Upskill with Edtech

Digital Skills for the Future of Work: Empowered Worker

SkillRise Season 3 Episode 2
In our third season, we will explore the new Profile of a Lifelong Learner, a framework that defines the digital skills needed for success in the future of work. Released in late 2020, the Profile includes five Features that unpack the intersection of digital and lifelong learning skills. Nested under each Feature are three Practices - habits that adult learners, job seekers, and workers should develop to thrive at work, in school, and in community life. 

Our hope is that the research-backed Profile will help job seekers, workers, and job coaches build new skills that effectively prepare today’s workers for the jobs of today and tomorrow. Check out to explore the framework and learn about the methodology for how it was developed. 

In this episode, we explore the second of five Profile Features: Empowered Worker. Joining us for the conversation are three of our SkillRise advisors: 

  • Jen Vanek, Director of Digital Learning and Research at the Edtech Center @ World Education
  • Sharon Leu, Executive in Residence at JFFLabs
In this episode, we talk about:

  • How technology can improve career exploration for job seekers
  • The role of learning employment records (LERs) and digital wallets in a skills-based hiring and advancement ecosystem
  • How employers can be thinking about the role of upskilling as a job benefit and retention strategy
  • The importance of connecting upskilling programs to meaningful advancement opportunities and what role managers can play in supporting those connections
  • The benefits of using social media to promote your work and connect with others that have shared interests
Notes from Episode 2