The Portion

Chayei Sara: The Devil Made Them Do It - Featuring Alan Sufrin & Miriam Brosseau

November 21, 2019 Aaron Roller with Alan Sufrin and Miriam Brosseau Season 2 Episode 4

Aaron visited Chicago and recorded this episode with Alan J. Sufrin and Miriam Brosseau, the hosts of the podcast "Throwing Sheyd." On "Throwing Sheyd," Alan and Miriam examine the wide range of Jewish texts that deal with Sheydim, or demons, to analyze them and ask what they can tell us about our lives. In this crossover episode, we looked at midrashim that tie the death of Sarah that takes place in this week's Torah portion to the work of Satan (or, to put it in more Jewish terms, the Satan). Who is the Satan? Is he different than a sheyd? What is his place within Jewish thought? Join us for the discussion.