The Opportunity

The Journey Toward Unapologetic Authenticity

December 05, 2023 Haila Macedo
The Journey Toward Unapologetic Authenticity
The Opportunity
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The Opportunity
The Journey Toward Unapologetic Authenticity
Dec 05, 2023
Haila Macedo

You don't want to miss this empowering episode, where we journey together to peel back layers of societal conditioning and tap into our authentic selves. It's a promise – that by the end of this episode, you'll feel inspired to embody your unique voice, unapologetically, and take radical responsibility for your life! 

We explore the profound influence our relationships have on our lives and why it's essential to prioritize self-love and respect in all connections. We'll also dig into the significant role we play in selecting who we permit into our personal space. 

We continue our expedition by reconnecting with our inner voice. We brave the uncharted waters of our internal struggles, realizing the power of confronting these instead of pushing them away. We discuss the significance of nurturing our innate knowledge, living according to our intrinsic authority, and human design. 

Are you ready to go deeper and be more.. of you?

Join me on Instagram by clicking here and stop by my website for mentorship opportunities and more by clicking here.

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You don't want to miss this empowering episode, where we journey together to peel back layers of societal conditioning and tap into our authentic selves. It's a promise – that by the end of this episode, you'll feel inspired to embody your unique voice, unapologetically, and take radical responsibility for your life! 

We explore the profound influence our relationships have on our lives and why it's essential to prioritize self-love and respect in all connections. We'll also dig into the significant role we play in selecting who we permit into our personal space. 

We continue our expedition by reconnecting with our inner voice. We brave the uncharted waters of our internal struggles, realizing the power of confronting these instead of pushing them away. We discuss the significance of nurturing our innate knowledge, living according to our intrinsic authority, and human design. 

Are you ready to go deeper and be more.. of you?

Join me on Instagram by clicking here and stop by my website for mentorship opportunities and more by clicking here.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Opportunity. I'm your host, hilah, and I'll be leading you through the difficult conversations that we need to have in order to feel embodied, empowered and expressed as no one other than ourselves. This podcast is an invitation to rise up to your soul's knowing that everything on your path is an opportunity to embody more of yourself, to refine your frequency and to align with the vision that you have been gifted. Remember you're not here to be anyone other than yourself, and the universe cannot connect with you if you ain't embodying yourself. Ready for more, let's get into it. Welcome to the Opportunity. I am over here just really celebrating because my sake role is on fire with the decision that I made to transition from living in HD to the Opportunity. The concept, the intention, the energy behind this new and improved next level of this podcast project just feels so correct and I can feel literally like just all the resistance dissolving and the ease and the flow and the unfolding and the unraveling just aligning.

Speaker 1:

This is what happens when you follow your authority. It's not going to make sense for other people, but down the road it will make sense for you. You're going to understand exactly why you did it, even if the moment of the decision made no sense. And think about how much fear and doubt, because we focus so hardcore on the other, what the other person is going to think, how they're going to feel. Is it going to make sense to them, as if it matters? I'm so sorry. Here's the thing. We can love people and we can also say fuck that shit. Whether you understand it or not, it does not matter to me. This is my life, this is my one life, and I will not live it in a way where it needs to make sense to you, because when we do that, we remove the opportunity from ourselves to live the most exhilarating adventure that is our life, even if that means slow living, living off the grid, slowly, not really traveling, not really adventuring, that's still your adventure. Whatever your adventure is, that's still your adventure. Life automatically becomes an adventure when you turn your back on the rules and on making your life make sense for others. What a horrible way to live. What a horrible way to live. And what that does as well, is it just unclogs?

Speaker 1:

Unkinks removes the stagnation from your body. When you stop living for the other person, you remove that stagnation and you give your energy, your voice, your life force freedom to flow through you, and that's when we stop trying. We're not actually meant to live a life trying. I mean, am I right or am I wrong? Do you want to live a life trying, your whole life? You're always trying to be someone, trying to do something, trying to achieve something, trying to prove something. Oh, my God, seamatically, what that looks like is always leaning out of your body, never leaning into your body, never being one with who you are, with your voice, with your expression, with your definition, with who you are.

Speaker 1:

If we think about fulfillment, let's break that down Full, filled, right. Think about your vessel. When we feel that sensation of fulfillment, it literally feels like we're full of something, full of satisfaction, full of joy, full of peace, full of love, full of life. But in reality, what we need to be full of first, to even attract the correct fulfillment for us, is we need to be full of ourselves, and society has led us to believe that being full of ourselves is a greedy, greedy act, and it's led us to feel shame and guilt, right, it's led us to hide some of ourselves so that we're not too much, so that we're not greedy, you know, or only thinking of ourselves. I mean, it's your life, though, isn't it? Who else are you supposed to live it for? Obviously, when you start to build a family, you know you include the family that you're building into your, into the way that you're building it. You include your partner, your children, your fur babies, of course, but you're still doing it for you. You're doing it because you want them there. You love them. Right Now, when you begin to chip away at who you are or how you express yourself and how you want to do things, because you're scared of what others think, first of all, let's let's go into that a little bit. If someone is judging you for living in your joy, or someone is judging you for making decisions that feel empowering to you, that feel like self-respect and self-love to you, then they probably shouldn't be in your life in the first place.

Speaker 1:

Relationships are one of the most important parts of our lives and they affect everything. They affect your relationship with yourself, your relationship with your business, your relationship with important people in your life, such as your partner, your children, your family, other friends, other people in your community. They affect everything. The relationships that want to condition you to be something other than who you are, those relationships are not for you. Don't fight for those relationships. Fight for yourself, defend your heart. And when I say defend your heart, I'm not talking about getting into a fight with someone, or arguing with someone, or being defensive or putting your guard up. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about saying no to those relationships.

Speaker 1:

Because here's the thing we're responsible for the people in our life. We're responsible for how they act towards us. We're responsible for the experiences and situations we get into with them. So they better be loving and respectful, grounded, safe, because if they're not, then you have to realize that you are the one that has decided to be in a relationship with them. Thus you are responsible for them, you're responsible for what they're doing. At that point, you can't even blame them. You can't blame them because you have decided to keep this person in your life.

Speaker 1:

This is a part of radical responsibility that we have to begin to claim, so that we stop feeling confused around why we're feeling stagnant, why we're feeling disconnected, why we're not experiencing movement in our field, why we feel lost. That sensation of feeling lost, of feeling scattered, of feeling like we're in a fog, literally comes from a lack of radical responsibility. It's not to say that we're not going to navigate the unknown. Of course we are. Everyone has to learn how to navigate the unknown. It's just a part of the human experience. But what I mean to say is that most of the time when we're experiencing that stagnancy, that lack of clarity, it's because of something that we're avoiding, that we have suppressed, that we have pushed into the shadow. That is why we cannot see it. If you push something down, if you suppress something for long enough that you are avoiding, it's going to turn into a shadow.

Speaker 1:

This is why, understanding that you are finally ready to stand in pure empowerment, embodiment in your pure authentic expression, and release the resistance and the act of constantly refraining from expressing and constantly thinking before you're going to express and modifying and tweaking it here and there so that it's not to this or that. No, in order for us to release that and get out of that, we have to understand that we are radically responsible for ourselves. Let me actually rephrase that we have to understand, in order to get out of that and into our pure authentic expression, we have to understand that everyone is radically responsible for themselves, that you are not responsible for the way that someone reacts or responds towards you or your expression. But the only way that you can actually embody that understanding and knowing is if you first become radically responsible for yourself. So what are you not being radically responsible for right now in your life? If you still have a fear of expressing your truth, I can guarantee that there is something that you are avoiding in your life right now that you're not looking at, that you're sweeping under the rug, that you're suppressing and, to be very honest, we all have things that we're constantly working on right. I still have things that I had to look at.

Speaker 1:

So we're not talking about perfection here, but what we're talking about is that we need to stop making it a habit to push things away. If you want to experience your reality, accelerate in movement, then you need to start making the act of confronting what you're avoiding internally a daily act, a daily habit, a daily practice. Every time you do that, you are unraveling something that's stagnant, something that's blocking your expression, and that internal energetic unraveling will then create a mirror and acceleration outside in your field. Every time you make a difficult decision, every time you confront yourself about something you've been avoiding, and guarantee you you're going to experience a reflection of that impact out here. That's how it is. So next time, just test this out.

Speaker 1:

Next time you feel like things aren't moving out here, sit down on your mat, on a pillow on the floor, sit in front of a mirror and tell yourself show me what I do not see, show me what I need to see. What do I need to confront within me right now and move through that process. Move through that conversation with yourself, with your internal landscape, and also love that part, mother that part, nurture that part, that healthy mothering right which includes love, stability, safety and truth. We're not here to coddle that part of us. We're here to ask ourselves what is it that we need to do that we're not doing and we need to go do that thing. And it's like a game of chess with the universe. The moment you make the move, the universe makes another move back. That's all it is.

Speaker 1:

You see, your source point is your inner knowing. There is a point in your body that just has this knowing, and a lot of the times, what I hear from people, and what I've experienced with myself as well, is that people just don't hear that voice anymore and they want it to be louder, but they're not even entertaining that voice. They're not even connecting with that voice. The voice that they're connecting with are the fears and the doubts and the conditioning. Those are the voices that they're nurturing and those voices are so embedded within us that we're going about our day and we don't even need to try to connect to them. They're already over there, super loud, you know, talking over our inner authority or intuition or inner knowing. They're just like running the show.

Speaker 1:

Now, our inner knowing or intuition or authority sometimes has been so neglected that we can't even hear it anymore. We don't even know or remember how it feels, how it sounds. So we need to act in a way where we are reconnecting, we are leading that relationship. Sit down with it, connect with it and wait for it until it comes back. If we have neglected that voice for so long, we have no right to say well, I want you here now, talk to me now. That's not how it works. That's not how it works If you neglect a friend for so long and disrespect them.

Speaker 1:

You don't listen to them, you don't, you know, really even hear their advice. You just disregard them all the time, consistently. Do you think that just by calling that friend and acting like nothing ever happened, that the relationship is going to be the same, that that person's going to want to connect with you? Absolutely not. It's a healing process. But when you sit with that inner knowing, even if you can't hear it, tell it this it's okay if you're not speaking to me now, but I'm going to make a promise to you I'm not going to move from this place until I hear you again. And once you come back, I'm going to cherish you, I'm going to value you, I'm going to respect you, I'm going to listen to you, I'm going to be with you, I'm going to want you in my life every day. And every day you come back and sit. It doesn't matter if it's for a minute, 15 minutes, two hours, five hours. In the beginning of my journey, after I realized that I've been neglecting this voice, I sat in this process, sometimes for five hours a day, just crying at the fact that I never neglected my intuition because of others, for others. Why, at some point in life, it's going to be you and you. And then why? And then why? When you go to sleep, it's you and you. When you're alone, it's you and you.

Speaker 1:

The most important voice in the world, in your world is your voice, and your voice begins with your intuition, your inner knowing, your inner authority. In human design, it's taught that your outer authority, which is your voice, what you express, can only be correct when your inner authority is correct. Meaning, unless you're living through your inner authority, through your intuition, through your inner knowing, you won't be experiencing your correct outer authority, your true voice, your true expression. And think about it. When you're in your not self, when you're living a conditioned life, you experience a lot of resistance, right. That's what human design is here for To teach us how we function and to teach us how to align with how we function, so that we can begin to experience less resistance on our path. Now, people can feel your frequency without you speaking, but when you speak, oh man, that's a vibration, right? So your voice is emitting a ton of different layers and strings of vibrations, everything that lives within you. So if you're not tending to that inner landscape, if you are not living through that inner knowing, your voice is going to be out of alignment, just like an instrument. There's going to be distortion in your voice, and so you're not going to be able to attract people who have raised their standards, refined themselves, embodied themselves in the way that you would like, you're going to attract people who also speak the language of distortion.

Speaker 1:

Now, the opportunity here is to embody your authentic voice by aligning with how you function, respecting how you function, understanding what is you and what is not you. You need to have that discernment. You are unique. If you're constantly absorbing information of how other people run their business, of how other people share, of how other people express, of how other people address and other people speak, then where are you in all of this? Instead of spending time with how other people live their lives, why don't you spend time with your inner landscape?

Speaker 1:

The embodiment that's going to come through as a result of that is going to be something so unique, so attractive, so different, and you know that the collective is craving that and you know that that's what you want. You don't want to be like everyone else. You can't be fulfilled, full of yourself, if you are acting like someone else, if you're a compilation of a million people. And as we sit with ourselves, you know, opening those doors, that we've avoided that sense of depth that the collective is also craving. You're going to have access to that within you. You can't access depth out here. Depth is accessed within and when you access that depth you attract that depth. That is also fulfilling. It's a soul fulfillment. Nobody wants surface level relationships anymore. That is not fulfilling In this one life that we're living. That's not the type of relationship that we're craving.

Speaker 1:

And through all of this work, through all of this beautiful you know work, to cultivate that relationship with your inner landscape, to live through your inner knowing and embody and discover and embody your authentic voice, your business transforms. Now you feel easy in your business because you're no longer trying to shift and you know embody something when you're going to share, be like something else. When you're going to write a post, oh my goodness, that's exhausting, that's fragmentation and it leads you to disconnect more and more from yourself. You begin to resist your business. That's when taking time off is better than creating or leading or guiding, because it's not us, our business isn't us and our careers is our purpose being expressed through us. So imagine the void that we constantly feel when our purpose is not being expressed through us. But our purpose can only be expressed through us when we discover and embody our authentic voice. That's when we begin to experience our signature theme in our business and that's what I want for you.

Speaker 1:

That was our episode for today here on the Opportunity. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening. I deeply appreciate your presence, your time, your connection. If this episode moved you or if you are satisfied with this podcast, I want to invite you to leave a review or a rating, to share the episode or to just drop a comment or a DM through Instagram. If you are interested in the offers or the mentorship opportunities available in this moment, visit the website. Just reading through the pages will give you clarity on what you're going through. Once again, thank you for being here. I love you, love yourself, love your life.

Embodying Authenticity and Radical Responsibility
Reconnecting With Your Authentic Inner Voice
Expressing Gratitude and Encouraging Engagement