Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

EP# 218: Sculpting Serenity: Wade Davis on Mastering Stucco Artistry and Cultivating a Sober Legacy

April 18, 2024 Garfield Bowen & Wade Davis Episode 218
EP# 218: Sculpting Serenity: Wade Davis on Mastering Stucco Artistry and Cultivating a Sober Legacy
Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
EP# 218: Sculpting Serenity: Wade Davis on Mastering Stucco Artistry and Cultivating a Sober Legacy
Apr 18, 2024 Episode 218
Garfield Bowen & Wade Davis

What makes Wade Davis with A Legacy Exterior Finishings a good neighbor?

Have you ever gazed at a home and been struck by its stunning exterior, wondering about the craftsmanship behind it? Wade Davis, the experienced artisan of A Legacy Exterior Finishings, joins us to unravel the layers of skill that go into stucco and stone work. Through his 26-year journey in the industry, Wade has turned ordinary houses into visual symphonies, and in our conversation, he peels back the curtain on this intricate process. He debunks common myths, like the notion that stucco is a quick fix for leaks, and paints a vivid picture of the multi-layered technique that elevates a home's curb appeal from mundane to magnificent.

Beyond the facade of his trade, Wade opens up about his personal triumphs, including his profound voyage to sobriety—a testament to resilience and the power of support systems. Drawing on his passion for family and love for golf, he shares how these facets of his life intertwine with his professional world, offering a glimpse into the man behind the trowel. The episode isn't just about the aesthetics of home exteriors; it's an inspiring tapestry of personal growth, dedication to craft, and the art of creating a legacy through the walls we build around us. Join us for an engaging chat with Wade, where artistry meets authenticity in the realm of exterior finishing.

To learn more about A Legacy Exterior Finishings go to:

A Legacy Exterior Finishings

Show Notes Transcript

What makes Wade Davis with A Legacy Exterior Finishings a good neighbor?

Have you ever gazed at a home and been struck by its stunning exterior, wondering about the craftsmanship behind it? Wade Davis, the experienced artisan of A Legacy Exterior Finishings, joins us to unravel the layers of skill that go into stucco and stone work. Through his 26-year journey in the industry, Wade has turned ordinary houses into visual symphonies, and in our conversation, he peels back the curtain on this intricate process. He debunks common myths, like the notion that stucco is a quick fix for leaks, and paints a vivid picture of the multi-layered technique that elevates a home's curb appeal from mundane to magnificent.

Beyond the facade of his trade, Wade opens up about his personal triumphs, including his profound voyage to sobriety—a testament to resilience and the power of support systems. Drawing on his passion for family and love for golf, he shares how these facets of his life intertwine with his professional world, offering a glimpse into the man behind the trowel. The episode isn't just about the aesthetics of home exteriors; it's an inspiring tapestry of personal growth, dedication to craft, and the art of creating a legacy through the walls we build around us. Join us for an engaging chat with Wade, where artistry meets authenticity in the realm of exterior finishing.

To learn more about A Legacy Exterior Finishings go to:

A Legacy Exterior Finishings

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Garfield Bowen.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of a stucco and stone specialist? Well, one may be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing your good neighbor, wade Davis, with A Legacy Exterior Finishing, wade, how are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

Good man. Hope everybody out there is doing well, finding life good.

Speaker 2:

Listen, we're excited to learn all about you and your business. Tell us about your company. Excited to learn all about you and your business.

Speaker 3:

Tell us about your company. So we are a stucco and stone specialist. We, you know primarily decorative stone and you know the exterior finishings that you see on the outside of the walls. And I started my business roughly about three years ago and you know I've been in the industry for going on 26 years and there's something rewarding about stepping back from a job like that, so listen you're all about making house look beautiful.

Speaker 3:

So how did you get in this business? Uh, well, I was 21 years old and uh, I um, no, I was 20, sorry a a little blurry there. I'm getting older now. So, anyway, I was roughly 20 years old and I called a guy and they had a job as a laborer and all I can tell you is, within two years I was on my tools and I never looked back and it's been a ride ever since.

Speaker 2:

What are some of the myths and misconceptions of your industry?

Speaker 3:

So some of the you said the misconceptions.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Some of the misconceptions are that. Well, I think the biggest one that we find is that this is an easy trade. It is not an easy trade, you know. I think one of the biggest misconceptions that we run into is that, hey, if I fill this hole with stucco, is it going to stop leaking, or something like that. And you know, stucco is not waterproof, it's concrete, it takes on water. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

And I think that a lot of people don't realize the intricacies that go into stucco. I mean, you've got almost a five coat system where you know a wall gets browned out, then it gets, or it gets scratched first, then it gets browned out, then it gets a finishing coat, and then it gets a texture coat and then you call in your painters, and so I think a lot of people they see the finished product and think it just appears and it's not the case. And and while Stucco is not structural, it is one of the things I believe that adds to the curb appeal of a home. That really makes you look at that house and go, wow, that looks good. You know, it looks really nice and and there's a lot of things that we can do with Stucco. So anyway, without rambling, that's some of the misconceptions.

Speaker 2:

So, wade, when you're not busy running your business, what do you like to do for fun?

Speaker 3:

I love to golf. I would play 72 holes a day if I could. A day if I could.

Speaker 1:

So that's primarily it.

Speaker 3:

I love that. And family man I mean, I'm a huge family guy man. We have a very, very large family.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's change gears a little bit. Life often does us terrible. Let's talk about one hardship, one challenge, something that you went through, and you can look back today and say you're better and stronger because of it. What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

Well, it's funny, you should ask. I just picked up a five-year coin for sobriety and you know there's a lot of questionable behavior in our industry and you know my life has been a massive roller coaster of up and down of that and what I have found is that, you know, submitting my life to the authority of another first God and then another human being that I look up to has been a great asset in that industry or in that area. And so you know, uh, like I said, I, I just picked up a five-year coin in January and my life is absolutely amazing as a result of being able to overcome that through the help of God and through the help of my sponsor and my AA family Um, you know, uh, I'm not supposed to say cause, that's against the traditions but my recovery family and I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful for the ups and the downs today.

Speaker 2:

OK, praise God for that. Now, wait, I'm going to put you on the spot a little bit. I want you to narrow down. I know there's so much you want to share about your company, but tell us this one thing they should remember about a legacy exterior finishes one thing that they should remember.

Speaker 3:

I would say that we are not the cheapest in town, but we are a perfect blend of production and quality. I firmly believe that a product should not be compromised at the homeowner's expense or at the benefit of the business owner. Getting the job for bidding it low. Benefit of the business owner getting the job for bidding it low. I believe in a quality product and I believe that's what we deliver.

Speaker 2:

You heard it from Wade Davidson himself. Now I know our listeners now are probably looking around their house and probably looking at other neighbors' house and they want something that really stand out, set them apart from everybody else, and that may be stucco and stone, but they probably have one word on their lips right now, and that's how how can I get more information about A Legacy Exterior Finishing?

Speaker 3:

Well, we have a website which is buildalegacyvcom, and we also have a Facebook page which is the business name A Legacy Exterior Finishings and you can feel free to call me. Am I allowed to give my phone number over this platform?

Speaker 2:

Go for it.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, it's 772-281-6568. And if you're a homeowner, I think I would say to you you know, look around your house and if things look dated and you know you want to upgrade, I mean stone is a very, very good option, you know, to add accents to the house and things like that. And we do a lot of stucco repair where people have done compromising work in the past or people have. You know, the job is just old, we do live in.

Speaker 3:

Florida. We live in a giant oven, so it is not, you know, friendly on the exterior of homes. So feel free to give me a call if you have any questions.

Speaker 2:

Well, Wade, we really appreciate having you on the show. We wish you and your business the very best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. Thank you very much for having me.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast Port St Lucie. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to gnpportsaintlucycom. That's gnpportsaintlucycom, or call 772-362-3840.