The Aging Athlete

Interview #11 with Aline McCarthy: Fascia and Movement Therapist, Gyrotonic Therapy

July 02, 2020 Heidi Phillips

Aline McCarthy is an integrative nutrition health coach, fascia and movement therapist, and aromatherapist.  Please join me as we learn more about how she incorporates all of these modalities into her practice and how her unique personal journey prepared her to help others.

Aline is passionate about helping clients love their bodies and minds back to vibrant, cellular health and energy because she understands first-hand how chronic pain and inflammation with various health problems can impact you and how complicated the journey to heal and nurture yourself back to a thriving self can be.

Aline overcame her own chronic back pain, gut health, anxiety and inflammation issues by addressing the underlying causes and making the appropriate lifestyle changes.

To learn more about Aline or the services she provides:

To follow her on Social Media:

To Learn More about  Gyrotonics and/or find a Therapist in Your Area: