Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

EP #203: Nourishing the Future: Deborah Wuest's Mission in School Nutrition Services

February 21, 2024 Garfield Bowen & Deborah Wuest Episode 203
EP #203: Nourishing the Future: Deborah Wuest's Mission in School Nutrition Services
Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
EP #203: Nourishing the Future: Deborah Wuest's Mission in School Nutrition Services
Feb 21, 2024 Episode 203
Garfield Bowen & Deborah Wuest

Discover the unsung hero of school nutrition as we chat with Deborah Wuest from St. Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Services Program, whose daily mission is to nourish over 30,000 young minds. Imagine orchestrating the county's largest eatery, where the menu is crafted not just with flavor, but with a strict adherence to nutritional excellence, all within the bustling timeframe of a school day. Deborah pulls back the curtain on a world where scratch-made dishes pave the way for children's learning, offering up a personal narrative that resonates with anyone who's ever sought balance and fulfillment in their career. Her transition from hospitality to the heart of school nutrition is a testament to the profound impact that comes from serving up healthful meals to our future generations.

Join us as we weave through the fabric of school life, touching on the intimate moments that shape a child's day. We talk about how parents can join their kids at the lunch table, not just to share a bite, but to forge stronger connections by stepping into their children's daily routines. Deborah's insights into the seamless blend of nutrition, education, and community spirit are as enlightening as they are inspiring. And remember, your local businesses have stories worth telling too; nominate your favorite to be featured on our show, and let's celebrate the community champions among us.

To learn more about St Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Service Program go to:

St Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Service Program

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Discover the unsung hero of school nutrition as we chat with Deborah Wuest from St. Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Services Program, whose daily mission is to nourish over 30,000 young minds. Imagine orchestrating the county's largest eatery, where the menu is crafted not just with flavor, but with a strict adherence to nutritional excellence, all within the bustling timeframe of a school day. Deborah pulls back the curtain on a world where scratch-made dishes pave the way for children's learning, offering up a personal narrative that resonates with anyone who's ever sought balance and fulfillment in their career. Her transition from hospitality to the heart of school nutrition is a testament to the profound impact that comes from serving up healthful meals to our future generations.

Join us as we weave through the fabric of school life, touching on the intimate moments that shape a child's day. We talk about how parents can join their kids at the lunch table, not just to share a bite, but to forge stronger connections by stepping into their children's daily routines. Deborah's insights into the seamless blend of nutrition, education, and community spirit are as enlightening as they are inspiring. And remember, your local businesses have stories worth telling too; nominate your favorite to be featured on our show, and let's celebrate the community champions among us.

To learn more about St Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Service Program go to:

St Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Service Program

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, garfield Bowen.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor podcast. Do you have any questions about your child's nutrition at school? Well, we have a little surprise for you. They have the pleasure of introducing your neighbor, deborah Weist, with St Lucie Public Schools Child Nutrition Services Program. Deborah, how are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

Doing well. Glad to be here.

Speaker 2:

Listen, we want to learn all about you and your company there. Tell us about your program.

Speaker 3:

Well, I oversee the Child Nutrition Services Program for the St Lucie Public Schools. We have approximately 47 meal programs out at each of the public schools and including charter schools and one private school. We are considered the largest restaurant in St Lucie County because we serve over 30,000 students within a three hour period five days a week, so that's a huge task to take. We offer breakfast and we offer lunch, and then some schools have after school meals programs such as a snack or supper, based on the different types of after school activities that they have going on at the school. The one thing that's so important is that child nutrition is important and kids need a full stomach when they start their day and halfway through the day because they need to eat and have that nutrition so they can learn and make that connection to learning and remain focused.

Speaker 2:

Nutrition is a big thing in terms of, I guess, the countries as a whole we are eating habits is really declined in terms of the quality and types of food, and there's people have different ideas as to what a balanced meal looks like. But tell us, deborah, how did you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

You know, when I first started I used to be in restaurants and hotels and I was interested to have a life balance life work, balance, career and my sister had mentioned the fact of how you thought about doing school food service. I said I never thought about it and so I had an opportunity to come in as a cafeteria manager and 33 years later now I'm the director of our program and just love what I do. It has allowed me to work five days a week, have weekends off, have holidays off. I do work 12 months out of the year in my position, but the employees down in the kitchen they work 10 months a year and so it's a great career for parents who want to have the same schedule as their child. So we encourage anybody who's interested in working in the school meals program or in that type of setting. They can have the same schedule as their child, which works out very nicely for many parents.

Speaker 2:

So, deborah, I don't know if you get involved in selections of what food and their menu and so forth, but what is some of the myths and misconceptions of your industry?

Speaker 3:

It's funny that you should ask because many people think that our food is considered unhealthy and that it's quite the contrary. Our food is highly regulated in St Lucie public schools. They may think that we are heat and serve and that is not the case. We make 85% of our food items that we offer from scratch. We cook vegetables just in time for the serving line. There's no butter or sodium that adds to the menu. That adds calories and also can affect people's health. So many people think that our meals are not well balanced and they are highly regulated. We have to have so many calories from fat, so many calories from carbohydrates and proteins. We can't serve trans fats. We get regulated and inspected on the amount of sodium and saturated fats that are on our menus, based over across the week. A five day program, a five day week.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so on the Deborah one, you're not busy working. What do you want?

Speaker 3:

Say that I'm sorry. What? What things do I like to do?

Speaker 2:

What do you like doing for fun, oh?

Speaker 3:

Well, I cook, that's for sure. I love cooking. That that's one of the reasons why, also, I got into Doing it some type of food service career, because I really enjoyed Cooking and making a difference in people's lives. I love customer service and so I'd like to get out there and have fun and socialize. I do sports activities highly, do some physical activity so, and then on some other sides, besides cooking, I do some Musical things as well. So, but my main focus is, as always, focusing on kids health and being a part of that and playing a part of in the community and and helping kids learn about nutrition.

Speaker 2:

Let's change gears a little bit. Life often throws us curveballs. Let's talk about one challenge, one on possible hardship that you were able to rise above and can now say today you're better and stronger because of it. What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

I Would have to say Perseverance that you know.

Speaker 3:

Many times when you start off a career Not knowing what you want to do and coming across the challenges of building a career, you have to stay the course, you have to stay focused and I know that when I was in restaurants and hotels I was making More money and when I decided to get into the school meals program and work for the school board it was, you know, I took it out of lesser pay when I first started, but you stay the course and that was challenging at many times, but stay the course and Get a career and you know you can do go to college or take college courses.

Speaker 3:

So those are things that I've learned throughout the 33 years is, while it's been a challenge many times, but as I've gotten older, it's been very rewarding. So Always know that whenever you decide to do in your career, whatever challenges you come across, there's rewards and I know with school food service, the, the rewards I see is is that Kids are getting a healthy diet and healthy foods options offered to them. So and that's so rewarding, knowing that I've made a difference in the child's life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and for you, I guess it's the quality of life too, you know, not working all those long Rest of the hours and and having more quality there. Um, deborah, I'm gonna put you on a spot a little bit. I know there's so much that you want to share About your child nutrition services, but what is the one thing that you want? Well, you like our listeners to remember about your program.

Speaker 3:

Well, I would have to say that they need to know that our meals are highly regulated and it's government funded. We offer so many different choices. It's not just one choice. We offer five different types of components. It's going to be an entree, it's going to be homemade dinner rolls, fresh to cook vegetables, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, low fat milk. So it's important to know that we have a very, very well balanced meal for your children.

Speaker 2:

So, deborah, what's the best way for parents to learn more about the Child Nutrition Service Program?

Speaker 3:

The one thing I could say is that, especially for your younger child, your younger kids just go through the menu with your children and make sure that they know what's on the serving line and make good choices. That's one thing. You can go to our website at wwwsaintlucyschoolsorg and go to the Child Nutrition page and we have a wealth of information about your children's menus. Then also follow us on Facebook. We have many moms that follow us on Facebook and see what's being offered in your child's school for the school meals program. First and foremost, also have lunch with your child. Adult meals are $4 and that's a cheap meal compared to going to any other restaurant within the county. So important to spend time with your child and see what your child's eating.

Speaker 2:

Well, Deborah, we really appreciate having you on the show. We wish you and your program the very best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having me today.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor podcast Port St Lucie. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnpportsaintluciecom. That's gnpportsaintluciecom, or call 772-362-3840.

Child Nutrition Services Program Overview
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