Wake Up with Susan

Calm the Chaos

January 30, 2024 Susan Sutherland
Calm the Chaos
Wake Up with Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
Calm the Chaos
Jan 30, 2024
Susan Sutherland

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Hi Family - I learned so much at TCCHE (The Conference of Consciousness and Human Evolution) and bring this nugget to you today.  We have the choice in every situation to choose Coherence or Chaos (dis-coherence).  It is the choice of love and fear.  And regardless of what your intention is and what lofty moral high ground you stand on, if you are responding with animosity, anger, frustration, and outrage; you are contributing to the chaos.  We fight wars in our bodies, homes, and globally and amplify the situations that we wish to eradicate.  We must all start choosing to respond with love - to amplify coherence, healing, peace. 

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Love you Fam

Show Notes Transcript

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Hi Family - I learned so much at TCCHE (The Conference of Consciousness and Human Evolution) and bring this nugget to you today.  We have the choice in every situation to choose Coherence or Chaos (dis-coherence).  It is the choice of love and fear.  And regardless of what your intention is and what lofty moral high ground you stand on, if you are responding with animosity, anger, frustration, and outrage; you are contributing to the chaos.  We fight wars in our bodies, homes, and globally and amplify the situations that we wish to eradicate.  We must all start choosing to respond with love - to amplify coherence, healing, peace. 

Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok

Find out more about me and my services on my website.  

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Love you Fam

Rise and shine, everybody. (0:02) It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, (0:08) and sometimes lonely journey.(0:09) So let's do it together. (0:11) I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. (0:14) I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.(0:17) We are all called to rise up above our conditioning (0:21) and limiting beliefs, (0:23) and shine our light on ourselves and others. (0:26) So let's get to it. (0:29) Hi, family.(0:30) I'm so excited to be talking to you today. (0:33) I feel like it's been forever because the last two episodes (0:37) were pre-recorded interviews because I knew I had my trip (0:41) coming up to San Diego, and then I had this facial that (0:45) completely wrecked my face. (0:46) And since I upload these episodes on the YouTube, (0:50) I decided not to record last week for the three people that (0:53) watch there, but you're welcome.(0:56) So it's really exciting to be back because since the last time (1:00) I spoke with you, I've been to this conference, which was (1:04) the conference on consciousness and human evolution. (1:08) That's a mouthful. (1:10) So from now on, I'll just be calling it the conference.(1:13) And we have spent a month in the book club doing A Course (1:18) in Miracles, and there have been some brilliant nuggets (1:21) that have come through through that as well. (1:25) That I want to talk to you about. (1:26) I want to share with you all of this information.(1:30) However, when I'm sitting down to make notes, it was like, (1:33) oh, and this, and this, and this. (1:34) And so I'm really going to try to focus on one good nugget (1:40) at a time and not do my ADHD, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, and (1:45) this, and this, and this, but we'll see how it goes. (1:48) So when I was at this conference, the presenters there are (1:56) wide-range, but many of them are brilliant doctors and (2:01) brilliant scientists, an earth scientist, and a people scientist.(2:09) Bruce Lipton, I guess, is a people scientist, but also (2:13) stem cell researchers, and doctors, and surgeons, and if there (2:19) is a way to feel even more limited by my dropping out of (2:27) college, then put me in the audience there. (2:30) And fortunately, like I was, it was such a great energy to (2:35) be in, and the messages were like just coming to me all day (2:38) long, which is very swimmy and lovely, and I love that very (2:42) much. But as I was sitting there, my thought to myself was, (2:47) see sister, you should have stayed in school, and Spirit's (2:50) response was, that would be more that we're unteaching you (2:53) now, because basically what they're up there presenting is (2:58) contradictions to a lot of what we have learned in school.(3:01) And, I mean, if we know how our school systems work, for them (3:05) to overturn any information or add any information to it to (3:09) contradict the current curriculum will take 500 years. (3:13) And so, probably best that I slept through some of my classes (3:17) and then dropped out of school, because I am not meant to be (3:21) the stem cell researcher or the surgeon. (3:24) I assure you, you do not want me to be your surgeon.(3:28) Anyway, it made me think of Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce was the (3:35) sleeping psychic. (3:36) He would go into a trance and essentially be in a sleeping (3:41) mode while he gave readings.(3:44) But how he originally came by his gifts, came by working with (3:50) Spirit in this way, was his dad was really hard and really (3:54) critical of him. (3:56) And he wasn't good in school. (3:59) And after a particularly like hard session working with his (4:03) dad, and he couldn't spell any of the words he was supposed to (4:06) be spelling, he is praying going, you know, you gotta help me, (4:10) you gotta help me.(4:11) And essentially, he had this knowing that his prayers were (4:15) answered. (4:17) And all of a sudden, he knew how to spell every single word in (4:22) the book, could refer back to certain pages, and the information (4:25) was just there. (4:27) And so while I was sitting there looking at these slides of (4:32) medical information and scientific information, I was just thinking (4:37) that pay attention and when you need the understanding, it will (4:42) just be there.(4:43) And so let's hope that's true because a lot of it was, it was (4:50) real smart stuff, y'all. (4:52) So I shouldn't make it out like I'm an idiot. (4:56) I'm really not an idiot, but I am also not a physicist.(5:00) So we all have our strengths and that one's not mine. (5:05) But they did present it in a way that was very, I got it enough. (5:11) I got it enough and why I knew I was there in addition to connections (5:16) that I made when I was there because I do feel like I was divinely (5:20) placed in the orbit of certain people.(5:23) But I think what a lot of them presented was the scientific (5:30) reasoning why I can read the field, why I can pull in information (5:38) that is helpful for other people, like why I do have access to (5:42) information that is not in, you know, about me specifically and how (5:48) healing works. (5:49) And so it gave me a scientific understanding of what I already (5:55) know to be true. (5:56) I just, I don't know how it works.(5:58) I just know that it does. (6:00) And so my understanding is always like, I am just a channel for (6:07) divine information and divine energy. (6:11) And that is how I heal, which I still believe is true.(6:15) They were just showing some of the science behind how that could (6:18) possibly be. (6:19) So anyway, all right. (6:21) So today's nugget is about chaos and coherence.(6:27) Chaos can also be discoherence. (6:30) And those are, those are two choices. In everything, in our body, in (6:36) our family, in our community, across the globe, you are either (6:41) contributing and experiencing coherence or contributing and (6:47) experiencing chaos.(6:49) And it is true that even when there is chaos out in the world, you (6:55) can still be experiencing peace, love, and joy, coherence in your (7:01) own person. (7:05) Now, this is really, really, really big, which is why it got (7:09) positioned as first nugget. (7:12) This is like the flute line.(7:13) This is the first chair. First chair nugget. And the reason this (7:18) got first chair nugget, can you believe I'm saying this kind of (7:23) nonsense? The reason this is coming out first is because we are, as (7:31) a collective, experiencing cycles of change right now.Climate (7:36) change, conflict, there's cycles of conflict, which they went into (7:42) the understanding of how, on a global scale, we experience these cycles (7:51) and we experience these cycles of conflict, of economy, and of (7:58) climate. And they're very predictable. (8:02) They're very predictable in when they will potentially occur.(8:06) It's not very predictable of how the collective will respond to (8:10) them. But that's where we have choice of how to respond. But because (8:16) we are in this time where all of these cycles are peaking, and let (8:21) me explain just a tiny bit about how that works, so you will (8:27) understand that there is a little bit of science behind it.And if (8:31) you want more science behind it, check out Greg Braden, because he (8:35) can actually explain the science behind it. And I'm going to give (8:37) you like just a little snippet. But the magnetic field of the Earth (8:43) connects all life, not just me and you, but all life, everything (8:49) with consciousness on this planet, which is everything.And the (8:55) satellites measure fields of this consciousness. And they send back (9:01) data all the time. And so they are tracking this.There is scientific (9:05) evidence behind this. Now, the magnetic fields of the Sun impact (9:10) the magnetic fields of the Earth. And so as the Earth's magnetic (9:17) fields get weaker, we become less willing to cooperate.And that (9:25) stirs up the cycles of conflict. And so they can see where there's (9:30) going to be periods of lower magnetic pull. And that's when we are (9:37) at increased risk for conflict.And this kind of coincides with major (9:43) wars and things that happen. Now, what it also gives us is major (9:49) opportunity for peace. Like it creates the vulnerability and it (9:55) creates the susceptibility for conflict, but it also creates (10:00) opportunities for peace and cooperation and change.Even after (10:05) 9-11, within 15 minutes of the first plane strike, there was a (10:10) notable measuring influx on the satellite report because the (10:19) human heart was so engaged all around the world that it affected (10:25) the entire magnetic field of the Earth. So I'm just telling you (10:32) that to know that, I don't know, there's really smart people who (10:35) studying this stuff all the time, but Spirit says I'm a dot-to-dot (10:38) girl. So that's as much as I'm going to give you.I can't give you (10:42) more than that. But what we have to understand is when you have (10:47) a choice of how to respond to anything, how to think about things, (10:52) how to perceive things, you have a choice of coherence and chaos. (10:57) How am I going to see this situation? How am I going to respond (11:01) to a situation? Now, this is why it's so important is because this (11:06) coming year, we have an election here that is already promising (11:11) to be contentious.Like we're months out and it's already contentious. (11:17) It was contentious before we even got to an election year, but 40 (11:21) other countries in the whole wide world are having elections (11:25) this year too. Now, regardless of what side you're on, my guess is (11:34) you already know probably who you would vote for.So my question (11:39) would be why you would watch the news and allow fear-mongering (11:46) of the news cycle into your system. That doesn't make any sense to me. (11:51) However, this is what I'm going to tell you because this is the (11:54) really important part.If you see the other side as wrong, if you (12:02) see how stupid they are, that you can't believe it, and you respond (12:09) in a way that questions their motives, that gets you stirred up, (12:15) that gets you angry or frustrated or you just can't possibly (12:22) understand how people would vote that way. And it could be on either (12:27) side because one side really can't understand the other side and (12:34) it doesn't matter which side you're on. You are contributing to (12:39) the chaos.So even if you think by watching and being alert to how (12:50) crazy something is, you are contributing. You are pouring gas on (12:55) the fire. Which reminds me of a little situation that happened last (12:59) week in my house.Mark was traveling and my son on the way home (13:04) had said, can I go to gym when we get home from school? And I was like, (13:08) yep, that's fine. And then he goes upstairs and showers and comes (13:12) downstairs and he's not going to gym. And I was like, what's going (13:15) on? He's like, I have to do this assignment.And then he goes on a (13:19) 10-minute rant about how he hates school, how we're wasting our (13:24) money because he goes to private school, how, you know, it's the (13:29) dumbest thing ever. He's not going to college. This class is useless.(13:33) Da da da, on and on and on. And I have tried before and my husband (13:38) has tried a lot to yell at him or, you know, tell him how much his (13:45) education cost and that he's so lucky to be able to go to that (13:48) school and da da da da da. And in that moment, I decided, you know (13:54) what, I'm just going to let his fire burn for just a second.And I (13:59) let him just do his thing, say whatever he wanted, and I didn't (14:04) respond in any way. In any way. Not negatively, not positively.I (14:10) just let him do his thing. And then I went to read in my room (14:15) and he came in there and he had this article printed out and I'll (14:21) tell you his strength is not like reading comprehension or anything (14:25) like that. That is not his strength.His strength is math for sure. (14:28) But he brings me this long article and he was like, mom, can you (14:33) read this article with me? And I was like, yeah, sure. It was the (14:37) worst article he could have ever found to write a current event (14:40) article about, but that's okay.We read it together and then he (14:45) went off and he did his little write-up about this article and (14:50) then he came back and he laid down and he's like, mom, I was just (14:54) mad. I do plan on going to college. These are the two colleges (14:57) I'm thinking about.And so from that situation, what I found was (15:03) I didn't add. I didn't contribute to the chaos. I just let the (15:10) chaos be and it burned out so much faster than if I would have (15:16) added to it.I could have taken my gasoline and just lit that (15:22) flame up by telling him how important school is and you know, (15:26) he needs it to get a good job or you know, like that whole (15:30) conversation, but I said nothing and the amount of time it took (15:35) him to just burn through and then come back to a first of all (15:41) doing the assignment and second of all acknowledging that that's (15:45) not really he wasn't really mad about that. He was really mad (15:49) that he had procrastinated on the assignment and now it was (15:53) something he had to get done and he couldn't go to gym, which (15:56) is what he really likes to do. (15:58) So what I'm telling you and all of that is if you really want (16:04) to help a situation, don't complain about it.Don't pour fuel (16:09) onto that fire because what we are doing in every aspect of (16:16) our society is contributing to the chaos. That goes for for (16:21) all areas. I mean the war on drugs, fighting cancer, (16:26) cancer, everything we do is creating chaos energy.We are (16:33) even if your intention is good, even if your motive is from (16:39) the heart, if you are responding in a way that is of war of (16:44) fighting of amplifying of rioting of bringing this angry energy (16:52) to something, you are hurting the cause that you proclaim to (16:56) help. And so if you are really frustrated with the other side, (17:02) turning it off is a better solution than working yourself (17:06) up into a knot about it. I promise you like it's science.(17:11) They showed me and I wish I could show you but I'll have to (17:14) draw you a dot to dot to be like, hey, this is what chaos (17:18) looks like and this is what coherence looks like. And so if (17:23) you have incoherence in your body, that's when you have disease (17:28) when when the cells are not working together harmoniously (17:33) as they are supposed to. That's how we create disease.Now, if (17:38) you find any information from those who have healed themselves (17:45) or those who have died and been to the other side and come (17:48) back like Anita Moorjani who was at the conference or Joe (17:53) Dispenza who talks about meditation to heal yourself. It is (17:57) all about bringing healing and love within the body. It is (18:03) not about, you know, visualizing yourself with a sword and (18:12) and you know fighting against the cells in your body.It is (18:16) about visualizing healing in your body. It is about bringing (18:20) love and coherence in your body and the same can be said to (18:25) your family. If you have discord in your family, responding (18:30) with negativity, responding with frustration is amplifying (18:37) your problem and it is really hard not to do that.I hear (18:41) you. I got three kids and a husband like I understand but (18:46) what we have to be practiced in doing is taking those three (18:51) breaths and saying how am I going to respond to this in love (18:55) and you can say love coherence is the same thing. You have (18:58) coherence and chaos.You have love and you have fear. That's (19:03) it. So that is from conference will tell you coherence and (19:07) chaos.Of course in miracles will tell you love and fear. (19:11) Those are our two choices ever ever. So take a couple deep (19:17) breaths and say how can I see this situation through the lens (19:23) of love and then respond in that way because when we get (19:29) frustrated and when we respond in a way that says you don't (19:36) know what you're talking about.It is like dumping a gasoline (19:41) on a fire. We're trying to stamp out. You are magnifying the (19:46) problem that goes with those who are mad at the left and mad (19:52) at the right and mad at Israel and mad at Palestine and mad (19:58) at the people who are not saving the ocean or the earth.I (20:05) mean everything that we are at war against we are making (20:10) worse and that's really a hard shift. Whereas if we thought (20:17) about healing ourselves, healing our family, healing our (20:22) planet, healing our relationships with the other side of (20:28) seeing those with separate backgrounds and separate skin (20:33) colors and separate religion seeing them through a lens of (20:37) love. We actually do have the power to heal to bring healing (20:43) and to to bring down the level of chaos that we're experiencing (20:48) in the world.So we did do this meditation with Anita Moorjani (20:56) and it was it was like a 30 minute meditation we did in a (21:00) group which was really powerful and my experience was I met (21:07) up with Archangel Michael who is a dear friend of mine. I love (21:11) him and basically I said what do I need to know now? What (21:17) is the message for now? What am I leaving this conference (21:20) with? And the image he showed me was an ocean with really (21:26) stormy seas and and boats, you know, riding the waves and (21:32) looking, you know, just chaotic like these boats are in trouble (21:37) and there was a lighthouse and it said be the light guide them (21:42) home. And the message that's there is what does a lighthouse (21:46) do? It just stands there burning as brightly as it can hoping (21:53) to show those who are struggling how to come home.A lighthouse (22:00) doesn't jump in the ocean and chase the ships, right? It just (22:05) stands there firm and it's knowing that I am the light. I'll (22:10) help guide you home. And so as we experience what could be, (22:17) you know, a chaotic year like basically we're we're poised (22:22) for that in this nation specifically within an upcoming (22:26) election and around the globe.Like it could be a little (22:31) chaotic and what I want you to know is that what you're in (22:36) charge of is that light within. And that's all you can do. (22:42) And so instead of seeing yourself holding the tank of gasoline (22:48) and everywhere you go, you're like, oh, you're wrong, you (22:52) know, how do you think that way? Why do you think that way? (22:55) You're so stupid.That state's stupid that whatever you're (22:59) just pouring gas onto the fire that your foot's trying to (23:04) stamp out. Instead use those hands and cup them around your (23:10) little flame within and protect that flame and know that as (23:15) you're stable, as you hold your light, you are a shining (23:20) example to those caught in the chaos. Be sturdy, be still, (23:26) be solid and protect your light and shut off the damn news.(23:31) Sorry, that was I just had to add that in there. If you (23:35) have one vote and you know how you're going to vote, you (23:40) don't need the news. You can get, you know, public radio (23:43) for 30 minutes a day to get a headline or give yourself (23:46) five minutes every few days to check just what the headlines (23:52) are.You'll know what Taylor Swift's doing. You'll know, (23:56) you know, what court cases Trump is involved in. You'll (23:59) know who has been indicted for what and you don't even have (24:03) to click on the story to read more.If you just feel like (24:07) you need to be that much in the know, then do it. But this (24:12) is a time, this is a year where your hand should be used (24:17) to protect your flame because it is so important. If you're (24:23) listening to this podcast, your flame is so important to (24:30) help guide others.There are others who are in ships that (24:36) are rocky. Don't jump in the ocean. Don't go chase them.(24:41) Show them how sturdy you are on the shore. Be the light (24:46) and guide them home. All right, that's your nugget for this (24:50) week.You have coherence and you have chaos. In your body, (24:55) find healing. Stop fighting things.Stop fighting against (24:58) diseases. Pray for healing. See coherence in your body.(25:05) See how your body is working perfectly. How you are (25:10) harmonious. When you are looking in the mirror and you (25:14) are finding all the things wrong about yourself, you are (25:19) you are amplifying all the things wrong about yourself.(25:22) You're saying, I want more of this. This is where I am (25:25) putting my energy is into things I hate. Let's have more (25:30) of that, shall we? Instead, challenge yourself to, before (25:36) you can think of anything else when you're standing in front (25:40) of a mirror, tell yourself three things you like about you.(25:45) And do it until it's easy and effortless and comfortable. (25:49) Like, holy shit, Susan, you're fantastic. Like be comfortable (25:56) saying nice things to yourself because that's the energy.(25:59) That is the energy you want more of. That's coherence. (26:04) That is love.So when you're pouring your energy somewhere, (26:09) make sure it is on something you want more of. Otherwise, (26:14) you're creating what you're trying to avoid. You're amplifying (26:18) a problem.So be the love. Be the peace. Protect your flame.(26:27) And that's it. I don't have any more metaphors, but see (26:32) yourself and your body. See your family and your community.(26:37) See the things that you love about them. And if you see (26:40) things that need to be fixed, start visualizing the healing (26:48) of those things. If you are in constant discord with your (26:53) spouse, start visualizing nice conversations around the (26:59) table.I have on my gratitude board, I have kind of a blurred (27:03) out picture of a family at a dinner table and it has the (27:08) man and woman holding a hand because it was really important (27:12) to me. We were having some rough times at the dinner table. (27:17) You know, it's very important to teach your children how (27:20) to eat nicely at a dinner table because I know children (27:23) who don't and it's disgusting.However, it is not nice to (27:28) sit around a dinner table that feels like a military boot (27:33) camp. So it was really important to me to cultivate that. (27:38) Now, I didn't do it with shouting at him that we needed to (27:43) do something different.I did it by visualizing really great (27:48) conversations around my dinner table. And now it's one of (27:51) my favorite places to be. Everybody gets along really nicely.(27:55) But that's how you have to focus on the ideal side of what (28:01) you're looking for. You're going to focus on the healed (28:04) version of what you're seeking and not amplify the chaos. (28:10) So next week, I think we're going to talk about the power (28:14) of eight and how we can use these intentions, this healing (28:18) intention, to group together in small groups and really (28:24) really make an impact.We did this exercise at the convention (28:27) with Lynn McTaggart and it was powerful. But anyway, start (28:34) small. Start in your body.Start in your home. Start being (28:38) conscious of where you are pouring gas on the fire and (28:42) then stop. Just stop doing it.(28:44) All right. I love you family. Have a great week.(28:46) Did you enjoy this little nugget? If so, and you're listening (28:49) on Apple Podcasts, can you please take a moment to leave me (28:53) a rating and or review? You'll click the dots at the top (28:58) right and click go to show and then scroll down below the (29:01) episodes listings to click the five stars and write a review. (29:06) I appreciate you taking the time to do it. That is how other (29:10) people are able to find the show when they are looking for (29:14) similar content.Thanks so much and have a great week.