Textual Tension

Ep. 79: Guess Who's Back...Back Again

Textual Tension Season 1 Episode 79

Your favorite co-hosts are back with a spooky vengeance! Rachel tells Margie all about The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling. There's nothing like a brand new, wholesome-yet-spooky romance to kick off the season! Especially when it's this good!

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Hello, and welcome to textual tension. I am your co host, Rachel, and every other week I pop on in here to tell you about what's going on in our world. And we're back guys. Isn't that awesome? In the past month that we have been, you know, the two weeks that we took off, I have forgotten just about everything that it means to be a podcaster. So, bear with us, we're getting back into it. One thing that I didn't forget, however, is to maybe check our Patreon and check on the super amazing new patron that we have. Hey, Jessica. Jess, thank you so much. You are awesome. We love you. And honestly, I've had so much fun chatting with you on our Discord. You are absolutely hysterical. So thank you. And hey, would you like access to our Discord? Particularly would you like access to the special Patreon discord, maybe check out patreon.com/textual tension and YouTube can come to chill with us in our special channel just for our patrons. And you also get some other cool stuff. You'll get quarterly gifts, you could get access to special episodes, we have some seasonal stuff coming out for the spooky season. So please go on over and check that out. And if you want to just you know be part of our Discord, head on over to the link on our Instagram page or our website and join our our Discord. We have a lot of fun over there. We don't say often enough, but it is a blast to hang out with you guys. We actually get a lot of book recommendations from over there as well. If you aren't on Discord, or maybe I hear you saying Rachel, what's an Instagram? Well, why don't you just maybe check out some of our social medias on a textual tension pod crossed all the board on over there. Guys, I'm coming off with my COVID booster shot. I'm not gonna lie. Maybe my brain isn't all the way here. We're doing our best. We're doing our best. Check us out on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook, textual tension pod all over the place. Reach out to us send us recommendations. Our email is textual tension pod@gmail.com. And we do have a website textual tension pod.com. Pretty easy. Same all across the board. And I think that that is just about all of the announcements that we have. So as a reward for sticking that out with me. I'm going to give you this romance novel wisdom this Halloween season, many monsters are are left out in the cold in the rain without anyone to be afraid of them and fear them. So if you're out this Halloween season and happen to see a monster out on their own, just remember putting them inside because if you're cold circle dog cat and also something something McLaughlin Yeah, I don't know guys, that's COVID Booster. That's all I'm gonna say. Anyway, thank you guys so much again. We really love you and appreciate you. And hey, without further ado, please enjoy episode 79 Guess who's back? Back again? Oh, tearing me apart from Guess who's back again? Well, it's fine. I'm professional. I


didn't I barely alive. It's fine. It's currently recording underneath a bridge.


She's a troll. It's fine. Hello, and welcome to textual tension, a love hate relationship with romance novels. I am your co host Rachel


and I were co hosts Margie, please leave $1 In my hat like you


every other week. One of us reads and summarizes a romance novel for our other unsuspecting bridge troll. And together we unpack what


just happened. Orbs flat war.


So we're back. We are all in the spooky season. Margie is doing great. We got wine drunk last Friday and the Friday before that, and it was fine. We're doing fine. Just giggling


guys, I lost my job. You know, I've entered the barista rom com life except it's not comedic yet. It's just it's not even romantic yet. It's just


it's gonna be a rom com and honestly, your autobiography is gonna be awesome. Yeah, so we're back and it's time. Yeah, another fuckin soup times and I have a spooky book. Yay. And you know, in these times of strife, I think all we need is just a very good The book and, and Margie, you are gonna be so proud of me. It's relevant.


It's relevant.


It came out September 28.


Oh, it's


so new. It is very


so young.


It's a baby book and it's a really good baby, but


it's a pandemic baby book.


It's so good. So it's gonna be great. So we're gonna get into it. Alright, I am going to send you God. We haven't done this in a hot minute. No, wait, what's the process?


What do how do we podcast? How do we podcast?


It's only been 76 episodes only been fine. All right. Oh, I've


seen this one.


Yeah, I saw it on our Instagram. And I was like, Oh, that was


okay. Okay. Okay, so listeners, it's called the xx. And I'm gonna enlarge the cover. And it's a really adorable cover. So it's got like the it's got like kind of like a swirly like not swirly but very cute times new roman text but like slanted and it's blue. Yeah, the background is black with little stars in the sky. And then there's a bright yellow moon and and in front of the moon are two figures and they're writing a broomstick together. And they're very cute and it's it's a dude and a chick and I love them already.


So it is it is called did we say the title out for though I


said the title. It's called the X. Oh, cool by Aaron stern like Aaron Sterling. And I love it shot a little gazebo and the words of jumbo Anywho. I don't know. I don't know what I feel about John Maloney right now. But anyway, I digress. For all


you d&d nerds out there. I attack the gazebo. Enjoy that.


Oh, as you're doing that absolutely. Adore so.


Oh, there you go. And I should also mention the author's name is significantly smaller than the title it is.


It is smaller. Okay. And now I'm gonna read the description if I can find it because


I spoil these spoilers for everybody. This might be my new favorite.




I'm so excited. Okay, ready?


It's so good. Yes. Okay.


Nine years ago, Vivian Jones nursed her broken heart like any young witch would vodka, weepy music, bubble baths, and a curse on the horrible boyfriend. Sure that Vivi knows she shouldn't use her magic this way. But with only an orchard with with only an orchard hayride scented candle on her hand. She isn't worried it will cause him anything more than a bad hair day or two. That is until Reese Penhallow descendent of the town's ancestors breaker of hearts and annoyingly just as gorgeous as he always was. returns to graves glad Georgia what a what a name.


Right should be a quick


quick trip to recharge the town's ley lines and make it make an appearance at the annual Fall Festival turns disastrously wrong. With one calamity after another striking Reese Vivi realizes her silly little xx may not have been so harmless after all. Suddenly, graves Glen is under attack from murderous windup toys a pissed off ghost at a talking cat with some interesting things to say. And reset to have to ignore they're off the charts chemistry to work together to save the town and find a way to break the breakup curse before it's too late. Okay, so he's the boyfriend. He's the ex.


He is the X.


Oh, inch ending.


So let's crack in. I'm so excited.


I'm very ready.


It's so good. Okay, so yeah, I bought this book. I did actually buy it because I couldn't find it on the library. And it was like, I have a feeling this will be worth it. Yeah, yeah. So we have Vivian is Vivi. She is it's kind of follows that modern romance novel, like I don't wanna say trope, but like thing of like, it doesn't go into suit. It's not like the I look in the mirror and my super blonde hair and two big eyes like you know, look back at me. I'm looking at you shades.


When you started with too big. I did not think you were gonna end with eyes.


tracks you got


tracts of land. I really wish that everyone could see me just like, like just gesturing towards my boots as they juggle.


I really enjoyed how you said, I wish everyone could see you. And my brain was like, Oh, well, I'll do it too. So they can This is not immediate Rachel. It's been it's not watching weekday. Rachel Okay, I know. Gin and Tonic gin and tonic Tuesday. Lissa tonic Tuesday, but you see she's not like super described in detail. So she's blonde. We know that she I recently found out she's a witch. Not super recently, but she was like a late bloomer kind of thing in that situation. She she is, as Reese calls it, the full Potter, which is to say it doesn't find out until like, later than normal and like you're a witch Harry kind of situation or


a TV, a wall, a wall,


the full Potter. So she found out when she was like 17 or 18 years. Okay, so at this point when the story is taking place, she is well, there's a prologue and then we'll talk about we'll go into that age wise.


Sorry to interrupt you, but I am imagining in my mind, like a sailor moon situation where she like, like transforms into Sailor Moon like that's what happens, right? Yeah. And why not? And she's a way instead of being Sailor Moon, which,


surely I don't see why. Yeah. She also so she loves polka dots, which Oh, I love it's so cute. She's also she is a professor right now, she teaches history but she doesn't teach magical history. So I'm going to go into a little bit of some important things about the town so we'll get into that a little bit. Okay, well, Rhys Penhallow he's Welsh What a fucking name also he's he's Welsh he's also part of the like old witches like his dad is like, like house goth out to the max super like wears robes in the house like that old timey like, like the most Republican rich which you can think of as far as like, okay, okay. It's funny I say that and you know exactly what this is the


way that it has been will always be conservative, which is actually


conservative witches. Um, so he's graves Glen was actually founded by one of his ancestors. So his hair does that thing. You know, the thing everyone knows what it is the swoosh swoosh all the time. Yes, yes. He and He doesn't really take anything seriously. He's, I mean, it's kind of like me just bullshitting constantly you know? Yeah. What are those pesky feelings? Why Why


have them I should just put those away identified


hard with just saying um, so some other important things like I said, graves Glen in Georgia is where races ancestor founded this town. There's a college there that's named after his ancestors like Penhallow university or whatever. But the reason so obviously founded by which they have a witch, like program, like witches can go there to study magic. It is very much like it's separate, though. So like normal people do not know that witches exist.


Okay, this is Halloween Town. What you're describing is Halloween Town.


They referenced that in the book. Yes. It's fucking awesome. Also, I need to watch Halloween Town because it's such a good movie. And Hocus Pocus, Hocus Pocus, so good. So they it's just like everyone's just like, Oh, wow. Yeah, the the this one weird local history majors just really difficult to get into. Oh, yeah. That's what it is. Um, so Vivi is a professor, she is a witch, but she does not work with the magical side of campus. She is a regular history teacher, okay, normal as history. Okay, and she's like, so she has kind of a weird experience with magic because her mom was a witch, but never really like, was always kind of afraid of it and just didn't want to touch that. So she kind of has this like dichotomy of like, it's an awesome thing I can do. But also, I feel always just a little guilty about using it because of my family and all this stuff. So it's like, relatable. And also, okay, so she also the reason she went back to grapes, Glen, though because her parents are alive. She just doesn't live with them is because her aunt and her cousin lives there. And they are both like hella into the witchcraft. So it's when and it's Elaine. So Gwynns, her cousin Elaine's the aunt, and Gwynns familiar is a black cat named Sir Percival. And just he exists. That's under my list of important. Yes, yes. Yes, sir. You can. You can leave that out. Yeah, no. Necessary right plot actually important to the plot?


Yeah, but whether he was or not, he's there. And it's important that he's there. Yeah,


it's important. Everyone knows. Yeah,


it's not just for aesthetic. It's important.


It's important, right?


So important


in Putin. So a little bit of a prequel going into this. As I like to start many of my stories, because just many stories start this way. Vivi is in a pickle. Ah, uh huh. Yeah. So VP said a pickle. She's, she's currently taking a bath drinking vodka. Lighting. Whoa,


this is the opposite of a problem.


We're getting there. We're getting to the problem part. She's lit all the candles in the house to try to make herself feel better. And she's like just super lovesick heartsick. She's summoning up the smell of his cologne because she's a witch. And all this stuff, and also trying to talk herself out of it of like, I only dated him for three months. Which she did. She's 19 at this point.


Oh, sweet summer child, then she she met him


at her first like summer festival for like the witch Solstice festival or whatever. And like they had a super intense like three month fling. And then he had to leave. Or sorry, she broke up with him, technically, but it was because him not taking anything seriously. He's like, Yeah, my dad, I have to go back to to Wales real quick, because I'm my dad has Botros to me to somebody and she's like, the phone. Oh, and he's like, it's Botros. I'm not actually marrying them. It's fine. And she's like, No, it is not. Yes. So she broke up with him. But she's still hurting real hard because it was like instant connection for these two like they were obsessed with each other.


So he didn't explain like, No, I'm not gonna I'm going over there and not marry and telling them I'm not marrying them.


He tried to explain that because he like is so flippant about everything. It just came off super sincere.


Under so because, well, also, and I could understand like he's flippant about that he might be flippant about like them. His feelings for her too. Yeah, just very casual about it. And she's like, okay, you don't really, you're not as serious about this as I am.


Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So she broke up with him. And she but she's still really hurting because 19 And she was obsessed with the dude.


She's playing Evanescence. You know,


I said, essentially. Yeah, she


can't wake up. The whole


cousin. Right? Her cousin is like, Girl, I got you. So she comes out of the bath like the bathroom or whatever. And her cousin has like assault circle setup. And she's like, like, what are you doing? She's like, we're cursing this motherfucker. And the internal like monolog is, but we're never supposed to mix. You don't mix witchcraft and vodka. You just don't. And like, even like, her aunt has like a witchy store in the shop, because of course she does. And she's like, they sell merchandise that says don't mix witchcraft and vodka. You don't do this. It's the mantra. But also fuck that guy.


Yeah, also, fuck that guy. Also, that doesn't pertain to that doesn't include wine, right?


I mean, it only says vodka. I don't see what Perfect.


Thank God.


So So literally all they have and they're like, they're not taking it super seriously right there. It's it's it is like a silly thing or whatever. And she has like, like, like it said, like I harvest hayride, candle. Like it's a fucking like bath, Bath and Bodyworks candle or some shit. Like it's not exactly like black candles, and you know, I have nude or whatever. So they curse him. And I want to Marty This is a game. I'm very excited. Oh, I want you to give me your most creative curses. No, for an axe. Just something silly. I'll give you I'll give you one of the ones that they use as an example if you'd like


No, no, I wouldn't. Like so these are these are not like rhyming curses, right? These are just like, okay, okay, just things that would happen to them that are horrible. Yeah, I would curse them so that whenever they walked into a restaurant, the first thing that they smell our feet, like really gross feet smell. They lose their appetite immediately. It's


good. I would say that they it would be this the first thing they smell is something that's super delicious, that they really crave but they don't sell it at that restaurant.




that that's a good one to uh huh. Let's see what else um, they I would curse them to stub their toe at least once a day? No, definitely once a day and they never knew what when it was going to happen or what it was going to happen on. And if they didn't like if they like kept if they like, made sure they didn't stub their toe. They wouldn't be able to sleep that night until they stepped in.




yeah. diabolical. Yeah, yeah.


I like them. So let me go through the list of what today kirsta with


listeners tell us what you would curse someone with what would you curse your axe with?


The best, most creative curses that are harmless that are harmless, overall harmless. So and this is this list of curses was the first time in this book. I was like, Oh, I'm gonna fucking love this book. It was the moment they curse him. He will never again darken Vivian's door nor her vagina. He never He will never again use his dimples for evil against unsuspecting maidens. He will make sure make sure his hair never does that thing again. You know the thing we mean. And my personal favorite is make him the sort of man who will forever think the clitoris is exactly 1/3 of an inch away from where it actually


is. Not just a curse on him. That's a curse to other women out there.


I know I don't think he's ever gonna get laid.


Know it but he'll be in like the middle of it. The girl be like really? Good. Can't find it. It's right there. And he's like, I don't know. I don't know what's wrong.


And that's pretty shitty for him though. Cuz like a chicken, whatever and leave.


Yeah, that's true. I just felt like I've like that far into it like that, like convicted. I'm like, Really? Really? Come on.


Just just literally, literally get it over


the damn thing.


It's and this is an ongoing joke throughout this entire thing.


Your sir conferencing it, sir. Right. You're


just going around it. Come on. Stop with the orbits. So at the end VPS like, yeah, you know what, fuck it. I curse you like respect hollow? And the candle shoots straight up, like the flame spikes. And the window slams open and they're like, yes. That was fine. Probably nothing probably fine.


It's definitely blow this out, though. Immediately.


Yeah, definitely never talked about good. I


can also definitely break that salt circle as possible. That's fine.


by So nine years later. So maybe is 28 now Oh. So she's a professor. She loves it like and Reese has his whole thing is he now has a travel business. Because his magic is like centered around luck. So he uses it to make sure people have the best like vacations of their lives. That's so like, awesome.


I call him right now. Right?


So Reese is back home after being on town for business. And his father is upset. Okay, it's always like, I mean, imagine this super conservative, stuffy old dude who like and his son is the kind of guy who never takes anything seriously kind of fucks off to random places, right? Obviously, there's going to be some problems. So his dad is like, Look, you and your brothers are me. And my and your brothers are really busy right now. You doing business stuff? Business business, you have to go to graves, Glen, because every 25 years, they have this like Founders Day celebration. Well, they have the Founders Day celebration every year, but every 25 years, a pen Harlow has to go and has to recharge the ley lines, because that's the whole reason the town is so magical, right? Because we will. And yeah, and he's like, why? And he's a well, because it's 100 The year after the town was founded. So fucking get your ass over there. So he very reluctantly agrees because he's super doesn't want to go back. Right? He's super doesn't want to see Vivi but he's like she she might not even live there anymore. Right? And it's it's fine. It's probably fine like high


school. So where's the clitoris? Has anyone seen it? Is


it might be well, and he also I will say at this point has realized that he was a massive cock. Like he is fully self aware of the point of like, I fucked up that was on me. Okay. I do not handle that right. Props. But he does agree to go. Vivi, on the other hand, is a history teacher at the university that is named after a racist family. But she


loves that. Say, dude, oh, yeah, totally do


in her mind. She's never gonna see him again. So it doesn't matter.


Never assume? No, it's an asset of us both.


So she is going to dinner with her cousin and her aunt because it's like a weekly thing. And her cousin paints tarot decks like that is like her thing. Like, oh, Taro is some Yeah, it's like really how her magic kind of like, her focus kind of thing. And they decide she so her cousin gets a text in the middle of dinner and they're like, What is it really nothing? Nothing. And they're like, Oh, what is it? And she just found out that a pen Harlow is coming to town for and this is obviously fill in the tea. Guess what month this takes place in Halloween? Does? October. Yeah. Yes. Is like early October.


You'd only average leylines in October. Rachel, come on. Oh, yeah, obviously. That's the only way that the Tesla plug works.


Actually. Actually No, don't put Tesla into that he does not need that power. Fucking he's already


knows already pushes itself into space. Yeah,


he doesn't he needs no more power he is ditched his way into space already. So, so she gets a text and she has to like, well, there's gonna be a pen haul coming in town. awkward and she's like, okay, but we don't know which one it is. The other ones it's fine. Right? And so they do a Tarot reading and


it's very much him. Oh, wow.


Very much. So basically. So she she made like a whole deck and it's painted after people that like she knows. So like Vivi is the star. Oh, just like, I know. It's very cute. And then Reese is the fool.


Yeah. I love that. Yeah.


So the day before the Founders Day celebration. This is like October 11, or something like that. So he's charging the ley lines on the footpath. So past


October 3.


Just Yes. Sorry. I stopped over there. It's perfect. So Reese has had a time since he's made it to the states just a time it's like he is his car broke down trip it up. Weiss right. He like he was almost late for his flight like he had like all of this shit has happened to him. And it's been the worst. And he's currently on the side of a winding mountain road trying to make it up to his family's home in the mountains above graves. Glen, and his car has gotten the second flat tire. Sound even it's like, fuck you. Well, here's the thing. He hasn't had any effects from the curse until he came back to graves, Glen.


Wow, that's okay, that tracks we literally can only not find the clitoris is. Right. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna keep up on that part of the.


I mean, it is an ongoing joke in this book. We'll get to it. But he, he also has no idea that he's cursed. Fair warning. Yeah, he has no idea. So he's walking up. He's like a half mile from his house. It's raining like it's cold. He's like, cars on rental cars on the side of the road. And he's almost hit by a car. And he ends up having to jump down like because the side of the road is like kind of a ravine. So he jumped on the ravine to avoid it and the person comes out. It's like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. It's like I couldn't control the wheel. The car just like swerved. I'm so sorry. It's I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Uh huh. And they see each other like, Oh, it's okay. Because this is literally the night that she is like coming off of that terror rating. Like she's going home from that dinner.


God it's like being slapped in the face of a tarot card.


Right? And she's horrified and he like they like bullshit a little bit and like, kind of tries to charm her a little bit. troped well, and so he's like, he's like, look like I realize I was a dick. I was a total ass and whatever. And like, what do you say you give me a ride back up to my place because like, it's cold out here. I don't want to climb like I'm hurt. Like all this stuff. And she's like, No, I'm good. And just fucking leaves him on the side of the road.




going to call AAA motherfucker goodbye.


She's leaving. And she's like, I feel kind of bad. But he was a half mile away. He'll survive. He'll be fine.


He's fine. He's a big boy. Take a broomstick.


Good for her. Yeah, honestly.


She, you know, I didn't consider just hitting you. But I'll just leave you on the side of the road. Instead,


she she has this moment of God, why did I have to stop? Damn, it could have just kept going. Um, so at the Founders Day thing the next day he is late. Because again, he's having a time, just a time. And


so ley lines are like, fuck you. We don't need you.


So the mayor is like freaking out because she can't find Reese and like she's it's like about time for his speech. And this is her first ever Founders Day thing and she's freaking out. And you'll notice that this is the first book. Yeah,


she might be the next. Oh, she's definitely


a nice package she and Vicki's cousin are currently dating. Okay, they do break up within the course of this book. Oh, definitely gonna be them next. Okay,




Okay, so, um, so she's freaking out. And admittedly, if he feels a little bad, she's like, Ah, I did kind of leave him out. I hope he didn't die. Oh, I'll go look for him and then we'll drop them off at the check in table and then I'll be done. So she goes to look for a chance of finding him. And he's like, look like I'm really again. I deserved it. And I'm really sorry. I get it. I totally get it. What? Well, how about this? Do you want to come with me to charge the leylines tonight? Because that's something that like, I know, I remember you talking about how you always wanted to see that. And like, it's just, you just have to


remember is very cute.


Yeah, yeah, he's Yeah. So I just found myself. Yes, I realized now this is an audio medium. I think that all of the information that I have obtained in the past three years has just gone out the fucking window, apparently, whatever.


The message is, you know, yep, we're doing our best.


So she's like, Oh, okay, but I did really want to see that fuck, okay, but just that that's it. So she is gonna go with him. And in the middle of his speech, the head falls off the statute almost crushes him. Because again, he's having


it was supposed to be like, not harmful.


It wasn't. Okay. And also this entire, like the monologue between Vivian glance of Gwen refers to him solely as dickheads throughout the and the monologue between Vivian Glenn is fuck, it didn't work on his hair. God damn it. Like it like that.


They went like extra in the opposite direction.


The first time that they like, gets steamy. He like touches her and gets the clip on the first try. And she's like, Well, that didn't work. He awesome. It's very good. Um, so the sense of humor in this book is perfect. So he, after that happens is sitting there and he's like, I think I might be cursed. Because like, one or two things. Sure. This is a lot.


And it keeps happening over and over and over.


Exactly. So he calls his dad and he's like, Hey, I think I might be cursed. Is it safe for me to do this? Because I don't want to be like pumping a bunch of Cursed magic into the ley lines, right? Yeah. And he's like, here a pen. Hello. We do not get cursed. You're fine.


Oh, God, conservatives and conservatives. He's anti, he's anti hex


Pantai x. So so she does agree with to go with him to the ley lines. And they go that evening. Surprise. It's a sex cave. Which is to say why they walk in, they walk into this cave, where the ley lines are it's like a hidden cave in the mountains or whatever. And it's like a


secret subtle secrets


out. Oh, it's actually perfect because they walk in and he's like, I didn't bring the map. I don't know where I'm going. And she's like, gets there. He's like, how do you know you've never been here before? Like, you don't see it? Yeah, there. And so like, she guides them to the ley line tunnel. And they walk into the cave and it's like seething with energy. And apparently for those two since they're into each other, it makes them both real horny.


All right.


They fight it off, thankfully. And she tries or sorry, he goes to charge the ley lines. And in a move that absolutely everyone saw coming, it goes bad and purple, which is to say the ley lines turn purple in like a black purple infected kind of way and magic starts to go squirrely. Oh, whoops, see Daisy? Oh,


you know as you do, maybe you guys should have just had sex.


You may be and she also so that happens and they get out of the cave. And they like they're calling Gwen back at the town Do they like Is everything okay? And they're like No, everything's not okay. And she just looks at him she's like so funny story. And she has to admit that she cursed by God


I love that I love that


curse think it was that bad?


Yeah, dude, it was a few


well it's actually really sweet because like they're talking about like cuz that means she has to mentor aunt who is the big like, you don't mix vodka and witchcraft a woman that she cursed somebody and they do come to like, the whole agreement of like, Yes, everyone does stupid shit. Right? You do that that you did that thing with nirvana? When you were my age? It's fine. Like they all like right that's what


I was thinking how do we like say you're a witch and you like have certain powers like you're you're


you're going to do certain dishes


stupid shit. Yeah.


Right. And but it's really sweet because they're talking about it and they're like, she kind of has to admit that. Yeah, she was like that invested and that hurt by the second he's like, I didn't know that. And he's like really like, Oh no, what did I do you? It's very sweet. So they get back to graves Glen because shits go and go and fuck you there and they go to the shop which again it's like a witchy cut. It's like It's like her Afeni and hedge. Incoming Taylor it's very but, but less esthetic it's more like fun kind of thing. Okay. Which listeners who aren't from Covington it's a really cute witchy store. It's great, right? Um, so they're decorated out for Halloween obviously, and Whoopsie daisy doodly doo a whole bunch of plastic skulls have become animated and her going around biting people's ankles. Okay, I was gonna say


that like the first part of it sounded awesome advice. And I was like, here for it. Like, go ahead, let us start talking. But if they're biting people cycles that is that is a that's probably not. That's got to be an OSHA violation. Oh, absolutely.


Yeah, talking. They're just like rattling and rambling and like chopping people's ankles.


Stupid cute. Like, like sore Paratus.


But they're there. Um, there's also mutt like, for lack of a better term. And this is what I will refer to them as because reasons there's muggles in the store do so they just match so they're getting away with like, oh, no, it's fine. It's a It's Halloween trick. Yeah. So well, they're so they're able to figure it out. And the good news is that Reese is super fucking charismatic, which again, is part of his magic. Yeah, he doesn't have to, he doesn't end up having to like, like Glaber them or whatever, or like charm them. He just like, goes on and on and on about like, God, stuff from China. Am I right? Like you buy stuff cheap and all this stuff and then get out of the store and it just works. Rachel. Okay, charismatic.


I do feel that although that's Zach.


I think Reese is a very weird combination of Zack and I.


Yes. Very much straight. Yes. It's


and and to be fair, I think I could do that, too. Yeah. Oh,


yeah. You are really good. Yeah. You're really good at charming people.


So they have to figure something out. Because she like, Oh, why obviously skulls? Well, so they got rid of the skulls? Because the skulls are a menace. And also there's Michaels around so but they so Vivi and Reese obviously both feel responsible for this. And they're like, We have to figure out a way to fix this. Don't wait, god damn it. Okay, well, it's fine. We're adults. We know you're leaving soon. It's cool. It's fine. It's fine. But that's not


going to fix the problem for him leaving isn't going to fix anything that's like a solid purple magic.


It's not going to solve Purple Magic but it will solve the cursed against him because the curse against him only happens within right the curse right now and and includes actually right now the ley lines. So like if they can't fix the leylines it'll spread. But right now it's only in graves. Glen. So actually, there's part of the book where they go outside of graves, Glen, and everything's fine. Like magic works. Okay, but right now the problem with like, with them dealing with the skulls is that they tried to like do some magic and it did not work. Because magic is real wonky right now. Yeah. So like, instead of shutting the curtains, she sets them on fire. That kind of thing. Bad. Um,


nice analogy.


Right? Well, no, that happens in the book. Oh.


Good analogy.


Yeah, great. Um, so they have to figure something out. Like the the next day though. She's like, I have to go teach a class. I have to go work. So he's like, Okay,


I know what magic does about capitalism. But


but like, I need money, right? So so she goes, she's like, I'm gonna take you to the library. You can just spend time in the library researching curses and shit and how to break them while I go teach and then I'll come join you. So they go to the library. They get them checked in. It's super cold in the library, which is kind of weird and just feels weird. I hope your spidey senses darting. Yep. So she ends up meeting them there after her class and they're in this tiny study room and things start to get steamy inside the study room which I don't want to think about how many times that's happened to University of Dayton study rooms because I've only been like twice and no thank you. And it's not like No, it's not


like a cool library. Like it. Look we, we make we literally use to joke that it looks like far Lord far quads castle


in track COVID Super does Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Um, so they get real steamy in the study room, which is when like, he touches, like, touches her and she's like, god dammit, well, that part of the curse didn't work. He's like, what? Every time they reference he's like, What do you mean? She's like nothing but like not like. So turns out, there's a ghosty hot in the halls of the library and the ghosty is searching for something and also the ghost. He really doesn't like pen hollows row. Oh, so they have this incident with the ghost where like, he goes after Ries and like they're able to get away. But the head of the magic department shows up and is like, we need to talk. And so they like have to tell the head. It's very much the analogy of feeling like you've been taken to the principal's office at the age of 28. So they're sitting there, like have to explain what happened and all this stuff. And they're like, Okay, cool. Figure it out. Because that was a ghost of a witch that had died back in like, the 80s or 70s, or whatever. And we had to bind her because loose ghosts are a problem. Right? And she escaped because of you. So fix that shit.


Yeah. Yeah, that's a problem. Not


not great. Good. They're trying to figure it. They're trying. They're trying to figure it out. So they go to a coffee shop. And then there's a whole incident in a coffee shop where a chick is like selling illicit potions in the coffee and like, she sells a potion. That's like Viagra. And the do goes stiff all over and like, it's like


this. Yeah. Never one bottom.


Right. Like, yeah, yeah, they petrified him. So they have to like, there's a whole insert in the coffee shop where shit isn't working, right. And like, shit is funky with the magic. All right, I'll


be really frustrating too, because every time they're like, trying to go somewhere to fix it, it's like, I'm gonna fuck and they


can't. And they can't use their magic to hell. Right, right. Mm hmm. So she is like, the next day she's like, in her office trying to figure some shit out just thinking about it. And someone shows up from the magic department. And is like, hey, like, and she's like, Oh, you're like actually really chill. Because normally I don't like the magic department because it kind of stuffy but like you're, you're cool. She's a cool. Here's this candle. It's called a year to see candle. Think like Odysseus, you're dizzy, right? If you go to the place where like the witch had like her or like the the ghost had her altar or whatever, because she was a student and school, which is in this cabin in the woods, which is of course creepy as hell. And light it will. Yeah, it will essentially suck the ghost into the candle and you can take care of it and we can bind it again. So you suck it into the candle and then you can bring it back to the school and we can light it and the ghosts will be released and we'll bind the ghost. Right. So like, we'll take care of it. This is fine. You just have to do it.


Okay. I don't know though. Yeah, like magic is sketchy right now. That seems like a good just antagonize the ghost.


So she thinks about that. And it turns out luckily, the cabin is a little ways outside


per. Okay, it works. It works out.


Yeah. So um, she goes she she like texts race in the middle night. Hey, meet me here at like, 1130 we have to do at midnight. And she's like, he's like,


Oh, my God dopes?


Well, he's like, this is sketchy as hell. Cuz it's very much a haunted price. So they break into this haunted house looking motherfucker. And they're like, Oh, I was hoping you will be less creepy on the inside. So sneaking into a haunted


house in the middle of the night?


Why middle of the mountain woods? Yeah.


This is no none of these things are a good idea. They're just necessary.


Right? So they sneak in like oh, this is so weird. Like it must be haunted the floors clean but like everything else is really dusty. And there's paintings on the walls creepy and they're searching around trying to find this like, ghosts altar or whatever. And also like oh shit, someone's coming. So they go into the closet. And it's a student and his girlfriend


in the closet student Wait.


Oh my god, they're hooking up and that's the reason the floor was clean. God and so they're like trapped in the closet and I'm like god dammit dammit. And they're like we can't just come out because they're my students and he's failing my class and this is not gonna go well. They like scare them away by like because they can use magic at this point. So she like you know both rollers Yeah, all that stuff and like scares them away thankfully and because thankfully they're in the closet which they got steamy and by the way, and there's the altar so they do find


Amiens Can one of you which things like getting it on in front of her altar,


she isn't around yet until they light the candle, they light the candle and the witch comes back and they get some interesting exposition with the witch. They get some information about how like, like, she blames Penn hollows specifically raised right now for like, doing something with another witch, like they did something really bad. When the town was created, like something happened in the past, and they have no idea so they're like, but then person goes, wishes. When


does that ever happen? Oh, what? Why? Oh, God, I got my breath down my neck that said Say hello.


I'm starting to feel really warm. Yeah, it's not a problem. Yeah, it's


turning red,


Australia weird. So they bring me the candle. Like, I just want to get rid of this candle. So they bring it back to the shop to like, have to store overnight, so then go to sleep. And then they have sex on the couch in the shop. Yeah. Hey, um, so the next day, she like, goes back to take the candle to the school. And she meets that which again, and hands the candle off. And she's like, thank you so much. But something seems a little bit weird about that witch. And then the head of the witch department shows up in her office. Like you're done fucked up. That was not one of someone from our group. Huh? Cuz,




it was a con man who was looking knows about witchcraft, and buys vaguely magical shit to sell and make their fortune and they like had figured out what was happening because they've been in graves Glen for a while figuring shit out. And so they calm the hell out of her. And she's like, What did I


do? That's kind of cool and brilliant. I will say Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.


Make, you know, hustle, hustle. Um, right. So she's like, Fuck, no way to fix this to hell is happening.


I will say this. I still don't really know where this plot is going.


Yes. And bear in mind, I think that like, it makes a little more sense. Probably when you're reading it right made perfect sense to me while I was reading it, I guess I should say, okay, like, I might just not be like weaving the story back together well enough, but it did make perfect sense. I do have a couple critiques. But ultimately, like, it made sense to me. Thinking about it. If I had to classify this part of the plot, it's definitely in the shit just goes wrong. But also, they're figuring out like, okay, like, yeah, there's still something here. Yeah. Like, it's that kind of writing. So she ends up she's like, just so at her wit's end, and she's like, I can't write. I'm gonna show up at recess house, which is a super Of course. gothy looking fucking castle on a hill motherfucker with goth aesthetic. And she's like, Wait, you've been staying here. Why? Because like, It's my dad's decor. It's not my choice.




And they fuck on in the bathroom, which is awesome. And they kind of like have this moment of like, pocket. You know what? Fuck it. We're, let's fuck each other. This admittedly is the first penetrative sex the sex on the couch was finger banging. Well, so not the first penetrated but first, like penis in vagina. Oh, okay. Which I can't think of a single other way to make that sound less sexy. Um, so and they're like, You know what, fuck it. We're going through this whole shit. And we don't know if we're gonna make it work out. So let's just fuck so there's like a week of them just like, like, jumped to a week later. They've spent the entire week staying at each other's places and just like, What about actually figuring stuff out? Okay, so they're still trying but also fucking alive. Good for that. Right? Well,


bad luck. Okay, it's time to fuck.


Hey, that was an incantation Am I ever heard one? Um, I will also say


yes, she liked it to Betsy.


Mm hmm.


Yeah, you're right, Betsy. Yeah, you're so right. Yeah, you're so right.


So like a week or so later? It's like they're they're kind of like distracted because like things have kind they kind of settled down after this. Yeah, penis will do that crazy. You should happen and so they just fuck for right. And then during the like, pre Halloween festival they kind of realize oh shit, no, we have to get on this I was like that I was like yeah well the reason they realize that is because racist Father shows up because his father finds out what the fuck is happening and he's like, oh wait,


what fucking is happening or what what what what's happening with the town? Okay, okay okay just yeah you're


and you've


gone through


that's my go through so he like they have like a little bit of a showdown between because races and no and cousin do not like the super stuffy bullshit and like right so they're not exactly don't don't exactly get along and his father is like freaking out about like Well Do you have like okay is there any you should not have been able to curse with what you did like that should not have happened like, which to be fair it shouldn't be like they had a fucking whatever like Harvest candle right like it shouldn't have happened but it did. So like Do you have any ancestors that live in the area? Do you have any whatever and they're like, well we have this one ancestor and he kind of gets a little quiet we're stitching together the Okay, okay, yeah, the foreshadowing here and ultimately Reese good on him is like no, I'm, I'm not going back with you. I want to stay here and figure this out because his dad's like, you need to come back with me so we can research he's like, No, I'm gonna stay here right and I'm gonna figure this out and like so his dad leaves and it's sort of that Wake Up Call of like, okay, we need to get on this shit. Yeah, so they end up Reese not being able to sleep does a little bit of internet sleuthing and is able to find the con artist that stole that candle. Okay, who didn't actually go very far. They're only like a town or two over. So he takes Vivi up and surprise winners, like we're gonna go find this bitch. And so they go and find her. And the con artist is like, thank God because she's being haunted by this candle. Because the ghost is.


That is hilarious.


So she's like, don't just take it just please, I want to ever get please just take the damn cat. So they take the candle bag be carrying


on for right.


So they take the candle back and they decide they're like, we're not going to give this back to the university. Because last time we saw this ghost, she was talking about something that really related to what's going on right we need to know what that is. So they end up doing like lightening the candle in like assault circle and summoning it and Vivi kind of accidentally maybe a little bit gets possessed.


You know, casual fine, it's fine,


and it's fine. But she's able to like she co sort of gets these flashes of memories from this ghost. And basically what happened was this woman tried summoning the spirit of this witch who happens to be Vivi, Glen Vivi Gwynn and Elaine's ancestor, okay, I'm from the town and what had happened was Penhallow didn't found the town on his own. He actually had another witch, a woman who was this ancestor who was like, he's like, Well, we can do it together. Let's see if we combine our powers we can like charge up the ley lines or whatever in town. This town. She's like,


power combined.


Yeah, he kind of maybe a little bit sucked all of the power out of her and killed her and use that. Yeah. Yeah.


What what is this guy a white man?


Yes. Marty, how did you know? Fucking white man. So so


that was gonna happen right? Like he did that?


He did it on purpose. Okay, he purposely murdered this sucked out all of her magic. So she obviously she's pissed. Yeah. Oh, this like student so she gotta try it she got it


she got this other ancestor got an attempt to like cursive Penhallow? And she's like fuck yeah, we're do with this? Yes. Where's that but that's where the fuck is I candle orange spice latte whatever it is you got it.


That's exactly what happened. So she like um, the student had tried summoning this ghost of this woman to try to make it like figure it out and figure out how she could fix things and this when you do something like that sometimes it's just too much for you and it like kills the witch if it's too much and so that's how she died. So the good news is now they know what happened. Yeah, bad news is the ghost super wants to kill race. The Ghost of her ancestor


for ancestor so go ception go a


little bit. The student goes though is now gone. She filled her mission and has moved on. Okay, so she's fine.


He's like adios amigos.


I'm hottie Yes, PCs. Deuces. So they decided they're like, Okay, you're gonna fucking die and also shows the entire town if we do not figure this out. So the only thing we can think of is on sawin, which is October 31. That's when the veil is thinnest, and we're ancestors of this woman. So I think we'll be able to if meet her if Vivi, Gwen and Elaine work together, they'll be able to summon this ghost and try to get her to, like, convince her to stop, and just not if you could just chill. And so like the night before,


that they're like, Listen, you need to just be chill.


Yeah. Could you just recognize


not though, right? Like, I get it, but it happened a long time ago. Like, right? Do you? Are you sure that you're remembering correctly? Like, is that really happened? What were you wearing?


Right? Well, so did you have anything to drink that night? Did you eat anything? Just like anything that's jumping out. But so they find out at this point that Reese, very well could die in like, like, the next day, because this is like the day before Halloween? Yeah. And he's like, okay, whatever, it's fine. And she's like, Oh, okay.


You should not be like, casual.


Exactly. And he's being super casual. And she's like, it kind of for her is a moment of like, stressful realization of like, I see now why we had problems before. And I can't do this. So they essentially have good bisects because she's like, Oh, I have to focus on this, right? Like, and he like, gets back and realizes, Oh, shit, I love her. Good. I never stopped goddamnit. Okay, I have to tell her like, I have to tell her and so he goes, he's gonna tell her no at the cabin. And he goes to like, open the door, or, like knock on the door. And Elaine answers her hand and she's like, You love her, don't you? And he's like, yes. And she's like, okay, she's kind of in the middle of prepping to summon this super powerful spirit. Yeah, so like, maybe wait till it's over. And he's like,


No, I would say Isn't that the time to do it though? It's like before, I want you to know that I love you. And I'm sorry.


Well, so they're having a really hard. She's not. She's more powerful than she thinks. But also everyone doesn't think she's very strong because she doesn't use her magic very often. So right now, it's like, you need to take every little bit of mental everything you have and just meditate for the next like, 12 fucking hours because you might die. It's like, yeah, so they I do love


it. I just say I do love a good get good by sex. Like it's just so tense and like intense and Oh, yeah. It's good broody nouns.


subroutine. So they go to the graveyard of course, because hashtag is dead. Yeah. And they


it's nighttime, right? Yeah. Yeah. aesthetic. Yeah. So


they go to like some of the ancestral and they're able to do it like they summon this woman. And she like, again possesses


I'm glad that she didn't have anything cannot get over. I I'm glad that the that she didn't have anything else in her schedule. In the afterlife. Like so peasy.


Okay, I'm sorry, but I have fruiting like on the clock for a while and it's gonna take forever. What


is it in the fridge? It's like, yes, it's


exactly what I was thinking.


With me, I can't cancel that again.


So they are able to summon her and she is super ready to just murder race on the spot. Just like, this is the whole reason fuck you. And he like he his entire task at this point is to convince this ghost woman not to kill him in the town. And he does it and the way he does it is he just, she's like, why should I not kill you? And he's like, because I love her. Oh, she's like she's like, Okay, well, what if I kill you and not her? And he's like, that's fine. Just don't hurt her. And then she's like, Oh, you must actually really love her then Hmm. That I


like I just like the idea of this glitch like throwing like a tantrum being like


you Swiper no swiping to me. And so she's like, okay, that's fine. Oh, bad news. It's too late. Oh, no. And so she like leave the ghost leaves deep possesses dispossessing. Yeah gets out of Vivi


exercises herself.


There you go. And he's like, Wait, what happened? It's too late. No, no, fuck that. We're going to the ley lines because like if we helped create the town, our ancestors that maybe We can do something and so they're able to like rush to the ley lines. And this is my one complaint with the book is that all of this is kind of hand wavy glossed over. Yeah, basically, they save the day, the three of them cast a circle and like pump their ancestor power into the ley line. And I mean, it was too for all the shit that happened. It was like, Okay, I get that the romance is an important part. But like, love say, I know about the magic love save the day. Well, at this point, she doesn't know that he loves her because she remembers nothing if that entire interaction. So they kind of have this like, Okay, well, we did it. Yay. Any leaves epilogue. Epilogue what, three months later


in January. Dumb ass really.


Vivi has taken up some classes teaching classes at the magic side now, too, because she went back to the head of the magic department and told them what happened. And they're like, Okay, would you like a job? Great. Now, you're an ancestor of a founder of the town. Cool. Um, and so she's like, on our way to the magic department to like, have a meeting with the dude. And she's walking past all of the little like, the the professor like offices or whatever. And she does like a cartoon doubletake of why does that it's probably a different pen hollow. Know, the name of that door is probably not the same. There's probably plenty of our pen hollows. Why is his name on the door? And she opens the door. And there he is. And he's like, Look, I get it. I was a dick. And I didn't want to leave. And my brother of all people told me that I had to make a grand gesture. So I was working on it. And it turns out when you help found the college, they'll offer you a job. So I'm here now. Oh. Yay. It's so cute. Actually, it's funny because I saying Guess who's back in again, like at the beginning of this episode, and in my notes, I have guests who's back back again. And I did not mean to do that. Yeah, it was so cute. Yeah. So. So. Yeah, it was, uh, this was perfect. It was a perfect kickoff to spooky season because it was wholesome as heck, it was like a adult Halloween Town, which is everything I'm here for. The only thing I have is that it was kind of woowoo we like we're not we hand wavy? Yeah, yeah. And it's fixed now. Well, and I get it.


And I didn't read the book. But I will say the same thing of the relationship because it's kind of like, Yay, everything's fixed. I was gone for three months. But everything's fixed. I'm like,


It's okay. When you're reading when you're reading the book, you get more of his perspective of him, like realizing that, okay, I am obviously like, I'm the one that fucked up in the first place. I'm the one that has to build the trust back and I realize that like, because he doesn't want to leave, right. But he she is like, kind of essentially like, no, I need to I need you to leave. Okay. She doesn't tell him that. But it's, it's very much that like, I can't do this again. And I realized cuz she doesn't know that he loves her.


And he she thinks that because she doesn't remember.


Exactly. Okay, so him coming back was very much this, like, I I can't not do this. I have to do that. Right. Because she doesn't I don't think she gets it. And I think that if I I've been such a dick that the only way for me to try to build this


back kind of like I have to give it a shot. I have to give it a shot. And if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. But But I have to try. Right. Okay. Yeah.


So it's yeah, it's, I mean, 10 out of 10 across the board. It's like, for me, it's like it very much gives me vibes of the Lauren HMA book that we did. Yes. It's kind of like that. Like, it's that really fun, like modern kind of kind of romance and also like, he's a dude that really cares about her in everything. Like, he's fully there to support her of like, no, no. You come first. Literally,


yeah, that's what I was just like that guy.


Yeah, no, it's it's it's a it's a we support each other wholly and fully and it's great. But I think that the thing that I like the most is like him understanding the whole like, I fucked it up. I definitely fucked like, messed up trust situation. Yeah. And I, I need to, I'm the one that has to build it. Right? Because that's how it goes. Like, if you're the one that messes it up. You are the one to have to take the steps to, to bring it back. Right. So yeah, this is like he him 10 out of 10 her 10 out of 10 plot 10 out of 10 SEC's pretty darn good 10 Out of everything. 10 out of 10 best cake off to the spookiest Season




so worth the wait. Hey Oh,


so worth the wait. Oh, aging we just edged it's fine. Um so I will say don't worry y'all we're not going to skimp on the spooky spooky is going into November yes I hope we get established that it's happening we're good


we're still smooth




it was so much fun it was perfect it really was I'm back to was so like y'all go buy this one legitimately it's fantastic Hey,


hey yeah


it was real good I'm glad that this is what we came back on


Yes me too me too we need to maybe that'll like I hear Mercury still in retrograde until the 17th so maybe it'll be pure like everything will be maybe this is the beginning of the purification


well this book this episode comes out on the 19th so probably


wow like


hey thank you guys for coming back a little break we really appreciate it I mean considering like I think there's one other time that we had to like take a day like an episode off so like in three years pretty fucking good, man right yeah, yeah, so happy speaking season Yeah. Be witchy be awesome be you yeah yeah. Well hey, thank you Eleanor you for the use of your song Love off the album beheld and