Enthusiastically Self-Employed: business tips, marketing tips, and LinkedIn tips for coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors.

Importance of Managing W.A.F.F.L.E.S. to Make Better Decisions Ep 73

February 26, 2024 Brenda Meller Season 1 Episode 73
Importance of Managing W.A.F.F.L.E.S. to Make Better Decisions Ep 73
Enthusiastically Self-Employed: business tips, marketing tips, and LinkedIn tips for coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors.
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Enthusiastically Self-Employed: business tips, marketing tips, and LinkedIn tips for coaches, consultants, speakers, and authors.
Importance of Managing W.A.F.F.L.E.S. to Make Better Decisions Ep 73
Feb 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 73
Brenda Meller

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The Importance of Managing W.A.F.F.L.E.S. to Make Better Decisions with Katie Nall

Imagine conquering the emotional chaos that clouds decision-making with Katie Nell's 'WAFFLES' technique. This podcast peels back the layers of Worries, Anxiety, Fear, Frustration, Lethargy, Exhaustion, and Stress, as we sit down with the esteemed mathematician and TEDx speaker to learn how we can apply her blueprint to our lives. 

Katie's heartfelt storytelling adds a personal touch to our conversation, as she shares her challenges in marketing this method and the triumphs of those who've embraced it. By mastering our emotional responses with her innovative approach, we unlock the potential for success in every facet of our lives.

Have you ever felt like your brain has a mind of its own, especially under stress? We're engaging with the 'lizard brain' and showing you how to soothe it using tapping, or the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Katie and I guide you through this fascinating process, offering not just a discussion but a live demonstration of how tapping can calm deep-seated anxieties and fears, leading to profound personal breakthroughs. It's not only educational but also a unique auditory experience that might just change the way you handle stress.

For the self-employed warriors out there, we haven't forgotten you. Katie and I reveal the secret sauce to fostering connections and community through platforms like LinkedIn. We share tips on engaging with content and the art of visibility in the digital landscape. Whether you're navigating your personal 'WAFFLES' or gleaning inspiration from Katie's journey, this episode is laden with wisdom for both personal and professional growth. So, plug in, take a breath, and let's unravel the path to emotional clarity and networking prowess together.

Connect with Katie:

Interview originally aired Tuesday, October 17, 2023

To see the list of upcoming interviews, visit:

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You’re invited to my FREE, Live webinar:

Getting Leads for Your Coaching, Consulting, or Solopreneur Business Using LinkedIn

Choose from one of these two upcoming LIVE webinars:

  •  Wednesday, June 5 at noon ET 
  • OR
  • Thursday, June 6 at 9am ET

Learn more and register at mellermarketing.com/gettingleads 

My name is Brenda Meller. I'm a LinkedIn coach, consultant, speaker, and author. My company is Meller Marketing and I help business professionals get a bigger slice of the LinkedIn pie.

Visit mellermarketing.com

Let's connect on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/brendameller
(click MORE to invite me to connect and mention you listened to my podcast)

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The Importance of Managing W.A.F.F.L.E.S. to Make Better Decisions with Katie Nall

Imagine conquering the emotional chaos that clouds decision-making with Katie Nell's 'WAFFLES' technique. This podcast peels back the layers of Worries, Anxiety, Fear, Frustration, Lethargy, Exhaustion, and Stress, as we sit down with the esteemed mathematician and TEDx speaker to learn how we can apply her blueprint to our lives. 

Katie's heartfelt storytelling adds a personal touch to our conversation, as she shares her challenges in marketing this method and the triumphs of those who've embraced it. By mastering our emotional responses with her innovative approach, we unlock the potential for success in every facet of our lives.

Have you ever felt like your brain has a mind of its own, especially under stress? We're engaging with the 'lizard brain' and showing you how to soothe it using tapping, or the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Katie and I guide you through this fascinating process, offering not just a discussion but a live demonstration of how tapping can calm deep-seated anxieties and fears, leading to profound personal breakthroughs. It's not only educational but also a unique auditory experience that might just change the way you handle stress.

For the self-employed warriors out there, we haven't forgotten you. Katie and I reveal the secret sauce to fostering connections and community through platforms like LinkedIn. We share tips on engaging with content and the art of visibility in the digital landscape. Whether you're navigating your personal 'WAFFLES' or gleaning inspiration from Katie's journey, this episode is laden with wisdom for both personal and professional growth. So, plug in, take a breath, and let's unravel the path to emotional clarity and networking prowess together.

Connect with Katie:

Interview originally aired Tuesday, October 17, 2023

To see the list of upcoming interviews, visit:

WATCH on YouTube:

You’re invited to my FREE, Live webinar:

Getting Leads for Your Coaching, Consulting, or Solopreneur Business Using LinkedIn

Choose from one of these two upcoming LIVE webinars:

  •  Wednesday, June 5 at noon ET 
  • OR
  • Thursday, June 6 at 9am ET

Learn more and register at mellermarketing.com/gettingleads 

My name is Brenda Meller. I'm a LinkedIn coach, consultant, speaker, and author. My company is Meller Marketing and I help business professionals get a bigger slice of the LinkedIn pie.

Visit mellermarketing.com

Let's connect on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/brendameller
(click MORE to invite me to connect and mention you listened to my podcast)

Brenda Meller:

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, depending on where in the world you're watching from, and welcome. I want to welcome all of you for watching. This is my LinkedIn Live series, which gets converted to the podcast later. I like to call it enthusiastically self-employed, and I bring on inspiring people to inspire and motivate you, and today I have with me a very special guest, katie Nell. Hey, katie, how are you doing today?

Katie Nall:

Oh, Brenda, I'm doing great. Thank you so much for hosting this and for inviting me. I appreciate you.

Brenda Meller:

I am delighted to have you. We've chatted a little bit before the show and we also had a conversation. Gosh, it was probably a couple months back now when we were first planning the conversation for today and it seems like at the time I remember like August or October 17. Wow, that's a really far away a ways. But once August hits, it's like August, september, october. The months just start flying by. So here we are today.

Katie Nall:

Yeah, I want to say a shout out to Doug I graduated from during high school in Nebraska. Hey, yeah.

Brenda Meller:

On that note, I want to welcome our audience. So if you're watching this right now, whether you're watching it on LinkedIn, on YouTube or on Facebook, we'd love it if you could be just like Doug and drop a comment below that lets us know that the live stream is picking up and that you can hear us loud and clear. And, katie, I always tell people this is kind of like that Mike tapped. If we were in person, I would tap the mic as I got on stage and I would say hello, can you hear me in the back? We didn't do the AV check, which sometimes we don't get to do, but at any rate, the comments let us know the live stream is working. So we are delighted that LinkedIn looks like it's picking up and, fingers crossed, the networks the other networks will be picking this up as well, and Katie and I are going to be talking today. You can see the topic right above us here. It's called the importance of managing waffles to make better decisions, and every time I think of this term waffles, I'm thinking of breakfast items waffles and pancakes and crepes and muffins and I don't think we're talking about breakfast foods here today, katie. But before we jump into the topic.

Brenda Meller:

You and I. We know each other from Innovation Women, which is an amazing organization created by Bobby Carroll. I'll give her an innovation women a shout out here in a second. And we've been on the speaker friends Fridays calls together and we did a prop call. I think I reached out to you when I was preparing to submit to be a TEDx speaker. I didn't get this one, but I'll try for other ones. But we had a couple of side conversations and I said hey, why don't you come on my show and we'll have a great conversation? So I know a little bit about you, katie, but for those who are just getting to know you, could you take a few minutes tell us a bit about who you are, who you help and what it is that you do?

Katie Nall:

Thank you, brenda. I'm a two time TEDx speaker. I'm a mathematician and when I was a late life student, going back to my PhD to help students overcome their fear and anxiety about math and test taking, I discovered a way to dissolve waffles, and so I help clients and I also speak on how to dissolve waffles to make better decisions.

Brenda Meller:

On that note, let's jump right in on this and I'm going to continue to load comments as they're coming in for our audience. But I really want to get into our conversation here today, because I know that when we're talking about waffles you have an acronym and we put there's periods in between each of the letters in here. Do we want to start with what is waffles or tell us a little bit of the backstory? It's up to you, katie Sure.

Katie Nall:

I'll tell you a little bit of the background. So when I found a way to help students overcome their fear and anxiety about math, I started in 2010 and I attended a 10 day summit that was held by Nick Ortner on emotional freedom technique, also called EFT or tapping and through that process, I was looking for a way to help these students. There was a 10 day summit. It went through the 10 days and it talked about how you could use this for finances, for relationships, for everything. Nobody said anything about math or test taking, but it seemed like a way to help our students with fears and anxiety.

Katie Nall:

So I went back and tried it and it was working. I was so surprised, brenda, because I didn't know if it was going to work or not, but then I realized I needed to get training. I got some training on it and I realized it could be used for so many things. I wanted to tell people about this amazing technique, so I would go up to almost complete strangers, grab them by the shoulders and say I know you've got problems, I can help you. That's not a good marketing technique.

Brenda Meller:

And there were so many people like call the police Exactly.

Katie Nall:

So I thought I needed to calm down. So I ran over to people and I said hey, I know how to do tapping. I want to help you with your problems. Everybody wanted me to dance and I don't dance.

Brenda Meller:

It sounds like tap dancing right.

Katie Nall:

Exactly so. I had to think of a way to explain people what I do, and I reflected back. By then I'd been doing this for a few years and I thought I've helped people with worries, I've helped them with anxiety, I've helped them with fear, and by the time I got to worries, anxiety and fear, I went ooh, wait a minute. I've also helped them with frustrations, lethargy, exhaustion and stress, and that's where Waffles came from. So now I can talk to people about Waffles and they don't run away.

Brenda Meller:

Do you want to break down like Waffles? What does it mean? What does it stand for? What's? The best way to approach the story.

Katie Nall:

So Waffles actually stands for what I help people with, which is worries. The W is for worries, the A is for anxiety, the F first F is for fears, the next one is for frustrations, then there's lethargy. I've helped people who felt like they couldn't get up and get going. The worries anxiety, fear, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion, people who are completely exhausted. And the S is for the big one stress.

Brenda Meller:

Okay, I love it, so I'm going to put that up on screen. So, if you didn't hear it, waffles is actually the acronym. Did I get that right? Worries, anxiety, fears, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion and stress. Perfect, did I get?

Katie Nall:


Brenda Meller:

Yeah, yeah.

Katie Nall:

And what we've found is that when people are consumed with Waffles, that their brains are completely muddled or preoccupied, and so when I show people how to dissolve their Waffles, then they can go on to make better decisions. You can't make decisions when you're completely consumed with Waffles. It's stress. If I just say stress right, and you think about it, you think about well, if I had some really good news, like if I found out I had the winning lottery ticket right, all of a sudden, decisions are easy and I can like breeze right through all of this stuff. But then if I get some bad news, if something happened to my pet or if I had a really bad day in traffic, when I get home I just I'm so consumed with oh, all of that worry and concerns that I can't make good decisions. Now, as entrepreneurs, we are making decisions most of the time by ourselves or with limited support. So in order to make good decisions, we have to be clear of waffles. We have to have the waffles dissolved.

Brenda Meller:

And you make a good point too. As an entrepreneur, you can't control. You can't control a lot of things, right, you can hopefully control where the future of your business is going, but you can't control sometimes what happens to you. But you can control your reaction to it, but sometimes we do get these overwhelming things that happen to us, whether stress or exhaustion or anything. You just you can't think anymore, you can't make decisions and you just feel completely frozen.

Katie Nall:

And Brenda, it doesn't even have to be like something major. I have worked with clients before where they've come in with an issue with the waffles and they. I had a client just this week. She came in and she said, oh, I don't have any problems at all. Okay, that's fine, let's just tap on it and see what happens. And as we tap, what comes up is something she'd completely forgotten about. But even though she had forgotten about it, in her prefrontal cortex, her amygdala in the back of her head had remembered and was floating around there and she wasn't even aware of it. So sometimes we have waffles that we're not even aware of and it's preventing us from being as effective as we could be. And at Filipinuers, as entrepreneurs, as someone who's going out to change the world and with limited resources, being able to be to control your waffles makes such a difference in your life Huge.

Brenda Meller:

Absolutely so I think about when you were talking about the amygdala I was thinking about that earlier like these things that will get into our brain and just they freeze us up. And it's this little part of our brain and it's don't they say it's like the fight or flight complex that's affected by it, but it freezes you up and I'm so glad that you brought that up because there are some things that can just they can take over everything. And I see this happening sometimes with my dog Pepper, when I walk her. She's fine, she's calm, she's sniffing. All of a sudden squirrel, and that she is. I can be holding a filet mignon in front of her nose and she doesn't even make sure like squirrels right there. And we as humans get that too right.

Katie Nall:

Oh, yeah, yeah, the amygdala is what is referenced as our lizard brain. It's the part of our brain that came from dinosaurs or something, and its purpose the purpose of it is to protect us. So what happens is, when we were younger and our prefrontal cortex hasn't developed, we were in an uncomfortable or anything potentially dangerous situation and our amygdala signaled everything that was going on. It captured the sounds, the smells, the vision. It captured everything. So you may have walked into a room and felt incredibly uncomfortable and not known why. That's because your amygdala has picked up something and saying it's not safe, it's not safe, it's not safe. And so what tapping does is it goes back to the. Let me preface this. We don't know exactly what happens with tapping, but what we do, what we can guess, is that our amygdala gets reassured, that everything is okay and that we now have tools that we didn't have before. A great example is, brenda if you and I were in a building and it caught fire, we would know exactly what to do. We would run out, call 911, be safe, and if we were 15 years old, we would probably know what to do. If we were 10 years old good chance. We'd know what we would do If we were five years old. We may not know what to do, depending on the training we receive, but if we were five months old and we were laying in the middle of the floor on a blanket and the place got fire, we wouldn't have any idea of what was going on, but our amygdala would recognize everything, including in the corner there's a red trash can. Now we were saved and then later on in life, when we go into a room and in the corner there's a red trash can, our amygdala would light up and we wouldn't even remember why. Wow, yeah, and so that's what happens when we get into a situation that we don't know why we have walkals, we don't know why we're worried or we have anxiety or fear, and this happens a lot.

Katie Nall:

I've referenced math a lot and, being a mathematician, so a lot of my math students when I worked with them I'll give you great examples I had one math student too had was terrified of math. I was like that's nothing to be afraid of. Why are you terrified? And it was right before I started my formal training until I became a master trainer in emotional freedom technique, and so I talked to him and I said okay, so tell me what it is about math that frightens you.

Katie Nall:

So he told me a story about he was in college and he came from a calculus class and I'm like, okay, I know exactly where this is headed. And he just got finished with the test and I know what it's like. We end up second guessing, right, our tests. And so I knew where he was going with it, or so I thought, and as he said, and I walked from the classroom back to my dorm and as I got back to my dorm, my roommate had committed suicide in the dorm. Oh, my gosh, wow. So his amygdala had associated a math test Wow with its traumatic event. So sorry.

Katie Nall:

And nothing to do with math or anything, but because it was the timing of it and his amygdala had remembered it. Yeah, yeah, it's things that you wouldn't think of that may be tripping you up. I had one client who all she wanted to do was she wanted to focus more. She didn't feel like she was focusing enough and I worked with her once a month, one hour once a month, or six months, and by the end of it, not only was her focused increase, but she'd also been attending therapy and all of these I have to preface this all of these stores I'm telling I've gotten permission from the clients to share. So I wanted to say that.

Brenda Meller:

And you're being respectful. You're not mentioning names and they're anonymous, but they are real people in real situations and we appreciate that you're sharing those, but anonymously, out of respect. We appreciate that.

Katie Nall:

But I do want to let you know that the clients that have given permission to share so there's a lot of different things that you don't even think of that come up in a session that you go. Oh yeah, that's right.

Brenda Meller:

That's right. You said a very and I don't know if we want to talk a little bit about what tapping is. Do we have some time to give us a high level? I know you said it's not tap dancing and I do have one personal experience I worked with someone who we did a tapping exercise, so I'm familiar with it. But, katie, do you want to tell the audience what's happening?

Katie Nall:

I would love to and, if you're up for it, I would do an example.

Katie Nall:

Yeah let's go. So. Tapping is a brain-based, somatic method, so it is based on the brain and they've done clinical studies for the last 40 years and they've shown that one hour of tapping can reduce cortisol levels by 42%. Now, cortisol is a hormone that is triggered instantaneously when we are stressed, when we are in fight, flight, freeze or fawn mode, and to reduce it that quickly, that much is amazing. It's non-invasive, non-addictive and is as effective as something called EMDR Eye Movement, desensitization, reprogramming.

Katie Nall:

The difference is, with EMDR you have to be sitting in front of a trained therapist. With EFT you can work with I don't know a mathematician, but, more importantly, you learn how to do it yourself. So I have clients that we work on an issue, but in the process they learn the technique and then they can do it themselves. Some of my clients come back to me and they say I'm having this situation or I'm doing that, and I said have you tapped on it? And they go oh, I forgot how easy it was. And when I say I forgot, I have clients who come back to me and they refuse to admit that they had the problem in the first place. I have to show them the intake form. That's how much they forget the problem. Now they remember the memories, but they forget the problem. So yeah, if you want an example, I'd love to do one Sure, I must do one.

Katie Nall:

Okay, so I'm gonna ask you a whole bunch of questions, brenda. The first one is in the last 24 to 48 hours, have you had anything in your life that's caused you walkals, worries, anxiety, fear, frustration, lethargy, exhaustion, stress? Did anyone pull out in front of you in traffic? Did you have any technical issues with computers or funds?

Brenda Meller:

I don't have any technical issue right now. I'm having a little bit of a waffle right now. My stream yard panel in the right hand side it disappeared and I'm trying to figure out what happened to it and I can't get back, oh, okay that's great.

Katie Nall:

So let's talk about this, let's work on that. When you think about the fact that your screen disappeared on the right hand side, what negative emotion came up Anxiety panic, Because I'm already.

Brenda Meller:

I'm trying to focus on what we're talking about right now and I'm trying to think about, if I can't get that panel to come back, what am I gonna end this show with? I don't know how we're gonna end this. We're gonna fly by the seat of our pants here, Katie.

Katie Nall:

This could be the endless show. In that case, is it anxiety or panic the stronger?

Brenda Meller:

I feel anxiety. I'm not really panicking, I'm one. I, if you watch my show I talk about I don't make mistakes, I have learning experiences. I love there's maybe some type of a learning that comes out of this, and maybe someone will go into LinkedIn chat and tell me, if they've had this happen on stream yard, what they did to resolve it. If not, at the end I'll just close the window instead of it's more. It's more anxiety than panic, yeah.

Katie Nall:

Yeah, now, brenda, from the top of your head all the way down to your toes, where do you feel the anxiety in your body?

Katie Nall:

I feel it like in my chest, in your chest, and from zero to 10, where zero is no big deal and 10 is the most anxious you've felt in your entire life. What number would you give it? That's probably like a four, four, okay, and is this a true statement? Right here, right now, I feel safe. Is that true? Yeah, I feel safe. Yeah, okay, yeah, okay. So I'm going to ask you to repeat a number of sentences. The last question is if I asked you to repeat something, you go no, that's not true, or I would have used different words. Will you do me a favor and put them in your own words for me? Sure, okay. So we start off with our facing one palm, facing our face.

Brenda Meller:


Katie Nall:

And with four fingers of the other hand, we're going to tap on the side of the hand and we're going to repeat after me and say, even though I can't find the other part, what's that? What is it? You can't find, you can't find the other part.

Brenda Meller:

Oh, even though I can't see my stream yard navigation.

Katie Nall:

I, even though I can't see my stream yard navigation, feel this anxiety in my chest.

Brenda Meller:

I feel this anxiety in my chest. Right here, right now, I feel safe. Right here, right now, I feel safe and we'll repeat versions of that two more times Even though I have a little bit of anxiety in my chest right now. I have a little bit of anxiety in my chest right now, cause I can't find my stream yard navigation screen. Cause I can't find my stream yard navigation screen Not right here, right now, I feel safe.

Katie Nall:

Right here, right now I feel safe, even though I don't know what happened to my stream yard navigation screen.

Brenda Meller:

I don't know what happened to my stream yard navigation screen.

Katie Nall:

And it's making me feel anxious in my chest. It's making me feel anxious in my chest. Right here right now I feel safe.

Katie Nall:

I hear right now I feel safe. Now I feel safe. And then on the top of the head, and you can use your right hand or your left hand or both, whichever feels most comfortable, and say anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest. And then above your nose, on the edge of your eyebrows Anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest. And then on your temple, on the side of your eye anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest. And then the next spot is where I keep all my bags for a quick getaway, and that's under the eyes anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest.

Katie Nall:

Under the nose Anxiety in my chest. Anxiety in my chest, under the lips Anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest. Across your wrist and tap on your collarbone and say anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest. And then tap on the side of your ribs and say anxiety in my chest, anxiety in my chest. And put your hands on your shoulders and we're going to rub down to our elbows as we blow out like a cartoon character. It goes like this so, brenda, from zero to ten, the anxiety in your chest. How intense is it now?

Brenda Meller:

It's feeling probably more like a two now, oh good.

Katie Nall:

It's a two. Put both feet on the floor and keep your body and your head still. Don't move it. Take your eyes and take your eyes down to the floor and I want you to think about the anxiety in your chest, because you can't find the stream yard navigation and move your eyes very slowly up to about the level of your knees and then up to the level of your waist and your chest, your neck. Your eyes go up all the way up to the ceiling, thinking about the anxiety in your chest all the way up, and then bring them slowly all the way back down, all the way back down, all the way back down to the floor, and then take a breath out. The anxiety in your chest from zero to ten is where now.

Brenda Meller:

Probably still a one right now. Okay, that's good. It makes me think of a pair to come back with somebody to say hello to.

Katie Nall:

Now you'll be able to find the stream yard anxiety navigation. What happens is this is a great example of what happens when you have the waffles in your brain. You can't think straight because the anxiety takes over and you're like I gotta find it, I gotta find it, I gotta find it, and that takes over your brain mechanism. So you can't think, and that's why it's so important for entrepreneurs to know how to do this.

Brenda Meller:

Yeah, yeah, that's a great exercise and I do remember doing the tapping before and I remember some of the same methodologies in terms of the points that you're tapping on. The blowing and the vessels were a little bit different than what I had done before, but I can see how those would definitely play into alleviating some of that stress and almost redirecting some of the energy, and it's almost like redirecting some of your brain wave fields too, right, like moving, shifting the focus in different areas. Would you say? Yeah, you're absolutely right.

Katie Nall:

It's called energy, energy work, and there's a lot of other things that are energy work. Reiki is energy work. We mentioned Shigong earlier, before the show is energy work, and if you think about Einstein, he said everything is energy right and there's. You can't create or delete energy, it just moves, and so moving the energy in your body makes such a difference. Yeah, it's really good stuff.

Brenda Meller:

Yeah, that's awesome. I think what we're going to do now is we're going to change gears and we're going to open this up for audience Q&A, and I'm going to try to pull up the Q&A navigation. If I can't get that, though, I will ask our audience. If you do have any questions, let's see. Here we go. I got my question panel to navigate here. If you do have any questions for Katie, feel free to drop them into the chat right now. I don't know if I'm going to be able to see them on the screen to pull them up, because I'm missing the very side panel, but I will be able to read them on LinkedIn, so I have LinkedIn loaded up in another window.

Brenda Meller:

Katie, this is what we do as entrepreneurs. We always have a backup plan. We have a backup for our backup plan too. Absolutely, I could try, katie. Remember, in the beginning of the show I said if this is hosted on StreamYard, so for any reason, either one of us loses access, the stream will keep going. One thing I'm thinking about doing, katie, is removing myself from StreamYard, closing the window and restarting it. Now you know that the stream will keep going and I feel very confident in my ability to keep you on screen for about 30 seconds, but I want to see if I can get one question loaded up first, so maybe you can answer that question while I'm leaving, so it doesn't feel like we have this awkward silence, if that would be possible.

Katie Nall:

No, I can talk.

Brenda Meller:

Yeah, okay, I'm not seeing any questions coming in yet. There's about a 30-second delay from the time I ask our audience if they do have any questions to the time that they hear it, and then it takes them another 30 seconds to a minute to type in questions. Here's one thing I want to think about. I would imagine you need to have math that causes people a lot of anxiety. I imagine that's a big trigger for some people getting into a test taking type of a situation or sometimes even just sitting down and doing homework. I imagine some people don't have anxiety with math, but it's in other subjects and in other areas as well. But is tapping a technique that you've used with people who are struggling with math and math anxiety?

Katie Nall:

Oh, brenda of course, in fact I have. When I do tutoring. One of the first things I ask students is when you think of the word math, what do you come up? With Many students? I had one student in particular who said when he thought of math he envisioned himself in a boat in the ocean. I thought, oh, this is restful and peaceful and wonderful. But then he continued to say I find myself in a boat in the ocean and there's a gaping hole in the middle and the bottom of the boat and the water's coming out everywhere and I'm drowning. And I thought, oh, he probably doesn't have a great feel about. But yeah, I do work with a lot of math students, especially when I do tutoring, and I help them with the math and the test anxiety. And I see a question Is OK if I read it and answer it Brenda, yeah, please do OK.

Katie Nall:

So Pam is asking if tapping is also good for longer term stress and worry, like an entrepreneur, where clients come from or how will I pay my bills, and the answer is absolutely. I've worked with many entrepreneurs. I've worked with many speakers who, for instance, are fearful of making cold calls, and it's been exciting to watch them as they grow from it. In fact, usually, Brenda, when I'm doing almost all my clients are on Zoom. Some of them do come into my office, but mostly they're on Zoom and I can watch them physically change. Many clients come in and their shoulders are up to their ears, yeah yeah, they're crunched and they're like I'm fine, I'm fine, everything's fine. I'm like OK. And as we start working, I'm just watching their shoulders melt down and their neck appear, which I'm like oh, you have a neck. I don't say that out loud, but I think that. But yes, tapping can definitely work with long term stress and worry, and it's very helpful.

Brenda Meller:

OK, it just grows.

Katie Nall:

Yeah, it allows us to be more confident, to be more centered and to actually get the work done that we want to get done.

Brenda Meller:

So, yes, so is this something I felt it already in one session, but is this something that we need to do regularly, daily, whenever we feel anxiety, like if we were to try the tapping method? Katie, how often do we need to do it, and is this something that's guided working with a person, or can you do it by yourself?

Katie Nall:

OK. So there was five questions in there, so I'll answer them. The math are coming out. That was great. So the first answer is clinical studies have shown that when you work on an aspect of a issue, that aspect will not return.

Katie Nall:

Short example I had a retired Air Force officer who now is working on a farm. Again, he's given me permission to share this story and I said OK, so what is it about the farm that concerns you? He said I hate spiders. I said oh, ok, what is it about the spiders you hate? He said I hate walking through the cobwebs. It's just, oh, I can't stand it. So we tapped on it and it was gone. I saw him a couple of weeks later and I said so how are you doing with spiders? And he said oh, I hate them. I said wait a minute. I thought we worked on that. So I said OK, I hate spiders, I don't mind the cobwebs anymore. He said I just hate the way they crawl. I said we can work on that. He said no, I'm okay, I can deal with that.

Katie Nall:

So clinical studies have shown that when you work on an issue, that issue does not return. I had one client who had a deep fear of flying. What was it about the flying that you feared? Well for her. She didn't have the claustrophobia, the being tightly in, and she had to travel frequently. We worked on that and she was okay. There were other parts of flying she didn't like, but that was the biggest one. So the question of does it return? On that individual issue, no, it does not return, but you may find other things.

Katie Nall:

The second part is do you need to do it frequently? I do tapping every day because, as it turns out, I get waffles every day. You may find me driving in town and I'm tapping. I can't believe this jerk just pulled out in front of me. So I have to regulate. It's a way to regulate myself. Do you need a certified practitioner? Because you can do tapping on yourself. It's very effective.

Katie Nall:

However, there's some issues where you don't think to ask yourself the questions that a certified practitioner would ask you. I had a client the other day and we were working on something and her number level was not going down. It was just because I've had level one, level two, level three. I'm a mentor, I'm a supervisor and now a master trainer. I have a whole toolbox of tapping techniques that I can pull from to help people get over that next bunch. So I've had people come in and I'll have to ask them questions because I need to know more. And in the process of asking questions they go oh, now it makes sense, and so that's the advantage of working with a certified practitioner.

Katie Nall:

Now another question that gets asked a lot and I see that Joey referenced it is how about positivity? I've been a positive promoter all my life, all my life, and my poor husband has had to listen to it on decades and decades. So when I came to him and I said, oh, come here, honey, sit down on the couch next to me, we're gonna try something new. And he rolled his eyes and sat down and I said okay, tell me something negative that's happened in your life today. He gave me a side eye and said is this a trap? You've told me to be positive all my life and now you want something negative? I said, yeah, that positive thing wasn't working, so we're gonna go negative now.

Katie Nall:

A lot of people don't realize that, regardless of how positive we are, there are negative things that are hidden in our bodies, those negative emotions that are hidden in our bodies. And I had a client the other day who came in and she said I just came from a massage but my neck is still stiff. So we worked on her neck and by the time she left she was like oh, it felt like lower right.

Katie Nall:

As positive as we might want to be, we have to bring up the negative so that we have room for the positive to come in. And yeah, I've had one client walk out on me when I said, okay, tell me your negative emotion, and he said I'm positive all the time and I just won't even entertain this, I said, okay, that's fine. Really.

Brenda Meller:

Yeah, I feel like it's just a part of life. Things frustrate us and my philosophy is always sometimes you gotta let yourself vent, otherwise you're gonna implode from the inside Because you're having to you don't want somebody to solve the problems. You just want to vent about the guy who cut you off in traffic and how that made you feel. And you're so right, you're so right, yeah, so I think it's a little positivity.

Brenda Meller:

Yeah, absolutely, and I love the positive. I think it's one of the things that drew me to you. Even we're doing these. We're on these Friday speaker friend calls on Friday and there's probably sometimes 60 to 80 women that are in the room. Few men will come in from time to time as well Primarily women, but we don't all get the chance to speak. But we do have our videos on, and sometimes you'll ask questions and sometimes you will offer advice and sometimes you're just in there listening and nodding along and I just I really felt that positive energy from you, so that comes through consistently Wherever I've seen you. I think that's part of the reason I'm drawing to bring you on here today. So what I want to do now, katie, is I want to pull up your LinkedIn profile and ask if you are open to connecting with folks that are watching you here today, possibly.

Katie Nall:

So let me say possibly because I do.

Brenda Meller:

Everybody usually says absolutely, but I love that you said possibly, so tell us more.

Katie Nall:

So the reason why I say possibly is I get way too many people say, oh, I love your content and it's fabulous, and have I got the best things to sell to you? I don't need anybody to sell to me. If there's something I want to buy, I'll look for it. But if you just want to connect and have a friendly relationship, I'm all for that. That would be great.

Brenda Meller:

There you go, and I think I'm LinkedIn, if I'm not mistaken. Let me look at your profile a little closer. Do you have Creator Mode turned on, katie, or do you have? Do you know? I can't see because I'm not seeing the hashtags at the top of your profile and I'm already connected with you, so it already says message. Do you know if you have Creator Mode set up or not on your profile? I do not know the answer to that. Okay, and don't feel bad that you don't. Sometimes I can tell by looking at profiles. I'm not seeing any of the visual cues on there, but I'll just let our audience know. If you do go to Katie's profile and you're not connected with her, I'm already connected. That's why I see the message button. If you're not connected with her and you connect, that means she doesn't have Creator Mode set up and you can click on connect and invite her.

Katie Nall:

To connect.

Brenda Meller:

I would say add a note. But if, katie, instead of connect, they see follow, typically that means because you have Creator Mode turned on. So if they do want to connect with you, they'd have to click on the more button and then there's an invite option underneath that. Yeah, I believe you can connect directly with me. Okay, wonderful.

Katie Nall:

And I'm not gonna tell me anything.

Brenda Meller:

Yes, and I think it's fair. I'm hearing this term a lot more lately pitch slap when people either pitch you in the invitation or immediately after you accept, they slap you at the sales pitch. So that's where the term pitch slap is coming from and I wholeheartedly agree with you on that. Nobody wants to be pitched in their invitation or to only connect with people to be sold to. I completely agree with you there. I'm gonna also pull up your website here too. And it was funny in the pre-show I said did I spell that right, nalledgecocom? And you corrected me and you said how do you pronounce that?

Katie Nall:

Knowledge company.

Brenda Meller:

Brilliant. Now that she says it, you can't unsee it Knowledge company, and it's like a phonetic spelling using your last name. I love that. It's so clever.

Katie Nall:

Yeah, my mission statement that I evolved over 30 years ago was that education at every turn. Sometimes I'm the teacher and sometimes I'm the student, and so it ties directly into knowledge.

Brenda Meller:

I love it. It's brilliant and if people are interested in learning more about working with you, Katie, can you remind us what are the services and offerings that you have?

Katie Nall:

I'm a national speaker, a two-time TEDx speaker and a presenter. I'm also an MC and I do one-on-ones both with tapping, and I can now train levels one, levels two and level three in tapping, and I hold classes both live and via Zoom.

Brenda Meller:

Wonderful, and in the pre show you were talking about a mastermind that you're working on. Is this something that's ongoing right now?

Katie Nall:

I tell us more about that, so the mastermind will be ongoing starting in January of twenty twenty four and it's called the awareness mastermind and you can find that on guided talk dot com. It is a collaboration with two friends I'm in Florida, they're in North Carolina and it's to bring awareness to some of the things that are happening around us all the time that we Don't always see. So you find out more information on that website.

Brenda Meller:

Okay, I'm gonna put this into the chat to check out her. And this mastermind is starting in January, did you say, or?

Katie Nall:

is it twenty twenty four, and it will be rolling from there.

Brenda Meller:

Wonderful and I know the web address. We I was having some difficulty with it in the pre show. My fault, not yours, katie, but it's not with the WWW. Just entered guided talk dot com. Slash mac mastermind no S on the end of talk, and that was another mistake I had made on there. So I'm just letting our audience know. But if you are on LinkedIn you'll be able to click into it right from the comments.

Brenda Meller:

I put the the direct link right in there for you. So, katie, this has been just such a delightful conversation and, for those that joined us later, just catching the tail end of it. Today we were talking about the importance of managing waffles to make better decisions. No, we did not talk about breakfast item waffles, but I'm sure, katie, now that this is a topic in a talk that you do, when you go places, do people give you like Etsy cloth waffles and water rings and is that become like highest? My thing has waffles. Have they become your thing?

Katie Nall:

Definitely have a waffles hat. I have.

Brenda Meller:

I was on a client website yesterday and it's fishman Stuart there intellectual property and trademarking company and they have this character. His name is finney and he's a fish. So when you navigate on the website, instead of having just the mouse arrow, it's a fish, like when you your, and I said I want to get like a pie icon and Miller marketing and you can have a waffle icon.

Brenda Meller:

I love that If there's anybody who's an IT person watching us, let us know. If it's an easy thing to do to code in, it's gonna be a lot of fun and any rate, katie, I really enjoyed our discussion. Any final comments for us on the importance of managing waffles as we wrap up here today.

Katie Nall:

Yeah, I like for the audience to remember that this to show pass, but it will pass easier if you want to learn how to dissolve your waffles. Thank you, brenda. So much for an amazing podcast.

Brenda Meller:

This is such a fun conversation, katie, and thank you for watching our audience, for joining us in here as well, and, katie, and maybe I'm not gonna be on the speaker friend Friday this week, but I'm sure I'll see you in future weeks and we'll continue to see in touch. Thanks, friend, I wonder for and for all of you watching. I want to remind you that Katie and I are self employed. We do not get performance reviews are reviews. I enjoy this conversation.

Brenda Meller:

Do let us know, give us a comment before you leave here today and, by the way, if you have not yet posted on LinkedIn this week, this month hack, maybe even this year, here's the thing that you can do. As soon as the video is done playing, you'll see a share icon that will appear at the bottom. Click on share and share it as a link in post. When you do be sure to tag Katie and myself in the post, remember to use a little at sign and our names will pop up in the drop down. That's how you tag us. Maybe tell people something that you learned by watching the video, maybe something about the acronym or something about tapping, but do consider sharing that along and helps to count as a link to impose with. That said, everyone, have a wonderful day, stay safe and say healthy, and we will see you around LinkedIn and I'll see you to Katie take care.

Dissolving Waffles for Better Decisions
Unconscious Triggers and Tapping Therapy
EFT Tapping for Anxiety Relief
Tapping for Stress Relief and Positivity
Self-Employed Networking on LinkedIn