Fitness Freedom

Revealing the Surprising Connection between YOUR Health & The Earth's Vitality with Lorenza Zebell

Michelle Rosko

Lorenza Zebell is the Program Director at a local nonprofit Sustain Dane. Sustain Dane is the sustainability organization of Dane County and Madison, Wisconsin.

This was such a fun conversation that you don't want to miss! 

Here’s what we cover:

  • Why you should be concerned about sustainability, & how it's not a big, scary thing
  • Small choices you can make to make a BIG difference to your health AND help the Earth
  • How your food & movement choices affect sustainability
  • How to make positive change with your health & sustainability without guilt, shame, or pressure
  • The surprising biggest marker of health, & how you can incorporate it in your life
  • PLUS so much more! 

Check out Sustain Dane to find more information:

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