The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey

Season 1 - Episode 7 | Why Duck is worried about Clarko, Buddy gone a year too long and Duck's beauty regime

May 15, 2023 Wayne Carey/Ayrton Wooley Season 1 Episode 7
Season 1 - Episode 7 | Why Duck is worried about Clarko, Buddy gone a year too long and Duck's beauty regime
The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey
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The Truth Hurts Podcast with Wayne Carey
Season 1 - Episode 7 | Why Duck is worried about Clarko, Buddy gone a year too long and Duck's beauty regime
May 15, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Wayne Carey/Ayrton Wooley

Join Wayne Carey and Ayrton Woolley as they jump into episode 7 of the show.

Hear Wayne talk about why he is worried about Clarko, why he thinks Buddy has gone 1 year too long and his beauty regime.

Ayrton and Wayne discuss the benefits of moisturising from an early age ;) why the premiership race is still wide open and all the drama from the latest round of footy!

Chapter markers:


Mothers Day


Has Duck had work done and his beauty regime


Mick Marti steals my moisturiser


Has Buddy gone one year too long?


When Duck knew it was time to retire


Why Duck is worried about Clarko


Who's going to win the Premiership?


Where are StKilda at?


Comparing Duck's pay in 2001 to players in 2023


Where are Richmond at?

produced by TorchT Productions -

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Join Wayne Carey and Ayrton Woolley as they jump into episode 7 of the show.

Hear Wayne talk about why he is worried about Clarko, why he thinks Buddy has gone 1 year too long and his beauty regime.

Ayrton and Wayne discuss the benefits of moisturising from an early age ;) why the premiership race is still wide open and all the drama from the latest round of footy!

Chapter markers:


Mothers Day


Has Duck had work done and his beauty regime


Mick Marti steals my moisturiser


Has Buddy gone one year too long?


When Duck knew it was time to retire


Why Duck is worried about Clarko


Who's going to win the Premiership?


Where are StKilda at?


Comparing Duck's pay in 2001 to players in 2023


Where are Richmond at?

produced by TorchT Productions -

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Episode #7_Ayrton Wooley

[00:00:00] Wayne: I'm Wayne Caring and this is The Truth Hurts. 

[00:00:06] Ayrton: Well, we're back again, episode seven of The Truth Hurts. I'm Ettin Woolley, joined by the king, Wayne Caring. Good to see you, Wayne. I was a little bit worried you might not be in today after the busiest day of the year for you, 

[00:00:17] Wayne: Mother's Day. Oh, you gotta run with that one.

[00:00:20] Wayne: Billy Brownless and the Triple M boys will be wrapped if we run with the old Mother's Day. Yes, it was a very busy day. I, uh... I had a van, I went over to Volty, I came back, I went, I had, uh, It never gets old. I had a log, log trip, uh, booked a heap of flowers in the van and, uh, got the job done. So everyone was happy, but it was a, what a beautiful day, by the way, and happy Mother's Day to all, everyone out there.

[00:00:46] Wayne: I know we're a day late, but, um, it was just a gorgeous day to have Mother's Day. You could get out of the house, it was fantastic. Cracking day, 

[00:00:53] Ayrton: absolutely. I must say, despite it being a difficult day for you in some ways, you 

[00:00:57] Wayne: are looking... It's not a difficult day. It's [00:01:00] a great day. No, not a difficult day. I meant a taxi.

[00:01:03] Wayne: Well, I just have to fill the... You're a bit tired. You're a bit tired today. Yeah, fill the 

[00:01:06] Ayrton: car up. You're looking very sharp, I must say. 

[00:01:09] Wayne: Oh, sharp. I've got a Nike t shirt on. 

[00:01:13] Ayrton: Someone put this to me the other day, actually. They suggested to me that you actually look younger now than you did in your final year of footy.

[00:01:22] Wayne: There we go. Are you, are you serious? Well, you, you're looking, you're looking pretty good. You know what it's called? It's called, by the way, you should do yourself a favor. And, uh, everyone knows of, of, uh, I'm on the mosh. So that, that helped. I was, I was, uh, thinning a fair bit before, well, when I retired. So that was, uh, you know, I was just about cooked, um, in terms of that.

[00:01:42] Wayne: And then, uh, then everyone thinks I've had a bit of work done. Well, I certainly haven't had a facelift or anything like that, but any Botox or technology. Technology and the other, I like to say, and the other thing that I got, I was way ahead of my time. I was using [00:02:00] moisturizer back in the nineties and, and to all the guys out there that, you know, I, I don't use moisturizer, I tell you what, if you're a tradie, it doesn't matter who you are, whether you're a lawyer, you're a tradie, whether you're a school teacher.

[00:02:11] Wayne: Use moisturiser from a young age, and if you do that, the results will be very good for you later in life. So that was not a thing in the nineties, you're telling me? Well, can't, can't you tell? Like, I, I moisturise at morning and night, and, uh, like I said, little bit of technology might have, might have been used every now and then, but...

[00:02:31] Wayne: It's, I remember Mick Martin came up to me, um, and we were at Princess Park, might have been the day that plugger kicked 10 on him. Um, but he came up and he, he looked at me and he said, uh, when you, what are you doing? I said, what do you mean? What am I doing? I said, I'm, I'm, I'm moisturizing. He said, I said, It's, what's moisturiser?

[00:02:54] Wayne: Well, what it is, Mick, is it's a, it's a lotion that you put on your skin. As I said before, it replenishes it. Um, you [00:03:00] know, a bit dehydrated after a game. So I use it and it will make you look younger. And he goes, Oh, moisturiser. And I said, Mick, Mick, don't you worry about it. I said, it's not going to do you any favours.

[00:03:12] Wayne: So don't even, don't start now. And there are some people Um, out there that, you know, they're just too far gone. So, come on now. So, the key... Apologies to Mick Martin. No, no. You're mates with Mick, by the way. We're great mates with Mick. Um, but, yeah, there are a lot of people out there that, they've let it go too long.

[00:03:27] Wayne: So, you've got to get on top of it early. You can't, you can't just be a crinkled up chip or, or completely bald before you start to, start to get onto this stuff. Why'd you, why'd you point at me then? I've got the hat off today. Yeah, I, I noticed that. It's, uh, oh boy. Um, yeah, anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Pardon, you do yourself a favour and get, get some moisturiser.

[00:03:46] Ayrton: Oh, thanks. I'll take that on board. 

[00:03:48] Wayne: In saying that, by the way, and talking about age, Buddy Franklin, he's gone on a year too long, in my opinion. And Well, you were big on this last year, weren't you? I said this last year. In actual fact, I said it, [00:04:00] said it during the year and then a few people jumped on. Um, And, and in the end, he still played some handy footy, as we know, but he definitely doesn't play like he used to play.

[00:04:10] Wayne: We know that Buddy, Buddy's never been a great mark, but he's, he's good below his knees. He's speed, uh, gets, get to contest, uses a ball really well when he got up the ground. But that, that right now, he's, he, he just looks like he's really lost a yard. And that, that athleticism and that flexibility that he once had.

[00:04:30] Wayne: Um, he, he looks, he looks like he's fallen off 

[00:04:33] Ayrton: the cliff. So this is not a product of the way Sydney's playing, obviously they're not playing as well as, as they had been previously, 

[00:04:39] Wayne: you think? Well, at the end of the day, if the team's not playing great footy and you're a forward, you're a product of that as well.

[00:04:45] Wayne: So there's a little bit of that in it, but I've just, I just watch him. 

[00:04:48] Ayrton: Did you feel that in your final 

[00:04:50] Wayne: years? Did you? That's why I think I can speak about it. I knew that when I was at the Adelaide Crows and when I was fit, I played some good footy at Adelaide. Um, but [00:05:00] when. I knew that when there were certain, certain marking contests, and I used to run back with a fly to the ball, or stand under the footy, um, or back back into a pack, and when I was at Adelaide, I reckon in 2004, there were times where I ran back with a fly, and rather than commit and go for that footy, I went front and square.

[00:05:19] Wayne: So my mind, my, yeah, my whole mindset had changed. And I remember a couple of, more than a couple of times I sat in there and I might've kicked a few goals, three or four goals, but just, I didn't play the brand of footy that I played prior to that. And what I, you know, I guess what your reputation's, uh, built off in the way that you played.

[00:05:39] Wayne: So, sat in front of the locker, the number two locker, um, for Adelaide a number of times and just said to myself, you're done. You're done. Was this being 

[00:05:48] Ayrton: spoken about outside as well, or this was more internal for you? No, 

[00:05:50] Wayne: no, it was internal for me. Yeah. Um, I, I retired from a neck injury halfway through 04, but Adelaide at the time, because Aresy had just, uh, [00:06:00] been sacked.

[00:06:01] Wayne: And Neil Craig had taken over and they asked me to sign on and clearly my neurosurgeon said if you play on Europe, you're a nitwit, but that's a different story. But so what I'm saying is I knew that I was, I was done. How 

[00:06:13] Ayrton: hard is that decision? Because Buddy obviously last year, as you said, he played some decent footy at times, but you thought he'd probably had enough.

[00:06:20] Ayrton: Sydney were maybe still in the window chasing that. You know, that premiership, how do you make the right call because a lot of great players have got to 

[00:06:28] Wayne: make that call. Yeah, I think there's a lot of players, not too many players retire when they should. A lot of players go that year too long, I believe.

[00:06:36] Wayne: And I think Buddy, I think it's showing now that Buddy has gone a year too long. As I said, he's a, he's a champion of the game. He's going to be a legend of the game. He's kicked a thousand goals. I love, I love Dermot Brereton. He was my hero, by the way, as a, as a kid, Dermot, but. When Dermy said on the weekend that he felt sorry for Buddy, I don't feel sorry for Buddy.

[00:06:55] Wayne: He's kicked over a thousand goals. He's had one of the greatest careers the game has ever seen. And [00:07:00] so I don't feel sorry for him. Um, the fact that he's gone on for a year too long, I think Sydney, and I know Sydney have got a lot of injuries at the moment. So maybe they just don't have, um, too many choices, but they've got to go to, they've got to give more opportunity to other players.

[00:07:15] Wayne: And I know at the moment they can't because few of those are injured, but, um, It's a watch you space. You don't, you don't like to see it. You don't like to see your superstar's champions really battling the way he is. But, um, he, he is really battling. 

[00:07:31] Ayrton: Another big talking point in the past week or so has been the AFL's investigation into Hawthorne and Alistair Clarkson.

[00:07:36] Ayrton: Chris Fagan has been dragging on. They haven't been able to tell their side of the 

[00:07:41] Wayne: story. It's a ridiculous set of circumstances, isn't it? Just the way... Not talking about what has occurred, that's not ridiculous, but what I'm talking about is how long this has dragged 

[00:07:51] Ayrton: on. Well it was originally, the AFL said, going to be wrapped up by Christmas.

[00:07:54] Ayrton: Obviously it's become a massive legal issue now, um, and this is what Alistair Clarkson had to say. The [00:08:00] game is the victim of this. 

[00:08:01] Alastair Clarkson: The game, the game is shamed. Obviously myself, Faggs, Jason, our families have been shamed. Um, the Indigenous and First Nations families, they've been shamed. Um, and there's One particular party out there that was the catalyst for all this, um, that haven't been investigated at all.

[00:08:24] Alastair Clarkson: Um, their governance and conduct in this whole thing, the Hawthorne Football Club, just shameful. Um, let's do an investigation on them 

[00:08:33] Wayne: and their practices and see how they go. Yeah, elements of that are fair enough. And, and obviously there's a process, still a process to go through, albeit it's been a, it's been a long one.

[00:08:42] Wayne: And the only way I see a resolution for this is going to be in the courts. Because they're clearly not going to sit around and have a discussion. So it's going to be a judge, jury, whatever, to decide what occurs out of this. I think the fact that they can't sit around [00:09:00] a table and have a discussion. Um, but what I will say and what concerned me about what Alistair Clarkson said there is nothing to do with the case itself, but the fact that he gets so defensive and, and always, and he had a, he had a situation earlier this year with a journo that, uh, he got very defensive.

[00:09:18] Wayne: He's always been that way, but he's more than willing to, to throw people under the bus, um, and, and be really strong about it. Now clearly here he's, he's had a crack at his old footy club, which I find. Terribly sad. He's a legend of that footy club, irrespective. Doesn't matter how, what happens from here, he'll always be a legend of that footy club and he's just, he's just thrown them straight under the bus.

[00:09:43] Wayne: Um, and what it reminded me of, and this is the concerning thing for me, because what it reminded me of, It's when I made comments about Cyril Rioli because I knew people, um, very good friends and I had never went on radio and said something that I wasn't 100% sure [00:10:00] about. So when I went on radio and said that I have on good authority, albeit I'm not a shock jock, I'm, I'm there to talk about footy, but it was a pretty big thing that I'd heard and they, people had said, I'm more than happy for you to talk about it.

[00:10:14] Wayne: So I had a good authority that Cyril was going, wanted to go home. He wanted to leave the footy club, and when I made those comments, Clarke O had this to say. 

[00:10:24] Alastair Clarkson: She was going back to the Tiwi, I heard. Wayne Carey made that great announcement that, um, you know, we've coerced him into a five year extension.

[00:10:34] Alastair Clarkson: Five years. Do you reckon you'd be able to coerce someone into a five year extension if you wanted to go back to the Tiwi? God, what a load of rubbish. Once again, no account. No account by a bloke who should know better than throw up 

[00:10:49] Ayrton: bullshit about our players. 

[00:10:52] Alastair Clarkson: Um, hold some of these people to account. Um, because it's just, the hysteria that it creates is just absolute [00:11:00] rubbish.

[00:11:00] Alastair Clarkson: Um, particularly Kerry of all people, spoken about this before, he shouldn't make too many comments about stories about other players because we could just go to 

[00:11:10] Ayrton: town on him. Okay, so you've got history with Alistair, haven't you? I mean, it's not the only time that you've, um, maybe had a little stoush. You did, after that, speak 

[00:11:18] Wayne: to him, didn't you?

[00:11:19] Wayne: Yeah, Tim Watson organised a meeting for us, uh, to catch up. Mediation. That's what it was. Um, and we went and caught up at Tim's house and, and sat down and, and he apologised for those comments. But what it proves, and by the way, I was proven to be right. Um, because he didn't last the five years and he did go back to the Tiwi Islands.

[00:11:37] Wayne: And where was the accountability for Alistair Clarkson? I never got an apology from Alistair about being right. Um, he apologized for, for making the comments in the media after it, but not then eventually about me actually being right. So the accountability and the defensive attitude that he gets himself into.

[00:11:57] Wayne: Um, surely being, having the [00:12:00] experience that he has now, and that's why the surprising comments about him having a crack at the Hawthorne footy club and, and throw it, you know, I just, surely he's learned by now not to be, or not, not to have that defensive mindset when he's, when he's making these, um, emotional conversations, cause you know what he does?

[00:12:23] Wayne: Cause you know what he does? And it's, and it's, and it's 101. psychology. It's, you know what, he reacts, he doesn't respond. Sometimes he's got to sit back, I think, and just listen to what someone's asking him and actually respond to it rather than react because when he reacts, I reckon he gets it wrong and he's been wrong.

[00:12:45] Wayne: He has been wrong and he hasn't taken some accountability for being wrong. In the, in the last so many times, and there was, and there's just a few examples. 

[00:12:55] Ayrton: You, um, I'm playing devil's advocate here. Just, I've got one question on that. And I'm just, [00:13:00] obviously that it'll play out in the courts and that sort of thing, but in this scenario with Alistair, he's had enormous reputational damage done to him without the right to really tell his side of the story, because there has been confidentiality and all those sorts of things.

[00:13:14] Ayrton: Does he have a right? Doesn't he have a right to defend his, his reputation? 

[00:13:18] Wayne: Of course he has a right. We've all, I've had, I've had things written about me, and I don't want to sit here with poor me or whatever. I've had a squillion things written about me that are nowhere near the truth. And if you, and if you sit back and react to all of those things, then I tell you what, you, you live a bitter, a bitter, angry sort of life, so, so I'm not suggesting, and clearly this is a big thing, and yes, his reputation.

[00:13:41] Wayne: Um, to this point, and he hasn't had the opportunity to obviously answer the allegations against him and, and Faggs. And I, and I totally respect that and he does, and he absolutely deserves that right. And unfortunately in this world, when the paper or the news go with a story and, and have no real [00:14:00] factual, um, um, truth to it, and then your reputation's already damaged.

[00:14:07] Wayne: The stories out there, as they say, are certain mud sticks. Whether it's right or wrong, and then you never get the apology for them either. So, um, just like Alistair, who finds it hard to. Um, apologize when he gets it wrong. The papers in the media are exactly the same. So, so, you know, I think he'll be waiting for a long time before he gets an apology off anyone.

[00:14:30] Wayne: You're probably right 

[00:14:30] Ayrton: there. Uh, the weekend's footy. Um, it's been really open, hasn't it? How many teams do you think can actually win the flag? Because it's, it, it feels like normally we would have, We have two or three teams that, you know, uh, by far and away better than the, the competition in the chasing pack of five or six, but this year I don't know if, if we have those standout 

[00:14:49] Wayne: teams at the moment.

[00:14:50] Wayne: I think it's, I think it's the most fascinating season we've had for, for a fair while. Um, and for that, and we have got, we have got three teams down the bottom, North, West [00:15:00] Coast and Hawthorne who are clearly, you just chalk the win against. Um, those teams now, that's how disappointing they've been and Hawthorne have shown in glimpses, obviously North did early and West Coast, uh, probably not so much, um, they have in a couple of games, they've put up a good fight and played some good footy, but, um, they're the easy beats of the comp.

[00:15:18] Wayne: And then, and then you've got a, you've got a massive list. I honestly believe Collingwood, Melbourne. The cats, the dogs, Brisbane port, Sydney, I don't think can now because their injuries have already depleted their season and some of them are long term injuries. So I'm not sure that, you know, I'm not sure that they're going to be able to get there.

[00:15:40] Wayne: They can reset very quickly and I'm talking, I'm not saying finals. I'm saying grand, you know, premiership and the crows have a massive question mark. Some of their footy this year, let's not forget the crows pretty much. had

[00:15:58] Wayne: Collingwood on toes there for a massive question mark. Could a [00:16:00] side, you know, come from where they've come and finish maybe, you know, maybe in the eight and give it a bit of a shake. Because they're exciting. When they, they play a really good brand and when they, when they, uh, you know, they can score.

[00:16:10] Wayne: Their forward line's really dangerous. 

[00:16:12] Ayrton: The way Jordan Dawson has stiffened up That midfield because he's a big he's a big body now playing is really one of the best players in the competition I've watched in the last few weeks. He he's he's added something to that midfield You know, it was Rory Sloane was maybe that inside player in the past but lead and these other guys may be a bit smaller But he's he's he's got grunt.

[00:16:32] Ayrton: I didn't know 

[00:16:32] Wayne: he had isn't it great to see players that have you know Come as a defender and then moved into the midfield and and doing what he's doing and I think of guys like crisp obviously Collingwood that was a A half back and came in and now is a, is a big. Um, great running ability, uses it really well.

[00:16:48] Wayne: So, um, yeah, no, he's been a, he's been a revelation. I, I love what the crows are doing and who would have thought that they would be where they're at now. So, um, but it's starting to sort itself out. I said last week, the [00:17:00] blues can't play finals and they can't. The saints now, um, Ross has had them up and they're playing.

[00:17:06] Wayne: They're still, uh, being really competitive St Kilda, but I think we understand that their list and also injuries, in saying that King, um, get, comes back maybe this week, um, if not this week, maybe next week, but what, what are they expecting out of him? Well, 

[00:17:20] Ayrton: I wanted to ask you about that. Should, should we temper our expectations?

[00:17:23] Ayrton: You've had the same injury that he's had a shoulder. Uh, in your initial phase of coming back, are you, are you restricted? Um, 

[00:17:30] Wayne: yes, well I, yes, you are. Um, you need a whole, yeah, you need a whole pre season basically to feel a hundred percent confident. And that's, he's had a fair, fair bit of time. So you just hope that, for me, it's just, it was just all about movement.

[00:17:46] Wayne: I was being able to actually put my hands above my head. When I came back in 97 in that, um, during that year, I basically came back with one and a half arms. I can only lift my arm halfway up. So, um, I was very restricted, but, uh, you know, [00:18:00] my understanding is he's, uh, he's ready to go. Um, so, you know, I think that's great for them, but you know, they're just starting to come back to the pack a little bit now, the Saints.

[00:18:09] Wayne: Player 

[00:18:09] Ayrton: pay is back on the agenda as the AFL works through its collective bargaining agreement with the Players Association. Scott Pendlebury, one of the elder statesmen of the game, he um, had some really considered comments in terms of saying the players he believes are underpaid. He pointed to the NBA where...

[00:18:27] Ayrton: Uh, they get 51% of the game's revenue to the AFL's 28%. He also pointed to the executive salaries, which he believes, you know, um, so heavily outweigh a lot of the player pay. You know, the executives, I think last year were paid over 11 million, um, on, on the AFL executive. So where do you sit on, on player pay?

[00:18:45] Ayrton: Cause I mean, 28% it's not a, it's not a huge number and the players 

[00:18:49] Wayne: are the game, aren't they? Yeah, they are. And in all the professional sports around the world, they're, they're the least, they take the least percentage. Out of all of those sports, so I've always said players are underpaid and, [00:19:00] and you know, you always get criticism of people saying, Oh, how can you say that?

[00:19:03] Wayne: Well, you say that because you have a limited time in the game. That's for sure. And the other thing, the other thing that I will say is that the actual top money, so the highest money, so the Dusty Martin and the Buddy Franklin type money, and I think there's over 10 players now on a million dollars.

[00:19:17] Wayne: Isn't that was reported recently or 10 or 11 or something like that. Which is great. But you know, whether it be say a million or, or 1. 4, I mean, I, my last year, the kangaroos, kangaroos 2001, I was on 1. 4. So 2001. So the actual. And that's worth a 

[00:19:36] Ayrton: lot more money than salary cap was 

[00:19:37] Wayne: smaller. So therefore the top money has not gone up.

[00:19:41] Wayne: It's gone backwards. It's gone. Well, yes. If you look at inflation in terms of relative inflation in relative terms, exactly right. So more players are on a million more players are on 900 and 800. So the, so that, that middle money has come up and there's a lot more players that are, uh, benefited from that.

[00:19:57] Wayne: But I agree with him. I think that, you [00:20:00] know, the, the best players in the comp should be getting Getting more than what they're getting now considering that, you know, people were getting that back then Cooter I think was on over a million two back in the 90s So that's what 

[00:20:10] Ayrton: I wondered was yours. I mean, you're obviously a very dominant figure at North Melbourne So do you think your scenario was maybe unique at that time?

[00:20:17] Ayrton: Or do you think there were other players that were earning significant dollars? 

[00:20:21] Wayne: Um, No, well, you're only you only Believe what you read in the paper. So, because obviously our wages, you know, uh, private and once again, other sports, maybe, maybe the wages should be there for everyone to say, I know that's a hot debate, but going back to your point, Paul Marsh and he's executives have got a massive job with, with this new agreement.

[00:20:44] Wayne: They've got to make sure that they get a bigger piece of the pie. There's no, no question about that because I, I, I really do think that the players who do put on the show, um, do deserve more of that pie. No question about that. So massive job for Paul Marsh. [00:21:00] On a 

[00:21:00] Ayrton: lighter note, a really unique situation, uh, when Geelong met Richmond on Friday night.

[00:21:04] Ayrton: The Tigers got the upset. Jack Riewoldt and Tom Hawkins after the game, uh, swapped jumpers. It's something that used to happen a long time ago. The one that comes to mind for me is Daryl Baldock, you know, wearing a Collingwood jumper when... When he 

[00:21:16] Wayne: got the Premiership. Yeah, when he got the Premiership.

[00:21:18] Wayne: they've ever won and he had a Collingwood jumper on. I know, I think 

[00:21:21] Ayrton: that ended up changing because of, you know, sponsors and, you know, when teams are winning, they wanted to have their colours on. It got me thinking, has anyone ever asked you for your jumper at all, at any 

[00:21:30] Wayne: stage? They have, and from memory, um, well, I remember one in particular, it was when I represented Australia, captain of Australia in Ireland, and I swapped my jumper with, um, their captain who was also number 18, by the way.

[00:21:44] Wayne: So, yeah. We both, we both swapped jumpers on Croke Park. Um, and then Steve Silvani came up to me after. Soss. He wanted a pair of boots. Because he was a boot collector. So I gave Soss a pair of boots. I think he might have given me a pair of his boots [00:22:00] as well. Don't know where they are. Um. So you think he 

[00:22:04] Ayrton: did this with other players as well?

[00:22:05] Ayrton: I 

[00:22:06] Wayne: reckon he, yeah. From memory, I think Soss would have asked a few different players that he may have played on. Yeah. Yeah. He collected boots. I wonder, actually we'll have to have a chat to him and see whether he's still got them because I don't, if he's gave me a pair of his, I don't know where they are.

[00:22:19] Wayne: A dog might have chewed on it. I'm not a, I'm not a, uh, I've said this to you before, if you came into my place, um, you would not know that I played footy. Unlike a few teammates of mine. Anton? Well, 

[00:22:34] Ayrton: speaking of your former teammates, now we, we, we do want feedback for the show. We're going to set up. Yes, we're 

[00:22:40] Wayne: going to start answering some questions.

[00:22:43] Wayne: So we want some questions sent 

[00:22:45] Ayrton: in. We'll get that email sorted for the next program. But I have got some feedback already. Some very direct feedback after we spoke about your, uh, pregame song choice last week. One of your former teammates has, um, told me some other songs that you [00:23:00] used to not just play necessarily, um, pregame.

[00:23:03] Ayrton: You just used to sing them just, 

[00:23:05] Wayne: just out loud in front of everyone. I do have a bit. I do have a really good voice. So 

[00:23:09] Ayrton: Bruce Springsteen, and you just one line, I'm on fire. Just the one line. George Michael Faith. 

[00:23:16] Wayne: I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body. I, you know, I'm very popular and maybe, maybe, no, not very, I didn't finish that sentence.

[00:23:27] Wayne: I'm very popular at karaoke. And the reason why I'm that bad, people love me up there. And they, and because I half think that I can sing and I'm bad, then I'm, yeah, people like it. 

[00:23:40] Ayrton: Well, I've got one more allegation for you. 

[00:23:42] Wayne: Uh, this. Allegation. This. I don't like those. This same 

[00:23:46] Ayrton: teammate has suggested that you also sang the opposition theme song before the game.

[00:23:51] Ayrton: Just out loud in the rooms. Walk around the rooms. Yeah. 

[00:23:54] Wayne: That's ridiculous. Why? Well, whatever. I, I was very relaxed. I like to just, and, [00:24:00] and by the way, you wouldn't let, um, Dennis Pagan hear you do it. Like you had to do all this in private. Players now allowed to show a bit of personality and actually laugh.

[00:24:08] Wayne: We weren't allowed to, we weren't allowed to laugh at all. an actual fact. If Dennis saw us laughing or, you know, having a bit of a, you know, where, or we even yawned. Whereas yawning is, um, I think it's nervous energy, yeah, nervous energy. So, um, yeah, no, you certainly couldn't be smiling at all. And even the day that we spoke about Mick earlier, the day that Mick had fake tan on, Mickey Martin put fake tan on before we played Sydney Swags.

[00:24:35] Wayne: And he was playing against the great Tony Lockett with fake tan. Why? With fake tan. I haven't heard this. What's this? And then he, and then when the trainer came out, the trainer came out and he, you know, a hot day and he's wiping off and all the fake tan was coming off on the towels. So as you can imagine, Plugger had a little bit of fun around that later, but, uh, yeah, anyway, I know I digress there a little bit, but yes, it was about having fun.

[00:24:59] Wayne: It's [00:25:00] about having fun. So that was, that's what kept me relaxed. We've 

[00:25:04] Ayrton: certainly had fun again today. Thanks for listening, everyone. We'll, uh, see you again next week.

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