The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina

Episode 34: Elevate Your Holidays with Gratitude and Success! Unbox the Gift of Happiness - Your Personal Jar Awaits

December 25, 2023 Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster Episode 34
Episode 34: Elevate Your Holidays with Gratitude and Success! Unbox the Gift of Happiness - Your Personal Jar Awaits
The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
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The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
Episode 34: Elevate Your Holidays with Gratitude and Success! Unbox the Gift of Happiness - Your Personal Jar Awaits
Dec 25, 2023 Episode 34
Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster

As your host, Smilie Filomenos Rodriguez, I will guide you through a journey of gratitude and resilience that thrives even amidst the holiday hustle. Imagine a jar filled with notes, each representing your victories and sweet memories of your personal and professional achievements. During the holiday season, it's easy to feel the weight of loss or life's hurdles, but together, we'll explore the heartfelt practice of creating a "jar of happiness and success." I will share my stories of overcoming challenges, demonstrating how this simple tool can transform your mindset and nurture empowerment.

This episode will turn self-reflection into a celebration, honoring our accomplishments and persevering spirit. You will discover the therapeutic power of jotting down successes, no matter how small they seem. I will guide you on building your "jar of happiness and success," where each note becomes a beacon of your resilience. We will discuss how this practice can anchor you during tumultuous times and how involving your family can turn it into a collective ritual of gratitude and success acknowledgment. This self-appreciation process embraces communal joy, and I am here to cheer you on every step of the way.

I am thrilled to invite you to our action-packed Instagram LIVE event on December 28th at 7 p.m. EST, where we will craft vision boards that reflect our aspirations and achievements. Your participation is the heartbeat of this episode, so I warmly await your messages, emails, and, most of all, your presence at our IG Live gathering. Let's kindle the holiday spirit with kindness and a commitment to uplift each other with tales of tenacity. Come for the stories; stay for the community we are building together - a sanctuary of support and enthusiasm for the path ahead. Join me, and let's cap off the year in the embrace of a collective, empowering journey. Thank you for listening. xo 

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend you seek help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message us at

Are you a leader dedicated to achieving success or a professional driven to boost your leadership skills, establish effective teams, and improve your personal and professional development? Look no further! Smile Empowerment coaching offers comprehensive and personalized guidance that caters to your needs, whether individual or executive coaching or team-building sessions.

To book a free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch with us at During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals and create a tailored plan to ensure your success.
Together, we can make a difference and embrace a journey towards your ultimate potential!

Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram and join us live on Thursdays. Conversations with Smilie: we have insightful discussions on different topics at 7 pm EST.

Join our weekly Empowerment Conversations with Smilie in Spanish Live on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
Únase a nuestras conversaciones semanales de nuevo empoderamiento con Smilie, Martes de Empoderamiento
a las 7 p. m. EST.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As your host, Smilie Filomenos Rodriguez, I will guide you through a journey of gratitude and resilience that thrives even amidst the holiday hustle. Imagine a jar filled with notes, each representing your victories and sweet memories of your personal and professional achievements. During the holiday season, it's easy to feel the weight of loss or life's hurdles, but together, we'll explore the heartfelt practice of creating a "jar of happiness and success." I will share my stories of overcoming challenges, demonstrating how this simple tool can transform your mindset and nurture empowerment.

This episode will turn self-reflection into a celebration, honoring our accomplishments and persevering spirit. You will discover the therapeutic power of jotting down successes, no matter how small they seem. I will guide you on building your "jar of happiness and success," where each note becomes a beacon of your resilience. We will discuss how this practice can anchor you during tumultuous times and how involving your family can turn it into a collective ritual of gratitude and success acknowledgment. This self-appreciation process embraces communal joy, and I am here to cheer you on every step of the way.

I am thrilled to invite you to our action-packed Instagram LIVE event on December 28th at 7 p.m. EST, where we will craft vision boards that reflect our aspirations and achievements. Your participation is the heartbeat of this episode, so I warmly await your messages, emails, and, most of all, your presence at our IG Live gathering. Let's kindle the holiday spirit with kindness and a commitment to uplift each other with tales of tenacity. Come for the stories; stay for the community we are building together - a sanctuary of support and enthusiasm for the path ahead. Join me, and let's cap off the year in the embrace of a collective, empowering journey. Thank you for listening. xo 

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend you seek help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message us at

Are you a leader dedicated to achieving success or a professional driven to boost your leadership skills, establish effective teams, and improve your personal and professional development? Look no further! Smile Empowerment coaching offers comprehensive and personalized guidance that caters to your needs, whether individual or executive coaching or team-building sessions.

To book a free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch with us at During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals and create a tailored plan to ensure your success.
Together, we can make a difference and embrace a journey towards your ultimate potential!

Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram and join us live on Thursdays. Conversations with Smilie: we have insightful discussions on different topics at 7 pm EST.

Join our weekly Empowerment Conversations with Smilie in Spanish Live on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
Únase a nuestras conversaciones semanales de nuevo empoderamiento con Smilie, Martes de Empoderamiento
a las 7 p. m. EST.

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Speaker 1:

Hola, vos Chica. Welcome to the Smiley Empowerment Podcast. This is where we celebrate the strength, resilience and determination of Latina women and all women who are constantly on the go, pushing through challenges and achieving their goals. I like to call these women Vos Chica, like me, if you're a busy woman ready to be uplifted, inspired, empowered to take charge of your healing journey and be a Vos Chica, you've come to the right place. We can all agree, life can be hectic and overwhelming, but anything is possible with the right mindset, attitude, tools and support. Let me introduce myself.

Speaker 1:

My name is Smiley Filomenos Rodriguez and I am a Latina Life Empowerment coach and a social worker. I started this podcast because I know what feeling alone and overwhelmed with past wounds and challenges feel like. I want to help you with self-discovery, self-love and self-empowerment so you can grow and thrive. Do you sometimes feel alone, de siente sola? Well, you're not alone. No está sola. You have me, your coach, smiley. In each episode, I'll share personal stories of resilience, healing tips, practical advice, strategies for managing your time and priorities for improving your relationship with yourself and others, and insights on cultivating a positive and fulfilling joyful life. So grab your earbuds and tea or coffee, take a deep breath and get ready to be inspired and encouraged. Let's begin this journey together and empower each other to become the best versions of our lives. Let's get started. You got this.

Speaker 2:

Hello mi boss, chica and my fellow listeners. Today is Christmas, yes, december 25th. Every year on December 25th, over 2 billion people worldwide they celebrate Christmas, and they celebrate traditionally the birth of Jesus Christ, and also non-religious people also celebrate this day of such a beautiful moment in time that we Christians celebrate, but different people from different faiths also celebrate it as a cultural event on December 25th. But I have to say that some of us have lost individuals that were very special in our life in 2023 and years ago as well, and around this day and around the holiday season, it's difficult, right. It might be your first Christmas without your loved one. It may be your 25th Christmas without your loved one, or it may be just something that you are anticipating. You may have a loved one right now that's sick and that is with you, but you're anticipating they're departing and I want you to know that you're not alone. You are not alone.

Speaker 2:

So many people have so much grief and hardships around this holiday season and it's not easy. It's something very hard to cope with, and I want you to know that you're not alone and that if there's sadness in your heart and you have heartbreak, know that in time, little by little, it will get better, and that's what I'm telling myself, as I have lost in 2023, many special people in my life and also others in my family for many years that are no longer with us around this holiday time and it's such a beautiful time but at the same time and there might be in your family, problems with health, finances, struggles, job issues, worries, and none of us can say that we've never experienced this but around the holidays, very difficult. So this episode episode 34, is really an episode that I wanted to have for you so you can focus on. What are you grateful for? Right, and I want you to take this time, as you're listening, to recognize that you've done some hard work my boss, chica, and my fellow listener. You've done a lot and if you come to this time of the holidays, know that there is a beauty and there is psychological benefits when we are in a spirit and an attitude of gratitude and celebrating what we've accomplished and the memories of those that we loved that either are apart from us due to being in another country, or they have sadly parted from this earth. I want you to take this time to really look within and celebrate your life, celebrate the wins, the efforts that you have made, and I want to encourage you to view this celebration through a way of you celebrating yourself and appreciating yourself and empowering yourself, because during the holidays we get together with family, we are in the spirit of joy for the most part, we try to embrace what it means to be with a family, whether it's a family of one and two, whether it's a family of you and your pet but during the holidays, we emphasize the love and the joy that we have in our hearts, whether they're memories sweet memories, or memories that we're making in the now.

Speaker 2:

So I want to offer you this exercise that I want you to do, to encourage you and to offer it to you as a tool, a tool for you to self-appreciate and empower yourself, and that is building a jar of happiness and success. So what is this? This is going to be a very practical activity that I want you to do, and if you don't have a jar, maybe you have a shoebox and you can decorate it For all of my bozcikas out there that are very creative and they bedazzle things and bling, bling things out. You could do that with a jar or you can do it with a box. So I want you to take the jar and I want you to name it the jar of happiness and success, because I want you to now.

Speaker 2:

Today is December 25th and I want you to take this time to get this jar, and if it's after the 25th, it's fine. If it's in the new year that you start this activity for yourself, it's fine as well. Okay, don't get so caught up in perfection, perfectionism which I have to remind myself of that as well. I want you to do this practical activity with me, okay. So if you have your jar of happiness and success, that's a beautiful thing. If it's a box, it's a beautiful box, and I want you to do this activity with the purpose in mind of you celebrating your wins right and celebrating your efforts, no matter how big or small. Okay. So it's very simple and it's very effective, with time meaning. So this is not an activity that's going to take you long. You might take longer if you want to decorate the jar or the box, but if you want to just leave it, the simple jar, you want to purchase it, or you have a jar at home that you can use, or old shoebox, and it might take more time if you're decorating it, but you don't need to, okay, because this is for you, and I want you to celebrate your personal and your professional wins, your victories, right?

Speaker 2:

I want you to think back in this year as we're closing it. What have you been proud of? What has been successful for you, what has been in your personal life, things that you overcame right or that you're still putting effort in, and in your professional life right? What have you done? What are you grateful for in your personal and in your professional right? And I want you to understand that you might have been experiencing stress, and I want you to do this activity with the mindset of you being whole and you being a person of a lot, a lot of meaning to yourself and to the world and to people. So I want you to take this activity and do it for yourself. Now. If you don't want to have a jar and you don't want to do a box and you just want a journal, that's fine, but there is a purpose that I want you to connect to with building the jar of happiness and success, because once you build, you have that jar or the box. You're going to continue doing this periodically throughout the whole new year that's coming 2024.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it's also something for you to have as a representation of your accomplishments and it's a visual, so it's good because it empowers you. It helps you to connect with your daily intentions or overall intentions and being very mindful of yourself. So that's a good exercise. When you're putting your wins and what you're grateful for and thankful in the jar, right, that's an exercise that keeps you mindful of your own wins. What are you thinking? So it's a great activity to connect you with mindful self-reflection.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it's so important to be so mindful and self-reflect, right? So the jar is very it's very important because it will help you to center yourself and be mindful of what you're grateful about yourself. What are you happy about this last year, coming into the new year, on your day to day, what are you grateful for? What are your successes? Right, and you can even put some daily affirmations as a source of inspiration in the jar as well, if you would like. So you can do some affirmations, right, because affirmations they really help. Their statements right, based on your experience and how are you feeling.

Speaker 2:

But I want you to be very calm, I want you to take time to reflect and, as you do the exercise with the jar of happiness and success. You can have affirmations to help you focus on what are you wanting or what are you proud of yourself with work, with your personal life right, and finding these small moments of joy and helping you to recognize your own strengths as you are reflecting, and putting these reflections in the jar or the box, okay, and I really encourage you to do this on a daily basis if you can, to really help yourself, to keep yourself positive, grounded, and to help you to really self celebrate your personal and your professional wins. Okay, so, so, so important. So I want you to make sure that you are celebrating your small achievements, your big ones right, and honor yourself, your self care, make yourself a priority, make sure that you're nurturing yourself right. So, if you already have the jar or the box, I want you to hold the box or the jar in your hands and put in tension right, make sure that you are motivated, that you're excited about your life.

Speaker 2:

Okay, as we are doing this, it's so important that you understand that when you acknowledge and you celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small, that really helps you to be a celebrator to yourself. It helps you with motivation and it's very powerful. Okay, it's important for you to have your goals. What are your experiences? What are those positive emotions that you have within yourself, that you've experienced and those could be accomplishments that you did a few months ago, a year ago, but that you're proud of it. Because when you celebrate, right, when you take time to celebrate whatever the win is small, big also your effort that you are thriving, that you're surviving, celebrate your resiliency.

Speaker 2:

When we have those moments that we take time to celebrate them, that really helps you and it really increases your neurotransmitters, right, and these are the transmitters that they give out dopamine and serotonin. And it has a great impact because these neurotransmitters are linked to our pleasure, our happiness, our well being, our motivation, our joy. So when we are celebrating ourselves and we do these acts of self-celebration, whether they're small, with yourself, you don't have to do something. Grand deals, if you want to. More power to you, it's beautiful, but these moments with yourself, these moments really trigger the release of the neurotransmitters that I'm talking about. So then you start feeling a sense of pride, a sense of pleasure, a sense of happiness, right, and you start little by little with this exercise.

Speaker 2:

I believe that little by little, you'll start building some confidence right, because when you regularly are checking in with yourself and you are being proud and grateful for the wins, for the small wins, for your resiliency right, and you pay attention to that, that really impacts you and it creates more confidence with you. The levels of your confidence will start going up. The levels of resiliency right, because you have faced a lot of challenges. You know that more than I do your own life. You know the hurdles that you've had to overcome. You know, possibly, the health issues that you had to overcome or still overcoming, going back to school, being the best self in your job, regardless of how you're feeling or maybe you got laid off and you're devastated, but you are still putting a smile on your face, you're still being optimistic, you're still showing up to life, you're thriving. So those are. They're small wins, they're big wins and you define what success is right, but celebrating your wins really helps you to cultivate a more of a positive and this growth mindset right. It really helps you to view your challenges as an opportunity for lessons and for you to improve and grow.

Speaker 2:

I know that many of you, including myself and my family and I, have friends and people around the world that are experiencing such hardships and I'm not measuring one to the other, to each person what they're going through. It matters and you matter. So I want you to really recognize your effort, celebrate yourself, your achievements. What have you been good at lately? It could be your self-care and doing this exercise. If you incorporate it in a daily day basis, it really will help you to reduce your stress, because you start shifting your perspective and meaning that you'll start honing in and leaning in more on the positive emotions, right, and we do have some negative emotions, or I should say, emotions that are understandably natural for us, according to whatever circumstances you're in. But as we pay attention to what we have, what is working, what are our wins, I want you to take this time with this activity, to really elevate yourself and possibly even think to take this ritual all the way into 2024, right, and this is a way for you to manage a little bit your stress and to create some positivity, because this celebratory activity helps you to associate positivity and good things that happen to you.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes we forget about the small wins because we are so preoccupied with the stressors and the things that are not working and health issues and grief right, but as we celebrate intentionally, that helps us to create this positive reinforcement that will help us to reduce some of the burnout that we might be experiencing, some of the sadness that we may be experiencing right, and it helps us to promote our overall wellness and we stay a little bit more encouraged and we self-soothe when we do this exercise. There's many ways to self-soothe. You could do meditation when you intentionally write down what you are grateful for, what has worked for you in this activity. There's power when you put pen to paper. There's so much power when you do that. So I want you to take this time to write down and you can cut out some pieces of paper to put it in the jar or if you have stickies that you have, that can work as well.

Speaker 2:

And I want you to start reflecting what are your achievements, even if they were small, regardless of the size, but what has contributed to your growth so far and you deserve to be acknowledged. Who better to acknowledge you than yourself? Who better to honor you than yourself? I know we look outwardly right. It's so important for us to be seen right and understood and listened to by others that we love, but there's more power in our own recognition of our efforts, and this also helps you to ground you. This activity helps to ground you, to give you some peace, to connect to your own strengths. In this time of chaos, in this time of busyness, it can help you to ground you and to cultivate a little bit of serenity, a little bit of peace. So some people may practice this activity while lighting a candle. You might do some meditation. You may do if you're a person of faith, you may want to do some prayers. However, you want to do this activity with the jar or with the box. It's so important to honor yourself.

Speaker 2:

I want you to express to yourself how happy you are with yourself, and you may not be completely happy with yourself. There might be disappointments, there might be things that you regret that you did, but that's not the focus in this activity, in this daily activity, when you are sitting down, writing in each little paper what you are celebrating. It's not a moment for criticism and I'm going to tell you this. A thought will come in. Many thoughts may come in. Imposter syndrome might kick in. Who do you think you are? You know all the things you did wrong. Let me give you the list and the mind will start telling you, reminding you of your failures, of the things that you didn't do, of you procrastinating, of people that maybe you've disappointed, and that person number one might be yourself. This is not the time for that. I want you to ignore that and I want you to hone in on the memories of what you have accomplished.

Speaker 2:

What have you done? You could be celebrating every day you go to work, right that you show up. That's something for you. Forget about who acknowledges you or not. I want you to acknowledge yourself. What are some of those accomplishments that you maybe have forgotten, and I want you to write them down. Okay, that is so important to do. You can share this as a family. You can have a jar for your kids. You can have one jar for the family, where families can put what they're grateful for what have they accomplished through this year and going into the new year. You could do this as a ritual as a family, but, most importantly, I want you to have a jar for yourself. I don't want you to share the jar or the box with your family. You can have an additional one, but I want the one that is for you. It's so important to give yourself the opportunity to self-reflect and to look within and notice and recognize what you have accomplished. What are those efforts that you have done for yourself and for your family? You could be a busy woman doing so much, but I want you to take time for yourself, managing your success and your happiness most important. I have to share that.

Speaker 2:

For me, many times, it's difficult to do this exercise, and I do want to start this exercise for myself. I made a decision that I want to start it for the new year. You may want to start it now, on Christmas Day, you may want to start it on January 1st, whenever you want to start this activity of really looking within and celebrating yourself, you could do it at any time. With this practical activity, it's something that's very helpful for you to do and you could do it with your family. For me, I know that it's been a challenge for me. I've had this concept since, I think, last year or the year before, and every time I wanted to do this for myself, my mind, the different thoughts got in the way, and that's why I'm sharing with you that, if that happens, don't succumb to it. Really, rise above it.

Speaker 2:

And it took me about two years to overcome these feelings of just being so overwhelmed with so many things that were occurring, very serious things that were occurring in my family life, with people being very sick and now this year, individuals within our family, our families, passed away. So I am imploring you that, if you're in a difficult situation, I believe that doing this jar activity, where you are going to write down your achievements on paper and then you're going to place them in the jar or in the box right and you're going to allow yourself to highlight what were the things that worked for you, what are you grateful for, what are you celebrating of yourself, what are those efforts that you've done, what are those successes, and really, together you're building a jar of happiness and success. You can have a separate one for your family, but one for you as an individual. It's so important to do this, to write down your achievements, and I have to tell you that for two years I've been wanting to do this activity and I sabotaged myself, I believe, because I allowed the worries, the time constraints that I had with certain things my job, my former job, because I recently, this year, left my former job of 18 years and a half. So all of that was really hard on me and I couldn't really see for myself what I was happy about myself. What was I proud of myself? I could see it in others, right. I could see my husband what he did. My son graduated college amazing. But for me, launching this podcast, that was seven months ago, which, by the way, I am so proud because I have I'm close to 800 downloads, and that is amazing.

Speaker 2:

I launched this podcast about seven months ago and I couldn't see it as a success, even though I know that it's something that I've been wanting to do for years and I did it. But it's difficult to celebrate myself and I believe that for you, you may have that same difficulty. So this activity can really help you to overcome that, and I wish I had done it sooner. But we're not in the wishful thinking, right. We're not in the fantasy thinking. We are in the taking action and to focus on the present. So whatever we didn't do or whatever we messed up in, we have to let that go and surrender that right, because we can't go back and change anything from the past. What we can do is learn the lessons and ask ourselves what was this moment trying to teach me and did I learn from it? The lessons repeat sometimes, so the same type of people keep showing up that may be toxic, the same. You may feel in your job that it's the same things that you don't like over and over and you feel out of control. You may be constrained with finances. So I want you to think about what has been working, because if you are living and you're listening to this podcast and you are in, you're here, then just by that it's a win right, because you managed to get through one day to the other day, and there's so much that can happen right To us. That's out of our control, and then there are other things that are in our control. So I hope that this exercise also lends itself for a little bit of fun, a little bit of joy For those that love to, like I said, blink things out.

Speaker 2:

You can get very creative with this exercise. While you're building your jar of happiness and success, you can decorate it. You could take this time that when you do put in a piece of paper what your achievement for that day you're proud of, it could be that you got through the day without snapping on someone. It could be that you finished those reports on time and you are so proud of yourself that you killed it at work. Right, it could be one of those days when you're doing the jar and you're putting your achievements down. It could be a day that you're like, wow, today I really aced that test in school. If you're in college or you're taking some type of test, it could be that you are proud of yourself, that you were kind to someone in the day and you help someone feel better and you feel so proud of yourself of being a kind person that lifted someone else up. That could be an achievement. So it's up to you what you want to highlight. But it's all on the positive side. It's all on the thriving side.

Speaker 2:

I hope that this activity really brings you joy and if you expand it to doing it with your family, then get a separate jar, a separate box and you can put it for the whole family and then, on a daily basis or on the at the end of the week, right, the family together could write down. It's a nice family activity as well can write down what everybody's proud of of the family, of themselves as a family, and put it together. But I really want you to do a jar for yourself, because it's easier for us to do things with other people, especially our family right when we could do an activity together and it's great. So if you want to do that, it's great. But I really encourage you to have a jar for you. And if you're saying I don't have time to do this activity, I don't have the energy to do this activity, then you need to do this activity more than ever, Because that means you need a little time for you to ground yourself and it's very quick what I mean by that. Once you have the jar and you take a little piece of paper, it could just be one achievement a day, it could be a few, it could write.

Speaker 2:

You can do this when you go take a shower, because for my busy moms and my busy women and dads out there, I know, but especially my moms, I know that you can feel like when, when I get home, I'm rushing to do different things, and with your partner or by yourself if you, if you are by yourself, you can feel very overwhelmed with the ending of the day. So pick, pick a time where you feel most relaxed. For some of you it could be when you're going to take that nightly shower. When you go to the bathroom, you may take a time to say you know what. I'm in the bathroom, it's closed. I'm going to take the jar with me and I'm just going to sit there. You might want to light a candle. It might be at the time you want to take a bath and set the bath and have the candle. You can do many different things to amp it up, but I don't want you to get caught up in adding so many other things unless you really feel prepared and you feel creatively you want to do this, to make it into a different ritual.

Speaker 2:

Every day you could do something different. So if you do it on a daily basis, you can maybe one day you just write it down, nothing special, and that's fine. Another day you may say oh, I'm by myself today in the home. Let me put a little bit of music that I like, let me put a candle and let me get my coffee, my favorite beverage and let me write, make some some journaling within the pieces of paper to put it in the jar.

Speaker 2:

The beauty is that what you can do when you're having tough days you can go back to the, to the jar of happiness and success and read back your achievements, and it can also serve as purpose for the following year, when you're ending the year, to review the jar right and read out all the things that you achieved Big, small. You may think it's not important, but it is. It's important for you. So this activity can really help you to transform in the way you view yourself and your wins and your efforts and your resiliency, because, let's face it, we have gone through a lot and you, my dear, have gone through so much, and I referenced to my boss, chica's, and my fellow listeners. But, regardless of your gender, where you're from, I am speaking to you because I am speaking to your heart. I am grateful for every single one of you that listened to my podcast, and I think that's one of the things that I'm going to be writing into my jar how grateful I am for you because I am inspired and motivated to record these podcast episodes for you.

Speaker 2:

I don't I may not know you by name, I may not know your address, where you live, but I'm connecting from my heart to your heart and I know that the different topics I share, they may be interesting to you, they may be ones that help you make a change. They may be ones that help you to feel not so alone, and you could be across. You can be across the world, across the country. You could be in the Philippines and you're listening to me in Puerto Rico. You could be in Canada. You can be in the States, in Florida. You can be here in New York right, you could be across the world, across the ocean, listening to me today, and I want you to know that you are special, that you're not alone.

Speaker 2:

You may feel alone, but so many of us feel this loneliness, but understand that you are with yourself and if you're a person of faith, you know that God is with you. And this is not to convince anyone of a faith or certain religion. It's just me speaking on my platform, connecting to you, and if anything has resonated with you, I already feel good, and if anything has been helpful, it also makes me feel good because it's feeling of fulfillment, of me putting something out in the world with the intention of helping, of lifting, of inspiring, of motivating, of spreading kindness and positivity, and we each have the ability to do that in whatever platform you want to use, and then the biggest one is the platform of life. You don't have to have a podcast, you don't have to have a YouTube channel, you don't have to be on social media, right, but understand that you are significant and while you are here on this planet Earth, we're here together, collectively, as a human race, and I'm offering you this activity of building your jar of happiness and success as a tool to help you, to help you lift you up, to give you something to look forward to every day. And if you skip a day, it's okay. You put something into the jar the next day. And if you skip two days, it's okay, you put something into the jar the next day. But set yourself for success with the jar or if you use a box.

Speaker 2:

Make this ritual something that means something to you. Don't just do it because I am telling you to do it. Do it because you want to and you want to feel better and you want to be more self-aware and mindful of the things that you, on a daily basis, are successful in, and you would be surprised some of the things that you will write down as an achievement for yourself that maybe you wouldn't have even taken notice. We take ourselves for granted, we leave ourselves last and sometimes not even notice any of our strengths. We are so, so preoccupied with the external and also with what we didn't do right, and being very negative with ourself in our self-talk right and having these conversations within about you're not worthy, you messed up again, you don't get it, you're dumb. Many of you may be expressing to yourself in a way that it doesn't promote self-love. So this activity will help you to promote and take more notice to your own self-care, your self-love, and if you want to get creative and extended to the rest of the family, you can do that.

Speaker 2:

But I want you to do your own jar, okay, so I hope that you do that. Please, let me know. Let me know what has worked for you. I'm so interested in knowing and people. Please, you know, in the show notes you have all the information how to get in contact with me. I am going to do on December, I believe the next Thursday, december 28th I will be doing a live on Instagram. On the 28th at 7 pm Eastern time. I am going to do a celebration party and it's going to be an action vision party, okay, where I'm going to be sharing with you guys on how to do. You know your action vision board, and the word is action, because it's not just about the visuals and about the affirmations. But it's more than that and I'm going to be doing it live, encouraging you, because on the 28th we are going to be counting down already getting into the new year. So what better way than getting together and on the live? You can come to the Smiley Empowerment on Insta and you can be with me at 7 pm Eastern time live. And if you are my podcast listener and you come to the live, please let me know. And let me know if you listened to episode this episode 34 and you did your jar activity. Let me know in the live, let me know in the DMs, email me what has been working and also let me know what are your thoughts about this activity and about this episode. And listen to other episodes. I have thankfully now 34 episodes out and I want you to really take those in.

Speaker 2:

Some people have written to me telling me I'm binging your stuff, especially if you have some time off from work. Some people have been doing that. I also noticed that individuals have spoken to me to tell me that they are loving the podcast. I've had others say that, hey, I've been listening to the podcast and my boyfriend in the background was like, hey, who are you listening to? And they said, oh, smiley. They're like, oh my gosh, she sounds great. And then I've had other people to tell me we're listening to it as a family. So it's so empowering.

Speaker 2:

The intent of this podcast is to help and lift you up, especially my women, my boss, chicas, my Latinas, all women as well as all human, regardless of your gender. If you are benefiting from the podcast, share it, download, follow, give me reviews if you can, because that helps me to know what's working, what's out, what's being helpful to you. Because I do this out of love and I am so proud of myself, because it's not easy to do these recordings, it's not easy to put yourself out there in the world and I have to give a big shout out to everyone who's listening to me and across guys. I am so proud because I've noticed that internationally there's people tuning in and downloading my episodes and that is remarkable. I'm so proud, I am so grateful to every single one of you guys. I have listeners in the Philippines, in Canada, I have people listening to me in Central Europe which I'm like, wow, that's amazing. And so it's so powerful that one platform, one individual can put out so much in the world, but together we could even do more. So please share my podcast episodes with others.

Speaker 2:

You'd never know who among your circle of friends and family may need some encouragement, and sometimes people need to hear it from someone else for it to hit to sink in. Sometimes you just need to listen to it in a different format. That could be a podcast, that could be. You can share an article, a blog. That could be joining our lives that I go every Thursday live at 7pm Eastern time on Instagram, so it could be also you just meeting with a friend and going for coffee in person. I encourage you to be kind to one another and pay attention to one another, because sometimes people in silent are suffering things that you don't even understand or would understand even if they told you, because it might be too intense or they may not have the proper words to express how they're feeling. But a simple hug, a simple hey I was thinking of you. If you text or if you call someone, that can go a long way.

Speaker 2:

So I hope that this holiday, many blessings come to you, wherever you are at and you're listening to me. I thank you. I am grateful for you Know that I am going to be putting you in my jar, even though I don't know you by name, but you are a listener and a follower of Smiley Empowerment, so I am going to put that as an achievement, because I am connecting with you successfully and it's something that I am proud of, and I know that it's making a difference in your life and it will make a bigger impact to your family, your friends, your workplace. This is a safe space, a place for you to come together and have fun as well as joy, as well as tapping into our emotions of sadness, but always leaving. I hope that you always leave with a glimpse of hope, with some tools for you to take action and for some motivation and encouragement and guidance. So I hope you do the exercise.

Speaker 2:

Don't forget to stay tuned for next Monday for the podcast and also join me live on Thursday. We're going to have a great action vision party, live for free. So take advantage of that, because I want to celebrate you and I want to start helping you to build a better life for yourself, and it all starts with you. You have everything you need within you, but we all need some guidance and we need to have some fun together as well and make sure that we are making the changes that we need for ourselves. So, whatever you need to change, whatever you want to improve, whatever you want to hone in on and get excited about your future, get excited about better days that will come.

Speaker 2:

I know for some of us the days have been very difficult, but know that these two shall pass and better days will come and let's together build these jars of happiness and success so we can self-care and self-love more and be better for ourselves and better for our families and our neighbors in our community and for the world. I pray for world peace. I pray for you that you're lifted. I pray that this Christmas, this holiday, these days ahead, you are filled with peace and harmony and safety and success and prosperity and joy in your heart. This is your Coach Smiley signing out. Until next time. Take good care of yourself and of each other Besitos.

Celebrating Wins and Finding Gratitude
The Power of Self-Reflection and Celebration
Build a Jar of Happiness and Success
Action Vision Party and Listener Engagement