The Limelight

Star Wars - Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Part 2

September 28, 2023 Spotlight Studios Season 1 Episode 13
Star Wars - Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Part 2
The Limelight
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The Limelight
Star Wars - Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Part 2
Sep 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 13
Spotlight Studios

WARNING: This is Part 2! If you haven't listened to Part 1, go back!

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, we all know the infamous line and there’s no way I could give it more justice than George Lucas has over the countless movies, series and creations he’s put his brainpower into. From the 70s to today, this franchise has maintained to captivate audiences from people my grandparents age to the little babes I see running around in their baby yoda sneakers. Today, we’re gonna focus on what it means to be a Jedi when all else is crumbling beneath them. A snake hiding in the tall grass that not even the wisest can sense. When love and attachment are the sins of the damned. When deception on all sides closes in. When the clones attack. 

Show Notes Transcript

WARNING: This is Part 2! If you haven't listened to Part 1, go back!

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, we all know the infamous line and there’s no way I could give it more justice than George Lucas has over the countless movies, series and creations he’s put his brainpower into. From the 70s to today, this franchise has maintained to captivate audiences from people my grandparents age to the little babes I see running around in their baby yoda sneakers. Today, we’re gonna focus on what it means to be a Jedi when all else is crumbling beneath them. A snake hiding in the tall grass that not even the wisest can sense. When love and attachment are the sins of the damned. When deception on all sides closes in. When the clones attack. 


Gabby Browne: [00:00:00] This podcast is an association with Spotlight Studios, a family of podcasts driven to create unique, one of a kind content. If you have any interest in learning more, please visit SpotlightStudiosPodcast. com. I mean, you got the dark side, the light side. One is selfless, one is selfish. Master Yoda. 

Sean Paddock: Count Dooku.

Three. And 

Jonathan VanSickle: you want to 

Gabby Browne: keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the dark side is it goes out of balance and then you get really selfish. You have interfered with our affairs for the last time. Two. Then you start to become angry. Especially if you're losing it. I've become more powerful than any Jedi.

And that anger 

Aaron Couser: leads to hate. One. 

Sean Paddock: The dark side I sense in you. 

Gabby Browne: It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the force. By our skills with a lightsaber. 

Jonathan VanSickle: That hate leads to [00:01:00] suffering.

Gabby Browne: A limelight.

We are back, ladies and gentlemen. And if you did not listen to part one of our episode, you are going to need to tune back in right now, right now. You will be very confused. If you continue down this road, right now on this episode, so I'm telling you, turn back, turn back.

Where did we leave our heroes at the end of our last episode? 

Jonathan VanSickle: Well, at this point... We have Anakin and Padme on Tatooine, and Anakin is searching for his mother. We have Obi Wan, hot on the trails of the bounty hunter, and essentially the galaxy is on the brink of war. We see all these factions kind of loading up, all these [00:02:00] different alliances and powers getting ready to clash in an epic 

Aaron Couser: fashion.

Sean Paddock: I am not signing your treaty until I have her head 

Gabby Browne: on my desk. I am a man of my word, Viceroy. Obi Wan, he sneaks into the facility and he's just sneaking around and he uh, sees a bunch of droids down below being created and he strategically hides behind a wall right as Count Dooku and the posse are rolling by.

Apparently, this specific conversation was the perfect one to eavesdrop on because he laves down literally All the bad things he's been doing lately. 

Jonathan VanSickle: We get a big ol exposition done. Truly. 

Gabby Browne: He's like. 

Sean Paddock: Yeah. They're sitting down, yeah. Oh no, they're walking through. No, 

Gabby Browne: they're walking past. He's like, yeah, I almost assassinated Padme and the clone and I built this army and he's just walking by.

Aaron Couser: Any of the insects could hear him, you know, 

Jonathan VanSickle: Not just any 

Aaron Couser: insect is hearing him, Kenobi is hearing this. [00:03:00] So Kenobi now knows Dooku is the prime responsibility for all these shenanigans. 

Sean Paddock: That promise he made to the head of the trade federation. The trade federation is the one that wants to get rid of Padme.

And I think it's because of some sort of restriction she wants. It's 

Jonathan VanSickle: Newt Gunray, I believe. And in episode one, he almost gets imprisoned because of this. He's recently been released somehow, uh, after his trial, I think is the way I understand it. But yeah, he sees Padme as the reason that he was incarcerated and put through that, so he wants revenge.

He says, I want her head before I sign any sort of treaty. 

Gabby Browne: Released after trial and he's already ready to go? Man, yeah, because he literally, he asks if she's dead yet. Like, just straight up, and then it's very obvious that this is the crew that is officially wanting to take over the 

Aaron Couser: Jedi. Which they will, because now, with all their forces combined, as Doku sits with them at this big round table with all these different [00:04:00] federations, having all their armies collected together, they will be able to finally take down the Jedi.

Yeah, or the 

Sean Paddock: Republic. Yeah, the Republic. Or the Republic. Or the Republic. Both, 

Gabby Browne: yeah. And he's also sneaking around. He's on his vroom, just vrooming around on his bike and he's asking around where these guys are, which I kind of liked that little tidbit there. But he finally finds the Tusken Raiders and he is sneaking around and of course he can sense which tent his mother is in.

And so he just whips out his lightsaber, cuts a little hole real quick and hops on in. And he was right, his 

Aaron Couser: mother was still 

Gabby Browne: alive. Mhmm. Barely. 

Aaron Couser: Barely, yeah. Not doing so hot though. Uh, kind of tied up to a couple of sticks and, uh, you know, got some 

Gabby Browne: Open wounds on her back. 

Aaron Couser: He unties her, and she falls into his arms.

And she tries to tell Anakin, I love you, but she just can't seem to get it out. 

Gabby Browne: I just don't understand how you were able to say I love, I love, I love four times, but you couldn't say you. [00:05:00] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. That was another one where I was like, I know you're trying to make some heartfelt dialogue here, sir, but maybe have someone else look at this one before we send it to press.

And I wanted to be sad, and I couldn't. I'm sorry. And I know this was supposed to be a pivotal moment for Anakin to be like, Yes, my mother literally died in my arms, and this is like where I am turning dark and spooky all on my own. But I could not feel that moment with him, and I did not care for him.


Sean Paddock: suffering 

Gabby Browne: death. I feel 

Sean Paddock: Well, and the scene is brutal. Is a brutal scene. Star Wars was originally, and Lucas said this too, it was originally, it's a Western in space. If Star Wars is a western space, this is him riding out and just slaughtering. Natives. Absolutely. Like brutally. And again, we find out after, not just, not just the men, [00:06:00] you know the children.

Yeah, women. The chill women, the women. 

Jonathan VanSickle: John Williams, with the score on this, as Anakin's riding out and you, you just see this fire burning inside of him. At first, we get the force theme coming in, riding over the top. We know this one very well now from the original trilogy. But then we're introduced to a new theme, the duel of the fates.

We start to kind of slip into the darkness without even being told it in this moment. We know that something has changed within Anakin. He will never be the same after this. It literally 

Gabby Browne: flips to Yoda meditating and the dark march plays in the background. But 

Sean Paddock: slow. It doesn't play like a normal tempo. It plays it just 

Gabby Browne: like a couple beats.

Just like a little hit. 

Jonathan VanSickle: John Williams is, uh, I think he's one of my favorite parts of Star Wars, he's just incredible.

Aaron Couser: With that Yoda scene, he hears, uh, the voice of Qui Gon Jinn's. You're hearing the [00:07:00] ghost of that old Jedi telecommunicate with him to stop because he knows what he's about to do. It's gonna be something that he can never come back from. Mm 

Gabby Browne: hmm. A pivotal point in his character development. Now that Obi Wan has literally all of the news he's been looking for for the entire movie, like literally all of the conclusions, he's like, Okay, I do cannot reach the Jedi Council right now because his far range transmitter is out.

Ah, of course! My young Padawan! I mean, I can reach him on, on Naboo. He's so close to me. He's not on Naboo. Where is that little chip? Tat Tatooine! That's not where I told him to go, but I guess we can try to reach him here. So he tries to send a message to Tatooine, and in his message, he starts to get attacked.

Back to Annie. Why 

Jonathan VanSickle: couldn't I save her? I know I could have.[00:08:00] 

Gabby Browne: He's slow riding in with a little lady on the backside there. Wrapped her body all nice and neat. Brought her back to her husband and her family to show that, I mean, he doesn't tell them that he died in her arms, but you know. 

Sean Paddock: The look on his face. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at his stepdad. He 

Jonathan VanSickle: looks at each of them.

Yeah. He even kind of gives a look to Padme, too. He's just like, I've 

Gabby Browne: done things. Beyond words. We got the sad boy funeral time. What's wrong, Annie? I, I 

Aaron Couser: killed them. He tells Amidala that he, he killed all the raiders. Not just killed them. He slaughtered them like animals. I hate them all. I hate them. He used that word, hate.

You know, so now it's seeping into... His, uh, you know, his soul. I think 

Gabby Browne: a part of him justifying his murderous rage also was like, someone else said they [00:09:00] weren't even people, you know? They were animals, you know? That's what, that's what my literal stepfather said about them. 

Sean Paddock: As much shit as we talk on the actor for playing Anakin, in that scene I really did, and maybe it's just the way that he enunciated the word hate.

He added like eight Y's in the middle of it. He was like, I hate them. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Good job, Hayden. Well, and also in this scene, it's, he, he makes an important promise to himself and to his deceased mother that he will never not be powerful enough to stop this from happening again. Yeah. He's never going to let this happen again.

Gabby Browne: He's literally going to find a way to work around death. 

Aaron Couser: And then they have this, uh, nice little funeral, you know, sad boy, 

Gabby Browne: funeral, sad boy, funeral. 

Aaron Couser: And the funniest thing about the funeral was R2 D2 just kind of coming in and interrupting. I got a message. R2 couldn't wait just a few more moments, uh, to, you know, say their goodbyes.

He comes in, but it is an important message, I guess, to give, to give R2 a little credit here. They see the Kenobi message where he's trying to warn them [00:10:00] what Dooku is up to, and then you see Kenobi's just getting 

Gabby Browne: blasted away. So they send the message on. To Coruscant. Coruscant. To 

Jonathan VanSickle: the Jedi 

Aaron Couser: Temple. It was even Amidala's idea for Anakin to go after Kenobi.

But, it seemed like Anakin was a little resistant on that. Did you feel that same way? 

Jonathan VanSickle: So, I thought this was really interesting too. Because, they're connected, uh, basically like, you know, conference call with the Jedi Temple. And Mace Windu tells Anakin, Stay where you are. Protect the Senator at all costs.

That's an order. And Amidal is like, You're not gonna go help your friend? And this is a little inconsistent too, cause now all of a sudden Anakin's like, No, that was a direct order. I'm not, I 

Gabby Browne: can't do that. He really does pick and choose when the roles do and don't work for him. And I also think he is being a kind of a little emo boy here.

And he's like, My mom just died and he said no, so screw him, like, he can figure this out by himself. And I also think he never wants to help Obi Wan if he can. If he's so good, if [00:11:00] he's so much better than me as a Jedi, can't he figure that out by himself? Ooh, ooh, 

Sean Paddock: ooh, I like that. Or he can ask, he can ask for my help if he wants to.

Yeah, yeah. No, totally, that totally gets 

Gabby Browne: it. If he's, if he's, if he's, you know, better than both of them, if he's better than Yoda and stronger than Windu, why can't he just do it 

Jonathan VanSickle: by himself? That's brilliant, I never thought of that. But then we also see also the brilliance of Padme's and Anakin's relationship.

She says, well, if your order is to protect me, I'm going, I'm going to help him. You gotta 

Gabby Browne: follow me then. And 

Jonathan VanSickle: you immediately see his reaction, you know, he's, he's very pleased with this. He is like, oh, I like that. And it's It's, it's another cool little moment where we see how that partnership really, they really work well together.

I was trying to 

Gabby Browne: manipulate you, and you manipulated me! Wow!

Traitor. Oh no, my friend. This is a mistake. A terrible mistake. They've gone too far. This is madness. [00:12:00] 

Sean Paddock: Dooku does a really good job of, while he's on that planet, being like, I'm not in charge of this. This has nothing to do with, like, I'm here to broker some stuff, but, like, they're the ones holding you. I'm not holding you.

I'll put in a good word if I can. He's like, you should join me. And she's like, I'll never join you. He's like, well, it's gonna be a little harder to convince him to let you go now, but whatever. We'll talk later. And he 

Gabby Browne: literally says like, oh, the Republic is under the rule of a dark sth. How about we team up together?

Do you think we could do that together at Obiwan? Do you think we could destroy the sift together? And he's like, I will literally never team up with you, Duku. I will never team up with you. And you can tell that he's just, like, blatantly lying just then, like, Oh, you never heard me say anything about wanting to assassinate Padme.

You never heard me saying anything about Darth Insidious. No, none of these things. 

Aaron Couser: During Dooku's interrogation or trying to manipulate Kenobi, he basically reveals why he's been doing this. A dark side has infiltrated the Jedi and has clouded [00:13:00] their minds. And now the Senate is just... Filled with this Sith who I think is the first time we hear about the Sith in the saga, correct?

The Jedi seem 

Jonathan VanSickle: to be aware. Yeah, there's a Sith presence And that's why Yoda and when do it kind of had confined in each other are so concerned about How you know whenever Yoda felt that great pain and all this suffering and he's like do we tell them? I think that's kind of the point like do we tell them that we can't really see things clearly right now And then he's like no we Absolutely cannot do that, but Dooku already knows.

He knows. 

Aaron Couser: He knows that they're getting weak. You can see it in Kenobi's face, though, too, though. He's thinking, is Dooku right about this situation? Thinking about all the events that has taken place, and maybe there's something to what he's saying, but he does not give in. 

Sean Paddock: Even if he's not gonna join them, he's still thinking maybe there's a little bit of truth to what he's saying here.

Qui Gon always spoke 

Gabby Browne: very highly of you. I wish she were still alive. I could use his 

Sean Paddock: help right now. [00:14:00] Palpatine's obviously had multiple Padawans or his second in command and every time that the second in command tries to recruit someone new because that's how the Sith work is you recruit Someone new and then you got to kill your previous master and then train them So you're the most powerful Sith essentially going through and so do you think Darth Tyranus was trying to recruit Obi Wan?

Because because if we go back to Dooku trained Qui Gon Jinn And, and the first thing he says to K Kenobi when he's tied up is, It's so unfortunate to meet you under these circumstances, like I've always really wanted to meet you. And, cause I know that there's a point where Dooku part ways, And Dooku's like, you're gonna have to find someone to look out for you.

And he's like, I already have someone, Obi Wan fills that role, my Padawan. Do you think he genuinely was like, I don't necessarily agree with Palpatine, but I definitely don't agree with the Jedi, so I'm working this way. And maybe I could find a cohort to work with me to say, fuck them both. We will try to get back to what I think is the right thing going on 

Gabby Browne: here.

Testing where his allegiances truly lie, especially because they have that relationship. Not even coercive, but like in a [00:15:00] manipulation of like an elder, of a situation of being like I've never even met you, but I'm a part of your training, just so you know. 

Jonathan VanSickle: It's kind of a poker game between those two guys.

It's like, what cards do you have? What cards do I have? They're kind of probing each other, figuring out some things, and uh, yeah. It's a great scene. Not as 

Sean Paddock: black and white as things always seem.

Gabby Browne: Delegate Misa proposed that the Senate give immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor. 

Aaron Couser: So things are also starting to heat up around the Jedi Council. I mean, they're really now starting to see a real need to get this vote going. They need maybe an an emergency vote to spearhead. 

Gabby Browne: Naboo is the Senate that Padme is from, and she is the person to present this bill.

But I don't understand why Jar Jar Binks is the person to say, Oh Palpatine, you are [00:16:00] going to be our leader now, you know? That's just so strange that they would have like a random sitting fill in Senate member be a part of that. And that's why he's a Sith Lord. 

Sean Paddock: Well, I think part of it too is, I don't know for sure, but I think Naboo holds like a higher...

She might be like the Speaker of the House, in comparison, as opposed to like a normal Senator. She's just a higher up within the government hierarchy, so that's why she was the one that was going to suggest the bill. And that's why, because she's not there, they can't move through with that vote, and so they have to put someone in absolute in charge to get 

Jonathan VanSickle: it kind of decorum, yeah.

I think it's implied before with the way that she's talking about is that this has kind of been her bill for the last few years. She's been really passionate about bringing this to the floor, so yeah, it just kind of gets passed down to Jar Jar. Choices have to be made. Immediately. Immediately. And 

Gabby Browne: so we need to have to, we have to put 

Jonathan VanSickle: someone in.

So you have to give someone that absolute power to make those decisions, cause as Anakin said before, people don't come together, people don't make. Absolute power. [00:17:00] Exactly. Thank you Kathy. Sorry.

So, um, For the Republic. Wants democracy. Yeah. Well, he 

Sean Paddock: does such a good job, too. Palpatine's, he's like, I love the Republic. I love democracy. I will be the first one to give this power back as soon as this is over. Yeah, he promises. I hate, yeah, I promise. I hate, I hate having this 

Gabby Browne: power back. He's a fucking liar.

That's what happens. Oh, man, a politician promising something? Oh, my God. God, I trust him so hard. Well, he had 

Sean Paddock: me convinced. I don't know. He did a great job the way that he said he seemed so enduring and so genuine about it, like, and the fact that that actor outside of space was probably sitting again in a blank room, nothing else going on and blue screens and like, give this speech, you know, and he knocked it out of the park.

Aaron Couser: And his first order of business was creating this army, which they already kind of had in the back pocket, ready to go. And 

Gabby Browne: you see Yoda and Windu watching from the rafters. They come up with this decision that Windu is going to go find Obi [00:18:00] Wan, and Yoda is going to go to Kamino. 

Sean Paddock: Yeah, Windu's going to round up the Jedi to go get Obi Wan.

Gabby Browne: For a mechanic, you seem to do an excessive amount of thinking. 

Aaron Couser: Anakin and Emadol land on Geonosis. R2 and C 3PO are also 

Jonathan VanSickle: with 

Gabby Browne: them. Yeah, thank goodness. The comedic relief I've been needing it this whole time. Padme, also, this is another comedic relief. Padme thinks she can handle this diplomatically. Ha ha ha ha!

It basically says that, like, while they're walking in, as all of these creatures start coming out of the walls, and it's like, Diplomatic Padme, really? Baby girl, this isn't the Senate. These are the outer planets that do not want to be a part of the Republic, girl. They are not gonna handle this diplomatically.

Yeah, they got 

Aaron Couser: a little different way of handling things, I'm sure. As they go through this factory, you see them building these other Android army that actually look a lot like the Genosians, I guess, you know, has that head structure to it. So that's [00:19:00] where you get that design from. And then C 3PO says a really funny line, Machines making machines.

How perverse. 

Sean Paddock: He's 

Gabby Browne: the best man. I love that guy. This is also what Sean was talking about earlier in the sense of color design. They really, in this moment, wanted to take you to this hellscape. Like Dante's Inferno esque. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Well, what do you guys think of that scene? Because there's kind of an interesting story behind it.

Sean Paddock: After seeing how they filmed it, it seemed a lot cooler to me. Like I said earlier, we're talking about pre visualization, where essentially George Lucas came out and was like, I have this general idea for what I want it to look like. They brought it back and then they took the actors and do it. A blue room with one, like a giant treadmill on it essentially.

Act like you're about to get crushed by giant machines and, and run through like this is going on. And then, and then Anakin, I need you to, I need some jump shots with your lightsaber and stuff. So get some of that. And then just taking those pieces and being like, putting it to 

Gabby Browne: make this. Like truly one of the most least involved actor environments that you could be in.

They shot the entire [00:20:00] scene in four hours. They were done before noon. Like shooting with the actors. 

Jonathan VanSickle: With the actors. Yeah. And it wasn't planned beforehand, was it? It was like on one of the last few days of shoots, like this was never a scene. Yeah. Yeah. It was just like. You know what? I think, uh, Steven Spielberg did this thing in Minority Report.

I want to, uh, I want to do what my friend did, except I'm gonna do it better. 

Gabby Browne: Literally, like, yeah, whipped it out real quick. It was super, 

Sean Paddock: super interesting. Yeah, well, again, like, at the end, taking all the cuts is like, yeah, we can do two more days and with these cuts and I'll throw this whole scene in and it'll look Natural, and organic, and like, nothing ever happened.


Jonathan VanSickle: thing with the trust, the trust in his team, like, to just be like, Alright, you guys got this.

Sean Paddock: I love Princess Mononoke in animated films, but how difficult it is to make an animated film, as opposed to, quite literally, almost a completely animated film with live action characters in it, and having to interact with that animated world, and it not look animated, essentially, which is wild. And especially, we talk about the way that he does it, is chopping up little bits and pieces and gluing them together.

We talked earlier about him letting guys [00:21:00] kind of have free reign to, um, work on things where he's like, I just kind of want this explosion, make this explosion happen, and then look at it and be like, if I like that, put it in. He's like, I push them past where I think they can go, and very rarely do they let me down.

But the thing is, they know I push them, and sometimes it does happen, they don't get it done. But they know I'm gonna try to push it in the next movie if they don't get it done this one. He 

Gabby Browne: literally said to, he had them working like 20 to 22 hours a day. They would literally be sleeping in their offices.

This dude is business. Absolutely. 

Sean Paddock: I feel like that attributes to that, where we're talking about them all looking up to him so much. It could be smart to think of like, if you have these people that want your attention so bad, it forces them to put out their best. product. I'm going to make sure this is really good because I want George to pick mine.

I want George to pick my scene, you know? 

Gabby Browne: Oh man, imagine disappointing your hero, George Lucas, like literally. I don't like it.

Jonathan VanSickle: I think, you know, that could be part of Lucas's downfall, I mean, he's an incredible creator and has a brilliant mind for these [00:22:00] type of things, but I think I'd seen in some footage where he's looking at some designs for ships or things like that, you know, going over this huge art room full of sketches, and he goes, oh shoot, I guess I should really start working on that script, huh?

Or something. It's like finishing up VFX. Like dude sense. Come on Georgie. 

Sean Paddock: That makes sense. It and seeing, watching more and more, his style of directing is nuts. Like he, it's so much, and I heard the quote last night in one of the documentaries we watched. It's like it's much more like a chef or a cook in a kitchen or like a painter.

It's not like he doesn't take and create this scene and make everyone into it and say, read these dialogues perfectly to create exactly that. He takes little pieces and CGI of everything, and all these cuts, he's got a thousand cuts, and he puts them together and to make this movie. Which is just insane to me.

Which is where things like that could get a little overlooked or a little tweaked. It's a little harder to keep a cap on everything when you're piecing a movie together out of... 

Jonathan VanSickle: Well, especially when you're just one guy, I mean, who else is going to [00:23:00] do Star Wars at this point? I mean, it wasn't sold to Disney.

It was George Lucas. So he's, he has a hand in everything. And I think that's to his benefit and detriment at times. And 

Aaron Couser: especially back then, because everyone was so excited that he'd actually would want to direct these prequels to begin with. So they just go, Oh, well, since you're going to do it, then we'll just give you carte blanche and you can do whatever you want.


Gabby Browne: he definitely wanted to guarantee that he was going to be able to make at least three movies. He was not going to be able to just sign the contract for just one. He wanted to make sure he was doing all three up front. Well, 

Sean Paddock: and I think that's how he was with the original trilogy too. He just made American Graffiti and he was like, I have money.

His agent's like, American Graffiti did so well, we could get you close to 500, 000 or a million dollars. He's like, I don't want that. Give me 100, and make sure I get sequels. Cause I want to create my, my movie. Like I know it's going to take more than one and I want to get 

Jonathan VanSickle: it done. I think that's a funny thing about new Star Wars fans being like, Oh, they don't pay any attention to the lore.

They don't have any idea where they're going. And while I do agree with a lot of those things, I don't think George Lucas really knew where he [00:24:00] was going with it. A lot of 

Sean Paddock: the time, no one ever complained. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Everyone was like, Oh, this is George Lucas. It's his creation, which is funny that we just kind of give him this pass.

This franchise, the way it spans generations. And the different entry points, like we had original trilogy, Gabby, you had The Christmas special, yeah. So many other people had this, this prequel trilogy and some with the sequel trilogy now is, no matter where you come in, you can continue to build that lore kind of organically.

And it just kind of builds a tapestry of this world and this galaxy that Lucas created. Obi

Wan's gonna kill me. 

Aaron Couser: During this conveyor belt scene, you see Amidala trapped into this... A bowl. A bowl. R2 

Jonathan VanSickle: D2 

Aaron Couser: saves her at the very last minute, thankfully. Saving Luke Skywalker, eventually. 

Gabby Browne: Yeah, R2, yeah, R2 flies out. Well, cause, Lord baby, we're not even [00:25:00] talking about C 3PO during this entire process as well.

Because homeboy gets his head popped off. His head's put, put on a droid and then his body is a droid head and the bo the droid's. Like, my body's not working right. I, my legs are not moving quick enough. and what? Like true leader of the crew, R two saves pad, me and Annie, but nots C three p o C three pss out in the army now

Jonathan VanSickle: Well, and in the process, once again, Anakin loses. A lightsaber. Yep. 

Gabby Browne: He gets it sliced and diced during this part. He thought he was agile enough, but it got slipped right in half by the big chopper machine. So 

Jonathan VanSickle: another, yep. Naughty, naughty. And they're captured. I'm not afraid to die. 

Gabby Browne: Jenga fit. He finds them.

Finds Annie and Padme. Tied up on a nice little chariot about to be ridden out into a coliseum, but before that they exchange words. I've been dying every day since I saw you and then this is the part where she brings it back and I mean like they probably had this [00:26:00] is this is where the writing for me it could have been just a little better but she says I've been dying a little bit every day since you came back into my life and just Says it right back, Adam, the insinuation that they're in love.

What a toxic line to promote your love for. You've been dying every day a little bit since you've come back into my life. It's the sense of, yeah, their love is not supposed to be together, but whatever you guys are both saying, screw it regardless, even though you're truly foreshadowing your fate. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Well, not only that, the way she ends it, she says, I truly, deeply, like, really, I promise, I do love you.

Like, it's so weird the way it's 

Gabby Browne: put. She's trying to convince herself. And it's just like... Like, 

Jonathan VanSickle: we're about to die. Let's just get this kiss. Like, I mean, you know, it's just very... For 

Gabby Browne: me, yeah, I just, I don't know, man. Like... She probably realizes 

Aaron Couser: there's no way they're gonna survive this, so might as well just come out and 

Gabby Browne: go out on a high note, I guess.

Sean Paddock: I'm gonna ask an alien to write a love dialogue that's between two humans [00:27:00] that haven't met humans before, but just have watched TV. And it's that, I truly, deeply, love you. This is 

Gabby Browne: the AI robot that he just put in the generator of all the 70s movies and just said, Hey, write me a love line for Star Wars.

And that's what we are brought to. I truly, deeply love you. Make out brought into the Coliseum. And, oh god, Obi Wan's just like, Jesus tits, man, are you kidding me? I send you to send a message to the Jedi Council, and who do I find tied up? Who do I see brought out to me? None other than my young Padawan, Gung Padawan, and Padme, who should be on Naboo right now.

I'm starting to wonder 

Sean Paddock: if he even received my message. That's the first thing he says to him when he gets wheeled out to him. Yeah. 

Jonathan VanSickle: And he's like, we did receive your message, and we decided to rescue you, and he goes, great work. Yeah. 

Aaron Couser: This is basically entertainment for these Genosians, or, you know, these insect creatures, you know, there's like hundreds and thousands of them.

Doku's there, the big [00:28:00] time players are there. 

Sean Paddock: Jango, yeah. Yeah, everybody's watching. Yeah, and like an emperor too, like you said, at the Coliseum, they're sitting atop with the Trade Federation members and all the royalty. And his number one bodyguard, Jango Fett, sitting next to 

Aaron Couser: him. And then they start releasing these three...

Just crazy looking creatures. It's not really even supposed to be a fight, because they're all tied up and they're just gonna eat them. But then, and then Anakin says the classic line, I've got a bad feeling about this, which you hear in every single 

Sean Paddock: Star Wars movie. I've got a 

Jonathan VanSickle: bad feeling about this. That was probably one of the weaker 

Aaron Couser: ones that they did.

On Satan Christensen. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Yeah, of course. They checked it 

Gabby Browne: off. We got a bull triceratops. Uh, Digimon Praying Mantis, and a Smiling Lizard Kitty. I can't I took a long time coming up with these names. By far, the Digimon Praying Mantis is the scariest. Yeah, he's my favorite, for sure. The Smiling Lizard Kitty is a close second, though, I will 

Sean Paddock: say.

I feel like it's more of a rat kitty. I don't because it doesn't I guess it's got like four eyes, but it's got a big 

Gabby Browne: rat tail. I know it is a rat, but it's also smiling like [00:29:00] the Chestshire Cat. Just relax. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Concentrate. 

Gabby Browne: What about Padme? She seems to be on 

Jonathan VanSickle: top of things. 

Sean Paddock: Padme. Yeah. Padme looks badass in this scene.

She even gets sliced up on her back. She says. She 

Jonathan VanSickle: gets sliced up so they can reveal her midriff if you realize. That's exactly what they're doing in that scene. I hate you, 

Gabby Browne: George. Yep. I 

Jonathan VanSickle: hate you. This has some weird Natalie Portman. And if you notice in episode three, I'll leave it at this. She dresses like she's Amish the entire movie because I think she had had enough of those costumes.

She's like, nope, I have an intelligent character who has more to say than a good pair of tits. Thank you, 

Gabby Browne: Jesus Christ. I will say her work, her costume design for this episode two was significantly worse than the first or the last in this, in this newer trilogy too. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Well, I guess in the first one, you know, she's royalty.

Yeah, exactly. In this one, she's the sex appeal for Anakin. And in the third one, she's the mother of the children. I guess, 

Gabby Browne: yeah. So this is, the sexiest one, I guess. And the worst wardrobe design [00:30:00] too. 

Aaron Couser: They're doing so well, though, that, uh, you know, Anakin is able to tame one of the, one of these creatures and use it as a weapon.

And, uh, as a way to kind of escape the situation. 

Gabby Browne: Yeah, he probably could have used a little force to help, uh, Natalie hop off that pole instead of just dropping like that. Uh, that looked like it hurt so bad, dude. 

Sean Paddock: Well, it's what, Anakin, at the beginning, they're all tied up. Anakin turns to Obi Wan and he's like...

You go after Dooku, I'll save Padme. And he's like, I think she can take care of herself. And it flashes over and she's like already up the pool, whipping away that 

Gabby Browne: thing with chains. Yeah. And he's also like, yo, uh, I can't do Dooku by myself. Obi Wan is like, I think you're underestimating what Dooku is, dude, because this is going to be a two person effort, honest to God.

Aaron Couser: The execution did not go the way they thought it was gonna go. Oops, they bring out the android 

Sean Paddock: army. Newt Gunray that's like, You promised me she was gonna die, and he's like 

Gabby Browne: watching her not get killed. I'm here for a Jedi massacre, and this is not what I'm being promised. Master Windu, how pleasant of 

Sean Paddock: you to [00:31:00] 

Gabby Browne: join 

Sean Paddock: us.

Gabby Browne: They start letting out those droids to start handling some things. But in, behind Windu. We're on a badass motherfucker. Yeah, we're on Windu, rolling up behind 

Sean Paddock: Dooku. This is the only scene in the entire series where you get to see Mace Windu and be a badass. It kind of sets how, because in the stories and lore, he is a fucking legend.

Like, he's the head of The ultimate. Yeah, he's like literally the best. fighter they have. He jumps down. Like, he's not even scared of it. It's like a 40 50 foot drop and he just jumps for it. Just backflips, lands like it's no problem. And then whips Jango Fett, who is obviously trained in fighting Jedi, got away from Kenobi without too much of an issue, and he just whips him like it's nothing.

Like, butter. Toast. Wham. Damn. Thank you, ma'am. Like, I'm not even gonna fight you, pretty much. Incapacitated. Yeah. 

Aaron Couser: Yeah. But I think Jango kinda got a raw deal because he got run over by that, one of those creatures. And I think it messed up his 

Jonathan VanSickle: jetpack. Yeah, his jetpack was screwed after that. Once again, this is, you know, like poetry.

Mandalorians famously have issues with their [00:32:00] jetpacks. Which led to their demise 

Gabby Browne: multiple times over. They also have issues with getting killed in front of their children too, cause that happens as well. So, yeah. 

Jonathan VanSickle: Windu 

Gabby Browne: just decapitates Chang'e. And I mean, I felt so bad. I didn't, I didn't even mean to say this, but like, I just said it out loud when Sean and I were watching last night, but I was like, man, I'm glad his head wasn't still in the helmet when he picked it up.


Jonathan VanSickle: Everyone always brings that up. He picks up the helmet and it's like. You almost hold your breath because you're like,

Oh God, 

Gabby Browne: a head's going to fall out. But what a monumental point in this character's life is literally seeing the Jedi murder his father right before his eyes. 

Jonathan VanSickle: The reinforcements are here. We see so many Jedi start to storm this area and enter the battle. More Jedi than I think we've ever seen on screen.

Since or before then, really. Yeah. I mean, this is massive, massive scale at this point. Anakin and Obi Wan are quickly equipped with two new lightsabers. I'm [00:33:00] glad they brought spares. Yeah. The battle is on. This is the beginning, officially, in my opinion, of 

Sean Paddock: the Clone Wars. As far as my knowledge of the Clone Wars, this is the most Jedi in a single fight.

Oh, yeah. That I'm aware of. Like I said, they're generals, so you get, like, one or two Jedi will go out with a bunch of troops. Or occasionally you have three or four when things are meeting up. You don't see 30, 40 Jedi all rolling out with lightsabers. Bringing back to my childhood of, like, YEEEES! I remember watching this and being like, YEEEES!

They're doing it! Get em! This is the dream I've been waiting for! 

Gabby Browne: I will also say, during this time, someone pops off the clone head off of C 3PO's body, and he's just running around like a chicken with his head cut off, and his body gets shot, So, so C 3PO's head is just laying on the ground. I can't move, help me!

R2 comes over and just like, cinches his head off and drags him to his body. I'm just, just wanted to throw that in there to make sure everyone knew that C 3PO is and will always be okay. 

Jonathan VanSickle: George did too. Instead of getting two more minutes of the most [00:34:00] epic Jedi battle ever, we needed to

Gabby Browne: see that Everyone, that was for me. There you go. Yes, there was someone who wanted it, and that was me. I had fun with the battle, but I also was very concerned about what was happening with C 3PO. They're officially surrounded, though. You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order.

The tables have turned. The Jedi are all in the middle, surrounded by clones. Dooku is saying, you must surrender. You literally have nothing else to do. Like, you will surrender. And Windu's like, yeah, no. We aren't, no, we will literally never surrender. Dooku puts the weapons back up, they're all pointing at them, and then out of nowhere WHAM!

Yoda comes to the rescue with the clone army! He knew they were in trouble and here he comes, ready to save the 

Aaron Couser: day. This army is pretty intense. They are, as [00:35:00] advertised, just kicking this android army's butt. That's when Dooku and the Trade Federation basically know their goose might be cooked on the situation and start retreating back into their headquarters.

Sean Paddock: We get the mention of... One of the most important pieces of Star Wars history here. They prioritize in that moment what they need to do. They're pulling back, and the head of the Genoans, Genoseans if you will, says, priority number one is we need to get the plans hidden back in the archives or the conclaves.

We cannot have them discovering the weapon we're working on. And he opens up a little poem thing of it, and it's the first time that we get to see, not the first time. But in this series, we can see the Death Star, and we know that they're actively already working on the Death Star. Which, at the time, being such a throwback to the original trilogy, obviously, because we haven't seen Episode 3 yet, was so cool, you know, it was almost as cool as seeing all the lightsabers pop up out in the Coliseum of like, oh yeah, and these are the people that are building the Death Star, and it's already happening.

Huge lore 

Aaron Couser: there, yeah, where it all came from. And shows 

Sean Paddock: a bit of the timeline, more of the timeline as well, which is cool. [00:36:00] Master Yoda, all forward positions are advancing. Very good. Very good. 

Gabby Browne: So our Jedi heroes and Padme are off to follow Dooku cause he is trying to escape the Coliseum with those plans.

During this time, Padme falls off of the transport and Anakin's like, GASP Stop! Stop it! And, and Obi Wan's literally like, Dude, do you think she would stop for you? Or do you think she would finish her duties? He's like, Nah, she wouldn't finish her duties. Like, she fell off with another soldier. She will be alright, Anakin.

And like, honestly, like, You have been treating her like a damsel in distress this entire movie. She is very, very, and has proven to you more than once, capable. This is where you 

Aaron Couser: kind of see Kenobi just having enough of this situation. This is your duty. The duty is to kill Doku. There are millions and billions of people's lives at risk here.

He does decide [00:37:00] to stay with Obi Wan and fight Doku and go after 

Gabby Browne: him. Not that that helps much, but...

Aaron Couser: You're gonna 

Gabby Browne: pay for all the Jedi that you 

Aaron Couser: killed today, 

Gabby Browne: Dooku. 

Jonathan VanSickle: He's 

Gabby Browne: literally just standing there, and Anakin's like, I got this! And Obi Wan's like, Together, we must do this together! And he just zaps him, and he's like, Flying into the wall over to the side. 

Sean Paddock: Well, I think Obi Wan says something like, We'll take him together, you head to the left.

And I'll go to the right, and Yoda goes, I'll take him right now! And just runs at him. It's like, dude, chill. How cool of a bad guy Christopher Lee is. Because, you guys listening, is something I realized after rewatching this and a little more studying last night. Is that, Christopher Lee not only got to fight Yoda, but Gandalf.

in the same year. Both, uh, both Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers and Attack of the Clones came out in the same year. And so just playing such monumental roles in such huge series, like back to back, seems insane to me. And with just such [00:38:00] elegance too. I always loved the idea of having new, cooler characters.

I remember the first time when I saw Count Dooku or Darth Tyranus, I was like, Oh, it's just an old man. Like it's just an old white dude. But come on, can we do a little more with that? But he brings this like, very old, high republic, classic kind of British gusto with him that is very elegant and very obviously well educated and well spoken.

And even like the little hilt on his lightsaber that's curved and the way that he holds it out with almost like his pinky out. If you look at all the bad guys in the series, Darth Vader is obviously very absolute, Palpatine has his own agenda taking advantage of everyone, Darth Maul is just pissed at the world, and he's the first one that's like, was a Jedi, is just trying to make the world better the way that he sees it.

It's not necessarily light force versus dark force as much as like just trying to get through and making the right decisions, I think, and him channeling the light or the dark force to get that. It's more complicated for him, I think, than most of the characters, it's not just black and white, which I really appreciate.

Gabby Browne: As you see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours. Now, back down. [00:39:00] If Christopher Lee narrated my nightmares, that would be like the person I would want, you know, just because he's, it's like the perfect like, Oh, like evil, like the way he uses like the, the depth in his voice is just like true terrifying, like that He's a very scary man, even though I, he's good at, good ol actor.

Yeah, he kind of reminds me of Rest in peace, King. 

Jonathan VanSickle: You see how powerful 

Aaron Couser: Doku is. He's taking these two Jedi Legends 

Jonathan VanSickle: pretty easily. Uh, uh, 

Gabby Browne: Sh Padawan Legend, Jedi Legend, and a Padawan. That boy is not a Jedi. Yeah, but he's the Chosen One. Apologies. Yeah, but still, I do not care. I will die on this hill. 

Sean Paddock: Titles are titles.

Well, it's the first time we see Force Lightning since the original trilogy. Yeah. Which is cool. And not only just see it, but it's In the fight scene, it says a lot to the fact that Anakin runs up, gets blasted, toasted, and is completely decommissioned for the moment.

Aaron Couser: I don't think so. 

Sean Paddock: You see Obi Wan go to find him, who [00:40:00] obviously has a little more knowledge and a little more wisdom and has fought more powerful creatures, and he knows to catch that lightning with his saber, to at least stop it. It just shows how much more he knows. 

Gabby Browne: And he got his arm chopped, Obi Wan got diced a couple slices, gets his arm gone, you know.

Double sword attacking 

Aaron Couser: Dooku. Kenobi had better showing than, uh, old Anakin. Kenobi was going back and forth with him. 

Jonathan VanSickle: He still got got a 

Aaron Couser: little bit. Anakin's arm got Sliced off. And it's about over for them. Dooku is about to do the final shot. Count. 

Sean Paddock: Yoda comes in. Saves the day. Just like the steps of, like, Anakin getting completely blasted, Obi Wan can deflect it with his lightsaber, Yoda can literally send it back at him.

In his palm 

Gabby Browne: and send it back. 

Sean Paddock: George Lucas didn't know how he was going to interact with, A, Yoda fighting, and having major force users fight using not just lightsabers. Using lightning and sending it back and forth to each other. Or even when they're just forcing, yeah. And throwing giant boulders at each other or trying to knock things and they're being able to, like, [00:41:00] I'm strong enough to throw this and he's strong enough to catch it and move it.

And how, like the amount of effort it takes, cause that scene could have gone really, really bad. You know, it's, it's a lot of people's dreams and like, really looking forward to it. Expectations. 

Gabby Browne: I disliked the business of Hollywood intensely. When I had that choice of Star Wars being a success, I said, I'm going to try to make a go for it.

They are so truthfully and powerfully, not matched, because Yoda is very obviously more powerful than him, but it is the weakness that Yoda has of having to like save and spare his friends lives that like Dooku probably doesn't have anymore, that he's kind of sold his soul to the dark. He doesn't necessarily have friends or family or the people he cares about anymore, which is sad.

Still, he sees that as a flaw in Yoda, so he seeks that and, and uses it against him. I feel 

Sean Paddock: like it's the classic superhero trope. Yeah, truthfully. Like Lex Luthor versus Superman. Who are you going to save? Superman, Louis Lane, or Metropolis? You know? It's like, comes down to that big decision, 

Jonathan VanSickle: you [00:42:00] know? I mean, it's the same thing with Luke in the original trilogy.

Just like, will you complete your training, or are you going to go save your friends? I mean, we've seen that, we've seen that pull many times. I know he 

Sean Paddock: was genuinely concerned about letting people down. And he just did such a good job. Like I told you, I still got goosebumps last night when Yoda walks out and he pulls it, just the little thing when he uses his left hand to pull his road back and he puts his right hand out and his saber just flips right out into it.

And he opens it. One of my favorite scenes in any movie ever. It's just like the ultimate badass. Cool stuff. Powerful you have become, 

Jonathan VanSickle: Dooku. I was kind of unsure the first time I really saw Yoda with a lightsaber, a little older than you, Sean, when I saw it, and I was at this point kind of obsessed with the, kind of the Buddhist ideals that Yoda had, and even his comments at the time about a lightsaber, which could have been molded from the gruesome things he saw in the Clone Wars.

It's not about the lightsaber, man. It's like, it's, it's something, it's about being deep inside of you. I, I do love the scene, but it's so, yeah. That's [00:43:00] so different to see these two versions of Yoda. This one version that was in the forefront of the battle and then to see this older version of him in episode five where he's like, it's not what it's about guys.

Wars are not what makes one great. You could start to see in this, in this time, Yoda was doing his duty as the general. His feelings for war were definitely molded in these coming years because of some of the gruesome and ugly things that it does to people. 

Sean Paddock: You don't see him fight much, and he is a general who leads troops, but he's not on the forefront like a lot of the other Jedi are.

The exception of this fight and the fight with Palpatine. He had one duty. He had to go in and he had to kill Palpatine. You know, this is the end of everything, and he lost, and he knew it. He was like, I lost. Failed. I failed. Yeah. I completely failed. I failed everyone that I know and love and care about and everyone I ever have.

Gabby Browne: Victory, you say? Master Obi Wan. Not victory. The Shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Begun the Clone War [00:44:00] has. Dooku escapes and he's able to make it to the capital. 

Sean Paddock: Welcome home, Lord Tyrannus. 

Gabby Browne: You have 

Aaron Couser: done 

Gabby Browne: well. He's got them plans, he's got them plans with him, and he's welcomed home to the Republic.

Welcome home, Lord Taranis. And you're gonna put that hood over his head, and you're gonna try to tell me that's not supposed to be Palpatine. War has begun. 

Sean Paddock: Excellent. Everything is 

Aaron Couser: going as planned. But really, everything is going the way they want it to go, even though they didn't kill Padme, which they probably would have appreciated that happening, but all the pieces are putting into place for the next film.

And I 

Jonathan VanSickle: mean, keeping Padme around, I think that was, I mean, I think Bamford kinda, yeah, I think he kinda saw that he could start pulling out of place with Padme. 

Gabby Browne: Yoda says, this wasn't a victory, you think this was a victory? This [00:45:00] was the beginning of the war. This is one battle now. You guys don't even understand the repercussions of what this one battle means.

For all of us, yes.


Sean Paddock: terrible has 

Gabby Browne: happened. 900 years old, you should probably trust the man. Young Skywalker 

Sean Paddock: is in pain. Terrible pain. He might have been the only one that has seen a war before at this time. Exactly. 

Aaron Couser: Anakin has, uh, sealed the deal, let's just say. With Padme? With 

Gabby Browne: Padme. Yeah, which I'm over here like, okay, this man literally looked you straight in your eyes and said, I killed the women and the children and you're still Still gonna say, yeah, let's get that one husbied, you know, this is my new husby.

No Padme, what are you doing, seriously, like this man has shown you time and time again his sociopathic tendencies and this is the one that we're gonna go with? Thing is, I 

Sean Paddock: feel like it's not just like strike one. either. [00:46:00] It's not like this is the only thing that happened. It's like, she literally 

Gabby Browne: said, you're making me uncomfortable by the way you were looking at me, dude, like in every 

Jonathan VanSickle: aspect.

We also have to look at the situation they're in now though. I mean, they're both now emboldened in their positions that they were before Padme against the separatists, Anakin against. Dooku or any of these other bad guys. They are in this intense moment now where they are being pinned one side against another and in these situations, you know, who have they turned to time and time again?


Gabby Browne: other. Yeah. And it's true. I guess I will say at this moment, it is a true alliance in that sense. They came to that conclusion when they were about to go into the Coliseum together. No matter what, their situation is going to be fucked. So might as well love each other, I guess, which I'm Still, so confused by girl, you had probably all of the pickings in the universe.

Jonathan VanSickle: The chosen one though. 

Sean Paddock: Did you see the way he floated that apple? [00:47:00] 

Jonathan VanSickle: This is literally Patrick Mahomes.

Aaron Couser: Do you think George Lucas is a great director? What 

Sean Paddock: do you think about George? Do I love his movies? Absolutely. There are little things that he could definitely do better. It's the way that he directs. that's so different from most directors, I think, and what makes him unique and skilled. It's not just standing in front of a room of people and making something in his brain that he's seen in his head happen with other people immediately.

He just uses all the different medium, digital medium, and clips from different people to piece together the movie, and the way that it comes out is really cool in the sense that it's pretty much exactly what he wants, but there are little issues with like continuity and things that we can, you can tell upon a deep revisit, but do I think he's a good director?

Yes. I respect how much he does trust his subordinates and delegates to get things done. Obviously the man doesn't run a computer like he's not a professional digital artist, but he trusts his digital artist. The fact that he can give him a little idea of what he wants and they [00:48:00] bring it back and he said, yeah, that's it.

Or, no, that's not it. Or, yeah, that's really close, we just need to tweak this. To have that vision straight from head to paper, or exactly what he's getting, I think, is really cool and different, you know? I like that a 

Gabby Browne: lot, and it made me want to say that I don't necessarily like George Lucas, like, as a director per se, but as a creator he's...

Yeah. Phenomenal. Yeah. And I think that that's just like the synopsis of what you just said. He's an action director. That is what he is. He creates action and makes action and these are action movies through and through. As someone who watched them in the worst way possible too and like not even starting with George Lucas movies and doing like all of the new like Adam Drivers and then going back to the 70s and then watching these 2000s movies as the last ones.

They were definitely my least favorite, like, by far, after seeing, like, all of the ones previously. But it was just because he was in such a experimental time where technology was transitioning. [00:49:00] Two towers in this movie were being created simultaneously, in the sense that, like, Peter Jackson was on scene in New in New Zealand.

All of these... Places are being created in a computer, George Lucas's brain babies. This is like a vision that no one else can even physically see. Everyone that's being a part of the process of Two Towers is on set, in wardrobe. They're feeling the environment that they're about to be a part of. And I think that this movie was so difficult because it took so many actors.

Out of the environment of what they were trying to do and what they were trying to feel. This was one of the first movies that ever did that. He was just truly in such an experimental time in film technology and advancement. He's a 

Aaron Couser: genius, you know, and he's brilliant. No one can really understand someone who has an idea that millions and millions of people just fall in love with.

Like Star Wars and how much pressure is probably put on you to make all those people happy. So he [00:50:00] had a great story and he had a great idea, but at this point it's kind of like Jekyll and Hyde where he's trying to make this as visually beautiful and sound as amazing as it possibly can. You just kind of see the flaws of human being where you kind of lose a little bit of the story when he was younger.

Probably never would would have sacrificed that 

Gabby Browne: the problem is the studio executives The problem is that the studios used to be owned By people who cared about the movies 

Jonathan VanSickle: the guy changed the film industry twice In the 70s with his practical effects that he used and then with this trilogy. I mean he changed the industry again He's constantly been pushing the envelope with ilm even when they're not working on star wars.

They're working on some of the most Technologically advanced and beautiful movies that have been filmed to this day. Do I think he's a great director? I mean, George Lucas, I agree with Gabby. He's a, he's a fantastic creator. They don't love movies. 

Gabby Browne: They don't go to [00:51:00] movies. They don't know what a movie is.

And they do focus groups to try to determine who will go see a movie. 

Jonathan VanSickle: He came up. Underneath Coppola, uh, alongside Scorsese, Spielberg, De Palma, I mean, these guys were the cream of the crop who were handpicked and groomed for this for years and years and years. I think I agree. He's a better creator. He's a better organizer.

He's better kind of in a producer role. You've heard about the pace in which he shoots these movies faster, faster, faster. He's getting so much better. so many shots in a single day. And I think that his best work, in my opinion, was episode 5 when he handed the directorial reins over to Lawrence Kasdan. I think that's when we had the combination of the beautiful special effects, a well written, well thought out story that Lawrence Kasdan actually helped write with him.

And then you leave the directing to someone who, in my opinion, did it much better.

Aaron Couser: Where he might lack a little bit of that [00:52:00] emotional intelligence to portray into his actors, he makes up for it technically, visually, and he does bring the best of the business and surrounds himself with them. He's 

Gabby Browne: truly a visionary for the industry and has created so many paths. for other people to explore their own creative minds.

Even if he isn't the best director out there, he's an inspiration for anyone who can get behind technological design in movies, or CGI, or anything along those lines, because he's done both in technical and physical elements. Because it is not a business, you know, it's an art form.

All of our resources will be found in the show notes or on the website. Please check them out if you have any questions.[00:53:00]