Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

EP# 226: Charting the Course of Compassion: Arilea Fenty's Advocacy Journey with Chances Advocates for Autism Support

May 01, 2024 Garfield Bowen & Arilea Fenty Episode 226
EP# 226: Charting the Course of Compassion: Arilea Fenty's Advocacy Journey with Chances Advocates for Autism Support
Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
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Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie
EP# 226: Charting the Course of Compassion: Arilea Fenty's Advocacy Journey with Chances Advocates for Autism Support
May 01, 2024 Episode 226
Garfield Bowen & Arilea Fenty

What makes Arilea Fenty with Chances Advocates LLC a good neighbor?

Navigating the complexities of raising a child with autism can feel like uncharted territory for many, but Arilea Fenty of Chances Advocates joins us with a compass of compassion and knowledge. In a heartfelt conversation on the Good Neighbor Podcast, Arilea shares how the challenges she faced as a parent led to the birth of an organization determined to support families like hers. We explore the transformation from the initial frustration to the fulfilling work of providing emotional support, counseling, and valuable resources to ease the journey from diagnosis to daily living for those on the autism spectrum.

Laughter and learning go hand in hand when Arilea breaks down common myths about autism, underscoring the individuality inherent in every child. Discover Arilea's own sources of joy and resilience, including her unique earring collection and beachside retreats. Our latest episode is more than just an interview; it's an inspiring narrative that celebrates the unwavering strength of families and the beauty of building communities that understand and uplift one another. Join us for a story of hope, empowerment, and the unbreakable human spirit as Arilea Fenty opens up about the road less traveled with Chances Advocates on the Treasure Coast.

To learn more about Chances Advocates LLC go to:

Chances Advocates LLC

Show Notes Transcript

What makes Arilea Fenty with Chances Advocates LLC a good neighbor?

Navigating the complexities of raising a child with autism can feel like uncharted territory for many, but Arilea Fenty of Chances Advocates joins us with a compass of compassion and knowledge. In a heartfelt conversation on the Good Neighbor Podcast, Arilea shares how the challenges she faced as a parent led to the birth of an organization determined to support families like hers. We explore the transformation from the initial frustration to the fulfilling work of providing emotional support, counseling, and valuable resources to ease the journey from diagnosis to daily living for those on the autism spectrum.

Laughter and learning go hand in hand when Arilea breaks down common myths about autism, underscoring the individuality inherent in every child. Discover Arilea's own sources of joy and resilience, including her unique earring collection and beachside retreats. Our latest episode is more than just an interview; it's an inspiring narrative that celebrates the unwavering strength of families and the beauty of building communities that understand and uplift one another. Join us for a story of hope, empowerment, and the unbreakable human spirit as Arilea Fenty opens up about the road less traveled with Chances Advocates on the Treasure Coast.

To learn more about Chances Advocates LLC go to:

Chances Advocates LLC

Speaker 1:

This is the Good Neighbor Podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Garfield Bowen.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Good Neighbor Podcast. We have the pleasure of introducing your good neighbor, aaliyah Fenty. With Chances, advocate Aaliyah. How are you doing today?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing fine. Thank you, I'm blessed. How are you doing?

Speaker 2:

I am blessed as well. It's Aaliyah right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Aaliyah yes, aaliyah, yes. Tell us all about your company here. Chance Advocates. Tell us about it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, thank you. I just want to first say thank you so much for the opportunity to be here. I'm really excited about this, so thank you. So Chance Advocates our slogan means changing how autistic needs children establish success. Our business started in February of 2022.

Speaker 3:

My husband and I started this business, I would say, out of pure frustration initially. We have a child that was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. So, as parents, just going through that beginning process to understand the diagnosis, find resources and just figure out what's best for our child became a little frustrating. So we designed this business with the mission in mind to provide a smooth pathway to help children and families through the early stages of an autism diagnosis, with the focus on emotional support, counseling, case management, education and resources to families. So that was kind of how the business started. We like to also look at it as our ministry, because without God we wouldn't be here. So you know, my husband and I, although we say it's a business, we also look at it as a ministry, hopefully touching the lives of other parents on the tragic coast.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's a difficult thing. I have a nephew with autism and my sister is. You know it's a lot, it's really a lot, and every bit helps. What are some of the myths and misconception that you've come across?

Speaker 3:

I would say along the way, so far in this, you know diving on this journey, I think the misconception is that once you've met an autistic child, it's all. Autistic children are the same, but the spectrum is so wide. So I like to say, once you've met one autistic child, you have just met that child. So I just think the education piece for the community and get everyone on board to understand that they're all different, they have their own unique abilities. So I would say that's one misconception I think I encounter.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So outside of work, when you and your husband are not so busy with your business, what do you like to do for fun?

Speaker 3:

So for fun, well, I love going to the beach. I think the beach just brings a sense of peace, you know, being able to put your feet in the sand and just you know the sun on your skin and just enjoying that. But my actual fun comes from collecting earrings. I have a little obsession with earrings, so looking for the unique ones it keeps me kind of busy and I have a good time doing that.

Speaker 2:

You threw us off a little bit. You seem to have an earring now. Is that a flower hanging?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, it's a flower, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm sure we're looking for something other than earrings. So life often does us curveballs. Now I know you have a son with autism, which brings a lot of challenges within itself, but tell us one hardship, one life struggle, something that you rose above, and you can look back to the answer. You're better and stronger because of it. What comes to mind?

Speaker 3:

I would say just the journey that we have been on, just having a special needs child and just realizing that you know we're stronger than we think, you know, and in the midst of starting this, this process as a parent it was it took took an emotional turn. You know, emotional piece. It was just adapting to, understanding that, okay, life is not going to be what I imagined it to be, starting off with my child. But let me become creative and look at all the options that's available. So just going through that emotional turmoil in the beginning, together as a team and putting God first, I would say has helped us tremendously. You know, with this first, I would say has helped us tremendously with this process. But the struggles, just understanding that the things didn't come easily, I should say that, just fighting with insurance companies, fighting to find resources in the area, fighting with the school system, so it's really I would say that that was the biggest struggle that we have been through so far as a family dealing with this.

Speaker 2:

The good book tell us God won't give us more than we can bear.

Speaker 3:

That's right, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to put you on the spot a little bit there, aurelia. I want you to tell our listeners one thing they should remember about chances, advocacies.

Speaker 3:

Okay that we are here for for you. We are here for the parent and I think in order to treat the child, we have to look at the whole support system From beginning to end. So, chances advocates, reach out anything that you need, even if it doesn't directly relate to autism. We are here and available to help you. We don't turn any parent away. I've had calls for Other unique abilities and if I don't have any parent away, I've had calls for other unique abilities and if I don't have the answer, I will find the answer for you. I want the listeners to also know that we are really working hard to continue to build strong community partnerships with the organizations in the community to make the transition to services smoother for families. So, again, if it's something that we don't directly deal with, we can get that information for you. We focus on the mental health component of things too, and not just for autism but for any individual that might be struggling with depression, anxiety or just adjusting to life changes that we're available to provide mental health counseling as well.

Speaker 2:

Okay, now listeners are thinking and probably have a child or a relative or a niece or nephew with autism that could utilize your help, and they probably have one word on their lips right now, and that's how? How can we get additional information on Chances Advocates?

Speaker 3:

Okay. So when we do have a website you know that's wwwchancesadvocatesllccom they can reach out to you. We do have a Facebook page in addition to Instagram, but our phone number is 772-262-6786 that they can reach out for assistance at any time.

Speaker 2:

Well, Aaliyah, I really appreciate having you on the show. I wish you and your business the very best moving forward.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the good neighbor podcast Port St Lucy. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to GNP Portlucycom. That's gnpportsaintlucycom, or call 772-362-3840.