Textual Tension

Ep. 72: When You're Here, You're Family

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 72

Happy Pride!  Have you ever wanted to buy one of those sexy firefighter calendars? Okay but have you ever wished they were more gay? This week, we'll make all of your wished come true! Margie tells Rachel all about Damon Suede's Hot Head, and we discuss the finer points of the Olive Garden's fine dining experience!


Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel and every other week I jump on in here and tell you what the heck is going on in our little corner of the internet. Hey, happy pride, Happy pride to the second pride episode. Unprecedented, really, but not because it's a full month. But you know. We have a really, really fun episode for you guys, today, Margie is back, we are going to be hanging out. And it was oh, man, so much fun. So gay, I love it so much. And, hey, we really hope you're enjoying what you're doing what we're doing here. And we'd like to hear from you, especially what you think about what we're doing. So if you want to hit us up for any of your comments, questions, concerns, or just to hang out, you can hit us up on all of the social medias at textual tension pod across all of the platforms, except tick tock, we don't have a tech talk. We also have textual tension par.com, there's a Contact Us thing on there and an email at textual tension pod@gmail.com. So you can hit us up at any of those places. Just saying our next book is going to be a listener recommendation that came from our Instagram. So we really do listen to you. Something that we are doing this month, and probably for the next few months, because I think it's pretty cool is we're doing a little bit of a review campaign. So a rating campaign rather. So honestly, ratings help us a ton, especially five star ratings. So if you guys were to go on your favorite podcatcher preferably, preferably like iTunes, or I don't know if I think you can review on Spotify, but anywhere like that and give us a five star rating, you don't even have to write a review, if you don't want to just go on click five stars. For every new five star rating that we get, we will be donating $5 to the Trevor Project, which is an awesome organization, which supports LGBTQ i A plus youth who are in crisis. So we will be donating to them for this month and next month, and then we'll probably pick another charity in August. So if you want to, hey, do some good, it's coming all coming out of our pocket. And it is good for us and for the world. So if you could hop on over and do that, that would be amazing. We have a Patreon where there's all sorts of fun, new, not new bonus content. There's all sorts of cool bonus content over there. We have our monthly patreon live stream coming up, which is really fun. And I just finished making one of our $10 patron quarterly gifts. So there's a lot of cool stuff going on over there. Head of our Discord. There's a link to it on our Instagram. And we have a lot of fun over there talking about all kinds of stuff books, yacht violence, dogs, pets, we share all of our pets. It's a good time. So check that out. And I think that's it. I think we're just about ready to get into this episode. But first, I know you've been waiting for your romance novel wisdom. And you know since summer has been kicking off I thought this time I would give you guys a menu for the romance novel lovers picnic for the summer. Maybe start off with some nice fresh cut melons. fire up the grill, grill up some winners and for dessert, how about some strawberry shortcake? Hey guys, please enjoy Happy Pride and please enjoy episode 72. When you're here, you're family tearing me apart from


Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Margie, and I'm your co host Rachel every other week one of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for the other unsuspecting co hosts this week. That co host is Rachel me. You you though and together we unpack what the fuck just happened. So Rachel, do you want to talk about really quick what you're drinking because it looks amazing. I feel like I can smell it from here and I'm like, Ah,


it is a fabulous Rosa Marty's not drinking because this book is a fairly buckwild it is what I am. And because this book is apparently buckwild I'm drinking rosebay it's actually believe it or not Costco Oh, very nice wine selection deal


they do it makes you want to get the membership except no. Because I'm a cheap slight


side. So let me pride everybody Pride.


Pride parties you two. Before I get started, I would really like to thank the ladies of strange for picking up when I was really struggling. I've been pretty open honest on this podcast about my mental health, and I am still on a healing journey. And so as my therapist likes to tell me, it is not linear. So I've had some bad weeks. I'm coming back, though. And I will say this, this book did not hurt me, but it did not help me.


You know what, honestly, could have been worse.


Could have been worse. So Rachel, I, before we really get started, I actually have a business proposition for you.


Oh, yeah. Okay, hear about it. I do.


Okay. So, Rachel, we've been friends for a very long time, right? We have Oh, Dad sometime. So at least I think we said it what last time, it was like, almost 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. So we're on there. And you know, I'm trying to buy a house. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So there's this guy that I met at a bar in downtown Cincinnati, that sauce together and was interested in shooting some film with us. It's totally kosher. We'll make about 1600 bucks total. And he wants to film an apartment on North Vine Street in Cincinnati. So what do you say? I mean, we I mean, we will be wearing clothes, and that those videos will be posted online. And then I'll get all the money. Okay, okay.


Can I have one stipulation? Sure. Only if we get to wear my inside out Ronald Reagan mask.


No masks allowed. We have some nice ones not even the face was actually to wear military uniforms. Oh,


but if it were going clothes list would take off the clothes. Oh, like


it's kind of video. Yeah. For now. Yeah. It's like a porno.


That sounds aboveboard? Yeah. Sounds like fun to it.


Sounds great. Alright, so now that I've got you on board with that, let me send over


Oh, I'm excited. So that's that's the pre that's


where you go. Oh, yes, baby. Oh, God. It's called hothead. Yeah.


That is the greatest name for a firefighter themed gay romance novel I think I've ever heard ever. It is by Daymond suede, which is an awesome pen name, I'm assuming. So the cover is to shirtless. That's it.


See firefighter firefighters to be shirtless in front of a fire.


And also let's be honest, suspenders on bare skin chafe like hell. So why why oh, they're they're in there like cargo II firefighter pants with their suspenders on their naked skin. Obviously, it's cut off at eye level. Yes. We can never see these people's eyes. One of them is looking down though. You can kind of see his one behind the other. They have been photoshopped together though. So they are not embraced. There is like a fire looking thing in the background along with San Francisco or New York. It's New York. New York. Yes. In the on the bottom. The New York is not on fire. It's just kind of superimposed. Yeah. And then there's a dude in a cowboy hat that is silhouetted by the fire. Oh,


that's a that's a firefighter hat.


It definitely looks like a cowboy hat. Like


the same thing when they're silhouetted interest. Okay, okay.


And hothead. I'm pretty sure is just a good solid Times New Roman font.


Yeah, the author's name is smaller than the title. It is. You're


right. The author's name is indeed smaller than the title. Let's get into that description. I'm so excited. There's so much fire.


Oh, no. Wow, we're starting strong.


You're really wholesome. Mine is not.


No, it's not.


Where there's smoke. There's fire since six years,


Pinterest recipes that was like 10 years ago when my father died. I was craving these type of cookies. Go through the whole thing.


Good, okay. Nothing since




Since 911, Brooklyn, firefighter Griff mooer you know, it's a newer, newer, alright, has wrestled with impossible feelings for his best friend and partner at ladder 181 Dante Anastacio unforce unfortunately, Dante is strictly a ladies man. And the FDNY isn't exactly gay friendly. For 10 years, Griff has hidden his heart and a half life of public heroics and private anguish Griffes caution and Dante's cockiness make them an unbeatable team to protect his buddy. There's nothing Griff wouldn't do until a nearly bankrupt Dante proposes the worst possible solution hothead.com A gay porn website where uniformed hunks get down and dirty, and Dante wants them to appear there together. Griff may have to guard his heart and live out his darkest fantasies on camera. Can he rescue the man he loves without wrecking their careers, their families or their friendship? Okay. Um,


so Rachel, so you're still in, right?


I mean, yeah, there's gonna be sexy shirtless firefighter men involved. Um, so, he said says specifically that he's going to have to guard his heart and live out his darkest fantasies. He can say no,


but it says, Rachel, are you gonna say no to me? Your best friend. I need $100


Huge difference. You said in your scenario. It was some random dude at a bars idea. This is his best friend's idea. It was


at the bar comes in. Yeah. Rachel. Come on. Rent the story. You don't even know what's going on?


Oh, God, I So wait, they have families. Are they cheating on their wives?


Oh, um, well, let me let me get into it. Let me get it. Okay. All right. Yeah, I thought you meant I mean, I think you meant families. I didn't think you meant partners. I thought you meant Oh, no. Like extended family. And I was like, Well, yeah, gay people have families. I don't worry awkward anyway. So triggers 911. Trigger homophobia, homophobic violence, and some some uncomfy scenes with emotional manipulation. I feel like they're just gone. You know what I mean?


Yeah, I mean, in that in that casual racist, uncomfortable uncomfy emotional manipulation. They're in the same. Yeah.


So our so our characters, Dante Anastacio, an Italian American in NYC big he is a big lad loving family kind of like, I don't know. I'm also very stereotypical. And he's worked at the same firehouses. grift for years, they've known each other for years long black hair, tanned skin also gorgeous and is I'm going to assume these guys are in their early 30s. But I don't know if they were at 911 as fire men already, I was like the 20s. Like, because there's they'd have I and I think they were drinking at that time. So I'm going to assume then that they were in there now they're in their 30s


and also severely emotionally.


Yeah, gotta give the author credit. She does write those parts pretty well.


I mean, not good, but good, you know?


So that we've got Griff who Griff mirror who is tall, redheaded, hunky New York City firemen and a part time bar bouncer. So Griffin Dante have been friends for since high school basically. So for at this point forever, because they're in their early 30s. Greg was actually first friends with Dante, his older brother Paulie. And Paulie was the one who introduced Griff to the Anastasio family, which, in a way saved Griffes life. He didn't really have a family of his own his his dad, his mom's out of the picture. I can't remember she passed away or she just walked out. And his dad is a highly functioning alcoholic. So not a good family situation. He's not close to his dad and his dad is pretty homophobic. So


so in this case, the gay the gay guy doesn't have a family. He does


not have a family. That's right. And what she did Grif at one point was married he had a wife. But yeah, okay. But they broke up after after 911 Because I think like he he changed emotionally and she was not for this one of grit or not. Griffes Dante sister says she never liked you. I don't know why you married her. She never liked deal, which is like, why would she marry him if she never liked them? But, um, so Hey, be surprised. Right? So when, when Pauly graduated high school, he kind of settled down early, and he moved away and like took on a card and he took on a different job. And when that happened, Dante sort of adopted Griff and made him his best friend. And so he's always pretty much always at the Anastacio household like he's always there for Sunday dinner, every holiday he's there. So like, he knows them like they're like his own family. They like Harry Potter in the Weasleys Right? Um, and Griffin Dante have seen some shit. They were not gather on 911 But they were both trying to get people out of the buildings from different fire houses so they didn't know where the other one person was. And there's this really creepy part which I had never thought of About have like none of the phones worked in that part of town. So they, he couldn't figure out what had happened to the Anastacio family. Dante couldn't figure out what happened to him and they eventually find each other in the hospital, and Dante's unconscious and that's kind of like where Griffes feelings for Dante kind of started and that's right. And years ago, Griff was absolutely convinced that Dante was dead. Like there was a long hours where he was convinced they were working like 20 over 24 hours shifts and like,


right, I mean, I imagine everyone saw it as dead was dead at that point. Yeah, like, yeah, so hot, right, everybody




just walked past and went GA okay,


I thought it was something I had said. Oh, no, no. So this book was very, gave me very strange feelings, because there were these really intense scenes where Griff is trained by Dante in the rubble and all this madness. Yeah, really just like, but that the rest of the plot of just like, What is this?


I feel like they could have picked any other disaster. I


think that this book




was the other one. In it was this book came out in either 2010 2011 So it was the 10 year anniversary. So I don't know if that anything to do with it. But like it is just a little, I don't know, doesn't feel great. Yes.


You know, make it a tornado, make it real big fire, make it literally


a real thing. It could be an analogy for 911 of something that didn't actually happen, but has the same emotional that you can imagine the same emotional impact but to suicide due to too soon. Yeah. Um, so now we jumped to quote unquote, their present day, which is because he was like reminiscing of


this and the jokes about 911.


So because that was 2011 I think it's the 10 year anniversary. So it's probably 2011


and this year's the 20 year anniversary.


And the firefighters are out partying because 911 That's true grit and Griff is a part time bouncer at a bar called the stone bowl. And he's like, you know, I in the room, making sure no one's getting into any trouble. And he notices that there's a guy who he there's a guy who's getting into an argument with another man in the bar, and they're both getting really, really heated and the one of the men like is about to get punched in the face. And so like pushes the guy who's being really aggressive away, and is like a Hi, knock it off. Be chill, get out. And so kick that guy out. And the other guy whose name is Alec, and is the Russian, Russian. I can't say I cannot do accents. Dun, dun,


dun. Yeah.


Yeah. So and this guy, Alec is really Grace grateful for that. And he's like, Hey, if you ever need anything if I can ever help, here's my business card kind of thing. And he's like, Okay, you you don't look like you belong here. Like you're very much in his suit. And look kind of like, charming and nice and put together and this is like a firefighter police officer kind of rowdy bar. I don't know why you're here, but it's like he like puts it in the back of his mind and doesn't think about it. But so he Griff of course sees Dante at the bar and greifen Dante like they're best buds so they get to talking and there's this like whole weird situation where like, Griff is like flirting with the girls in the bar. Or no, Dante is flirting with the girls on the bar. Griff is getting super super jealous. And Griff actually takes the girl into the back with him, but that is like, I don't want to do this with you. Sorry about this. And she's like, Fine, okay. And the daughter a grave leave to get pizza, a lot of weird things. A lot of weird things happen. By legal illegal things to the bar, and you're just like, What is with another girl and you're just like, what is happening?


I won. What a great way to add to the plot. She said sarcastically, and to he's a fucking firefighter.


I just, it's, it's I think what the scene was meant to establish is the jealousy that grip feels


daunting jealousy and the fact that Dante plays it fast. Yes. Very much so. Yeah.




don't worry, Zack, we're 10 years after 911 now, huh? Yes. Yes, his passion is an inferno. Uh huh. Dante's Inferno. You got it. He's Italian. Don't worry. It's fine.


All right. But and so Dante that night with Griff is kind of like, hey, I need to talk to you about something like it's kind of important and Griff is like, sure whatever you need, we'll talk about it but they go eat pizza and they get drunk on tequila. You know, so that'll keep you from talking about anything shit.


I should have gotten tequila Margarita lost. Okay, of all the alcohol choices, I think tequila is the one least likely to make you not talk about starting a porno site with your best friend


that he didn't want to talk about that initially. So yeah, so but they get really, really hammered. And the next thing Grif remembers no or is cognizant of is waking up in bed with Dante and Griffiths they get down to his underwear. And he's like, What the fuck happened last night? But absolutely, absolutely, Rachel. I'm gonna make this very clear. Absolutely no homo though. No, no, no, no, bro. No, no.




bro vibes of this book are just staggering, staggering. Just weights. Wow. Ah,


I see. I instantly assumed that there's just a mythical woman because you know, it's not


in the middle. There's some leeway. Right? They wake up and Dante is like, Yo, bro like we just bros like bro sleep together naked the same? Together. Cuddling?


We just broke. Yeah. Hey, real nice


to cuddle. But real. Cuddle but like what above is on top of the other like snuggle like, okay, like it's a little but no homo. Absolutely no homo. Not a single homo in sight.


I find that so fucking


funny. It's also really bad that I'm saying it and I shouldn't be but I'm sorry.


They know that. I mean, if that's the vibe. The escalation of like, it's gonna be a thing for the rest of the book. They're gonna make out in the corners. Really no homo though.


Rachel. Just fucking wait. So they wake up. Dante asks Griff if you could have some cash. And Griff is like, Dude, I like Griff would pretty much at this point do anything for Dante. Like anything. He loves him so much. But and he's like, can I will $500 cover it? Was that good? And Dante is kind of like, Yeah, but still, you can tell that he's still nervous.


Yeah, I can't imagine trying to live off of a firefighter salary in New York.


And he and Griff can tell that there's really something wrong when he he notices that Dante is actively avoiding him over the next few days, like trying not to see him and also try not to see his own family. So and he gets really concerned. So Griff ends up lying to the Anastacio family on behalf of Dante, because they're, they have not seen Dante anywhere and they're starting to get panicked and he's like, Don't worry, I've seen him. He's fine. I got this, but Griff becomes pissed when he sees Dante working double shifts at different fire houses to get more money. And he's like, Do what so he actually needs him out at their firehouse like the one that they mutually work out together. And he punches Dante in the face. And he's like, Dude, what the fuck are you doing? This is so dangerous like you have gotten no sleep, bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Yeah, right. Right. He's and he's like, you're gonna get yourself or someone else, you know, hurt by trying to work all these double shifts. And, but Dante's like I I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You're right. But I just really needed the money because so and he was double stupid because gambled away whatever money that he had because he was looking for a mirror call. Dante is a dumb l boy Dante is yes. Yes, yes. Dante bought a house and was a little over ambitious with what he could afford. And so it's a fixer upper. And he's been working on it for a long time. And he absolutely loves this house, but it's been a money pit for him since he's bought it. So the bank is threatening to repossess it. Yeah, yeah. But there's there's good news on the horizon. Rachel, Dante has managed to find another job. A high paying gig and you better be lucrative. Remember the Russian at the bar.


Remember the Russian


met Dante at the bar and offered Dante some extra cash for doing some online work on a website called


Halo tropic and


right exactly giving lots of giving, giving Yes. And receiving in some instances, and it's a total Silla website. The Dante is like this guy. Totally legit definitely as he is on studio on Avenue x yeah




insert Avenue Q joke right here


and he's like I can make a great


internet is for I can make


the I can make like I can make a grand doing some really tame stuff you know like literally just masturbating on camera I mean


you know what fucking get it so long as you don't have any identifiable Mar know you're


going to show his face to show his face and he has to wear the fireman uniform


that is yet


so hey Dante alternative course of action.


I'm playing Dante right now


maybe maybe you know Griffin's your best friend or Griffes your best friend like you you have you know a buddy who would definitely be willing to maybe ask him to move in and have a roommate


no homo though.


Yeah, no, I


can't do that. No homo. No homo.


You're right. You're so bro. You can't have a male No, no, my bra.


So Oh, then though Dante asks Griffin if you'd be willing to participate in these this porno film as a favor to his best friend definitely no hope for as a friend no mo Griffin loudly refuses and tells Dante to refuse Alec and not to do the videos like please don't do this. I will get you the money we will figure this out. We will do what we have to do but please don't do these videos. And and so like Griff thinks for a while but he's managed to get it taken care of. Because like Griff is slipping money into Dante's a wallet when he's not noticing and he's buying Dante dinner and he's buying Dante beer and like trying to take care of them, you know, and, but Dante does it anyway. And Griff knows that he did it because Dante cooks Griffin his favorite dinner, which takes Dante all day to make so he texted him like come over for dinner and making this and Griffin's like god damn it, you idiot son of a bitch.


And I the level of the lack of force of this


Yeah, right of this dude. Yeah.


How's that job going treat you when they find out what Griff


says and he's like, it's like, it's gotta be five and Griffin Dante have a spirited discussion while Dante is finishing cooking up the set and cooking this dinner. And Griff is really unhappy with Dante for doing the videos, but he knows and like Grif knows that the real reason why he's angry is because he's in love with Dante. So he's like, huh it's just jealousy. He's like if it were any other situation like if it were I don't if I wasn't in love with him I probably like yeah, do go get it like


I don't think he would because he's his friend also a firefighter and understands that this puts his job at risk


you would hope so but also like the oiliness of these two makes me think that like there's like very chat Yeah, very Chad very much like Yeah, dude, go get get after a bra. Like very much that


hang on. Marty. I'm I'm about to take a sip of this tequila. Oh shit. Do you want to go?


No, no, absolutely




So it's like fucking Did you know he was a bull writer? Look, the look do you want to start a porn website?


So Dante sister actually shows up to their dinner on announced and her name is Loretta. And while Dante is busy making dinner, Griffin, Laura and Laura are talking on their own and Laura just like so. Who's the girl? I know a puppy. I look when I see one. I know you're in love with someone who is shaped. And Griffes like no one.


No one.


I'm not in love.




no, no, you're not crying. I'm crying.


Don't hurt me.


Um, and after this night, they have dinner. Nothing happens. It's all well and good. But Griff is like I have got to figure out how to stop salivating over my best friend. Like, he is very straight. I know that I love him, but I'm not going to do this to him.


Do you think maybe he would have a little bit of second thoughts considering Dante asked him to participate? But Rachel Bobo Oh shit, I forgot. Like,


you forgot


Thank you guy Swiper almost no Homa.


We're gonna be in so much trouble for this episode, but I swear read the book and you will understand the Hey, what's up? No Mo. So its grip is like, it's


okay. Wait, is I'm not in the online community is no homo a bad it's a joke thing. Yeah, absolutely. It's not a bad joke. It's okay. I


guess. I'm afraid as far as I know, it's not a bad thing, but I'm not like every day in the gay community you know, I'm only 50% My, my I'm in the gay community for the legs down and my legs are very long.


Yeah. Well okay, if if this is really offensive one I'm so sorry. I assumed this was a joke


and I will get you to assume it yes joke because it gets worse I say


no homo, like, yeah, no such


there's such. Yeah, it's


okay. All right, so can you, um, to stop Greg from salivating over his best friend, he comes up with another solution, going to a gay bar and trying to pick up a guy. So he like looks up a gay bar in downtown Manhattan. He's very nervous. He's like, this is the first gay bar I've ever been to. I'm surprised he's like, as the first gay bar I've been to he has only exclusively been with women up until this point, and he really does not any really has not found men attractive until Dante, which makes me think he's actually demisexual what's dandy means that you have to have a be in a have an emotional connection with someone like a really deep emotional connection before you can form action, or sexual triad.


I'm assuming that this next scene really? Yes, very much.


So he goes to the bar. And he's actually it's really kind of cute because he's there. He's like, these are cars just like normal guys. Like, normal, you know, I think it would be much more flamboyant. And she would be like, really freaked out and he wasn't and people were nice and kind to him. And


I understand given his upbringing, like, and a lot of people have that assumption that like, Oh, you're gay. You must be like, fabulous. when really it's like, okay, but you are attracted to men. And you're just


you're just proud. You're just a bra.


Yeah, you're just a bro. Like, gay people are normal people. Gay people. Gay people. Isn't that weird? Could


be Chad too.


They can be named Chet to carry


it. It's really sad when it happens.


No, it is hysterical and awesome.


So he so there he discovers two things. Number one, he's only attracted to Dante.


Okay, yeah, that's very damn very dummy.


Number two another one of his firehouse buddies named Tommy is gay to a great grip figures this out by see job we get absolutely railed at the back of the bar. Like, the back alley of the bar, Tommy? Fucking Yeah. Graphic sede at least watch for quote unquote, research. Yeah, of course. No homo.


No, no homo.


Dude, tell me is my dude, if you want to get railed in an alley behind a gay bar, you fucking get robbed.


Yeah. Tommy is married to a woman with two children. They should be open about the fact that you like to get railed by back alleys by gay bars. Before you get married, which you did not


should be fair. This is before. I feel like, again, not as active in the community as I probably should be. But I'm not active in any online community. So you know, I'm, at least I'm consistent. This was before gay marriage became legal.


Don't remember a gay marriage,


wasn't it? Because I I feel like that. I don't want to say that was the turning point. But I feel like that was a moment where all of a sudden it was so much more about that. It was way more. I mean, obviously, being gay is still not easy. It absolutely is not. It


was it was 2015. So


yeah, yeah. So it's way before that and being gay is not easy, and it will not be easy. And I understand so many people, especially in that being that age at that time. Sort of covering their tracks. I get it. I get it. It's great. Yeah, but if you can write


um, yeah, yeah. So


still, Toby still a little bit.


Okay, so um, Griff goes home. So like Rick goes home. He's gonna like take it I'm only attracted to Tom tight, dammit. And then he sees that Dante has sent him the hothead.com video that he did. Does he watch it and masturbate Griff last 37 minutes before he watches it, and he like how he cannot help himself. And yes, he does watch an email to say 37 seconds. 37 minutes seems like counting down. He's like, Okay, I lost 37 minutes and then I had to watch it. And in the video, Dante mentions a guy named G at the firewall House who's even hotter than he is.


Let's take a quick acting class we want to be subtle about what would you do? Would you use the first initial of your best friend that you're definitely not into because you're a bro or would you change their fucking name?


Dante does change his name in the video to Monty but he shows his face and he wears a fire firehouse uniform. Facebook existed in 2010 Hello, yes,


this is my entry for this. Hot ones. Not hot hot. Hot sauce. Hot Head. Hot ones is a hot sauce interviewing thing. Hot Hot Head This is my hot head calm entry. My name is Michel matrial need definitely not right no


definitely Absolutely not.


Yeah, yeah. And your bar G


Oh beautiful. Bam. Archie Howell bar Georgie Barger archery howl. Beautiful. Love I


know oh shit. If I'm gonna have a poor name. It's gonna be Bay. Cuz my the shortening of my name is right. And I go by Ray Bay. Oh, hell yeah. Bay


Bay. Bay Bay.


Perfect. Grif


once again, tries to avoid Dante for a while after watching the video. And Griff has also been watching Dante's video obsessively. And it's just like, I cannot look my best friend of the eye right now because I'm so attracted to him, and he will find out he will know. But Griffin's like the the Anastasios his adopted family. They have a familial obligation for Sunday dinner every Sunday is dinner with the Anastasios and he knows if he doesn't show up, they're gonna know that something is wrong. So he goes to Dante's parents house and the big family all has dinner together and he's like, Okay, this is actually like fine because he gets along with everybody there. He's friends with everybody there, right? Yeah. Um, but then in the middle of dinner, Dante is like, Hey, Dad tell Griff to do this job with me for a little extra cash. And he doesn't specifically named a job he just gets the anastasius to like pressure Griffin to it. And, and Dante's younger brothers like I want to do it as Griffiths like and daughters like nah, sorry, dude, it involves some heavy lifting. You're not quite big enough yet. Um, and he's like, I can't do it. I'm striking up grip is like Dante shut the fuck up. And so Griff gets up from the table and like goes into the backyard and is like really pissed so you know that what


family what large family would not be like? Oh


he says that it has to do with like construction and heavy lifting. Pretty much it Yeah, dad like all the docs. Yeah.


Hey, I'm get it dude.


So grip gets so uncomfortable. They leave the table and goes into the backyard and Dante follows him. And Dante is like, I really need this money will make more money if we do it together. You're my brother. Gee, I can't ask anyone else else like we are closer than I know. He's like we're like you're just my best homie, bro. Brah you're my home. So we're family we do everything together


when you're free just when? When your family


with your family.


Gonna Come on dude. Only you can help me wait. Waiter at the Olive Garden for extra


like Times Square. Honestly, just as dangerous.


Wearing only an apron. Gosh. Jesus, Margie.


Oh man.


Hey, baby. You want to slurp my noodle Oh, I bet she's gonna go eat wine. She just walked away. Five bucks says gonna end with wine. I


I should have fucking known. I got a glass of wine. I can't do this. So it was either that or vodka soda all right.


Hey baby want to eat by breadstick?


I mean, these are really great. Please keep going.


Yeah, yeah, I


really want to make something meatballs.


So I would so what to decide instead of all Gerda what is to say Anastasios when you're here, your family


I mean, honestly, you can't beat the alfredo sauce


Okay, yeah, I'm gonna get fired. All right. Um, let's, let's see. Um, but Rachel, Rachel, this is still no home, though. And I'm sorry when I say No homo. I mean, that like Dante is like we're just bros. And we're listening like kiss and make out and I might twist your nipple. It's not weird at all. Like we do this through to shit. We did like stupid shit in high school all the time. Like he's saying shit like this. Oh, yeah. It's very low, though.


I can see


just two, bro starring in


bros. Just two dudes being bros. I can rose. I can see and I think that this is the part where it's like, I could see someone who's in denial or I'm not sure of how someone else is going to react using that argument.


No, he really thinks that he's like straight. Dante really thinks sales straight Yeah.


You're so in the closet. You're having tea with Mr.


Yeah, yes, I think so. Personally, I think that Griff is demisexual and I think that Dante is bisexual. Yeah, I can see because Dante definitely goes after the ladies and enjoys it to like Yeah, sure.


So absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, I this is so interesting. Honestly, all bananas it's buck wild but it is very interesting so


they go to the place together they see Alec there he ALEC is as professional as you can be in that situation which weird Spock man they he did Alec did for ask them. He's like, please go get checked out before you do this. Go get go get checked for STDs, you need to sign these release forms. So like,


it's about as some shady do Russian guy in a bar right would be asking you to do a


porno? Yeah, um, so they, they Griffin Dante do a scene together. And it goes great. And in fact, they get a little quote unquote, experimental as Alec likes to put it. And it's not really described in that scene. What they do. You just know


leave something to the imagination.


I get Whoa. Okay, so they make just under $3,000 combined, which I'm like, that does not seem like a lot to me. I don't know, it just I would be I'm more of the type person where I'm like 5000 at least. Yeah,


I mean, what? Yeah,


I think also though, it could be because of the inflation rates that it could have been more like $5,000 today as opposed to 3000 that up next back then. So anyway, I am also just like, I am an expensive bitch. So Griff gets absolutely trashed that night at the stowed ball. Like just after that whole thing which who can blame up like most of it overall? Fucking emotions, but then they just sort of both like continue their lives for a while and then there's a Are you ready for a couple of montage is hell fucking que saving Dante from a fire montage? Oh, Dante reinforces how much he loves him. You get the draft. It's very dramatic. And due to an injury Dante is now on medical leave. He got a concussion because he was unconscious in the fire for so long.


More time to well.


Well, so keys


also not great to do with the


cue second montage apartment searching. So Dante helps Greg so Griff is finally like, I'm getting out of my dad's basement. I'm fucking done. I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not gonna live with a alcoholic above me everyday that I really don't like to be around. Yeah, Dante helps Griffin look for an apartment. And it's really funny because like Loreta is Dante sister is a real estate agent. And Griff is like, Listen, this is my budget. This is what I want. And she's like, Uh huh. That's fucking impossible. You live in New York and he's like, this is what I want. Just like try to get it for me and she's like, okay, like so Dante has a list that his sister has given him a grip is like these are all shitholes like these are all dumps like I can't live in any of these like


tell me he just fucking moves in with not yet but


but So it's really cute though, so Dante that day also gets stuck babysitting his like toddler Nice. Laura's daughter concussed. That's


a good idea.


I mean, it's like I guess it's a mild concussion. I don't know he's just he's that he can probably he's it's the type of thing where he's probably fine but it's just a precaution because he's a firefighter. That's yeah. So he's and also they're also with Griff. So something happened like Griff IS THAT SO and Griff is like, Griff is kind of cute, because it's like, it's like, we're he pretends for the day that they're like a couple of it's their daughter. Oh, like, like, he really, really enjoys it and really gets into it. And he's like, and there's this part where he's like, I didn't realize how good a parents we will be together. Like, we'll be really good parents.


That's actually really cute.


Really, really cute.


I feel like I was thinking about it. I feel like 2010 is primo no homo time. Like if this book were written now, I don't think it would have taken that vibe. I think because it was written in 2010 It's absolutely somehow makes it more quote unquote acceptable. Even I think it's this is written


in the age in the beautiful beginning of fanfiction. Two. And so I think there was a lot of fanfiction that people were just discovering that was queer, which was so cool. And they didn't realize that like fiction could be queer. And so right? The if you're basing it off of so fanfiction is kind of based off of what's on TV and stuff like that. So like, as an example, it's like the dusty l thank Dean and Castiel and supernatural, very no homo, but also like way, homo, you know what I mean? Like, very, very queer, very, very gay. But in like, the writers will constantly try to tell you no homo, though. So that was a lie that I think that that was a vibe in writing that has only really recently I would say, like, 2016. Beyond that's changed.


So we live through a lot of shitty times to be fair, which everyone does. But one thing that I think is absolutely amazing is being able to live through sort of this, like the the blossoming of blossoming of, like queer culture, and that like coming to the fryer. And I think that obviously, by no means like, there's still so far to go and can people still are persecute like crazy, all this stuff. But seeing it, even to the level of acceptance that is now is pretty fantastic. And amazing, who


are who, when I say identify as queer, I mean, as anybody who basically isn't on the heterosexual or cisgender, like, who are, you know, like, it's a spectrum all over the place. But I think that people know what I mean, when I say queer, but it's really cool to see queerness come into the limelight, too, because I feel like in the past, like, not just the lives that are lost, but which is absolutely horrible, horrific, awful, but we lost all of this potential. We lost all this beautiful angel of art and expression and things like that. And it's just really cool to see all of that come to life, you know, every year yeah, I mean, I corporate pride can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. But


that's why I made our art our shirts, our pride shirts, or custom baby.


Um, so where were we? Oh, there were cute little family together. And but everything goes back to normal, no homo, whatever. A few days later at the firehouse. Dante approaches Griffin again, and is like, Hey, I actually read the contract with hothead. And if we do quote unquote, extended activities, we will make a shit ton more money. So what do you say you want to do the quote unquote, extended activities. And Griffiths like dude, you don't find this weird at all like us being together like that. And don't what


I what point and I know logically, the answer is never but at what point does you just say Hey, dude, are you gay? I feel like Rachel


imaginary woman in the middle. Well, the honey leeway


there's some leeway why Jesus, children


children children what do you what do you start? Well, here's here's here's your answer this next little bit here. So grip is not on board though. And it's like you'll find this weird us being together like that. Like nothing not I don't he's not like anything's wrong with he's like, but come on. Like this. Intimate. And Dante says I quote Dante says why it's just us, man. We do everything together okay, no kidding homos Oh,


so much. vibes in this


one. So Dante is like, Look, if you don't want to do it with me, Alec will find someone who well and it won't be you and it'll like, I won't feel as comfortable.


Dang dang Dang. Dang. Is this the questionable emotional manipulation?


I felt like it was more when they were sitting at the dinner table and he was surrounded by people he was pressured to say yes. Again. This is also a good good example. I love that. So, so but then Dante is like, look, this isn't weird at all. They proceed to hook up at the firehouse locker room. Like make out kiss, do pretty much everything. I think somebody gets their dick out. And but it's just to prove that they're totally just bros. That there's nothing else between them at all. It's not weird at all. Well, that weird. It's not no homo at all.


The best part is as lands right next to them like yo, sup, dude. No homo though. No. Yeah, as lands next to him going, it's fine. I'm an I'm an allegory for Jesus. And I'm cool with it. So it's fine. You


think that Mr. Tumnus was straight? I'm sorry, you're so wrong. So they have this really hot and steamy scene and they actually get interrupted by this other guy who's like it's a boy because he his wife just had a baby


it's fine. They're in the showers and they're just to do


to take it out, you know, hanging out with their digs out. Takes out as you know, it's like, oh, crack it open a Cold War with the boys can employ with


a cold one. Yes. Fire equivalent.


So that happens in Griffin Dante are both like, okay, so that was, that was weird. Let's never talk about


except when we do it on camera for a lot of people to see for money.


Dante is thinking about it. Because later that night, he's like, uh, I didn't realize it would be so intense. He's like, now he's nervous because he feels like he his his feelings, his body, his sexuality are all going to be on display. And it's kind of like all these things that he's been asked to do. He's like, looking at it more. He describes the contract as a menu. And he's like, I am the meat and I don't know how I feel about that now. Because sting Yeah, cuz now I think it's, I mean, now he's had these feelings with GREP. He's like, Wait a minute. I actually liked that didn't expect did so. But grip so grip is like, hey, let's take our minds off of it. Let's not worry about it. And he takes Dante for a date to Momofuku in downtown Manhattan, which is like the super ritzy restaurant that even I remember what it is. I think it's a Brahmin


take I'll take ways to not take your mind off of your best friend for 500 Alex what is take them to a fancy restaurant on right date right


and Dante which Dante does categorize as a date but that he that he collapses globs grip on the back of his like I'm just kidding bro. I'm just messing with ya.


Ah shit. Do you see the white witch she just ran behind that tree. God dammit


I don't understand what this allegory to Narnia is so deep


in the closet




they're all even fucking Turkish to light up in this pitch there's beavers running around everywhere and they aren't getting any but the women are


Hey, so they go see Alec again for another video. And they go not proud of that keep going so they go even further with one another and now they're both like it they go


so this was in a video this was in a video where you can see their face and it's online for money which like if you do that for money Hell yeah. Go for it. Yeah, these these people this is not I think their desired sole income


this is yeah, I mean they're just desperate for cash that they can pay off Dante's house


yeah and that's not the right way to do


um they go see allocate like I said, and now they're like practically begging to get back on video though because they're like we want to try this. And meanwhile though there's a side plot because of course there is their other side plot enter your other firehouse buddy Tommy is his life is kind of falling apart. Oh, yeah, he's


all of your problems can't be fixed by being raised in an alleyway.


Not all of them, but some of them. Not all some of them for a minute. He's been going to the stone bowl and just getting hammered every night. And he's gotten beaten up, like mugged afterwards and Griff can tell that he really wants To come out to someone and he's he's almost come out to come out to Griff a couple of times. Well, he's been drunk and Griffes like, dude, be careful.


You need careful. Yeah.


Which that's so it's sad and it's tight. Yeah. And one night things get really bad for Tommy like real bad. Unfortunately Tommy is found out by his family.


Oh no. And one night I mean great, but no but bad. I don't


know if it's outside the stone bowl or if it's outside another bar. Tommy gets badly beaten, like to the brink of death. Like on the brink of death, and it's it's really it's frankly disgusting. It's like really horrifying. What happens and grip is there and Greg ref sees it. Griffin goes with Tommy to the hospital and Tommy is unconscious. And actually Tommy's wife starts filing for divorce even before he's awake. Oh, that's so I know. I know. Yeah. Tommy,


Tommy. Want to give Tommy I know.


We if he there is he does kind of Tommy does kind of like rise out of the ashes. So


good. Oh, I bet he is subject of another book. He


you know what I'll bet he is and I don't know. So Dante meets grip at the hospital and Dante can tell that Griff is really upset about the whole situation like, and the reason why he doesn't tell Dante this, but um, Griff is thinking to myself, What if someone sees Dante in me on hothead? Like, what if this work Dante, I love him, I would die without him. I can't let this happen to Dante. So Griff, the next like, a couple days later, he's like thinking about it. He's like, You know what, I'm going to go see Alec. And I'm going to ask him to take down the videos, like, I'm going to pretty much beg him, I will do anything, I will pay you for them. I will do whatever I have to do to get those videos off this website. And ALEC is like to be honest with you. So ALEC is actually very kind, and very understanding. Good, right. And well, so Wow, it's actually a really interesting scene, because I expected it, you're 70% into the book, you expect it to go in the opposite direction of like, Hey, I know I'm gonna be the EVIL RUSSIAN. But yeah, or Yeah. And he's like, I totally understand where you're coming from, I get it. You to be honest with you. These videos are very popular on your web on our website. So you could not like you could not pay back what we've made from those videos in a lifetime. But what I will do is, I will take them down, if you become the face or rather the body of hothead, because he's trying to go through a rebranding, and he wants Grif to like model for him. So there was face would not be his face would not be in any of the images, but his body would be all over the website. Right? Yeah.


See, I think that's like a good. Again, identifying marks, right? Well, so if you're cool with it, really


do anything. He's like, Oh, my God, I will do this. And ALEC is like, Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you. It's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be like three days worth of pictures with a photographer that I hire. Like, you're not getting off that easy. And he's like, it's fine. I just want another chance for us. And so then Alex was like, listen, I saw the way that you looked at Dante. I know how you feel about him and from someone who has lost the love of their life. Please do the right thing. Just tell him how you feel.


Yeah, wholesome rush, you know, and not go against way to go against all luxury. Honestly, I'm ashamed of them stereotypes, right.


It's 2010. I don't know. The industry was pretty sketchy. Even sketchier.


Yeah, well, it's still like, I mean, it's like the whole fuckin like, but the doctor was a woman. You didn't assume that, did you? It's like, I honestly assumed the Russian to my asshole, but he didn't. And you know what, I apologize to all of our Russian listeners if there are any.


Um, so ALEC is basically like, yes, be gay. Follow your dreams


be Whoa,


whoa, this is a second chance. I'm going to do it. I'm going to tell Dante how I feel and he drives straight over to Dante's house, and he goes in the door, and he's like, going, he's like looking for Dante in the house. And Dante is with his dad. And he overhears the conversation, which is always good. Where Mr. A Dante his dad is like, you just have to tell him, you have to be honest with him. It's gonna hurt. It may suck like hell, but you just have to do it. Like those kinds of that kind of thing. And data is like, I know, but like, what if it goes badly? What if he doesn't take it? Well, what if he's upset by what he sees or like, something like that? And Griff takes this to mean Oh, no, they found out about the videos and they found out I'm gay and they're disgusted me Dante wants to tell me he doesn't feel the same way I do.


Okay, I understand, but also I don't talk


I also like I was reading that scene and I was like, I also don't get it because judging from what I was reading from what he heard, I was like, I would not take it that way. Yeah, I maybe because great, so much anxiety about how


right well and I think that's like I find it interesting because if this were any other topic, like okay, gender swap if Dante was done to Yeah, I don't know. Good job woman, Daniela del better, but Don Tina. Tina. I wouldn't be like, okay, just fucking talk to them. But because it's about sexuality and like being gay and how tough that is, like, I it doesn't make it better. But it's a reason that right use right like, because that is huge.


Well, that's a good point, too, because I think that for Grif it's also an internal thing of like, he's disgusted with himself. He wishes that he didn't he doesn't wish he doesn't specifically wish that he wasn't gay. He specifically specifically is like, I feel disgusting because I'm in love with my best friend who is a guy. I know. So for a week, Griff adore, adores but also adores, but avoids Dante. He spends time with Tommy in the hospital and he works different shifts for Dante and he just generally is like, I just I'm not ready. He's like, I know we have to have this conversation, but I'm not ready yet. Router and so yeah, but the firehouse bros. are having Monday night football night at Dog Days, and growth is like okay, I have to go. But when he gets there, he discovers it's just the two of them. Because Dante is like, oh, yeah, someone has a bachelor party tonight and I didn't feel like going so I figured you didn't want to go either.


Dante. Dante you smooth another


writer. So Dante is like, we really need to talk. Alright, so Dante is like, I really want to talk about what happened the other day, because it was really fucking intense. I was like, No, we don't, bro. It's fine. We don't need to talk about it's cool. It's okay. We're still bros, bro. Have a row. We're still bros, bro.


They have a penetrative sex.


Um, they've done oral. Yeah, okay. Yeah. And it was very, like, intense. Yeah.


They were camping. Hmm. It was intense. Oh, my God.


They were so at Griffiths like it's fine. It's whatever. Let's just get past it and move on because he just doesn't want to lose Dante. He's like, I just don't want to lose Dante. Dante is like, no, I really, I want to talk about this. Um, and Dante is kind of like, until we did that stuff. I didn't realize that I was feeling the homo, but I'm definitely feeling the homo. Are you feeling the homo?


I want sure to say yes.


And Dante is like, it's so Dante straddles grip. And it's like, it's just you and me here. No cameras. Let's see how it goes. Let's try the home. Oh, let's just dip our toes into this pool. And then they cannonball into the fucking pool.


Fucking yeah. Hell yeah. Just


just Blow it. Blow it the dough homo out of the stratosphere.


My good. My good, homeboys.


Gay. Good for them. Good for that for them. Um, and so the end of this book is pretty smooth. Um, after that night, they are like together. They are a couple. Like, ah, you Dante is like, hey, that's why you're fucking moving in. And Griff is like, Oh, perfect. Great. Love it. I don't it's like you're the perfect roommate. Scope be great. It's gonna be extra hobo, though.


And by roommate, I mean, right? Right. So


and they're like hardcore, married. It's really cute. And Dante is super possessive super protective. Like and Dante hates the fact that Griff is going to have to do these pictures for hothead. And Griff is like, Listen, I'm not happy about it either. But we get a shot at like getting rid of these videos, and I really don't want them out there. This is another shot a second chance for us. So let's just do this. You'll be with me there the whole time. It's gonna be fine. And it's kind of a cute moment because Griff is like, listen, you're the one being really irritated when I'm doing all the work when I'm the one who's like really putting myself out there and I don't want to do this either. And you're the one getting upset and Dante is like, you know what, you're fucking right. And Dante almost starts crying because you feel so bad. Oh, yeah. So, but


we we stand a sense we Man,


Dan sensitive men. Yes, yes. We know that they're like the fact that now they're extra extra homo. It's so much better.


It makes all of the no homo almost word.


I thought it was really funny. So I'm so cool. Yeah.


Oh, yeah, I mean, that's fine. But it is like going from that like, Oh no, but we're just bodies like our neuro, but we're definitely not gay. Like all the stuff to like, baby.


Which is exactly what it's like,


okay, this is so much better than I expected.


together really well, which I did not expect at all because it's just a man as plot. Oh, Dante and Griffes are going out on dates. And it's really cute though, too, because like to they're going to gay bars, and they're bringing Tommy with them. Like they're being open. They're out Tommy has, they're going out with Tommy there being out with Tommy. And so they go to that gay bar that graph at the beginning of the book went to and the patients at the bar see that Tommy has been had the help beaten out of them, like and so everyone at the bar is like, I'll buy your next round. I'll buy your next round. I'll buy your next round. I'll buy your next round.


Oh, yeah.


case being so high now


together when there is a moment so before they go into the bar Tommy's like I don't know if I can do this. I don't know which they're, I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I can do this. And Griff is like it's gonna be okay. But Dante is the opposite. He's like, No, come on. Get your acid they're like being mad and be gay. To the bar,


I cannot describe to you how amazing this book is ending. Oh my god, it's giving me like yes, so many times you tell me. Oh, I'm sorry.


So I'm there. It's family dinner night at Dante's this time and I can't remember why it's only a Dante's but it's only gonna be Dante and his parents. So Dante has his parents come to his house that night. And so that's the plan. Like Griff already knew that was going to happen. But he walks through the door at picking up some groceries, and he calls through the door, babe. and Mrs. Anastacio is there and he's like, Oh, no. Oh, no, she knows. She knows. And she's like, she's like, Okay. Well, I love you both. I have loved you. I love I love you both of us. And Lauretta Dante sisters like I thought he knew love with someone didn't have to be my brother. I was in love with you and I school.


Oh my god.


So Laura does daughter Nicole calls Griff monster just because he's so big. And he's got flaming red hair, and he looks grumpy. And so she's like, ah, that broke me. Well, dad is cool with it too. Is that is totally fine with the two and like, the Mr. Anastasio is kind of like, okay, and like holds out his hand for Grif to shake. Like, man understanding. Pro homo pro homo,


we stand to support a family, obviously. And like this is I was really concerned about where this book was gonna go. I am. I still think this falls into we've never had a bad gay roaming.


I think so too. I think that it didn't end up I think it was the wildest ride that we've ever had. Yeah, but I do. I'm still kind of like, there were a couple of moments of emotional manipulation.


Right, but it felt like it was part of the story. It's it wasn't the basis of their relationship. It was they experienced this thing and they and I think it was so important.


That was more Dante genuinely believing he was not you did not have he was not gay at all. He was not on the spectrum. Right. Uranus at all. So right, right,


I left that I actually did that was awesome. And I got an outlet for all of my hilarious


blogs that a book that contains upside plot about 911




Honestly, I'm impressed. All you can be as impressed. Just a book that tied together 2011 911 and gang all together is impressed and made it and go Well, it's impressive. Go Oh, oh,


whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, go Oh,


No homo go whoa, whoa. So go FOMO do we need to start providing shirts to people at 100% donations where all the money we get is donated and it's by textual pan textual. A textual. Yes. Go go. Oh, I so downer for it. Yeah, I will make all of the shirts designs, shirt designs. Boom, hell yeah, probably.


It's not gay enough.


We've done a good job this


really tried that. I just wanted to be clear to everyone. When I say it's not gay enough. It will never be gay enough. That's never been gay enough. So when I say it's not gay enough, but we can try? Never to try to always I mean, you always strive.


Yes, always strive to be more gay. I'm Margie. Let's do some fucking writing. Boy,


please just ask me the questions. Ah,


Dante 1250


Sweet Baby Dante so stupid.


I swear when I went into this, I was like, Oh, they're gonna be fucking like ones or twos. And now I'm like in the four to five range I.


So and here's the other interesting thing writing wise about this book. It is not written at all from Dante's perspective, which I think is much more of a modern thing of romance novels, especially it's written from both perspectives. This is only written from Griffes perspective. So I have to give I have to give Dante I want to give him at three because I just don't, okay. i The you just don't know, man. I would give Greg four because I love him. I would I would die for both of them. I actually might take for Dante just because I don't know him as well as Grif.


Oh, Dante, okay. I love it.


I love rip is he's a guy. I have a lot of respect for Griff, because he's a guy who's just trying to do the best he can. And I have a lot of respect for people who he wasn't given the best of circumstances. And he's really, and I'm not trying to say like, oh, he should be grateful for the Anastasios. No, like his dad should have been a better dad. And it's unfortunate. Yeah, his family was shitty. It's sad. But he is thankful and grateful. And he doesn't take it for granted that the Anastasios are there. I you know, he's kind of like a little bit of someone who without the install shows. I'm like, you have more mental health problems with that?




if you don't have a place to go. Yeah. Oh, god. Yeah, absolutely.


We are all family I family when you when you're here is that the new slogan for Pride Month pride when you're here you're I wouldn't be perfect. I'm six.


Now see, that's where the wheel started. fall off. For me. It was a little bit I think it was a little bit. I was like, wow, this is really fucking intense. It was just a lot at once. And the no homo especially at the beginning when they were both doing these things. And like Griff was like trying to like No, he can't see that I that I my dicks hard. It's just I didn't enjoy the sex as much as I enjoyed the rest of the book. I would give the sex like a two. I just personally wasn't into it. I think that like that's fair. Some people would really be well, maybe I should give it a three because I did really like that scene. It's hard because it's not a five I can't just put it in the middle


two three. You can do two and a half plot.


I really like the plot once you like it surprised you.


I did a lot of twists


and turns I was not expecting so the plot is a three or three four.


I would say three three and a half. Yeah, yeah. Overall 110


It was a good fun ride


I would get personally I'm at assess kind of how I feel so Marshy. Not that you necessarily needed a palate cleanser and knowing you you were probably reading some terrible what were you reading? As a palate cleanser? I wouldn't quite


nonfiction book right now called Confessions of a sociopath. And it is absolutely fascinating. It is really


this was your palette. Yes there wasn't it? No, I


loved that book. I was like, Oh, I gotta read hothead. So I gotta get that over with so I could read this book about a sociopath. Like, so fascinating. And I'm gonna read a book about the cold Nexium next and I'm really excited. Oh, wow, I really like diving deep into the nonfiction world.


Hey, thank you guys so much for listening. That was so much fun and


fucking ride. Keep your eyes


out on our website because I don't think this only needs to be a pride thing. But on social media and stuff I'll come up with all put together those a shirt and again 100% of the proceeds will go to a charity maybe glad maybe the Trevor Project


also still not good enough no gay enough they okay enough because they are doing wonderful things but but we never get


absolutely true that is the one exception so thank you guys so much for listening and thank you Eleanor you for the use of your song Oh love off the album be held. We really appreciate it. It's and it is again.


It is Ghana.


Yeah, um