Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

EP# 208: A Gleaming Journey: Phillip Bullington's Mastery of Epoxy Flooring and His Resilient Comeback from Adversity

March 04, 2024 Garfield Bowen & Phillip Bullington Episode 208
EP# 208: A Gleaming Journey: Phillip Bullington's Mastery of Epoxy Flooring and His Resilient Comeback from Adversity
Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
EP# 208: A Gleaming Journey: Phillip Bullington's Mastery of Epoxy Flooring and His Resilient Comeback from Adversity
Mar 04, 2024 Episode 208
Garfield Bowen & Phillip Bullington

What makes Phillip Bullington with Pinnacle Epoxy Floors a good neighbor?

Have you ever marveled at the sleek, glossy finish of an epoxy floor and wondered about the story behind it? Phillip Bullington of Pinnacle Epoxy Floors joins us to share his journey from traditional tile work to mastering the art of epoxy—a transition sparked by demand for this versatile material. He paints a picture of the durability and aesthetic appeal of epoxy in applications ranging from garage floors to countertops. Phillip's passion for his craft shines through as he debunks myths about epoxy, discussing the technological advancements that have vastly improved its resilience and installation process. It's a tale of innovation, adaptation, and the pursuit of beauty in the places we tread every day.

But Phillip's story isn't just about the transformation of floors; it's a testament to his own resilience. He recounts a severe accident that led to a broken back, a challenge that might have ended his flooring career. Yet, Phillip's tenacity saw him rise above the prognosis and return to work with renewed vigor. This personal triumph adds depth to his expertise, as he not only renovates spaces but does so with the strength of someone who understands adversity and the value of perseverance. Listeners looking to revitalize their own spaces will find inspiration and information on how Pinnacle Epoxy Floors can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

To learn more about Pinnacle Epoxy Floors call:
(772) 475-9864

Show Notes Transcript

What makes Phillip Bullington with Pinnacle Epoxy Floors a good neighbor?

Have you ever marveled at the sleek, glossy finish of an epoxy floor and wondered about the story behind it? Phillip Bullington of Pinnacle Epoxy Floors joins us to share his journey from traditional tile work to mastering the art of epoxy—a transition sparked by demand for this versatile material. He paints a picture of the durability and aesthetic appeal of epoxy in applications ranging from garage floors to countertops. Phillip's passion for his craft shines through as he debunks myths about epoxy, discussing the technological advancements that have vastly improved its resilience and installation process. It's a tale of innovation, adaptation, and the pursuit of beauty in the places we tread every day.

But Phillip's story isn't just about the transformation of floors; it's a testament to his own resilience. He recounts a severe accident that led to a broken back, a challenge that might have ended his flooring career. Yet, Phillip's tenacity saw him rise above the prognosis and return to work with renewed vigor. This personal triumph adds depth to his expertise, as he not only renovates spaces but does so with the strength of someone who understands adversity and the value of perseverance. Listeners looking to revitalize their own spaces will find inspiration and information on how Pinnacle Epoxy Floors can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

To learn more about Pinnacle Epoxy Floors call:
(772) 475-9864

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Garfield Bowen.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor podcast. Are you in need of a flooring contractor? Surprisingly, one may be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing your neighbor, Phillip Bullington, with Pinnacle Epoxy Floors. Phillip, how are you doing today? Doing good yourself, I am well. We're excited to learn all about you and your business. Tell us about your company.

Speaker 3:

Well, we were a tile company for years and got into this new epoxy. It's just more versatile. Pretty People like it. It's the latest, greatest thing. We've been doing a lot of the garages with the flakes, pool decks with the quartz lake, all kinds of different applications with it. You can do countertops, sinks, you name it.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like magic. Huh, I wish it was magic A little harder than magic. So how did you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

My dad was an installer when I was young. I've been doing tile for 25 years, but it gets to you. It's physically demanding. This here is a little more on your feet than on your knees. I got interested in it. Everybody seems to be leaning towards it. That's where you go.

Speaker 2:

What are some of the myths and misconceptions of your industry?

Speaker 3:

The older epoxy before they redid it, before they remanufactured the product. It yellowed a lot, it cracked a lot, but it's so much more technology involved in it. Now Everyone thinks it's super easy. It's definitely not.

Speaker 2:

So, philip, when you're busy running your business, what do you like to do for?

Speaker 3:

fun. I like to fish, but Christmas seems to be out of the way right now. It's too busy. We're too busy making people's floors new again and fixing the stuff other people do.

Speaker 2:

I know, I hear that fishers normally like to exaggerate about the size of their fish. What kind of fish do you fish for?

Speaker 3:

I wish I had an exaggerated story, but I've been too busy. I like to fish for a snook snapper, stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Let's change gears a little bit. Life often does its curve balls. Let's talk about a hardship, one challenge, something that you went through, and you can look back to the answer. You're better and stronger because of that. What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

I got in an accident 12 years ago and broke my back. It slowed me down a little, but they told me I never laid floors again. But here I am, Right back at it.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing stopping you, huh.

Speaker 3:

No, not that.

Speaker 2:

Listen, I'm going to put you on the spot a little bit there. I want you to tell our listeners one thing that you want them to remember about panicle epoxy floors.

Speaker 3:

Well what I would say is it's probably the coolest looking floor I've ever seen. It's a little costly up front, but the long term is worth it. You can make them custom to your house, to your design, to your colors. It's a pretty neat product.

Speaker 2:

A lot of our listeners now are looking down at their floors and they got one word on their lips, and it's how? How can we find more information about pinnacles, epoxy floors?

Speaker 3:

You can go to pinnacle epoxy floors on Facebook. We have a website you can also. You can give us a call to at 772-475-9864. Our website will be live next week. It's pinnacleapoxycom. I think it's back to old daddy though.

Speaker 2:

Well, Phillip, we really enjoy you being on the show. We wish you and your business the very best moving forward.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor podcast Port St Lucy. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnpportstlucycom. That's gnpportstlucycom, or call 772-362-3840.