The Aging Athlete

Interview #15 with Triathlon Coach, Runner, World Champion Jon Adamson

Heidi Phillips

Please join me for this interview with coach and aging athlete, Jon Adamson.  Jon is a widely-known  and very well-liked age group athlete and coach in Atlanta and the Southeast.  He and his wife Jo have been personal friends for many years (since the late 90's) and I was so excited that Jon was willing to be interviewed.

Jon retired from GNB Technologies as the COO in 1997 after a long career in Corporate America.  He had started dabbling in triathlons back in 1982 and after his retirement he was able to focus more on improving his times and winning.  Jon has won 5 - 70.3 World Triathlon Championships (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012); he ranked top 5 at the Ironman World Championships in Kona -6 of 10 years between 1993-2003, winning 1st -once and second place- twice;  he competed at the ITU World Championships more than 10 times where he won twice and was top 3 numerous times; Jon has won 10 of 15 USAT National Age Group Championships; he was the USAT Grand Master of the Year (2003, 2007, 2012); and he was first in AG (age group) at the Xterra World Championships in 2017 where he was also the first 80 year old to complete that course!!

Jon started coaching in 1999 and he is an inspiration to many, including me and my husband.  I hope you enjoy this episode.

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