The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey

Season 1 - Episode 5 | Does Dimma have an anger problem, booing Buddy, can Vossy coach, will Pendles make 400 games and Duck's pre-game mix-tape!

May 08, 2023 Wayne Carey Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 - Episode 5 | Does Dimma have an anger problem, booing Buddy, can Vossy coach, will Pendles make 400 games and Duck's pre-game mix-tape!
The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey
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The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey
Season 1 - Episode 5 | Does Dimma have an anger problem, booing Buddy, can Vossy coach, will Pendles make 400 games and Duck's pre-game mix-tape!
May 08, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Wayne Carey

Join Wayne Carey and Ayrton Woolley as they jump into episode 5 of the show.

Hear Wayne talk about almost getting lost in the country, Dimma's anger management problem and can Vossy actually coach?

Ayrton and Wayne discuss booing Buddy and players in general, whether Pendles can make 400 games and Duck's ultimate pre-game mix-tape

Chapter markers:


Wayne Almost gets lost in the forest


Ayrton gets romantic


Booing Buddy


Does Dimma have an anger problem?


Can Vossy coach? Duck says Carlton will miss finals in 2023


Is Duck moving to Tassie?


Matty Rowell eating grass


Ducks pre-game mix-tape


Can Pendles play 400 games?


Captain Morgan dilemma


Ducks firepower investment

produced by TorchT Productions -

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Join Wayne Carey and Ayrton Woolley as they jump into episode 5 of the show.

Hear Wayne talk about almost getting lost in the country, Dimma's anger management problem and can Vossy actually coach?

Ayrton and Wayne discuss booing Buddy and players in general, whether Pendles can make 400 games and Duck's ultimate pre-game mix-tape

Chapter markers:


Wayne Almost gets lost in the forest


Ayrton gets romantic


Booing Buddy


Does Dimma have an anger problem?


Can Vossy coach? Duck says Carlton will miss finals in 2023


Is Duck moving to Tassie?


Matty Rowell eating grass


Ducks pre-game mix-tape


Can Pendles play 400 games?


Captain Morgan dilemma


Ducks firepower investment

produced by TorchT Productions -

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[00:00:00] Wayne: I'm Wayne Carey, and this is The Truth Hurts. 

[00:00:06] Ayrton: Well, Wayne, good to see you again. Almost, uh, almost didn't make it in this morning, I believe. 

[00:00:10] Wayne: Planned an event for weekend, and I'll tell you what, whatever you do, don't listen to maps. Have you ever had any trouble with maps, or the pin drop, or what do they call it?

[00:00:20] Wayne: Yeah, when you drop a pin for a mate or something like that. Yeah, we'll drop a pin. So I've got to drop the pin on maps. And I was going to the, uh, Lexton Footy Club, which is, uh, about half an hour from Ballarat. So I got up to Ballarat early, mate dropped me the, the, the pin, whatever you meant, whatever you call it.

[00:00:36] Wayne: I put it in. I ended up in the Enfield National Park. Can you believe it? That sounds ominous. In the middle of nowhere, right as it's getting dark, there's mud everywhere. I thought, if I get bogged, I'm not going to get there. So I was, I was going to arrive at about quarter to six, didn't get there until quarter past seven.

[00:00:55] Wayne: So nearly didn't get there. And I must say, if I'd got bogged there, who [00:01:00] knows where I you were off road. Had no reception, no reception, little mud tracks going everywhere through this National You went off the sealed road that you were... Well, I did. I did think to myself, I thought, you know, who would, who would have a footy ground in here?

[00:01:13] Wayne: And I tell you what, you wouldn't want to be the opposition coming to play this team because you would, you definitely wouldn't have the win. It was, yeah. And anyway, I went, I went too far into the forest for starters before I turned around, but I'm just glad if I hadn't got reception. I would be, I reckon I'd be still in the forest.

[00:01:29] Wayne: Some people might be happy about that. But, uh, I tell you what, I eventually got there and they were a great footy club. So I had a, had a really good night, successful night. So everyone had fun in the end, but didn't finish up until late because I got there so late. 

[00:01:41] Ayrton: Well, sounds like a good night still that you had.

[00:01:43] Ayrton: A big night too for one of my mates on the weekend, Wayne. Um, his name's Darren, bit of a character down in Tassie, you'd like me to say that. He kicked a hundred goals in a season actually, you always tell them blokes about that. But he, um, Uh, a milestone in his life on the weekend I wanted to ask you about, he proposed to his partner, uh, it was her [00:02:00] 30th...

[00:02:01] Ayrton: birthday party. So, you know, they had all their friends there. He was giving his speech and then he dropped in at the end. He dropped down to one knee and said, uh, Lauren, will you, will you marry me now? I'm not one very romantic, not one for, um, you know, this sort of public sort of romance, anything 

[00:02:18] Wayne: in public, you don't look like the romantic type.

[00:02:21] Ayrton: That's probably fair. Uh, Interesting to do it in public though. Would you, how did you, how did you propose? Yeah, I mean, how many times 

[00:02:28] Wayne: have you? Well, how many times have I, I've only been married once, by the way. And Sally, I'll never forget it. Akita restaurant, Japanese restaurant, um, in North Melbourne, had it all planned out, um, had a plan that made sure that back room was.

[00:02:43] Wayne: Basically empty when I did it, got there and then, um, and then, uh, yeah, didn't have the courage to go through with it, so I got right through the, so where was the, where was the ring at the stage? It was in my pocket, but I, I chickened out and then when I got home, then [00:03:00] when I got home, I, then I did it at home.

[00:03:02] Wayne: So I completely chickened out at the restaurant. Did she know something 

[00:03:05] Ayrton: was up afterwards or 

[00:03:06] Wayne: Sally's? Probably thinking, or probably thinks now, I wish you'd chickened out all together. But no, we still laugh about it today, about me being a big chicken. But yeah, why bringing up all these romantic, uh, sort of stories, by the way?

[00:03:23] Wayne: Oh, I'm just, 

[00:03:24] Ayrton: you know, I'd like to see your softer side and see whether you've got that to your 

[00:03:27] Wayne: game. Well, um, no, I'm a little bit of a romantic. I like rom coms. Yeah. I like watching rom coms. You have said that to me. Yeah. I like sitting up watching them. Which ones in particular? Oh, I like everything. I like all the, all the, yeah, rom coms.

[00:03:39] Wayne: Tear up as well. Deary me. 

[00:03:42] Ayrton: Uh, wouldn't have been tearing up at the football over the weekend. North Melbourne, we're pretty poor, but we're not going to talk about the ruse. It's just too hard to talk about for you. The big one, the big talking point of the weekend was, was buddy, the Sydney Collingwood game.

[00:03:55] Ayrton: Uh, I wasn't expecting the reaction that we've had since [00:04:00] then, so he was booed by the Collingwood supporters, mainly in the last quarter, once the game was, was over, uh, and John Longmire put it on the agenda as an issue post game. Oh, they would, why would they, why would they 

[00:04:11] Wayne: boo him? Why would you boo him?

[00:04:12] Wayne: You'd probably celebrate a 36 year old, wouldn't you, that's been a champion of the game? Why would you, it's been 10 years since we've played Collingwood here, why would you be one of the champions of the game? 

[00:04:25] Ayrton: It doesn't make sense to me. So since then there's been more commentary about it, Nathan Buckley's added to it saying you know, at worst it's ignorance and bigotry.

[00:04:34] Ayrton: What's your reaction 

[00:04:35] Wayne: to that? I think the commentary, I think Horace has obviously highlighted it. And I get it, and coaches are so protective of the player, so I understand why, but I think now highlighting it just makes it a bigger issue. And Bucks, I'm not sure what Bucks is talking about, because every time I played against Collingwood I got booed for 10 years, and I think it's a badge of honour.

[00:04:55] Wayne: I mean, like you said, it was more in the last quarter when the game was over so Collingwood know they're [00:05:00] going to win. He's a champion of the game and the reason why Collingwood supporters are booing him is because he has been a champion of the game. He's a superstar and, and should you do it, you know, look, I'm not a booer.

[00:05:11] Wayne: I'm not into booing. I don't understand why people do boo, but they have the right, they pay the money, they come in, they want to, they want to, I just think that the overreaction is the commentary now around it. Like I said, I was booed. In actual fact, the Collingwood supporters used to cheer Kerry's a wanker.

[00:05:27] Wayne: Now, they're probably right, but, but that, I got that every time you played against Collingwood, so you always knew that you were going to be booed and, And, um, and called names when, when you played against Collingwood, Richmond supporters would boo as well. Um, the bigger clubs, big support, big supporter bases.

[00:05:46] Wayne: And if anything, it, it spurs you on. I remember being booed, uh, when I was playing and, and I, like I said, I took it as a badge of honor. Um, and it, it made me want to. Um, win even [00:06:00] more if, if you, if that was possible, 

[00:06:02] Ayrton: the sensitivity around this, I think comes from what happened to Adam goods towards the end of his career, obviously a proud indigenous and that's completely, and that's completely felt like it had an edge to it.

[00:06:11] Ayrton: The Adam good stuff to me anyway, this is my, I think that had a real edge to the booing of Adam goods in the end. This, to me, just felt like it was a group of supporters who were winning and they just wanted to boo someone. It felt different. I don't know. I don't know if that felt different. Oh, look, 

[00:06:24] Wayne: but no doubt.

[00:06:25] Wayne: I mean, Buddy hasn't been, it's not a, it's not a continuous thing on the week. Like I think the fact that, let's not forget Sydney knocked him out of a preliminary final. And all of a sudden now they're on top late in the quarter, champion of the game. Um, and, and Buddy plays, Buddy plays the game in a fashion, you know, he's, he's a physical type player.

[00:06:44] Wayne: So I have no doubt. Saw a couple of incidents where he went in and went in pretty hard. And, you know, I think, I don't think there's anything to it. I don't know why. Um, people are talking about it, that it's some sort of issue like, like what the, the superstars of the [00:07:00] game are not allowed to be booed.

[00:07:01] Wayne: Which brings me to a little bit of commentary again around Nick Dacos, um, again around how the Sydney Swans handled him and, you know, they gave him a little bit of a niggle. Can't mind, what if, wasn't exact, I mean, uh, uh. Let's be honest, not really comparable to the eighties or nineties, and nor, and nor should it be, but it wasn't exactly, it wasn't overly intimidating.

[00:07:25] Wayne: I wouldn't have thought, I'll tell you what, he handled it very well. Didn't have the influence that he has had over the last four or five weeks, but still made a contribution. And as, and the fact that they're putting so much time into him. at freed one of his teammates up a few of his teammates got a little bit more space at certain stoppages because he came up so it was it was an advantage in the end for Collingwood but in terms of everyone thinking that the intimidation and that went a little bit too far i mean that's rhubarb 

[00:07:51] Ayrton: i tend to agree with you there Damien Hardwick uh has been in the news in the past week Richmond not going uh as he would have liked of course they won the game against West Coast on [00:08:00] the weekend was leading into the game He, he made some comments about say it to my face in terms of his future.

[00:08:05] Ayrton: He's also got locked in this blue over Tim Taranto. What have you made of Damien Hardwick and his sort of media 

[00:08:11] Wayne: persona recently? Very competitive, wasn't it? When he said, you know, say it to my face, like, like he was going to, uh, you know. If, if someone did, like there was going to be some sort of physical altercation.

[00:08:21] Wayne: That's that, you know, say it to my face. Um, he's had an interesting few years, a couple of years for mind demo. We know that he's a three time premiership coach and you know, he was right on the verge of being sacked and then he's become, and when that was going on, as you can imagine, he was a very humble, um, I thought the way he handled himself.

[00:08:41] Wayne: Uh, right through that, that turmoil, if you want to call it, right before they re signed him, before he's won these three flags, I, I was a massive Dimmer fan. You win three flags, and I'm sorry, but I've seen the change in him. Just the comments and How do you mean? Well, I, I just think he, I think he can be a bit of a [00:09:00] smart aleck towards, um, reporters that ask him certain questions, he, he obviously talked about how much, you know, they hated Marvel Stadium.

[00:09:07] Wayne: He's just made some weird comments. And I think that comes off the back of winning three flags. There's no doubt about that. I put my hand up and say that, you know, in the prime of my footy career, I probably thought I was better than what I was and got carried away with myself. And I reckon Dimmer has had a period where he's got, he's got a little bit carried away with himself in terms of the way he's handled the media.

[00:09:28] Wayne: That's interesting. Alistair Clarkson's done the same thing. Because we want to hear 

[00:09:32] Ayrton: what these. Um, coaches and, and players 

[00:09:35] Wayne: think, what is, um, what is amazing is it's, it's the guys that have had success that end up like that. Mick Malthouse will admit that, and let's be honest, Mick, uh, Mick might've been, Mick might've been harsh on the media right from the word go, but certainly, you know, winning flags that, you know, he, he, he, Reporters went into, uh, press conferences scared of, I remember 

[00:09:57] Ayrton: my first media conference with, with Mick.

[00:09:59] Ayrton: It was in the [00:10:00] boardroom at Collingwood. I would have been, you know, 21 pretty early days in the media and you, you ask a question of Mick and he, and he hadn't seen you, he hadn't seen you around before and he challenges you. But once you, once you answer back and he can tell that you know what you're talking about, then he, then he would 

[00:10:16] Wayne: move on.

[00:10:17] Wayne: And that's the biggest thing with the coaches. They don't want to be asked, you know, silly questions. They want questions that actually make sense. And I guess reflect how the game was played or how a particular player played. And sometimes they don't get those questions exactly right. But I just feel, and by the way, I love Mick Malthouse, and I love the way he's very entertaining.

[00:10:37] Wayne: I think he does a great job in the media now. But yeah, Dimmer, you can just see now though, it's just... You know, he's just tapering off. He's a little bit more humble this year because obviously the Tigers are not where people thought they would be. I love the fact, by the way, that he defends his players.

[00:10:52] Wayne: I'm not, there's no question, it's, it's the man, the manner in which he defends. Say it to my face. And by the way, I played against [00:11:00] Dimmer. Come on, Dimmer, not even that tough. Like, I mean. He was part of the toughest backline You didn't like that S in the back line. Dimmer. Couldn't squash a grape with a long handed shovel, Dimmer.

[00:11:13] Wayne: Come on. I had Dean Wallace backing him up. I reckon, I know, and it was directed at, um, uh, Corns, Cornsy, and I reckon Cornsy would probably take Dimmer anyway. Give him a seat. Well, actually, Cornsy's got to run around in the shower to get wet. He's that scrawny. 

[00:11:30] Ayrton: We've got some other coaches under the microscope.

[00:11:32] Ayrton: Carlton has been a big talking point for a few weeks now and we have spoken about the Blues. There's been a lot of discussion about their method. We know they've got a level of talent. We're talking about now their method and the way they've been moving the ball. I think people have been tiptoeing around this as an issue because of who their coach is, a champion of the game in Michael Voss.

[00:11:53] Ayrton: Are we sure Michael Voss can coach? That's the question I've got for you. I know it's a provocative question. 

[00:11:59] Wayne: No, I [00:12:00] still think it is a question mark. I don't, I don't think that, I don't think anyone that talks about footy would, would have that question. Is he, is he going to be a great coach? Is he already a good coach?

[00:12:11] Wayne: Was he a good coach before he left Brisbane? He obviously then gone to Port Adelaide, done a massive apprenticeship under Ken Hinckley. I just missed the finals. Obviously last year, we all believe that they've got the list to play finals footy and everyone had, this is the year. I don't know whether you've looked at their next.

[00:12:29] Wayne: Four or five games. Yeah, it's tough. Oh, it's as tough It's as tough of four or five weeks out of any any team So we're gonna find out very very quickly whether the Blues I think you can almost put a line through the Blues now I don't think they'll I don't think they'll play for us footy this year if you look at their draw 

[00:12:46] Ayrton: So the next four Western Bulldogs, we've got this weekend.

[00:12:49] Ayrton: We're not we on Saturday night They've got Collingwood then they have they got following they got Sydney in Sydney And then they've got Melbourne. 

[00:12:59] Wayne: [00:13:00] So yeah, that's, that's as tough as it gets. The question 

[00:13:02] Ayrton: I've got for you is because I flirted with Ross Lyon and you see what Ross is doing with St Kilda.

[00:13:07] Ayrton: I've got huge number of injuries this year. They're only starting to get some guys back. You'd say on from the outside that Carlton had a. Has a superior list. Yeah. Then 

[00:13:17] Wayne: no, no doubt about that. I think anyone that anyone that analyzes list, you would look, look both lists and said, Carlton way ahead of St.

[00:13:25] Wayne: Kilda. And you look at the results at both teams. So 

[00:13:27] Ayrton: do you think the results would be different if Ross line 

[00:13:28] Wayne: was coaching? Yes, I do. I, I, I rate Ross Lyon as high as I do any of the coaches in the competition. He's been up in grand finals in time on, okay. He hasn't got the ultimate prize, but he's a super coach and he gets a reaction straight away.

[00:13:43] Wayne: And we've seen that with, with all the sides, um, that he coach coaches. And it's, it's about effort. I'm not saying that Carlton, they're, they're doing a lot, a lot of things right. But boy, I mean, and let's, let's really. Let's really nail this down. We, [00:14:00] every, I reckon about every scribe in the country said, can't more play finals this year.

[00:14:04] Wayne: Not too many thought that they would miss, and they were, they're going to miss. So there are massive question marks around this football club and unfortunately a champion of the game and Michael Voss who I Absolutely love and loved as a player love one of the greatest captains. I think the game has ever seen but Unfortunately this next four or five weeks is going to tell us a lot about Michael Voss and also about the Carlton footy club 

[00:14:30] Ayrton: They are gonna continue to be a big talking point.

[00:14:32] Ayrton: Uh, another one, it was on your agenda. You've, you've put this on the agenda, this one 

[00:14:36] Wayne: involving well, well, Tasmania and, and didn't we get that right? I mean, I, I stuck up for Tassie. A few people were saying, oh, you know, they shouldn't. I, I, like I said, I love the projects. Thanks. I appreciate that. By the way, I'm gonna be in Tassie in a few weeks.

[00:14:48] Wayne: I'm going down there for my birthday. I'm just going down there for a. Uh, what, like a getaway or, uh, no, well, a little bit of both, a little bit of a getaway, a little bit of work. Um, and I'll be definitely, um, [00:15:00] tucking into a lot of their produce down there. Cause as I said, it's a great spot, but what I'm bemused about is the fact that everyone's talking about now, who's going to be the coach.

[00:15:09] Wayne: I mean, how many years away is it? 

[00:15:12] Ayrton: Five to the end of the comp, but they'll probably 

[00:15:13] Wayne: try and get a coach early. Yeah. They'll get a coach earlier than that. So, and everyone's saying the perfect fit. It's Nathan Buckley, and once again, Bucks, ripping, ripping guy. I think he's doing a great job in the media, by the way.

[00:15:25] Wayne: Really good job. I love, I think he articulates himself as well as anyone, but let's be honest. Look what Collingwood's doing now that Bucks isn't there. All of a sudden, what? Bucks is the best option to coach Tasmania when, when. I don't think he really did all that well with Collingwood. I know it. I know in one final, I know in one year, they had one great year under Bucks.

[00:15:46] Wayne: And then you would say that there'd been a lot of other years that he coached that weren't up to where they thought they should be. And I think McCray is now showing. the whole footy world that if 

[00:15:57] Ayrton: you're very different styles don't they both in the way [00:16:00] they they did with their their players but also with their game plans 

[00:16:03] Wayne: as well okay so one's winning a lot and the other one was losing so so what if you're if you if you do that then what step out of the game for four or five years and then what sign you up for tazzy i mean that'd be a massive backward step i would have thought for tazzy tazzy's got to get a coach and might be someone that um has already coached but i'm not sure nathan buckley's the right option given what he did at collingwood Big, 

[00:16:26] Ayrton: big call.

[00:16:27] Ayrton: Uh, some interesting scenes in the Gold Coast game on the weekend pre game. Matty Rowell, I saw some 

[00:16:31] Wayne: vision. I reckon blokes just do this. He was eating grass. What, what is he, a horse? 

[00:16:38] Ayrton: He was rubbing his hands together, grabbing a bit of grass, sniffing it, and then he ate, then he ate a bit. It's obviously part of his ritual.

[00:16:44] Ayrton: I'd love to hear him explain 

[00:16:45] Wayne: it. I haven't seen him eat grass before. I know that he collects footies and he's, yeah, he's a bit different like that. He's a little bit different. Did you have any superstitions at all? He's a student of the game. Um, no, not. No, not really. I used to listen, yeah, listen to the [00:17:00] same song, you know, Billy Joel, Uptown Girl.

[00:17:02] Wayne: What? You've been serious? Eye of the Tiger. No, I'd mix it up. What were you, shadowboxing in the room? Like I said, sometimes a bit of softer music and sometimes a little bit of What was the theory behind that? Music. No theory, but I, but I remember Nick, well, Nick Riewoldt, he used to come out and run around the ground and he'd run about four k's before the game started.

[00:17:24] Wayne: I reckon that was all about. Look at me, look at me. And I reckon, I don't know, I reckon Rowley might be eating the grass just to get a little bit of camera time. But why else would you eat grass before, and, and sit there and. Yeah. I'm sure you'll be asked to explain it in the coming weeks. It's called, it's called, uh, it's called wanting some attention.

[00:17:44] Wayne: That's what it's called. Well, 

[00:17:45] Ayrton: speaking of attention now, I didn't want this in the rundown, this, this topic. You, you're, you've, you've bashed a few people already today, but you said, no, this has to be in the rundown and we're talking umpires now. Now, [00:18:00] 

[00:18:00] Wayne: I did not say I'd had to be in the rundown, we don't have a rundown, we're just off the cuff.

[00:18:05] Wayne: But I will say congratulations to Simon Meredith. Oh congratulations now. Simon Meredith, 458. It's a huge effort, no, fantastic. Well, that's an unbelievable effort. You're given how much. The umpires run. They run as much as, um, any, any player does on any given, I know it's a little bit less now that there's four umpires on the ground, but that's an almighty effort.

[00:18:26] Wayne: And the only person that's come close to him is Boomer Harvey. And let's be honest, they both play a very similar game. Well, neither of them, you know, explain it, explain it to get, to get well over 400 games. It's you can't be playing a, are you saying Bruce free? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. I'm saying, yeah, well, an umpire is not getting knocked around and Boomer never got knocked around and that's why he played over 400 and how many 20 odd games.

[00:18:55] Ayrton: What would Boomer 

[00:18:56] think 

[00:18:56] Wayne: of that comment? I think it's, let's be honest, Boomer [00:19:00] didn't play like, um, Glenn Archer, did he? No, no. Even though Archer still played over 300 games, but he wasn't a Glenn Archer or a Paddy Dangerfield or a Joel Selwood style player. And let's, they all played, uh, 300, 350 games. So there's still all mighty efforts from those guys.

[00:19:15] Wayne: To play that amount of footy playing like they do is an unbelievable effort. I never thought any of those players would get even close to that. And Paddy Dangerfield's, you know, he's obviously still going and still playing great footy. Another one too, 

[00:19:30] Ayrton: Scotty Pendlebury. Question without notice, can he get, can he get there?

[00:19:34] Ayrton: I mean, I haven't actually checked what he's, he's closing in on 400. Yeah, and 

[00:19:37] Wayne: he's in unbelievable form. He's playing great footy in the best again, uh, yesterday. Um, yes, he can, but Pendle's. Not that he's, Pennells is inside outside, but gets caught very rarely in, in traffic is unbelievable. One of the, well, one of the best players I've ever seen in traffic is Scott Pennellbury.

[00:19:56] Wayne: He makes everything slow down around him. The only one in the [00:20:00] modern game that's similar is Bontempelli. Yep. He's he's a freak. He's a freak and I think the way McCray is using him is is perfect for him and his age But he the way he's playing he he'd play for another seven great 

[00:20:13] Ayrton: season. Absolutely By the way, we wish Brent Harvey all the best in his 

[00:20:16] Wayne: recovery from yes.

[00:20:17] Wayne: He had a horrific Horrific leg break, wasn't it? Yeah, so no, he'd be he'll be doing everything, right? He loves his diet and he's his weights and all of that and a little bit of tongue in cheek boomer. Of course It wasn't He wasn't inside. He was more outside. 

[00:20:32] Ayrton: Now, there's one thing that I wanted to bring up with you that has really affected me over the weekend.

[00:20:38] Ayrton: I'm pretty pissed off to be honest. Captain Morgan, as you know I'm a rum man, rum and coke, um, Captain Morgan is my staple beverage at home because of the cans, nice and easy. High sugar content, probably shouldn't have too many of them, but I do. Uh, I went into the bottle shop on the weekend, and I noticed the Captain Morgan cans were looking a little bit different.

[00:20:58] Ayrton: They just changed a bit of the, [00:21:00] the, um, pictures on the front of them. And I thought, oh, okay, that's interesting. What's going on here? Now, I, I picked the can up. And it felt different in my hand. And I looked down and I said, Did you 

[00:21:10] Wayne: just buy individual cans? Don't get a six pack or anything like that.

[00:21:13] Wayne: You're unbelievable. No, I generally 

[00:21:15] Ayrton: buy the tens, but this is a four pack. So the tens are still using the old cans. Anyway, that's another story. But, I looked down at this can And they've reduced the can size from 375 mils to 330 mils, and they're the same price. They're the same price, and so you are losing, for every four cans, you're losing about half a 

[00:21:36] Wayne: can.

[00:21:37] Wayne: You'll live in some sort of life if that sort of stuff's affecting you. Half a can for four cans? Every ten cans to get out. I've got to take you out a couple of nights, take you out for dinner or do something. If that, if something is trivial, 

[00:21:49] Ayrton: I'm paying the same money for these cans. I expect the three, the three, seven, five is the, is what I 

[00:21:54] Wayne: want.

[00:21:54] Wayne: I tell you what, being conned, if you want to know if you've, I've, I've been conned and this is one of the biggest cons [00:22:00] actually, I'm not sure of all time, but certainly in my life, I, I invested in this company called firepower. Russell Crowe, Steve Waugh, Mark Rusciuto, we had some massive names that were behind this and invested in this.

[00:22:13] Wayne: Yes. They sponsored the South Sydney Rabbitohs, I think it might have been the Sydney Kings, I think they might have sponsored at one point in time. So what was 5, what was 5 Power? Well it was a, I can't believe, I it actually did this, but it was a pill that you put into your tank and it made you, it cleaned your tank and it made you, Uh, can't go further, just putting this pill in.

[00:22:38] Wayne: Anyway, we all got sucked in and that ended up being a massive con, hundreds of millions of people. Yeah. 

[00:22:43] Ayrton: Yeah. So obviously very serious for, for 

[00:22:46] Wayne: a number of people that would have... Exactly right. A lot of people. But that's, that's, that's where I've been conned. That's the biggest con that I've, 

[00:22:52] Ayrton: uh... So how did that all, how did that all unfold?

[00:22:55] Ayrton: So you ever see... You got, you got involved through someone, was it Mark Ruscindo 

[00:22:58] Wayne: or someone like that? Yeah, got involved [00:23:00] early days. I'm not sure, through a mutual friend. And then 

[00:23:03] Ayrton: you obviously expect a return on your investment 

[00:23:05] Wayne: over time. Of course. And then I, then you introduce other people and then they buy in and you know, it just becomes, and then you feel bad because obviously it went belly up.

[00:23:14] Wayne: At one point, I could have sold out for a lot of money, but I didn't. So it went bust. Went bust. Yeah. I didn't sell out. I didn't sell out. For a lot, because I knew at that time that it was not a real thing. And I thought if I, if I sell to someone else and then they. They're holding the can, so to speak.

[00:23:30] Wayne: Yeah. The heavier can, not your little light one. Um, then, you know, how bad would you feel? So I held onto them. Plus I got in right at the bottom. So it wasn't, it wasn't like it was an astronomical amount of money that I invested in it, but that was the biggest con. And the fact that the, the, the. The people that they had in it, I think that makes it, you know, I think that's what makes it more believable.

[00:23:54] Wayne: And I think that's why these Ponzi schemes and stuff, that people get involved in it, they just look at names that are in it and they go, [00:24:00] Oh, if he's in it, they would a big selling point. Absolutely. It must be a good thing, but it wasn't, went under. So I would have thought that's a little bit bigger than your, um, Captain Morgan 

[00:24:09] Ayrton: Cairns.

[00:24:10] Ayrton: It might be a first world problem that I'm dealing with at the moment. But still a problem nonetheless. Thanks again for your time, Wayne. Another big week of, uh, 

[00:24:19] Wayne: talking points. We've got some big guests coming up too. Some big guests. Oh, you've been on the phone, have you? Been on the phone. So we've got some big guests coming up in, uh, episodes not too far away.

[00:24:29] Wayne: I'll look forward to that.

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