Aging With Grace 55+
Aging With Grace 55+™ is a 45-minute interview magazine format featuring guests providing useful tips for taking care of self, aging family members and those who priovide care for elders. Some of our interviewed guests are also doing what seniors only dream about or never thought possible. Enjoy and share (or even perhaps even emulate) their stories on this lifestyle podcast. Rotating magazine style segments are designed to create an on-line community for living well and continuing to engage in society. Candidly this series is produced as an attack on rampant Ageism. Featured topics have included caregiving for aging parents, protecting finances in retirement and many more.
This is the fourth pocast series produced by host Dale Josey who has been blessed with renewed energy in his retirement with a purpose. For more information visit AWG55.com.
Aging With Grace 55+
Long Term Care Plans Protect Assets, 'Madness' at Sea and Community MetroMorphosis
Why plan for long term care? Amy Arnette, director, Insurance Solutions with dpl Financial, discusses why you would need it and how to customize a long term care plan. Bottom line is Long Term Care planning is essential to protecting your financial assets. Most people have a bucket list. Amy shares how getting to choose your care setting can become a reality for successfully aging in place. How many of us check off a bucket list of great adventures we want to have for fun? Well, Julia Inman and her husband Terry Brabb did just that; purchasing a 45' catamaran and living at sea for five and a half years! Julia recounts the fun but also some of the challenges that include lightning striking their 75' sail mast. Trying to decide the name of their boat was so frustrating until Julia said of the process "This is madness!' which became the moniker (Madness) of their sailboat! This episode concludes with a former state legislator who has lived most of his life in Baton Rouge, LA. After being displaced by Hurricane Katrina, Raymond A. Jetson launched “MetroMorphosis” challenging perceptions about Black and brown people who live in inner-city communities, and the narrative about those very communities. Foundational to this work is Raymond's fervent belief that inner-city neighborhoods are teeming with assets and resources that can be activated or repurposed. Including co-creating a community where all citizens, old and young feel vibrant, connected and valued. Former Pastor Jetson's oft-repeated mantra is: “The resources necessary to transform urban communities cannot be imported exclusively but must begin with identifying and nurturing what already exists.”