Max + Chris Show

MECA Strong with David Lawrence

July 18, 2023 Max & Chris Episode 7
MECA Strong with David Lawrence
Max + Chris Show
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Max + Chris Show
MECA Strong with David Lawrence
Jul 18, 2023 Episode 7
Max & Chris

Join Max and Chris in a captivating episode as they explore the transformative world of personal training with David Lawrence, owner of MECA Personal Training ( David's innovative approach has empowered countless individuals to achieve remarkable physical transformations including professional athletes. Joined by Jacob Ekkens from Stewardship Advisory Group, they discuss the financial value and long-term benefits of investing in one's well-being. Discover the power of mindset, sustainable habits, and the profound impact of fitness on all aspects of life. Get inspired, gain practical advice, and unlock your own potential through the power of personal training. Tune in now to The Max & Chris Show!

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Show Notes Transcript

Join Max and Chris in a captivating episode as they explore the transformative world of personal training with David Lawrence, owner of MECA Personal Training ( David's innovative approach has empowered countless individuals to achieve remarkable physical transformations including professional athletes. Joined by Jacob Ekkens from Stewardship Advisory Group, they discuss the financial value and long-term benefits of investing in one's well-being. Discover the power of mindset, sustainable habits, and the profound impact of fitness on all aspects of life. Get inspired, gain practical advice, and unlock your own potential through the power of personal training. Tune in now to The Max & Chris Show!

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;16;16
Chris Prins
Welcome to the Chris and Max podcast Show. This is episode number seven, I believe, and we're on our backs to introduce our guests here today. So thanks for tuning in.

00;00;16;23 - 00;00;52;28
Max Grover
Yeah, so this is a little new for us because most or everyone we've had on so far has been somebody that we've had a previous relationship with. But Dave Lawrence, owner of Mecha, Jim was willing to drive over. Here was an introduction from Jake Atkins, who's also on the podcast and financial planner with Stewardship Financial. Dave Lawrence has trained hundreds of athletes, more than 20 in more than 20 sports and is currently the head strength coach at Concordia University and is hired by the national team conditioning for Guyana women's football.

00;00;53;00 - 00;00;59;07
David Lawrence
This is like this is like a four year old, six year old bios.

00;00;59;10 - 00;01;03;11
Max Grover
You need to update the website then. Oh my gosh. Let's just see.

00;01;03;13 - 00;01;03;29
David Lawrence

00;01;04;01 - 00;01;04;27
Max Grover
He does on the website.

00;01;04;27 - 00;01;08;01
David Lawrence
Yeah. And then I was like, I was like probably five years ago.

00;01;08;02 - 00;01;09;10
Chris Prins
So this is not.

00;01;09;12 - 00;01;10;12
David Lawrence
We're off to a bad start.

00;01;10;14 - 00;01;11;01
Chris Prins
Yeah, that's.

00;01;11;01 - 00;01;27;02
Max Grover
Good. Perfect. So that this whole thing started with Jake Atkins, who's sitting across from me, is not saying anything. I think he's nervous, But we. He did your program. It was about a year ago, Jake.

00;01;27;04 - 00;01;31;29
Chris Prins
Yeah, I think it was a year ago. Year and a half. Yeah.

00;01;32;02 - 00;01;34;18
David Lawrence
21. 22. Yeah, for sure.

00;01;34;21 - 00;01;53;08
Max Grover
And he kind of he, so he made the introduction to Dave. Dave's now on the podcast to talk about his business and where he's kind of headed and everything like that. And the, the transformation for Jake was it was astonishing. Jake You look good. You look good after it was done.

00;01;53;08 - 00;01;57;16
Chris Prins
So I'm start really bad.

00;01;57;19 - 00;02;03;14
Max Grover
Exactly. I think he How much weight did you cut and lose on your.

00;02;03;16 - 00;02;16;00
Chris Prins
I think I don't remember. I know I went from like 20, 24 or 25% body fat down to like 11.8. Wow. And how much time for him? 18 weeks. 18 weeks.

00;02;16;07 - 00;02;22;24
Max Grover
So Mack does a great job on Instagram if you want to check him out there. I know what the handle is.

00;02;22;25 - 00;02;29;07
David Lawrence
Dave Yeah, it's Mack and Strong that Mike is strong. And then our websites make a strong dot com. But yeah, so.

00;02;29;07 - 00;02;50;27
Max Grover
If you jump on there and check out the results and we'll post them later too. But they're, they're amazing. And so that kind of started this conversation and the connection into Dave and bringing them in today. So we're, we're excited to have you and talk business and real estate and and about you too so for sure now take it away for the next hour.

00;02;51;00 - 00;02;51;14
Max Grover

00;02;51;16 - 00;02;53;11
David Lawrence
Yeah absolutely.

00;02;53;13 - 00;03;02;20
Max Grover
Let's all take that Let's update the bio I guess like starting back like how you got into strength training and your background getting into that, etc..

00;03;02;21 - 00;03;19;03
David Lawrence
Yeah, for sure. So I wasn't good enough to play professional football. That's what I really wanted to do. I played with Jake here at Central Michigan University and we played with like 17 guys who played in the NFL. It was a pretty cool experience.

00;03;19;06 - 00;03;22;29
Max Grover
And a couple of them. So playing to crack as crazy.

00;03;23;02 - 00;03;38;03
David Lawrence
But one of our best friends is Nick Bloor. Mutual like, you know, best buddy. I got to train Nick for the first six, seven years of his career before he moved away. And he's he's still in the NFL. It's just really, really cool. Undrafted guy.

00;03;38;06 - 00;03;40;06
Max Grover

00;03;40;08 - 00;03;43;00
David Lawrence
Just some of the guys. We played with Antonio Brown and J.J..

00;03;43;00 - 00;03;43;19
Max Grover

00;03;43;26 - 00;03;52;15
David Lawrence
And just just a slew of looks. Did you play with fish? I did, yeah. And play with Eric Fisher, number one overall first round draft pick.

00;03;52;15 - 00;03;54;22
Chris Prins
And what positions where you get.

00;03;54;25 - 00;03;59;12
David Lawrence
So I played I left out.

00;03;59;14 - 00;04;00;21
Max Grover
I was the same position.

00;04;00;21 - 00;04;03;01
Chris Prins
I was good. So like I.

00;04;03;08 - 00;04;12;07
David Lawrence
Said, I walked on and got a scholarship my second year there, which is really cool. Now as a four year Letterwinner I'm really proud of it actually.

00;04;12;10 - 00;04;19;04
Max Grover
That had to be that had to be an unreal to go in, walk on. And then did they do like in from the team type thing?

00;04;19;04 - 00;04;27;27
David Lawrence
Yeah, absolutely. So you know, walk on. I had tore my hamstring my senior year and so all my offers kind of went out the table there.

00;04;27;28 - 00;04;29;09
Max Grover
Where I watch high school.

00;04;29;10 - 00;04;50;05
David Lawrence
Yeah. I went to middle and high school. Yeah. Just outside Kalamazoo was out of the state fair over here. It's an awesome place, great place to grow up. And then I went to Central. Brian Kelly was the coach coming from Grand Valley Grand Valley offered me a scholarship, but Brian Kelly had just left and I love the program that he had created, so I really wanted to play for him.

00;04;50;07 - 00;05;09;18
David Lawrence
So came on here to got a scholarship. It was really, really cool. My one of my proudest things is two things. We're, you know, part of to my championship teams. And when I got there, the program was really, really bad. And I got to be part of a group of guys that turned it around. It was really cool.

00;05;09;18 - 00;05;31;17
David Lawrence
So one of the probably the, you know, as a team, really cool. And then I was a four year letterwinner. So when I came in, I think there was 43 guys that came into my class with me and I think only two of us ended up being four year Letterwinners, which was Stephen Friend, but he graduated the year, you know, he didn't, he never redshirted.

00;05;31;19 - 00;05;42;23
David Lawrence
He was three out of 4243. And you know, Andrew Hartline was the other one is just he, you know, had a shot at the NFL for a little bit. But yeah, that's those are the things I'm most proud of.

00;05;42;25 - 00;06;12;10
Max Grover
So that it's when you get into it because I've been on winning too. I played hockey and I played a Bowling Green state, which when you're on a good team and the culture and everything is so much fun, it's so amazing. But when you're on a bad team, it is not fun. It is horrible to go through that transition of like, I don't know what your records were or anything, but I'm sure practice was horrible.

00;06;12;12 - 00;06;27;12
Max Grover
I'm sure conditioning was horrible in that turnaround. And then getting into and then all of a sudden how the culture just shifts and I don't know what the key is to that, but it's it's fun to be a part of. It's a lot more fun to be on a good team.

00;06;27;14 - 00;06;54;04
David Lawrence
Yeah. Which is the leadership. So yeah, leadership is the limit in any organization. And Brian Kelly was a great leader, but Jones is a great leader. So those are the two head coaches that I got to be part of to win championship teams. And then so what leaders do is they set the vision and they set the expectations and then they you know, bring in other people to hold everybody else accountable to the to that vision and to those expectations.

00;06;54;06 - 00;07;31;23
David Lawrence
So in my company, you know, I'm the founder and I'm the leader. We have about 60, 65 staff right now. And so I set the vision, I set the core values, and then, you know, the expectations about where, you know, who we are, where we're going and who we want to be along the way. And you're never going to have an organization, whether it's a sports team or a company or whatever, a family, if you don't have a good vision and in where, why are you there in what are you doing in kind of the rules of engagement in how to operate and what are what are the standards that you're going to accept?

00;07;31;26 - 00;07;42;08
David Lawrence
Are you going to accept excellent standards? You know, are you going to share that media, you know, mediocre standards? So that's like leadership is definitely the limit.

00;07;42;10 - 00;08;05;26
Max Grover
And and I've heard people talk about like Bill Belichick, too, where it's like vision, like you're talking about. But then with that vision, he also sets very clear expectations for everybody and what their job is or might not be their job. They have a very clear outline of what they're supposed to do and then they can just go do it and there's no ambiguity.

00;08;05;28 - 00;08;25;01
Max Grover
And that always stuck with me, too. It's like and I struggle with that, to be honest. Like, so I'm I can do it on my own. And so, like, I'm going to take it and run with it. But when you get to that delegation and keeping that expectation, like a lot of times that the expectations are slipping on something, I'm like, Hey, I'm just going to run with it again.

00;08;25;04 - 00;08;51;12
David Lawrence
Yeah, for sure. So again, a lot of that's like having clear standards for other people and clear roles and if you don't do that, then that's where, you know, as the leader you end up doing more work, have more frustration and that takes time setting, you know, setting that up really takes a first. It takes a clear sense of where you want to go and what you want to do.

00;08;51;13 - 00;09;05;24
David Lawrence
You have to have a good roadmap for yourself and where you want to be in three years, five years, whatever it is. And so, yeah, if you don't do that, then like you can't even articulate what you want to get done with the people that you're working with.

00;09;05;29 - 00;09;27;08
Max Grover
So you had you did four year letterwinner and same year you got to play with Jake and I'm sure it was an absolute blast because anybody that gets the privilege to play college sports, it it is the it's the funnest thing in the entire world. It's one of the best experiences I've ever had, even though there were parts that weren't fun.

00;09;27;10 - 00;09;42;09
Max Grover
Those are like seem to be the parts that we'd still talk about and like, laugh about now. But you did that and then now you have where was the vision? What was the plan after you graduated and and did you start Mika right away or.

00;09;42;14 - 00;09;56;25
David Lawrence
No, I worked at a place in Chicago called the Public Performance Center where they had a really good product, but just the business wasn't run like that. Great. And personal training is a pretty new industry. It's about 30 years old. It's not that old, right?

00;09;56;27 - 00;09;57;12
Max Grover
Yeah, sure.

00;09;57;12 - 00;10;04;13
David Lawrence
It wasn't really personal trainers in like, the fifties, right? Yeah, right. Like a thing. So, I don't know.

00;10;04;15 - 00;10;06;08
Max Grover
I haven't even thought about that before.

00;10;06;08 - 00;10;33;03
David Lawrence
Yeah, it's a pretty new profession, so there's not, like, the professionalism of the industry. And again, the standards and the expectations like, are not are not there. Right. So, so anyway, it's, it was a great experience to technically get better. My wife and I, we were having our first child go back to Michigan and then no one is hiring in Michigan because we're still is 2011.

00;10;33;03 - 00;10;38;04
David Lawrence
Yeah. You know, during the recession. Yeah. So I had to start my own business. I was the only way I was going to feed my family.

00;10;38;05 - 00;10;42;16
Max Grover
That's why I can't find a job. So I'll just start. Do it. I'll just start on myself.

00;10;42;18 - 00;10;59;05
David Lawrence
Yeah, there's like, I love that. And this wasn't hiring. A lot of people told me I was really stupid. Like, What are you doing? Like, go get a real job, like that sort of thing, right? But I didn't really know what else I could really be good at. I could probably be good at, like, one thing.

00;10;59;12 - 00;11;09;00
Max Grover
And so. But you did personal training, Like, did you go to school for that too? And at Central Michigan to get into personal training or did you kind of pick it up working for the company? Yeah.

00;11;09;02 - 00;11;23;15
David Lawrence
So I went and discovered exercise, tried to get in the exercise science program. Yep. Couldn't make it cause so I went into physical education and you like if you've ever heard of saying those who cannot do teach.

00;11;23;15 - 00;11;23;28
Max Grover

00;11;24;04 - 00;11;25;17
David Lawrence
And those who cannot teach, teach.

00;11;25;23 - 00;11;29;03
Max Grover
Jim Black School rock, baby.

00;11;29;03 - 00;11;30;12
David Lawrence
Let's go.

00;11;30;14 - 00;11;35;22
Max Grover
That's one of my favorite movies I watch. I probably end up watching that like once a year.

00;11;35;24 - 00;11;39;28
David Lawrence
You have to write it down. So somebody.

00;11;40;00 - 00;11;42;03
Max Grover
Me this your.

00;11;42;03 - 00;11;43;13
Chris Prins

00;11;43;16 - 00;11;44;14
Max Grover
Love this.

00;11;44;17 - 00;12;02;21
David Lawrence
So I want to be a gym teacher, but I couldn't pass math. 105 which is basic algebra. I like algebra one. Yeah, I fell that four times in college, so I can't even be a gym teacher. So that's the route that I took. So are you a gym teacher? And I want to coach football like my dad. That is a gym teacher, You know, good football coach.

00;12;02;24 - 00;12;04;27
David Lawrence
That's what I want to do. I want to be just like my dad did.

00;12;04;27 - 00;12;06;06
Max Grover
He coached you at Matawan? Yeah, he.

00;12;06;06 - 00;12;10;07
David Lawrence
Did. He's the head coach. Winningest coach in high school. Our high school's history.

00;12;10;11 - 00;12;11;10
Chris Prins
Is still there.

00;12;11;12 - 00;12;16;07
David Lawrence
He's not now, so he retired 15 years ago.

00;12;16;08 - 00;12;18;19
Max Grover
Okay, so that's amazing.

00;12;18;21 - 00;12;38;08
David Lawrence
So yeah, and then so that's kind of how I started. And then just there I started spending money and investing my own education as I went, which is huge, just gives you a massive advantage. So I, you know, learned a lot that most people would take them, you know, decades to learn. I learned really fast because I invested my education really early.

00;12;38;10 - 00;12;58;04
David Lawrence
And I probably, like I spent a lot of money on my education. But every every year I make more money. Our business makes more money. I just spend more money on I'm learning. And education, it's a it's a huge lake. I you I start off being a good personal trainer and learning how to be a good personal trainer.

00;12;58;04 - 00;13;16;01
David Lawrence
And then it was like how to run a business. And then now it's like I spend all my money like how to lead, how to how to, how to run a higher level business. It's different. Like every stage that you go through in your growth. Yeah, there's different skill sets and those skill sets build, they don't necessarily transfer.

00;13;16;04 - 00;13;32;26
David Lawrence
So you have to like, like where we want to go. We'd really like to take this nationwide tour. I can't I don't have the skill set to do that as the leader, so I have to learn. So like I'm in different, you know, coaching groups and things like that to help give me this.

00;13;32;26 - 00;13;38;00
Max Grover
Finding, finding better people that are better than you at it and borrowing ideas from them.

00;13;38;01 - 00;14;00;10
David Lawrence
Or just people. Yeah, like I've never ran I've never ran a company with 60 plus people. That's a quite a frightening thing. I've got 60 families that depend on, you know, me not making a dumb decision. So sure, I'll see their kids and send them to school and have a house. And that's a big responsibility. But I just so I'm gaining the skill set to be able to do that.

00;14;00;10 - 00;14;11;07
David Lawrence
Well, in in part, part of that's hiring people, having the right people by themselves and finding the right mentors and constantly learning and making sure you improve and that sort of thing.

00;14;11;14 - 00;14;12;02
Max Grover
And so what.

00;14;12;02 - 00;14;27;26
Chris Prins
Were those early years then, 2011, You're, you know, come back to Grand Rapids. You're like, okay, I assume you have a conversation with your wife that I'm going to start my own thing. Go try to do it. What were those next steps that you took in 2011 that kind of formed us?

00;14;27;28 - 00;14;48;10
David Lawrence
Oh, yeah. So 2011, I mean, had the, you know, all the starters now 11 and we moved to Novi, Michigan, and we would move there because my wife's like them all like that. Was it right? Do we don't, I don't have a job, I don't have enough money.

00;14;48;12 - 00;14;52;10
Chris Prins
Just lots of things that you want to work in the mall. This is not.

00;14;52;12 - 00;14;52;16
Max Grover

00;14;52;16 - 00;15;21;18
David Lawrence
Hundred percent. So that's why we moved there and that's why the gym ended up starting there. So you just like one client turns into two clients. Two clients turn into four and you just do a good job with the person that you have in front of them. And like I would say that I've been just as happy. Like, so when I when I was working for my the company in Chicago, I was making like 60 to $70000.

00;15;21;20 - 00;15;36;25
David Lawrence
Yeah, I moved back to start the gym by myself. I mean $27,000 my first year. Yeah, I was just as happy, if not happier. And I make more money than that now. I figure I have five kids now, so a lot more people to feed right now.

00;15;36;25 - 00;15;39;25
Max Grover
Maybe I have four. So how many people I want?

00;15;39;27 - 00;15;40;14
David Lawrence
You got.

00;15;40;14 - 00;15;41;08
Max Grover

00;15;41;10 - 00;15;56;17
David Lawrence
I'm sure your Carmen coming back. That's awesome. That's great. Yeah, because their kids are such a blessing. Kids will teach you more about yourself, and especially for men and like. Are you selfish? Most of us are.

00;15;56;20 - 00;15;58;18
Max Grover
100%. Yeah. I still am.

00;15;58;19 - 00;16;20;21
David Lawrence
Yeah, but you can't like kids make man grow up in marriage. Makes men grow up really fast and become a better version of yourself. And who, you know, who you know, God designed you to be and in who you like. Your purpose in this world is more than just yourself. It's about giving back to other people, but especially giving to your family.

00;16;20;23 - 00;16;32;29
Max Grover
All of a sudden, you're not the you know, everyone's probably the main character in their own life, right, in the most important. And then all of a sudden you're like, Oh, I'm really not like, it's not about you. And Chris is.

00;16;33;02 - 00;16;41;07
Chris Prins
Yeah, we're my, my wife's due next month, so let's go 15. Yeah. So number one, number one, number one job a little bit. I catch up with you guys.

00;16;41;14 - 00;16;46;25
David Lawrence
Number one is like a big deal. Number five is like, are you guys responsible?

00;16;46;27 - 00;16;53;13
Chris Prins
Like, that's what that is. Once you have number five, you just looked at like your love four year old daughter are like, All right, you need to help out. Yeah. Yeah.

00;16;53;16 - 00;17;13;15
Max Grover
I think one was the hardest because of exactly what you're talking about. Where it's the most life changing, like chase after life the absolute most. And Jake's got two girls, too. And for sure, the most life changing. And then I everyone's like, Well, what about two, three, four? And I'm like, Yeah, just add 15 minutes slaving anywhere when, you.

00;17;13;15 - 00;17;34;15
David Lawrence
Know, when you go from 0 to 1, it's like, Hey, let's go, let's go to movie, let's go out to eat, let's go do this or that. And you're like, Sure. And you're like, okay, once you have one, it's like, Guys, you got to plan this out 24 hours in advance, 45 minutes prep time, like let's no one dies and let's, you know, it's.

00;17;34;21 - 00;17;44;25
Chris Prins
Been sent to now I'm like, are usually for church. We can wake up like an hour before church starts. And I'm like, okay, as soon as he enters this world, our baby boy, like, there's no way we're going to be able to do that like it.

00;17;44;28 - 00;18;11;00
Max Grover
And then even like, get Gabby, my wife's like, she'll say, she'll give me crap a little bit. And sometimes she'll be like, like you can max me. I can still go out and, like, just be like, Hey, I'm going to go work out right now. She's like, I have to think about and what I'm going to do and if I want to have any sort of free time, if I want to go on a date to like, I have to think about this a week in advance before I even get like.

00;18;11;02 - 00;18;20;17
Max Grover
So yeah, one is definitely the most life changing, but and it's, it's not always easy, but it's, it is 100% for the absolute best. I love.

00;18;20;17 - 00;18;27;27
David Lawrence
It. Yeah, it's not easy, but it's good you know and that's, that's most good things in life. They're usually not easy. Yeah.

00;18;27;28 - 00;18;37;23
Max Grover
So yeah, that's exciting. So then you're you're in Nova, I, you started your first gym. Did you have a storefront or did you just.

00;18;37;26 - 00;18;46;26
David Lawrence
Like in a warehouse had like $8,000 that saved in my bank account. It's like they're giving away warehouse is. Yeah, I think because, like.

00;18;46;28 - 00;18;48;17
Max Grover
Somebody wants to rent this like.

00;18;48;17 - 00;19;03;25
David Lawrence
Yeah I think I was, you know, my first, my monthly rent for my, my the warehouse for 3000 square feet was $1,331 a month like $0.62.

00;19;03;25 - 00;19;07;07
Max Grover
And now you'd be, you'd be three grand a month all day today.

00;19;07;14 - 00;19;10;07
David Lawrence
Oh, more, more. Absolutely. Yeah. Out there.

00;19;10;07 - 00;19;11;00
Chris Prins
Especially in Nova.

00;19;11;06 - 00;19;13;02
Max Grover
Especially no track tractor.

00;19;13;04 - 00;19;18;21
David Lawrence
Yeah. So to make and then I got an equipment loan for like it was like 32% interest rate.

00;19;18;24 - 00;19;20;16
Max Grover
Yeah, I'll take that.

00;19;20;16 - 00;19;21;22
David Lawrence
Yeah. All right.

00;19;21;24 - 00;19;24;05
Max Grover
You looking for any more or.

00;19;24;07 - 00;19;24;23
David Lawrence
Yeah, yeah.

00;19;24;29 - 00;19;25;21
Max Grover
I'll do that one.

00;19;25;22 - 00;19;29;00
David Lawrence
I'll get better. We get better rates, which is good.

00;19;29;03 - 00;19;33;21
Max Grover
We're like, we're. I'm like 15% maybe right now help you out.

00;19;33;22 - 00;19;48;15
David Lawrence
Yeah. So fortunately, we're much lower than that. So, yeah, it's, it's just crazy. But yeah, I paid it off, paid loan off in three years and got out of there and what, what.

00;19;48;15 - 00;19;54;06
Max Grover
Pieces, what equipment that it was the like the pieces that you had to have like.

00;19;54;09 - 00;20;18;12
David Lawrence
It just like whenever to make it. None of those pieces like, I think like two of those pieces are still around because it I bought like what we needed to. It wasn't the best equipment we can afford it, right? So, so yeah, so that's kind of how we started. And then, you know, again, one client turned into to, to for her and eventually hired somebody and hired my first employee and that didn't work out very well.

00;20;18;12 - 00;20;24;26
David Lawrence
And hired my second one and worked out a little bit better and but yeah, so what's.

00;20;24;26 - 00;20;28;19
Chris Prins
The name always macro then. Yeah. What what what's the reason for that. Yeah.

00;20;28;20 - 00;20;52;05
David Lawrence
Michigan elite conditioning for athletes that was there so it's Mack is the acronym I just just saw it like just in a blink is like hey this is what should be I think everybody's an athlete. That's something where you know, the most precious gift you get for yourself is your own physical, physical body and your your physical health and your mind.

00;20;52;05 - 00;21;16;04
David Lawrence
So it's like obviously we're spiritual beings, but we also own a physical body for a period of time, know and, you know, a lot of people invest a lot of money in watches or cars. Those are very transitory. They depreciate value. You can really make your body like appreciate and improve. My body is in better shape and feels better than when I was 23 playing college football.

00;21;16;11 - 00;21;17;15
David Lawrence
I mean, not a question.

00;21;17;15 - 00;21;40;21
Max Grover
In that there was something I want to talk to you about now, because I think about that a lot. Like as I've I've learned and different things, but it's like, don't you wish you could almost go back and probably implement your training that you've learned about over the last how many years into your football career back then and from nutrition all the way through the training with the the some of the strength coaches out there.

00;21;40;23 - 00;21;44;20
David Lawrence
Yeah they're not they're not very they're not like very good.

00;21;44;21 - 00;22;06;14
Max Grover
They just want to hurt you. Yeah I just want to cause physical pain. We, we had one at Bowling Green that like, you know, it'd be like while squat holding weights on your legs for that and he'd like walk across them and stuff while he's yelling it. Like just wild stuff. Like Buddy carries up the hill and mud like, you're right.

00;22;06;17 - 00;22;07;15
Max Grover
It's like.

00;22;07;17 - 00;22;08;15
David Lawrence
It doesn't.

00;22;08;16 - 00;22;09;19
Max Grover
Make any better doing that.

00;22;09;21 - 00;22;19;21
David Lawrence
So the only thing you want to really like, there's different, like KPIs in hockey, for example, key performance indicators, right? Number one, KPI is the ten yard sprint and it.

00;22;19;25 - 00;22;20;09
Max Grover
Kind of say.

00;22;20;10 - 00;22;21;03
David Lawrence

00;22;21;04 - 00;22;22;00
Max Grover
Goals or.

00;22;22;00 - 00;22;45;14
David Lawrence
But yeah, well like, like physics, I'm like, yeah, that's like a skill. Like there's different physical qualities are different. And Sheryl's like, so, like, right, you have like you guys have skills, like skill sets, like your ability to see the ice stick handling, like your ability to turn, etc., etc., which you have physical qualities like this, your physical body, how fast you can skate, how good you are, how physical you are in the corner.

00;22;45;17 - 00;23;23;21
David Lawrence
Like in soccer, it's like 5050 is like how many like, you know, 5050. Can you win? Like that's your physical, physical abilities. So like a strength coach, like, I'm not going to make like, I train. Aiden Hutchinson I train. Matthew Stafford Right. I'm going to make Matthew Stafford like see the field better. I can throw farther. I can take my kid when I train him his, you know, he broke his back, you know, in a broken back We were helped rehab home and and different things like but like you know he's good because he's get he's smart because he's smart that those are you know like Aiden Hutchinson so you.

00;23;23;21 - 00;23;33;07
Max Grover
Can take those skills and you can maximize them because now maybe he's in the fourth quarter he's not tired you feel and stay locked in is back pain back pains gone one.

00;23;33;07 - 00;23;33;25
David Lawrence
Hundred percent.

00;23;34;00 - 00;23;36;11
Max Grover
Not going to necessarily give him.

00;23;36;13 - 00;23;42;00
David Lawrence
So I'll give you a better example though that I can improve. It's like training in Hutchinson right now for the Lions.

00;23;42;00 - 00;23;44;29
Max Grover
Right. I just saw a clip of that. He looks super fit, right?

00;23;45;00 - 00;23;58;22
David Lawrence
He's got a lot of hype around him. So he's he's going in. I change his body count for about £25. So he's going to play about £15, ten, £15 heavier than he played last year. He's leaner, he has less body fat, he's faster.

00;23;58;24 - 00;24;00;08
Chris Prins
So, so wild.

00;24;00;13 - 00;24;08;17
Max Grover
So his you look like a different person. When I saw Jake had sent me that clip. Yeah. And he was doing some plyometrics. Yeah. He looked.

00;24;08;17 - 00;24;32;15
David Lawrence
Fat. Yeah, he is. He's a unit. So I'm going to be able to help him a lot more because his position is all about how much you can physically get off the ball and dominate the guy in front of you. To face it. It's very physical checkers. It's like a hockey player, right? You can, you can improve. So like a strength coach in hockey, if I can make you faster for ten, it's all about acceleration, deceleration.

00;24;32;15 - 00;24;45;05
David Lawrence
Yeah. Then I've done my job. If I've get you bigger so you win more pucks in the corner. I've done, I've done, you know, done my job, but I'm not going to help you so you can get to the puck quicker, can win more 5050. That's yeah.

00;24;45;06 - 00;25;06;17
Max Grover
And I think like in football right, like your feet you're planted on the ground And so if I'm going to, if I'm going to, I have to physically push you in football and get you off your feet. We're in hockey because you're on the blades. You don't necessarily have to push you. I can push off of you and get off and around.

00;25;06;24 - 00;25;10;05
Max Grover
Right. I'm sure there's some similarities in football with that, too.

00;25;10;06 - 00;25;35;27
David Lawrence
But it's no, it's different because the there's no like stretch reflex in hockey because you're gliding. Right. We're in football every move, like your foot's in contact with the ground. So there's a stretch reflex is to concentric, you know, motion. So there so there's last I should say there's not there's less of a plow metric effect in hockey or there's every single time you sprint in other sports, your foot goes on the ground.

00;25;35;27 - 00;25;37;08
David Lawrence
There's a plyometric effect.

00;25;37;10 - 00;26;00;06
Max Grover
So that that's what I loved about hockey. Honestly, it was like once I started going, you could keep gliding. So like in football, you start moving your feet, You're you stop, you're done. That or in any sport really. So swimming, you sink and what would you so like you're I'm all over the place cause I have like a million questions for you.

00;26;00;08 - 00;26;16;19
Max Grover
But what is your favorite in that sport? Is it football training, Football or it's a 20 different sports that you train? Is there a sports that you really get excited about to train or everyone's in? Anybody just coming in and getting healthier?

00;26;16;22 - 00;26;50;16
David Lawrence
Yeah, football is easy for me because I really understand like everything about the sport, especially the mentality, like, you know, how guys feel, how they want to feel going in, what they should feel like, the physical qualities they need to be successful. I like all sports, love like soccer. The national team coach of soccer. That's a fun sports because the players are so underdeveloped, whereas when I was the national team coach, I was able to help our small country move up 40 places in the world just by doing basic strength training.

00;26;50;18 - 00;26;55;06
Max Grover
And because those guys can run all day, they're run ten miles a game, but they're not necessary.

00;26;55;06 - 00;27;22;11
David Lawrence
They're not fast. They're physical qualities like any linebacker who weighs sometimes £100. More like if you go over to Europe, the average size of the athlete is about half £53 for average NFL linebacker is £250 right now. So like and then the every single NFL player almost to almost to a man will beat every single soccer player in a 40 yard dash.

00;27;22;12 - 00;27;25;12
Chris Prins
Yeah you see those defensive linemen like doing the 40 and.

00;27;25;13 - 00;27;44;27
David Lawrence
Oh it's not even for real. So like I mean the like you they just they would just dominate and like push people off. Then their physical qualities are so low in that sport. Like Cristiano Ronaldo, you know guys now he had like he's one of the best athletes that's played that sport. I think it's a 27 inch vertical job.

00;27;45;00 - 00;27;47;20
David Lawrence
It's like, you know, you make it over flat credit card.

00;27;47;26 - 00;27;50;00
Max Grover
Yeah, that's you.

00;27;50;05 - 00;28;06;27
David Lawrence
It's not like it's not super good. Like I can do a 27 inch vertical jump. Right now I'm 37 years old. I don't like I mean, I play in the dad's league for basketball. Yeah, but like, it's not like I'm not taking a lead tier, like, you know, one of the best players and, you know, of all time.

00;28;07;00 - 00;28;13;20
David Lawrence
So the physical qualities of that sport are so low, you can make such a massive difference. But what's.

00;28;13;20 - 00;28;17;18
Chris Prins
A similar sport to that then they, like you can make the small changes and make.

00;28;17;19 - 00;28;40;19
David Lawrence
Oh man, they're like, there's a quite a bit like a lot of female athletes are just underdeveloped. They're not well trained, right? So I really enjoy training female athletes because they can make me they get on a good 1224 week training. It means that game changer for that. You know, what they can do in their sport.

00;28;40;19 - 00;28;48;20
Max Grover
Is is that just because they're sold like they're not focus and we're speaking generalities, but they're just not focused on the weight training aspect of more the skill side.

00;28;48;20 - 00;28;51;04
David Lawrence
Yeah, it's not just like culturally, you know.

00;28;51;05 - 00;29;07;05
Max Grover
I'm going to go on like, well, even I would say even the same thing. And I keep going back to hockey versus football, but like when we be in the weight room with the football guys, it was a different mentality and then everyone wanted to be there. Everyone was there to work and push as much weight as possible.

00;29;07;05 - 00;29;15;24
Max Grover
And whether that's right thing or not, I'm not saying sure, but it is a different mentality where the hockey guys are like, Yeah, I'm going to form role for a while and strategy is advancing.

00;29;15;24 - 00;29;29;29
David Lawrence
But because if you don't train, you're going to get your ass kicked, right? But in hockey it's like, you know, you got like, does it? Do you think it matters if Connor McDavid trains in the off season, lifts, lifts weights and increases bench press? No, no, it does.

00;29;29;29 - 00;29;35;00
Max Grover
No, as long as he keeps that speed in the in the skill set that he has, the vision in the hands. Yeah.

00;29;35;01 - 00;30;00;01
David Lawrence
I mean he's like yeah. I mean I'm, I'm not trying to discredit my profession, but like if you have a guy who doesn't train and he's going to go get hit and he's going to like hockey is a contact sport, like football's a collision sport. There's more like there's certain sports. So the shorter distance or duration, the sport stronger, you have to be in order to compete.

00;30;00;03 - 00;30;21;15
David Lawrence
So a sport that's shorter. And so I'll give you example, a sprinter versus a marathon runner. Sure. Right. A sprinter or a shot putter or Olympic lifter. They need to be very strong, very explosive now. Okay, Marathon runner, They just need to have enough strength to keep their joints together so they don't have to have wild levels of, you know, relative strength.

00;30;21;19 - 00;30;22;09
David Lawrence
So it makes sense.

00;30;22;11 - 00;30;23;05
Chris Prins
Yeah. Yeah.

00;30;23;07 - 00;30;35;10
David Lawrence
So that's something that most train coaches have no idea about. And that's that's why hockey players, like when you go in the gym, you guys are just chilling because it doesn't matter as much quite frankly about could matter.

00;30;35;18 - 00;30;36;09
Max Grover
A skill.

00;30;36;15 - 00;30;52;03
David Lawrence
That it can definitely help. It could matter like a lot, you know, and but probably what you guys are doing, it wasn't going to matter because you guys were doing probably dumb stuff that isn't going to help make you faster or stronger because she's just trying to make you more mentally tough.

00;30;52;09 - 00;30;52;25
Chris Prins

00;30;52;27 - 00;31;16;06
David Lawrence
Which is like a complete waste of time because if you play Division one sports, you already mentally tough, you're mentally tough, got to get up, you got to get your sleep, get eat right. But the coaches should be spending more time and like developing those skills of sleep wins like in in high end performance sleep nervous system is better produce more testosterone growth hormone.

00;31;16;13 - 00;31;33;14
David Lawrence
It can recover better. It can make better decisions. So like, let's say I had a hockey player or a basketball player where shooting is really important and makes a difference in winning or losing. If I can get you to sleep 10 hours a night versus seven, I've completely changed the game.

00;31;33;17 - 00;31;36;26
Max Grover
Is that the magic number is 10 hours versus 12.

00;31;36;27 - 00;32;02;27
David Lawrence
Or so. Basically between if you're in a high speed sport with a lot of decisions and you have to shoot a puck or shoot a basketball or pass a soccer ball or run fast, like there's more called acetylcholine, So your brain has to make fast decisions and pay attention. Sleep matters lot more. Reaction time is most disrupted by sleep, and we know that from basketball and the shot percentage goes way down versus.

00;32;02;27 - 00;32;15;18
David Lawrence
So if I don't ever train you, but I can get you to sleep 9 hours a night, that's really the magic number for those sports. I can get you sleep 9 hours a night. That's more important than getting a 60 minute cardio session in the gym.

00;32;15;20 - 00;32;28;26
Max Grover
So so that's probably the first thing when somebody comes in to train with you. That's the that's the easiest thing to control. Probably to it. It's it is, but it isn't really like. Right. So his biggest life changes he can make.

00;32;28;26 - 00;32;49;22
David Lawrence
Yeah. Like if I was a strength coach in a Division one team, the dumbest thing that these guys do is they have like six and 7 a.m. workouts. Like you, just like you. What are the physical qualities that we're trying to gain? Like what are the physical qualities we're trying to get faster or trying to get bigger, trying to be more explosive and like have better nervous system, right?

00;32;49;24 - 00;33;15;19
David Lawrence
So sleep matters a lot. So why would you ever disrupt that by having an early morning workout? Number two, if you're trying to gain weight, have to eat food. Yeah. So, yeah, we need to eat before you train. That's a huge thing is how much protein you have before 1:00. It's it's been shown it's being shown a lot in the literature that protein intake at certain times matter quite a bit more, especially if you're trying to gain muscle mass or trying to put more muscle lot.

00;33;15;21 - 00;33;23;02
David Lawrence
So if you train in the morning on an empty stomach, you're you're losing. You're already fighting a losing battle right now.

00;33;23;04 - 00;33;41;08
Max Grover
And that's I mean, you wake up, you're in college, you wake up. 5:35 a.m.. Alarm, get run out the door, get to the rink, get to the weight room, whatever it might be, and and go. And you're exactly right. By the time practice is over at, you know, ten in the morning, 11 in the morning, you are starving.

00;33;41;08 - 00;33;43;01
Max Grover
You feel like you're starving to death.

00;33;43;03 - 00;34;04;02
David Lawrence
Yeah, like you have no, you have no raw nutrients. You haven't eaten anything. You have nothing for your brain or your or your your your metabolic system or anything to ingest like amino acids or such fatty acids or carbohydrates. They have nothing. You're running on fumes. And so you're just in a catabolic state instead of a anabolic state.

00;34;04;02 - 00;34;27;26
David Lawrence
Right? So when you're an anabolic state, you want to grow tissue in your catabolic state. It's taking away from you. So most athletes are in a catabolic state all the time so like there's a lot of inflammation their joints hurt they don't feel well they can barely pay attention in class. Sure obviously like there's just they're you know they're playing their sports so they kind of you can cakewalk through sometimes in practice.

00;34;27;26 - 00;34;46;12
David Lawrence
Right. They're just doing a lot of dumb stuff that actually isn't moving the needle forward. And yeah, it's just what happens in in in American sports because you have people who don't don't know, they don't care. They don't they just don't really care enough. And I think that's the biggest reason.

00;34;46;15 - 00;35;03;04
Max Grover
Is it is it is it just the is there something wrong with the in that you say it's I mean it's only 30 years old. Is it just not putting in the work to learn or is it like is it an issue of it. I guess I don't know what it.

00;35;03;07 - 00;35;25;10
David Lawrence
Is a multifaceted issue. Sometimes it's like the you know, the sport team coach is dictating to the, you know, strength coach, the strength staff what the players should be doing. They don't have any idea. They're like, Hey, bud, when I was 18, this is what the guys did. You know, I'm just like, okay, buddy. Like, Yeah, like things have gotten better, right?

00;35;25;12 - 00;35;42;25
David Lawrence
So there's there's a lot of things sometimes it's a lot of times it's the coach for that sport just is doing whatever he learned in graduate school. But they're not really they're not really like learning outside of, you know, the basic school of thought.

00;35;42;25 - 00;36;04;00
Max Grover
Are you starting to see that more with what you're doing and the personal training and the nutrition? Are you seeing that implemented at the higher levels and not in college, or is this new even starting to be implemented obviously in Hill and Matthew Stafford, is that starting to be implemented in the pros least and just needs a trickle down or No, even there.

00;36;04;00 - 00;36;22;01
David Lawrence
You know, this is where I have a job. So people make all these profits in these college athletes that come see us. They'll have their own trainers that they don't have to pay. They come pay us because we can get them like basically we can give them a better product, better service, better results. All people want is results.

00;36;22;01 - 00;36;23;05
David Lawrence
That's all I care about.

00;36;23;08 - 00;36;44;15
Max Grover
And how did you start that process of learning? Right? You started Mecha. You're you got just yourself. You're in your 3000 square foot gym. How did you start working towards that process of figuring out like, how is Mecha better and how are we driving results? Did you have a lot of the same things you were doing then that you're doing now, or is it completely change?

00;36;44;19 - 00;37;00;17
David Lawrence
Yeah, it's definitely changed and evolved. You learn every year, every client that you get, you try to get better. I think that's like really important and we all have the same hours in the day. But most people go through life asleep and they don't like taking account for what they've done and they don't really try to get better.

00;37;00;19 - 00;37;04;21
David Lawrence
Yeah, I mean, they just they're just they're just getting through that. Just getting.

00;37;04;21 - 00;37;07;07
Max Grover
Getting through the day. And then eventually it's.

00;37;07;07 - 00;37;26;24
David Lawrence
Friday and we have all been there and it's just I feel such so little like such a pile when I don't when I'm not fully engaged with somebody. And we've all been there. I'm going to take it easy for this session with this person because I'm tired or I didn't get enough sleep. That's how you get worse, not better.

00;37;26;27 - 00;37;48;11
David Lawrence
And and that becomes the standard which you accept with yourself. And most people live life like that. And I have higher standards for myself. So that's number one. I learned a lot from Charles Poliquin, who is he's, you know, is the best train coach in the world. So what I did is I was like, Who's producing the best results in the world?

00;37;48;13 - 00;38;08;03
David Lawrence
What are they doing that other people aren't doing? And I started learning from other people. And then, you know, he was at least, you know, he's just a huge influence for me on the way. Lot of the ways we do things, we do things. We have a different system. We do a lot of the same exercise. We have different system that he uses.

00;38;08;06 - 00;38;34;28
David Lawrence
And it's like our system, like, you know, he was training Olympic athletes. He'd have these athletes for 1 to 4 years. We have athletes for 12 weeks. So we, you know, use a different system. But but I learned a lot from him. And then but it's like if you really want to be good in anything, I think it's really trying to have an intention to getting better every single day.

00;38;35;00 - 00;38;38;16
David Lawrence
And once you do that, that's really important.

00;38;38;18 - 00;38;56;11
Max Grover
That's why it's so hard. And then so it's like it's a lot of pressure though, too, when you hold yourself to a higher standard and, you know, like everyone's looking at you like you can't take your foot off the gas either. So there's got to be some pressure behind that to to, like, maintain and keep that.

00;38;56;11 - 00;39;25;03
David Lawrence
No, not at all. Life is like super fun. Oh, it's like my standards are my own standards. I don't care what like, I like. There's certain people I care. They think of me because, I mean, that's like, especially my family, the people I work with every day, those are the people I really care about. But if you have standards that you live by yourself, you don't really care about what other people want from you or you care about other people standard.

00;39;25;03 - 00;39;27;25
David Lawrence
So interests and yeah, I don't.

00;39;27;28 - 00;39;29;01
Max Grover
I love that.

00;39;29;03 - 00;39;49;23
David Lawrence
Yeah. My so my standards are my own standards and how I want to go through life and like the thing is, is like life is like a bit of like I look at the way I tell myself certain stories all the time and I look at the world like a bit differently. And when you like, I think there's so much abundance out there.

00;39;49;23 - 00;40;06;09
David Lawrence
We live in the United States of America. The standard of living is so high. It's like if you're on food stamps in the United States of America, you have a cell phone. I can talk to anybody in the world and get ahold of anybody at any time You have a roof over your head, you have food in the air.

00;40;06;11 - 00;40;24;02
David Lawrence
A lot of most time they have transportation like a car. They own a car, Right. If you want. Like that's that's like low level standard of living. I don't know anybody in this office here that doesn't have those four things. Before they had to have a car. They have food. Yeah. I mean, and they have a cell phone.

00;40;24;05 - 00;40;29;13
Chris Prins
We look like the United States. I've always been told, like no matter where you are, basically you're part of the 1% of the world.

00;40;29;17 - 00;40;36;12
David Lawrence
Yeah. You're if you're on food stairs, I believe you're in the top 10% in like literally with the standard of living that you have.

00;40;36;13 - 00;40;47;00
Chris Prins
I think it's hard today, especially with like technology and cell phones. You poor, but Instagram or Twitter or whatever. And you always see like the comparison game of, okay, I need to get this or don't.

00;40;47;00 - 00;41;09;29
Max Grover
Even need to get an Instagram though. I mean, like with with what Chris and I do and, and Jake does and even with what you do and you're surrounded by NFL players and I mean the just the people you're around in general, like that every day that you're working with that on commercial real estate or investing money with Jake or going off to fly in their PJ out to the next whatever thing they're going to be doing.

00;41;09;29 - 00;41;12;01
Max Grover
Like it's so easy to get caught up in that.

00;41;12;01 - 00;41;24;16
David Lawrence
Chase Yeah, but that's why you have to have your own standards about how you live your life. There's a lot of things that you guys could do that you could make maybe more money. Like there's always things that you could do to make more money. You guys are in a high leveraged business, which is cool. Real estate's high leverage.

00;41;24;16 - 00;41;44;08
David Lawrence
I love it. Yeah, but like. Like what's really important to you? You know, what's important to me is being a good dad that's really having a good marriage. That's, like, really important to me. If I know a lot of people that make a lot more money than I do. They don't have I'm not a good father. They're not a good, you know, husband.

00;41;44;08 - 00;41;54;23
Chris Prins
Well, they're not they're not as happy as you assume. Yeah. At the end, you got to actually, like, boil down to what are your core values, what are your core principles? And everything else in your life should formulate around those core principles.

00;41;54;23 - 00;42;10;29
David Lawrence
100%. And then there's people that make a lot more money than me that are better, Dad, and that better, better, you know, husband and father and all that stuff too. So it's like money is just it's weird how much value people place on it. And we have we have all that we need. We have all that we need.

00;42;10;29 - 00;42;31;13
David Lawrence
You don't need more. You can want more. And that's super fine, but you shouldn't need like if you're basic, if you've got a place to live, you got food on the table, you got a car to drive, like all your basic needs are met and you can absolutely want more. You can want whatever you want. That's super great.

00;42;31;16 - 00;42;48;14
David Lawrence
But you should also like not base your happiness off of that. And that's where people go wrong. And I see it all. I see it so much, especially with 20 year olds actually is they get out in the working world and they think a job is going to make them feel like fulfilled, right? There's this big hole in their heart.

00;42;48;14 - 00;43;06;25
David Lawrence
They don't know who they are. They don't know what their purpose is in life. And so, you know, they might do a job for six, love the job for six months, and then they get disillusioned with it and then maybe, you know, quit, you know, and two years later or or relationship.

00;43;06;28 - 00;43;12;25
Chris Prins
And jump to that next relationship or next job and say, okay, that's going to fulfill me, and then say.

00;43;12;28 - 00;43;26;04
Max Grover
Yeah, and how often, especially with like athletes where their entire identity is wrapped up in I am a football player, that's all I am. And then that college is over, high school's over and it's done and just completely lost.

00;43;26;07 - 00;43;26;28
David Lawrence
Yeah, 100%.

00;43;26;28 - 00;43;31;22
Max Grover
They don't know what to do because that's all they've ever been. That's their depth is that period.

00;43;31;24 - 00;43;52;18
David Lawrence
Yeah. No 100%. And so that's where you really have to really work on yourself. And, and if you're not like if you're not doing those things, there's always this empty hole that nothing outside of that's going to fill. Sure. You know so.

00;43;52;21 - 00;44;23;01
Max Grover
And an even to I get caught up in like so like right like a lot of the decisions I make are like eventually this is going to pay off so then I can get more free time. But then you spend more time and energy to build and get that wheel turning. But then all of a sudden, in this process of trying to create more freedom for yourself in the future, like you're completely just buried and inundated in work, if you will, and lose kind of that family side.

00;44;23;04 - 00;44;52;24
David Lawrence
Yeah, it goes back to like, what do you really want to do? And if you know what you want, you're going to get there much faster because you're not going to waste time. Most of us waste so much time doing stuff that doesn't really matter. Yeah, yeah. It's like a it's like if you really if you like, you just have to prioritize what you really want and get clear on what you want because you can be very efficient with your time and be more present with your time to the people that you're with.

00;44;53;01 - 00;45;15;19
David Lawrence
Especially you guys are in real estate. I mean, it's again, super high leverage. A lot of it's a it's it's not a it's not a service business. It's a relationship business. Yeah. You know, it really is if you think about it like that. And so developing the the depth and the quality relationships of the people that you work with, there's a certain amount of expertise that you need to have.

00;45;15;21 - 00;45;43;04
David Lawrence
Then if you can grow and and go even deeper into that expertise, that can be a massive advantage to obviously specializing in the Grand Rapids market at an edge, you know what I mean? So yeah, but it's really like that's why it's so important to get clear on who you are, who you want to be. And I'm like, Yes, I want be like a hero to my kids.

00;45;43;07 - 00;45;58;08
David Lawrence
Like, I want to be a good dad. I want to be a good husband and be a good father. Like those are very important. So the way I set my life up is around that. I also want to grow my business. I want to make a massive impact. So that's how I set my life up. So I don't want to waste time.

00;45;58;11 - 00;46;04;01
Max Grover
And you're doing that. You're on your fourth gym for. Yeah, and then opening a fifth is.

00;46;04;04 - 00;46;10;03
David Lawrence
We're in the process of looking at two right now. So opening that's the that's the plan size.

00;46;10;06 - 00;46;17;02
Max Grover
And how scary was going from one gym to number two and getting that second location.

00;46;17;02 - 00;46;26;18
David Lawrence
Not at all, because everything like like opening the business was it's never it's never really been scary because if what's the worst that's going to happen.

00;46;26;20 - 00;46;30;26
Max Grover
You go back to hell food stamps and yeah is a safety net There.

00;46;30;29 - 00;46;33;01
Chris Prins
It's like you move back to Nova to the mall.

00;46;33;06 - 00;46;49;06
David Lawrence
Yeah. You're always going to. Yeah. You know, like you're already I'm, I'm in a place where I'll probably always be able to eat food. How We always have a house or like, a roof over my head. Sure. That's like, the worst that's going to happen. I let a bunch of people I'll be sad for a bit. I don't like.

00;46;49;08 - 00;46;53;03
David Lawrence
I want to grow my business. But again, I don't need to grow my business.

00;46;53;06 - 00;46;53;25
Chris Prins
Yeah. Yeah.

00;46;53;25 - 00;46;54;12
Max Grover
All right.

00;46;54;14 - 00;46;55;03
David Lawrence
Does that make sense?

00;46;55;03 - 00;46;56;07
Max Grover
Yes, 100%.

00;46;56;07 - 00;47;02;02
David Lawrence
So, like I have always had I had enough when I was making $27,000 a year, I had enough.

00;47;02;02 - 00;47;02;28
Max Grover
Everything was covered.

00;47;03;04 - 00;47;04;08
David Lawrence
So like, I.

00;47;04;08 - 00;47;06;27
Max Grover
Actually got five kids on in my late.

00;47;06;29 - 00;47;07;19
David Lawrence

00;47;07;21 - 00;47;10;07
Max Grover
So that's inflation, retaliation and kids.

00;47;10;09 - 00;47;30;23
David Lawrence
Right. But also, like when I when I married my wife, I, I like that. Was it like I was like everything else is a bonus for me. I don't care if I'm a teacher. I don't care if I'm a janitor. I don't care if I'm a millionaire. Real estate broker, you know. Sure, right. It's like whatever I did with my life, it didn't matter because I had married my wife.

00;47;30;23 - 00;47;38;29
David Lawrence
I married Alison Hayton. Right. So everything was like a bonus. Like I was going to get to live my life with her. It's is. Yeah, that's great.

00;47;39;03 - 00;47;53;18
Max Grover
So how old are you? Like 75 with this wisdom, right? Know this Gracious, I was not. That's still not that mature like I. I try to be like to be thoughtful and have that vision and stuff like that, but I so easily distracted on stuff too all time, you know?

00;47;53;19 - 00;48;22;11
David Lawrence
Yeah. One of the best. I've gotten through a lot of pain in my life. Went through college. Right. And and then, you know loss and that teaches you a lot And you don't ever you don't really grow at time is don't they don't call it the growing feel good Yeah. Pains right. Yeah. So like the last before this year the last four years of my life part of the worst four years of my life, like going from one gym to four.

00;48;22;14 - 00;48;37;05
David Lawrence
And then just it was just absolutely wild going from like, 2018, I think we had 19. We had started 19. We had ten employees. Yeah, I have like say, you know, there's 60 now.

00;48;37;08 - 00;48;41;04
Max Grover
In and into COVID and somehow you grew a gym and yeah.

00;48;41;09 - 00;49;01;03
David Lawrence
It, yeah, I was 18 going into COVID. We had just opened up Yeah, it's like 16 or 18 going into COVID. We just opened up our second location a month before put all my money it made into that location, bought the building, renovate the building, all that, right? You know, then COVID shut it down. So it.

00;49;01;05 - 00;49;03;00
Max Grover
Did. You guys. You actually shut down?

00;49;03;02 - 00;49;16;06
David Lawrence
Yeah, we shut down for I think it was like six weeks ago. And then they they said we were going to get to open up and then I guess like the morning of like at 5:00 they said we can't open. So we're just like, well, we're rolling. Yeah.

00;49;16;07 - 00;49;16;24
Max Grover
Good for you.

00;49;16;26 - 00;49;25;04
David Lawrence
Go, Yeah, we got cited. We have four citations or like four. The police showed up four times. We got one citation from the house.

00;49;25;07 - 00;49;40;11
Max Grover
How? But liquor stores are open. Casinos are open, Marijuana stores are open. Fast food is definitely open. Like it. But a gym, the thing that makes people truly healthier, closed for health.

00;49;40;16 - 00;49;44;13
David Lawrence
Is the dumbest period in American history.

00;49;44;16 - 00;49;49;06
Max Grover
Oh, it's going to be I don't think history is going to be very kind to us on that at all.

00;49;49;07 - 00;50;04;20
David Lawrence
And our people are saying, I didn't say that. It's just like, yeah, I mean, my favorite my favorite picture of all time is like a girl playing the clarinet with a mask over her face. And like, that's what we did in the name of science. It's just unbelievable.

00;50;04;21 - 00;50;16;12
Max Grover
It's like in and or like going under hands will be like playing the lick a trash can. And then, like, somebody would be like, Put your mask on. And you're like, They were just like, in the trash bag. Yeah, It's like, come on.

00;50;16;15 - 00;50;21;25
David Lawrence
It's unbelievable. Like, you would go into a restaurant with a mask on and then you'd sit down and take your mask off.

00;50;21;25 - 00;50;33;18
Max Grover
It's just and then we and then people would. Yeah. And then you're like, you're saving the world by wearing your mask for a 30 foot walk just to take it off. And I could go for like an hour and a half on this.

00;50;33;24 - 00;50;36;07
David Lawrence
No, but the really the big problem is.

00;50;36;09 - 00;50;36;24
Max Grover
We lost our.

00;50;36;24 - 00;50;54;02
David Lawrence
Mom. My, my. She was seven at the time. She's six at the time. She went like no child should have to go through that. All her friends got taken away from her. My second one on Naomi, She had depression where she would just sit in her bed for 4 hours at a time. Her whole life was just completely taken away from her.

00;50;54;02 - 00;51;15;09
Max Grover
For me, in my forties, you could go all the way up to How about the the junior that was going to have a breakout senior year in whatever sport that they were going to do because they put the training in, they'd put the effort in and they going to have a breakout year and then maybe they were going to get a scholarship or maybe it was going to change their trajectory in this way, or maybe you're just going to keep them out of trouble.

00;51;15;12 - 00;51;18;08
Max Grover
Yeah. And then all of a sudden it's like, Boop, stop. You're done with.

00;51;18;08 - 00;51;49;04
David Lawrence
Society. Shawn. Yeah. More kids, more teenagers and kids. That is suicide. Then they died of COVID in the state of Michigan. That's awful. That's a horrible responsibility that we need to bear as a society. And everything in society, I personally believe, should be done for children. Like our whole focus should be giving children a better than what we had growing up, whether it's better education, whether it's better food.

00;51;49;06 - 00;52;14;19
David Lawrence
I believe I just saw that there's in the in the world something like there's 340 million in the world, 340 million obese children. Now, that's an absolute disaster. That's it. That's a failure of leadership at every level and that's putting profits over people. And and and so you can't have a society that is that functions when you eat.

00;52;14;20 - 00;52;24;14
David Lawrence
Not only do you not prioritize children, but they're in the back of the line. And we're doing that too much. And we're our children are not the priority of our society.

00;52;24;16 - 00;52;48;22

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00;52;48;25 - 00;52;54;22

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00;52;54;24 - 00;53;13;22
Max Grover
That's going to bring me down a whole different wormhole of like diet and stuff like that and how important that is. And I think and I've noticed and Jake got to go through your program with an and it was a vertical diet based on is that fair quasi yeah.

00;53;13;25 - 00;53;17;10
David Lawrence
I like the vertical diet by staying efforting yeah what you're talking about.

00;53;17;11 - 00;53;38;06
Max Grover
Is that kind of somewhat of what your diet plan because that seems to be a main focus and how you're seeing a lot of results is right You're getting the you're showing people how to exercise and train properly. You're getting the sleep. But then also one of the huge facets is diet, right. And and pulling that all together to create the change that you're getting.

00;53;38;12 - 00;54;13;28
David Lawrence
Oh, 100%, yeah. We use we use different diets for different people. But basically a paleo diet. But you know, you're really trying to eat like, you know, good high quality meat, you know, different produce where there's vegetables and fruit. Rice and potatoes are great at different times, but just trying to keep things is, you know, we don't we don't put anybody like kind of high or low carbohydrate hydrate diet, Like that's not we don't have one diet plan.

00;54;13;28 - 00;54;39;02
David Lawrence
It's all really individual. But eating, you know, like e eating non processed foods is probably one of the most important things. Like if you could do if I could do one recommendation recommendation, it would be to eat single ingredient foods. So yeah, yeah. Rice don't don't eat multi ingredient. So anything that's in a package is going to have multiple ingredients in it.

00;54;39;02 - 00;54;58;00
David Lawrence
Don't, don't do that. The second thing would be make sure you eat enough high quality meat and you need essential amino acids. You need essential fatty acids. So meats going to have that. You don't, you know, and then everything else you can backfill, but don't eat anything that has multiple ingredients in it.

00;54;58;00 - 00;55;01;04
Max Grover
Don't consider it comes in a bag or four, right?

00;55;01;09 - 00;55;14;19
David Lawrence
Yeah. Like how many potato Like if you eat potato chips. Yeah. And the ingredients are going to be in there probably 20 easily. Right. It's like if it's just potatoes, that would be cool. Yeah, but it's not just potatoes.

00;55;14;21 - 00;55;15;13
Max Grover

00;55;15;15 - 00;55;17;16
Chris Prins
It's natural though.

00;55;17;18 - 00;55;22;22
David Lawrence
Natural. Yeah. Yeah. Natural hydrogenated. Hydrogenated oils.

00;55;22;25 - 00;55;52;16
Max Grover
And I think if you took a majority and going back to, like, making decisions for, for kids, it's like if you took a majority of, if you took two kids are very similar in like put one on on your plan and then put one on the government plan of like free breakfast, free lunch and here's your bag to go home with after like from the, from the government standard diet and it's, you know, cinnamon roll in a bag and a cup of juice for the fruit.

00;55;52;18 - 00;56;08;07
Max Grover
And I think the kid mentally, physically is going to feel a thousand. I wonder how many things we cure or make less just by changing people's diets or kids diets, focus, energy, those types of things.

00;56;08;10 - 00;56;44;10
David Lawrence
Yeah. So there is a study Harvard does lot of really good studies in nutrition in and I forget the year there a study where they took kids that were I believe it was juvenile delinquents and kids were like low like two at minimum two grade levels below your reading level. And they just gave the kid protein shake All the kids protein shakes in the morning is like 30 grams of protein in the morning for breakfast because the kids were all malnourished, most were malnourished, and they all got off secreting reading, level grade reading level and six months, almost nothing else.

00;56;44;12 - 00;56;47;28
David Lawrence
So they didn't have to run nutrients to like focus. So that's why.

00;56;47;28 - 00;56;52;16
Max Grover
Wake up and wake up in the morning. The first thing you eat is donut and you just feel like horrible.

00;56;52;16 - 00;57;08;10
David Lawrence
Yeah. So and then other things like there's so many different ways that food has been, you know, processed and and different things like that. But if you give your body the right nutrients to it can be successful.

00;57;08;15 - 00;57;27;17
Max Grover
So and in having all the different diets for people and everything, is there one that you tend to like? You know, there's keto and there's paleo and there's the Atkins or there's intermittent fasting. Is it kind of like implementing all of these things and taking the best parts or what?

00;57;27;17 - 00;57;32;15
David Lawrence
Yeah, like I would say when you do a paleo diet and then you add rice and potatoes.

00;57;32;17 - 00;57;34;02
Max Grover
And just keep it super simple, keep.

00;57;34;02 - 00;57;41;01
David Lawrence
It super simple like me, vegetables, leaves, berries like and.

00;57;41;06 - 00;57;41;16
Max Grover
Can't go.

00;57;41;16 - 00;57;47;20
David Lawrence
Wrong. Yeah, yeah. I don't know if you want to speak to any of the stuff that you did to know.

00;57;47;20 - 00;58;15;12
Chris Prins
I think. I mean, I don't have obviously I just sat there for the plan and it worked. And I think the amazing thing and my wife went through it to Mali, she trained it and that goes well. I think the amazing thing is once you start implementing some of those changes, you just feel so different. Like I would say, I don't know if there's a week, a week and a half else and, you know, mental clarity and obviously there's physical changes that happen and treatments and things like that.

00;58;15;12 - 00;58;25;19
Chris Prins
But just, you know, because I was kind of like, you know, I'm done being an athlete and like, what do I need to do this? That why is this important? And I would say that it was so and.

00;58;25;22 - 00;58;26;18
Max Grover
Then you're like, I wish.

00;58;26;18 - 00;58;42;02
Chris Prins
I could have done this. Yeah, what else? An athlete like that have been amazing, but it's too late. Even though, like, she's like, I don't she's like, I don't lift weights. I don't know what's going to help me that much. And just the things that she's experienced from it. It's just it's just amazing. It was like it was life changing as awesome.

00;58;42;04 - 00;59;02;02
David Lawrence
The thing people really, when they start cleaning up their diet, what you do is you lower the inflammatory burden. So let's say you eat those value chips, right? And you've got you've got 20 different ingredients that your body has to figure out how to process all those chemicals out of the body. Right. So there's a chemical load now on the system.

00;59;02;04 - 00;59;26;15
David Lawrence
The average American Detoxifies, I think is like around 500 plus chemicals a day. Okay, That's a lot. So in order to detoxify chemicals, you need amino acids and you need micronutrients and then you need enough water. Right. And like to sweat and, you know, get out of your body, etc.. So so you need more nutrients to help you do that.

00;59;26;15 - 01;00;01;04
David Lawrence
And then we're like nutrient deficient in our country because we're, you know, so it's it's really like what you'll see is when you start eating clean serving, eating, eating, single ingredient foods, I mean, that's a too simple to tell. There's nutrition is very individual. There's also a psychological component there as well. Okay. So I'm not trying to make it overly simple, but once you lower that chemical burden, the brain, it takes a brain about 7 to 10 days and that systemic inflammation is off the brain.

01;00;01;04 - 01;00;19;23
David Lawrence
And so your mind a focus that you have, you can you start producing like your neurotransmitters are able to produce, like know you're producing dopamine and acetylcholine and you feel good, you have more serotonin. Like, have you ever have you ever where you guys have worked out before, Right. And then you sweat and after you're done, you feel good.

01;00;19;23 - 01;00;20;17
Chris Prins
Right now obviously.

01;00;20;19 - 01;00;21;10
Max Grover
Natural highs.

01;00;21;10 - 01;00;45;23
David Lawrence
Yeah there's in these there's there's a lot of reasons for that that's one of the like you produce dopamine, you produce a serotonin, you produce something called a B DNF, brain derived neural growth factor. Okay? So it's like fertilizer for your brain. Whenever you sweat, you work out. It actually helps you like your neurons make better connections. You can actually regrow your brain through exercise.

01;00;45;23 - 01;01;15;10
David Lawrence
And there's a great book on it. It's called or the subtitle is Are your Your Brain on Exercise? What happens to your brain and exercise? And it's really, really cool. But there's like anxiety and, and depression and different psychological issues can, can be helped with exercise like in, in a big way. So we were what we were designed in wired to learn through exercise.

01;01;15;12 - 01;01;26;04
David Lawrence
So we weren't designed to sit down in front of a computer So one of the coolest things that you can do, I'll give you like the best mental how to improve. Like you're like.

01;01;26;07 - 01;01;27;13
Chris Prins
Let's go without.

01;01;27;14 - 01;01;51;08
David Lawrence
Yeah, if you want. If you want to really like, improve your everyday life, you wake up, hydrate, drink some water and sweat, find a way to sweat for the first 20 minutes of your day so you could get on like an elliptical. You could do calisthenics. Yeah, I'll like for me, I'm in that basketball league and I'm trying to take ankles this year.

01;01;51;08 - 01;01;55;12
David Lawrence
So I'm I'm I'm dribbling my basketball like I'm.

01;01;55;14 - 01;01;57;05
Chris Prins

01;01;57;07 - 01;02;17;05
David Lawrence
Actually on the ten foot. We're trying to do this, but no. Yeah. So you sweat you sweat in the morning and then after that to go take a cold shower your day will not be the same. You will have upgraded everything about your physical and mental abilities for that day. And those those effects will last for 4 to 6 hours.

01;02;17;05 - 01;02;18;25
David Lawrence
You feel great the rest of day.

01;02;18;27 - 01;02;38;03
Max Grover
And you know what? I wouldn't say it is eloquently, as you just said, but I've been doing that for the last since about COVID last two years. Nice. And and I've lost like I've lost probably £30 in the last year and a half, but I have another £30 to go, and that's what I'm going that's why I signed up for Mac.

01;02;38;03 - 01;02;56;13
Max Grover
It'll kind of, yeah, learn and push and invest in that. But and there is no like I'm addicted to that now and like one day it's so funny. Like back in the day my dad, I remember he used to be a smoker. All right. I don't even think I don't even know if I was born yet, but I'm like, how did you quit?

01;02;56;13 - 01;03;14;10
Max Grover
And he's like, one day I just, like, decided that, like, I'm not a smoker. And I was done and like, one day and I was in great shape, college, whatever, sports work get done. And then I got fat. And then like one day I'm like, No, I'm a workout guy. Like, I just work out every day. Yeah, I do.

01;03;14;13 - 01;03;17;14
Max Grover
And and I've been addicted to it since. And the cold shower.

01;03;17;16 - 01;03;18;16
David Lawrence
Yeah, like, I love.

01;03;18;16 - 01;03;21;18
Max Grover
The cold shower now. It's horrible sometimes in the winter, but.

01;03;21;18 - 01;03;52;07
David Lawrence
Yeah, but you start chasing endorphins and that's like super helpful like that. Like you have that blocked off where you know, you're getting better, you're improving your physical health, you're improving your mental health, you're going to be lit on fire the rest of the day like you're going to be so much better. And I think in society, we have too many people that follow the crowd and like the ultimate form, like any type of society, like we live in a free society where Americans.

01;03;52;07 - 01;04;17;24
David Lawrence
Right? Yeah. And there is a level to us where just is built into us as Americans, where there there is like rebellion, like against like the status quo and being average and the ultimate rebellion is being the best version of yourself and being and upgrading your fitness, upgrading your mental, emotional and physical wellness. When you do that, you stand out from the crowd.

01;04;17;26 - 01;04;24;29
David Lawrence
You're you're better, you're better, man. You're a better citizen, you're better, you're a better example to the people in your community. I think it's really important and.

01;04;24;29 - 01;04;50;09
Max Grover
It delivers that. So like in sales, like we are like all of us are, you're in sales too, but it's just a different product, I guess. But either way, like when you meet somebody that's physically fit and put together, like instantly, no matter what, we all give them some sort of credibility to them. Those we're like, If you're sloppy and out of shape and, you know, falling over yourself like you can you overcome that?

01;04;50;10 - 01;05;04;13
Max Grover
Absolutely. Can you be a rock star of a person 100%. But naturally, I don't care what anyone says. They're going to go into that relationship the first time, meeting you with that judgment. And then you have to overcome that which it becomes a bigger hurdle.

01;05;04;13 - 01;05;26;27
David Lawrence
I think I have a friend who really smart entrepreneur and he's actually owns a gym, and I'm not going to say where, but he's about £400 and he and his fitness is costing him his fortune because he's not credible to himself anymore. Yeah.

01;05;27;04 - 01;05;28;15
Max Grover
And interesting.

01;05;28;19 - 01;05;35;16
David Lawrence
Yeah. And he could I think he would have multiple gyms. He's much more he's much smarter than me. He's very driven.

01;05;35;17 - 01;05;42;28
Chris Prins
It's kind of like the same. Like you don't trust a skinny chef, right, Or something like that or the other way around.

01;05;42;28 - 01;05;44;18
David Lawrence
But yeah, right.

01;05;44;20 - 01;05;45;20
Max Grover

01;05;45;23 - 01;06;01;10
David Lawrence
But for a lot of people, your fitness will cost you your life. You have less time on this earth. Yeah, right. You have you whenever you're out of shape, you don't feel good about yourself. You know, whenever you're in shape, you feel good about yourself, right? Yeah.

01;06;01;10 - 01;06;21;18
Chris Prins
Yeah. Like, but isn't it kind of interesting because you brought not to go back to the whole, like, children and kids, but the fact that we take kids, you know, once they get into school, okay, they go into the classroom and then they need to sit down for what, six, 7 hours and maybe they get 30 minutes of, you know, PE time throughout the week and then maybe a 20 minute span for recess.

01;06;21;18 - 01;06;41;21
Chris Prins
I mean, when I think about how the school system works and I'm not going to try to change it, I don't know what those next steps look like, but I just think there's something that we can do changing it up. Because when you stick boys and girls who are seven, eight years old and they're just crammed in these seats when they're it's like their wants is to just run around and be active and be social.

01;06;41;25 - 01;06;57;10
Chris Prins
Instead we tell them, Can you sit down at a desk? And if you are active, if you are raising a ruckus, guess what? We're just going to call you ADHD and pop you a bunch of pills and say, okay, sit down and relax rather than changing to maybe say, Hey, let's take a look at what your surroundings look like.

01;06;57;10 - 01;07;01;29
Chris Prins
Let's take a look at what you're putting into your body and and feeding and yourself.

01;07;02;01 - 01;07;23;14
David Lawrence
Yeah, no. So my biggest passion is actually education. I love learning, but I hated what they taught me in school. So I barely graduated high school because I was so bored and it didn't make sense. Why would I ever what am I ever going to use algebra for in my life? So now I can't learn something that has no applicability to me in my life.

01;07;23;14 - 01;08;00;23
David Lawrence
It's just something there's like a detachment there. So one of my goals someday is to basically build a school. It's it's going to be called the when you caught the grand Rapids of the Detroit School for Economics and Entrepreneurship and taking kids through K through 12 and teaching them two things how to learn. Teaching kids how to learn is essential because the world is changing so fast that we don't need people anymore to follow tasks.

01;08;00;25 - 01;08;12;12
David Lawrence
We need people to be able to think and to problem solve and to collaborate with other people. And we're actually taught to take tests like cheating is bad, right? Like you can't work with another student, right? Cheating is bad.

01;08;12;14 - 01;08;23;09
Max Grover
But you have all the information in the entire world in your palm of your hand with your phone. So that's why wouldn't I? Why would I not cheat and go to YouTube and figure out how to change for.

01;08;23;09 - 01;08;28;06
Chris Prins
How many times? So they say you're not to have a calculator in your body.

01;08;28;08 - 01;08;51;15
David Lawrence
Yeah, it's so it's like saying so, but we need to teach kids how to learn anything. And that's a skill that we're not teaching. We need to teach kids how to about finance and how to invest and how money works. Yeah, we needed to teach kids about leverage and collaboration and the number one thing that we need to teach, like for public education is physical health.

01;08;51;18 - 01;09;14;02
David Lawrence
Because physical, your body is something that everybody will have for the rest of their life. And and it's the thing that usually gets pushed the least. Why does math matter past fifth grade? It doesn't. It all is. You know, my accountant, she's really good on the business. She knows I need to know how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and sometimes do percentages and do that in fifth grade.

01;09;14;04 - 01;09;14;21
Chris Prins

01;09;14;26 - 01;09;16;02
David Lawrence
So we just saved.

01;09;16;04 - 01;09;28;24
Max Grover
I mean, what we do is not much more advance on there. There can be advance, but a lot of times if it doesn't work simplified like that, it's not going to work. When you apply all the math to it in the world that you want.

01;09;28;25 - 01;09;51;08
David Lawrence
Yeah, there's probably 3% of professions out there that need to go really, really deep down in math. And there's probably percent of professions that need to go deep into the physical body, which are doctors, personal trainers, nurses, etc., etc.. Right? But those are specific skills. But we're all we all need to learn how to eat well, We all need to learn how to be able to move our body.

01;09;51;08 - 01;10;16;28
David Lawrence
Well, we all need to also, I think, self-reflect action is something that our society really lacks. And one of the reasons why people are have such anxiety and so much depression is people aren't good with who they are. They don't have sense of identity. And we need to give kids a sense of identity, you know, like I'm a person of faith, like, you know, and my Christian faith is the most important thing to me.

01;10;17;00 - 01;10;37;20
David Lawrence
But if you you know, I don't know how you do that in a public, you know, arena for her. But if kids don't have like a sense of like that, people that they belong to are they are set apart for something else, they're going to be pushed wherever society, you know, tells them to leave this decade or this year or governor, what.

01;10;37;25 - 01;10;38;28
Max Grover
They're going to believe in government.

01;10;39;02 - 01;11;04;05
David Lawrence
Yeah. In like you know the number one thing that you like that I think there's like a graph it's like the more you know about history, the less you believe in the government. It's like you just I mean, you just look at like the incompetency of the United States in the last 23 years, you know, like getting us into the Iraq war, weapons of mass destruction.

01;11;04;05 - 01;11;32;06
David Lawrence
And we go from like $1 trillion in debt. Now we're at $30 trillion in debt like the last 23 years, whether you're a Democrat or Republican it doesn't matter, it's been an absolute disaster where we've asked our whole generation, our generation and our children's generation over for getting in these massive debt to fund all these different wars. I've had two friends die over in Iraq for no reason for two classmates, and they were small town kids, very poor.

01;11;32;08 - 01;11;57;01
David Lawrence
And where they die, there's no reason they die over there. And it's like and we continue to do that. We want to. Are the United States single handedly is trying to get in a war with Russia and Ukraine like it's there is a peace agreement. It's just absolutely wild. People were abiding by the peace agreement. It's but you know war is very profitable.

01;11;57;01 - 01;12;20;20
Max Grover
Yeah and they've yeah I mean on that on that one too. It's like yeah of course like Putin is a bad person and everything but then you can't if you're being intellectually honest like yeah we are, that would be like China coming in to which they are in Cuba or into Mexico and setting up operations.

01;12;20;20 - 01;12;21;19
David Lawrence
And so I.

01;12;21;19 - 01;12;23;18
Max Grover
See all that and it's like, Oh great.

01;12;23;18 - 01;12;30;18
David Lawrence
On your border. No, I'm so do you know how many bases Russia has outside of Russia all over the world?

01;12;30;21 - 01;12;33;02
Max Grover
No, no.

01;12;33;04 - 01;12;34;23
David Lawrence
Like not very many.

01;12;34;26 - 01;12;35;06
Max Grover

01;12;35;09 - 01;12;40;21
David Lawrence
You know how many basis I know this one. You know how many bases China has outside of China? Military bases.

01;12;40;28 - 01;12;41;25
Max Grover

01;12;41;27 - 01;12;57;26
David Lawrence
One. You know how many bases the United States has? Thousands of 800. 800 bases. We spend more money on our military than the next ten countries combined, including China and Russia combined.

01;12;58;02 - 01;13;21;08
Max Grover
And it's such a hard conversation, though, because it's like part of me goes like, Well, yeah, naturally. Like, wouldn't you rather be the like, we're spending money almost like as to be the world police or to be the protection and to be on the forefront and keep, you know, and put our policies in place around the world. And I think it's done with good intention, but that doesn't always mean that good things result of it either.

01;13;21;08 - 01;13;35;19
David Lawrence
Yeah, like I'm in a less optimistic view than you do about getting attention. I think it's I'm like mostly like so number. I'm very grateful to be an American. I really believe in 100%. Right? Like, yeah.

01;13;35;22 - 01;13;40;00
Max Grover
You hit it. We all hit the lottery. The top 10%, 100%. Just yeah.

01;13;40;02 - 01;14;08;09
David Lawrence
Just being born here is just at a time when we were born here and like, but, you know, I have, I have a beef with certain generation that's an American generation, and it's the generation a little bit above us. Rhymes with Zoomer. Yeah. Yeah. But they're the ones that have spent all of our money and we don't need to be an 8800 different basis.

01;14;08;09 - 01;14;44;05
David Lawrence
My friends and our friends that need to and in classmates didn't need to go over to Iraq and die. And worse, we didn't need to start these different military conflicts. I think that, you know, democracy is an absolutely like a good thing to do. And we should strive as a world to do that. But we have a lot of problems in the United States and we don't like and we could like we what we should do is we have we have a we have a huge a we have a huge education problem in this country.

01;14;44;08 - 01;14;48;11
David Lawrence
We have a huge obesity problem in this country.

01;14;48;13 - 01;14;51;22
Max Grover
And back to your sorry, I mean, those probably go hand-in-hand. Yeah.

01;14;51;24 - 01;15;12;09
David Lawrence
We have an infrastructure problem in this country and we have an immigration problem in this country. We have four massive problems, this country. And it doesn't even matter how we decide to solve it, whether we did it the left wing way or the right wing way or there is some middle ground, it doesn't matter. We need to solve those problems.

01;15;12;11 - 01;15;18;12
David Lawrence
And and but people don't want to solve those problems because people make money.

01;15;18;12 - 01;15;20;10
Chris Prins
It's profitable profits over people.

01;15;20;17 - 01;15;40;29
David Lawrence
If it's our people, we could fix the food in this country so fast, we could give our kids a great education, a better education that we could pay teachers better. We could have. I really believe that we could have great school lunches. I think that's something to fight for with.

01;15;40;29 - 01;15;44;22
Max Grover
Real, real chefs in the kitchen making food one.

01;15;44;22 - 01;15;46;03
David Lawrence
Hundred percent.

01;15;46;05 - 01;15;50;07
Max Grover
And that seems like something that anybody could get behind and agree with.

01;15;50;07 - 01;16;18;03
David Lawrence
We we should like teachers are probably the most important profession, probably teachers and nurses are some of the most important. Sure. And we don't treat them like they should be treated. We like it's such a it's really weird in this country what we do and it doesn't make sense. And some of it like is like with really good intentions and then some of it's like.

01;16;18;06 - 01;16;19;24
Max Grover
More nefarious and Yeah.

01;16;19;24 - 01;16;25;23
David Lawrence
And some of it's just like, you know, stuff that we should put as a priority. We don't. And so there's a.

01;16;25;23 - 01;16;50;16
Max Grover
Huge it goes like in in the schooling like you you start to question like are we doing this because we want more workers or are we doing this because we want better people? And that has to be the question, right? Like, do we just want just task oriented workers or do we want creative of thoughtful, kind, healthy people?

01;16;50;19 - 01;17;19;22
David Lawrence
The number one thing that that we should be developing with kids is developing the human person and individuality and like being able to think independently. That's the only way progress moves forward. Surely society forward as independent thinkers who are and there's like free will. It's like a really important thing. And you can't have free will without core, like with when there's coercion, right?

01;17;19;22 - 01;17;48;11
David Lawrence
Sure. So yeah, that's we don't develop. We really it's so sad. It's like we we put children in a box and we want them to conform to a certain way, you know, there's, there's, there's always societal conformity, but we want children to conform a certain way. And when they lose that, they lose their and who they are and they lose their identity to think freely into question, which is like one of the most important things you can do.

01;17;48;15 - 01;18;17;04
Max Grover
But but it's it's simple. It feels really simple. But then if you like, really okay, Like because my my principles and the things that I stand for are going to be and I would say like we're probably all fairly aligned people, but my like things that would be important to me are going to be different than what's important to you per se, or the next person or left versus right, Christian versus non-Christian, any of those things.

01;18;17;04 - 01;18;20;14
Max Grover
And so then it's like, well, who gets to decide that For sure?

01;18;20;15 - 01;18;24;21
David Lawrence
It should be up to the individual to decide what they want to decide.

01;18;24;23 - 01;18;27;03
Chris Prins
Like that's that's what free will.

01;18;27;05 - 01;18;46;29
David Lawrence
That's what free will is. And it shouldn't be a school system teaching kids to, you know, think a certain way. In my in my opinion, it should be really like open and collaborative. I think it's like great when people question things. I think it's great when there's dialog and debate.

01;18;47;01 - 01;19;33;20
Max Grover
There has to be has to be, there has to be. So we're probably going to get this like a disclaimer, actually, I think they stop doing that now with the court order. But yeah, I would love to get our first disclaimer right now. This is exciting. That's true. Yeah. No, it's yeah. And, and I think a lot of people seem to be having a shift in the last couple of years with COVID and having that time of whether it was because it slowed down or because of, in my opinion, like a lot of top down pounded down onto you delivered in your face, stuffed down your throat of what it has to be.

01;19;33;22 - 01;19;57;07
Max Grover
And it feels like there is a shift into from from all sides, like even like the the left or the right where like, hey, like JFK or RFK seems to really be getting like some serious traction on the left. And I mean, is he he's a complete contrarian to, you know what we have told for the last 20, 23 years or so longer.

01;19;57;10 - 01;20;08;26
Max Grover
So I think there's definitely there's a pendulum in my mind or I hope and I for sure that swinging back to more reality based and and not even left right on.

01;20;08;28 - 01;20;31;01
David Lawrence
Yeah well that's that's exactly no that's exactly the is we have like a we have a two party system which is destroy as if it's George Washington really like was adamant not to get into a two party system our first president because we can't solve basic problems just because it's like like the problem before problems I mentioned are like real.

01;20;31;03 - 01;20;32;18
David Lawrence
We have a two system.

01;20;32;21 - 01;20;34;10
Max Grover
It just becomes pure tribal.

01;20;34;12 - 01;20;55;04
David Lawrence
Yeah, exactly. And like, that's not good for anybody. You have to. And it's really hard for people to look past that and see another human being, especially when it's through like the eyes of the internet, like where there's less. We all do that and it's much easier to do that in person, to have real conversations with people in person, to be open minded.

01;20;55;04 - 01;21;27;10
David Lawrence
I think that's one of the most important things, is to be open minded. But and I'm saying like, you know, I would say 80% of Americans, 40 and 40 on the political divide right are really they they think one way, because that is the narrative that is consistently pushed. It doesn't even make any sense whatsoever, like on a lot of different issues, like a ton of different issues.

01;21;27;13 - 01;21;53;23
David Lawrence
My favorite issue of all time was immigration, where I think Trump said he was going to grant clemency to every single person living in the United States. You know, if we could build a border and that's exactly what the Democrats wanted, but they 100% turned it down to like give an immigrant like give rights to make all those people who are legally U.S. citizens to shut down the border.

01;21;53;26 - 01;21;56;11
David Lawrence
That's wild. And then it was.

01;21;56;11 - 01;22;20;18
Max Grover
It's the same thing with that we had Nick Lowe on was student that he's a bankruptcy attorney And you know, it's like we want yes. Do we want to have the conversation? And he's very pro like getting rid of student loan debt for these kids, and rightfully so. It's a huge burden for a lot of people. But it's like, I don't even want to have that conversation until the problem is fixed, right.

01;22;20;19 - 01;22;29;07
Max Grover
Like where you can just get loans for just walking, just signing up and getting as much money as you want to take. Like that's the real problem.

01;22;29;07 - 01;22;36;15
David Lawrence
What I want is I want to be able to have people get loans so they can train America.

01;22;36;18 - 01;22;38;17
Chris Prins
For the next four years. Yeah, because.

01;22;38;21 - 01;22;45;16
Max Grover
But couldn't that that would be a better investment than some people take and use that student loan money for honored design.

01;22;45;18 - 01;23;03;00
David Lawrence
Yes. They learn more about them like that's how I feel and how to get more of an education just because they are going to be with their physical body for the rest of your life. So they're more for bang for the buck. A lot of these colleges are 50, 50 years a year. How are you four or five years?

01;23;03;02 - 01;23;08;15
David Lawrence
You're are 250. And the whole how do you come back from that? And you don't really learn anything? You're like when it'd be.

01;23;08;22 - 01;23;22;29
Max Grover
Better off with an apprentice. I mean, the amount of debt from the first two years still today, but just like the, the hosing you're drinking from and like, I don't know anything and then you get a mentor and you work with them and you learn that way. Yeah.

01;23;23;04 - 01;23;32;18
David Lawrence
If my daughter, if my daughter's 18 years old, I got tired. Don't go to college by chance. Don't go. You know, it's a it's a waste of time if you're I play sports. Great. I go play sport.

01;23;32;19 - 01;23;33;13
Chris Prins
What if it was like a.

01;23;33;13 - 01;23;34;17
Max Grover

01;23;34;20 - 01;23;36;17
David Lawrence
As my kids, right?

01;23;36;20 - 01;23;39;04
Max Grover
Yeah. Go to make it, you know, to get it done.

01;23;39;05 - 01;23;40;22
David Lawrence
But don't. Don't go to college.

01;23;40;25 - 01;23;41;11
Chris Prins

01;23;41;14 - 01;23;44;04
David Lawrence
Go be a real estate. Go be go state.

01;23;44;04 - 01;23;46;12
Max Grover
They find the best real estate agent in town and.

01;23;46;12 - 01;23;46;23
David Lawrence
Work for.

01;23;46;23 - 01;23;53;17
Chris Prins
Free. Yeah. You mentioned earlier some mentors. Did you have specific mentors in your life that you kind of look?

01;23;53;19 - 01;24;16;01
David Lawrence
Yeah. Charles Blackman as a mentor for me, my father was like a really good like the thing is, is like when like, we have, like the same things that we do need in life in their first basic need is they need be loved. And most of us, hopefully we get that from our parents. And I was I was my biggest advantage ever had.

01;24;16;03 - 01;24;35;29
David Lawrence
I grew I did grow up an assistance, so I had food stamps growing up for a period of time. And when I was in high school and I never thought about it one time I didn't care because I knew my mom and my dad loved me a lot. So that really matter, like the material things that we didn't have.

01;24;35;29 - 01;24;55;04
David Lawrence
Like I just knew they couldn't afford them. So I didn't. Yeah, I didn't, I didn't ask. But we were super rich in love and that was the biggest advantage I've ever had in my life. That mom and a dad who love me and they loved each other. I felt very secure. And so many of our children don't feel secure because they don't have that.

01;24;55;04 - 01;25;05;04
Max Grover
And that's another lottery ticket base where it's like being born in America and being born to mom and dad. That love is just. Yeah, that's the lottery. Yeah.

01;25;05;06 - 01;25;22;19
Chris Prins
Absolutely. It's funny, I have similar approach, like my parents love love me to death, but I was a brick mason. My mom was a librarian, so not much income coming in, but the absolute love like I know I didn't know what I was missing because I had so much love. And then I talk to people who are like, I had everything, but my parents were never home.

01;25;22;21 - 01;25;30;20
Chris Prins
More like I just I had one parent home and they're like, all I want is just time. And just to feel that love. And like, I was like, well, I had all the time in the world.

01;25;30;20 - 01;25;32;03
Max Grover
That is what kids want. Yeah, they.

01;25;32;08 - 01;25;37;07
Chris Prins
Just they just want a time. They want experiences with you. I'm just. Yeah, I care.

01;25;37;09 - 01;25;53;25
David Lawrence
Yeah. That's the most important thing is. Oh, man, we just missed the boat. And that's again. That's if you don't know who you are and what you're doing, you're going to. You're going to chase things that don't matter. Money comes and goes. Comes and goes. But.

01;25;53;27 - 01;26;09;18
Max Grover
But it's important to. To push yourself, right. Mentally, physically, emotionally as well. To grow yourself. Like there's nothing wrong with with you wanting to grow your Mecha into six, 12, 15, 20 locations 50 location.

01;26;09;20 - 01;26;17;24
David Lawrence
Yeah I want that. I absolutely want that. I want to see if I'm good enough to do it. To be honest, that's like really important.

01;26;17;25 - 01;26;22;19
Max Grover
That's cool. That's really cool. I like that. Yeah, I really like that. It's when you look at it.

01;26;22;19 - 01;26;24;25
David Lawrence
It's a it's kind of a game.

01;26;24;27 - 01;26;27;00
Max Grover
It's a 100% and it's while.

01;26;27;00 - 01;26;31;23
David Lawrence
I was good enough to get us here know am I good enough to get us there.

01;26;31;26 - 01;26;32;15
Chris Prins

01;26;32;17 - 01;26;56;20
David Lawrence
And like where. And someone has done it before so this is you always ask yourself questions. Questions are really like questions are the the most important thing. If you ask yourself the right questions, you can find the right answers. So I ask myself, I want this, so I want. So our goal is we love to grow. So my my ultimate goal is $100 million company.

01;26;56;22 - 01;27;03;14
David Lawrence
30 locations have an education and supplement business, which we have right now. But that's my that's my goal.

01;27;03;20 - 01;27;06;29
Max Grover
You're full that a lot of great talent. Who knows?

01;27;07;02 - 01;27;31;16
David Lawrence
Maybe, but. Well, yeah, but we're we're you know, right around 1/10 of that right now, so we got a long way to go. Okay. And our not quit. We're right right there. We're And so that's that's my ultimate goal. I'm I've been good enough and fortunate enough or whatever you want to call it, to get us here. I have the skill sets to, to, to get us to where we're at right now.

01;27;31;19 - 01;27;53;26
David Lawrence
But I have not demonstrated the skill sets to go to next level yet. And I don't need to do it. I don't need I don't know. One needs to we need to, you know, be part of $100 million company or chance. No one needs that. It's just something I want to do. And so someone's created a $100 million company before I haven't.

01;27;53;29 - 01;28;13;10
David Lawrence
Ah so what do they have that I don't have? What are the skill sets that they have that they've been able to demonstrate that I haven't been able to demonstrate and if I haven't been able to demonstrate those, are they just better than me? I'm very competitive person. So like that, that's my that's those are the questions I ask myself.

01;28;13;13 - 01;28;19;27
David Lawrence
I'm like, Well, now they've been able to do it before I can find a way. Yeah, right. And so that's kind of how I see.

01;28;19;27 - 01;28;40;29
Max Grover
The and, and, and there might be people that are more talented than you that, like, maybe parts come easier to them to grow. But there's no reason that like where it's like that long term mindset of like it's like yeah somebody might sprint out ahead but like Dave's coming right in behind like slow step right in behind, not stopping.

01;28;41;01 - 01;28;42;03
Max Grover
Yeah they're stopping.

01;28;42;03 - 01;29;00;20
David Lawrence
In and they do want to say and people get funny with money, it doesn't really matter the money, it's just a way to like, like if let's say if we don't ever grow again and we, we stay right where we're at or let's say like something bad happened, whatever. If I were to die tomorrow, I was like, really happy with my life.

01;29;00;22 - 01;29;08;00
David Lawrence
There's nothing more like that. I would have like quote unquote, wanted to accomplish more in my life.

01;29;08;02 - 01;29;27;24
Max Grover
And so in that fear of like losing everything where it's like, I think maybe I asked this, maybe I heard it somewhere. But I'm like, yeah, like you lost everything. Like, how did you start over it now? Like, and start over like, I learned for the last ten, 20, 30 years. Like, it's not like I forgot, like I knew the basics.

01;29;27;24 - 01;29;49;09
Max Grover
Like, yeah, this one aspect maybe got out of control or I didn't see this or, you know, COVID came in and completely derailed this or that, right, whatever that external factor might be. But it's not that you're you're not starting over. And if you are, shame on you because you didn't learn anything for the last ten, 20, 30 years of that grind, that initial grind to you starting over.

01;29;49;11 - 01;29;50;01
Max Grover

01;29;50;04 - 01;29;50;25
David Lawrence
Yeah, for sure.

01;29;50;29 - 01;30;03;05
Chris Prins
Not going to question what it's kind of related to that. And maybe we I think we unpack that a little bit, but obviously you grew from just yourself to ish employees.

01;30;03;08 - 01;30;07;28
Max Grover
And it seemed like quick from you said 2019 you were at ten.

01;30;08;01 - 01;30;11;21
David Lawrence
Yeah, yeah, ten 1888 and then.

01;30;11;24 - 01;30;12;06
Chris Prins

01;30;12;07 - 01;30;13;08
David Lawrence
Yeah. So, so.

01;30;13;09 - 01;30;44;21
Chris Prins
You got so you grow into that and I know I have a little bit of familiarity with, with you guys, but it seems like you guys are producing nonstop what the goal before and after pitches results is what you're producing. Yep. So a, what separates you guys from others? I mean, we see a lot of people working out and whether it's no progress or just not that much progress, but what separates that and then also how, did you train 60 people to do the same thing?

01;30;44;21 - 01;30;47;26
Chris Prins
Oh, sure. Yeah. That's still drive results. Like, that's amazing.

01;30;47;26 - 01;30;48;15
Max Grover

01;30;48;17 - 01;31;10;09
David Lawrence
Yeah. So it's it's so one of the things was like income always follows value. So like how much value can you provide? And like, I know the number one reason why like the missing link for us getting to that level that I talked about is like, I just don't provide our team and our clients enough value. I just I provide enough value to do what we're doing right now.

01;31;10;11 - 01;31;33;20
David Lawrence
So value for like it's better systems, better education delivered in a in a better leadership, better, better vision, etc.. So like a clear a clear path, like I see it on my head, I know where to go. But it's like and I say it once, but it's actually people. It takes time. When you lead people, you have to say the same thing over and over and over.

01;31;33;20 - 01;32;07;08
David Lawrence
You're not not the CEO anymore. Sierra the chief reminding officer say this is the vision, this who we are, this where we're going. These are our standards and this is how we're going to get there. So I just don't provide enough value for for our team. So that's so it's about so how I've gotten to train basically the simple answer is I've hired some really awesome people to have helped us build systems and processes and hold people accountable.

01;32;07;10 - 01;32;24;19
David Lawrence
I've given them my vision and like and I've helped with the technical side and they've implemented it. So they really do the work. He has ever seen the movie Office Space? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, they're firing everybody and they're like, So what would you say you do here? Yeah, I'm a people.

01;32;24;19 - 01;32;27;17
Chris Prins

01;32;27;19 - 01;32;49;16
David Lawrence
So I'm in our business. I'm the people person. I don't know how much actually do I build really good relationships with people and I really care about people and I really see the business as a tool to help people in their lives and money as a tool to help people versus the other way around. So.

01;32;49;16 - 01;33;01;01
Max Grover
Well, but even like so I'm going to train with Bobby tomorrow for the first time. How much different is it going to be training with Bobby per se, than if I was to train with you?

01;33;01;04 - 01;33;01;12
David Lawrence

01;33;01;19 - 01;33;05;22
Chris Prins
Bobby is the man with all Bobby's.

01;33;05;22 - 01;33;19;17
David Lawrence
Bobby is one of the best coaches in the United States. Well, he's unbelievable. Like, you're getting you're getting a great coach who understands how to train you, how to push you hard, how back off he you can't get like there would be no difference.

01;33;19;17 - 01;33;24;28
Max Grover
But but is it a McDonald's type system where it's like or is it. Oh, but I'll just say.

01;33;24;28 - 01;33;34;06
Chris Prins
From personal experience, obviously I'm used to working hard, just being an athlete and stuff, but there would be times that the training session with Bobby, I'd be like, Man.

01;33;34;06 - 01;33;34;26
David Lawrence
That just.

01;33;34;29 - 01;33;52;07
Chris Prins
Didn't seem like it was that hard. And there'd be times where I'd like, I'm laying on the floor for 20 minutes afterwards, but he always knew when to push and like how to push. And I'm sure, I mean, I'm sure the science around it about if you just beat me down four or beat anyone down for certain amount time, you're never going to grow.

01;33;52;07 - 01;33;59;28
Chris Prins
But anyways, it it was just a myth. I think that was for me. Like the biggest thing is like he somehow just knew when to push. And so.

01;34;00;02 - 01;34;08;06
Max Grover
There's still that free will involved in it in Yeah like side that's a very important to you but at the same time there's a base.

01;34;08;09 - 01;34;39;02
David Lawrence
So we so our edge is the training program that our trainers go through. It's a 300 and or not 238 page onboarding they go through. It's, it's there it's our IP that's and then the standards that we have that we hold our our, our trainers to. And the next thing for me is setting a better roadmap, number one, for our trainers for their long term development.

01;34;39;05 - 01;34;58;19
David Lawrence
And then the other thing is creating this, this world class client experience that I'm like working on right now. And it's just there's no one that like once this gets delivered, I just don't think there's anybody that can be able touch this because they're going to be providing so much more value for doing some of the stuff right now.

01;34;58;26 - 01;35;19;25
David Lawrence
But it's going to be packaged so well and we'll be able to provide so much value that no one in our space is doing it. And it's like those things that the things that you do today, you know, if you're doing them well, people will copy copy tomorrow. And so, yeah, like I'm like the next like my I split my time basically into two seasons.

01;35;19;25 - 01;35;45;17
David Lawrence
And this season right now of me preparing professional athletes to go play their sport, it's like very fun experience. But I'm two weeks away. I'm going to go into a cave where I'm going to basically try to iterate and improve like all these different of our business. And hopefully that's like the next job. And like in our business right now we're running three, four, four locations are all profitable, they're doing really well and that's really fun to see.

01;35;45;19 - 01;36;09;05
David Lawrence
So we've got the business model figured out for four, and that's like when you do multi-unit, that's the hardest step is to go from 1 to 3 or wonderful from 1 to 4, right? And so now, like the next step is to it's just one more layer. So that's what that is. And then that's, that's like we have our three year plan and trying to get us on that, on that roadmap to what we want to do and where we want to go.

01;36;09;08 - 01;36;15;07
David Lawrence
But it's it's really providing all of our clients was just an unbelievable client experience that's delivered.

01;36;15;07 - 01;36;36;11
Max Grover
And and it's clear that I mean when you're when you're training some of the best athletes in the world with NHL or NFL players, literally the best athletes in the entire world, they could train anywhere they want to. They could fly. They could go wherever. And to have them choosing your gym, I mean, that's the. How cool is.

01;36;36;11 - 01;36;45;07
David Lawrence
That? Oh, so cool. It's it's an honor and a privilege. We have client these people coming from Europe. We've had people all over the United States, Canada. It's pretty cool.

01;36;45;09 - 01;37;05;10
Max Grover
So and and that was kind of and then back with your IP in that whole build up on that like get it just because somebody took your playbook though doesn't mean that they could implement it and have the culture that you're building too. Because I can feel your passion behind all of it. Like That's where like you go to Chick-Fil-A and there's a certain culture built and well, you don't.

01;37;05;12 - 01;37;06;16
David Lawrence

01;37;06;18 - 01;37;09;20
Max Grover
But somebody's getting over here. That's got to.

01;37;09;22 - 01;37;13;14
Chris Prins
Take your last meal tonight at the Last Supper.

01;37;13;17 - 01;37;27;07
Max Grover
But, but, but they've built a culture, right? Like that's what makes them different from choosing. I mean it's not that extreme. It's not like it's that extremely good. It's a great product because of the culture that they built too.

01;37;27;08 - 01;37;32;08
David Lawrence
It's got chicken, it's got, it's chicken.

01;37;32;10 - 01;37;39;15
Max Grover
Yeah. And then I'm kind of take it because I could talk about this all day, but like.

01;37;39;17 - 01;37;40;20
David Lawrence
We're getting to 5:00.

01;37;40;20 - 01;37;44;21
Max Grover
I know, I know. We got to get dinner and we got to figure out where we're going to. Are we.

01;37;44;21 - 01;37;46;11
Chris Prins
All? We haven't figured it out yet.

01;37;46;14 - 01;37;53;07
Max Grover
Everyone knows everyone was close. You can't even. Sir can't tell for and they don't do reservations. Well.

01;37;53;10 - 01;37;55;04
Chris Prins
Figure it out on the fly.

01;37;55;04 - 01;37;55;21
Max Grover
Are you coming?

01;37;55;28 - 01;37;57;26
Chris Prins
I'm not. I can't say I'm sorry.

01;37;57;28 - 01;38;16;17
Max Grover
Anyways, supplement. It's sure billion dollar industry all over the place. You talk about nefarious or good intentioned like you can talk about that in government. Sure you can talk about that all day with supplements too. And are they important or should we be taking on.

01;38;16;19 - 01;38;49;08
David Lawrence
Yeah, supplements are really important to take. There's basically two main reasons why you want to take supplements or there's two reasons why supplements will effect. So a number one is you can affect your brain positively and you can number two, you can affect your metabolic system positively. Okay? So the nutritional quality of the food is not the same as it was in the 1950s, for example.

01;38;49;08 - 01;39;24;20
David Lawrence
So because of like modern farming, we've lower the nutritional value of basic foods. So and then because of the increased toxic load I was talking about earlier, we've increased need for nutrients to help our bodies detoxify because like chemicals come into your body, how do they get out? You need nutrients, you need amino acids and, you need micronutrients in to to be able to, you know, go through it's phase one and phase two of detoxification.

01;39;24;22 - 01;39;51;28
David Lawrence
And then phase three is elimination. Okay, where you pick it out, sweat it out and you're cooped up. Right. So that's that's how you get rid of chemicals. So because of those two food quality and then increased toxic load, you need supplementation. So like a multivitamin is going to have like your different spectrum of nutrients. Greens are really important, like powder greens, fruits and vegetables for the day.

01;39;52;01 - 01;39;54;19
David Lawrence
I'm a big believer in amino acids before.

01;39;54;21 - 01;39;55;17
Chris Prins
During and.

01;39;55;17 - 01;39;59;22
David Lawrence
After just and I'm able to right and.

01;39;59;23 - 01;40;03;24
Max Grover
Even Yeah I'm I don't even know what an amino acid really is.

01;40;03;24 - 01;40;25;25
David Lawrence
Yeah. So amino acids basically like the protein. Yeah. When you, when you, when you eat protein. Okay. I can eat chicken and beef. Okay. Yeah. It's going to have you. Yeah. It's going to have an amino acid purpose. So you eat it and it gets broken down. Those protein structures get broken down into it. It's called the different amino acids.

01;40;25;27 - 01;40;49;26
David Lawrence
And so like for example, beef like red meat's going to have something more like it's called tyrosine. Okay, So tyrosine is an amino acid that's a precursor to dopamine. So red meat is like really good. Like first thing in the morning if you want to steak and eggs. So great meal for for cognitive function and blood sugar regulation.

01;40;49;28 - 01;41;13;10
David Lawrence
So so that's the need for supplements. And then you can give yourself your brain if you want more focus obviously like something like caffeine works really well. It's a great cognitive enhancer you can use. My favorite is like alpha GC alpha glycerol phosphate. How choline helps you pay attention more. It gives you great focus. I love that tyrosine.

01;41;13;10 - 01;41;23;12
David Lawrence
Straight tyrosine is unbelievable. Three grams tyrosine first thing in the morning and an empty stomach here. Your brain is lit up for the next 6 hours. I mean, these are just great cognitive.

01;41;23;12 - 01;41;35;25
Max Grover
And is that things that you're helping people with at the gym as well to figure out and learn and because you're saying these words and I don't even know a half a minute of it. Yeah, simple enough.

01;41;35;25 - 01;41;40;28
David Lawrence
You know, like giving you a caffeine is right. Yeah. Yeah. Caffeine is amazing.

01;41;41;01 - 01;41;43;25
Max Grover
And I can't. Are you being sarcastic or. No, You.

01;41;43;27 - 01;41;56;14
David Lawrence
Know, it's absolutely amazing. Yeah. Yeah. People who. Do you drink Coffee? Yeah, they. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Okay. If you drink coffee, you live longer than if you want to drink coffee. People who drink coffee live about seven years longer than people.

01;41;56;14 - 01;41;59;13
Chris Prins
What's the science behind the sciences?

01;41;59;15 - 01;42;22;29
David Lawrence
Coffee drinker. There's something in coffee called polyphenols or polyphenols. Okay. It's the only antioxidant that most Americans get in their diet. It helps cleanse the liver. It helps with everything from like brain function, different neurological diseases all the way to, you know, helping prevent and fight off, you know, like obesity. So, yeah.

01;42;23;01 - 01;42;42;12
Max Grover
And then with that, with the supplements, I mean, how and implementing them into people's lives like is there a base of thing like you're like, hey, take these three like vitamin D, make sure you're getting vitamin D, you know, make sure you're on testosterone. Like, what is your base? Where is your.

01;42;42;14 - 01;42;45;20
Chris Prins
Testosterone? Just your testosterone. You mean.

01;42;45;22 - 01;42;52;05
Max Grover
Everyone's out? Testosterone. I feel now like listen to Joe Rogan and stuff like that. It's like everyone's on testosterone, all those guys.

01;42;52;11 - 01;43;33;18
David Lawrence
I'm not a huge I'm not a doctor I. So I would like to sell some rights. Like a hormone. Yeah. I'm not personally like personally, I'm not I'm not a huge fan of testosterone. And there's several reasons why, but probably beyond scope of like, something I'd like to talk about publicly just because I'm not a doctor or not like, Yeah, but personally, I'm not a big, big I don't really think it's like, like a great thing unless you have really good doctor supervision and there are some great doctors who know how to prescribe it correctly.

01;43;33;21 - 01;43;49;20
David Lawrence
But more often not, it's not prescribed correctly. And then you have a whole health issue. So you might have low T in your forties and it might work for like 4 to 6 years. And then I see a lot of guys in real rough shape after that.

01;43;49;24 - 01;43;59;22
Max Grover
Interesting. And then what would that so what would be the, the base of what people should be implementing in your opinion, or maybe you don't want to share that, you know.

01;43;59;22 - 01;44;33;05
David Lawrence
Yeah, absolutely I can I can I can talk about nutrition. Just can't talk about medical because I it's it's one it's really not my expertise. I'm not I'm not really qualified to talk about that. But I'm so supplementation Yeah huge believer in multivitamin a really good multivitamin huge believer in magnesium magnesium is involved in many different enzymatic and metabolic functions in the in the body we're like almost everybody's deficient magnesium.

01;44;33;05 - 01;44;38;19
Max Grover
What about for kids too? Because I know my wife was in been implementing some magnesium for the kids.

01;44;38;19 - 01;44;53;29
David Lawrence
Yeah, magnesium can be great. Topical magnesium, sleep in skin. Yeah. You rub it on their back and it's it's like we are their feet before they go to bed. It's great. And then like I've ever heard of, like, greens. Greens are really, really good for you.

01;44;54;02 - 01;44;56;24
Max Grover
Aging one athletic greens.

01;44;56;24 - 01;44;59;23
David Lawrence
Yeah, a lot of greens are great. So yeah.

01;44;59;26 - 01;45;04;16
Max Grover
Do you guys sell any supplements that you're not. Yeah.

01;45;04;16 - 01;45;33;10
David Lawrence
We, we have our own supplement line and then I'm on the board for designs for sport and so they're a, an asset for sport supplement line and they have and we use a lot of their products in our gym and we private label some of their products within our supplement line. But everything in our supplement line is everyone's going to have and you try to improve your health, your athletic performance, your brain function, and then your ability to like obviously turn the brain on and bring the brain down.

01;45;33;12 - 01;45;49;07
David Lawrence
So we have like a great product that's called Ignite in the morning that helps really get your brain turned on. And then we have a great, great product called Serenity that helps bring it in.

01;45;49;07 - 01;46;06;14
Max Grover
You can probably when you're eating clean and not having thousands of chemicals and you can probably field those supplementation even better in your body like you can. We can all feel how we're feeling that day. But when your baseline is clean, then it probably helps so much.

01;46;06;16 - 01;46;07;08
David Lawrence

01;46;07;10 - 01;46;09;24
Max Grover
And then anything last.

01;46;09;24 - 01;46;12;29
Chris Prins
Before we you know. Thank you so much for being here, guys. Yeah.

01;46;13;06 - 01;46;17;14
Max Grover
Anything From Jake to the order. You get anything to add or comment?

01;46;17;16 - 01;46;19;26
Chris Prins
Get nothing. Yeah. Yeah.

01;46;19;29 - 01;46;24;11
Max Grover
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you so much for coming in and saving over here.

01;46;24;12 - 01;46;26;22
Chris Prins
And then obviously, you guys have Where are your. And that's.

01;46;26;24 - 01;46;27;15
Max Grover
It. Yeah.

01;46;27;20 - 01;46;35;05
David Lawrence
Yeah. So we're and we have three Michigan Nova, Royal Oak and, Grand Rapids and then we have one in Chicago.

01;46;35;05 - 01;46;37;12
Max Grover
And then website.

01;46;37;15 - 01;46;37;20
David Lawrence

01;46;37;20 - 01;46;39;00
Max Grover
We'll post all this. Yeah.

01;46;39;02 - 01;46;51;00
David Lawrence
Mecha strong dot com mse a strong dot com and have all the stuff there and we have our online program too, which is really good. And you can we have education itself in that part of the business as well.

01;46;51;07 - 01;47;00;22
Max Grover
Awesome goal post we'll make sure to post that on the Max Max and Chris show on Instagram. We'll make sure that's out there and a part of this episode. Thank you so much.

01;47;00;24 - 01;47;01;21
Chris Prins
Thank you. I could go.

01;47;01;21 - 01;47;05;29
Max Grover
Down in 3 hours, but I won't make you do that. You just have to have you back after I'm shredded.

01;47;05;29 - 01;47;08;10
Chris Prins
Oh, yeah. Yeah. So here's how we do it.

01;47;08;10 - 01;47;13;24
David Lawrence
It's like we. We get it before and after with you, and then we'll do, like, a video how you did it. And then we'll come back on.

01;47;13;25 - 01;47;16;13
Chris Prins
The podcast before you.

01;47;16;13 - 01;47;18;07
David Lawrence
After that. Yeah.

01;47;18;10 - 01;47;20;28
Chris Prins
Yeah. Oh, all right. Game on. Getting ready.

01;47;21;02 - 01;47;21;18
David Lawrence
Let's go.

01;47;21;18 - 01;47;36;17
Max Grover
All right. Thank you, guys. Thank you. All.