Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

EP# 201: Soaking in Success: Jacob McAliley's Hot Tub Legacy and Journey of Personal Redemption

February 19, 2024 Garfield Bowen & Jacob McAliley Episode 201
EP# 201: Soaking in Success: Jacob McAliley's Hot Tub Legacy and Journey of Personal Redemption
Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
EP# 201: Soaking in Success: Jacob McAliley's Hot Tub Legacy and Journey of Personal Redemption
Feb 19, 2024 Episode 201
Garfield Bowen & Jacob McAliley

Imagine stepping into a world where the soothing hum of bubbling water blends with tales of triumph and tradition. That's precisely what unfolds as Jacob McAliley of J&M Hot Tub Delivery joins us on the Good Neighbor podcast to immerse us in the hot tub industry. It's more than just warm waters and relaxation; it's a legacy of healing and a testament to resilience. From his grandfather's pioneering days to his current role in revolutionizing hot tub moving and refurbishment, Jake takes us on a journey through the therapeutic wonders and fitness potentials that hot tubs harbor.

But the episode goes beyond the surface of steamy soaks as Jacob opens up about his personal battles. Confronting and conquering a turbulent past with alcohol, he shares how those dark times sculpted the man, father, and entrepreneur he is today. His story is one of transformation—of how hitting the lowest lows can lead to the highest highs, both in the literal sense of his business and the figurative sense of life's rich tapestry. Join us as we explore the connective fibers between personal growth, family bonds, and the warm embrace of community, all wrapped up in the narrative of a man who brings healing to people's backyards, one hot tub at a time.

To learn more about J&M Hot Tub Delivery go to:

J&M Hot Tub Delivery

Show Notes Transcript

Imagine stepping into a world where the soothing hum of bubbling water blends with tales of triumph and tradition. That's precisely what unfolds as Jacob McAliley of J&M Hot Tub Delivery joins us on the Good Neighbor podcast to immerse us in the hot tub industry. It's more than just warm waters and relaxation; it's a legacy of healing and a testament to resilience. From his grandfather's pioneering days to his current role in revolutionizing hot tub moving and refurbishment, Jake takes us on a journey through the therapeutic wonders and fitness potentials that hot tubs harbor.

But the episode goes beyond the surface of steamy soaks as Jacob opens up about his personal battles. Confronting and conquering a turbulent past with alcohol, he shares how those dark times sculpted the man, father, and entrepreneur he is today. His story is one of transformation—of how hitting the lowest lows can lead to the highest highs, both in the literal sense of his business and the figurative sense of life's rich tapestry. Join us as we explore the connective fibers between personal growth, family bonds, and the warm embrace of community, all wrapped up in the narrative of a man who brings healing to people's backyards, one hot tub at a time.

To learn more about J&M Hot Tub Delivery go to:

J&M Hot Tub Delivery

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor podcast. This is the Good Neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Garfield Bowen.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor podcast. All you need of a hot tub. Surprisingly, one may be closer than you think. So they have the pleasure of introducing to you your neighbor Jacob MacAli Mac Lilly with J&M Hot Tub Delivery. Jake, how are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing great sir. How are you doing?

Speaker 2:

I am well. We're excited to learn all about you and your business. Tell us about your company.

Speaker 3:

Well, our company is a small, family-owned and operated company. We are, I like to say, a niche business. We not a lot of people are out there that are just professionally moving hot tubs. So we are one of the few crews out there who are professionals in the business with moving a tub, relocating a hot tub, selling refurbished tubs, cleanings, relocations and removals of any hot tubs, and we strive to be the best we can.

Speaker 2:

Do you get into the installation or you leave that for someone else?

Speaker 3:

We do installations on certain jobs with certain vendors. We do go out to Central Florida, up and down the East Coast and there are jobs that require us to set up electrical or hookups or fillups or whatnot, so we do help with that as well.

Speaker 2:

Jake, you look like a pretty young guy. How did you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I'm actually 30 years old. I got into this business. My family's been around it and moving and selling hot tubs since the late 80s. My grandfather opened up a hot tub company and my father actually ran a hot tub delivery company and they worked for a company called Vitaspa for a long time and I've been around hot tubs since I was in diapers.

Speaker 2:

So hot tub is in your vein, huh.

Speaker 3:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

What are some myths and misconceptions of the industry?

Speaker 3:

Myth, misconceptions. A lot of people think it's just hot water that you're throwing in the backyard and jumping into, and there's so much therapeutic value out of a hot tub that you can get. I call my hot tub my healing chamber. It helps with all my back and knee problems. It helps with people with blood pressure, the mental state. It helps with many things that can be beneficial for your mental and your physical body, and a lot of people are starting to put it in their workout routines and schedules as almost like the cold plunges, but then you got the hot tub.

Speaker 2:

So, jake, you seem like a pretty busy guy. I want you not so busy running your business. What do you like to do for fun?

Speaker 3:

What I like to do for fun. Well, I used to like to just sit on video games but I got two kids now and I got my wife and we like to go out and hang out with the family and surf in a lot and get in out in the ocean and on the beach is something we really love doing. So just really I try to spend the majority of my time with my kids and just playing with them, going to the park and not just sitting on the bench, but actually playing with them and being a good father. That's the main thing for me.

Speaker 2:

OK, let's change gears a little bit. Life, sometimes those are turbo. Let's talk about one hardship, one challenge, something that you went through and you can look back to then and say you're better and stronger because of it. What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

Well, that's for eight years of my life, from teenager years to early 20s. I struggled with a lot of stuff as far as with alcohol and stuff like that and kind of just living a rock star lifestyle and what not, and I kind of find myself down in the pits, as I like to say. And you know, I was able to overcome those things and I was able to push forward and I had a lot of people help me on my way. And ever since overcoming those obstacles and pushing that mountain, you know, I've just I've seen so much more energy and more power inside myself and my mental state to push forward and, to you know, jump into a business and run a business and, you know, and putting in the hard work and the dedication and staying focused, and I think getting over that variable was a huge thing for me, and not only for me but for, you know, my whole family.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and I guess having a child can really wake you up.

Speaker 3:

It was a big wake up. It was a big wake up. I got somebody dependent on me and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that those little girls are going to be okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm gonna put you on the spot a little bit. I want you to narrow it down to one thing. One thing that you and I listen to is to remember about GNM hot tub delivery.

Speaker 3:

We are a trusted company who really takes care of and looks out for their customers. We are not here for the day we are. We are looking towards five, ten, twenty years in the future. We are opening up big retail shops within a few years, but we write, you know, with our customer base and with our customers I will never leave somebody behind. We will do our very, very best to please our customers and make sure they are taken care of. If anything goes wrong or south, we always and I mean always take care of the customer. We always make sure that if any wrong was done on a job or anything broke down on a tub or somebody wasn't happy with the way we might have parked in their yard, we fix it, we take care of it Period. That is our main goal and our main focus is to make sure the customer is happy and to make sure the customer feels like they are taken care of and that they are part of this family of business that we are creating.

Speaker 2:

You mentioned earlier I guess you described the hot tub as the healing chamber, if I quoted you correctly, and I am sure a lot of our listeners are thinking about for themselves or family members probably have one lips, one word on their lips right now, and that is how, how can they get more information on J&M hot tub delivery?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we got our website, j&mhottodeliverycom. You can check out the website, check out our reviews and whatnot as well. We also have our phone here at 7729404419. That is direct sell to my number, to my phone, and we can sit and explain and talk about the different ways each different hot tub helps out. There are hot tubs that are for leisure and are for just hanging out. There are hot tubs that really focus on your body and your muscles and whatnot. There is a couple ways there and you can email us as well through the website.

Speaker 2:

Well, jake, I really appreciate having you on the show. We wish you and your business the very best. We are moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, garfield. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor podcast Port St Lucy. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to GNPPortsaintlucycom or call 772-362-3840.