The Aging Athlete

#25 Interview with Tricia Silverman, RD, LDN - Longevity, Nutrition and Aging Expert

Heidi Phillips

Tricia Silverman, RD, LDN, MBA - is a registered dietitian, group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and wellness coach. She is an international virtual and live presenter, and specializes in creating and delivering exciting and engaging group wellness programs. She developed the SCW Nutrition for Active Aging Certification which she has led across the US.  She teaches Nutrition Entrepreneurship and Healthy Aging for Northeastern University, and has recently been promoted to a Faculty Lead, where she helps coordinate the Applied Nutrition Program.

Tricia is the author of Amazon Bestseller Healthy Dividends: Investments in Nutrition, Movement and Healthy Habits that Pay Off  and shares with us some of her wisdom and health nuggets as well as how she works with her clients and what got her interested in this field of health and longevity.  I hope you enjoy learning about Tricia as much as I did and that you can take away some key ideas that might help you in your aging journey.  After all, we are all aging from the time we are born and we are all meant to move.  Please find below Tricia's website, a link to her book (eBook and hard copy), as well as how to follow her on social media.

Tricia Silverman Wellness, LLC

To Purchase Tricia's Book: "Healthy Dividends" 
(eBook $0.99 or hard copy):