Purpose Inspired: by Wayne Visser
Prof. Wayne Visser, PhD, shares his reflections on what it means to be purpose-inspired - for business, society and each one of us. The podcast explores how business can be a force for good in the world, and how individuals can make a positive difference. Covering topics like corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainable business and transformational change, each series is based on one of Dr Visser's books that synthesizes the emerging ideas, practices and lessons learned on the journey to becoming purpose-inspired.
Purpose Inspired: by Wayne Visser
S5.E19: Integrated Value (Part 2)
April 22, 2022
Wayne Visser
Season 5
Episode 19
In this episode, we continue our exploration of integrated value, beginning wit the 6-step process of implementation: 1. Listen Up! (stakeholder materiality), 2. Look Out! (integrated risk), 3. Dig Down! (critical processes), 4. Aim High! (innovation & value); 5. Line Up! (systems alignment); and 6. Think Again! (audit & review). I then introduce a more philosophical way to look at integrated value, which is to see it as a way to transform the dying metaphor of business as a “rational machine” into a new metaphor: business as a “living whole”; hence creating integrated value through holism.