Keep the Republic

USA/ Tom Munds

May 06, 2023 Dr. Daniel Bobinski

Tom Munds is an area coordinator for the John Birch Society. Munds joins Daniel Bobinski to discuss how the globalist push is persistent, and it is not leaving Idaho out of its target. Bobinski says Bill Gates is like a giddy little kid who can’t keep secrets, and those who hear his predictions should realize he’s tipping his hand on what has already been planned for the country. The World Economic Forum and the agenda of those running that organization have made clear their plans. Infiltration has occurred in school districts and even state legislatures. 

“The government is kind of like a child,” Munds says. “If the child is not disciplined along the way and kept in check to become a good person, it becomes completely unruly. And then what happens, over time, once they age, there’s a point in time where their unruliness cannot be reversed.”  He goes on to say that we must be vigilant because even those who run as liberty candidates can pass laws that are clearly unconstitutional. 

Munds also points out how the plans of Alfred Kinsey, Horace Mann, and John Dewey sought to shift the country’s thinking about children, and how disrupting the American family will lead to the disintegration of America. Bobinski points out how peer pressure in school will wear down even the most ardent Christian student and shift their thinking.