The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina

Ep 43- 1 - 3 Simple Ways To Become More Confident- It's simpler than you may think!

February 19, 2024 Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster Episode 43
Ep 43- 1 - 3 Simple Ways To Become More Confident- It's simpler than you may think!
The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
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The Smilie Empowerment Podcast - Women Empowerment, Personal Development, Confidence Latina
Ep 43- 1 - 3 Simple Ways To Become More Confident- It's simpler than you may think!
Feb 19, 2024 Episode 43
Smilie Filomeno Rodriguez, Life Empowerment Coach, Social Worker, Podcaster

Imagine carrying the world's weight on your shoulders, only to discover the secret to self-empowerment was within you all along. As Smilie, your Latina Life Empowerment coach, I'm thrilled to share the tools and strategies that have transformed my life and helped countless formidable women reclaim their confidence. This episode is a hearty tribute to every Boss Chica out there, spotlighting the journey to self-love through the lens of Latina resilience. You'll hear personal anecdotes, client triumphs, and actionable advice for speaking up and standing out, whether in the boardroom or at community gatherings.

Embracing affirmations and incantations helps combat negative self-talk and boost belief in oneself. This episode takes you through the profound impact of these practices, encouraging you to integrate them into your routine to cultivate a mindset where worthiness is a given. I'll guide you through stepping into new experiences, celebrating every effort and victory along the way, and how to navigate the inevitable setbacks that are stepping stones on the path to greatness.

Lastly, take the chance to join me for an extraordinary five-day virtual self-love boot camp. This transformative event will boost confidence, enrich relationships, and polish leadership prowess. As a life coach and mental health professional with over two decades of experience, I'm here to foster a supportive community where transformation isn't just a possibility—it's a promise. So, come along and take those manageable steps toward personal growth because together, we thrive in self-care, love, and kindness. 

If you're interested in participating in our Women's Virtual Self Love Boot Camp, please go to the show notes and click on the link to secure your spot, or you can also send me a direct message and ask for the link, and I will send it to you. I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend you seek help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message us at

Are you a leader dedicated to achieving success or a professional driven to boost your leadership skills, establish effective teams, and improve your personal and professional development? Look no further! Smile Empowerment coaching offers comprehensive and personalized guidance that caters to your needs, whether individual or executive coaching or team-building sessions.

To book a free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch with us at During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals and create a tailored plan to ensure your success.
Together, we can make a difference and embrace a journey towards your ultimate potential!

Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram and join us live on Thursdays. Conversations with Smilie: we have insightful discussions on different topics at 7 pm EST.

Join our weekly Empowerment Conversations with Smilie in Spanish Live on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
Únase a nuestras conversaciones semanales de nuevo empoderamiento con Smilie, Martes de Empoderamiento
a las 7 p. m. EST.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Imagine carrying the world's weight on your shoulders, only to discover the secret to self-empowerment was within you all along. As Smilie, your Latina Life Empowerment coach, I'm thrilled to share the tools and strategies that have transformed my life and helped countless formidable women reclaim their confidence. This episode is a hearty tribute to every Boss Chica out there, spotlighting the journey to self-love through the lens of Latina resilience. You'll hear personal anecdotes, client triumphs, and actionable advice for speaking up and standing out, whether in the boardroom or at community gatherings.

Embracing affirmations and incantations helps combat negative self-talk and boost belief in oneself. This episode takes you through the profound impact of these practices, encouraging you to integrate them into your routine to cultivate a mindset where worthiness is a given. I'll guide you through stepping into new experiences, celebrating every effort and victory along the way, and how to navigate the inevitable setbacks that are stepping stones on the path to greatness.

Lastly, take the chance to join me for an extraordinary five-day virtual self-love boot camp. This transformative event will boost confidence, enrich relationships, and polish leadership prowess. As a life coach and mental health professional with over two decades of experience, I'm here to foster a supportive community where transformation isn't just a possibility—it's a promise. So, come along and take those manageable steps toward personal growth because together, we thrive in self-care, love, and kindness. 

If you're interested in participating in our Women's Virtual Self Love Boot Camp, please go to the show notes and click on the link to secure your spot, or you can also send me a direct message and ask for the link, and I will send it to you. I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Disclaimer: This podcast is for educational purposes only and should not substitute for therapy. We recommend you seek help from a trained professional for your specific situation.

Q&A: What are Your Thoughts on This Episode? Please message us at

Are you a leader dedicated to achieving success or a professional driven to boost your leadership skills, establish effective teams, and improve your personal and professional development? Look no further! Smile Empowerment coaching offers comprehensive and personalized guidance that caters to your needs, whether individual or executive coaching or team-building sessions.

To book a free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch with us at During this meeting, we'll discuss your goals and create a tailored plan to ensure your success.
Together, we can make a difference and embrace a journey towards your ultimate potential!

Follow Coach Smilie on Instagram and join us live on Thursdays. Conversations with Smilie: we have insightful discussions on different topics at 7 pm EST.

Join our weekly Empowerment Conversations with Smilie in Spanish Live on Tuesdays at 7 pm EST.
Únase a nuestras conversaciones semanales de nuevo empoderamiento con Smilie, Martes de Empoderamiento
a las 7 p. m. EST.

Follow and help Coac...

Speaker 1:

Hola Boschica. Welcome to the Smiley Empowerment Podcast. This is where we celebrate the strength, resilience and determination of Latina women and all women who are constantly on the go, pushing through challenges and achieving their goals. I like to call these women Boschica, like me. If you're a busy woman ready to be uplifted, inspired, empowered to take charge of your healing journey and be a Boschica, you've come to the right place. We can all agree, life can be hectic and overwhelming, but anything is possible with the right mindset, attitude, tools and support. Let me introduce myself. My name is Smiley Filomenos Rodriguez and I am a Latina Life Empowerment coach and a social worker. I started this podcast because I know what feeling alone and overwhelmed with past wounds and challenges feel like. I want to help you with self-discovery, self-love and self-empowerment so you can grow and thrive. Do you sometimes feel alone? De siente sola? Well, you're not alone. No está sola. You have me, your coach, smiley.

Speaker 1:

In each episode, I'll share personal stories of resilience, healing tips, practical advice, strategies for managing your time and priorities for improving your relationship with yourself and others, and insights on cultivating a positive and fulfilling joyful life. So grab your earbuds and tea or coffee, take a deep breath and get ready to be inspired and encouraged. Let's begin this journey together and empower each other to become the best versions of our lives. Let's get started. You got this. Hi, beautiful, welcome back. Welcome back to another episode here at the Smiley Empowerment. I am so, so happy, I'm happy to have you back. We are delighted to see that you are with us. You're joining from different places around the world and I am so excited for today's episode, today's episode 43. I can't believe it's already 43 episodes. Thank you for your support. My listeners, my beautiful people. Thank you for your support. My boss, g-gust, Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode is super important to me and I know that you are possibly going through different phases in your life. Whether you just graduated college and you are trying to figure out your life, whether you are at home with your children, raising them that's such an amazing job and loving thing that you do and you may be considering going back to school or going back to the workforce or opening up your own business, or you are already in a place of a lot of leadership in your workplace or as a business owner, entrepreneur, you're in a leadership position. I want you to know that I see you, that I support you and that you are doing the very best that you can. But I want to get very real with you in today's episode, and that is that we, as women, we are always talking about empowerment. It's so important for us to understand what empowerment means as women. What does it mean to be empowered as Latinas? What does it mean to be empowered as women of color? What does it mean women in general? What does it mean to be empowered?

Speaker 1:

I want to offer you today three simple ways that you can become more confident and boost your confidence. It's simple. It really is. You may be saying what could be simple about me boosting my confidence? Actually, some of you may be very shy. Some of you may be timid and not want to really be in a position in the forefront of leadership. You may shy away from it, but many times is because our confidence level might have been injured. Some of us due to failures and mistakes and listening to the critics and things like that. Past traumas, past failures, like I said, will diminish our confidence. That's understandable and it's quite normal. Today, I want to offer you three simple ways, and they also could be fun. I want to make these habits fun as well that you can do today to boost your confidence. You know what I want to know this. You know what. I want to ask you this Are you tired of hearing that you can just step out of your comfort zone and automatically you will be confident? Do you ever feel frustrated when people tell you you must leave your comfort zone and that will increase your confidence? I understand how you may be feeling. Sometimes we hear these quick fixes or people just saying just do this and you'll be confident right away.

Speaker 1:

I know that I in past, especially when I was much younger, I used to feel very uncomfortable and people didn't know this about me. I used to feel very uncomfortable trying new things or, more than anything, opening up to new friendships. I was very old school. I was blessed to have the same friends from elementary, high school, then even college, the same group of friends. Then I added some new friends, but it wasn't so easy. I lacked a little bit of confidence in that area. As I got a little older, in college, there were certain experiences that led me to not feel as confident and trusting new friendships, and that happens. It makes you feel a bit uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

For you, it could be that you don't speak up in meetings. For you, it could be that you don't go for a promotion because you are shy, you're timid to speak, you're not comfortable with public speaking, you're not comfortable being in the forefront. Guess what you can improve that you can, and I know that I did. And some of the ways in which I boosted my confidence was also I engaged in therapy and I'm not saying you have to do that, but I did, and that helped me tremendously. As well as these techniques that I'm going to be showing, that I'm going to be sharing with you, they helped me to become more confident. I also have taught them to my clients and I've seen the result being becoming more confident.

Speaker 1:

I remember particularly working with a client of mine that really had a hard time speaking up in meetings and what happened was that her previous managers they noticed that about her, but they didn't work with her to improve her. Then I came along and I was able to work with her and not only did she completely changed, but she was able to get promoted, she was able to finish her degree, she was able to really express herself and actually climb the ladder of leadership. Had she stayed the same and not worked on her confidence, maybe she would have not achieved some of the goals that she wanted to, because it just seemed that she didn't have it within her. But she did. She just had to step into her own strength, but with a little bit of guidance, and that's what I'm offering you today. So let's get right into it.

Speaker 1:

I want you to have an open mindset and know that these three simple techniques are pretty easy. They're practical. They could be fun. You may find them maybe a little corny or you may feel a little awkward, but I am here to tell you that they are effective. You have to do your best to be more open and practice. I would like for you to practice more consistently. If you do something once or twice and then expect results, that's impossible. It takes a while for us to evolve. It takes time, it takes time to unlearn and it takes time when we're learning them as well. So here we go. I want you to definitely be open and stay to the end, because I have an exciting bonus for you that you won't be able to resist, and let me tell you, it's real special. So stay tuned, keep listening to the end. Okay, okay, great.

Speaker 1:

The first, the very first strategy that I have for you. It's a simple technique, it's a simple habit that you can practice every day, and that is practice your power posing. You heard me just like Wonder Woman and I love Wonder Woman. I don't know how many Wonder Woman fans we have listening. However, how powerful right Linda Carter, the original Wonder Woman, and how amazing was that. How amazing was she right. She really embodied what it was to be powerful and empowered. So I want you to practice power posing, and it's so interesting how our body language can directly impact our confidence level. So your body language can directly influence your confident level. Did you know that? And there's different levels to confidence. It's not just one level right. So your body language, as the way you sit, even the way you talk, everything it really embodies the levels of your confidence. So by you practicing power posing, that is going to help you to be more confident and it can increase your testosterone levels and decrease your cortisol, and the cortisol is the stress hormone. So it only could take you a few minutes every day to do, but the impact of that is phenomenal. It's very significant.

Speaker 1:

So what you're going to do is you're going to do your power pose right, and that means you are going to stand tall with your hands on your hips. You could do the Wonder Woman pose, or you can raise your arms up like in victory. You know, like Sylvester Stallone right In the movie Rocky, when he went all the way to the top, which I just did. We just did that. My husband and I climbed the stairs in Philly, in Philadelphia. It was amazing. And when we got to the top, we did the victory pose, which was raising our arms up in the air. I remember when I just did it it did increase my testosterone levels most of and decreased my cortisol, because I actually felt pretty relaxed.

Speaker 1:

So studies show that that happens when we are really changing our body and our body posture and what we do. So doing this every day for a few minutes can really bring a significant change and lead for you to have a boost in confidence. So please do not hesitate to strike a pose like Wonder Woman and let your confidence just explode. And I really believe that it can. It can be gradual changes, but it can happen for you, and it's so important for you to really look within and notice how your body is responding to your own thoughts. Do you walk around sluggish. Do you walk around not tall? Do you tend to look down? In meetings or when you're speaking to people, you don't look at them direct eye contact with your head up high. You may be surprised and not noticed that your body language is shifting and that people around you can tell that you're not as confident. So it's important to practice the power posing every day. Get in front of a mirror, have fun with it. Embody the woman in you. Embody Wonder Woman, embody Linda Carter. I suggest for you, just embody your favorite superhero. How do they stand, how do they walk? And just do that for a few minutes in the day. Okay, that's just so important.

Speaker 1:

Number two, I want you to challenge your negative talk. Your self-talk is so important and we do have a challenge with this, because we have so many negative thoughts that come to us automatic and it's important for us to challenge those negative self-talk, the way we speak to ourselves, and we could do it through affirmations. We can do it through having some mantras that we can set for ourselves to remind us of how to speak to ourselves, because, as you overcome your self-doubt, it's so important to practice the positive affirmations. These are affirmations, they're statements. Everything as we speak, we are affirming. So some people say, oh my god, affirmations are so bogus. No, they're not, because they are really statements, right, words that you put together in sentences, statements that you affirm on a regular basis. And on a regular basis, what are you affirming about yourself? Right, and many of us have self-doubt. Many of us don't speak kindly to ourselves, we don't think of ourselves in a kind manner, we don't speak to ourselves in a kind manner, we minimize a lot of our feelings and we tend to not be so kind to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So in step number two, the second strategy that I want you to do, is to really get into replacing those negative thoughts with more empowering statements. I find that you may think, oh, it's corny. Or you may be around people that don't really support you when it comes to affirmations. They make fun of you or maybe they think that that's silly. But I want you to really take your power back and know that. Wait a minute, what am I often thinking about? How do I often talk to myself? Do an inventory about your self-talk. How do you speak to yourself, and all the doubt that you have and the lack of confidence, right? I want you to notice it. I want you to notice that and I want you to challenge that negative self-talk with positive affirmations, right, and here are some examples of some empowering statements that are affirming you in a positive light, with power. Right, so you can say to yourself I am worthy, I believe in myself, I can do difficult things because I've done them before. I am capable, I am powerful, I believe in my abilities.

Speaker 1:

And when you say these statements to yourself, you can write them down, you can put one or two of them that you want to focus on in your mirror. I say that the best time for me I don't know about you when I am brushing my teeth in the morning, because I'm brushing my teeth, washing my face, that's the time, and I do that every single day. So that's the time that I do my affirmations in the mirror, because I'm here. Right, you can do them in the shower as well, but I find that in front of the mirror it's just so powerful. I high five myself, I hug myself and I say Smiley, I love you, I accept you just the way you are. You're amazing, right, and these are all affirmations.

Speaker 1:

If you want to get real into it, you do incantations, and that's with a little bit more force, a little bit more dramatic, right, you may use your whole body, put your hands up in the power pose that I told you and just really get into it and really it changes your chemical in your body. The brain releases more dopamine, you get less of the cortisol, which is the stress hormone, right, and you start feeling better. And that, my friend, helps you tremendously when you do it over time. When you do, when you practice this over time, these affirmations not only become very real to you and you start feeling more empowered, but they help rewire your brain for self assurance and more resiliency. Isn't that amazing and powerful? And there's studies to back this up. So just speak kinder to yourself and stay focused on speaking very positive, affirming and empower yourself.

Speaker 1:

And lastly, the third one is the one that many people sometimes have an issue with, in the sense that they're like tired of hearing people saying the same thing. But I have to share it with you because it's been very effective for me and my clients and I know that it can really be very effective to you and that is, step out of your comfort zone. I know you don't wanna hear it. Maybe you're out there and you don't wanna hear this, but you, my friend, my beautiful chica, you must do this. You must step out of your comfort zone, because in the place of comfort it's familiarity, but there's not a lot of growth. It's just the way life is. So if you want to get better, boost your confidence, you have to grow in the uncomfortability.

Speaker 1:

So growth and confidence, they really go hand in hand. So you need to push yourself to do new things. Give it a shot. Do something new, do a new activity, take on some new challenges at work or challenges in your friend group. Right, do different things differently than what you usually do. So many times you may do things in a certain way. For years you've been doing it the same way at work or in your place of business. Re-evaluate and revamp, do something new. When the brain picks up things that we do new, let me tell you it's like the brain lights up. It's like, yes, because you're doing something new.

Speaker 1:

So it's so important to challenge yourself and to embrace some new opportunities that are outside of your comfort zone, because outside of that comfort zone is where you're gonna grow, it's where you are going to meet those challenges and start figuring out what are the solutions. And once you start figuring out the solutions, as hard as it may seem at first, when you do it it's so rewarding because your resiliency grows, your confidence grow. And once your confidence grow, what can you not do, right? So, whether this means speaking up in meetings that I just shared with you a story of a client that I helped to overcome that whether it's speaking up in meetings trying a new hobby right, it could be you're in the supermarket and you're pretty shy and you wanna strike a conversation with a stranger.

Speaker 1:

So, little by little, you will start seeing the effects of doing these three habits consistently. You will start getting the reward and understand that you are amazing and I want you to celebrate your efforts because your efforts count. I know some people are like no, you celebrate when you got the win. I'm a strong believer, you and I, to celebrate our efforts because you're doing your best, you're practicing, you're going back at it again. So celebrate your efforts. Celebrate also your wins, whether they're big or small, right. Celebrate the progress as you are making progress.

Speaker 1:

Celebrate that so you can recognize that in every experience you're growing, and with growth comes setbacks, so you may slip up, you may find yourself missing a day or two of doing the exercises that I'm sharing for you to do, or that you completely starting talking negative again. That is quite normal and it's okay. You don't have to be perfect. Just get back on track and then you examine and you look and you reflect and you analyze what happened. What happened, what set me back? What was the trigger? What was it? Don't dwell in the setback, but learn from the setback, because within that setback there's valuable learning and more opportunity for you to continue to grow within your empowerment journey.

Speaker 1:

So as you incorporate these three easy, fun habits right Cause they could become fun try to keep the light right. As you do these daily routines, you will see your confidence just start blossoming little by little. And you don't have to be perfect. Accept yourself as you are. As I'm bringing this to your attention, I believe in you. I know that you are powerful. I know that you have great potential. I know that you have achieved a lot already and your future is very bright. But you need to believe in yourself. You need to embrace your journey and enjoy the empowerment journey, the journey of self love and appreciation and accepting yourself completely. You know I was reading an article in the American Psychological Association about women in leadership and how we can improve the workplace and it's amazing, us as women.

Speaker 1:

I'm so proud to be a woman, I'm proud to be Puerto Rican Puerto Rican and when women are in leadership, when we are in leadership positions, everyone benefits. The article spoke about that and I totally agree. Right, studies show that women leaders increase productivity, they enhance collaboration, we inspired dedication and improve fairness. That's amazing, and I wanna quote here Alice Eagley. She has a PhD and she's an expert in women's leadership and she's a retired professor of psychology at the Northwestern University and she stated that even and this was from last year that even in 2023, women still face more significant challenges to their authority and success than men. And despite these difficulties, women progress slowly in political, corporate and even in educational leadership positions and, according to statistics, only 10%, which this is so Sad, but according to statistics, only 10% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women. I was so, so taken back by that. So, to create more opportunities for women in leadership spaces this is what the article was talking about, and Alice Eagley was saying businesses can adapt an evidence-backed strategy suggested by industrial organizational psychologists, and the strategies would include identifying women with leadership potential early on and training men and others already in power to become allies, and establishing formal mentoring and sponsorship programs for women. It's sad that we are still right in this type of mindset. I can't believe it. It's only 10% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women. We need to empower women more, empower ourselves. I'm also very big on women that are already in these leadership positions, in these leadership spaces, whether that's in business, in the political arena, in all these high places, and women are already got there in power.

Speaker 1:

Then, how are you treating your fellow woman right? How are you treating the other woman that comes into the team that you hire or that's on your team? It's part of the board? How are you treating one another? So, while, yes, training men is important, right, but also other women too that are already in power. But how do you treat one another? How do you become allies? And I would say in the spirit of sisterhood.

Speaker 1:

And it's so sad that, while, yes, we've come a long way and there's a lot of bonding among women in leadership, but there's still a lot of women to women not really acting as allies and being very defensive and at times could be caddy, and also the insecurities, right, and I have to tell you that that's also part of building confidence, because if you, as a woman, no matter what space you're in, whether you're at home, whether you're in a place of business, whether you are in a meeting room in your job, whether you're out with your girlfriends in a cafe, how you act and interact with others, all stems from your place of confidence. And there's many women, as well as men, but many women that, even that they are in high places, they still have some forms of insecurities or feelings, that of lack of confidence, and sometimes what happens is that they act out and they project that to other people around them and especially to another fellow woman. That's why it's so important for us, as women, to empower ourselves and also help other women to be empowered, right. I've come a long way. I have to share. I've come a long way.

Speaker 1:

It's been a journey of many blessings for me, but I've also encountered in this journey a lot of tears, a lot of pain, a lot of losses, right, as well as a lot of laughter, a lot of great moments, a lot of love and that's so amazing because love is always in the center of my life. But I've also experienced a lot of loss and a lot of, at times, disappointments from other women that I thought and believed that there was like a sisterhood right. So that's why it's so important for you not to become bitter, not to hold down to grudges, because whether you've climbed that ladder right or you're in the top of that ladder or you've gotten to the top of the mountain, it's important that you bring others along with you, especially your sisters, the women's sisters in your life. Bring them up as well. And I have to say that throughout my career, I have helped thousands of women in their journey towards self-empowerment, and I know that I've impacted a lot of families right, because when you help a woman, the woman represents a lot. You're not just helping that one woman, right, that one woman, you're helping generations to come. So it's so important and I'm living out my calling for those that don't know if you're new here and don't know I am so passionate about helping women and people in general and I'm living out my calling.

Speaker 1:

I'm an experienced life coach with over two decades of experience as a mental health professional. I have my MSW, I'm certified as a parenting coach as well, and it's just amazing how diverse I am. So I feel that, not only as a professional, but with my life experience, I feel so good and so well equipped and confident to help you in your empowerment journey. And if you feel very empowered, that's great. But keep working at it, because once you reach excellence, now you have to maintain it and sustain it. And that's where it gets tricky, that's where the setbacks come in right and as we deal with life, the things that are unpredictable, the betrayals that come, that you didn't expect it right, the disappointments, life itself, health issues, climate change, political change, everything, everything that works Look at that COVID, the pandemic, so many things that can come unexpectedly. But we must remain confident in ourselves because that's how then we could show up in the world and that's how we can create more opportunities for generations to come and for our equal partners as well, especially our women friend, our sisters. So I did share with you that.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to share something with you that I'm so excited. So, besides these three habits that I just shared, that you can do to become more confident, and I want you to practice them every single day, if you can, if you want to just do one, it could be the power posing, it could be the challenging of the negative self-talk, or it can also be the third one that was really also very powerful is to step out of that comfort zone, and that could be in different areas of your life to do something different, to challenge yourself, to embrace a new opportunities. All of these strategies are effective. It's not exclusive just to one or the other. You may have your own tips, but get consistent in doing this. And now I want to share one big tool that you, my friend, can use, and it's going to be amazing. So, ladies, are you ready to take your confidence, relationships and your leadership skills to the next level? Are you? If so, and you are ready, I want to challenge you and I want you to take advantage of my five-day virtual self-love bootcamp, and this is going to be amazing. So, if you're ready to boost your confidence and improve your relationship with yourself first, as well as your relationship with your family, your friends, your co-workers, your business partners, and even make more money while enhancing your leadership skills, I want you to check out the show notes, because I'm leaving there the link for you to sign up for the self-love bootcamp Isn't that exciting. It will take place March 4th through the 8th, so that's Monday through Friday for one hour, from 7 pm Eastern time to 8 pm Eastern time. Don't worry, I will have replay available for you. So don't worry if you miss any of the sessions, which I hope you don't. You will be excited to be part of our community of like-minded women that are going to be together with me for a whole week. I'm going to do group coaching and you're going to feel welcomed, supported. By the end of the bootcamp, you will experience a mindset shift and transformation. I know that you will. At the end of the bootcamp, you will feel empowered, you will be held accountable and you're going to have a group of women with myself leading and facilitating five days of hardcore self-love bootcamp. It's going to be a transformative event and I am excited. I hope that you get excited.

Speaker 1:

This is a bootcamp for women to get empowered and to work on your self-love, and you are going to be surprised how much you already have accomplished, but also how much more awaits you. And I call out on women already in leadership, women who are home, women who just graduated from college, women who are back in the workplace, women who are trying to build their business, small business women entrepreneurs or women who are doing their job nine to five and have their side hustle. I'm talking about the moms, mom entrepreneurs. I want you to join us virtually. You can join from anywhere in the world, you can join. Look at the show notes. The link is going to be there for you to sign up. Take advantage of this one time special introductory offer. It is really a good deal, and you are going to get from me a workbook that you're going to work on.

Speaker 1:

There's a few other goodies that I don't want to talk about now because I want to wait till then, but it's five days of virtual group coaching and working together as women. We both are going to be growing and learning and being together in a group of women together. It's going to be amazing. It's going to be in Zoom, it's going to be fun, but it's also going to be very meaningful. And if you are ready to transform, to take yourself to the next level, this transformative event is for you. So I express to you this If you find that you are in a place where you're like you know what?

Speaker 1:

I usually don't do things like this I want you to try, because that's part of trying something new. There's going to be other like-minded women that possibly are going to be a little bit nervous, but we're going to work together. That's why I love that it's five days, that I designed it for five days, because each day we're going to be building right, so you're making new connections, new friendships. We're going to get to work together. We're going to be very intentional about the five days. We're going to offer support. I am going to be every step of the way with you and it's a great opportunity for you to work with me.

Speaker 1:

If you've been listening to me or joining my masterclasses, right, many of you are like, wow, this is great, but we don't have the opportunity to work specifically on your interests, specifically on the areas that you need. With this event, I will be able to do that and I don't want to put a big rush, but I do want to tell you act quickly, because it's a limited space. Even though that it's Zoom, it's limited because I do not want a very large group, because I want us to be very intimate and for you to really feel like you're getting the group coaching, but more in a feeling of one-on-one within the group. Right, the larger the group, sometimes you feel a bit disconnected, so make sure that you secure your space. It's from March 4th to March 8th. You will have replays, so don't worry about that If you have to miss a day or leave early.

Speaker 1:

It's an hour a day. Give yourself that consistently. Get curious. If you're doubting, do it. When in doubt, do Right, just because if there's something there that's saying I want to do it but fear gets in the way, just go ahead and do it. So go to the show notes in the link, get the link. If you want to reach out to me, you can reach out to me for the link. If you're also on Instagram, you could DM me and say hey, smiley, I'm interested in the event. Send me the link and I'll send the link, but more quickly. All you have to do now is just go right now and go to the link in the show notes and register.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this is for women, so, and it doesn't matter if you're 18, if you're 19, if you're 20, right, this is open for young adults as well. So if you're over the age of 18 and over, that's fine. Under 18, I wouldn't say, because that could be a bit more different in the sense that I have worked with teenagers in past, it would be a whole different setup. So you do have to be over 18. So you can really benefit from this self-love bootcamp, okay, so remember, remember this building confidence is a process. It's a journey. It's really not a destination.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to practice being patient, kind to yourself, loving to yourself and stay committed to growing. And that's how you grow by investing in yourself. Sometimes we invest in restaurants and we invest in going to the movie theater which I love and doing things like that, and it's so a pleasure and it's great. But how do we really grow? And there are things that we can do for pleasure. That makes us feel good, but it's short term. The self-love bootcamp it's going to be a transformative event that's going to possibly stay with you forever, in the sense of the tools you learn there, the people, the experience, because it's also an experience and you get as much out of it as you put in. That's just the truth.

Speaker 1:

If you come in let me just see it every day In the five days, you're just really looking at other people doing things and being vulnerable or things like that, and you're not into it. You get exactly what you expected. Right Of yourself is what I'm saying. But if you want to push through, just come in as you are. There's no judgment. You don't have to act apart. Just be yourself, but be open to the process of change and let's embark on this empowering, amazing journey together. All right, so make sure that you are practicing the daily power poses that I talked about. You can do them between five to 10 minutes a day, right, standing tall, putting your hands on your hips. I would say, embody Linda Carter, who's a woman, and then just strike that pose and add the affirmations and you're going to start seeing that your mindset and your mood will start shifting and changing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I hope that these tips helped. I hope that you continue to grow and learn and I hope that many of you that listen here on the podcast, my ladies, I hope that I get to see you March 4th through the 8th in the self-love bootcamp. It's an opportunity that we will interact together, we will work together and you are going to have a phenomenal time and it's going to change your life. I know that it can, so I hope that I see you. Please let me know how you like the episode. Share your comments, follow me. Put the bell notification so you know when there's a new podcast episode. Let me know how you like these episodes. If there's any topic that you would like for me to cover, I would definitely love to do that and I hope that I get to see you in the five day self-love bootcamp and let me know how you're practicing the poses. Let me know how these strategies are working.

Speaker 1:

I always love to hear when people DM me or message me and they say they practice some of the tips that I give and the tools. I love to hear the success stories I also love. If you're struggling with it, reach out to me, let me know how you're doing it, because all of these steps are manageable. You just have to do them in small increments, right, so you can take time and you have to have progress little by little, as you prioritize your growth, you'll have progress not perfection, but progress and make sure that you're celebrating each step that you're taking, every effort, every win, every progress. Celebrate it because you are worth it.

Speaker 1:

So I hope I see you in the five day self-book camp March 4th. Secure your spot and if you have a good friend of yours or a sister, someone else that you want them to join you in the self-love boot camp, so you don't feel that alone, even though you're going to be meeting other women, which is great. Share the link with them. Have them come in as well and sign up All right, so I will be seeing you then. Make sure you're taking good care of yourself, keep spreading love and kindness and be kind to yourself and each other. I'll see you in the next one. He comparisons to Ziya.

Boost Your Confidence With Power Posing
Empowerment and Growth Through Affirmations
Empowerment Bootcamp for Women
Self-Love Boot Camp and Progress