Wake Up with Susan

Spiritual Awakening with Pamela Downes

January 16, 2024 Susan Sutherland
Spiritual Awakening with Pamela Downes
Wake Up with Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
Spiritual Awakening with Pamela Downes
Jan 16, 2024
Susan Sutherland

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In this episode Pamela and I talk about what a spiritual awakening is and answering your soul's call to go through the transition to living a more authentic spiritual life.  She shares her story of unbecoming who she thought she was, and the inner work that put her on the path of helping others through their own awakening.

Connect with Pamela on Instagram and check out her Spirit-Calling Collective to find others on a similar journey.

Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok.  Visit my website to find out about the book club, intuitive healing and coaching services.

I thank you for listening, for your support, for sharing this and other episodes with friends, and your amazing reviews that help the analytics needed for others like you to find this content .

xoxo  - Susan 

Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode Pamela and I talk about what a spiritual awakening is and answering your soul's call to go through the transition to living a more authentic spiritual life.  She shares her story of unbecoming who she thought she was, and the inner work that put her on the path of helping others through their own awakening.

Connect with Pamela on Instagram and check out her Spirit-Calling Collective to find others on a similar journey.

Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok.  Visit my website to find out about the book club, intuitive healing and coaching services.

I thank you for listening, for your support, for sharing this and other episodes with friends, and your amazing reviews that help the analytics needed for others like you to find this content .

xoxo  - Susan 

(0:00) Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey.So let's do it (0:10) together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.(0:17) We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs and shine our light (0:24) on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. (0:28) Hello, family.Thanks for joining today. Today we're going to be talking about spiritual (0:33) awakening and I've got an interview with Pamela Downs. Pamela is going to share her awakening (0:39) journey and how that led her to helping others through theirs.She channels the Great Council (0:46) of Life and has a lot of great information to share with you today. Enjoy. Pamela, thank you (0:53) so much for joining me today to talk about your awakening journey and how that has carried you (0:59) to where you are now.You're welcome. So happy to be here, Susan. It's exciting.I love talking (1:04) about my spiritual awakening journey. You do it all day long every day. It's my favorite thing too.(1:10) Maybe not my awakening journey, but spirituality in general is definitely what I love to talk about (1:17) and I didn't have many people to talk about it with. That's why I started this podcast. (1:22) It's to talk about it and also call in the people that want to hear about it.(1:28) Yeah, we have the same mission, you and I. The same exact mission. (1:32) Exactly. (1:32) We're alone and many people are alone and it's terrible to have to be alone during your (1:38) spiritual awakening.You have so many questions that you want answered. You have so many things (1:41) you want to learn. If you're by yourself, how can you share? How can you collaborate? How can (1:47) you grow and exchange and have an energy go between? It's just with you.These conversations (1:53) that you're doing that you and I are having are so important right now. (1:57) Agreed. Agreed.All right. Let's start with your awakening journey. Tell me all about it.(2:04) Yeah. Well, it's interesting. The journey is never ending.I'm still on that spiritual (2:11) awakening. We have to make sure that everyone knows that because people think it's a destination (2:15) and it's not. It's a marathon.It's not a sprint. When I was little, I was an artist and a musician. (2:24) I can reflect on this now to know that I had a tumultuous childhood.My father was an alcoholic. (2:31) I would escape to my music. I would escape to my piano over and over and over again throughout my (2:37) childhood.I didn't realize that I was going to spirit at that time. I was finding my little safe (2:43) haven, my space where I could drown out the rest of the world and feel like I was in touch with (2:49) something. I didn't understand it before, but I was going towards that loving exchange and that energy.(2:55) I would always have big questions like, how are you able to purchase a piece of planet Earth? (3:00) How are we able to purchase a piece of land? I don't understand that. Who made these boundaries (3:06) on planet Earth? We moved from one country to the next and then you need a passport. (3:10) I always had these crazy questions and I never understood why.I grew up in religion like so (3:17) many people do and what their parents learned from their parents. I was raised Catholic (3:21) and born into an Italian Catholic family. When I started having children, that's really when the big (3:29) questions started happening.Do I believe in this religion? Do I want to indoctrinate them into that? (3:34) Where do I stand with that? Things started shattering a little bit. The ties started (3:40) breaking and things weren't lining up and things were just not really making sense to me. In 2008 (3:48) and 2012, when they were shifting priests to different parishes and they were hiding things, (3:55) and I was like, that doesn't add up to me.Then I would say, well, if God is love, (4:02) how am I going to be judged by God when I die? He's going to tell me that I will have eternal (4:08) life or I will not have eternal life. I believe that that is my gift, that I have that already. (4:14) When I was little, I always had this special relationship with Jesus.I don't know why. (4:20) He was like my best friend. There were times when I was too scared of my father and where I needed (4:26) to wake up because I forgot to put my alarm on.I would pray and pray and pray. He would wake me up (4:31) on the dot. He was my guy.I can't explain it. I always knew that God was there too. It wasn't (4:40) religion.It was God. I just had a belief in something greater than myself. In 2008, 2012, (4:47) the recession happened.I lost everything. I lost my home, my retirement, my friends. (4:53) We had to leave our house and move to a little house.I started understanding things in a different (4:59) way. I had a new perspective on life. What mattered? What didn't? Who were my friends? (5:06) My friends weren't the friends that were in my little town who were inviting me to dinner club (5:11) to be a part of their squad.My friends were the ones who came and drove across the bridge two hours (5:16) to help me leave my home and take all my belongings to my new journey and my new part of my life. (5:23) Things started not adding up in a grander way. At that moment, also, my father died.(5:30) I watched the energy of his soul body leave his physical body. It was like, where did he go? (5:37) Where did he go? That started this journey of mine. By no contriving of my own, (5:47) I was invited to the Spiritual Medianship Gallery.I walked right in. I sat in the front. (5:54) This man who became my spiritual advisor, he was the one person that I had on my spiritual (5:59) awakening journey that I could go and see twice a year and talk about all these things.(6:05) He came right over to me, the first person in this gallery. He said, your father's here. (6:10) He said, he wants you to know that he was terrible to you.He wants you to understand (6:16) that he never appreciated how talented you are. He never told you that he loved you. (6:22) He sees that now.I mean, I was just like, you could have knocked me over. I couldn't believe it. (6:27) Then he walked away.Then he came back and he said he died of liver, (6:32) like all the things. The proof was there. I mean, anybody could say your father was this, (6:38) your father was that, but it was undeniable because I was a musician and an artist.It was (6:43) everything that I knew. That was it for me. It was like, there is life after this physical body.(6:49) There is something more than what we see and what we've been told. My mom would always say, (6:55) this beautiful baby came into the world. Where did that energy, life force energy come from? (7:00) It just dies? No, it has to be absorbed and go back to source.Energy never dies. (7:08) I didn't understand all that then, but I had the questions and I wanted to know more. (7:16) After that experience with my father happened and that psychic mediumship gallery happened, (7:21) I started reading.You would find me in the metaphysical section of the library, (7:26) diving into books. I think the first book that I read was Many Masters, (7:29) Many Lives by Dr. Brian Weiss. Yeah, that's a good one.(7:33) I was that and I was talking to Heaven by James Van Praag. I wanted more and more and more. I was (7:40) watching YouTube videos and I was understanding interconnectedness.At the same time, I was doing (7:45) yoga and then learning all about yogi energy. Where did Jesus go? Jesus was a yogi. Then I (7:54) started understanding about Reiki.I mean, it was like this path of wanting to consume everything. (8:03) My marriage started not working and the alignment wasn't there. As you start to (8:10) listen to your spirit and as you start to expand your consciousness, you start to have things that (8:16) happen like you're not in resonance with your friends.You used to have, like I talked about (8:19) earlier. You really don't want to spend time with people that you really don't feel good around. (8:26) You don't want to spend your time doing things like gossiping or things that don't feed you.(8:31) I'd rather sit around and go to a yoga class and learn something more about my spirituality. (8:38) I made a friend who was a client. We had lunch and she was like, I'm reading this book.I was (8:44) like, I'm reading this book. We started meeting. Really, it was like I was alone on my journey.(8:52) The more that I started understanding energy, the more that I started understanding the law (8:56) of attraction. I found Abraham Hicks. I started understanding that I create my reality.(9:02) Then I started playing with that and I started playing with manifestation. I started doing tests (9:08) like, could I sell my house in 24 hours? I would sit and feel the feeling of handing the keys over (9:16) to the new owner and having that weight lifted off of me. I did.I sold my house in 24 hours as (9:23) exactly what I was asking for. I started having these experiences where complete alignments would (9:29) happen for me. I kept on feeling like, okay, my spirit is the essence of who I am.I am greater (9:40) than what people see. It's just this package that's in front of them. Then I started understanding that (9:46) I wanted more out of my life.My marriage wasn't working. He wanted to stay together (9:55) for the kids and he wanted to do things that were fear-based. I couldn't live in fear because I knew (10:01) now that fear wasn't the answer.That it was my job to push through that fear to opportunity, (10:07) to love, to anything that I wanted to create for my life. With that one change, with that one (10:16) huge step out of fear, everything in my life changed. My whole entire world changed.I started (10:24) meeting all kinds of spiritual people. I started listening to spirit and really seeing the alignments (10:30) that were in front of me. Not saying, oh, looking at something for face value, but understanding, (10:36) why is this before me? It's my job now to explore what this is because there's something there.(10:41) I was listening to my compass and I was understanding the higher guidance and wisdom (10:46) that I was receiving. Then I was growing my spirit with every single decision that I stepped out of (10:52) fear into love. I was growing my spirit.It led me into learning about Reiki and going on this (10:59) retreat that was put before me. There was alignment and there was an opportunity. I was like, (11:05) I know that I have to do this.When I went to this retreat, I wasn't going to be a Reiki practitioner. (11:11) I came to understand that what I was learning was energy. I was learning about the chakra system.(11:17) I had a full-on past life experience manifest during my Reiki attunement. I was going through (11:25) a past life death of being hung. I was foaming at the mouth.All of this stuff was happening. (11:31) I was waking up. I was waking up all of that.I was starting to do really deep shadow work. (11:39) I was starting to heal. That experience was scary.It opened up a whole new world of energy to me, (11:50) of working with energies, not just mine, but other entities, understanding past lives, (11:59) of understanding what my soul's purpose was. This sounds like a lot, but this was over the course (12:07) of many, many, many years. The more you keep on pushing forward, the more you're saying, (12:14) yeah, I want to expand more.Yeah, I want to learn more. (12:17) Why do you think that past life experience came up? I find nothing comes up if it's not going to (12:24) serve you now. What was the point of that experience? It's such a good question.It's (12:29) such a perfect question because I was supposed to be a trans-channeler. I was supposed to step (12:36) into that gift. I used to listen to this video when I was on that journey I just described called (12:44) Open to Channel.It was a documentary-style piece. It was someone filming five or six (12:51) different channelers. If you know Bashar, I don't know if you know Bashar Darylenko.He does Bashar (12:58) and a couple of other people. He asked them all a series of questions, recorded them separately, (13:04) and then wove all the answers in together by category for this documentary. It was beautiful.(13:10) I would go on my walks and I would listen to it. Something inside of me knew that I was going to (13:14) do that one day. I don't know how, Susan.I don't know why. It's that inner guidance that you're (13:21) receiving. Yeah.When I read something or hear something or you don't know why you know that (13:29) that's in your journey, you just do. You just do. Yeah.(13:34) I say, what is that? It's literally a knowing. It's one of the clairs, right? I believe that (13:44) I moved into a deeper part of what I was supposed to move into the next part of my healing journey, (13:51) which was relieving and releasing all of this past life trauma. I did a shamanic journey (13:57) with the woman who was doing the Reiki training there.Man, was that something. (14:04) She went back through her spirit shaman and she went and found, we only did one of my past lives (14:11) there, but it was a really pivotal one. I had to integrate those soul pieces back.When you're (14:17) healing your soul body, you're integrating pieces of your soul that were broken off through trauma. (14:23) And what I've come to understand is that I have been doing this spiritual teaching, guiding work (14:29) for many, many, many, many lives. I watched a video shortly after that about Ayahuasca.(14:38) Same thing happened. I was like, I mean, I filled up with chills. I looked at it.I said, I'm going (14:42) to do that. Me, I'm going to do Ayahuasca. I'm like a suburban housewife mom, like we're going to (14:49) miss like I'm walking in my little bucolic town.I'm going to do Ayahuasca really. (14:54) But I knew that I was going to do it. And I saw this movie by Jerry Powell about Rhythmia Life (14:58) Advancement Center.I knew I was going there and I just did. And I would say to spirit, (15:06) me, I'm going to go to another country and do a class on hallucinogenic. Me, I'm going to go (15:10) by myself.And I would say, I don't know how I'm going to do it. Well, I wound up meeting someone (15:17) who I had this little relationship with. And he told me that when I met him on a retreat and he (15:24) said it was a business retreat.And he said, I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I'm (15:28) actually leaving here to go do Ayahuasca in Peru or something. And I was like, you're doing it. (15:35) I'm doing Ayahuasca.Like you don't talk about this was like, right. Like 2018, like who was (15:40) talking about Ayahuasca? And I said, I'm going to go to Rhythmia Life Advancement Center. I don't (15:45) know when I'm going, but that's where I'm going.He goes, Pamela, I'm also going to Rhythmia Life (15:50) Advancement Center in November. This is what this, but this was my life. Like everything was (15:54) happening.It was like, you have a job. You need to show up in 2023 when the shit hits the fan. (16:00) Like you need to be able to be here and be ready.And, um, he goes, I, we, we actually like became (16:07) the closest friends. We had a little relationship. He invited me to go with him to Rhythmia Life (16:12) Advancement Center.He was a spiritual leader in the spiritual group that one of the owners of, (16:19) of Rhythmia is part of this group. Normally there's like a hundred people there that go to really (16:24) shadow work, addiction, all kinds of, they were closing this place down. And there were 40 high (16:30) conscious people who are going to do Ayahuasca to get, I got to go with them.That's amazing. (16:35) Like when you listen and you just know, and you trust, and you don't have to have strings and (16:39) wonder how it happens effortlessly for you, right. Sit in that seat of knowing.And, um, (16:47) through that Ayahuasca journey, I did so much, so much soul work. I did so much healing. Um, (16:54) I left there changed.It was in November of 2019. When I came back, COVID happened. (17:01) It was COVID.And rather than sitting in front of the television, looking at all of the details (17:07) and all the statistics and all of the fear and all of the negative stuff, I knew there was (17:13) something greater. I knew that I needed to go within. And every morning I sat down and I actually (17:19) continued the work that I was doing with Grandmother Aya.I, all these new guides came in that I had (17:25) never experienced before. And I started actually, like I was, I was on a, like a fly on the wall, (17:32) watching myself every morning, release more trauma, go through more of these past life deaths, (17:38) witnessing them. They were, they were physical.They were hard. They were exhausting. I mean, (17:44) sobbing, like frying, uh, painful things that were, my physicality was taken over.(17:52) And every time I did it, I raised my vibration and I raised my vibration. I raised my vibration (17:57) where I got to a point where one day in meditation, this energy came through my head, (18:05) through my atlas in the back of my head. And I started, I have it all recorded.I started, (18:10) I would hear and I would just start hearing. And then suddenly this light language came out of my (18:15) mouth. I was also having visitations at night.I was also having downloads and getting premonitions (18:22) and experiencing angelic beings. And I was working with all of these different (18:28) beings in different dimensions because I was learning contrast. It was scary.(18:35) It was confusing, but I had like this power inside of me that knew I was supposed to do it. (18:40) And the more I did it, the more, the easier it got. And the more I worked with it, (18:46) the more fluid the energy would come and channel through me.(18:51) So my first guide that came in was a guide named Avril and he's still here today. And I started (18:58) understanding, you know, that Avril was really kind of, um, a supporter guide. He was different (19:05) than anything I was experiencing.I felt at home with him. I could see him. I drew him like I felt (19:12) safe with him.And I experienced all kinds of guides. There was this effervescent feminine, (19:18) beautiful being who just came in recently, almost like a mother energy. And she was, (19:23) she was buoyant and loving.And when things would get really heavy, she would come in (19:28) and basically tell me like, everything is okay. You know, like this is strenuous work, but (19:33) they love, they love us. They want nothing more than for us to have ease with this, (19:39) to elevate our consciousness, right.To understand the greater all that is, (19:44) to be at one and completely unified and to stop fighting. But, um, the council came in, (19:52) the great council came in and they were powerful, man. They are powerful.They are amazing. They are (19:59) the guides that I channel now to this day. And, um, I received a download in 2020 that I should (20:06) create a portal.I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard spirit calling, spirit calling. (20:12) I was like, what is spirit calling? I got up and I wrote it down. And the next morning I bought the (20:15) domain.And I kept hearing through my meditations with my guides that you are to build a portal for (20:22) humankind. There's going to be a glass ceiling that breaks. Humanity is going to sit there and (20:27) not understand who they are, what they believed in, what this world that they have lived in is, (20:33) and they need a safe Haven.They need a place to land and be held. (20:36) And I was like, what is a portal? What is that? And over the course of the year, I kept hearing (20:44) that. And then finally, about a year later, I saw a vision of an iPhone, these little wings (20:51) that came down and they landed on the iPhone.And suddenly I knew it was all the same thing. (20:57) And at the time I was building a different business and I kept hearing, build the portal, (21:01) build the portal. So I built the portal.I had a person who helped me for about a year. She was (21:06) like a partner that came in to help create it, but we launched it in March of 2023. And it's a place (21:13) where like you and I Susan could have gone when we were going through our spiritual awakening or (21:17) like your podcast where you can learn and understand and share and collaborate.And (21:22) we have healers and practitioners and self-led coursework and events and a curated sound healing (21:27) every month and a community Zoom room. Like it's really, really, really cool. And I channel messages (21:33) every month.I channel messages from the great council. Okay. So let's talk about, first of all, (21:39) I need to go back and say a trans channel is someone that spirit speaks through your voice (21:47) box.They take over your voice and speak directly through you. Whereas when I channel, (21:55) I am receiving messages that then human Susan is interpreting for my clients or, (22:03) you know, and so I just want to make that clarification. If somebody's familiar with (22:07) Abraham Hicks or Lee Harris, they are also trans channels.So you'll know what that is. (22:13) Yeah. So just wanted to make that clarification.So you and I do the same thing. Your body had to (22:21) be in a certain place to be in receivership of divine wisdom. My body has to be my vessel or (22:28) vessels have to be in specific vibration and an elevated vibration to be able to receive (22:34) this information.I also automatically close my eyes and they log in and the wisdom just (22:40) comes down and I just write, write, write, write, write, or I can also speak it, which I do for my (22:45) community. There's a, right now I've been doing a whole other group of work. Like what I did in (22:52) 2020 I've been doing recently.I just moved. I got situated in my house and it was like, boom, (22:57) time to start working again. And they've been working on my physicality.They're working on (23:02) repairing my soul body in my neck area. That's what they told me in my neck shock, in my, in my (23:07) throat chakra, my neck area. I was tortured so many times in this area.I had so much trauma in this (23:14) area. Once that area has been repaired, the energy is just going to flow so much more easily for me. (23:22) And they told me that, that they're preparing it so that I can hold more energy so that I can (23:26) channel for more periods of time and receive more messages because all the things that I've done (23:32) to get to this point are now coming to the planet.Right. The message is now is the time. (23:40) Now is the time.So whatever, yeah, whatever we were sent here to do, apparently now is the time. (23:48) Now is the time. Now is the time.And now most recently, not to scare anyone, but it is my job (23:53) to send these messages out. I had, I have premonitions. I get visions, I get downloads, (23:59) I get, they wake me up in the middle of the night and they're saying the, the priority right now (24:05) is to get your internal house in order.You need to work on the vibration. So if you don't know what (24:11) a vibration is, you need to understand what it is. You need to get your personal frequency (24:15) elevated.You need to stop watching garbage, stop consuming garges, garbage, stop fighting, (24:21) choosing what you do to consume in your days, choosing what it is that you will put your (24:27) attention and focus on, elevating your vibration because what is coming, it's going to knock you (24:33) out. You have to rise above it. There's a frequency of fear that's coming.You need to be (24:38) able to rise above it. And not get caught in it. And that is not to say, it is not at all to say (24:48) that you lose empathy for people who are struggling.But when you can hold the vibration of (24:55) love and you can hold the vibration of peace, you are serving more than being caught up in a new (25:03) cycle that lowers your vibration and you are no longer able to contribute to the uplifting of (25:10) others. Correct. Yes.Yes. But you and I understand that. Yeah.We're at a point where we understand (25:16) that the common man does not. They're interested in fighting about politics and fighting about (25:22) sports and fighting about and consuming. Oh, am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Am I this? (25:28) Am I that? Like it's continually pumped to us to get caught up in nonsense.And it's that guides (25:35) are asking, like one of the exercises that they did this month was they want you to go through (25:40) your day, measuring from a scale of one to 10, one being the lowest score, all the experiences (25:48) you're having in your day. So at the end of the day, at the end of three days, go back and look, (25:53) what is your score? Make a mental note, check it three times a day. What am I doing morning, (25:59) noon, and night? And if you got to be, you know, be a little more, be a little more (26:04) strict with yourself.If you want to do it more than that, but like it's, it's taking a pause (26:08) and paying attention. Am I sitting there staring at my phone? Am I breaking free of that? Or am I (26:14) fighting about politics? Am I this part of that part of this name, this title? Am I, what am I (26:19) doing? I am in charge of myself. I am empowered.I have an inner guide and compass that tells me I (26:27) can have thoughts and feelings and knowings and honor myself. I don't have to believe what everyone (26:32) else believes, nor do I need to let all of that consume me. I can rise above it.Right. And it's (26:40) interesting now thinking of it, like going through your day, how often the stuff that (26:45) bogs you down or brings you, brings you down has absolutely nothing to do with you. Right.Like (26:54) there are people who are going through or experiencing disease or financial hardship, (27:01) and that's a very real issue. And I understand that it brings you down. Yeah.But for a lot of (27:08) us, the doom scrolling or the 24 hour news cycle, or, you know, complaining about whatever to your (27:17) coworkers, like just being in that negative space and so much of it, you could just turn off. You (27:26) can choose to just not participate in that kind of activity. Yeah.And what's happening, you know, (27:34) when you start to go through your spiritual awakening and when you say, I've had enough of (27:39) that, like, or, or this isn't resonating with me, what do they think I'm an idiot? (27:44) Don't fight. Like, I'm finally starting to see it's like a little break. It's like a little (27:50) tear in your reality to something greater.And then you want more, you want to look behind, (27:56) you want to see more and more and more. And then you're like, Oh my God. Like, I remember, (28:02) I remember I was like in the clouds.I cared about where I lived at, what I drove and, (28:07) and what I was had on my hands and my, my body. And, you know, sure. Do I, there are other things (28:13) that I like now? Yeah, of course.I'm a human being, but I'm not, I'm not like stuck in this, (28:18) this like mesh of nonsense. And that's what they're talking about when they say that glass (28:23) ceiling is going to break. It's that perception.It's going to flip on a dime. It's just going to (28:29) change. And everyone's going to be like, Oh, and you know, that could be anything.(28:33) COVID was something like that. No COVID. And I definitely got caught up in, (28:40) Oh, in the fear I have learned now to turn everything off.And if it is not affecting me (28:47) personally, it's not my business. I can, you know, send a check to organizations when something (28:53) happens, you know, because inevitably, even if you don't watch the news, you will find out about (28:59) stuff. And for people who are like, I don't want to be in the dark about stuff.Well, (29:03) allot yourself 30 minutes to listen to public radio, which has less, um, opinions and just (29:11) here's, here's what's happening. You're caught up or, you know, look at the, the headlines only (29:17) on a independent news source. And then you know what's going on, but you don't have to get sucked (29:24) into it.Um, and then you can donate as you can help. But otherwise you affect things more by (29:32) holding a high vibration than by being sucked into something you can't control. But I, I did (29:40) get taken down with COVID totally, you know, in the fear mindset with my father and you know, (29:46) da da da da.And so I have tapped off on that now, but I will say in retrospect, (29:54) in hindsight, I can see how important COVID was.