Textual Tension

Ep. 68: Chronic Wet Disease

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 68

The folks at Harlequin Romance Novels are at it again! Margie and Rachel are unpacking the bananas plot of Susan Mallery's, Accidentally Yours. Because with money, anything is possible!


Hello, and welcome to textual tension every other week, I, Rachel pop on in here and give you guys all those little newsy updates and stuff. We actually don't have too many this week except big announcement. Maybe you saw the number. This is episode 68. You know what comes after 68? That's right. It's the sex number. So we have some really big plans for episode 69. Nice. And we're really excited to share them with you. So stay tuned. You know, two weeks from now we have a really special episode, but that we also have some extra stuff that's going to be coming out over on our Patreon. So if you want to get access to all the cool stuff that's going to be coming out for episode 69. Nice. Head on over to patreon.com/textual tension and check that out. It's going to be a blast. We're really looking forward to it. And Marty and I actually plan something. And I'm really proud of us for that. Not our strong. Yeah, so head on over there. Check that out. There's all sorts of other really cool extra content and stuff over there that you can also check out and hit us up on our social because we're going to be dropping hints about it for the next little while. So all of our social is at textual tension pod across all of the twits to grams, and face pops and stuff. So you can head on over and check that out. We're going to be dropping hints. We're gonna have more information about this episode, which is a very good one. And we were just absolutely crazy during this one. It was a blast. And yeah, come have a chat with us and maybe come on over to our Discord as well. There's a link to that on our Instagram page. And you can pop over and join we talk about books we talk about yacht violence, we we talk about all sorts of fun, random questions, just all kinds of stuff. So head on out. We also post all of the pictures of our pets, everyone's pets. It's magical. Do it for that. Join for the pets. Um, let's see. Wow, we really don't have all that much to talk about this week. And that's really great. Sometimes it's nice to have a chill day. So hey, how about some of that romance novel wisdom? If you've stuck with me this far? They say money can't buy happiness. But all of those rich single romance novel heroes sure look like they're doing all right for themselves. If you heard a noise that was Bitsy, he's been hitting the microphone, so thanks. cohost Fitzy All right. We lost this one. So hey, without further ado, here is episode A 68 Chronic wet disease


tearing me apart from Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Margie and I'm your co host Rachel every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for the other unsuspecting co host this week. That co host is Rachel me. If you though Mido it you don't and together we unpack what the fuck just happened. Be like my little like stripping. I was good to do. Um, so listeners I'm just gonna warn you. I had a I had a day or I had a day.


That's okay. We're gonna we're gonna do some healing romance. jobling and this


book is not horrible. It is a ride. It is certainly a ride.


Oh, is it a spa? Yeah. Alright. Hey, what's up man?


I've already hit you with the with the book. You have.


Is there a story as to how you got it? Or is it just a smile?


On my bookshelf? I think a friend gave it to me. I don't remember who I'm sorry. It might have been my brother. I don't know like go this Yeah, like a


good I'm not gonna say


clap Oh my god. Okay, so there's this looks like I'm not gonna say it's a classic a textual tension because it doesn't involve like Atlantis or some crazy like that but it is like a solid like, Okay, we have accidentally yours with spy Susan Mallory whose name is not only much larger than the title but also in the center of the book and the title is underneath it.


I also want to fire the person who created that font. I really hate it. It's like the accidentally yours. Yeah, on his I tend to personally Yeah, yeah.


I'd also like to, to have a discussion with the graphic designer who put a bright orange background. Yep. With a woman and a dude. Back to Back with their faces facing like turned to face the camera cut off from the nose up naturally because we have to protect these at these models anonymity. She is wearing a like fuchsia dress against a bright orange background, which is horrible. Yeah. So it's so visually pleasing. Yeah. And he's in a suit with what looks like a crow bot. He's got a massive neck piece on and she has like a cocktail olive on a stick, which I have to assume is a euphemism for his balls. Oh, it was a lollipop. No, dude, that's an olive. Oh, it


isn't all right.


Mallory's prose is luscious and provocative. Not about this book. It's about her other book sizzling also Margie. I accidentally clicked on the audio book and I don't know if he worked on any of the other covers for this.




can I just say that the audio book cover is a dude that looks nothing like the dude and the other one as it not even the same hair color like different skin tone everything's different. laying in a bed looking like he's like getting up because he heard someone didn't break into his house. Very different vibe without a shirt on but he is wearing tighty whities


such a different vibe much


much different oh god


okay neither


of these are really all all that accurate good good yeah all right yeah,


let's let's hit that description.


Yeah wanted


single moms seeks billionaires pocketbook to fund dying sons research care good if necessary black male is not out of the question miracles welcome. Oh, Sweet Jesus cynical billionaire seeks working mom with a heart of gold for PR campaign to improve his stance against the community must be willing to attend social events. Anyone looking for love need not apply? It seems like the perfect match until the unthinkable happens what they fall in love and it becomes more of a perfect match. Okay,


it's the end then they become accidentally yours.


Mine. I don't want them.


Here's my first critique of the book they're going to be my first critique is there's nothing accidental that happens in this book. Everything is very pushed in plant.


So I find it interesting that last episode involves a single father and in this case, it involves a single mother.


That is there are so many more books about single moms and single that's it so so yes, so many books about single moms out there.


Would you call Casio a dad? Yeah. So he is a person who is a father. He is not a father figure.


There you go.


Are they gonna cure cancer in this book?


They are not going to we'll get into that they do not cure cancer. Okay.


Now I'm afraid for the next part, which is the triggers. Is there any child death? So many


so much. Yeah, there's there's child death. So the triggers are murder, suicide, child illness, child death, suicide ideation and gun violence.


Take things I wasn't expecting. Like 500. Please, Alex. Wow, I would not have put any of those. Okay. Like one or two of those on this list? Yeah, not Oh, God. Yep.


Okay. Yep. Yep. Yep. You ready for it? Sure. Color color. Okay, surprised. So we've got our leads Carrie Sullivan, who was a young single mom, her husband died. I think in Afghanistan. This book was written in 2008. So


okay, yeah, I'm Afghanistan time and literally,


her husband died. She got super super super depressed, nearly killed herself and then found out like the next day after she didn't kill herself that she was pregnant. So


I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Yep, I know. I know. But I'll say that's not because Right. Not the greatest mental headspace for that to happen in but okay.


Well, so she is a fantastic mom. She loves her son Cody to death would literally do anything for him, which is a good thing because he is now nine years old. And he was dying. He has now been diagnosed with this disease called Gilliard disease, which is super painful and super fatal. And those are the only two descriptions that we really get from the book. Oh, and it's it's supposedly makes you like super physically weak,


not just your regular fatal Yeah, super


So I actually texted my friend who he's training to be a physician's assistant and then my cousin who he is becoming a doctor, and neither of them had really heard of this disease. It doesn't truly exist from the googling that I did. Um, it could it could be related or in reference to another disease called Gilbert's


disease. Could it be on Blu Ray, or gamma ray? That would be my guess.


Is that Is he on Blu Ray, but Well, yeah, then it wasn't an exact thing. So but it doesn't really matter. Yeah. So um, carry it has blond hair, blue eyes, totally drop dead gorgeous. Nach, nach. Then we got Nathan king. He's rich, tall, dark and handsome. Rich with curly dark hair. I think he has blue eyes and he's rich. If he is right, he has the reputation of having a heart as cold as ice and he's rich. Oh, okay. Did they mention that he's right.


So interesting note, due to the front cover is not tall, dark and handsome. No fact he is hella like, light blonde. And


I don't think well, I should say, is described as tall, dark and handsome, though. I know what I described as tall with dark hair. Okay. And blue eyes. All right. Hmm. Interesting. Yep. All right. So we open to the grill, which is a restaurant in Seattle, where Carrie is working as a waitress. It's only her third day on the job and she's absolutely awful at it. She really actually only came here for one purpose, which is to stalk Nathan King.


Okay, crazy. Yeah, yeah. Oh,


so I have a question real quick. You say young? How young? Is she? Like early 20s. Late 20s. Late 20s. Okay. Yeah, late 20s. I


think he's like early to mid 30s. Okay, yeah. So Nathan King arrives at the grill. And Carrie takes us takes this table, where she plops a mini DVD player down in front of the iPad. Which plays a DVD about a research study being done on gillers disease by a doctor Abram Wallace. Are you still there?


I still here I'm just thinking,


Oh, yes. Welcome to the restaurant restaurant, where we serve the best restaurant food, food, canned food.


It's like It's like chai tea.


Chai Tea Tea twice. It's what white people call tea twice.


The ground so good. All right. But she plops down this DVD player in front of upstairs playing the DVD. And it's about this cure for gillers disease that was be developed by Dr. Abram Wallace. The research study was the only chance of killing or curing, curing not killing gillers disease and the lab where the research was being conducted exploded recently.


What is wrong with this woman? Do you ever just sit and think maybe it's you


her fault, the lab exploded,


I know. But like,


there's a difference between interesting things happening in a person's life in a book to like, you know, progress the story and well, so her husband died and then she got pregnant. Cuz after she almost killed herself and then her kid turns out to have this horrible disease and then the lab exploded. Okay, that escalated quickly.


It's worse because like, she moved to this particular really small town outside of Seattle, just to get him care at this lot. Her son care at this lab, and then the lab exploded.


I shouldn't be laughing. This is actually terrible. And I know she like this happens to real people. And it's awful.


But in particular.


So yeah, you know, so carry. So Kerry's basically begging Nathan King to fund the project. And she's like, I want you to do this for $15 million. Remember, they're in a restaurant. She just plopped a DVD down and player down in front of him and is now asking him for $15 million.


Actually, that's how you're gonna get your first husband right. I wouldn't even get to work at the restaurant restaurant. Just gonna show


you better work bitch.


Give me 15 million give me busy for my son. You don't have a son. I have a child holds up Athena. She's bears chronically wet. Chronic wet disease.


life threatening.


God, she's going to drown


around. We're just waiting for the


neither of This is getting weird y'all neither of us have been drinking I swear. Oh,


just crazy. Okay. All right. So, but Carrie does have a strong reason to believe that Nathan would do this. She didn't just pick. She picked this specific billionaire for a reason. You know? Yeah, um, and it's because Nathan's own son died of Villiers disease six years earlier.


Gentlemen, became a shitty waitress at the restaurant Bar Grill. kept a DVD in front of a billionaire who guarantee six years isn't long enough for him to get over the loss of his child at dinner.


front of other people, too.


Crazy Lady made me relive my son's death one star


so, so like, you know, shocker. It doesn't work. No need them is Yuri. Yes. And Karis quote unquote boss because she's only been at this job for three days kicks her out of the restaurant. And when Carrie sees Nathan walk out of the restaurant, she gives it one last ask she's like, why won't you do this? Just give the money? No, no, you right? And they've been responds, my son is dead. So why should I care about yours? That is


not what a normal human would respond with. But


okay, none of this is what a normal human would do. No, no.


This is this is on earth to


Yeah, this is on separate Yars shit. Yeah, yeah. Yars like a deep cut, yeah, it is. Let it call the ER. Alright, so pitches that was in the Seattle area Carrie returns home to song would wear


um, how far away from Seattle? His song would


I think it's not far but I don't know. There's I think it's she can drive to and from pretty easily. So I'm assuming under an hour,


most unrealistic thing about this entire book is she has been a waitress for three days and can afford that right?


Yeah. Um, but she does have she does have another job job. She just moved. Yeah. So this town is also really sad though. Just as a side note, because like the research study that was being done, there was a lot of like, that's where a lot of the economic prosperity for this town was coming from. And so a lot of people moved out a lot of stores closed down and it's just a very sad town now.


Yeah. I cope with depressing awful shit through humor. So strap the fuckin for the next little bit.


Because what the


Yeah, what's happening right. Oh, he so he's here. He is disappointed by what happened but she's determined she's not giving up. She goes to like, see her friend Linda and Linda actually worked with Dr. Wallace at the Research Institute. So she Linda and carry up with prints for a while. And her Glinda gives Carrie actually some really great, great advice. Life, just straight up lied to the press until the King agreed to give the $15 million for research for failures disease.


I have a couple of questions. Yeah. One. What is gonna make the press believe her? She is


he had she she had letterhead from his office. Oh, so


she's an extra special level of crazy. Yeah. Good. Yeah, fantastic. Yeah, too. And this is actually something kind of interesting. I do find the no is pleased means please convince me thing flipped a little bit with her. Him saying no, LLP it. I don't think that was the author's intention. However, right is interesting to see


through. Um, so she does that. She goes to the press and she has like a letterhead from his company saying like, I'm going to donate $15 million for this research. And this is bad for King because King kind of needs good press right now because he is working on a huge housing development for the 1% that was going to be built somewhere around Seattle, like on like, yeah, and he needs good press in order to get the building permits and keep the community happy with him enough to allow to build these big gas towers,


well, he needs that because he is probably uprooting several Native American indigenous Americans Yeah, burial grounds right or to do it and also probably has to make a couple puppy sacrifices in order to really get that foundation solid.


Also there, there's an environmentalist group that's already against him, like doesn't want him to build these towers. And a, an even his own sister is against him. It doesn't want him to build these towers.


If this book does not end with him not building those towers,


I'm gonna free. Good a break.


So King sees the article in the newspaper, like a couple mornings later, he's like, god damn it, like, and he calls us attorney and is like, Hey, I'm being blackmail. But don't worry, I'm gonna go down to sawnwood and talk to this woman myself and get her to stop.


That's a great idea. Also, the fact that he did not immediately get a restraining order is like and that the press did not confirm this means that well, okay, I'm not really that surprised about that one, but still.


So he goes to Karis real workplace, which is called the hair barn, where she's a hairdresser slash stylist again, how


can she afford this?


She lives in a really, really, really, really cheap place, apparently. I don't know. Yeah, so he's like, I need a word with you. And she's like, I'm not taking a break for you. So say and get your hair cut. Your hair is atrocious anyway.


Okay, that in this one instance, that's hysterical.


So he sits, she cuts his hair, and they talk, he threatens legal action to which she responds, Oh, right. Throw a dying kid's mother in jail. And it's how that you supposedly just promised to save with the research money. See how many friends that makes you?


Oh, she's a bitch. And I like her thing.


Yeah, she's very candid. She's also like, I know how much money you have. You're a billionaire. So just write the damn check and be done with this and be done with me and move on with your life. Like, just be over it. Okay, eat the rich. This is fine. Yeah. And like he's like, and he's like, you don't care what happens to me as long as you get your money and she whips his chair around so that he's facing her. And she's like, I have a dying son. I am a feral mother. Test me.


Okay, you know what, at first I wasn't on board. She's around. She's,


I know. I liked her a lot. Now. He does agree. But there's a stipulation. So he's like, Alright, you're going to use me for money, then I'm going to use you. I get interviews. I get good press from you. I get pictures from you. You show up at events you make me look good. And okay, you make me look like a goddamn saint. And she's like, You know what? Filing Done? Easy. How I'll even sleep with you if you want if she honestly says that. And he's like, I might take you up on that.


Okay, yeah, I know the line at that way.


I know to let that out. That was just very, and we'll get into it. We'll get into it. It's a little the romance feels a little forced, sometimes because of interactions like that.


Yeah, that's not very natural. Not that some of this book has been.


Exactly so. So Carrie actually takes money Nathan. I met Nathan. Why did I say money? Why did I call him money? Back


Margie, is he rich?


Does he ride bulls for a living? Oh my God, he's a billionaire. Leader bull rider. Holy shit.


Man right now. That those are my only criteria Tinder I don't understand why this is so goddamn hard. All three billionaire bull rider. And what do you say?


cult leaders make you a god? Well,


if you're a billionaire, you're already kind of a leader of a coal. That is fair. Yeah. So alright, so carry brings Nathan back to her place just like firm up legal requirements. Hey, oh, and yeah, they're exchange at her places more of kind of the same with her where she just does not give a shit that he has money that he's this big cheese. And she also does not give a shit that she manipulated him into giving a$15 million to the ranch. Yes, exactly. And so they're her shot with him is and he's like you're not like, like it's fine but you're not but you're not like, like, coddling me like people normally do what you Like, yeah, find it refreshing. I just want your money.


I don't care. I


don't care. Yeah, literally, like, I don't care about you. And he's like, this is so refreshing.


This book would be so much better if just like, there wasn't a romance, and that was it. It was just her like, nope. And then she saves her child, which probably isn't going to happen. So


he's like, Okay, listen, we firmed up the details here at your apartment, but I'm going to need you to come into the office and like sign paperwork so that we can like make this official because i Yes,


yeah, get a contract. Contract. Sure. So.


Um, and so it's awesome, because so she comes into the meeting. And she's actually like, Hey, um, yeah, I have demands for you. And he's like, What do you mean, I'm giving you$15 million? And she's like, Oh, no, I need more stuff. And so he, she needs him to, and I'm gonna get into the context of this, but this is, hold on, quote, she needs him to make her fly. So she has come up with this routine since her son was diagnosed when he was around five or six, where she came up with this wonder mom thing where she acts like that she can do all these like feats of super strength and stuff to kind of lift his spirits and keep him like positive. Oh, that hurts my heart. Yeah. And so like, she's done things like she pretended she lifted a car. And she's like, saved a cat out of a tree. And she's like, now I want to fly. Like I want him to see me fly. Like, I want to try to keep his spirits up. Yeah.


Oh, that that hurts my heart. Yeah, yeah. Really? Oh, yeah.


So she's like, Okay, I want you to make me fly. Then she gets him to agree to donate to Song woods. So new baseball uniform uniforms in some sort of like Thanksgiving event donation.


And I mean, he's gonna have a real good press from this. Right?


And Nathan is like, taken aback. He's like, she's not asking for anything for herself. And but he agrees. He's like, Yeah, that's fine, whatever. So Nathan, at the end of that meeting, as scores carry out of the office, and his head is still kind of buzzing with Oh my God, who the hell is this woman who just came the fuck out of nowhere and up ended my life. How did she do Stocker? She's? She's a hairdresser. Like, how did she do this? And there's this dichotomy between them. That's kind of cute, where he's like, he gets justifiably annoyed with her because he's like, you're like a little fly buzzing on the wall, and you're driving crazy. And she's like, Listen, I'm impervious to your bullshit. I don't care if you get mad at me all I want. You're doing what I want. You're saving my son. So get mad at me all you want. Mm hmm. So this is where the relationship sort of quote unquote, jumped for me. He kisses her in the elevator. Yeah, just feels like I get oriented. Yeah, well, it's okay. So I get it. It's a romance novel. There's gonna be steamy moments, that's fine. But there wasn't really any flirting back and forth before that. Like it was just him sort of flirting with her and her just being like, Alright, cool. Give me the$15 million.


So there's no indication that she's, she's one cent. And he just does it.


Yeah. And let him know. She loves it. She enjoys it. But then he has this really this really blatant weird conversation, where he's like, so sex on the table is sex part of our deal? And she's like, well, if you want it to be I mean, if it's gonna be like a stipulation for you Sure. And he's like, Well, I'm not interested in you anyway. But she's like, What? Why are you asking? Like, it's very strange. Ah, like that. Yeah, it's weirdly strange. And yeah, but after this, and I can't remember how long after it's not that long. Maybe a few days. They go to their first event together and actually Cody, her son comes with them, you know, to really firm in that a sick child and helping out the mother thing.


The Gerber Baby for sick children. Yes,




I'm dark. Even for me. I'm sorry, everyone.


But unfortunately, there's trouble on the horizon. So you see, no,


you mean this entire relationship isn't built on a foundation of sand. Oh my god. We're


talking about the relationship silly. Oh, Rachel. The relationship is fine.


Come on. More explosions. Come on more exposure for


explosion. Damn it. Yeah, bitch.


I would like to briefly mention in case anyone's wondering. Donating $15 million to something and then magically a curious found is not normally how things that's not how that happens. COVID vaccines happened that way because it was a lot more than $15 million. That got thrown at it.


Yep, yep. Yep. So if you think that like you'll took a year. Yeah, you think that and also They would probably come up with something like diabetes, where it's like, oh, you have to take this medication every day and it costs a billion dollars.


Yeah, yeah. Right. So it's money to live. How dare you want to live?


But like I said, there's trouble on the horizon. You see, no one asked Dr. Wallace, whether he even wanted to pick up the research again. And unfortunately, he's going through his emo phase after the explosion at the lab.


Did he caused the explosion? No.


It was actually just faulty electric. But he blames himself for it. And it did kill I think at least five people that explosion. So and he tells so when his assistant Linda, who's friends with Carrie again, it's like, Oh, my God, the money came in. This is so exciting. This is awesome. You're going to be able to cure all these children. And he's like, Yeah, I'm getting I'm giving it back. I'm not doing it. And he does because he's too sat


What the fuck is this book? What is happening? This dude? Okay, first of all, not only is it gonna take a long time to actually develop the fucking care if there is one. But also you have to rebuild the facility, get all the stuff that you lost. People died for this. And then also staff back the guy is like, hey, here, researcher have this giant gift of money to save all these kids life. And he's like, Nah, didn't work out last time.


I know. And a lot he tells what this book is all about strong women but beat like, like slapping the shit out of bitchy men. Because good. I do like Linda, his assistant is pissed. She's like, Girl, oh, you're gonna wallow in self pity with children are dying. You're close to a cure. You could fix this and you won't because you're sad. Not just that she's like, it is just that you little bitch. Get your shit together. They have been like had very, they've been not like romantically involved, but they've just been really long friends and colleagues forever and ever and ever. And she's always had his back. And she's like, You know what, fuck this. I'm out. I'm leaving. I'm out. I'm Haley. I always believed in you. But if you're just going to give up on yourself and on this, that I'm out and go, girl, and she also though goes into this little speech of God gave you this gift and you're just going to give it up? Which we'll get into that. Yeah, there's more of that to come.


So this is a Christian romance, but their sex. Um, so it's a dirty Christian.


There's just a lot of like influencing faith and God. And if I do this, then God will let things be okay. Kind of thing. And that's not really how I don't think God works. But yeah, I mean, I don't I mean, whatever you believe that's fine. I just don't think that that's like, I find it personally




So feels


very if you pray hard enough. It'll be fixed. Yes,


exactly. There's just no, yes. Um, so Linda goes to carry that night and is like, Listen, I don't know how to convince him. I don't know what to do. I thought he was gonna wake up and just be happy that the money was here, but he's not going for it. He's not doing it. So then Carrie goes to see Dr. Wallace with her son. And it's like, oh, you could fix him. You could fix this. You could save my son. Please do this. And waltzes. Like, I'm sorry, but I too sad.


Okay. Again, lady. It's not just a here's the magic money fairy. He says that all of this works. Now. She is.


Listen, I did. She just bodies, feral motherhood.


Like I'm all for feral motherhood, but like, well, there's


a crazy side to feral motherhood. But yeah. Decide to feral mothers


Mama Bear. And then there's mama bear that just have a bunch of cocaine. Yeah. To friends.


Yeah, right. Exactly. So and he's like, but I just love that. I'm sorry. But I'm to say,


I'm sorry. I'm too sad. Can I use that as an everyday excuse? Yes. I don't have depression. Okay, Marcia, you do? Give me you give me permission.


Yes, but not every day. Only special occasions. Only when I'm really sad. Like when my lab explode. Yes, exactly. And you can't find the cure for diabetes. Okay. All right. Okay. So Nathan gets a call from Linda. And Linda tells Nathan look, thank you so much. But something happened. We're not going to we're no longer going to be able to take that money. And they think it's really concerned. So he calls Carrie at work, and is told she called in sick for the first time. He then calls her at home, and she doesn't answer her phone. So he's like, and Cody doesn't answer the phone and he's like What is happening? This is really weird. So and because romance novel he shows up at her house.


He has been there once before, so at least he knows he knows. Yes, that's


a good point. That's a good point. There is a part though, at the beginning of the book where it's like when before he writes up the contract. He's like, Oh, no, I had I did. I did some digging on you before before I agreed to do this. So


because she has been literally stalking him. I'm, I'm okay. More. Okay. We're all about equality. Yeah, that's true. Well, equal parts. Yeah. He says he goes, everyone gets an opportunity to stock everyone.


Equal saw equal opportunity. Equal Opportunity, stalking. Yeah,


in this house, we are equal opportunity for stalking.


So they think goes to her door and she knocks she opens. And he's like, holy shit. You look like hell. What the fuck happened? And she's like, Yeah, I finally had a breakdown. It finally happened. And she explains what happened with Wallace and money. I mean, cut him


at Nathan. Nathan. Nathan, right.


Why do I keep calling him money?


No, but it might be I think it might be it as a middle name. And you know, some people go by their middle. Yeah, that's


for sure. Yeah. So um, dollar you do so dollar Oopsy daisy dollar a dues. So money springs into action and is like, I will fix this. Don't worry as money does. In the meantime, food, booze, and maybe a real strong hug.


Okay, yep. One. You just referring to him was money throughout that entire thing. was amazing. Because it made sense. Yeah, it didn't have to be a name. It could just be money and to Is he gonna hug her with his penis?


He's not gonna hug her with his penis. Normal hug. He's like, Listen, I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna we're gonna figure this out. We're going to take care of this. It's it's got to be okay. And she's like, I don't believe you but it's nice to hear somebody say that to me. Because she's always the strong one like for Cody. She's always like and her personal belief of I have to believe so hard because otherwise I will lose Cody Cody will die right she has this personal internal strength that is based off of that


and they literally don't describe this disease outside of Nadu trust me. It's super deadly. Yeah, I have this girlfriend. She lives in Canada


and data and it has to do with enzymes. But it's all right. So he has delivery brought delivery groceries brought to her house. He has delivery booze brought to her house this is before DoorDash GrubHub and all that so you know the money is running we can do anything we can't do anything. And he also has a takeout brought to their house. So they Cody Nathan and Carrie all eat fried chicken together. And then Cody goes out goes back up to his room because he's a nine year old, you know? And over some wine. Nathan and Carrie tap chat and Nathan tells his or excuse me money tells his tragic backstory


which good what's what why his money the way he is.


which granted it is pretty tragic. Um, his he grew up and just like, you know, he came he created his own money.


Yeah, so money came from nothing came from


nothing. His parents had a hellish relationship. So like really abusive towards one another and money, basically sprinted towards a college college football scholarship to get away from from like the horribleness at home, and he left his younger sister behind and this is gonna get real. So his so when Luckily his sister was out of the house when this happened. But Nathan's mom shot her his father and then shot herself. And then the little sister walked into the house and found them


to borrow them BAM ism. We're just gonna send jokes out of the room for this entire backstory. Go ahead.


Yep, yep. So now is so now Nathan's sister who he's Nathan's sister isn't much younger than him. So she was probably like, 1617 when this happened, and he was 1819. But his sister Frankie now blames Nathan for what happened. And he also she also blames him for leaving her behind, like, because even after the funeral happened, he really was just kind of like, I gotta get away from this shit. I have to live my life. It was just this coping mechanism. And she was abandoned, essentially.


Yeah, so I mean, everyone, unfortunately, everyone grieves and deals with trauma in their own way. And the way that you deal with it might be very inconclusive with the way someone else deals with it, but There's like, it's just what it is what it is, right? It's hard. Yeah. So and, and that's why therapy is always a good idea,


Frank. And he has since then Nathan has tried to reconnect with his sister. But she's, like, very just antagonistic does not want anything to do with him. And she's kind of another side plot that I'll get into a little bit. But she has serious mental health issues too, including OCD. And she's determined, like I said earlier in this book now to destroy Nathan, like she wants to take down as well. Oh, yeah,


I do love the name. Frankie


is a great name. It is a really great name. So, um,


so are we going to talk about his kid that died yet? Or can I bring jokes back in,


we're not going to talk well, so I guess I'll just go into that. I mean, his son, he was married, his son died of gillers disease six years earlier. And, but that's really, you don't really get much more into it. Other than that, and like, he blames himself a little bit for the fact that his that his son died, because when his son was really in pain, and really like, at the end of it, he told his son, he was like, if you need to go, it's okay. You can go like you can, you can let go and carry on the other opposite end of that spectrum is not willing to do that at all ever. Like she's like, I will never let my son go.


Ever. Yeah, I don't know how I feel about what I know.


I know. Well, I you know, I sympathize with both like know, it's it's one of those situations where it's like, nothing is right. Everything is just be bananas and crazy. You don't really know until you're in the room there.


And I think that right now she's not at the same part that he was at, cuz I'm assuming at that point they were in they were in the


hospital like it was he was basically unconscious. He couldn't do anything. He was in pain. And, and yeah,


my I tend to lean towards if I'm in that position, I want to be able to tell that person No, you can, you can go to right kind of like not because if they're in that much, right, but you know, yeah. All right. What happened to his wife? Did they divorced her did you guys wife


kind of when she got the diagnosis kind of fell apart? And she actually wasn't really even helpful towards their son couldn't really handle it. And they did divorce I think either during or after he passed like he died. So Oh, good all around.


Now that that's done jokes, come on kickin. Alright, so while this so how does money fix it? Um,


well, he's, he's like, I'm gonna call Wallace. We're gonna figure all this out. Right. But while this is happening in the chat, yeah, man did well, so But while this is happening, Dr. Wallace is like, I ruined everything. Like I've ruined my own life. But I've also pushed away someone who was really important to me, meaning Linda, and so he goes to see Linda, and Linda is in the process of packing up her stuff. She's serious. Like, she's like, she's in this box, like clothes, clothes in the suitcase. She's literally in the middle of packing. And Wallace is like, listen, I promise I'm doing this for me. And whether you leave or choose to stay, I'm going to do this, but I'm going to start the research again. And I'm asking you to stay


good on it. Yeah. Yeah, look, I know I know. I'm doing it for me, but just remember through money we can do anything


he really just wants it's a conversation between the two of them where she's like, you can't just do this for me. You have to do this because you want to do it. And he's like, I want to do it but I also really want you


see that's a better love story than whatever the hell they


actually have a very cute love story. So that's side love. So that's the real


romance in this book not money tragic


but carry in the meantime like so you carry does not know this, though. But she in the meantime picks herself back up again. And because she has Cody didn't look after, right? She's got to kind of like EcoCAR and Nathan is like, Huh, you know, I like this tough and like, conniving woman, you know, she seems innocent on the outside, but she's actually really smart and, and damn Dipper termined on the inside. And they have this kind of moment where, you know, it's tech they, they he invites her out to dinner, like one night and he's like, Oh, it's just for the publicity. But it's really more of a date. Yeah, at what point


at what point has she seemed innocent to him?


When she's talking about her son when she's just like her when her like her intentions are just so pure with him. Naive maybe a little bit I don't think naive I think it's more just like her intentions are so clear. You know, he's in the Bs in fitness. So like oh are never clear with what they want. And with her It's like no, I just want to save my son's life. And that's it and I want you to give me this because I want to save my son's life. So


yeah, I not innocent more. straightforward yeah


right right all right ah sorry I'm going back getting so like I said takes her out to dinner and song would and they have a lovely time where they dance and it's like things are getting spicy you know things are coming together between them the kind of like dancing that edging that line. Hey, oh magic there. Hey. Oh,


we have not made enough. Yes, um, hey, let us know if you like edging Jesus Christ. What is wrong with


you? I ain't call for that. Anyway, I just made the original joke anyway. So um, and then Carrie gets the good news. Wallace apologizes to her and tells her he's back on the Gilliard case. And so Carrie is thrilled and money I mean, Nathan no fucking money brings her to his office to show her around just kind of talk because he was like, Oh, I had all this time set aside to beat up Wallace. But now that I'm not going to do that you want to just come over and like, hang out.


I mean, I it's really a special time when money can show his his aspiring significant other. The giant pile of gold that he swims in every night all a Scrooge McDuck. All right,


it's a it's kind of like a baby dance. Do you think about it? Yeah, just


listeners. I just waved my arms above my head like an octopus.


So I imagined Spidey canoodle in his office and they kiss and then Carrie gets a call. It's it's from Cody's friend and Cody had slipped and fell in the hallway and broke his leg. So oh no, Harry and Nathan rushed to the hospital and Cody's okay, but the doctor there is pretty much like look this, this is the beginning of the decline. Like things are about to get ugly. So just be prepared.


Did she just leave her son she the sudden has not played much of a role in this except to be sick? Yeah, that's pretty


much his role, though. Like just be sick. Okay, like a cute little nine year old boy who honestly I was gonna mention this. He acts more like a 14 year old or a 15 year old I would say than a nine year old. Because yeah, so but like, I will also say that there is sick kid sarcasm, which like sick kids can have the funniest senses of humor.


Oh, yeah. Well, I was gonna say I imagine when you're nine years old and no, you're probably gonna die. That probably changes your personality a little bit, right?


Um, so the doctors like, Okay, this doesn't look good. You need to start preparing for the worst. And this is where Karis God fearing attitude comes in. She's just gonna pray. So you gotta pray so hard. So throughout this book, there's been a lot of like that of God and miracles and God given gifts. And with Carrie, it comes in that she sort of made a deal with God when Cody got sick, that she would sacrifice every ounce of her own happiness for herself to save Cody's life. So basically like martyrdom, like in the nth degree, I will sacrifice everything so that God will save my son. It's been


a while since I've been gung ho in the Christian Jews,


but I don't I don't remember that being how God like so I think it's like you can make


a deal with God.


Yep, that's just what she believes. So now just carry feels like I was happy with money. I mean, Nathan for just a moment, and God quote unquote, punished me by letting me go to get hurt. Oh, yeah.


Yeah. Yeah, I do not have the time nor the crowns. laneway This is religiously bad.


Right. Right. Oh, no need that shows up at the hospital when Cody is being discharged. And it's like, I'm here to help. What can I do? And Carrie is pretty mean. Cuz I'm pretty bitchy. She's like, thank you. But we can't let this get personal. We're done. I'm here for photo ops and enter these but beyond that, this is a no go. So he he's like, Jesus, okay. Like, I'm damn okay. And he just is like, fine. Got it, and leaves the hospital but because but because money feels guilty, like 45 minutes later, okay, maybe like a day later. Okay, maybe a day he sends a motorized wheelchair to carry and Cody's house and he has someone set up a ramp at their apartment building. I know. Yeah, I know. And Carrie is incredibly grateful and feels comfortable with him enough to ask, Hey, and like they before then she calls them I think and she like, is like thank you so much for doing that. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry. I'm being such a weirdo right now. And he's like, it's okay. And she's like, okay, but now I need something else. Can you make me wonder Mom, can you make me fly? Uh huh. And so and he agrees to that. And so he feels comfortable enough to call and say, Hey, I need you to come over, we're in a bit of a pickle. So Nathan explains that Frankie actually showed up at his building, like, at his, okay. And like somebody recognized her somehow. And she was kind of like upset and crying and was like, Oh, I'm just so worried about my brother like, he is, you know, fall in love with this woman. And I think he's, she's only there for the money. And the person like real Yeah. And the person reassured her and said, like, oh, no, no, you're cool. That's exactly right. And told the whole story. So now it's like, yeah, so now the press is gonna find out that she literally like blackmailed him pretty much. And that. Yeah, um,


I feel like I've had to hold on to sorry, let Jack go way more in this, this episode than I had in the previous one. Because like, Sure, the previous one made no sense. This one makes just enough sense that it's so much worse.


So um, so they have another meeting at his office building. carry his attorney in Nathan. And they kind of come up with a plan of what what they're going to do in terms of damage control for this story leaking. And but then, of course, they end up back at his condo for whatever reason, he invites her back, and they kind of talk about Cody, but it's really more about like, the two of them being together. And Nathan's like, Look, I know from experience, the world is shitty. Your son could die could still die and it wouldn't be anything that you did or didn't do. It would just happen because shit happens the world's a shitty place. And Carrie is like, but faith is important. I believe in miracles if I keep playing the martyr then maybe a miracle will happen. And she also believes that faith is the man that like the devil tempting her to the dark side and my eyes roll into the distance




am upset that I did not set myself up in such a way that there is a readily available hard service. Yeah,


no, I know she'll and then what? I like Carrie she also guilt trips him because she's like, You never look at my son. Why didn't you ever look at him? Is it because he reminds you of your son and he's like well, yeah. Oh


yeah, maybe Jan


Yep, yeah.


I don't like her anymore. No, no, no, not on board but the


cocaine leader. She feels really bad about it. She's like God dammit, I should just go ahead so she comes up with this great I mean absolutely awful plan where she gets the town to create Nathan King Day. In honor of like, thanks for all the donation live $50 million, and all this stuff. And they're gonna celebrate the third with a parade Rachel's banging your head against her desk. She found a way


mmm, it was worth the effort. What the fuck is happening is good pie Jack. I have no idea where you came from. And


his publicist is legit. Nathan's publicist is like That sounds perfect. Coming from a marketing person. That is a horrible idea and it gives major Trump vibes just like so many fives I hate it so much.


Good but this wasn't the before times March 8 Before we all knew I mean, we knew before we know


Kerry also like Carrie and Nathan speak alone again at this meeting and she's like look, I'm really sorry about what I said. It was not fair at all. You are not like in any way. You have no obligation to my son. Like you he's my business he's my son and I'm really sorry, but I can't do this with you. I know it's my fear I get that but he's my son and I can't continue this relationship with you. But also because I don't want to hurt you because you matter to me.


You know what God wants for you? Yes you to feel edging real guilty yes edging no to feel real guilty when something happens because you know we all horny for some self Sacher sorry God's horny for some self sacrifice. It's here again. So


then Nathan, actually invites Carrie and Cody to a baseball game because Cody loves baseball. He's obsessed with baseball.


It's the same name Nathan because it sounds like Satan.


I don't know Fuck. God damn.


I disclaimer. I don't care what you believe you believe what you want to We've all believe what I want to believe don't push it on me on impression on you. But done disclaimer ended. I'm still gonna laugh at this.


Um, this is before the parade, they go to a baseball game and Nathan has a fancy box. So it's really you know, like one of those fancy glass box shit. And everything honestly is going fine. They're enjoying themselves


a little. Oh, no, make a wish.


Right? And still. Reporter comes up to carrying it's like, Hey, why do you think it took you blackmailing Nathan to make him look good to get him to do the right thing and donate money and carry us like to this reporter fuck you. But then she turns around to just like, hey, why don't you like donate your money earlier, to Nathan. And Nathan doesn't get a chance to respond because Cody has another crisis and they rush again to the hospital. So you know how? Sure so this is where Carrie really starts to break down. Because Nathan is there through the worst of the worst. He's already been through this. He knows what he's like, I know what's probably gonna happen. Like, this is the we're looking at the beginning of the end. And I'm Oh, you know what? It's okay. So they had already planned to the flying thing, but he actually does get out of the hospital again. And then they do the flying thing. So she gets to fly. Is this at the parade? This is I think this is around the time of the parade. This is what the plot Rachel This is with my notes fell apart. The plot fell apart. Just


that's it. I was gonna ask one what player two, I've stopped gently letting Jack float into the Atlantic Ocean and started eating him off think This is Sparta kicked off the fucking


know that the parade goes fine. Like he gets a shirtless city. She's wonder mom and they work together to accomplish both of those things happening, right? Okay, okay, sure. I'm sayin Of course. Oh, and then I think that Oh, yeah. It's like after the Wonder mom thing. They go back to her place. And Nathan and Carrie have sex. Don't worry. Cody is not in the house. He's at a friend's house. And I have to say


right after having a crisis. Yeah. Okay.


Yeah. Because, you know, kids bounce back magic magic law right.


There bouncy. It's fine. Well, he


might actually be baby. He didn't go to the hospital. I feel like you would have gone to the hospital. I don't remember Rachel. It really doesn't matter. Just know this kid is falling apart. Okay.


He had dudes like, this is the beginning of the end


of the end. And then they have sex. And I have to admit the sex is pretty good. Oh, yeah, I will color me satisfied with the sex is what I will say.


All right, fair. Interesting. I am excited to get into that. Okay, so now


all right. So of course, there's a fancy dress buying scene where they go to like a fancy shop and get her a fancy dress because they have to go to a fancy party. Oh, yes. And then there's the fancy ball gowns ball gown scene where she looks gorgeous and stunning. And they're like vibing together and it's all great. And then there's the drama of Cody having quote his quote unquote final setback so he gets rushed to the hospital again,


how disease of the


hospital get i i say final? Like I'm quote unquote, okay,


okay, okay. Okay, okay. I thought you meant like, not kids just


so Cody is in the hospital. It's really not looking good for him. He feels terrible. He's in a lot of pain. And Dr. Wallace like actually comes to the hospital and is like, I have this thing that might work. And she signs all the paperwork. That's like, okay, like give it to him and the hospital at first won't give him the drug. Yes, because that's not how it works. But then she's like, I will discharge him from this hospital and nurse him in my own home if I have to to get him this medication. If you did, that is your choice. If you want like fine, we'll fucking give it to him. So they give it to him doesn't work. He kind of like feels a little bit better the next day he wakes up and feels a little bit better but it doesn't like work in the long term. And I think he's unconscious at this point. But Nathan kind of this like, you're doing the best you can. There's nothing you can do. You know, you just got to stay strong through this. And she's like, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. My son is not going to die. There's going to be a miracle. Like and fight hard enough. It won't happen you I don't want you here. And so Nathan walks off again he leaves but then later on.


Do not tell me that while he is gone, the kid magically gets better and there's her miracle because God be horny for self sacrifice and didn't want her to be happy.


Then later she. So then later a nurse comes in to Cody's room and is talking to Carrie, and tells Carrie oh my gosh, like that guy you're with. He is such a trooper. He seems really amazing. You're lucky to have him with you. And she's like, What are you talking about? He left. And she's like, he didn't leave. He's been in the cafeteria this whole time. What are you talking about? He's been waiting for you. Ah, and so she goes down. Carrie goes down there and she's like, I am so sorry for what I said. It was so undeserved. I'm just so afraid. I don't want to lose him. And she comes to this realization to where she's like, I get where are you? We're coming from now with your son because my son is in so much pain. I can't like I have to be strong for him. If he's ready to go. He can go It's okay. It's fine. So like she's holding Nathan's hand and is going into Cody's room to like kind of tell him this and his unconsciousness. And she walks in and Dr. Wallace is there. And he's putting like, some sort of drug into a CODIS bag and it's like I figured it out. Figured it out overnight. I just


primo this is some primo black tar heroin I swear to God the heroin molecules fix the fake disease by


Dr. Wallace is like so sad because he can't figure it out as Linda's like, you just need to get some sleep go take a nap. And he wakes up and I swear to god it's just magically figured it out


Yes Yep. God if only why? Wait, what? I I


am exhausted.


God, it's a good thing that we don't have any issues involving global pandemics because all of our doctors just slept on it for a night and they figured it out immediately when it became a problem isn't it? Yep, it's so great. Instead of all


those people are ready for the epilogue please God


just finish it.


So we're at a a little league softball game like three years later, Nathan and oh wait no, no, no, no, no wait, there's one more better plot. Yeah, no, I forgot about this shit. There's so much plot this Carrie goes home because she's like, Oh my God, there's a treatment and it's working awesome. I can finally get some rest. So she goes home and she's like, there are people over to her house that she's talking to she somebody knocks on the door she opens the door. It's Frankie with a gun to carry space because carry forbid to finally destroy the kid's life, but don't worry, Kerry talks her out of it. And it's like you don't want to kill me. Like you just want to be happy and not have mental illness anymore. Oh shit. Margie, have you tried to leaving right? Have you tried selling yourself? You don't have to be mentally ill


getting over it.


Sorry, Frankie, get out. And then Nathan shows up and takes Frankie to a mental hospital where magically She's much better in like three weeks. All right, I just had to tell you that that that's I


did those.


Weeks later, Nathan goes to visit Francie in her mental hospital and is like I am here for you or whatever you need. I've got you. I want us to be close again. I've missed you. Please let me help you. And she's like, cool, chill. Now that I've got these drugs. I'm feeling way better.


Still have some antidepressants. Definitely. We're still definitely


have some shit to work through. And I'm still definitely angry at you. But we're going to get through it. And he's like, awesome. By the way. I'm going to marry Carrie if she'll have me. That was Yeah, so it's been like two weeks. Right? So what are you talking about? Uh, yeah.


I got I'm sorry. I thought that it was real medicine. Right? It took time. So


um, let's see. Alright, so now we get to the epilogue. Yep. So now Carrie and Nathan are married. They're at a little league game. It's a Cody's Little League game. And he's like doing fine. He's thriving, feeling much better. Yeah, and Carrie is pregnant. So the end.


I have to assume that this disease that this kid had was a genetic test.


Was it to the end of the book? So they said that they


Oh, they covered. Good, good.


So Oh, and Linda and Dr. Wallace do end up together.


Yeah, good. That's the one I really cared about Margie what the


realize how much of a roller coaster was until I started talking about it with you.


Oh, God, isn't that? No, hate that the way so it's weird because like, we've definitely covered some five or probably Yeah, like books. This still is up there. For me personally, on my own personal list is one of the worst.


I see. I would not call it the one of the worst ones I wouldn't. I hate I hated it. Like, well, no, I actually didn't hate it. I, I was fine. I was, how do I put this? Um,


so I imagine when you're in it, it's different. And then hearing summary,


stuff was not great. But their relation that was cute enough that I was like, Okay. And also it resolved itself in a way that I agreed with, with her basically, coming to terms with the fact that her son is probably going to die and him being like, I'm here for you, no matter what in her being like, Okay, you are not like, God doesn't want me to be unhappy. Like,


okay, that's totally fair. And honestly, the reason that I didn't like it was not because of the gods stuff. That was just weird. I didn't care about that. And I do also understand that feeling of, oh, this is somehow my fault. And if I just try harder, it'll be fixed. I get that. Very, especially in relation. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. It's so easy to feel guilty about things. But the thing that got me was just like,


the last minute IV drip of like, I've got it now.


Yeah, that was one of them. The medicine thing was one of them. Not very much. It was based in science. And also, at the same time, that was good. And also just like, all of the shitty things that happened. It. It was a fine book. It was it didn't strike me as like a romance thing. Maybe.


I mean, like,


I feel like it was for I don't know, I just like I you know, I'm having a very difficult time articulating why I hated that so much, but I've reminded me,


there was a lot going on outside of the Romans. I think just all over. It was it was definitely all over the place. Um, yeah, yeah. And it's like, I don't know. It's really hard. It's okay. Just give me can you start giving me numbers? Like, give me me scale


him? One to five. Oh, God.


He's fine. He gets a three. He's fine.


Okay, fair. Yeah, middle read.


I heard her she gets a four. I know. I understand. I just love her just being like feral mother mode activate. I think it's hilarious. Um,


when she was a mama bear. I was super into it when she started snorting the cocaine as a Pharaoh.


And I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt because her son is dying. She's going through and that her son is not only dying her son is in a lot of pain.


So okay, fine. Put put my cynical ass in its place. You're right. You're so right. Like


no, you're not that gives you it's a reason. Yeah, excuse but it's all a reason it makes sense. She wasn't just like, yeah, being contrary, I guess so.


I just kind of figured that at this point. If you haven't made it to the end of my entire massive cynical sense. Cynicism that's innocent throughout this episode. Yeah. Throughout this entire episode, then Well, goodbye. But if you have just know that I'm glad level gladly be called on my bullshit because you're right. That is absolutely a way to handle.


It makes it I don't think that it's okay. But it makes sense. So I'm gonna give her four out of five and then wonder mom stuff was pretty cute. Yeah, that's pretty


cute. Um, okay. says Good.


From what I recall. The sex was good. I'm gonna give the sex like a four out of five to not like amazing. It was really good for vanilla sex. Yeah. Okay, that's fair plot. Oh, God, um,


to say that I think that's the thing that I don't like about this is just,


but yeah, I mean, it's, it's, I think where the author struggled was with maybe this is where as a writer, I find it almost easier to go based off of reality. Because yeah, I know, Betsy, because thought is many thoughts. Because then if you're within the guide, the Got guidelines of science, then at least you have something to base it off of, as opposed to like once Wallace started started working again, she didn't know how to like put how to make the plot concerning kiss, you know how to like make the plot like still interesting but but still be based on the fact that she's looking for a cure for her son. No, I


think I can actually articulate why I don't like this and it does relate to the science part, I think, like Yeah, the plot was bonkers. We've read but more bonkers plot before. I take a lot of issue with things that it's kind of like the whole like, CSI thing where all of a sudden things work like oh, we sent this off to the lab yesterday. Right? Got a bath today and this Yeah, salt. It's like shit that like, it paints a not like just a false, right? And it gives false hope. I feel like and yeah, it's a rubbish. Yeah. Well, no one's coming down to look for hope from their shit. But still, like, that's not I don't know, if you want to believe in miracles, believe in them. Do not ignore them. Do you? Not? Exactly. You do not deserve that? He really does. That's what makes mirik rice. Right? Yeah, yeah. And I will say one other thing I want to mention in regards to that is like, just because this is framed in a way centered around religion, whereas it's the whole if I believe hard enough, and like all that stuff, that is by no means always the case. And that is absolutely not like people feel entitled to things happening to them because they tried real hard without that being part of it. But it is so very often portrayed in association with that, right? Where it's like, Oh, if you just believe hard enough, or have faith hard enough or pray hard enough, or if you sent me enough money, I'll God will heal you in some of the more extreme examples. Well,


the opposite is really damaging where because the bad thing happened. You didn't pray hard enough. You didn't give enough. It's your fault. You did this exactly. And I think that at the end of the day, even though the book was going in one certain direction before that, like I think that it veered off to It wasn't your fault. This was gonna happen anyway. The world is shitty. Sorry bout it. Like


expect the worst. Yeah, for the best maybe where it's like it's still try hard because what if it pays right? That's awesome. Basically, what I'm saying is gambling is great in this instance, so okay, not what's the next plot? Overall? What? One to 1068 episodes Marty.


What our numbers Oh, he's coming to mind our next episodes coming to mind is four


four. Hey, dude, go with your gut. And hey, y'all, so overall four so we had three for him for for her that's like some pretty high numbers across the board except for the plot. Did we actually give the plot a number? I think I gave it a chill still pretty solid. Yeah, for Okay, yeah, I can get behind that. Sure. All right. Well, uh, hey, all next episode is 69. So hey,


make sure you tune in


maybe we have something we actually guys


we did. We played


if you are not on Patreon gets your Yeah, because something I get. So




Alright, so. Oh, Margie. What else? Have you been


rereading Harry Potter? I'm good rereading? I'm trying to get through the series again. Because my trivia has been way off. I feel like so.


And everyone is in your head as you're reading it. Everyone is multicultural. Okay, right. Yeah. Good. Good. All right, y'all. Thank you. Oh, thank you, Eleanor. You for the use of your song. Oh, love off the album be held. And Margie, I'm glad you have a glass of wine. You earned it. And hey, if you think I'm a cynical bastard, Candy bros. Marty's the one that handles the Twitter. All right, y'all. Thank you so much. And remember next episode is 69. Nice. Nice. Hell yeah.