Wake Up with Susan

Self-Discovery Journey

March 04, 2024 Susan Sutherland
Self-Discovery Journey
Wake Up with Susan
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Wake Up with Susan
Self-Discovery Journey
Mar 04, 2024
Susan Sutherland

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Getting to know yourSelf - your big S self is so beautiful.   There is so much information that can be found if you are curious, but what is important to me is how it impacts this lifetime.  I am blown away by the information that I have discovered about my journey  and how it has shown up FOR me in this lifetime to learn, grow, and serve through. 

Just as you can better care for a plant and help it thrive when you learn it's tendencies, preferences, sunlight, water, and season requirements - so goes for you!  The more you understand what makes you you - the easier you can tend to yourself in a way that allows you to thrive. AND the more you can accept and honor everyone else and their perfect journey.

Thank you for listening.  Please subscribe to hear awesome interviews with those who will help you deep dive in to beautiful, wonderful, you!

Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok.

If you want help deep diving into your journey with a reading - I would love to work with you!  Book Here

Show Notes Transcript

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Getting to know yourSelf - your big S self is so beautiful.   There is so much information that can be found if you are curious, but what is important to me is how it impacts this lifetime.  I am blown away by the information that I have discovered about my journey  and how it has shown up FOR me in this lifetime to learn, grow, and serve through. 

Just as you can better care for a plant and help it thrive when you learn it's tendencies, preferences, sunlight, water, and season requirements - so goes for you!  The more you understand what makes you you - the easier you can tend to yourself in a way that allows you to thrive. AND the more you can accept and honor everyone else and their perfect journey.

Thank you for listening.  Please subscribe to hear awesome interviews with those who will help you deep dive in to beautiful, wonderful, you!

Connect with me on Instagram and TikTok.

If you want help deep diving into your journey with a reading - I would love to work with you!  Book Here

(0:00) Rise and shine, everybody. It's time to wake up with Susan. (0:05) Spiritual awakening can be a beautiful, messy, and sometimes lonely journey.So let's do it (0:10) together. I'm your host, Susan Sutherland. I'm an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor.(0:17) We are all called to rise up above our conditioning and limiting beliefs (0:22) and shine our light on ourselves and others. So let's get to it. (0:29) Hi family.Thank you for joining me today. We are going to talk about getting to know (0:34) all about yourself. But before we do, I just want to do a little follow-up of last week's podcast.(0:40) I talked about feeling judged for what I'm doing. And after, you know, I kind of had a little (0:48) hesitation recording. I was feeling checked a little bit, checked on what I was doing, (0:53) feeling a little apprehensive.And after I put that out, I got some messages back from people who (0:59) are not kind of coming out of the spiritual closet or moving into alignment for fear of (1:07) what their family and friends would say. And it made me realize how lucky I am. (1:13) And I got to really embrace the gratitude that when I am judged for being authentically me, (1:20) that is something to celebrate because you're going to get judged anyway.And now I get to (1:26) do it knowing that I feel really good about what I'm doing. And so as I have that judgment and (1:35) experience that, you know, I talked about it being like our wind resistance training, that in order (1:41) to keep growing taller, to keep growing stronger, we need resistance so that we root deeper. And (1:51) so it really took me full circle into feeling so much gratitude that I was exposed to that and can (1:58) know that I can inspire people that it is worth it to take that step forward.And that for any (2:06) naysayer you get, any struggle that you get, the amount of support and love that I receive, (2:14) not from millions, but from the people I do, it feels like it's from millions because it is (2:21) so valuable to me. It is, it's so uplifting to feel like I can be a way shower for people to (2:30) live their truth, whatever that truth looks like. I hope you find that path and start walking it.(2:36) Anyway, this season has been a really interesting one for me because it has been very much about (2:47) self-discovery and I'm told is going to be even more so in the coming weeks and months ahead. (2:56) But this is a very much a getting to know me phase this year. And getting to know me (3:04) looks partially like Susan.Who is Susan? What has her journey been? What are those little parts of (3:14) me that I need to re-parent or look back on? But even more so, what is my true nature, my (3:26) essence, my soul self? What has that journey been like? And what can the discovery of (3:34) different aspects and different components of my existence help me? How can that help me in this (3:41) lifetime? So over the next coming weeks, I want to introduce you to different modalities or tools or (3:48) readers that I have discovered and use that have really helped me. And it is not to say, (3:55) hey, you have to go get a galactic reading. The information is there and you will know (4:01) in your heart if that is something that is really calling to you.Or you can also, (4:08) there's so many tools and avenues now to find out information online and to look up YouTube videos (4:16) of how to read your chart or how to gain more information and understanding for that. And then (4:22) if it is something where you're like, I need to know more, then these are definitely people that (4:28) I enjoy working with and highly recommend. But I want to tell you today why we're going to be (4:36) doing this.Why getting to know yourself in such a deep way is so important. And it's really funny (4:46) because I don't, I haven't been doing a lot of inner child work. As I tell you about my triggers, (4:55) like the basketball game or something like that, I work through those triggers.But I haven't (5:00) been looking for anything. I know it will present itself and I don't need to pick scabs. I don't (5:07) need to make myself bleed to see where I need to put a band-aid.But it's interesting because I was (5:13) doing a reading for someone else recently and Derek Grant has this release, six-month healing (5:21) inner child work release program coming up. And I wasn't going to do it because you guys, I've done (5:28) that work. And in somebody else's reading, my guides are like, you need to sign up and you need (5:35) to do the program as if you've never done this work.Because what you'll, what we figure out in (5:42) this journey is we can take a coat off and go about our business and think we are good to go. (5:50) But later when you're ready, you can take your shirt off. And there's just so many layers.There's so (5:57) many layers. And I, it wasn't a hand smack, but it was, it was a direct message where it was like, (6:07) Susan, you don't quite know everything just yet. There's still more for you to uncover and learn (6:12) about yourself.And how they brought it through for her, I thought was really fantastic. Because (6:17) sometimes we, we hesitate on that inner work because it's work. And they, my guides have told (6:26) me to stop saying that to my husband because he works really hard in his day job and he's never (6:31) going to do this work.If I keep saying it's work, he works hard enough and he's running from the (6:39) idea of any more work. But for her, what they said is it's gathering your sparkles. So she already (6:46) has her outfit.She is already glorious and beautiful and has done so much learning about (6:55) herself, releasing, you know, getting to know those lost parts of herself. She went and got the (7:04) the big chunks. And now they're like, go back and get your sparkles.And don't see it as, I have to (7:10) go find all of my broken shards of glass and piece them back together. We are bedazzling ourselves. (7:17) And so then you get to go into an inner child journey, as if it is a treasure hunt, (7:25) where you are just looking for the sequins and the sparkles and the embellishments to add back.(7:32) And it doesn't have to be like, oh, let me go find all of my wounds. Gotta go tend to my wounds. (7:37) It can really be a process of self-discovery to amplify your power and amplify your energy by (7:47) calling back those parts of you, by reparenting them if they need to be reparented, welcoming (7:54) them back into the fold and saying, hey, sister, we made it.I'm doing great. And I want to have (8:01) you as part of my journey now. And so as I get into that, that new, the new, because it has to (8:09) be new for me.I was told to go into everything as if I've never done it and be a new student (8:18) instead of, and I, I do know that a lot of times when I read something, it's like, oh yeah, I knew (8:23) that. And it's like, why don't you try learning things as if you don't know them already? (8:31) Um, so I'm going to get, I'm going to do it that way, but we'll be talking more about inner child (8:37) work and, and calling back those fragments of your soul, not as, as the wounded child, (8:45) but as the sparkles you're inviting back into your, um, your badass costume. (8:53) So we're going to be talking about that.I also want to help you understand the power of learning (9:01) more about your soul's journey before this lifetime, because it is so fascinating what (9:10) your incarnations on earth and your incarnations elsewhere have contributed to your energetic map, (9:21) to how you come into this lifetime and what you're going to experience in order to balance (9:27) out that energy. And for me, it's been, you guys, it has been mind blowing. The stuff that has come (9:38) up in my natal chart reading or my galactic reading, where in the understanding that it was (9:46) already in the stars for me to, for me to experience these things, (9:54) you can't be a victim.You cannot be a victim if you know that I plotted this course intentionally (10:02) for the experiences that I need to have, that I need to experience and work through. (10:12) So for instance, when I had my natal chart read, he's able to see on my natal chart that I lost a (10:21) parent, likely my mother, when I was younger. Now that's, that's somehow in, in the star mapping (10:29) of my life.Now if I was 45 and still weeping and wooing about that loss, instead of just (10:37) dealing like, okay, what is this experience meant to teach me? Then I've really messed up. (10:44) But there's so many other things that are, that are in my chart (10:50) that just gave me mind-blowing understanding about my lifetime now and how it has been impacted (11:02) from what I've been in before and how I am supposed to move through it. So for instance, (11:13) I am somebody who overdoes things, almost like an addictive personality.But even the things (11:24) that I really love, I, I just go overboard with it. And so that's why I tore my calf is because (11:32) I was playing tennis seven times a week and that might be taking a day or two off. But sometimes (11:39) I would be playing twice in a day and I take something that I love and I make it into a job (11:45) to where it's almost stressful because I'm overdoing it.And so even I had a reading with (11:52) Ulrika Sullivan, who I'm going to have as a guest on the show in October, and something came through (11:58) about an incarnation somewhere else where I, I went there to help, to bring people online, (12:06) to open up their intuitive abilities and kind of, kind of what we're doing here now on earth (12:12) and shifting consciousness, but the people weren't ready. But I overworked myself to pieces (12:19) and now I am supposed to be here finding a balance of doing and being. Well you guys, (12:27) I had a follow-up reading with her last week and what my guides are saying is, (12:34) are you having fun? Well because I've done it again.I go and I find what I love, which is (12:41) this work. I absolutely love connecting with spirit. I love reading.I love doing readings (12:48) for people. I love all of it. But they're like, are you having fun? And for the three days before (12:54) I had been in my healing room or in my recording room without seeing daylight for hours because I (13:02) was so busy doing the work that I'm not allowing it to be fun.I, I freaking overdo things and so (13:13) it really is important for me to be reminded that in this lifetime I am meant to find balance. (13:21) And I have to have that reset and I have to have those reminders apparently because you can say (13:26) it in October and then I can go into this year and I told y'all, I told y'all when I started doing a (13:32) Course in Miracles because it's text and daily lessons and I'm recording the daily lessons that (13:38) I'm going to read less this year and I've read 15 books and have two in progress and it's like, Susan, (13:45) what are you doing? But it's because I love to read but then I, I overdo everything. I'm the queen (13:52) of overdoing.So I need those reminders of part of my plan was to come and find this balance of (14:03) living in service to others. That's very much in my natal chart is to get out of the personality. (14:11) I'm, I probably have had lifetimes where it was all about me and this is meant to be all about (14:18) service to others but it's also in my chart that seeking information, seeking self-realization (14:27) is part of my purpose.Why does that matter? Well, it helps me understand me for sure. Like, (14:36) this isn't a small craving of mine to do this work. It is, it is why I landed here is to do this work.(14:46) But what's really important for me to understand as I'm working with these people, because I, (14:54) you guys, I cannot, no, no, no, I'm sure I can. Astrology, I need it read by somebody else. (15:03) If you go deep beyond your sun sign, which I think has very limited information of maybe that's just (15:11) your personality or something, but there are nodes and houses and planetary alignments and (15:17) there is so much information in your transits and your, it's, it's above my pay grade.But (15:26) there are certain people where they knew as soon as they started learning about astrology or (15:33) perhaps they heard a podcast or had a reading and and it resonated so deeply with them that they knew (15:40) that this is part of their purpose is to be here and understand astrology and help others. That's (15:47) how I felt with the Akashic Records. As soon as I heard about the Akashic Records, there was a knowing (15:53) in me that I must explore that further.So anyway, as I learn about my blueprint, (16:03) about this energetic mapping of all of my lifetimes and how I came here and what is my, (16:12) my karmic balance, how much personal karma and how much ancestral karma and how much collective (16:19) karma am I here to work through. As I learn all of this specifically about me and as it lines up (16:30) very much with my experience in my 45 years, with my heart as far as where I know I'm going, (16:39) I know it is perfectly me. And in that understanding, I know that yours must be different (16:49) and it must be perfectly you.And so what you're here to experience is based on the total experience (16:59) of your soul, of your essence, of your goals. And I just feel like I have gained such a new (17:09) understanding and respect for everybody's journey and how perfect it is for what they are meant to (17:18) encounter, what they are meant to learn and grow through. And I have to tell y'all about this (17:25) experience I had.I told my, my book club about it, but we were in the, in A Course in Miracles, (17:31) you are learning, Jesus is teaching us that he is not your savior, that you are your savior, (17:38) that you are, you are the Christ. You are the second coming of Christ is in you. And when you (17:46) can start experiencing yourself and honoring others as their Christ itself, it changes your (17:54) relationship to them.This is what I mean. We were doing a lesson and it was about seeing your (18:02) brothers, seeing your fellows, seeing everybody you encounter and wishing to experience them (18:09) as their divine nature, as their Christ itself. And as I was approaching a stoplight and there was (18:20) a homeless man on the corner and I have a little spot in my car that is like a little stash (18:26) and I always keep cash there for anybody and I encounter who, who needs money is my little (18:33) homeless stash.So anytime I get cash, that's where I put it because I'll never have a cash. (18:37) And so that's, that's my cash stashes for other people. So as I'm approaching him, (18:43) I'm just thinking of his perfect purpose and how bold he is to be here experiencing a really hard (18:54) lesson, a really challenging lesson, but he's doing this for his soul's growth, for the collective (19:01) growth of everybody, like how brave he is to have chosen a hard lesson in, in humility or (19:11) however he's choosing to experience this.And by him doing that, he's allowing me (19:17) to extend compassion, to extend generosity. So as people experience what they're going through, (19:26) they're also providing others lessons, others opportunities for growth. So I'm just sitting (19:33) here on my way to this man and there's, there's usually somebody there.So I know he's coming (19:39) and I'm preparing for this encounter and I am just thanking him for his bravery. I am honoring his (19:47) divine nature and it, it changes it out of a place of judgment or superiority, which immediately if (19:58) you judge or think that somehow your path is above, that somehow you're further on, you immediately go (20:05) in a vibration below them, right? Into a judgment by vibration below them. But as I'm approaching (20:13) him and accepting him and holding him in love vibration, I am able to elevate him.His vibration (20:22) must come and meet the accord where I am, which might free up something for him, which might allow (20:29) him to accept himself, to move out of guilt and shame. Anyway, as I'm approaching him, this is what (20:37) I'm thinking and I'm, I'm feeling the feels. I feel so much love for him as I'm approaching (20:45) and you guys, I hand him five dollars and he smiles at me and it was, it was like (20:54) when you're watching a movie and they show Santa Claus and somehow his eye goes ding and it has (21:01) the starburst out of his eye.This is what happened to me from this man. I saw the divinity (21:09) in him and it, it reflected back the star of understanding and feeling accepted and I'm (21:17) telling you, I will never, ever, ever forget that 30 seconds in my life. But that's what I'm telling (21:25) you.When you start understanding how perfect what you're going through is for you, for what (21:34) you've planned in this lifetime, for what you experience in this lifetime, you can really accept (21:42) and love everybody's experiences as perfect for them and that allows you to pull up their vibration, (21:53) hopefully in a healing way for whatever they need to experience. Maybe he needs courage, (21:59) maybe he just needs to, to feel accepted. I don't know.But he gave me so much in that moment. (22:08) I gave him five dollars and he gave me a lifetime of joy because I'm going to carry that moment (22:14) forever in my heart. Anyway, so I want you to start getting to know yourself and so we're going (22:22) to talk with other people who can help us through that.But if you are listening to this podcast, (22:29) you're probably not a newbie in this experience, I would say. And so a lot of times what we do (22:38) is get stuck on, what is my purpose? I have to find my purpose. There's got to be a purpose (22:46) and it is really telling when you can learn so much about yourself.You can learn that some of (22:53) your purpose is to find balance, to work less, to find ease. And when you start understanding (23:03) the multi-dimensional nature of your soul, that your soul has had millions, millions of years, (23:13) it allows you to see this lifetime as one stroke of the brush. Just one stroke of the brush or maybe, (23:22) maybe, okay, here we go.If our soul is a Bob Ross painting, then you get to choose three colors and (23:35) come paint one happy little tree. And so you can decide if you're going to like smudge all brown (23:42) or if you're going to make it green in spring or if you're going to use the white. But with three (23:48) colors you could mix it a thousand different ways.But you chose a tree and you chose a palette and (23:56) then you get to come here and paint it. But I'm saying in the grand scheme of your entire painting, (24:04) and his always had like four billion trees in the backdrop, you're just painting one tree. (24:10) So we get really caught up on our purpose having to be so big and monumental and changing the world.(24:20) And you can change the world by living in alignment and your alignment may just be (24:27) finding ease. And so as you discover more and more about yourself, (24:33) um, it is just really transformational in giving yourself permission to do less. (24:42) Maybe giving yourself permission to be bold or big.I know that I have had times of (24:51) maybe making the wrong choice and impacting others, which makes me hesitant to speak out. (25:00) And I'm working through that. Or I have had times where I have abused my gifts and now I'm (25:10) challenged to to serve others but to do it with my name.To use my name, my face, my voice and say (25:19) I can I can use these for good. And so there's no punishment. You're not gonna uncover something (25:26) that was any more than a learning opportunity in a different way than you're learning now.(25:33) But it might say like I am challenged now to be bold. Now bold looks different for everybody. (25:44) But I know I must be bold.So that is one of the affirmations that I have to tell myself. (25:51) I am bold. I live generously.I live in service for others. Those are things I'm I'm here to do (25:58) and to be. I also know that I am here to listen deeply.Now don't you think it was pretty strategic (26:08) to be hearing impaired and have to come in and listen deeply? Now if I came in and had supersonic (26:15) hearing that would not that would not be playing into the hands of really having to (26:23) concentrate to hear people. Now it has taken me 43 years before I stopped running my mouth long (26:31) enough to listen but I think I'm getting there. But it's just really important when you stop (26:39) judging what your mission is, what your purpose is, what your past is.It allows you to really (26:46) see what you're doing now from a hugely different vantage point to really zoom out and understand (26:58) how how the tapestry is being woven with this one string that you're with. And I'm I'm very (27:08) much a knowledges power. I'm I'm thinking right now of a plant and I'm not I don't have a green (27:17) thumb.And if you hand me a plant, oh god bless the plant, I'm gonna talk to it and I'm gonna (27:26) tell it good things. But what I need is more information. How much light does it need? How (27:33) much water does it need? What kind of temperature does it need? If you tell me only light okay fine (27:41) I'm gonna do my best.But if you the more components you have the more chances that the plant has to (27:51) really flourish and shine. If you give me a plant and it's meant to flower in the fall (28:01) but I'm sitting here so mad because it's not flowering in February, it doesn't work out. And (28:08) so as we just find these different components that tell us more and more about ourselves, (28:18) it just helps you understand the full picture.The full essence of who you are and in your (28:28) understanding of who you are, you can truly appreciate everybody else. So that was a long (28:37) episode to tell you what's coming. So I hope you subscribe.I hope you know we've got some great (28:42) guests coming up to help you find out more about you. Thanks for keeping connected with me. Thank (28:49) you for listening.Thanks for sharing with others. Have a great week.