that she's like trying to protect herself by almost hoping things will fall apart. It's like, right, I'm right. Exactly. And then you she feels bad because she's like, No, this is actually a good guy. He is a good guy cuz I expect him to be a bad guy because that is my experience.


But she doesn't stop. At least not for a little while. Now They end up having like a conversation about family because her family is fucking huge. So he's actually like, he's like all of it. Tell me about it. Like, like, Are your parents happy together? Like he's like, Oh, it's so sweet. And so she's telling him all about it. And he's like talking about he started talking about his current like project in the city, like with his architecture firm and everything. And she's like, Oh, I know that building like it used to be a convent. They're making it into like a assisted living thing. My grandma used to be a nun there, because like her grandma was a nun and ran away to be with her grandpa


was a sloth. She ran away.


And so he's like, she's like, I always wanted to see the inside of it. You know, they were doing tours, but I never got around to and he's like, funny, funny story there. How would you like see the inside of it?


Hey, Oh, that is Yeah, ideal date. It is true within a day's so ideal.


Adorable. It's legitimate, like and he's like, he's starting to fall head over heels. And he knows it's fast. He's like, I get that it's fast. But like, I'm not really here to mess around. And I'm not going to push her like I would never push her but like, I'm pursuing this because I think it's worth pursuing like that kind of thing. So they ended up going on a second date. The next day, they go to a work party and almost have sex beforehand because they almost don't go because they it good, steamy. Hey, Oh, and there's a lot of almost sex, it's fine. And they end up so they go to this work party and Cattier cat girl, cat, cat. So cat is paranoid, because they're out in public. And Josh is just so good at schmoozing with people and like just being a nice guy and everything and so she


got I remember this part. When he told me last time he goes into


the bathroom and sees their intern who like she's really good friends with and is like a cute girl and everything. She's like, hey, I need you to go hit on this guy and tell me what he does.


So unprofessional should not so unprofessional.


I'm gonna put this on the list of things not to do with a significant other test


that to do at a stoplight.


You don't test them on shit. Because like, it's not a cool thing to do, because they're never gonna be able to live up to whatever expectations you set and don't tell them like, Dude. Communication. Yep.




This has been cut out but I jiggled up and down and my boobs went really far hard up and down.


They're not official or anything. They're just dwell but they're not exclusive. They're just dating saying like, it wouldn't be great. It wouldn't be a would not be now like, yeah, wouldn't be cool if we flirted with someone else that well, like hanging out with her but like,


right, they they both know that they're the only person the other person is seeing vital but they haven't like established that. They're like, dating, dating, like they're dating. But you know what I mean, boyfriend girlfriend kind of thing. So she does. She goes to hit on him and spoil ease. He didn't go for it. And then about Kenya feels like it is so they go out. Right? For the for what it's worth. We're like almost to the end of that. Um, so the last montage date. He invites her so the last time with the party. He went to her apartment for the first time. This time she's going to his house because he owns a house. It's actually his like childhood home that his grandpa owned. And they're going to a pool party. And there's a reference to something kind of like that later. But no, he doesn't. They go to a pool party. I went to a friend's house and it's one of the friends that she met out in Florida with them. And her so when she was packing she was like, Is this an overnight trip? Is he gonna expect it to be an overnight trip and her friends were like, Oh, girl, it's gonna be an overnight trip. So our friends are like, helping her pack a bag. And when she shows up, yeah, Josh is like, she has like internally she has a bag. Oh, I hope it's an overnight bag. I don't know. Did she assume it was I'm not sure. Like I hope it is. Ah, so cute. And she is like, she her. Her friends were like mentioned something about dudes like in public like PDA public displays of affection, right? And she's like, Oh, that's great. That's the next way. I'll test him next. I'll lay it on thick in front of his friends and he'll hate that.


Oh, I just need another half glass of wine. Just let me go and grab one. Okay, hold on.


Christ. He he's totally fine with it. Like at one point, his internal monologue is I don't know why she's being so lovey, but I like it. Like, oh, we're here for him. I know. And so like everyone at this at the party is like telling her how great he is and how much they love him and his one friend's wife kind of takes her aside and was like, Hey, you better be careful with our boy. Alright? Because we protect him. He is our child like, you'd be nice. And she it's it's like one of those like It's not like a threatening, it's like a friendly but also a murder you and


Julie warning. Like, if you're not serious about this,


please leave. Exactly. And because like they care about him like he's been through a lot of shit and they've been friends with him forever, right. And this is the family that like he spends every Christmas with and everything so like, they're very close. And so they go back to his house after everyone like they're both drunk and they almost have sex again. Like, sorry, they almost have penetrative sex to the point where like, they're about to do it. And he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't do it like this. We're both drunk. And I really don't want our first time to have sex to be when we're both real drunk fare. And she's like, okay, I get that. And she's he's like, Bull. And oral. Yup. And then they wake up and have sex in the morning. We got there. So Kenya admits that she has lost to her friends. Good for her. At least she finally admits it. Yeah, exactly. Still some character girls to go. But improvement. Yes. So she admits and they end up going as dates to Emily's wedding and having a blast. And also have a quickie in the bathroom stall. Not yet natural. And it's like, it's a little tough since they do live like an hour away. So they only get to see each other like once a week, once or twice a week. But they're making it work and Thanksgiving, they end up going to cats parents house. No cat has a little bit of issues. And he's like, nervous but excited. Yeah, he's and cat has a little bit of issues with her sister like her and her sister don't really get along like that. They get along, but they have very different life values. And her sisters tries to push hers on cat all the time. So Josh is taken over to where the men are hanging out. Because like, I don't know, I don't know if it's like that in other people's families. Like where they're kind of it just the separation happens. Right? Well, it's like the dudes are watching football and hanging out. And the ladies are drinking wine and doing whatever. Like it's a thing, whatever. So that's what's happening. Which I say that because like it happens in my family. It's not great, but it happens. And he kind of gets like put through the wringer with cats dad of like, See, you're dating my daughter kind of thing. And Josh is like, Ah ha. And he mentioned like, well, I have you know, I'm an architect. I own a house. And he's like, Oh, so you're a single guy who owns a house. Hmm. And he's like, Well, actually, I was married and they're like, huh, and he's like, and he's completely honest. Because hey, it's almost like honesty is a good thing to do. And his her dad's like, like he tells him he's like, she left me like, this is what happened and her dad's like, oh, oh,


shit. Have a drink.


I think I like you. Like, he wins them all over because he's a good guy. Yeah, cat on the other hand is in the kitchen being told by her sisters that she really needs to settle down and stop this silly career thing that she's doing and also Josh er is old enough that all he wants gonna want his children. So you better just go ahead and do it anyway. Which is great. Because seeds of doubt, have been playing. She was doing so good, right?


So eyes communication, literally, this could have been solved if after the party or even during his she pulled him aside and said, Hey, my sister's has told me this. What are your thoughts?


Yes, like, girl, girl.


It's awkward if you let it be awkward listeners, like,


this is the reason that I love Josh to death. I've wanted to throttle cardio, but like I said,


which is improvement for us. Usually we want to help the man be


true. And there is character growth. So we're getting to that character growth. So they ended up like, like a week later, they're hanging out, they end up having a fight about groceries, because he's always paying for stuff and she's like, will you stop? Like, No, I said, No, please don't like so they end up having a fight. But, you know, they, they move on, they move on. And


but also, well, do they move on or do the like work together to find a solution?


They, he's like, he's like, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that bothered you? And she's like, Yeah, it's just I'm so independent for so long. Like they do talk it out.


Okay, okay, that's good. That's good. Cuz it's like, if you just like, move on past it and not resolve it then. Right. We're glad to resolve it or


Yeah, so they, they kind of move on with it. They like have sex and afterwards like, they're kind of tough chatting, and they're supposed to be going to like a friend's house the next day for a party like a football kind of party. And so like they get up in the morning and he's like, he flat out says he's like, Hey, like, I don't know about you, but like, this is pretty great. And I love spending evenings like this with you and we don't have To like, it doesn't have to be like this, like, what have you moved in with me? And he asked her to move in with him. And she's like, I know how long that they've been dating. It's like a week or two after Thanksgiving at this point, and they started they met vacation was back in like June or July. Okay. Okay, so that's like, some time. Yeah, right. But it's it's ages compared to other books we've read, but Right. Yeah. Right. My ovaries


are already dried. Over here is this morning was way too late.


If this were medieval times, she would be having way past her midlife crisis. But, so she's like, he's like, I know, like, I told you we go at your pace, we still will. But like, I want to know. And she kind of like deer in headlights and doesn't answer him. Like, she's like, I know, like, I can't give up my stuff for this. And she is very much in the mindset of like, everything's going great. Why would we advance anything? Things are fine. Why would anything change and he's like, but, but it's gonna have to change eventually, if we continue to like each other like he's like, and so they kind of have a little bit of a spat of it because he she never really answers him. And he just like gets she kind of freaks out about it. And he feels like really hurt of like you. You don't want to even talk to me about this. Like, you can't, this is not and so he leaves, he goes home. And he drives our home and she ends up like, she's gutted. Obviously. She goes to a friend's house, which like, okay, um, her friends are amazing. She walks in, and her friend is like, Emily's like, Hey, where's Josh? And she's like, he's not here. And I don't really want to talk about it. And I don't really want to go in there to talk to people because they're gonna ask about it. And she's like, No, they won't and yells out. Hey, cats here. She's not with Josh. No one asked about it.


Cuz it's so important


friends, right? Yeah, I like


to tell everything, just No, say what you want.


So they end up like, there's this whole thing where like, she's mopey. During the entire party. Josh is at home like getting drunk because he's upset and not a good way to cope. And yet, so Josh's friends, Josh's friend, the dude bro comes over and gets him out of his funk. And it's like, dude, I'm gonna buy you a burger. You're going to sober up and then you're going to fix this because you got to do that. Like if right? You don't, you have to at least talk about it. And she


now I will admit, though, it's not his fault. No. Sounds like she was the one who was not willing to talk.


Exactly. And it absolutely is not. And he's like, I'm not going to apologize. And I'm not going to like rescind that offer, whatever. But I'm willing to work at her pace. And so she heard she has like a heart to heart with I think it's Emily's husband. It was like, Hey, Josh is fuckin cool. And the best thing that happened to you and like, I've seen you do this to yourself time and time again, you need to fix this shit. So she ends up going to her other friend's house and like, they get drunk and she stays overnight and her phone's dead. Well, Josh drives back because he's like, I have to talk to her and she's not there. And so he immediately assumes the worst stays there super late ends up driving home and is like really upset. And she finally gets home in the morning sees his message like Oh, fuck, and they end up like talking it out. And she's like, he's like, look, we can still go your pace. But like, you know, I get it. They explain the situation and they end up making up so though like, but it's still not it's I think it's still not the same, right feels


like well, it also feels like Josh is like putting forth a lot of work. Yes. For when it's really her who has these problems that she also needs to get? Ah, hmm. So wow,


it's almost like you hit the nail on the head. Ah, so love it. What


I do that right.


So they continue, they pretty much go back to where they were and things just like, they're fine. They're just not the same, right? Something Something has definitely shifted. Well, he ends up coming over and he's like, everyone wear your mask. COVID It's still the COVID times. Yeah, reading this. Oh, so he's not feeling great. Right now. He's starting to feel sick. So he's with cat and his like, she's like, Hey, do you want to hit like, stay home? And he's like, No, it's fine. I'll go out we can still hang out with your friends.


Nope. Don't do it. Don't do it.


I get it different times, but still, right. So they enjoy going out. Josh gets really jealous about a bartender That cat is like friendly with and to be fair, the bartender is kind of creepy and super thrown as a cat. And everyone's like, cat you never saw that. And she's like, No. And he's like, Yeah, and like, like Josh like is like hey, why don't we take this outside like almost like decks like fights the guy because he's being like, kind of creepy and everything


and catch and also like Josh has probably got a fever. Like not thinking straight. Exactly.


And he's really not feeling good and so they almost fight but it blows over and they're hanging out and they're chatting and cats, one of cats friends lets it slip that there was a bet. Oh, oh cat never told Josh about the bat. Oh no. Josh is not pleased.


Okay, but finally cat is gonna have to own up to some of this like I think they you were a bad guy shit like yeah assuming that she's gonna have to own up to the fact that she was assuming the worst side of him


well so I will say like she told him about the previous guy and he is fully aware. He's like, I know you're like afraid of something with me, but she still like won't open up to him. And so he like was that's a problem. She did tell him about her ex but like still. So she he walks out goes out to his car because he's pissed. And she like, she's like, come on, like, can't we just talk about this? Like all that stuff? And he's like, I don't know. No, we can't like, because you all


right, and I've tried to right and so you won't do it.


He ends up leaving and breaking up with her. They break up. Oh, and she just has this moment of ah, I fucked up. Yeah, yeah, bitch. You did?


Good. Yeah.


So Christmas rolls around. And it's been a couple weeks at this point. Josh is miserable. He's like not cleaning the house. But he also like is like, I mean, grumpy kills. Obviously. He was he was he actually sick? Yes, he is very, he's still not feeling very well. He was really looking forward to having Christmas with a big family. But he hangs out with his friends again. And he just but actually he doesn't because he doesn't feel well. And he like heats up like stuffers lasagna. And it's just a no. And so she cat. Is it Christmas being real mopey? Because she realized she really fucked up and her dad ends up pulling her aside and is like, Hey, you fucked up, didn't you? And she's like, Yeah, and they have like, honestly an amazing Heart to Heart Of like, Hey, you are not your sister. You are your grandmother's child, like like granddaughter like, you don't need that. But you also like need to be happy and deserve to be happy. And you can't do that unless you like, go get what you want. And she's like, Yeah, but I think I like missed my chance. And it's real sad. Don't miss


well, so you, you miss all the shots that you don't take


day after Christmas.


I feel so sad. Josh. Stouffer is alone.


He really doesn't feel well either. Like he is feeling real shitty. And it's been what does he have moto? We're working on it. So the day after Christmas, Josh has to go to the groundbreaking like ceremony thing at his the the convent in DC. And he's there but he looks like shit. And his like Joe has like, general contractor is like, Dude, you need to leave. And he's like, but no, like, I need to pull American capitalism out. And he's, he's like, I can handle it. Right? He's like, I can handle it. You need to go fucking home and sleep. And he's like, fine, because he's dying. And so he goes out to his car. And he has a flat tire. And he's sitting there and he's like, I can't I can't call my buddy because he's out of town for the weekend. Like there's no one I can call. He has a flat tire and there's no one else he can call and so finally he just he Ghostbusters. Such crappy. Yeah, Ghostbusters. Well, he feels like such crap that finally he's like, fine. And he called Cat. And she's like, Oh, my God. Yeah, absolutely. And she shows up. And part of her is like, this might not be my second chance. But I want to be there for him. So I'm going to be right. So she shows up and is like, I can't we can't fix this tire right now. Also, you need to go to the doctor right now. And so she ends up taking him to urgent care. And it turns out and like insists on staying with him in the room and everything. And it turns out he kind of has pneumonia and the kind that you need antibiotics for because like it's developed a lot. Yeah, right. And like he, he was really close to having to go to the hospital for it. Like it was bad. So she ends up taking him home and she's like, No, I look I expect nothing out of this but I'm staying because I can't leave Have you alone, you need to take these meds you need to sleep and you need someone to be here just in case. And so she ends up staying and she ends up staying in the guest bedroom, which is his old bedroom, which does have the glow in the dark stars. Yes. And she's like,


honestly, no, I've thought about putting those stars on my own ceiling because I use so


great. Yeah. But she's like, I mean, this hurts like this hurts her. She's, like, really upset, like missing it. But she's like, I can't I want to be here for him. Why? She


said, I don't understand why she's upset because she said


she, because she really regrets what she did. And she still loves him. Okay, so she's mad at herself. She's not Yes. Okay. Exactly. And she ends up taking care of him. Like she gets the recipe from her mom for like, her mom's one of her mom's like, like, you know, healing soups and like, cooks for him. She like they, they say, Oh, and while she's like cooking, like one of his dudebro buddy shows up. And she's like, What are you doing here? And he's like, What are you doing here? Cuz he was supposed to be out of town, right? And she's like, Hey, look, this is what happened. Like, maybe we could go get his car. I know you because he came back early. And he's like, look, Josh is a lot more insecure and everything that he lets on. And like when he thinks that someone is not going to put in the time for him, he's going to just give up on that and move on. That's just the way he is. I've seen him do it before how it works. And you need to just let him know that you're there. And that you're going to be there. Also, you don't have to tell them I was here and you can stay


just like yeah, ship the fuck out of this.


Right. And so she ends up taking care of them. And they they have an initial heart to heart about like, Josh just doesn't think he can do it again. And like he's starting to feel better. But she's like, it's fine. I I still want to stay and like all this stuff. And Josh, like, she walks away, and Josh has this moment of like, I don't want to not try, right, like he didn't he's like still because he hurts a lot too. And students have going up to the room where she's like, getting ready for bed and is like, Look, maybe maybe we can try again. Because he has this moment of like, she's here she cooked for me. Like she did all of this shit. Like, obviously she gives a shit. And they end up like having a really good heart to heart and decide that like, okay, let's, let's try to roll back to where we were, as best we can and just see what happens. Right? And so they end up sleeping in the same bed again, like they don't have sex. Obviously.


I was just thinking that I was like a good snuggle session might do a world of good I say is a person who hates snuggling?


Well, they have a very good snuggle session. And in the morning, they wake up and she's like, maybe I can like set up a like they want to set up a she wants to set up a drawer there and everything. And yeah, like that would be nice and everything. And baby steps I know. So they end up spending the day together and she has to go home. So she goes home to get ready for work the next day. And she's still just like something just doesn't feel right for her. Like she's like, I don't I don't know. And so she goes home, she walks into her apartment and it just feels empty. Hmm. And she has this moment of like, no, no, I know what I need to do. Hmm. And so like, two hours later, Josh gets a knock on his front door. And she he opens the door and she's standing there with like, a suitcase that she just threw a bunch of shit in and her fucking coffeemaker because she's been making fun of him for having a shitty coffeemaker this entire time. And she's like, look, I don't want to go back to where we were before. I want to take the next step. You need to ask me again to move in with you. And he's like, Okay, well, you need to come and she's like, No, it's cold as shit out here asked me first. Oh, he's like, do you want to move in with me? She's like, Yes, I'll get the rest of my shit this week.


I like it because it was her surrendering. And I think that that was good because a lot of this book is herbing being kind of aloof and acting like all riser shit. And then she was like, no, but there's this one special guy who I do actually really like it is not an asshole.


Well, and it's not her surrendering herself. It's her it's, I hesitate to use the word compromise because it had some have some little bit of a bad connotation but like, because you're not making sacrifices for each other. It's more of like you are giving for the other person because you want to right, right and that's what it is. It's like yes, I'm giving up my apartment, though. I


think your work is better than my surrender.


I think so. Word compromise is very accurate, but I feel like when people think compromise they think of giving something up in like a negative way. And that's not no i Sara Lee I


more think of it meeting halfway.


Okay. I mean, that's fair. I think that it's, it's it is that more of like you're not giving something up you're like, because you have to or you like, because you don't want to you're giving something up because it like is benefiting both of you. And you want to do that for that person. Right. And that's what she kind of comes to. And the coffeemaker is this moment of like, oh, you really do want to stay you're bringing your like, fancy espresso machine. Yeah, it's so cute. So cut to like a year later, or like the next late the next summer or whatever, and they're having a cookout on in their backyard to celebrate her passing the bar and hanging out with her friends. And that night, they're getting ready to like packing up finishing packing up their bags for Florida because they're about to go on vacation together to Florida. And while cats out of the room, Josh picks up a ring and puts it in his bag. And that's the end of the book. I


love it. I love it. I loved all of that. That was darling. That was just really again, that was really nice. Because it was so wholesome. It was it real wholesome.


It reminded me a little bit of the flatshare in like, yes,


yes, absolutely. So much.


I like my heart bled for Josh. I was like, Oh, baby child. No, again, I


liked the fact because it was a lot of caveat CATIA, kind of having to come to terms with the fact that she was being an asshole. And then that's why I kind of like the compromise at the end on her part because a lot of the book was her being an asshole to this really nice guy.


Well, and I feel like, on one hand, I feel like it's the opposite usually is like is what's usually the true in these books. And then


also girl kind of accepts. This is just the way he is I have right exactly like,


Uh huh, right. And I feel like the other thing I appreciated is that, like, Josh didn't just accept shit when he found out like, his feelings were hurt. And yeah, he like, could have had this conversation with her. But she had been sort of taking so much from the relationship at that point versus like, without giving any ground right? That he like, that happened, his feelings were really hurt. And I don't blame him for assuming like, you're not gonna do anything like you're you're gonna stay the way you are. Because you're not


availing. Yeah, I'm giving so much and you're not willing to, like, meet me anywhere?


Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And it's like, it was I think it was a really good view of how the sort of like, give and take in relationships go. And I don't I feel like that's not something we see very often because romance novels are usually more about like, Oh, my God, I saw him in his emerald eyes locked with mine from across the bar and my big wall of men meet and we plan twice. Yeah, we thought twice in the past 36 hours. So we love each other. Like, that kind of thing.


I was like, twice in the last 36 hours. That's not that much. And then you said like, and then we love each other forever. It was like,


ah, ultimately, like I said, I think that the the give and take in this book is it really showed like what a relationship is like that kind of thing. And I really appreciated that. Because, again, there's like, I can think of four of these books that are just like, wholesome and good and a good representation of a relationship. And I always get so excited when we find one. So hey, Lauren, I know we're gonna talk to you in a little bit, but I'm really excited job. Yeah, intimately. Very good. I enjoyed it thoroughly.


And guys find her book.


Yeah, it's great. I yeah, I do kind of want I think I know which couple the next book the rules or whatever is about. And I kind of want to read it. I'm excited for it. So it's out and Oh, Margie, without looking at good rates. How long do you think this book was? Just based on everything that happened?


Gosh, whoo, I'm not good at this. I'm just


like, like, give me like 150


to 400 pages.


It was only 200 and like 95 pages. Okay. Okay. It was Yeah, way shorter than like, for everything that happened. It felt so the all admit, sometimes with the sexy scenes, I was just like, okay, come on. Not any, like, get on with it way because like the actual descriptions of the sex I was totally fine with more of like, this is very flowery, flowery language. Sometimes I will get into it a little more and under the covers, but I think because of that, and because there was like enough downtime in between each of the things happening. It felt a lot longer than that. So that was kind of nice. Yeah. Okay ratings. So our boy, five, five out of five. I love him. Josh's soft boy a perfect cinnamon. Wait, what was it? What was it sweet? Sweet boy, sweet boy.


So sweet or soft.


listeners. Okay, listeners, we've come to you with this question. So we have we haven't described it in a while we have a rating system for a sliding scale, if you will, for our characters, specifically our our male boys and girls, I guess it's fine. And it goes the sliding scale goes from our boy, which is wonderful and great to homeboy, which is not good at all boys in the middle fuck boy is like worse than a homeboy. And we don't really have anything for the other side of the scale. So we're thinking maybe sweet boy or soft boy. Personally, I'm a fan like soft. I'm a fan of soft boy. Me too. I'm


a fan of soft so


I'm gonna call him a great a certified soft boy. But read a grass fed, grass fed, organic, organic. But listeners we want to hear where you rain rain soft boy, we want to hear what your why is that so funny to me. So I would call him a great a soft boy or sweet boys cinnamon roll either way. Five out of five. Her, okay, I'm gonna call, I'm gonna say a solid four out of five. Because of the character growth, maybe four and a half. Because there's a God even though


she got she was pretty stubborn at the beginning, but she grew past it. And she was like, Okay, I'm gonna compromise because I need to compromise because I love you. Right?


Like, there was so much character growth. Mm hmm. And that's like, so I'm actually torn. Like, I almost want to give her a five out of five even though I really wanted to throttle her sometimes. Book, like grew out of it. So right, four to five, because I can't decide and I'm an indecisive bitch.


live your best life? Right?


Fly. So I don't actually know if we can. I mean, that was fine. It was like, you know, it was focused on them. So I don't really, I feel like the plot rating is for books that are more plot driven versus character driven. This one was very much a character driven. So I don't know if that one's really applicable. Sex was just fine. I'd give it a solid four out of five. Yeah, that's pretty good. Then it was better than cat. It was better than, like average like it was it was pretty good. Every once in a while. The thing that got me was there is some flowery language that I was like, okay, but there was no weird descriptions of female or male genitalia.


That word that human


human genitalia, if you will, yes. Female and male genitalia or some would say, genitalia. And there was no or there was very enthusiastic consent, which is to love and do. Awesome. Yeah, solid four to five. And then overall, I'm gonna give this bad boy like, oh, gosh, eight and a half, nine. Nine. All right, nine out of 10. It was very good. So excited


to talk to


her. No, it was so fun. Very good. So I highly recommend y'all go read this book. It's great.


Well, you you definitely didn't need a palate cleanser. So what were you condemning?


Um, I started reading and I don't know if I'm going to finish it because like I started reading it and just haven't gotten back to. It's a book called The Devil in the dark water. And I know the name is awesome. I just like my problem is sometimes when I get stressed out my brains just not ready for books. Like I just don't have that in thought process. So I've started it and I definitely want to finish it. I'm hoping I will. I'm gonna try. But it's like a renaissance Renaissance tutor. It is a tutor era. Sherlock Holmes. Yeah.


Did you recommend that to your husband? Yes. Because he was telling me about that.


But yes, he did not like how it ended apparently. So I'm very curious. Yeah, uh huh. So we'll see.


It was it was great to have him here.


But what I It's okay, I know you guys have to trust what I like to trust if you know about it. No, maybe we're through Apple. What I read of it though. I really liked so. I'm a fan. There you go. Yeah. Um, I think that's it. Is that it? Yeah.


We got it. I


think we killed it Tuesday. My brains did it. I know. Well, thank you guys so much for listening. And I hope that you will pop on over to our blog later on this week. For our review with Lauren. I'm very excited about it. And we'll post on all Lauren to coming on. Yeah. And we need to talk to you. We will post on all of our social media when that goes out. Also, I just want to kind of put on record and saying this this is a book that I would have read even if the publicist hadn't reached out to us like it was a book. So it crossed my path so boom. Hey, thank you, Eleanor. You for the use of your song. Oh, love off the album be held. And I think that's it.


I think. I think we killed it.


I think we nailed it. Thank


you crushed it.


It's fine. All right. Bye, guys. We love you