The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina

Ep.28 Female Empowerment: My Insights from 'La Nueva Yo"/"The New Me" Women's Conference hosted by Celines Toribio

October 31, 2023 Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster Episode 28
Ep.28 Female Empowerment: My Insights from 'La Nueva Yo"/"The New Me" Women's Conference hosted by Celines Toribio
The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
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The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
Ep.28 Female Empowerment: My Insights from 'La Nueva Yo"/"The New Me" Women's Conference hosted by Celines Toribio
Oct 31, 2023 Episode 28
Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster

Hello, Mi Boss Chica, and  listeners! I'm thrilled to take you with me on a transformative journey of growth and empowerment after witnessing La Nueva Yo—a conference designed for Latina women and spearheaded by the magnificent actress, model, and television personality, Celines Toribio. Prepare to be moved as we retrace the critical discussions held during the conference; from gaining control of mental health and managing finances to learning the ropes of resilience and leadership, our exploration knows no bounds.

The Latino Women's Conference led by the dynamic Celinés Toribio proved to be a wellspring of knowledge and inspiration. As we delve into the conference's highlights, you'll receive invaluable insights on self-discovery and nurturing our unique strengths. Notably, the conference underscored the importance of community support—imagine my surprise when we noticed five men amongst the audience, standing in solidarity with their women, championing their strengths! Listen in, as we also touch upon the necessity of self love, self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here's a toast to our shared journey of becoming the best version of ourselves! Tune in, get inspired, and let's empower each other. Join me on Smilie Empowerment's Instagram for a free MasterClass on November 2, 2023, at 7 p.m. EST. I will share my experience and lessons from Celines Toribio's "La Nueva Yo" Conferencia de Mujeres/ "The New Me" Women's Conference!

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend you seek help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message us at

Are you a leader dedicated to achieving success or a professional driven to boost your leadership skills, establish effective teams, and improve your personal and professional development? Look no further! Smile Empowerment coaching offers comprehensive and personalized guidance that caters to your needs, whether individual or executive coaching or team-building sessions.

To book a free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch with us at During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals and create a tailored plan to ensure your success.
Together, we can make a difference and embrace a journey towards your ultimate potential!

Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram and join us live on Thursdays. Conversations with Smilie: we have insightful discussions on different topics at 7 pm EST.

Join our weekly Empowerment Conversations with Smilie in Spanish Live on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
Únase a nuestras conversaciones semanales de nuevo empoderamiento con Smilie, Martes de Empoderamiento
a las 7 p. m. EST.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Hello, Mi Boss Chica, and  listeners! I'm thrilled to take you with me on a transformative journey of growth and empowerment after witnessing La Nueva Yo—a conference designed for Latina women and spearheaded by the magnificent actress, model, and television personality, Celines Toribio. Prepare to be moved as we retrace the critical discussions held during the conference; from gaining control of mental health and managing finances to learning the ropes of resilience and leadership, our exploration knows no bounds.

The Latino Women's Conference led by the dynamic Celinés Toribio proved to be a wellspring of knowledge and inspiration. As we delve into the conference's highlights, you'll receive invaluable insights on self-discovery and nurturing our unique strengths. Notably, the conference underscored the importance of community support—imagine my surprise when we noticed five men amongst the audience, standing in solidarity with their women, championing their strengths! Listen in, as we also touch upon the necessity of self love, self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Here's a toast to our shared journey of becoming the best version of ourselves! Tune in, get inspired, and let's empower each other. Join me on Smilie Empowerment's Instagram for a free MasterClass on November 2, 2023, at 7 p.m. EST. I will share my experience and lessons from Celines Toribio's "La Nueva Yo" Conferencia de Mujeres/ "The New Me" Women's Conference!

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend you seek help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message us at

Are you a leader dedicated to achieving success or a professional driven to boost your leadership skills, establish effective teams, and improve your personal and professional development? Look no further! Smile Empowerment coaching offers comprehensive and personalized guidance that caters to your needs, whether individual or executive coaching or team-building sessions.

To book a free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch with us at During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals and create a tailored plan to ensure your success.
Together, we can make a difference and embrace a journey towards your ultimate potential!

Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram and join us live on Thursdays. Conversations with Smilie: we have insightful discussions on different topics at 7 pm EST.

Join our weekly Empowerment Conversations with Smilie in Spanish Live on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
Únase a nuestras conversaciones semanales de nuevo empoderamiento con Smilie, Martes de Empoderamiento
a las 7 p. m. EST.

Follow and help Coac...

Speaker 1:

Hola Boschica. Welcome to the Smiley Empowerment Podcast. This is where we celebrate the strength, resilience and determination of Latina women and all women who are constantly on the go, pushing through challenges and achieving their goals. I like to call these women Boschica, like me. If you're a busy woman ready to be uplifted, inspired, empowered to take charge of your healing journey and be a Boschica, you've come to the right place. We can all agree, life can be hectic and overwhelming, but anything is possible with the right mindset, attitude, tools and support. Let me introduce myself. My name is Smiley Filomeno Rodriguez and I am a Latina Life Empowerment coach and a social worker.

Speaker 1:

I started this podcast because I know what feeling alone and overwhelmed with past wounds and challenges feel like. I want to help you with self-discovery, self-love and self-empowerment so you can grow and thrive. Do you sometimes feel alone, de siente sola? Well, you're not alone. No está sola. You have me, your coach, smiley. In each episode, I'll share personal stories of resilience, healing tips, practical advice, strategies for managing your time and priorities for improving your relationship with yourself and others, and insights on cultivating a positive and fulfilling joyful life. So grab your earbuds and tea or coffee, take a deep breath and get ready to be inspired and encouraged. Let's begin this journey together and empower each other to become the best versions of our lives. Let's get started. You got this.

Speaker 2:

Hello, my dear listeners, my boss Chica's, welcome again to this podcast. Today I am thrilled to share the incredible insight and empowering experience that I had in a women's Latina conference. It was called La Nueva Yo the new me when it was hosted by the amazing actress, model, television personality, celina Storibio, from Dominican Republic. Now, how I'm going to do today's podcast will be a bit different. It's going to be in two parts. So the first part now I'm going to record everything in English and then I'm going to record in Spanish the highlights. So voy a hacer esto en dos partes La primera parte va a ser en inglés y después la segunda parte lo voy a hacer todo en español para que puedan apreciar las reflexiones que tuve de la gran conferencia, la nueva yo, que fue para mujeres, por Celina Storibio, la actriz modelo de la República Dominicana, que fue un evento muy bonito. So primero lo voy a hacer en inglés y después lo voy a hacer en español. Okay, let's get right to it. So this event was amazing. It was incredible, it was vibrant, it had more than 500 women together and actually, to our surprise, there were five men in the audience that came with their partners, or you know, we don't know exactly who they were, but there were five men that were in the audience and that was remarkable. We actually applaud them because it's amazing how men can support women. So this event I went with my young adult niece, dali Dalsanea. It was great. She went along with me. She was able to record some clips and photos that I would be sharing on the Instagram at Smiley Empowerment. So this event was powerful. It was an event, a women's conference event, which I was so glad that I went. I actually went and got my tickets and I got my VIP ticket so I was able to meet Selena Torrivio and all of the guest speakers that she had that were dynamic. It was amazing. This event was a beacon of inspiration and I am so excited to bring to you a recap of this amazing event that really put together powerful women together all in a room, in an auditorium and actually it was at the Lehman College, which Selena Torrivio graduated from in the auditorium, and it was spectacular. We also had some snacks, some food. It was an all day event and it was very well done.

Speaker 2:

Well, throughout the conference they shared many topics that were very compatible to us. They shared many topics that resonated with so many women in the audience, so it was divided into various topics. It was done very well. They Selena's brought over speakers to speak on the different topics Everything from mental health, from finance, to also some sex tips from doctors, not sexologists. It was amazing and I want to say that throughout the conference, we really were able to explore the depth of being resilience, our own resilience, our leadership, our self-discovery. We explored the importance of cultivating our unique strengths, standing tall in face of challenges and embracing the potential for personal growth. The speakers at this event shared their wisdom, stories and expertise, leaving us with transformative takeaways, and that's what I want to share with you all.

Speaker 2:

We absolutely fell in love, not only with Selena's Torivio, but with her team of people, her circle of friends, the dynamic speakers, professionals that came to speak to us. We discussed the significance of creating supportive networks and communities that uplift and amplify women's voices. The conference reminded us and me the strength we possess when we come together and share with purpose and vision. It was well done and, more importantly, this conference they all honed in on the power of self-care and self-compassion that was a recurring theme throughout the conference. I have to say the conference was so dynamic. It was from three to nine Eastern time, and it was powerful. They also shared how we could maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize our well-being. They emphasized that throughout their talks. We learned that self-care is not an indulgence, but a vital component of personal and professional success. I have to say that this woman's conference was a testament to the limitless potential of women and we all together, united, we can learn and grow together. I hope that you find my insights as an enlightenment and empowerment for you as well as it was for me.

Speaker 2:

I want to share the learnings I obtained at this powerful woman's conference called the NUMI, la Nueva Jo, and it was remarkable. I actually felt so connected to Selinez Toribio, her story as she also takes care and her struggle with her mom that has Alzheimer's. And this conference was at the Lehman College where Selinez graduated. It was just this Saturday, october 28. And I was reminded of some powerful and enduring truths, and throughout the event I learned that personal growth often involves reconciling with one's past, and that was one of my biggest takeaways, which requires introspection and self-compassion for us to reconcile with our past, but it requires, like I said, introspection and self-compassion.

Speaker 2:

The conference speakers delivered powerful messages reiterating the importance of hope, even in the face of challenges and circumstances. Each speaker really emphasized the importance of not losing hope. We were reminded that, regardless the hurdle, the challenge we face, we should always maintain sight of our intristic value. Moreover, the significance of lifting other women up was highly emphasized, as we recognize that women's empowerment is a collective effort. That was so powerful in the conference as well.

Speaker 2:

In the conference, I learned that we need to value our self-worth. We learned that in situations where others might not recognize our worth, we must always recognize our own worth and cherish our value. That was so powerful for me. I'm going through a bit of a transition in my own life as I evolve my business at Smiley Empowerment and it's so important for me to remind myself of my own self-worth, and this conference really helped me to do that. It reminded me of the importance of recognizing my own self-worth and not giving up, no matter the circumstances.

Speaker 2:

As a mental health professional and life coach, the conference served as a reminder for me and for many individuals, and I was able to resonate a lot with what they spoke each speaker, especially the mental health speaker. As I am a mental health professional, I was able to really connect with what she was saying and, as well as support the message of mental health. It was important to talk about mental health and Salinas offered us that opportunity and the mental health issues that many of us may grapple with, such as depression, constant sadness or anxiety. At the conference they really honed in and reminded us that we should approach each other with empathy and understanding. That was so important and it was highlighted in the conference. We must do that with each other.

Speaker 2:

The dynamic speakers, led by the gracious, gracious host, salinas Toribio they really demonstrated the power of sisterhood, oh my God. One of the highlights was when Salinas brought to the stage her circle of friends that have become sisters as well as her blood sister was there, but they demonstrated the power of sisterhood among women. Salinas' close-knit, supportive circle of friends was a living example of how empowering it can be when women come together to support and uplift each other. That it brought tears to my eyes it really did, because my sister, friend who passed away eight years ago Maritza she was taught memorize your words was one of my best friends, my dear sister that passed away, and she always loved Seliness as well, because Seliness is from Dominican Republic and so was my sister that passed. That's my sister from high school. We're not blood related but we are one as one and in this moment in the conference I was reminded of that, what I had with her and even though she passed away, I still feel her and we're so connected.

Speaker 2:

So it was a very emotional moment in the conference to see Seliness bring up to the stage just as she was up there right, because she's a famous celebrity. But she brought her friends up to the stage and it was a living example of us coming together and what it is to work with one another. Their shared experiences resonated with us, the audience, especially with me, and they reinforced again the strength of sharing friendships and the life journey that they have experienced together, as many of you may experience with your circle of friends that have become now family, sisters. So it was so beautiful to see on stage all of her people, of her friends, together with her, passing the mic around and each of them sharing their testimonies, their struggles, their successes, their sadness together. It was so powerful.

Speaker 2:

We also had the privilege of hearing from a sexologist who shared tips on improving intimacy and normalizing conversations about the essential aspect of our lives and about including our sex life and talking about menopause and talking about our body parts and our feelings. Actually, it was two sexologists that came on and the event really left me and my young adult niece feeling inspired and motivated. We are so motivated to embrace the valuable lessons of our own lives. In essence, this Latina Women's Conference La Nueva Jo the new me was a transformative experience that reaffirmed the importance of hope, self-worth and the incredible strength that emerges when women support and uplift one another. May we carry these lessons with us as we continue our journey of personal growth and empowerment. I hope that these lessons, this recap from the conference, help you and keep you inspired, not only to give yourself self-worth and to really embrace yourself, but to help another fellow woman, another sister, right In their journey, in their walk. So stay tuned as we explore more of these concepts that I'm going to talk more about, the recap of the conference in my next Masterclass Live that I have on Thursday, november 2nd, live on Instagram at 7 pm Eastern Time.

Speaker 2:

Smiley Empowerment. Smiley spelled S-M-I-L-I-E and I want you to remember to be strong, stay strong. You're more than capable and you are a force to be reckoned with. Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth and empowerment, and together we can achieve greatness. At this point of this episode, I am going to now turn to speaking in Spanish. Ahora voy a ser luy en español. If you wanna continue on and listen in Spanish, you're more than welcome. If not, then I'll see you in the next episode and remember to take care of yourself and of each other. Hola, mis queridos oyentes, mis bós chicas, bienvenido a otro parcas.

Speaker 2:

Hoy me siento muy emocionada por compartir con ustedes las increíbles enseñanzas y experiencias que pasé y te adquirí en la destacada conferencia de mujeres latinas por Celinés Toribio, que es una gran actriz, modelo y personalidad de la televisión de la habla hispana. Es dominicana, celinés tuvo esta conferencia en el Lehman College, que es el colegio que ella también se graduó. Fue una experiencia muy bonita. Este evento fue un faro de inspiración Y hoy estoy contenta por brindarles un resumen de los aprendizajes que recibí de este evento tan poderoso y de esta reunión de mujeres. A lo largo de la conferencia exploramos la profundidad de la reselencia, el liderazgo, el autodescubrimiento y también hablamos de la importancia de cultivar nuestras fortalezas únicas, manteniendonos firmes antes de los desafíos, los problemas, y abrazar el potencial del crecimiento personal. Este evento fue fenomenal. Lo compartí con mi sobrina Dali Dalsania, que fue conmigo. Eso fue algo muy bonito y pudimos compartir la sabiduría y las historias de estas mujeres que hablaron.

Speaker 2:

Celinés compartió el escenario con grandes personas que estuvieron ahí y sus amistades profesionales que vinieron a hablarnos y que nos dejaron lecciones transformadoras. También se habló en la conferencia la importancia de tener apoyo en la comunidad y de elevarnos uno a los otros, especialmente de amplificar las voces de las mujeres. La conferencia nos recordó la fortaleza que tenemos nosotras cuando nos unimos y cuando tenemos propósito, visión y la compartimos junta. Además, el poder de la autocompensión y del autocuidado fue un tema muy importante y muy distinguido en la conferencia. También destacó la importancia de mantener un equilibrio saludable entre el trabajo y la vida personal. También se habló mucho de la salud mental. Aprendimos que el autocuidado no es un lujo, sino un componente vital, muy vital para el éxito personal y profesional.

Speaker 2:

Esta conferencia de mujeres latina fue fenomenal. Había más de 500 mujeres y ahí también hubo 5 caballeros que acompañaron a su pareja o hermana prima. No se sabe cada quien que fue el lazo, pero sí le dimos un fuerte aplauso a los caballeros que estuvieron ahí en la conferencia, que fueron 5, entre más de 500 mujeres. Fue algo fenomenal. Y esta conferencia de mujeres latinas fue un testimonio de la potencial inlimitada de las mujeres, que cuando nos unimos, aprendemos y crecemos juntas y somos poderosas. Yo aprendí tanto en esa conferencia. Espero que encuentren que estos detalles que les estoy compartiendo que lo pueden empoderar a ustedes tanto como me empoderó a mí.

Speaker 2:

Manténganse atentos a cómo ustedes se sienten. Esto fue algo fenomenal y esta conferencia me recordó mucho a una de mis mejores amigas, hermana querida del High School, marisa Rodriga Beltre, que falleció 8 años atrás. Y esta conferencia me recordó tanto a ella porque ella también es… de Santo Domingo, como es el Inés Toribio, la que fue el host. Yo soy de Puerto Rico, pero mi querida Maritza, que ya falleció, ella le encantaba a Selinés y yo poder compartir Y ver compartir con Selinés en esa conferencia también. Tuve el ticket de VIP que yo Seleccioné y pude conocer backstage, pude conocer a Selinés y abrazarlo y tomaron una foto.

Speaker 2:

Yo sentía como que era que Maritza estaba conmigo. Yo creo que sí, porque la sentí. Ay, yo sé que Maritza era una mujer muy emprendedora, dinámica y ella se vise gozado tanto de esta conferencia. Pero fue tan bonito se me salieron saltaron las lágrimas tantas veces fue tan bonito Que el escenario Selinés también habló de la amistad, de mujeres que se convierten amigas y se con y después se convierten en hermanas, y ahí también estaba la hermana de ella.

Speaker 2:

Fue algo, un momento muy bonito cuando las trajo A sus amigas, su círculo que ella tiene de amistades que son más que amigas, son familia. La trajo al escenario y cada una se pasaron el micrófono y pudieron hablar de sus enseñanzas, de lo que han realizado, de los golpes, de los tropiezos que han tenido, los fracasos Y lo que han podido superar y nos dieron tanta enseñanza por sus testimonios personales. Fue algo demasiado bonito. Ahí se pudo compartir y y comprender lo que es cuidarse uno mismo, darse valor de.

Speaker 2:

Uno de las de las cosas que aprendí fue que tengo que resolver Y reconciliarme con el pasado. Eso fue tan poderoso, esa, esa persona que habló de eso, de reconciliarnos con el pasado. También hubo dos sexólogas que estaban ahí y y hablaron y dieron tips Para hablar sobre la menopausia y y la intimidad y tener intimidad después de cierta edad, con la menopausia, que se puede hacer para mejorar la intimidad. Se habló tanto de la intimidad de la mujer, pero como del hombre También, de qué pueden hacer para mejorar su intimidad sexual y también aprender más de su cuerpo. Eso fue muy importante y lo hicieron de una manera muy profesional, de buen gusto. Fue fenomenal.

Speaker 2:

Esta conferencia fue dinámica, de verdad que fue muy profesional. Fue en el Lehman College, como les dije, donde Seline se graduó de colegio y ahora regresar ella Al colegio fue algo muy especial y estar ahí con todos nosotros. Pero de verdad esto fue una experiencia muy importante Y espero que ustedes, aunque no los que no fueron si fueron por favor déjenme saber pero los que no fueron, que puedan tener un poquito de lo que yo aprendí de esa conferencia. Voy a hablar más en detalle. Mantenganse en atentos que voy a explorar más los conceptos que se hablaron en la conferencia la nueva yo por Seline Estoribio y el acompañamiento que ella tuvo de profesionales y amistades y familiares, y voy a explorar un poquito más los temas que se hablaron ahí, más profundo, en mi masterclass gratis en vivo el jueves noviembre 2, en instagram, en smiley empowerment, en vivo. Después lo voy a tratar de poner la grabación, pero por favor vengan en vivo el jueves noviembre 2 a las 7 pm para poder hablar un poquito más a fondo de que fueron las enseñanzas, lo que yo aprendí en la conferencia de Seline Estoribio, la gran actriz, modelo, personaje de televisión, Esas enseñanzas que aprendimos ahí.

Speaker 2:

La quiero en, la quiero desarrollar más a fondo en el master class, en Instagram. Va a ser algo que creo que le va a le va a usted ayudar en su empoderamiento, en sus reflexiones, en todo lo que se abaza a su cuido personal y profesional. Y recuerden que ustedes son fuertes y son capaces. Ustedes son una fuerza muy poderosa. Por favor, cuídense mucho. Gracias por acompañarme en este viaje de crece, de crecimiento y empoderamiento y juntas podemos alcanzar lo máximo juntas. So, por favor, cuídense uno a las otras. Me agrada de que puedan escuchar este, este episodio aquí en el podcast den delen, una seguidita al podcast. Compártelo, pongan, pongan sin con la la, el bell, la, la campanita que le anuncia cuando yo hago episodios nuevo, inscriban sin, reguen la voz es muy importante. Yo espero que sigan hacia adelante, que sigan tronfando y los veo en la próxima. Siempre cuídense en uno a los otros. Take care of each other. Los quiero mucho. I love you all. Besitos.

Celebrating Latina Women
Empowering Women at Latino Conference