Wake Up with Susan

Glow, Grow, and Give in 2024

December 12, 2023 Susan Sutherland
Glow, Grow, and Give in 2024
Wake Up with Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
Glow, Grow, and Give in 2024
Dec 12, 2023
Susan Sutherland

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As we wrap up presents and 2023, I am looking forward - excitedly - to 2024.  I am brainstorming the things that I want to bring in to my life to help me glow, grow and give.  Calling things in feels way better to me than New Year's resolutions of what to get rid of AND as I get excited about the things I can add in, I become more purposeful about doing the clean up and tasks that I otherwise don't enjoy.  This tidying up will allow me to do the things I love, and I am here for that!

Please come and share with me what you are planning for 2024.  Maybe you have some things that I need to add onto my list.  Or maybe you have a brilliant suggestion for how to grow out a pixie without looking like you live under a bridge.  Either way - find me on Instagram and TikTok.

Want to make 2024 a year full of Miracles?  Join me for a year long dive into A Course of Miracles.  Registration is on my website.

Thanks for listening.  Please take the time to leave me a review and share with your friends!

Show Notes Transcript

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As we wrap up presents and 2023, I am looking forward - excitedly - to 2024.  I am brainstorming the things that I want to bring in to my life to help me glow, grow and give.  Calling things in feels way better to me than New Year's resolutions of what to get rid of AND as I get excited about the things I can add in, I become more purposeful about doing the clean up and tasks that I otherwise don't enjoy.  This tidying up will allow me to do the things I love, and I am here for that!

Please come and share with me what you are planning for 2024.  Maybe you have some things that I need to add onto my list.  Or maybe you have a brilliant suggestion for how to grow out a pixie without looking like you live under a bridge.  Either way - find me on Instagram and TikTok.

Want to make 2024 a year full of Miracles?  Join me for a year long dive into A Course of Miracles.  Registration is on my website.

Thanks for listening.  Please take the time to leave me a review and share with your friends!

Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey. So let's do it together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor. We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs and shine our light on ourselves and others.

So let's get to it.  Hello family, thanks for joining me today. I hope you're doing well.  I want to share with you a little bit of a success story in doing this work  that you can accept things as is. Um, we just had two days of rain and it's chilly. And  I think the old me could have very much leaned into that being miserable.

It's hard to get stuff done. Um, things I wanted to do got canceled. And, um, it was actually lovely to say, I mean, me being frustrated with rain is not at all going to change the condition. And so me thinking rather it's a good idea to grab a blanket and a book and just lean into that nasty weather. It made it quite a lovely day, actually.

I did um, some finishing touches on some decorating and went and got stuff for vegetable soup and it just made for a really cozy day. So instead of being frustrated for what things aren't, just embrace what they are. Even if it's not what you hoped it would be or what you expected, there is joy to be found. 

When you just accept things as they are and embrace that version  instead of, uh, you know, what your expectations were. So that's a little success that I, I'm not like a Netflix and chill girl. I don't find a day watching movies on the couch. That's just not my jam,  but. Having a day to feel snuggly and cozy, my cats were all snuggled up in the blankets with the fireplace on.

It ended up being such a lovely day and I really enjoyed it. So, um, I just want to say that when you start doing this work and your mindset really shifts, you can start seeing how things that used to frustrate you or, um,  I don't know. Just not make you feel joyful how you can find joy and things that maybe you couldn't before So yay for that  Today we are gonna do a little forward looking.

I know we're still in December, but  I'm looking forward to 2024 And I will tell you about a month ago, I had kind of this little dip, this melancholy  kind of what's going to happen next year. Um, the unfortunate, the unfortunate part of surrendering your destiny to the divine is it makes it hard to plan for. 

November is like, what December is like this year. I could not have anticipated in January last year.  So it makes it feel like I have no way of planning for next year because how the hell am I going to know what happens? So, um, I had to, Kind of sit with that and just allow it, allow myself to,  I've, I was kind of feeling lonely.

Like I'm wrapping up some of the, the class that I was in, that I met some connections and I didn't have something new to lean into there. Um, but I just needed to have a few days of  not feeling sorry for myself, but feeling directionless. And I'm somebody who, you know,  puts my eyes on a target and I move forward.

That's, that's how I do. I am a doer, doer, doer, and I am still in the process of learning to be a beer,  to be the being,  but it's an ongoing struggle and usually I'm okay with it. I'm doing  awesome at creating that sacred time for myself, um, for really being in the present moment with my family. I'm doing  Much better at that, but when a new year rolls around and you start thinking about goals and what you're going to accomplish and you're like, I don't know what I'm going to accomplish.

I don't know what I'm going to do. I just started feeling, I don't know, a little lost. So  just, I mean, you know what I did? I asked for help. I prayed and I said, Hey, I'm going to need some help here, people. I'm going to need you to show me what my next steps are. And. I ended up, a couple weeks later, joining a community that I really already just love.

It is, um, Derek Grant. If you're not following him on Instagram, it's DGMindset. He is  Man, y'all, this dude is brilliant, but he's brilliant at breaking down super complex  concepts in very simplified bite sized ways, which I really like, but I also really like that he's not afraid to talk about big things.

I feel like a lot of spiritual people and spiritual teachers to keep things very palatable mainstream  water down the language. And I feel like he communicates really big things without  trying to water it down. I don't know if that makes sense, but anyway, follow him. And, um, he's just really incredible.

So  going to his little power hours and being led by him was so impactful. And it just made me feel like I had a home. And it's funny because.  I, I know that the answers are within, but I still really love to learn. I love to be a student. I like to read. And so to have somebody who challenges me in that way is really important to me.

And so when I landed there, it was like, okay, cool. And the first meeting that we had, he's talking about. a bow and arrow. And in order for an arrow to be propelled forward, what has to happen?  It has to be pulled back. You have to have that pullback period in order to release the momentum forward.  And it was like, Oh, that's what this melancholy feeling was for me.

I didn't need to rush through it. I didn't need to try to put a positive spin on it. I just needed to sit with it and allow it, not suppress it, not escape it, just allow it. And then in allowing that created the momentum for me to then propel forward. And since then it's been like, okay, let me reframe how I'm thinking about 2024.

And that's what I'm doing. So,  I've been talking a long time and we haven't started talking about that. But what we're, what we're gonna cover today is how I'm setting myself up for January is thinking about how I'm gonna glow, how I'm gonna grow, and how I'm gonna give. Because regardless of  where this journey takes me, I know that those are three focuses. 

That are gonna be consistent for me. I have to take care of myself. I have to continue growing and I always want to be giving back and so those are my focuses and I feel like when you are aligned in those areas, the purpose part falls into place. The other things will come so much easier because I have to  Those areas identified and I'm, I'm really working to move in the right direction in those. 

Now we are still in December, so my list is not final. I'm still in brainstorming mode with what I want to focus on and what I'm committing to because there's a few done deals. These are the things I know I'm gonna do and I have to create the space.  to, you know, give them the appropriate time. I'm going to continue this podcast for sure.

Sure. And then I am going to, this is my grow and this is my give, do a book club  in 2024.  And it is one book. It is a one book book club, but it's a, it's a.  It's a course in miracles and I have dabbled in a course of miracles, a course in miracles made easy before, but I have never  read the full book or done the workbook.

There are 365 lessons, which makes it a daily practice of working through forgiveness. and overcoming guilt and leaning into love to create miracles in your life. And so I am committing to that and it is, it's daily, it is  a regular practice and I am saying for sure, sure, sure. I'm doing that and I'm inviting you to do it with me.

And so if that's something you're interested in, go to my website. There is a link to register.  I've ordered, um, the, the book that has the book. The teacher's manual and the workbook and then a separate, there's a 365 lessons journal and it just has a journal prompt every day. And so, if you just wanted to take a daily journal prompt and work through this, it is going to, um, really transform your life.

Because we are going to be releasing so much of the stuff that we shouldn't be hanging on to. And when you're giving yourself time. That kind of commitment and that kind of attention every day, the change is going to be amazing. And so I know when I'm committing to doing something like that, um, I really hope there's enough of us to have a Facebook community.

We, where we can share what's going on with us and then do like a weekly video or audio update on, you know,  How we think it's going, what are really big things that have come through, because I just think this is going to be super transformational. Miracles is a big word. If you're going to put it in the title,  you know, you mean business.

So, um, I'm really looking forward to that. And  there's some other ways that I have committed on my grow already that. I know you girls got to clean up her act. I am super disorganized,  super disorganized. It's like I know where everything in the house is for every member of my family, but  there's no order.

There, there's no order in my brain. There's no order on my computer. It makes it really hard for me to get help. Like, I can't hire a bookkeeper for my real estate because shit is everywhere, and I don't even know how to tell them how to help me.  Especially after I had that big computer technology  mess trying to upload that, uh, religion episode.

I don't, I mean, I deleted stuff. I mean, I've just got to clean stuff up. And so. Why I'm doing 2024 work now is because in order to set myself up for success, I know the next couple of weeks, I need to plan my schedule better. Um, sometimes I record my podcast on a Monday, sometimes on a Tuesday, sometimes whatever, but I need a plan.

I need a plan. These are the days I'm willing to do. Not willing to do. Get to do. Am honored to do. Sessions for people. Um, I do want to continue doing one small group a week. No! One small group a week. Um, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do a month where we meet and just have conscious conversation over a topic.

Um, there are really important things that I want to do  in my growth category, but 

I'm not going to be able to add things to my schedule if I don't clean it up. And, um,  for my glow, I would I've got to be more consistent with Jim. Um, I have done really much better the past probably month of not cherry picking workouts, like looking and, and seeing what the workouts going to be and be like, Oh, nope, not feeling that I'm just, I am available to go.

I'm going to go. So I am doing better with that. Um, and another really, really important thing for me is I got my. tennis rating sorted out. Now I get to play at the level I really love with my friends and play daytime tennis instead of nighttime tennis. Um, and so I get to add tennis back into the mix, but again, I can't add things  back into my schedule without becoming busy.

without making myself more efficient. I'm seriously like a ping pong ball where it's like ding, doing, doing, doing, doing. And part of me is because that feels like freedom to me to be able to do things as I want to. But honestly,  it is, 

I'm not going to be able to add things to my schedule if I don't clean it up. And, um,  for my glow, I would. I've got to be more consistent with Jim. Um, I have done really much better the past probably month of not cherry picking workouts like looking and, and seeing what the workouts going to be and be like, Oh, nope, not feeling that I'm just, I am available to go.

I'm going to go. So I am doing better with that. Um, and another really, really important thing for me is I got my. tennis rating sorted out. Now I get to play at the level I really love with my friends and play daytime tennis instead of nighttime tennis. Um, and so I get to add tennis back into the mix, but again, I can't add things  back into my schedule without becoming busy.

without making myself more efficient. I am seriously like a ping pong ball where it's like and part of me is because That feels like freedom to me, to be able to do things as I want to, but honestly,  it is, 

I've kind of convinced myself that that's what freedom is, to dictate your own schedule and do things as you feel inspired, but what it is, that's it. is lack of discipline. And, um, when I left my corporate job and had the freedom to do things on my own time, I really leaned into it. But now I realize that I need to be time blocking my schedule or  really getting my, my.

My day and my schedule organized so that I can be more efficient and more efficient will allow me to do more things without being busy because I, I know I waste a ton of time. Even you guys, the top, um, the, the favorites on my phone,  four of them, I don't call anymore. And one of them  is no longer  on earth.

So. Why don't I make things easier to where I don't have to go look up my daughter's contact information to call her, just things like that. Okay, that's not going to give me hours and hours back in my day. I'm just telling you, I have so many areas where  I can gain efficiency just by taking the time to be disciplined enough to do it.

And  I have to shift my mindset away from thinking that a schedule. Or, um,  I see it as rules. I'm so against rules.  You guys, I can't make the HelloFresh or the Green Chef meals without having three ingredients left over because Two directions into it. I've Given up and I'm like, I'll just look at the picture and figure it out and never is it quite right?

But I don't know why I just  I have made rules and directions and schedule and all of that  And I know in order to make 2024 what I want it to be, I have got to shift out of that and realize that I'm, I'm creating the schedule myself. I don't have to act like somebody's taking something away from me by saying Mondays are the days that I'm going to take care of this task.

I'm, I'm choosing it. Mondays are the days.  It's still my freedom, but I really have to reset my mind so that  I don't just push against it. I have, I have that rebel archetype in full force, um, which. In some ways will, will really help me get through kind of swimming against the norm, but  in certain areas, oh my gosh, it makes my life so much harder because I resist just doing things in a streamlined, normal way because I see it as being controlled.

No more. So, the importance of me laying down my glow, my grow, and my give is to see how important doing that work, that gaining efficiency,  making a schedule, automating some of the things that happen when you book an appointment through Calendly. So much of it can be automated and mine  Sort of is, but then I'll doubt it.

So I have to go double check it. Like those systems are in place. I just have to leverage them. And so I'm really trying to get ahead and, and put on paper how many things I want to do next year,  because that is going to motivate me these next couple of weeks of December to get my house in order, my computer house, my brain house, my house house.

All the houses, get all of these houses in order so that I can add things on  that lift me up, that inspire me, that I really want to do  without feeling like I've taken on, you know, another job. It shouldn't be. I know I've got time to give  if I could be more efficient.  And you know what I did for starters in my efficiency campaign?

I stopped doing my daughter's laundry. So that's two out of three kids who are now doing their own laundry and that my friend will give me some time.  Not everything on my list, um, requires more time. One of the things on my glow list is just to drink more water. I have an easy time in the spring or summer, but, um, in the winter it's hard.

The coffee is so yummy. And I have done better. It's amazing when you put your  Attention on these things. Even planning to do this in January has allowed me to focus on it and start doing it now.  If I want to do it in January, why wouldn't I just start doing it now? So, I've been heating up my water, um, and then it feels cozy and then I drink a whole lot more of it because when I feel cold inside, which is absolutely always, I don't feel like going to get cold water.

So, anyway, I am going to try to, um, Focus on my water intake. That is one of the things. And this morning,  well, I had told Mark that I might grow my hair out just a little bit, just something different this coming year. And, um, I think because my daughter made a comment that my hair has always been this way and she's right, it has been, um,  and I was thinking this morning, you know, what is not glowing is trying to grow out a pixie cut.

Oh my goodness gracious, I don't know how those girls who have pixie cuts and then long hair and then pixie cuts I don't I don't know how they do it other than maybe adding extensions while you get through the hard phase But I'm not gonna do that, but there is nothing more opposite of glow Than growing out of pixie cuts, so we'll see how that goes, but it may happen Um, so another thing that I started, I signed up for, I haven't gone through the whole process yet.

I, I have gone through the process to volunteer with hospice, but I started the volunteer process to be a NICU cuddler, um, which is like three to five hours a week, I think you go and hold a little baby. And so to sit. with someone at end of life and also sit with somebody at the beginning of life and just,  just hold them in love or hold their hand in love or sit near them in love.

If it's a, uh, at hospice and not a NICU baby, um, just seems like a really good way to spend my time. So. That makes me excited about gaining these efficiencies because I, you know, I would have the drive time and the sitting time and all of these things added to me. To my schedule, and it's really something I want to do, which means I can  be more efficient at home to free up that time without it feeling like, Oh gosh, I have to go to hospice today.

Nope, that's not what I want to do. I want to do it because I want to do it, not cram my schedule and then it's something that feels burdensome to me. That's not what I want to do.  So, um,  that's part of, I mean, that's part, I put it on the give, but there's so much overlap in these because I know  in doing anything like that, I both grow and glow.

So,  you gotta love the, the multitasking item on your list. Um, and then I am really,  I'm gonna share more freely. I'm going to share more freely. I'm going to share more freely. Um, if I keep telling myself that, because there's, there's so much that's coming through for me and  I know it's not just meant for me, but I'm trying to get over the hurdles and share more freely and I'm getting better, I'm doing it.

Um, the podcast has been really helpful with that and also y'all's. Feedback on Instagram and TikTok, it really is helpful for me because  I'm, I'm getting there, but it is hard. It's hard to do it. Um,  but next year, I'm just, I'm going to stop saying it's hard to do it.  Maybe that's what I'm going to do for the next three weeks.

I'm going to talk about how much I love sharing.  Information on social media so other people can benefit from it. Hello. How about that for a mindset shift? And I know, um,  I know that part of sharing  is part of my journey with, with charging clients for sessions too.  Because a lot of the information that comes through in sessions. 

It's very applicable to everyone. And so to be able to share messages from spirit that would be beneficial to everyone in a post on Instagram, not, you know, this came through for Erica, but just a general universal message. Hey, this is something to think about because a lot of times I'll find that people are showing up with similar problems.

Um,  Like there's that whole something's in the water thing where we're moving through cycles together. And so I do know There's a lot of information that comes through in those sessions that would be really beneficial for other people and then what a bonus that one person is  able to pay right now. And through that, it really benefits so many other people.

That is a great way for me to look at it and it helps me. But it means I have to get those messages out there, which is why I love sharing on social media. See I can do this.  Thanks to the wonder of technology, you don't get to No, without me telling you what a powerful manifestor I am.  I just had a 30 to 45 minute break because my computer died My son took my computer charger to school.

So when you talk about how things are chaotic and things aren't organized and take longer than they should have like Real time I can make that happen. So thanks to  My daughter's inability to clean her room. I don't know what I went in there for. Spirit gave me a nudge. Spirit, sometimes you don't know it's spirit giving you a nudge.

But I ended up in there really actually looking for her Halloween candy. But in digging through one of the piles of stuff that she has, I found another computer charger. Now the girl does not have the same kind of computer. So that is just wild. that she has one of those chargers. This is why my son couldn't find his and stole mine.

But anyway, um, I really shouldn't have put this in the podcast, but I'm just going to tell you, be careful of what you put out there because I can make it happen. This is the disorder in my life, but by January, I will have systems in place. I am going to have a plan y'all. I am going to have a  and I am going to find ways to make all the things.

All my dreams come true without feeling stressed because I believe it to be possible.  Um, I have started what I asked for for Christmas was, um, the class for transcendental meditation. You have to pay for it and go learn from instructor. And it's something you do twice a day for 20 minutes. So that is a commitment I'm making to myself, for me, part of my glow, grow and give campaign because I think it will impact all of them.

Um, but that's 40 minutes that I'm committing to every single day to meditate and, um, Your girl gotta get her house in order. All of it. The computer, the brain, the house. Everything has to be in order so that I can, um, make all of these things happen. So I'm giving myself maybe like  five more days to continue my brainstorming and really, um, put priorities on what are absolute musts.

These are the things I'm. I'm definitely committed to,  um, I want to do two free sessions a month. I'm trying to figure out  how I want to do that. I was thinking this morning about, you know, having people refer people in. If you know somebody who could really use a 30 minute session, that would be really awesome.

However,  when somebody is not open to this kind of work themselves, it is not that beneficial  I don't know.  I feel like it needs to come from the person.  I don't know. I'm still thinking on that, but I do want to do that as part of my give back, but I'm giving myself five more days to kind of brainstorm it.

But knowing that I have lots of things coming up that I'm definitely going to do in January.  I am getting my house in order now. And that means figuring out this mess I have on my computer where I, it is, it's a mess y'all. It is a mess and I am going to find ways to leverage help, but I have to get my house in order.

Um, Um, even on, you know, maybe not podcast editing yet, but soon if I could do that and just upload the video and have somebody  do the other part, I don't know. But I'm going to find ways to make my life efficient because I know that I can do everything I want to without working hard. I really believe that when you.

Do anything from a place of passion and excitement and willingness. Um, it is, it just goes better.  It has, um, more impact for the people you're doing it for. It has more impact on yourself. It is more enjoyable. So I'm trying not to put myself into a position of hustle or hard work because I don't want to.

And, um, so I'm still brainstorming, but I wanted to put this out there now. So you can start thinking about the year ahead as well. And don't think about what you want to take away from you.  Think about what you want to add to you. feelings of health, that's fine. If, if you want to see it as I am adding in a nutritious diet, but I feel like when we think about the new year as ways to limit ourselves, ways to almost punish ourselves for the holidays, it never goes well.

It, you know, you're not gonna do things that you're going to commit to long term. So I'm really spending this time getting excited about the things that I can add in for the year that I am willing to do the work now to make room for because they're, they're things I really want to include. So start getting excited.

It's going to be an amazing year. I'm happy to have you here. And I really want to hear  what you're putting on your list. What are your intentions for 2024. Maybe you've got some glow, grow and give in there. Maybe you do it differently, but I definitely want to know what it is. Have a great day. Thanks for listening and I'll talk to you soon. 

Are you ready to bring miracles into your life? Are you committed to daily practice to doing it? If so, I'd love for you to join the book club. Go to my website. There's a link in the show notes and register. It's going to be a great and super transformative year. 
