School of Sales by The Salesgirls
The School of Sales by The Salesgirls® podcast drops new juice every week, providing tangible takeaways to level up your sales, communication and leadership skills. Co-CEO's, Macy McNeely and Kathryn Shubert, answer your questions centered around personal growth, entrepreneurship and all things sales. They deliver quick wins every week with a mixture of inspiration and motivation. At School of Sales byThe Salesgirls®, we are passionate about making sales cool again and helping you reach your full potential in all parts of life. Sit back and enjoy the juice 🍋
School of Sales by The Salesgirls
Playing It Small Is a Sin: Embrace Your Bold Vision with Judy Weber
In this episode of the School of Sales, we welcome Judy Weber, an entrepreneur and advocate for Christian women in business. Judy shares her inspiring journey from humble beginnings to becoming a successful lawyer and entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of stepping boldly into your God-given purpose. She challenges the notion that playing small is acceptable, declaring that burying your talents is not just a missed opportunity but a sin. Judy urges listeners to embrace their gifts, overcome fears of being perceived as greedy or selfish, and transform their mindset to become bold visionary leaders. Tune in for valuable insights on making bold offers and creating a supportive environment for women to thrive in business.
About Judy:
Judy Weber, Esq., is a Business Coach and Scaling Strategist dedicated to empowering Christian women in business. With a background as a trial attorney and c-suite executive, she has developed proprietary growth methodologies that have helped hundreds of service-based business owners build successful businesses with simplicity and joy. Judy's goal is to help 1,000 women earn their first $100K and 100 women scale to seven figures by 2027. Her clients have seen impressive results, including quadrupling revenues and high conversion rates, through her Simply Profitable business model. As the founder and host of the globally-ranked Joyful Business Podcast, Judy inspires women to boldly live their faith in business and achieve the "impossible."
Contact Judy:
- 📸 Instagram: @judyweberco
- 💼 LinkedIn: Judy Weber
- 👥 Facebook: Judy Weber
- 🌐 Website: www.judyweber.co
- 🎙 Podcast: Joyful Business Podcast
- 🚀 Challenge: Make Bold Offers Challenge
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Have you ever felt like it is selfish to be in the spotlight? Like if you step out into your actual God -given purpose, then you're greedy or you're making it about you.
Well, today we have Judy Weber on this episode,
and she is going to talk about, wait for it, why playing small is actually a sin and how you can boldly step into your God -given purpose.
Judy, welcome to the Salesgirl stage.
Thank you.
We're so happy to have you. So Judy is actually one of our clients, and background of how in the world did Judy get into entrepreneurship?
What is all the history that you have? It's a long, it's a long, windy road of decades. But this, this girl you're looking at right here came from very humble beginnings,
but I knew at an early age that God had a big plan for me. And through being the first one to go to college, the first one to go to law school, the first one to be an entrepreneur.
And we've talked so you know all the windy roads between now the law,
getting in front of judges and juries, to going into corporate as a head of HR and general counsel, and all of that comes together to build a business that makes money and has an impact and changes lives.
Okay, that's some serious history right there. You went into sales before you went to college? Sales as soon as I came out. It's an interesting thing.
I went to school for music education, graduated third in the entire class, no music teacher jobs on the entire East Coast. They said, go West. I said, no, no,
love you color girls, but I'm an East Coast girl. So kind of in a desperation, I started at Macy's, and it was commission. And I was so good. I was promoted to manager in six months.
And then from there, I went to outside sales. Wow. I really like that. I think that this is some wisdom that you could share with someone else. Like out of desperation, I was in sales during commission.
And that's why sometimes people think salespeople are like bottom feeders because it's like, well, like good luck. Go make that money because we're not paying you otherwise. That's right. It was so good. But you did it. Yeah.
And I was excited about it. I mean, I was in Macy's at the better women's clothing department and you know they said okay try to sell this much per day because of the percentage i forget to make i don't know three 400 dollars a day and i remember like it was so easy the first couple of days and then and then after a while when people were saying how are you doing this and i was like i don't know how am i
doing it really it was because i was listening to the ladies when i'd say what are you shopping for what occasion are you shopping for it wasn't just how can i help you because then they turn and run so i think there was a little bit of innate like curiosity cool and Oh,
is just insane roots that I know so much of your work today is being built on. And I also know, I know a couple lawyers, and I know that they are bold for sure.
And I can imagine, even just being a woman in law and like having already be bold in the job, but much less being bold as a woman in the job, like there's all kinds of stuff you've experienced,
I'm sure that has led you to this process of helping women be bold in their, And I thought,
I will never, ever not say a gut instinct again. Because even if I was wrong, I just want to be hurt. So for anyone out there listening, whether you're in business or you're in corporate and you haven't yet made the switch,
you know, to go out in business for your own, you really, boldness. It's just, you won't be successful at anything without being bold. Wow. So let's talk about, let's go into this, like, Christian woman niche,
because that's who you help. And these women like, gave another three and gave another one and went away for a time when he came back he you know said okay well tell me let let's settle the accounts the one with five came back with five but i want to go back on something scripture says as soon as he was given the five he moved fast he it said he i forget exactly the words but he he he moved quickly and he then
he traded it was very quick wow he wasn't just sitting there yeah isn't that funny like the one given the one talent,
buried it. And he said, I knew you to be tough, he said to the master. And I knew that you reaped where you did not sew. So out of fear,
any action you take out of fear is going to not lead you to a good place. Out of fear, I buried it. And the reaction for the master was, get away from me, you wicked, slothful,
lazy servant. It's like, if I bury my talent, if I place. I look at that scripture to say that's a sin.
That's not just a not good thing. That's a sin. Wow. That's powerful. Is there, um, have you seen a,
like a story in your clients maybe who are like, wow, I don't want to play small anymore and they turn into a bold visionary leader. Do you have any stories about people? I do. I just want to tie back that with one more thing to solidify that it's a sin.
Not only did he, the master, call. is someone who thinks very differently about time and approaches time as a stewardship thing and a heart thing rather than a time -blocking calendar thing.
It is a heart issue, not a 24 hours and a day isn't enough kind of thing. But she was timid in how to really speak about that and how to really be bold even in the offer because her other people that she listened to said low ticket is better just until you get started like so if anybody out there is newer please do not go that route that is not good if you have something of value then you have got to value it
appropriately for the transformation that's being done so um you know does that does that help to solidify give it give a picture yeah i mean the but the thing is like when someone really believes like i am sending and they want to do differently,
right? They want to because of the way she flips my mind on how to even look at time.
So, and what I say to them is, look, you know, marketing is provocative. You've got to say something that it's shocking or memorable or something they've never heard before. You've got to turn convention on its head.
Yeah, it's interesting. I think sometimes people think about bold. They think about being louder. And actually, I think everyone's loud you know what I mean like that's not special anymore because I love to just be loud and to be seen and go viral what is bold is deciding what you believe in standing firm yes I'm in and that's the that's the corner of the internet or you didn't say the internet corner of the market
that it's like there's time coaches but like I actually take this stance on time and there's going to people that say that's not right that's not true I have all this evidence and you're like that's fine this is this is like what I stand on and that is understand your business.
You know, we all have frameworks and things, but we can be most helpful to our clients by actually providing individualized support. I take a firm stand on that so that if someone,
if I see someone and I might kind of audit their social, for example, or audit their emails or whatever the case, and I'm like, you know what? I see a lot of qualifying language here. I feel like you're not sure.
And so if you're not sure in putting out your message, your audience isn't going to be sure what you stand for. and and leave transform on it.
Yeah. So good. I'm being all in. Absolutely. So good. So good. So when you think about like coaching these women, can you talk to the woman,
the Christian woman, who their worst nightmare is coming off greedy or selfish, especially as it comes to making money in the marketplace?
What do you say to her? in love But in the way of money,
if they have like money hangups and that is stopping them from putting their message out, well, then let's face facts here. You could have the most beautiful offer, but there's nobody going to be helped by it because you're saying,
oh, I can't be too loud. I can't stand out. Oh, I couldn't pitch myself on that podcast or I couldn't write that provocative statement. But that's really, again, that goes back to playing small where it's like,
okay, are you really burying all the goods that God gave you, your education, your experience, both personally and professionally. So you really have to, like, steward and use all of the good,
the bad, and the ugly of your life and experience in order to be able to stand up and say, I can help you and do it in a way that by standing up,
I'm like not really spotlighting it on me. I'm just the messenger of the message, but I will stand. that you gave two free scholarships and they they're the only ones who never opened the portal I have the exact same experience I gave away five in my first two years of business and I didn't quite get that one or two open one or two but they never showed up for the weekly lives and I would venture to say none of
them are doing business I never see them online so so again it's like it's like giving it away for free and I and this was something for me I'm like really they won't open it up but it's true and you think well I will would you because when you pay to be in a space then you're all in that is when you show your commitment and a lot of people say I want this but when you take action on it that's when you will
be all in and that is when you will show up so for them to actually pay that is where the transformation in them begins. And so when we rob them of that moment,
then we rob them of the beginning of their transformation. And nine times out of ten or more, they're going to stay stuck exactly where they are. Wow. So you're saying that exchanging that money is what changes them into the person that they were meant to be.
It's actually the first step. Yes, that change is the beginning of their change. Absolutely. Very good. What is your dream for Christian women in the marketplace? My dream is that the marketplace is full of Christian women and that we together as visionary leaders rewrite what it means to be a Christian woman in business.
There's some confusion about business versus ministry. My business is a part of my ministry, but make no mistake, it is a business. And I don't apologize for that for the reasons we've talked about.
So my vision is that more and more Christian women step up in faith, pursuing the impossible that is possible through Christ, and stop it with the excuses and really dive in to what scripture really says,
because there's a lot of misinterpretation and misunderstanding out there. And that's one of my more missions. I really need to preach, be the messenger for God.
He told me years and years ago, Jude, you are the one to lead my daughters to step up. That's huge. So good. Wow. Judy,
I think it's really cool. The seed that was placed in your heart. Like, you're going to leave my daughters. You know, I think it's something worth talking about,
like... comes up and an incubator is an environment a safe protective haven and we have them all around nature right in our own bellies is an incubator for our babies you know caterpillar in the cocoos right right so many different examples and so I have these incubators for women to come together in a safe place to learn how to step into their boldness.
that the stories we've heard about forever they were bold esther was bold was she afraid yes but she was courageous and she chose to take a step and so my environments are just that where it's like we boldly stand on god's word we boldly pursue the impossible we boldly leverage and steward well these gifts and talents because we want at the end of the day for god to say well done good and faithful servant right
Right? That's the goal. So good. So good. And I love it because I know that you've like specifically crafted your incubator for women to come and really experience that safe haven. And that's huge.
Like the thing about like transformations is every like version of a transformation requires a little bit of a different element of an incubator, right? A different element of a container. I told Judy the story today about how there was a newsletter that I heard Alex Formosu talked about that did $500 ,000 a month.
but tighten these different screws,
right, so that everything is where to be for you as the business owner and you as the expert and for your people so that then when all the screws are in the right place, your rocket takes off. Incredibly valuable.
So good. I love it so much. Wow. So, Judy, tell everyone where they can join just your, any incubator, any environment that you offer so they can experience really what it looks like to make bold offers all right well i have the make bold offers challenge looking there and it's it comes up periodically and inside them we really go go deep on what it means to be bold and what it means to make offers and that's a
whole i could talk for another hour or two on what that is um but i would you know do want me to tell you the URL for that or are we going to okay so it's judyweber dot co slash make bold offers okay is a great place to really go deep in the city experience,
a wealth of knowledge, a wealth of wisdom, and we're thankful, and I know your students are thankful, that you've chosen to take that, package it, to make bold offers yourself. 100%.
Well, thank you both, Macy and Kat. You're amazing. It's an honor to be, to be your client.