Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

EP# 209: Fueling Fortitude: David Randolph's Journey from Garage Tinkerer to Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission Mastermind

March 04, 2024 Garfield Bowen & David Randolf Episode 209
EP# 209: Fueling Fortitude: David Randolph's Journey from Garage Tinkerer to Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission Mastermind
Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
EP# 209: Fueling Fortitude: David Randolph's Journey from Garage Tinkerer to Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission Mastermind
Mar 04, 2024 Episode 209
Garfield Bowen & David Randolf

What makes David Randolph with Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission a good neighbor?

When David Randolph's teenage curiosity for all things automotive shifted into high gear, it set him on a path to becoming the proud owner of Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission. On the latest Good Neighbor podcast, I, Garfield Bowen, sit down with David to explore his remarkable journey from youthful tinkerer to the mastermind behind a booming Fort Pierce auto repair shop. We delve into the heart of the industry—where diagnostics go beyond a simple scan, requiring a deep understanding of each vehicle's intricacies. David opens up about the personal trials he's faced, including the profound loss of his father amidst a critical period of business growth, and how these experiences have reinforced his dedication to his work and personal life.

This episode is not just an inside look into the diesel repair world; it's a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit. Discover how David balances the demands of his business with the serenity of his family camp, maintaining a commitment to honesty and top-tier service that goes beyond the garage. As a special touch, David shares with listeners how to reach out to Modern Diesel and Transmission for unparalleled service and expertise. For those inspired by David's story or looking to champion other local businesses, we discuss how you can shine a spotlight on them by nominating a company for an upcoming episode. Join us for a conversation that's much more than torque and transmissions—it's about the drive behind the man who makes it all happen.

To learn more about Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission go to:

Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What makes David Randolph with Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission a good neighbor?

When David Randolph's teenage curiosity for all things automotive shifted into high gear, it set him on a path to becoming the proud owner of Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission. On the latest Good Neighbor podcast, I, Garfield Bowen, sit down with David to explore his remarkable journey from youthful tinkerer to the mastermind behind a booming Fort Pierce auto repair shop. We delve into the heart of the industry—where diagnostics go beyond a simple scan, requiring a deep understanding of each vehicle's intricacies. David opens up about the personal trials he's faced, including the profound loss of his father amidst a critical period of business growth, and how these experiences have reinforced his dedication to his work and personal life.

This episode is not just an inside look into the diesel repair world; it's a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit. Discover how David balances the demands of his business with the serenity of his family camp, maintaining a commitment to honesty and top-tier service that goes beyond the garage. As a special touch, David shares with listeners how to reach out to Modern Diesel and Transmission for unparalleled service and expertise. For those inspired by David's story or looking to champion other local businesses, we discuss how you can shine a spotlight on them by nominating a company for an upcoming episode. Join us for a conversation that's much more than torque and transmissions—it's about the drive behind the man who makes it all happen.

To learn more about Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission go to:

Modern Diesel Repair & Transmission

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, garfield Bowen.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor podcast. All you need of some order repair work. Well, surprisingly, someone may be close to you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing your neighbor, david Randolph, with modern repair order. David, how are you doing today? Excellent, how are you? I am well. We're excited to learn all about you and your business. David, tell us about your company.

Speaker 3:

So we're located in Fort Pierce and we specialize in light duty diesel pickup trucks Dodge, chevy and Ford.

Speaker 2:

Why those cars in particular?

Speaker 3:

There's a need, they have some issues, they break and we also do transmission repair. We're also starting to expand to doing not just those models but other vehicles for transmission.

Speaker 2:

So how did you get into this business?

Speaker 3:

I always had a love of vehicles when I was 17, I remember working on my stuff in the garage and breaking it and not being able to fix it my dad being mad at me and I just kept at it and I always enjoyed being able to fix something and see what it was after it was broken and then fixed.

Speaker 2:

What are some of the myths and misconceptions of the auto repair industry?

Speaker 3:

I think some of it is when something comes in with a problem that it's easy to determine, especially now with diesel trucks. You could mistakenly put a part on the car and it's $1,000 and it doesn't fix it. So I think people think that if you put a scan tool on it, you plug it in, it tells you what it is and that's all it is, and that's cut and dry, and it's not. There's a lot of things that need to be checked and diagnosed and there's a lot involved in it and there's many things that can have an issue, and it's not just a part. It could be a wiring issue, something intermittent.

Speaker 2:

I've grown up. My father owned a shop in New York for many, many years and I grew up pulling screws or whatever it may be. But what was funny is that my father did the body work to repair and that was his specialty, and every time you brought somebody into the mechanic, they ended up wanting to do body work. So tell me well, you're not busy running your business, David. What do you like to do for fun?

Speaker 3:

We have some projects here, some hobbies, like my own vehicles that sit and collect dust that never get worked on. So I try and work on those when I can. So the business is kind of the hobby still. And also I have a camp that we spend some time with my family. I have a 15-year-old son and a 13-year-old daughter and my wife we got there and just get away from it hang out in the woods. I enjoy that. The fast pace kind of goes away. So that's a little enjoyment as well.

Speaker 2:

Let's change gears a little bit. Life often throws us curveballs. Let's talk about a hard shit, one struggle, something that you can look back to then and say you're better and stronger because of it. What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

So actually this is our. This will be in July will be our third year here. Well, I had head two other locations. When I was in Port St Lucie I was in a small 800 square foot facility. Now I was in a 1400 and now 3000.

Speaker 3:

When I moved here we were waiting to get all my licenses and the city to say that we could do business and dump a bunch of money just to open it and have my first last security and everything. And then my dad had passed away. We hadn't even opened yet. So I ended up shutting down for pretty much a month, moving my mom and trying to kind of deal with all that stuff. I was so busy trying to take care of her and move her out of my dad's house and kind of get their life in order and move them to Port St Lucie that I didn't have time to really kind of comprehend what was going on. But it was good. It made me stronger, kind of made me realize that you have to just push through things and get through. And it definitely made me stronger, definitely prepared me for things in the future that have come up in the business.

Speaker 2:

It's tough. I lost my father I was referring to too, a few years ago. So it's tough, but we've got to keep pushing, pushing on. You know what I mean, and if you're someone of faith, you got to be on the faith 100%. David, what is the one thing that you want to listen to here? To remember about modern repair order.

Speaker 3:

That anytime you bring your truck, your car, whatever it is, that we're going to try our very best to try and fix it, be completely honest with you about your problem I'll explain everything to you and that our goals do the very best job we can. And I always in my mind, have the mentality that I can fix whatever comes in the door. Sometimes it may not be the most profitable or the best for me and sometimes I should cut and run, but we always decide that we're going to fix it and we're always going to try our best to get you on the road and that we're going to be the best and honest and get your vehicle. Get your vehicle running again.

Speaker 2:

I know I have a lot of listeners here. I think most of them own a car and there's something that they got to get fixed and they want to know how. How can we reach modern repair order?

Speaker 3:

So it's modern diesel. We just changed the name modern diesel and transmission. You can reach us on modern diesel repaircom is our web address. We have an online store there as well. People can also order parts, and then our Facebook page is modern diesel. You can look this up there, and we're also on Instagram and I'm trying to be way more active on there than I have been. It's just been very busy in the shop lately and we've been very busy, but we're active on there. You can go on our website and actually actually a request and appointment and we can actually put you on the schedule right from our website.

Speaker 2:

Okay, for those who dislike, the press the numbers on the phone. What you have is that number you like to share.

Speaker 3:

Yes, 772-281-8600. Nine out of 10 times I'll be answering that. That's the main business number.

Speaker 2:

Well, David, I really appreciate having you on the show. I wish you and your business the very best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much. Thanks for having us.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor podcast Port St Lucie. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to GNPportStLucicom. That's GNPportStLucicom, or call 772-362-3840.

Meet Modern Diesel Repair Order
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